The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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LiuriJIruf juu)f Cliff . uunumi, i juuiiikii s-ii.a i iii i iwui nfffW-tf Prnnrimmt uuu wjujj umin ucivtu jjj vui vuui uui'iuiui X
law . . m a a m mm m mm mm m a a a a a a a
- . - .
ytf Delightful Luncheon Sowed In Th Room, Fourth Floor
y Special 25c Dairy Lunch Served Dally Irilhe Basement
Rest Carnival
city 4 tuftou4-4 tv-
1 J 4 s Tv fin? vf w w J
Ti M- Aaardlfcf ft fo -t-oiiili
tdtitlla la Jiaa !,
T r. M IlUa4 ftt
ful Ratv ! I,mll Pa4
U ha frvUttf al Ifca A"rr
Ta I. M 4JraJ arts rfd f
iv4 auui fiaal. iHU aj !
t IV
t ro aa H aba. A f ta(f.
.ihl-Thlrr r. M 'Bir1lnfl
lfr4iry ai4 eyrvtarimiral
iiopUr ! ! 0k and Counw
Gossard Front
Lace Corsets
Br urtif comsnrrns) or
Otfs. Worfman & Kina
Ladles' Rest Rooms atuTRetlrlng Rooms on Second Floor)
tree Demonstration of Auto-Vacuum Ice Cream Freezers
A Splendid $6.50 Folding Go-Car!
Special at $3.89
Wheel Good Department. 4th Floor. '
Here' the handy Go-Carl to get irouad through lac ffowd. Ii U M
tit -c44( up compactly. running;, hat JiutUt! 0 Crl
prinf in ttt A f.Uivli4 vtlur, ipril at oa!jr ml 0,0 J
Annual June-White Bays" Sale
Wo fin Co'nte
Ma urine
Drmoniirtiion in rtil room,
onj floor rcfffl!jr birmlcaa; U
ioundfJ to and don atmt niturt
and crdnait ht tiluM of wren i
Irrtimrni. Xlaunna lrflmct 1
inmate atrt o perfectly !
defy detection, uumnteed
pleaie the moil ftatidiout peraoiv
Great June White Sale of
Lace Curtains
$15.00 Grades al $9.85 Jf.25 Grade al 95c
Practically unlimited room for choice is afforded by the grat sale
to those heekinjf new Hanpnps for their windows. The variety
range from wmple Scrim to the most lutKrb real Arabian J-ace.
Quality better, and price lower than ever known before, tmia
$15 Arabian Lace, pair, $0.85
$6 Brussels Lace, pair, $3.05
$7.60 Brussels Lace. pr. $ 1.05
$5 Irish Point Lace, white and
ecru color, special, pair, $3.75
$4.50 Irish Point Lace, white
and ecru color, the pair, $3.35
$1.50 Ecru Scrim, with narrow
lace edge, special, pair, 0S
$4 Ecru Scrim, with narrow
lace ede, special, pair, $3.15
ind white, special, pair, $1.85 I
$3.50 Nottingham I-acr, in ecru
and whit?, special, pair, S2.-15
$1.'J5 Nottingham Lace at 05
$1.75 plain white Net. with lace
edge, special, the pair. $1.35
$2.l0 rcru Net. with fancv braid
borders, special, pair, $1.45
$2.50 ecui Net. with fancy braid
border, special at, pair, $1.05
$J Imported colored Madras
Curtains, special, pair, $3.70
e -. ka :.... .,4 t-.j nr.. i...
Curtains, special, pair, $2.30
Basement Grocery Specials
brand, our regular 10 pound tack, ipecia! tale price, SOf
Flour. O. W. K
Sardines in Oil, three cant for 25f
Tea in bulk, reg. 50c grade, lb., 35
lertey Queen Milk, xpecial, a can, If
Fhaker Salt, Sunflower, pkg. at B
Seeded Raisins, 3 package for 25
Walnuts,' oimd, only
Dried Prunet, fancy, 3 poundt
le, tpecial.
Sliced pineapple
r Queen Mi
Jell (a glatt dish given with every package), tpecial, 3 packages, 25
oggt Corn Makes, i pkgs., of
Si polio, special for thit tale, ck . 7e
Dutch Cleanser, three cant for 2S4
Kound-Up Cleanser, tpecial, ea., of
n it-
Women's Tub Dresses
$8.50 Values for $i.95
In the Dif Garment Store. Second Floor.
A prtil tale of v. omen Tub Drrttet tn the newest and best models,
ittde up of fine quality of linen, gingham and chambray. The linen
diesiet lute Dutch and round nrrkt and short sleeves, trimmed vith
hite linrn on collars and cuiia. AUo pipings and pearl buttont. The
gingham drcset have low. round and V-thape neckt. trimmed with plain
rhambny, embroidery inerlione and covered buttont. AH a J Qf
the ben shadct lcr summer. Valuet to JHJQ, tpecial at only JIW)
Women's Dainty Waists at $2.95
In the Waist Section. Second Floor
A special sale of women's Waists, made of dainty lingerie, marquisette
and net materials, with high or low neckt and thort sleeves; also a num
ber of the popular peplum Waists, trimmed with Valenciennes, Cluny,
thread and shadow Urrt. snull pm tu.ks and crochet buttont: .CO QC
sirct 34 to 4-t, tpecialurd for this sale only at low price of vJO
New Wash Skirts $1.80 up to $9.00
In the Garment Department, Second Floor.
A showing of splendid new models in Wash bkirts, 4iiade ol rept. ratine,
pique, linen in natural and v.hite etc. One unusually pleasing model
is a three piece skirt with sui front opening, trimmed with one row of
removable pearl buttons which nukes the skirt easy to launder. Others
have pearl and crochet buttons to trim. Tricet from f 1.80 to f 0.00
- .
Sheets, Sheeting and Pillow Slips at Less
tenrttAfrwe JJ
Spool Silk, 100 yards for only B
Sale of Notions
and Toilet Needs
On the bargain circle, between the elevator, to
morrow, a great tale of useful notiont and tcnlrt
needs, for 1 day only. Thrifty women will tee thit.
3C ?pooi cotton, mu yai
35c I)r
A creat trill purchase of Sheeting, Sheets and Pillow Slips, at less than the manufacturer's cost,
priced exceedingly low for this June White sale
BLEAWntU Slltliliwu
2-vard wide Bleached Sheeting, 30c grade 23
24-yd. wide Bleached Sheeting, 32c grade 25
2S-yd. wide Bleached Sheeting, 35c grade S!8?
Take advantage of the many bargains offered.
Extra weight Sheets, no 6cams in center, torn,
ironed, hemmed, ready for use. Size 81x90, in
priced at 53. Size C3x99 priced at only 40C
rd J
Is. black or white, tuecial HQ
ress Shields, all sixes, at 19tf
Pearl Buttons, all tiiet, best C
10cf grade, special, card, only DC
Hair Pint, 25c boa, special for 1&
Hair Net, regular 5c grade for Set
No. 2. JOc (). M. (). Shields, at 1S
No. 3. 25c O. M. O. Shields, at 20
No 4. 30c O. M. O. Shields, at
Collar Stay, white or black,
all tieet, 5c grade, tp'l for onlyAsC
Bag Mirrors. small, 10c siie. at tt
llair Brushes, to 75e grades, 45
Cloth Brushet up to 75c. only S0
Tooth Ilr'sh't. 25c-3Sc grades, Ha
4711 Verdura Soap. 10c grade at 0?
Armour't Soap, J in boa, fl
regular 15c grade, tpecial for 1UC
Traveling Cats, r'bb'r hn'd, flft.
regular $125 vals. for only JUC
Rubber lined Wash Qoth
and Soap Case. 15c grade.
Sponge, nice size, tpecial for 10
Pinaud's Soap, in assorted
odors, regular 25c vals., at WC
Colgate' Talcum, 3 tmall If),
cant in a bo, atstd. odort 1UC
Toilet Soap. 5c grades, for only 3
Children's $2.25 Dresses at 98c
$1.00 Tub Dresses for- 59c '
On the center circle, main floor, tomorrow, a great tale of children's Tub
Dresses, made of gingham, chambray and percale and a good grade of Gal
atea cloth; new kimono ttyle and high neck and long sleeves; tixei 6 ClQm,
to 14 years; our regular $125 valuet, tpecial for this tale at only, each VOC
Lot 2 Tub Dresses for the little tott from 2 to 6 year of age. The materia
alt are chambray, checked ginghams and percales; all good; new PQrf
ttyles. Our best regular $1.00 valuet, tpecial for this sale at, each OwC
A Few of Tomorrow's Great Specials in the Big Basement Underprice Store
Sale Women's Tailored Suits
$20.00 and $22.50 Grades at $10.00
In the Basement "Underprice Store."
An unusual all-day sale of women's Tailored Suits, the best you
ever saw at this low price. And in assortment of styles, colors and
materials so extensive that every taste may be satisfied. Not an
old Suit in the lot; 300 to choose from. The materials are serges,
worsteds, diagonals, homespuns, etc., in black, navy blue, tan, gray,
old blue, cream and mixtures. All are faultlessly tailored and well
lined. They will fit gracefuly and retain their shape. We have
sizes to fit nearly every woman, large or small ; also Misses' Suits.
Be among the first ones to make selection ; $20.00 and (1A (t
$22.50 values artf offered for tomorrow at the low price tJlUaUU
While Days Sale of our entire stock of White Tailored Suits
White Days Sale of our entire assortment of White Dresses
White Days Sale of our entire assortment of White Petticoats
White Days Sale of all White Waists at exceptionally low prices
$1.00 Enameled Vtare now at 65c II
Four coat blue and white guaranteed enamelware;
Dish Pans, 17 quart Dish rant. 6 quart Sauce Pans; 4
14 auart
iilr fVtv-
sn ans, 1 quart uisn i am, u qum caut-c
cred auce rant, J quart coiiee x ois, o juan wih uvu,m,
covered comoination Koasiers. 10 qun un
all arc regular valuet up to $1.00 each, tpecial tale price UsJC
50c Enameled VJare now for 29c
A splendid lot of four coated blue and white guaranteed enam
eled ware in the following useful piecet; 3 quart Sauce- Pant,
4 quart Sauce Pans, 3 quart Pudding Pans, 2 quart I'udding
Tans, 2 quart covered Sauce Pans. 2yi quart covered OA
Kettle, 4 quart Kettles; regular values to 50c, for, each aWC
Sale Garden Hose and Sprinklers
Garden Hose in 25 foot lengths, inch size, with t0 AC
nozzle; specially priced for Wednesday's sale only, at a? is'
Garden Hose, in 50 foot lengths, V inch size, with dJO Qf-
nozzle, offered special for this tale at low price of P7J
Garden Sprinklers, brass ring style, offered special, only 49
Van Orders rilled.
At 10 to 11 A. IVL
75c Shirtwaists Special at 39c
10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow1, a 1 hour sale
of women's white Waists of good
quality lawn, well made and trimmed
with tucks and row of insertion. Our
reg. 75c values, offered special OQ
for one hour at low price of JJC
' Heavy Bed Sheets at 43c
45x36 Pillow Slips 10c
10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the basement, a rousing sale of
bleached Bed Sheets, heavy grade, torn and hemmed, AO
ready for use; size 2x90 inches, special, each, only HOQ
Pillow Cases, size 45x36 inches, very good quality, 1fir
hemmed ready for use; special for this one hour at IwC
25c Corset Covers 15c
Boys' 75c
10 to 1 1 a. m, tomorrow, in the
basement underprice store, a
1 hour sale of Corset Covers,
made of fine, soft muslin, cut
full and well finished with
embroidery; all sizes; regular
I 25e grade, special for IP.
thig sale at, only, each, 1 JC
Pants 49c
10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the
basement underprice store, a
one hour sale of boys' JPants,
made of "corduroy in dark
brown and serge in navy blue,
nicely finished; sizes for'bbys;
5 to 15 years of age.
Our regular 75c vals.
At 11 A. M. to 12s)
Children'. 15c Vel Only 9c
11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, in the base
ment "underprice store," a one hour
sale of children's fine Cotton Vests in
pure white, close weave, with high
neck and long sleeves, from 2 to Q
16 yrs.; regular 15c values, special
Women's Linen Suits, $5.00 and (f 70
$6.50 Grades, Specially Priced at $Lby
11 a m. fn 12 innmrrnvu in h hasempnt "underDrice Store.
a remarkable sale of women's splendid Wash Suits, all good
styles and excellent materials, in. white and tan, nearly every
size in the lot. Women who study economy will not flJO "JQ
overlook these $5.00 to $6.50 values. Special for P&t7
Men's $1 Sweaters 55c
Men's 5c Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c
11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow in the
basement underprice store, a
one hour sale of men's good
quality Handkerchiefs, in full
size, with colored hems. Our
11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow in the
basement underprice store, a
on,e hour sale of men's good,
heavy Sweater ' Coats, part
wool, cardigan , rib, gray,
trim'd in red or blue, with
nearl buttons; aim XX
to 42; reg. $1 values, at uDC
regular 5c values spe- 0
"cial price only, each, fciv
Don't forget voting contest
From 12 to 1 P. ftO
Misses- Union Suits Only 19c
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, in the base
ment "underprice store," a one hour
sale of misses' fine Cotton Union
Suits; nice close weave, summer
weight, sleeveless, loose knee. 1Qr
trimmed with lace. Sizes 14, 16 15C
Sale of Trimmed Hals,
$5.00 Values for $1A8
In the Basement "Underprice Store." 1 f
On the Basement Bargain Circle, a Millinery sale which;
breaks all former records. Several hundred beautiful
new Hats at a price that will prompt quick sales. The :
style range is very extensive, hardly more than four hats
of any one kind. All are this season's new creations, the :
foundations are of the best and most used braids, trimmed
in flowers, feathers, nets, ribbons, etc. Colors such' asj
you will only find in good millinery ; splendid A Q I
$5.00 values are offered for tomorrow at only I)l,tO '
June White Sale of all White Ribbons at baWain prices ,
I lift i t , a - 'I
June vvnite saie or entire stock or laces all are bargains
June White Sale of our entire assortment nf Pmhrnfrln"
June White Sale of all White Hosiery at very low prices
From 1 to 2 P. M?)
v25c Aprons Special Only 15c
1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement
"underorice store." a rmisincr sal nf Jin -
dozen women's Aprons, at less than .
ou can make them. Good grade Ring-
Children's Petticoats, Reg. $1
Specially Priced for Tomorrow
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement
one hour sale-of children's Petticoats at
materials; fine soft muslin and cambric,
embroidery and baby tucks; sizes for
12 years; regular 85c and $1.00 values.
VJoman's Coat Sweater at $1M
at Only
"underprice store, a
less than the cost of
trimmed with dainty
children 2 to A J
for one hour ft C
Men's Black Socks 6V2c
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, in the
basement underprice store, a
brisk 60 minute sale of wom
en's Sweater Coats, made of
good wool yarns, V neck
style, with pockets and pearl
buttons, all colors; M AO
for 1.1U
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, In the
basement underprice store, a
one hour sale, of men's fine
black Socks, fast, stainjejs
dye. seamless feet, all sizes;
socks which will, putwear
your expectations; sP"'K,f
cial for one hour, pair v2C
ham or plain white lawn:, rear. 1 1
25c grades, special for 1 hour at lvC
Women's Regular $3.50 to $5.00 0 QQ
Tub Dresses Special for Tomorrow 1 D I s Cj
1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement "underprice store." a
one hour sale of pretty Wash-Dresses in a great variety of
choice patterns and colors in excellent materials; well made
and trim d, styles suitable for house or street wear;
values to $5, special for this hour only at, each
Men's $1 Union Suits
25c Silk Ribbons for 10c
1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, in the
" basement underprice store,"
men's Union Suits of good
mesh, fine, close weave sum
mer weight, elastic rib neck,'
short sleeves, knee lengths;
sizes 34 to 46: our IO
regular $1 values, at "OC
1 to 2 p. m. tomorow, in the
basement, a sale of hundreds
of yards of pure silk Ribbon,
5 and 6 in. wide, in a great
variety of colors, 1 ribbons
which can be used to advan
tage for many pur- 1 fl 1
poses; 25c values for IwC
From 2 to 3 P. M.
linen Dusters for Only $1.98
2 to 3 p. mi tomorrow, in the basement
"underprice . storet a one hour sale of
women linen Dusters, cut full length,
with military collars; natural color lin
en. Good serviceable Dust- f AO
er, special for one hour at i70
Women's Regular $2.50 to $5.00
WashtSkirts SDedaUv Priced Onlr
2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, a
great 60 minute sale of Wash Skirts,' 140 in the lot; they are.
made of splendid materials in white, tan and blue; well made,
neat, good fitting skirts, such as we self in the P AO
regular way at $2.50 to. $5; special for this hour ? lalO
Girls' Middy Blouses at 43c
Boys' Overalls at 25c Pair
. 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the
basement underprice store, a
sale of' girls' Middy Blouses
in splendid new styles that
'will please; made of good ma
terials with deep sailor col
lars; cut ex. full, long; A 0
wnite, blue, tan; 6-14, "XUV
2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the
basement underprice store, a
1 hour sale of boysr blue Den
im . Overalls, ' with bib and ,
suspenders; trimmed in Ted. '
Lay in a good 'supply at this
price. Btty all you C'
want of them, only- aWCy
From 3 to 4 P. C.
50c and 75c Silks Only 25c
3 to 4 p m. tomorrow, in the basement
"underprice store," the bargain of the
day. fancy Pongee Silks, 27 inches
wiae ana lining lanex in a variety i
. colors; splendid silks, worth 50c OC,
and 75c yd., special for 1 hour aC
Fancy Feathers, Worth Regularly Up AQrt
to $3.50, Special for Tomorrow Only TcOC
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement "underprice store," a
' one hour sale of fancy Feather, suitable' for summer hats.. A
great variety to choose from; all new, fresh stock, perfect
feathers, bands and "stickups," in black, white and col
org; small or large; values to $3.50, special for only iOC
Women's $1.00 Corsets for 55c
Men's Nightg
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in tne
Jbasement, a great 60 minute
sale of four excellent model
in Corsets for the average
figure. 4 hose supporters at
tached; non-rustible , steels;
materials,' contil; ba C C v
t W
tiste, net; 18-30; $1 at
owns at 39c
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow,- in the
basement underprice store, a
one hour sale of men's Night
shirts, made of good' quality
fine, soft, muslin, ' with or
without collars. ttitchrA in
pink of blue; p 1 price
for one hour, at, .ea.
From 4 to 5 P.
Men's Wash Ties Special 9c
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement
"underprice store," a great 60 minute
sale of hundreds of men's Wash Ties,
made of excellent materials, in a great
special sale for one hour only at VvC
Children's Waists Sl2c Each
Apron Check Ginghams 3Vc
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in basement, children's knitted Waists
in summer weight, -fine close weave, well made and fit- Ci
ted with reg.- buttons; sizes 2 to 12 yrs.; 15; vals. 02C
Ginghams, in the apron checks, medium colors, of
fered for this j,hour only at the low price of, yard J?C
Children's $1.00 Dresses at 55c
50c Silk Poplins
4 to S p. nil tomorrow, a one
hour sale of .children's Dress
es in new -and attractive
styles, made of excellent ma
terials and neatly trimmed,
plain, colors and neat pat
terns: sizes Z ,to 14; rc.
reg, $1 grade fo 1 hr.
at 33c
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the
basement, a sale of 35 piece
of Silk Poplin that will wash
and wear satisfactorily and
will not slip; comes in black
and cream and" all wanted
shades; reg. SOc-gr'dei, OO
on special sale for, yd. JC.
From 5 to 6 P. hC
25c Dress Goods for 12c
5 to 6 p. m. tomorroav. in the basement,
a sale of several hundred-yards of
pretty plaid Dress Goods, double
width, medium weight, splendid pat
terns and - colors for , house
V dresses and children; 25c gr'd'sXMaW
Children's "Ruff-Neck'f $1.75 Sweaters QZp
Specially priced for Tomorrow at Only O v
5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement "underprice store," a
one hour sale of children's rough neck Sweaters, suitable" for
boys, or girls; heavy cardigan rib; have pockets and hfRe
pearl buttons; they come in red, tan and gray color;. OC
in sizes from 26 to 3Z; Regular $U5 values, special at uC,
25cf 35c Box Stationery for 16c
. . 20c and 25c Dimities 7c .
5 to 6 pvtri, tomorrow, in' the D 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, in v
'basement' underprice store, a
1 hour sale of box Station
ery; choice of several good
qualities in fine linen finish;
good 25c " and -35c 1 fT.
values aoecial. a -box Iww
yon't ''forget votin? content.
basement underprice store, n
1 hour safe of mul enli f
Dimity for iamty -Dresses,
1 to 3 yU. n a ;
but S'vr ral f . ' ' a
tern: Our re;,;. t - .