THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVgNlNO. JUNE It. lilt it I - I 4 1 , t .. .1 STATE'S WITNESS DURBAR PICTURES i .; APPEARS AGAINST I I CLARENCE DARROW .4 ' j An r crowds OIPLOMArs DAUGHTER MARRIED TO LESLIE '.Testifies Attorney's Brother In-law Offered Him Money to Stay Away From Los An jeles During Trial. Scenes From Visit of King and Queen to Delhi, India, Are Beautiful, Impressive. rm if I fi ll-.iel fulJl i j 't. i , I a t ft I ' 4.' hat i r .. iif i'-iii i i i;e II, i: Ha. I tt r. 1 . , ! j'44 11 - M Hl,r.'.'. H ' jlKntX I l,ll.ri I"t 1. ( I'te !l.j,,,f. w . . ... . . . . . , . . t I . t I I ' f .Id itn.ii'i 4 A t 1 ! l.i. 44f u 1 1 a .1 u rt g Nama'e in awl n-r y atr l .")km if J . Ik ll l - f Ji. e It V , .ngeiea K. A. Irli,er f..rt iff.'r a rlarti at Jll K HiillHa fi l lei !- 1.. Ahfrln K I4etflrd J It M A'lBnH aa a Vita ellr1 ' (he t"ir ud-r -M nam af J M l't? In -'-ar ' " tlh Time uil1ii we tdoa if made Jit MatcmaM l.i-ti)' h : ! fraiitr!" iTjae I tie fifMol!tn In Wtai -f ler . t an a rSir. f brlMta- X J5jewkoo.t. a UlMfliia tn the MrNamara 4Hal ' ' Wortea: a Dataetlv. t Jlatnatelrvme la alUged to lave 'hi't(l aa a iUte-!e for (h V!c.V ,ai!ir drftBea. -! .!:n to ttrktlmati ietlmon lvt. Ilinrr(tmn iihl 'i!M tml In Albuatterque, N U . when II twant know that ha .sou Id telnet UrNimira anl offered Mm a tt'imbar of tedtiremenle la gn eaat I'lekelman fftel.'y arnt. h-H relumed La Angelta after an lntriew ith '9fnratrom at narrow a CMragn of .Iflee. lo h! rilmonr THa lojman la nna ef lha Itnmtara Inlro- to proa I ha "vholcaala rnn- (!rac o fcrila wltnaaaaa iJ )urora 4 th UrVamara I rial ' aa rhara4 by -llatrfrt Allorr.ry KraOarlrha al lha ;Jrrlnlra' f lh Horroir trial . ItntXtUtl bf Duii. '. rjfafmaralroma lni ma to n-Mayor THiona a otftem in O.cao." Iraiini the l1(Bta. "and aakal Punni to l.Iriilfr . im Mr, IMrrow'a hroiher-tn law ha .TM rra'liely paaI hlmaalf ffT to fr4, 'jrr. Il!a-!rr Mr. Hannfr trom than Introduced ma to dar4 .Norkala. a Chlcifo labor laadrr. an4 toUl ma ha would lx uniar h1a (Xork car hlla In Chti-aco." l'.tf at IV! '. I' J a ' r.l I tin. ll, emM-Ht. an f4 l.l HiU!ti t-'-,-) t'.a ifU ,afi( tatfa frtUUl at . c 1 MVV I ra -f I !ta I l Irlllt f al !i Kl" 4 lltulC jf l.r)Ul 1 4 tiia : ran ana ' .in f I r !.!. I anl .i,rrt. .f 1 1 ill v I t i.alr i. i 4 riSana I I a .-! -Ir (irl.tra .naklltg In J:t ai. , ' lMi i: ii'i I al it; imih ai,1 rl Il.aJ. I I if ia rftitiiiii'h f r t!ta fa I uuh a;. l re ic 1 1 i I i f lha royal aii) atr I'ul. Inc!uj.n lha ariU 1 n,irft':.i( tiiiii. Kit I .'a iall lo li i'!', Tit f rlln al lalhi le- n.iaa ll o (org1'"" array if Indian no Mnl) a r'rt I "tiaa In l.'ia m(ror. I'm if)al rl, urna ai1 hfr tainnianl In H liruin la latar al.uwn ravlaai- n i.i oi'O hriiiah and Indian Uoj . la ilaclf a onJnlu fralurf A ulo ri jn.amai.l la aa laVrraltn( rd Mi llli I -IIi,ii of l! fllnTTTmd lh! la r'Ma1 I y ol.'irr l.:y pnrtrayd r.jinlra ut thi- firjarad pfocram Willi mMi-h lia mul f-iy na t nler lall.r.l M milra of f .ni itara turd In lha makina' f !. ljrbar iflttjr ho ma '.,o, Ir- ). ara ihoan In lha differ rnl arri.ea Thrra ara Ti.OOo l-J- am-: and I"t 0 :rj.hK(a lak'.l rl in II. a d'ffcrant rml. and arc ! ! kJ ar,d l- ans:a-l In Irua ortrn- lal l landur Tla iU Ijhi are hr'.ng tarn and llauJrd liy Hi audirncaa. and ara prov in on. of lha moat xrular thoalriral allrarllxna of Fratlval aaak 1 -I A i, ... ...... : . . n : MMWEr CASE 0 H R COURT Condemned Murderers Per feet Appeal In Effort to . Avoid Noose. eOSTOII CARMEN'S ' STRIKEISBElffl NEAR SETTLEMENT CARP LAKE PROJECT BEGUN BY LOUIS GILLETT .'FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION TO MEET TOMORROW , T! riaruilva rommlttc of lha Te Ilvat Aatociatloa of (ha Padflo coaat Wiu maat tomorrow mornlnr In Ih rad(ruarlar of lha Roaa Kratlval aaao. 'tlatlon. rurthrr plana for cooparailv fffort 1n cntarlalnmant for lha raclffe 'fot wlU rm diaruaaad. ' Nearly aJl tha ' ruambara of tha rommltta ara now In -tha cltr. Tha list Include Oorfe L. . , Jlulchlna, itonaral manarr of tha Roa rttrL, Portland, rraldent; John V. 'Face, manairar of tha 6eattl Oolden rotlateh; Wlnfleld Hotaboom of tha (Panama-California cTpoaltlon, Ran Die koj Cbarlea F. Traun of tha Panama- jj'aclflo Vnlvamal expoaltlon. flan Pran ,rlacor Herman Howard Mathawaon of lh Dolllnaham Marathon races; H. B. -RaJiton of the Mid-Summer expoaltlon nd carnival. Vancouver, 11. C: Ralph '.XV. Hoyt of th Portland Poaa FVetlvnl. iHpvrl.l la Taa JouraaU KJlrkllat. Waah. Jura 11 Loula T. Otllrll. hanker of three atalee. who ra il i). In California, ha txrun artual con atrucfton of Irritation project known aa tha Carp Lake propoaltlon. Harvey liarnea haa tha contract to build an Important ditch from Devll'a Canyon creek to Carp lake. Knartnaara and con tractor 'ara actively ficurlnf on tha contract to tre tha tunnel a quarter of mile lon that will auppiy tha dltchea that will ba built over Spring creek valley and Irritate 10,00 acra. It haa been aatlmatad that ona of tha dltohea would ba built within four mile of the town of Wahklacua Height a. Mr. aillett 1 quit familiar with Irrigation by hla reaidfcnc for aoma year In Colorado. Mlaa Marjorlo Id, daughter of X'nitrd Sulfa tmbanaJor to 8paln. ho bH-oma trldo of Hbane Leille CHASED Br NOBLE, WEDS PLAIN "MR." ,-,, M.a tt IVa laatwa I ai.m. c. Jw 1 1. -A liea!H ai(.al la Ue taa af Ik ataia i Uaof (a aaj Ctrim )l.WlUay. laavrad la t kvaagad Juaa II fr tka muidtr .f Mr, fly lirlfflia. aa a4 .nu . Iia4 a)ua aaar funiiH. aa fMd wllh I l-a aafrt court la- da I r allareaia tut Ite va4aaBaa4 uea Judaa llataliioa. of hoaaauig. wba triad tfca aa. kaa flailed a writ af prataila catiaa far ty ef hkiiim L-eadlna lha tul-ltn.l .virt dadaiaa) an ail-aal Tha allurna) far lha 4 a feadeM will M ; da l aratar thalr bitef and It a lla al'.l ha I daa la flta as anaacr Allhaugh Ooafixr Ural haa refuead la a r what hla courae III t la g rail ing repnevee lo tha Humphreya. n4 liva ilKiiwn ty lha votai of lha alale aa lha uucation of alHlg P lia puniehniafll. ll la taken far gfaol ad thai ha will f, !! hla pravlvua rourn and allow lha rrrteee until lha aueallon haa baati aaltlvd by lha ballot. Aa criminal raa ara gtvaa flrat f onaiderallon ever all other by th aupram court. It la probabl lha queetlon ef an appeal will be decided before lha election In November. la raae lha appeal ta denied, lha fat of th llunihrey will real entirely In the l.anda of lha votera, aa well aa th fata or el her priaonar under aanienc oi daalh al th penitentiary. Uovarner Wmi baa aald that If lh voter de clde agalnat abuliahmant of capital punlahment. h will aot Interfere agala with any of the man awaiting eiacu- llon. but allow the law to taka Ita couree. Ten appeal In liquor caaea from Cooa counry were alao flld today with tha auprem court. 'Railway Company Suddenly Shifts and Afjrtes to Sub mit Dispute to State Concil lation Board. rai I aU y tla Aatiata. Tb a4tar faWiaat i tti lr a af fair 4 i awa-r a tkal Ik b44 til -4t-ti Vaa ! la rgil fe f lata T !le k( fWavaw) i.Ua4 tkr Vaa rlk f gyaaaall a k li.ttr fi- wataaa Alltiaa mU i a-a-t aa ra r, kal IM aaiue W IU aaftala) war II L4 fUa4 la ! t- aalkanrta ala ie l M fa4 lw aXkaf ( yaaaali U aut- luiti aAa fay a I a laal Ik ftilek Cld art aiaf dyaaaaii bl Ukla4' e-r Matay Ma. Jaral Waal Ada brtag raa!la 0alaJk rrtocr tittl Waauia. Caalraha. Waaxv. Jva ll. laaaa Raaoaaai a Caalrakta BkeaW aa . c day aalag ial(l vtta x1 Mar lallee," T ha ma-, avlgK Maavaalf 1 raa Ka." a. 4 U;a I KaaU yita iaaynaavad U Vyala. !(. Ikal k Ma u4 v ta iht cu. try, A aaar4 Kh ytiaa Ik afvk.aa 1 1 .. SaU rlM to fUwry Car. Ha4 lUaer, Or, Jaa. Ut n' W. K d N aaat a a rectal wilh ao-giaa I tia4 HI- ff I a tna af ha--liag lha Urge auJtbar ef aa,r-a a4 l(f igaralor In we aria' lha ( harty aaaaoa, ' Oaiaa aaiaiaai r aWirUUg. Caaray rfa4 l faoagaiae aaiaa, aar4 It wa:4 pto. a ala aaaak Wheal afieJte ma4 aa!al tia I hey ar la 14 ff lihMl pAf dunag kaartag If aaaesaied'ef bkaaa a4 r. Inaialed. aal pay aar la aaad up Ca44oe aaual farnlak II chang hlrk lhay taual hat aa a.i I rlr taplu raaaal f rorar-aay I grant wag larraaa iiout. lh aHpaira flAaca wauJd ao I aland 1 1." eyV faderallenlal anaenhar' pay waa acraaad wnta lh ynioa waa orgaalaad. (tailed rvaaa Uaaad Wwa.1 Uoatoa. Jun II J-roepar la for lha attlemenl of lh atrlka of unlua am pyaa of lha Bloii Klavalad railroad, which, not only eoatroi ail lha urfa aubway and elval4 Una III Oraalar Uoaloa but maay aelghbortag clue and lowna. appaarad bright laday. , Official of lha railway company after rafuaing l treat with their employee wddanly agraed today lo ubmit lh dtapul lo lh tal eoaeillailoe) board. i. n ii ii til py,'wwfwaiara CITY BLAZE OF LIGHT; El Miss Marjorie Ide, Daughter of American Ambassador to Spain, Marries Leslie. Odd Fellow. Glre Mrnle. Porrat Orora, Or.. Jun 11. Th Odd Frllow and Rcbakaha from all aectlon of Waahlngton county will meet In thla city Wadneaday, Jun 1!, In a plcnle In Naylora grove, at th weat edg of town. Preparation for th affair have been under way for aoma tlm. Sporta and.amuaoinenta will make up part of tha program. Orand Master Gallowav. oi oaiera, win o apeaker and a pro gram or aooga. Instrumental numbera and recltatlona will alao ba given. Vla- uora win Dring baeketa. and dinner will d aervca in camp meeting; etyle. - - i IfDNA GOODRICH Starring in "His Neighbors Wife" Talks on Keeping the Skin Beautiful I . i aiwuyii amuaea me when I am naked to give my Ideas ns to how beauty of any sort can be rpiHinen ny or lmDanert to me or nny owier woman. . Everybody expects aome wonderful ecrct formula, and the whole thing la kj niinpie aiier ail. Just breathe deeply of :ood. freah, pure air, eat almple food and onlv a email quantity and exercise eirly and often In the day. Above all things, py doing bo your eyes will b uriKmer. your sum color high. keep clean, and eves will be whiter and your No uniall rart oatthp le.,utv and clennllnr-an of my f.kTn Is due to the fact that r une the Melorone prepara tions In all my toilet rltea. The Melorose Cream Is a particu lar favorite of mine and many a ;Vnclplrnt crowfoot from too much laughln has 'CVn maed f rom my'face 'f y xi 1 Bamc ""K-litrtilly Kc-nted and nll-Tieallng cream. my mai l lias a -lrver rt p r rb or ii.ns n ... . tT!ehrP!?ri'Se frwT W1hPn,I ur o"t,0f 7r,fl ' r more ' thanunual y 't Vel Tnd the result is almost svbarltlc in lis lnt,no .. i , . I ta. and !altud. . ' iceiing oi The .MtJorosp Powdor 1 hr nil odrl o,. ,iihi a a . - Pl-xion noauttfler Imaarinahla and haa n' i Zi? L LWkVh, ;l..,.r.PTLnp?.... Tm ' " It linn a clii.plnB. ernn.-Kcer.t odor o t, Vuuilt ,hL1 .,, t .' .J,n.;v BK'P- 5- thecr. n,.1 H ."IW'JX W ry HRht roellnar of dire efftcts of clil l ou Sf-iH, i a in a tint v ii cilctf-t tl-iA j hroiv k --a., Jr,u xan nim uiiier I ...J! .n. ,7.'.?' "H'-r-flno" rlrl and walk In all sorts of weather V vi. i I1' V y ;m ' " ' niy Rkln ,s entlrolv free from any sort 4t Th- M.l,...- ii.... I. r .... " ' ,v.-...T.i, a.i iicies. . al ?rWr.F I'nd:tt naK,ely&,e;TtoUrh. t 3 o; Ln&vlrx zTt-xt two i iu Vn ''"iVK ,01 weioro-e wan Jester. -it '"t co,1dit.on:"wUnlfiAi.Ttnnaf 1. ?t The my DAINJY ;! A iff 3 r 1 Cream has no equal; excellent for the com- t ? r IPi Tot trrVnl ,'o.Jr,nk ,s' "ms' hlackheadH. chapped hands or face, V.Lt, r, i . ?J nLi 'r or """" .ra"r (i anrl has a vrv d!'lrity odor, BUggestive j, "" a .nun, winn ana aust. too size only 45c. a Ihpadtl lo Tha Joornal ) New York. June 11. A apeclal train conveyed the guerta from thla city thla afternoon to Fort Waahlngton, N. T", for th wedding of Mlsa Marjorie Ida and Leslie. The bride I a daughter of Henry C. Ide, United fitate minuter to Rpaln. and a alater of Mrs. AV. nourk Cockran, at whoc horn th Cedara. the wedding took p:ace. air. Lealle, th bridegroom. la a aon of Colonel and Mr. John Leslie of London and a grandson of Sir John and Lady Constance Leslie of Ireland, and of the late Leonard Jerome of thla city. rather Carroll, reeior of tha Church of fit. P(er of Alcantara at Fort Wash ington, performed the marriage cere mony. Among the ushers wer Con gressman Nicholas Ixnarworth, N'orman de R. Whltehous and Flnley P. Dunne, th writer. Mlaa Ide, shortly after her arrival Jn Madrid with het father, became the object of adoration to a picturesque young Spanish nobleman, tha Marquis de Vallos, who followed her from Ma drid to the Riviera, to Pari and to London when her father Bought to pre vent her from falling In love with a foreigner, it being his ambition to see hio daughter n.arrled to a sturdy Ameri can. A q last resort Mr. Ide sent his beautiful daughter back to New York, but the marquis announced his Inten tion of following her to America to press his suit. He was stopped by the news of her engagement to Leslie. Festival Illumination Gorgeous Throngs Impressed With the Dazzling Spectacle. Portland, last night, waa th city ra aplendant. Th new Ida of making- th night aa bright aa day for th Ros Festival aucceeded In a atartlkog way. Th city waa ablaia with light. Tha radlane of th Illumination lit up all th aky. Th street were even mora brilliant with their vivid luminance than with their gorgeoua decorations. As the twilight cam and the atreeta grew darker there waa at flrat no algrvi that other than the uaual lighting would be employed. Then, Beaming to leap out of the gloom, the buatneaa buildings appeared, their outlines clearly marked with Incandescents. The Electrlo build Ing was made to look Ilk a pendant banner of red, white and blue by means of Its lights. The Oregon hotel waa dressed in the royal purple of the Elk An elaborate Illumination scheme drew the attention of thousands to the court of the Hotel Portland. Where, on the river, all had been darkness, the bridges were aeen, their dark beams transformed Into brilliancy through the magic of electricity. From tha harbor the great, blinding search lights of the Maryland played across the sky, broad bands of luminance flashing In every direction. Tha whole effect was more than spec tacular. It waa as though Imprisoned sunshine had been released, or as lf'the Oreat White War of New York had TO PICK ITS ROAD BILL been udden3r set down on th Pacific The searchlights of the Maryland met the light from Council Crest. Tha In tersection of the streets showed their array of' domed banners because of the lights strung among th decorations. The union depot was a surprise as Ita tower, then the main body of the build ing, was brought out of the darkness by means . of one oC the most elaborate decoration achomes ever seen In1 Portland. COUNTY COURT IS ASKED (Rperlal to The Journal.) Hood niver. Or., June 11. A. I. Ma son, leader or the fin urove grange and good roads booster, put the Com mercial club up against the proposition of placing Itself on record which good roads measure the club will Indorse at the November election. The club has promised Mr. Mason that a commltteo will be appointed to Investigate the sev eral road bills and matte a report of its findings with a recommendation. The grange leader has issued a chal lenge to any citizen In Hood River coun ty who does not believe- the grange's good roads bill should be adopted to debate the matter before any audience Is the state. union high school CANNOT QUIT BUSINESS th "W Toledo Farmer Hurt In Runaway Toledo, Or., Jon 11. Fred Romtvedt, a farmer living about four miles north of Toledo, was InjuVed In a runaway yesterday quite seriously. He was driving a spirited ; team when the lines broke and the hofses bolted, throwing him out, badly bruising bis neck and shoulder and breaking; his left leg near Raincoats AUAVe-ther CoaU Auto Coats at the House of Coats A Net String of 30 to 40 Per Cent Carnival Visitors Welcome r irvvv f VTT3 WaflLflrci r r i a a mi m cii one N(HAff COMPANY 343-Washington-343 One Door Above Seventh. MM lam. KODAK SIMPLICITY Every aiep la pholegraphy haa bean mi Invading in OayilaiiL. rocuaing witrioi all with lh amallar elae. daylight iholegraphy haa bean mad simple by lha Kodak ara- ioui a grouna imi mo 10, u- ing at all with lha amallar elae. daylight development and elos print ing thta ar Kodak feature . VY a hv a niRipm tin or noaaas ana aurpurm, ana we uo prompt avooaa catalogue. Aak for a developing and printing. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 144 Sixth aTtraat, aUlaf Bid., aVewem AUar aai Morrison. OXE DOLLAR AX ACRE PER MOXTH WILL BIT YOU A CHICKEN FARM K Oakland Foul- try Jhrodtict L Company, ftSftKl 1 308 paidlnff $1 Portland, Or. A Player-Piano with Perfect Expression Whatever music you desire, you can be certain of impartin? the composer's original beauty with your own individual expression ', through a very simple arrangement of expression ' levers and buttons a triumph of the Behning Player-Piana Remarkable for its simplicity, me chanical perfection, and rich, pure musical quality of tone that has B laced it above all competitors. earitrcndcrUiemojtdifficultpieces. SOULE BROS.. Agents 388 MORRISON ST. Opp. Olds, Wortman & King -' WE START YOU -W THE SPRING a; YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to visit our plant any week day and enjoy a trip through all the numer ous departments. Uniformed guides in attendance. Learn about Government Inspection, a valuable feature of this modern, sanitary plant. This insures purchasers oi meat and meat products, bearing the government stamp of approval, absolutely pure and wholesome food. Visitors in Portland will find this trip a pleasant and instructive one, occupying most of a morning or afternoon. Take Mississippi Ave. (L) car or St. Johns car, and transfer to Kenton. UNION MEAT COMPANY PIONEER PACKERS OP THE PACIFIC. N. PORTLAND, ORE. Salem, Or., Jun 11. One a union high school district Is established, under the provisions Of th law enacted In 1909, It cannot be dissolved except by authority of the legislature. This Is the opinion given today by Attorney General Crawford to Superintendent Alderman. The opinion cite tjie St. Johns annexation case, wherein thV su preme court held that a municipality could not abolish Its charter. The attor ney general said this would apply even more forcibly to a union high school district. Melorose Rouge ntiKe and siropnor in nnv ,.ii,.. ytL, ii'mics of icv iion, perfectly , j,Jtarrntf. Pi-rfei.-t icolor: -oms In Jelly ttnd powdered forms, com little more hn some others, l.iit is worth It 60c : Melorose Face Powder rh perfrwtlnn of jfollrt dainties. inr very lew rtowtiers that , jmriiirm o ne SKln. One ifUl tO the Skln.' Melrnao Innirnvu -.- . " - - . v r, LUC ,,iu , 'fiwn- heat . . eold. wind, dust, etc. as ,vold a. f ns velL- partlciilarly vWhen .fiuxr on t!fe face ove? a small emount , pf JMuloronoCi'ea.m, removing th "shlna" upon the skin that makes the best groomed woman look vulgar at night; it gives a delicate and almost transparent velvety appearance to the skin; It does not blow off and Is so fine that It des not show. "Has a dainty, flower-like color and is tinted perfectly to suit anv complexion. Melorose give universal satisfaction to people who appreciate articles of merit; It does not chap, Bcale, burn or rmart the face, and is very sootting to an irritated skin, A 50c box. 45c. Melorose Nail Polish th "latest " and best Polishes the nails almost Instantly, at the same time giving the nail a nerfect. laatlno- tin. Easily, applied. Trie 25c. i VVILLARD WHITE tOa'S VAUCAlREh1 :? T- - a wa fc , : A. Closing of Hammond Schools. Ft. Stephens, Or., June 11. The Hammond public schools have closed for the' season. Professor Santee, Miss Lit tle and Miss Easley wer reelected. Miss M. Jones of McMlnnvllle was elect ed to succeed Miss Charlotte Church of Portland, who resigned to accept a more advantageous position. The three teach ers now employed are all graduates of McMlnnvllle college. Ir. Johnson, school director. In summing up the year's work, commented on the excellent work accomplished and expressed re gret at the loss of one of his moio effi cient teachers, Miss Church. TO TSZV, 'irXBTOVS, TOTSSYEXrEX) WOKZV. Beauty A-uthorme aa a fla 79c nmmennnii ry iwn ana Keanr A-utbrlfle aa a Snat Uevelonor riaah 1 i; Pd r and Timlc.T hir T.IPWiw.arn a T ieveiopcr, I lesn : - - . i .in m . - ww at 'W V at-.' Exbur&ion Rates to Eastern Points. On tha following date the Canadian Pacific makes very low round trip rate to eastern point.- Aak for their folder giving rate and full particular. Ticket oinc . i ntra ana 'ins tMUitnoman Hotel bids-): Jun . . T.-.i, I'll, lCi6, 17, 18. II, SO, 11, U.-15, 17,-18. 19, 11J. : July.2. S. , Calais. 15. 16, SO. JJ, M, i. I. 10. II. 1111, August 1. 3, a. ,' T..11, 12 1C. 10, r IJ, J. 29. 10, Si; lll. - , September a 5, . 7. . II, 12, SO. 1911 : " )" : ; Jouraal -"Bant.-Adairlrtg reaulta, L... ' j 1 FOR HEALTH FOR STRENGTH AND FOR ENERGY, tOOK TO plait Can w THE BEER OF QUAL ITY t Standard prices. Delivered everywhere. Bottles ex changed. Phone vyour deal er or grocer or iortiartci '." 4 Brewing Co. M Main 708. A-532S; . ""' Why annoy the telephone girls and waste your time and patience? Use the Au tomatic Telephone. '""""pr i7 The Automatic Telephone .,' r-" a . - ' - - '- The mpre you use me, ' - the better you will like me What the Home Tele phone Co. is doing for you ? It gives Portland the best telephone service in the world. It gives this quality, of service cheaper than any other company. It. gives a service known only to the speaker and the hearer. It gives com petition in the quality of service rendered. The legislature, the council or a public service commis sion: can fix the rates. Can these bodies make the service efficient, .'cheerful, prompt and accurate? No. This can, only be done by competition. M onop oly breeds tyranny. Competi tion TegUlates the" quality t of the service. Competi tion makes ' each company rive .better service. . , The " Home i Telephone - Com : pany stands ; between you and the unendurable con- ditions of monopoly. What v are , you d pin g for the . Home Telephone Com- pany? .. Our Telephone Girl-This is Her Picture f J In S'l"7nor i ' riliL I fill tSksb-uk 'tarvZSaS1 kf W'",' jST Her nervn ft'' Ife,i !H " re steel iOT(t ' I, f a I She sneaks all languages, twenty-fcur hours a day, everyday the year Never gets tired or ''saucy" She never strike Can Keep a Secret;'