THC OltnCOJI DAILY JOURNAL. 'PORTLAND. MONDAY LVCNINO. JVHll 13. 1111 n , - IN THE REALM FEMININE jmmm i ...... i iinrnn nninnnr IIMLUAI I IIWI IUl L la LIUUIHL UllUllUL I IX I I Etxnts In Society ? rUi4 t .j uK f -n Rr rtaTlVAL . J- A M Iba fala'a -.! Ml i U fa'tufc 4 tb.if wUtiM lal awaJa " ieiMi - V"" tad a,t.tJ be Ml. t-N. III U-.a it 3 U t HILk 1 CA va. al iu f'vu. i-ajr ej-tiatioA - HI auaa4 lba . !. labia af nw tal fc'4 frfWa4kaJ .HA. -lair. Wbltli. t4 hill T. bct I f . -ua la bit btafrtbg e ta'a f lb tv It Ataial be l" A liariUiMt, wbua b"-bl ki lf Ib.a Iba fcfb. tatA. rr- ! a4 kite t W .'sl4i .itntia.4 gatbr geie lf l ba b.b a ' rti4 4 tbe 4 UubrM f" Weituc. Via Her Vtllf f k A I Ik blaa ' " IMtaBbatUMf. ! -lsBlt4 t-r lui" trn r i vcr rtua uihi fc Wit Wairtn V. klrt Urt tKafUa Cttuluttfa V'- k link ! aiul ftfia 4 Tka UUara allra aft Uill.BtA la , t. mt Irrinfioit. (ilrriine4 IUl lour latJaa f lriUa rriuajr avaaiOB nrn M'a wr raLiurJ by Xlla 1UU Ai- U A4 CfcatU ivaiion. Lnporiuil Aaobrtn&l. X axUl tnMiief af lb iwullv Voar4 of U I'vriUcd wom cud ii r)l4 lor Tburdar. All cmi lah JnaT la null ttd Ihrlr aprllra- I una bfor thai lint la klrt A. Klu Vllaon. T llclbrtuW tiding, or Mrs. i. V. THn. lil cal l-ar. Lmjitlxoa IIoatra. lira. W. W. rvala fir an unuau ally llrarllva luorbrmt oo Thurarlar. 14 raahlun4 a lock anJ anarlraoia !rcerall (ha dlnlna room ami -! yaa wrra rilallcallr ual la th ll tnc ream, Coraaca bouqutu of awact (r .ktr aJ Vliaa litlw If. a.Lt i f ant aitrrlnl eiur aiha, t,i.m , ISa rvaUttu-a il I ' all, a t. htbr I Iba e( Iba ..aiia t la t::lr r. .tib It I ;til fraua4 I ! laiinMi jr. 'Divorce Not Evil," Says Mag istrate, Mertly Index of Evil." Vita Cbrla K Mti airla la !. ff l'urbllu IKta tmiif I ! Itt( al lb (rditlca af tar b- . fiui li A. C ItrlJi lAax liroaa. Mr. Im! I. Wf;t. of rvtnlat. Klr al ! Iiaa tuuflaisa J 4 bbO f. ibtljr aurtl ! lailatBML alra arin aaa aaial4 br Um i" r. Mr. . W. Irrrr. Mia. It klMMd. Via A. C. Jarbaoa ab4 Mia. Ui(( tl!rt(. Tba houaa ailfully lM-uald lth l" !. Octifblfwl niu:e randcraJ It Aiiaa IUI Wafttuin. Utrrmrj 1ub IrWIaT Xlonar arnla. Juna t. Iha Vaar Irllli Hu-hion4 laisrarr rlub mat al Iha buina of VIIm Juall ItctnoM. i ttat Thtrlr-alhiH aul. Tb tlarllun of fcfflrtra ! Ui-a al Ihla liiaallnf. Iha Ul Ucf 'ta llabandloa' for tta tun- tnrr. Tba rcaull of Iha alaftlon aa aa fulloara; IUl nb YounsbraBla. prtal.lent, Jttrll Jlaynolda. vie i-rcaMmi; trol Mtleball. rotary; Katbar Younkranti. raurr. Plana war eomplaia4 fur lh MBiial bniu( blch la to ba bM iha troin of w a.lnlr Juna 1). Varioua farorila and daacrtptlv ealao- ilooa f rra tvantlla war rr4. Mra, ( 1L Hammond rnlarlainod Iha luay Ilea club Thuxa-Uy afternoon. Iva huntrJ aa jla y a-rl. itr. falmrr Ian! lie Iha prlin. Thoaa irttiM rra Mr. JmnU lioKR. Wra Itnoa Juhnatin, Xlra. Ma acta Uclrr. Mra. ilallla Mn- n. Wra Ullla IVIara, Jkfra. Kill )Urh- rtla. lra alrna 8hllr. Mra. I.ulu Ka. Mra. ilorlna I'arkrr, Mra. Mlllla harrrn. Mra. J1ia I'alnx-r. JJIaa K'trlla or.arud. Mlaa Mill Krlarr, Mlaa Haiti llainrnoixl and Mlaa Mabrl llammond. Luncbaon waa aarvad at four. ital4 r m I lraiiv. J ta -hakkt f IxllUb fuMlaia I aataik Holt llb l dlautta laaa lava Na vataf. abiy tiukiUtu.j br Iba adjili f ( a it I l.,taB, iballll vf Iha Tar littf,a la ! aa Ct( ma da- rlaiaJ "J I ta .rlr iha imh af aa ai4 a itu.4r tor ii laljr4 t' b.-IJa iKal II la abattlulaly nc.cjury, d-r iha tollarmtal af tidy, ta nlttj Iba rll.a af dlr- than la ouriall II. Al, ba ouid ubi:iaia fr chuit tuar- IUi rtiniiuulct Tba a ntan, 4alar4 Chaa man, ".vuk u,B Ilia churrh rraiaxNi aa . of Iba turlnua ntaclnal cliaaa thai baa iuiih umb Mmaaif tr Iba fact iiol lual I ..a auiuan lurlr anlar4 laid rotilracl at lib blrn but aa lu I blin ty axntrUMly alaa 10 kep aa foot aa ba Ha4 ard t daal vtia ny murh ba l a bta Al anf rata Kial la Iha Martjla fBaraJlf al4 upon. ilofotr, if tia arould oma round la iha I4 of nvli marrla, II ould not aam aarrilaa lu aod a contrart ruaja baforo ao eommaapUro liaonaa a rf lalrar A TMCllER'S RESPONSIBILITY &f TV VtUsta Iata4aa Tval liAcan aba lO ! bit I baw a aa I f M'm tb-v ! Iba a aa4iii M a iimUI if I' awf i Ia ia a4 ta ibb.i iba I t lb. I ba U. - ! aAa4 4f aaa l I ri- ia i4rumii. b iaraw aa ! b litiaal tv auar ! s... lb-, ), ib. ri.w.i af . ' 'r'.? 'l0" u ...U I. lb, .b raa ,,. ib- tZU toS a4 tib bv b a.t)a taiMUf lb rr ib fia ii a mm! ,,rJ,tr rr :' - llt.likd, tbM ba labi4 b- " Detachable Train .Vw rratfnre of Ooini IlBlldiBjr lluit Ii Great Ooaroalaac fur U Wrarcr. uaa lb. f b,i aMMi aa r- ibikt iim, a4 una fn4 r f Militl aaa lii4." aa4 IB b tit ala.idt ib Iba Mttl of tbal wt Ad I waa I iU alaa b- Iba araaia aUla t4 ba b laa derr lo laB CMt IbI a bb of itg ani a -a talbiaa' Bwkiaa ataiutl nal ani4 IfaJBar, B4 lb lMb ll:a Ibi ba aawuld ! a bu4 of aaibr af lall Ibal la aliabarf ta la utt It blr iMMllaM fr bar Tbrro la tl aa cbaaa La Iba rM far iba Mii aba Ma Iba a(4rll a4 iba avul a Mioalf fia falllaf lei ibla cuarhlna aAAa rltv. b-4 Ibal oi.a la I bar a!haalaa lira bb4 airar H.aB iba l4 mul eik lhal aba la la. If latllaf bpoa II aa alb 4ar rpaa lba IM mart fa- of caadcltn a elaaa aaa4 iBaT I rafttlailonB. Tbara la a la (a catfVaA( la) rai paatito aa a ibcr la ar acaaol IfWIar la thoaa til tl tirlurB4 fata la fraab4aaia4 4. baMi ta fafwr Tr artliM fa aaia t baltB B4B IN a t-a.a- la a-a ktar. brb b-l 14 abi.4 H l aULMl 4frt J a t4 ! fw lb aija al tta ibi a4 iwutl b a a-iaa, Tba albJnJ a4 bl lot aaAf I blMt atr b b Bbtt4l fv lbaaan. 44 b 4 U 4ail l 4 Aaf aAt a lalif.A t 44 ria I bit a ai4 Vf li laita f l-4 -aa ba 4 laaav A4 fvi. lb gi'1 ajrtlfcawt )aM Ub, UbMl .. Blia4 aa 4t Iba Y1 A aaa. au aatt, ta4 M4taa' a4 ( iba bfaaaaA af lbl, for II It awiia la aeU aa Ua Iba bi4wl rl 70dV WEDDING fsr Ma Ua libit avtB Bfajbla f a M I 4ta IUl a aa Itaaatl f impi. II I u Ml ral f a4 aw-t X 4arwtlt IB 8Ma atial war Iba Hil of Iba imi bo lb -Bf la I Uba fla-. Aa alia tf bu fi , la ). artaa4 I'll Iba r.wUl la Ibu ! r. braMbaa of blia a i rata. f afpi Wiaa. r f aMba albar ftaaatl lit. r fla rfar4 I aliff 4mmU affri Tla aulBiatar olara a4 ai4a la f (! tt Iba UtlU IJtwal cba(t fl Iba aanr Ar4iB4l I lb 14 raataa li.a brlda ba4 raa Ur lgalbai, a Iha a4 f Iba ttill IM f ar. aratab Tba futa abU ba rfful I 4r bk ilbr aia. iai fra aAr for lb tt4l la a Ik Ibrauah. Al lb cewlttui 11 r EUbbbaia La. "51 VED AS BY FIRE', NOT LITERAL FIRE fr ' , V f rl .4. iU -Vi. Ktnui ntr. Jio, Juna .-Iaaior Hub rll apoka twlc hara to4ajr. W quota hta 1la-oura from tha test, "Sd ao aa hy flra. II Corln thlana 111. Ii). lla aald In part: Tha Catholic thought of puma lory tin a bean op poacd by FrotaatBOta upon tha plaa that purartory la not mentioned In tha Bl pla. Lrt ua admit that no auch purga tory aa Danta plo- tured haa any volume of foundation. Lt ua admit that not all that Cath Uc bva . claimed rrapeotlng purg tory la either actiptural or log-leal. . But let ua admit alao that there are acrlptuiva (of which our text la one) which tell of a aalvatlon by "fire" that evidently la not the aalvatlon In which tha "elect" of Ood will participate aa "mora than conquerora" through obedi ently followm In the footatepa of Jeaua, their redeemer. Indeed, our text la tha nrlncloal one him Dy our uatn clfo brethren In aupport of their pure' tory. i But If tha paator did not agree with the Proteatanta that there la no pur gatory taught In the Bible, neither did h4 agree with the Cathollca reaprct . inz the kind of a purgatory, for he proceeded to ahow that hia text referred . not to a place of suffering, a purgation that, existed in the Apostle's day, hut that tho apostle was here speaking 1 prophetically, of the end of this gospel age foretelling a purgatorial condltloa at that time not after men have died. ' nor In another world, but In tha pre ant Ufa and on thla earth. Indeed, said Tastor Russell, not only la tha fire of thla text symbolical of trouble, but tha same Is true of nearly . all that la said about fire In the Bible, There 1 a process of destruction, con- j sumption. Cod's rlgnteousnrss is spok . n of as a consuming fire which burns Atrainst' all sin" and unrighteousness. Likewise man's unrighteousness as fire , burns Injuriously against all good 'things; as, for Instance, when we read, "The tongue la a fire," which "sou Rfir tba course of nature." . (James lit, 60 So our Lord used tbe word fir in many of his parables, saying, , "I am come to send fire on the earth." Purfatory Zn Our Text, The context shows that the Apostle is ; discussing1 the church In her earthly es tate; that noma of tbe brethren would not at the tlma appreciate tha differ ence between "the gold, 6llver and pre cious atones" of the Divine promises and tbe cheaper materials likening them to "wood, hay and stubble;" but that a day -would. come In tbe end of the age when the Lord ' would specially test his peo- TURNED DOWN mm. pie and when the testa would be severe and rrurlal Ilka fir. In that day wood, hay and stubble would ba coniumed: but tbe gold, silver and preoloua stone characterlallra of the true faith and proper character-building would remain. Wo aro not to underetand Mm to mean that dortrlaea are all-Important, but rather that they era reflected In the character-development of tha Individual, who without tbera would be unable to atand In tho testings that will coma In the cloia of this age. ' The Apoatl points out, however, that all who build their faith on Christ will eventually bo eavaO. no matter bow muoh error they may get Into oven though their entire faith structure la wrong and will bo consumed In tho fore told flary trial. Christ Is the founda tion. All who build faith on htm. In full accord with the divine revelation, obediently, will become jolnt-helrs with tbe redeemer in hia kingdom, while those who build their faith on him, and maintain It even through error, will be eventually saved, though to a lower aal vatlon. Theirs will be a purgatorial ex perience purifying, sanctifying, fitting them for an Inferior blessing on the spirit plana. Apparently wa aro now living tn the very time mentioned In our text Many of God's people under the fiery trials of "higher criticism" and "science falsely so-culled" experienced a loss of all tho faltl) they possessed, because they pos sessed only tha wood, hay and stubble of human tradition, and not the gold. silver and precious jewels of tha dlvlno revelation. Nor Is this burnlnc at nn end. Soma of Its most trying experi ences are Just beforo us, according to tho Scriptures. St Paul elsewhere, referring to tho same time. Inquires, "Who shall be able to stand?" And he answers that only thoso may stand who will "put on tho whole armor" of divine faith as pro vided for the soldiers of the cross In the battle for God's word. Others will ex perience a terrible defeat. We thank Ood, however, for tho assurances of hia n.n.t ... n 4 1. 1 .. ..ID nviu HI". I " lliailj IJMJ fAUfl ICIIUl'S . . . . . , Will work out ultimntn hlesxlntr. minrM- I ii"vevt?i, ".u o." .1..0 y TUB dtlarhabte train la a bean to Iha elJerly matron, and quit aa much a convenience aa tha ap laio yoke and elcerea wa take 00 much romfort tn. A niuat almpla afternoon gown nan be changed Into a vary Important even ing loi'.eti with but vary tittle trouble and practically no lliu at all. W'lirri making up Iha dreaa It Is a vary elmtle matter lo Include a ehort train that ran bo attached aa otvaalou tirmanda. Tha gown may t antlraly fintehrd and will ba quite perfect with out the train. Tha ahape ef this appendage Is a matter nf taattv It may b round or aquaro at the lower edga, or oven alant off If tha wearer wlahe. but It will, of course, taper In Ita upward couraa. Tho width ta quite unimportant Tha tram may meaaur as much,, as 14 Inch across th lower and r aa little as 12. Tho start Is usually' mad from th wmlst lino under tho bolt. If there la one. and twice down tha train -al In tervals short loops less than an Inch long aro sewn. These aro caught to tha back of the aklrt with a few strong stltohea. The train should caught directly down lo tho skirt b- cause tho effect will be too stiff looking. Tho loops give a little piny, ao the train falls lailo folds gracefully or bangs stralglit oroordlng to Its width, 'When the wearer Is just a little round ahouldertd and Inclined to fall In about the waist Una the train may start two or three Inches above th normal wali:t lino and bo found very becomtnfr, because It suggests a straight lino from tho shoulders to tho hem, tho Irregular Una being entirely effaced by tho soft XuUls of tha train. Another pretty fashion la to catch tho train to a folded fichu, which may be of net, lace or tho dress material. Tba fichu passes over the shoulders. crosses In front and closes at the left or at both sides as fancied. The train may meet tho fichu at any point be tween the waist line and the shoulders, as considered becoming. A frankly elderly woman should at tach the train at the waist Una and let tho point of tho fichu fall nn Inch or so below tho waist lino. This ar rangement Is very graceful looking and covers a multitude of defects. Tha front can tako care of Itself, as a rule, but the back must be taken care of. Qlven a separate gulmpe and a de tacbablo train, one can make many changes. The latter oan bo worn quite plain for average occasions, while for bninetlitng mora Important there could be a decoration of lace or embroidery which could easily be added and re moved. The gulmpe, of course, would be In keeping with tho train. Elderly women do not go out as fre quently aa younger ones, consequently their wardrobe is less extensive. Vhe11 the eoreinaav Ibo lalltr la Mi Tba Bin4 of iba rbllJ1 ar 11 la au.4 Iba wbar Ihef albad. Iba ciergyobaa B . ... . k... b. . but 1 in awar utrr ma ! - bfli. li baa ba Ibarltliairtt4t4 Ibaea, Ibo aelhr aM lb tmpteaaion for a nuatr f year. as4 I nerel r.latlr.a going ,p rirl. Tba iha duality and d.btb af Iha laapf-1 4 bar tallmale friend, ktea lb rt4, eiuna la tfapaudeat spun Iha eavlroev I but lb rl f lb r0Bpay 4 B4. II menl and capacity of Iha child. I U Ibaugbl ollbar hglele or la Tba ehlldra) In fovr elaa tn tba rib. g4 form la allow everybody (o aaluta lie ehel eorae from hem ef varies I Ibo Carols ar lb cay. (landings af cultur. Ignoranr. auiar I If manr gaaeta aro prn. II la Billion, and baaaa. Tbalr rbol dare I 1004 pUa lo mark off aa atalo with aro tha way btwon ibalr bora of I white rtbboo. roarhlag fraa Iho 4or tiMiay aod lhlr Uvea of tha future. I hara lb yua autl ar I enter, Tbey ar atop plug wttb yw rr a uiilua ,B the a pot wbar lb rmoty whtl. WhAt r ran going la 4o f or 1 1. t, tako Plae. Tba aaalaat and thamT 1b there not dp dawn la th soul of yau lhal mother nature whoa a root a ar fastened In a great yearning for pro tection af lb young? 1 believe la And I m counting an It lo help you aa th purpo In your rhoern work and to lot lla Influane prrvad your wlevpolnt today. A laarhtrt Po you know what the spiritual naanr of lhal word 1st It la one who knows tha wayl You bava trained for your work ao that la book knowledge you are equip ped to ahow th way to Iheaa young mlnda that haven't oven uapetd Ita -rtttl way 10 do thla, ta lo bava Ibo four nd of tba ribbon bald by aa many pretty youag gtrla. A nowar method la la ba vo two hrtdaoraald uncoil tba rllbon n altbar aid aa Ibay advance, tbua making a pathway for tha brld Tba bridal eorttgo la new Often e ranged bI a bona wedding, much a It would b al church, except that Iher are fewer brldeareetds and uahera. Ac cording lo Ibla plan, th groom and I. la beat man enter by a aide door. If there la one. In any caee, thay ailp in quietly, and atand at Iho left of lhal eifrBa, 7. tnll amiiilw I b4a4 by aaarU mt Svabaf. a alagta b-f4atMl4 a rr f aiWalag I baas, lb bHa cbib Ul wiib br faibae. Adig I aiui lbar aa4b4. Iba go firat. ba lb b ata. Baal II. a brMtttttAtd. Iba NUi a4 frwbas atilat tag 4usIb, If ibo a-iib lake plaro la Iba af larww. II la laiWa4 If a c4UIIa aawd la Ibo 4:lbg twaabv Ibaro la ao formal airaca. guttle goiag la a Ibay tltata. atltr wlahlag oy la lb bridal cwpi Tba reffaebatani tay b r la olabwrai. la aor4sr Willi tn Mtaaa a4 Ita It of lb Itwat II I utual i tao owa or rnmr tbtAitaI tfiaba. o;-riaIly If uma ef lb w4- 411. g gseal bavo rso fra a diets', tlalllan, a4cba, cKlcbaa, r lab el ar a la 4. en-auaiic. bra. cake sad cffa aaaka a tiffvriant bill of far. If win la aarved II la uauatty cbam bag rva Tbe rualom of having a lb labia large weddlag rak. bandaonaely frlat. Itavar gta Mil of faahloa, Kot a email bb4 quit! w4j!ag. ira rafraah. mania anay rnalal atia;ly of cake aa4 win, (wffa may b eubtllutd by tha wb dlaapprav of tha Utter. PERSONALS GAME WARDEN CATCHES LONG WANTED FISHERMAN Th Tlle. Or, Juna 14 District 0m Wardtn U mil arraalod O. IUmm fr taking aturgooa lea than foar fat la length front tba Columbia rlvar. When arratad llanaan bad half a doaea email aturgroa from IT tncbaa down la II Inches Ibal ba bad caught aa a sat lie ba had p La cad ta tb river. Tba gam ardn La fa bn after llan aan for aams time. Jta conducts r laurant on Klret atreot. and lb of ficars have believed that ha was aup- plllng bio restaurant with flab naught out af season, but ha was too running for t ham until Mr. lt swooped down an Mm and rrade a starch ef hi boat bafora he aould eecrete Iha fish, I CWaUal Uiatb awaahlso aAl Ixrtr af gat) raale U 4 4 Iba atUiBi4 It W. WUi aa-4 H A, Walls. AistBaag af VMtr. Ik C. in s toio I ibo MilMbA, aV4 Ilkia4) aaJ MMr, karlletJt sr lei. f t'auo4 fwi tr r (! a in Maiitaaab, ft H. JaAktagaa a aVtaaiaaa gAa Bf sTaA. 4 W US J gitaota al lb M.ilBtBafc. I. A. 1-ba.B. H.ia (BAA af Wl-t flir, Meal. ba4 tie. ' (wa! al le Mollb'Avaa, Iai4 blare J ard an, sr14et f 4ie fw4 atkltafMly. a4 J. B. Maibjaalt. of bo farallr. a4 Stlb ar a lb 4liaa. lur MciwirA, frull gwe of i4 nivoe. 4 A gat I al Ibo gbwr. K. A. nbltal4. A baallMBO Baa f aWlaen. la f gweal al Iba Iwl 11. T. Webb, A BHiain aua r vyini lAba Idab, la a gue al Iba si A. Q. Ilitaler. f lb l4 MAy, f ia4 la a gwawl al Iba eWward. C. C Cum-, a wbasl maa af Allan-. (Mtlts. Vtina la gueel at la aM. W, aV -ulat, ll lt am of I.rla. M'nK, ard wlf. ar sl al lb (Wa ard, t "bat La A. ISIara, a VitalaeM bbaa af K). I gueal al lb aWward. W. K, alrCaAny, a rJlra4 maa at, tpokan. la a gutel al lb Howard. air. X. r. Mody. wlfa of a maraaaal f kUat, la gueel al iba fxrtla4 V Hilar IUnly. lb promttvaat raaA eiwf of Uurna, Or, ta a gvaal Al Ik rrtlBAd. .' laB J. Mooro. th klal maa af aid. U a gMtai at lb lrtiaad. Olebrat Al WaJtfpoti. WaldpaM. Or. Jsne It. A cbam mealing wra said at Xar hall mday sight at which ormlllA war appotat- ' 4 to prtfaro for a grand labrUa bar July 4. Nature and a Woman's Work' has produeod tha most rucatoaftU raxs dy f o woman's Ills tha worlt ha over know. Nar?y forty years ag LydlA CL Flat- bam of Lynn. Mas, dlaeavaral eonv blnatlon of roots and barb properly compounded ha a moat rail ah la remedy for of female Ilia To rsator a normal healthy condition ta th female ytm, Lydta E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Is tho stand ard remedy of tho world. overej a 00 nv 10 which when - 4jk proved to ba for all f anna KAt t; t Hit gray hair and baldness made Lira ' look too old. Young looking men aro wanted to fill positions now-a-dayt old : looking one are passed by and often re placed. Do not be in the old looking clots -get rid of your gray hair and don't get bald. Beii today wing HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. It will restore thoe gray nairs to ineir nstuxai color in noNtne, Keep your calf dean and free lititn candnirj giving the new hair a chain to grow and thus prevent baldnen. Don't delay it may mean lota nf position or Inability to gel a new one. HAY'S HAIR HEALTH will keep yoti looking young, , l.CO sad 50e at Drag Stores ar direct epos receipt at price a4 dealer name. Scad 10c for trial boa la. phflo Hay Spec. Co Nawark, N. J. Tot ll, ad -tweomiMBaAd Hf BUd toor Crug Co. ' a torial purification to all who " main tain tholr trust In God and In the re demptive work of Jesus. However blind may be their faith, "they shall be saved so as by fire." Purgatory for ethers Also. Tho pastor declared that many Protestants, recognizing the Ulblp teaching of Justification by faith, fall to note that even wherr tho Lord cra- clously forgives the sinner and gives' him of his favor, he often still-gives : him tests or punishments for such por-; lion or nis transfjression as woull he! represented by any wilfulness on his' part. Immunity from punishment for, transgression is granted only on thai score of inherited weaknesses and beset- I ments. In this sense of tho word. then. all Christian people receive purgatorial ' experiences,, chastisements. . Such St. ; Paul urges, saying, Tf we would judgu ! (chasten) ourselves, we Bhould not be ! Judged (corrected) by the Lord. But when we are Judged of the Lord we are chastened (given purgatorial experi ences), that we might not bo condemned I with the world" to share with th.ej world in the experiences which wik come to mankind in general under th Messianic kingdom. The great time of trouble which came npon the Jews in the ond of tholr ago, ended their national life, and it has con tinued with the- Israelites for all the centuries since. It will continue until tho establishment of Messiah's king dom, when the New Covenant of Jere miah 5cxxi:31, will go into effect, carry ing with It tho cancellation of all sin and tba blebsing of Israel and all the nations of earth. But before that glorious day, the Scriptures Intimate clearly, God will i have a further reckoning with the I Gentiles and especially with the portion called Christendom. Richly favored, tbe responsiDmuea nave been proportionate. ins squaring oz that account means "a iima 01 irouoie saon s never was since there was a nation.'; But It will not ba in another world nor In another life nor eternal In duration. Instead;' God .will merely permit the race, in selfish- ess or heart rejecting his counsels, to eck present civilization to such an exVent that, unless thoso days were shortened, there would no flesh be savVl. But on account of the elect thpk days will be) shortened, by th establishment of God's kingdom, to re straint evlL no enlighten tho worlrTand to a!ft-tho-wiIling and obedient back duty for three or four It la certainly worth attempting. A 100 horsepower turbine, driven by the explosion of producer gas and air. 1h running a hlRh voltage dynamo suc cessfully in a German city. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 122J TODAY marks the beeinnlnz of this most Imoortant dm merchan. IWJ disirte event Eighteen "Owl" atorea observing: "Tho OwYu" Twen- tleth Anniversary by offering savings that command the attention of iSf the most thrifty. IBS Every day this week we will offer something; different. Tomorrow we have planned COMBINATION DAY. Every two items grouped together at the price of one, and in some instances even less. At no time during this week's safe will any item be repeated Tomorrow, Combination Day The Second Day of Our aAnniversary Sale &3 is Wednesday will be Household Day, and dozens of items that will fo-fl interest every household will be way underpriced. hiJ We reserve the right to limit quantities to purchasers, and we cannot promise advertised articles to last throughout the day. Deliv- erics will be made at our earliest possible convenience. Lid "The Owl" desires to extend to all Rose Festival visitors an in- vitation to make this store their headquarters. Well gladly check Ijjifj your parcels free of charge and cheerfully furnish any information desired. (tT Here Are the Combinations for Tomorrow m, at . . a at Wb . t a luc Dottie or reroxiae oi Hydrogen and a 10c, 2-oz. pack age of Absorbent Cotton. TheC Sabsrb) af OiUttd. CtUftmii al . ' 1 Tlttb tbtilar 11 , . tl.a.. . fw a mw vtj 1 j t v vuiau m vvncc wit rjjttba Pacific Cout Chartered n '4L. I110'- laa" cumaie.- emnnce V(i(ijJ " induttioo reQulremenii if? V IIV eauiraJent to those of (nford r S M A UiUrertiry and Unlrerelty of Cal ifornia, nearby. Laboratories for clence with modern equipment. Excellent opportuoiuet for home economic!, library ttndy, rauilc art. Modern rymnaiium. Special care for health of tttidentat out door life. Chriitian influennt; ondcnomlnatlonaL Pretident I.uella Clay Canon. A.. M., LI. D. For . catalopio addrera Retiitrar, Millt Collere P. O.. Calif. amporule M Frets a 10c package of Corn Plas ters, with any Corn Preparation sold tomorrow. a for 19c A a a iuc package Lnveiope a 5c Pen Hqlder Sc worth of Pen Points, and 15c Writing Tablet. Fred . for 29c. a combination package of Soz- odont, containing bottle of Soi odont and a large size package ( of Liquid. 4 for 50c a 20c stick of Williams' or Colgate's Shaving Soap and a 1 a SOc Post Card Album with rrec. every SOc purchase of Stationery ( ) -a SOc bottle of "Owl" Alkal - -d Solution with anv Atomizer our fnr 20- . ( chased tomorrow. ay V t- AC- IUl 131. or 15c- a 15c Hygeia Nursing Bottle ri s mi. Nmn a. I ne fwn rnr the price of on t F a 25c Tooth Brush and a 15c Tube of Lesley's Dental Cream. AH for less than brush alone. Freew : f ) a 25c ine ) poo wit ur- ajl.Haii Dackatra of Rexall Sham- with every $1 bottlo of Rex- Hair Tonic. ree a gold rim Medicine Glass with every Prescription- tomor row only. or 29c . a 10c Styptic Pencil a size "Owl" Witch Hazel Cream, and a 2ac bottle of Bay Rum. ree. a $1 Sterling Silver Deoosit- ware Perfume Bottle with every dollar's worth of Perfume or Toilet Water. for 25c. I 6 cakes of Palm OHva Soap, ; worth 50c, and a 50c jar of ralm ! Olive Cream. I.' v r one of our regular 10c Face Chamois or Powder Puffs with! every box of Face Powder. 1 ree. a nickel-plated. Collapsible Drinking Cup with any purchase of 25c or over. for 15C -w-. a 25c. Nail Buffer a 15c Hand Brush and a cake ) size vOwl" Nail Bleach of Churchill s Soap, both for the ( ( two for the price of one. for 39c, a' Raetdent and Dar Bohool for Girls liT charsa of fiiatora of Bt. Jobs Baptist (Epiaoopall OtUtgiata, Aea4tml aa Bltaatstary ntpartaMBta, Matlc, Art, Elocution, Oyaiaaaiu. For eatalosaddreat THE SISTER SUPERIOB OtOoa 3, St. Helena UaU lalsS NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. Crfa ! CMitimU Omrm. Malic Art. Elocniaa and Cestaier- ! eial Dcyta.XnMaataaa' Dat aWiaa-Keaaed Moral aa4 ' lateUectaal Tralaiar. Write f or AaaoaaeeaataL AAdreta price of one. Freel ) a 10c Face Wash Cloth with? j ) every purchase, of Toilet aP, ree. a good SOc Razor Strop with every Kazor purchased here morrow. for 17c a 20c oackaire of "Owl" Foot (Comfort and a 25c bottle of (Owl Corn Paint for 25c- Wbaaah, -A IUl 0a7C'rS"-"ba1 and a 25eT a full pint of ach. Thej (hoi with every ne. j ( cohol Stove. Si for SOc Denatured A!cp- SOc Glangan Al-j a 25c Transparent Celluloid Comb and a good 5Qc . Hair Brush. 1 an 8xl0-inch jenlar'gement with 1 every order for Photo Develop ing and Printing of SOc or over. 1 4 a 25c Nail File and a 25c size of "Owl" Nail Shine. Tvo artt eles lor the price of one. for 43c e 1 ) a i- , Cutic 'for tl -4 Free- a cake of Cuticura Soap and j Cuticura Ointment. I he two the price of ointment alone. Freei: free -. . Fi 1 a Rubberset Lather Brush, M a 25c Celluloid Baby Rattle V with every $1 package of Gil- j with every package of Baby ) lette Razor Blades. .Food. n . u 1 a 2Sc can of Harmony Bath Powder with every Bath Sponge worth 50c or more. - Free. a 25c bottle of "Ow!" Smelling salts with every Headache Prep aration of 20c or "over. Free- I a Parisian Ivory Tootff Brtuh 'Kack with every Tooth Brush worth 25c or over. r Free- -a 10c, 2-oz. packaee of Cotton 1 and one Sc, 1-mch Roll of Band 1 age with every package of Anti 1 phlogistine, Resinol or Poslam. free! To Be Given Away Tomorrow A Sample Package of GOLDMAN'S HAIR RESTORER Enough in each package for several applications. Don't hesitate to ask. this is our busy week, but we are not too busy to. give you one. ral? ' ' ESTABLISHED lSOi'':-;-:; ' , ;' , . '. ' -F I V'i-rV, af7 . ' ' - tT . Vbms aaf I m 1 11 11 i. 1 1 I...... 1 1 1 :i ""' Seventh and Washington Streets EIGHTEEN OWL , STORES " OX THE PACIFIC TOAST into thd Imsgo and likeness of Ood, 1