THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE C. !9it n i! IJQK.Ui. Vt-HHUA tU ! -l osk i. -m ; a-ata -4 " . , 4 Ml "J a 5 a-aa, a..i.i m. I . k. - " . lk..k i I -. -i a 1 . v tl t I. 1, ,j aa.4 I 1 aa.4L - ilH. lie '' fci.i Al VTiOH' II .-la, ..U.. ia.. 1 - ln ! at. ' Ik, a. M , ! l " - l! ai bkt f in rti .( 9 '- I v I t A ". J -' ri . l.ji -' ,. ha i aJ "ltia.4 v 4 U ' Vi- It A'taAfcuAlV- . , ; - ! 'jkL (i t ll.A 4 I I. a- . l4 J ft i 1 1 i.S. I .t I... ..'( I,. I I- I.Ik 1 ' ,i.f. a ..I r. frwfc. t.k i : ; f.i. 41 luMiUU x. WiMtlHt .. J IB 4 lh.:!.rcfb-19l2 1. 1 a . lit . , 1 1 . : !. t! ; .-ii. al IM Iv. ;j:i 111." ' ! .K ti,B li at! J iHt at4 Miuttil.. i-Uij ' Mini kMl till 4 Iiiihi a ..' (. i m i 1 Ti4hLn :ii '' i I n.m ate Ak f i Hmuii lc.. l ! I'M ..M. lit If)l veil p.alclicj 1 Ml IB lUlllfltl'' . T rrn iiii Vi"i ! to IIKXII) ttll ! .UraUsiu l . Iirffl n. ! fhil Huillri, M lMr I i I'M MA IX - liul lfulolt. a dlln. iU ! ia.) of oi. mi Wa. it I'lilUM I'd I " , .i Mli-K i.I Uihi n '. 'i IXC lu iUo. all l.of llinit'"l Udlan lulrt Bl. Lira. HS Xadiaoil i ri1f . IJ ,"TFP l.rCIV iTi t!lirr lit.f .a. vtr riap fn Htal-lra. I 1 1 h anl iK iiiii Inn. ! l i.a At afcj aii I.. . I i h-i a - I (J I 1 Jl ! tot ia wifa.ab' t I . ! .a i n-i a Uim km i- J vl a ' tati kalLii j m a t4lla f t-at II la Ika li aaa u.rl lia.i -4 a al mM li tuaiad ra:a fi a4 ai-ilM4 HKUHotlM Ala- -14 (vitiw4 I frw a aaj jai4 1 HvCaa,i It jaflrIM . ' J tkj J.rf.i- Hit A 'ill EaCICAl' a it l.irti' aiiaa aKMkAa i..iaia la A' , all l4i Kl rt.itl l.fcl laal. t.n, , i i iut . ti ;.a 4Mi 1 I m a I i.i H.a.t oialtaafc l I- im,w a- w ' a IM.I. ':' .'."" 1 " " 11 .1 wm aia.. ....f-H. tlu.U IMI n,l .all4la ) ! j'J'.T ... . Hal rt IM la. Mali t business oiaccTony aai lak t. ( ' H.... Uala till Ct.l U biihhiJ-U. 4 THOUKariK IX t'uaMi.r H: t Mala aitf nr fiUAa aid LicTorino tt liMI'Sn i'ii. AM ! afcj airrlfw tna S lai !' A I I 8 a ABOJMTKCTB K1U .! kT MAhlbt'T. La4ta af aa4 loav ai lti kali aa. a-li aaia aaaalcilas 1 1 aa4 lrManl4 ll Wa. aar MM M - r- - - a- - AC tEVBari Hut IM trala4 ria. " avail ai4a aiuiu4 il Haaa4 14 A CLKAVIli LAl-IkH fal taira'i I la fcrteaol hiMRM t4rr.4 lltHl la- hliuw rfcaul. al l'iai lalluia laa 4ma akn ukjf i ii in.l a 4 la .a la I ailh g fioa f c a i g. W t Wall. IT, III K..U..M14 I'Uf iAMi: iiiii ai I im.i fvaiaiM ak fl axraaanil ..iki fnJr a i rlica ji. f Ika UaaaaL aoi tllul ta. t mi raa 1 I la i rta ) ha Um, ! i or li.ii(((n . ;ta uil mail 111! 1.11, ira'.K. I f i" T R.-ulhla ! id hl ' tii.Mi Cttf Via HE A!. HlHODM lj a ai ikp at aha uk I. a uj; a af I klfh fiaJ ya4 al aaM fHrT V (imiiiiIm ll.c 'ffiM u-akr ikj nvoiila al: U4 la am I l aaa aa. tuiiki --al ljlr iwhIii. al' Win. i'i Aftkct lih aaa W.).ii ....1 A.l.lic. J II Dcf k"ln.lia I aah- kill:-Uehl a!lerr irurh for litilrtiar or crwar; aaranltad I'hcma la. I li;i r a.l ?M TLAiJrt aMa.l fur rad.i.f p"."! Mrmana M.! 'l,..i. Warahall 1 . : - UVWKKH "noWK fi Miii At V ll llr'.l.U i l.litli.l lH ii..i iachtc. ii;.-a ii.if.iJ t -r;t.i III" heff I'irftc H.l.lri if ! air l 1- ft. let. lea lliel r U KbraMccl J I. M.Jr HIH !!... Uaiahatl III! III I I'l.l'B T M'rrl, full -4uif.-rJ. till. Ill alul lutx for aila ilir,t. of aoulj ".luMti lra)a for . ! r.c 111 I'alt ra1 hnuaa ari.1 ..l or tliua aim llh auln If aulla Mual Ih- ft taliia nil) Juurnal i T A Ii K h A Tl o f a i 1 1 r. ( f o " A ulma bll i a In 1 1 n aptHUllir Fourth floor roiir, 1 1 at a no t iurif tun aia ft.,.. Vlain ll At'lu iiail and alo'aa '! 'iaranlra4 all ailnracl hrln Ttia Co a all Oarag. ITlh and llaatharaa. i lull M I.K- ! a..i rr aula In coot) I r J! Hi. ti I c0 Ii! caali. Ilanra lio a inuMh la iaioiillia iarl. 111. a t 'T rir )ir- 1 11 Juurnal iT tf T a at a ,-aaaaii(n anlorair!la In Mm rlaaa rjn Aarlr Kaat Hid l..llrr Hoihi rKl i f ( Tanil.111 al I'hi.m V. mt fll lM AthK A .1..l a, traAa aa4 laanaivD i UUmii m aabiaaiM at. I H I f cklkJraax axvt i). I1IS t-h W'aI.aKK. i.iiii ajwlcaii yra tttataaaa af .aaa l.4 arul akla Mia i.Mk loir . vlrra aauil- ataaa ai4. ar. ala4Aa aaj il III 11' I at, r-l iilllt fTSl II f. I'u-laal lH't:n alriill an4 i!!im.M I. a I ar 11 tx.k rln,i.(i) l.l l.ii ' otf lc ft!1. Wl'llatt.a ii'r iuil!r Hoii nfi.a i.i la m t.i I . in (.ft A A rtl I.. M I'laa aa ft aoiMrn inii'ij ! lalMHMi fiaa 11 W.rrhani Traal a!) ia mfA Wukimm J"'" 4"4' lii-aliiS' .ip ar.ll:l. facial lral-tnc-rtta. Iluuin i, top flooi 7! IS UoiiUoii at ilAl'AUi: Ixrt.l.l.K aplfHuaf m-nlal tw-lrnll.l Ml Hid al Main AaaATUaV Wll 14 CHiiKlu'iH, a .a far a. aaa rtkl air.iia laWah U Wi.!.TKA a fl. . Mk.llll. Ma lllaa aiaiaktli 111! II ainrM AVXQUMtTB tj-aVAktru amu m.aiAa C tX riCat TiavAvala HUKAfl Cav. . lataa aa4 " a -f ik V'aak 'taj aiaaia !T a4 f.iwf laall lw laal H W 14 Aava -1aa la. r a a I lr lata .J ta4 f a'ia a i-x U I a )a aa la ant It Mrwik aaia I alt tlaaaaaiU aa4 I1)) Mtaia Wan l A lilt tUaii-'SATlA a ria'ta Yiaaaf C. ! lll'-A llll rt4fi M UK l llll VAILaUa At.rMiH millHJi, in Lakava . 14 aA Ui.tlMlu eVlt la a tiriouTiii U1TMII ao riMatta I HAH t. MAIIKK A ttl. 11 aa-l Jaarlllaa; kaA ialaar al itaiKt.rtik flKjIaar) laaVaVAXCil a, K tiM-.K. Atloiti'y at lal 11. IK aUallacta ll.l I t:t e,.!. ' Ha! Mala lav uiUa4 f.i tvoui ar nt uiiM Mallury 4 l lar, ! 1-IK'Ml u Xlala ! k i . ... In.t . .ii i " ' Jam ki-l taj. Mill at III an aitka laa.. Maa.l.ii A u... i. io)a'a. at aar a-aa-Aa. Haiiaarati lt)a atracl atan.iHa! -.k ii. rit(, . , tti'talan III t ram A Hull .( Cam Mill ivvrnca. hl.crir' ar.-liir1 t 1 if. I i.r-a tS3 t l..i t m I nnrnnrii:ii-it a a ttm k wfc rrl prar-ll. 41111 lana l)4t " al tltk Ilia In t o. . attxrm ISilla4 lr Ik m4 Com kid a A l'l fill. I r - . -r - . - -. . . . . Hi. .ti.jr iimim m F w i . I.Ida k-tara fiiaflr.arar ) JllllS -I !-. aul Unl.. an if. Inaaa llll fa l-IJa M all BATMa aid twimtua tiHTI.AM ria inui.lrit Italia. I? th. i4i Moift.on f.''.cgat. ljr and ir'ni. UiM ICTCI.B KErAIaVIVa M' l. r: rlaa II nr. tr.old Mf. art a.ia naar birga vlAta( OUX UAKXBJ llUl lAVItt fXikJfANT. Ml Id tit, tlank IVvak raTl . a.nia tot Joaaa anirovad I n. 1 f l ira: a laa at rt-rvha lavf A llll Mala III. aCQMlQ TACmtaVA Mt Mi' I.:miiI nti alalia .! aikn. apwial iiln ! tf.lnl.l ail mem . nta laurlil ll!0 III a K I-. lull land Mr llrlrn I nf lili ST I'TTli.i.tiiiH.S .lull iMrk.r. mii1 rWarlti tlarauarr A-OI Mar III! ii lllh Main II; ' 01 'AM PAU fuN HORTOAOfB af aal I UOOXBIJTDZBt. In va-ailon 111 H MAOiaaav U TKKNKMAN A Co . hrdraulm and partal plla arnnka alarka. ell lanka mining marhlnarf, all rrpaira. Ill N l(h. M0TOx7TCx.a f-.siAzacaa Or aallar a julir la roelrari aa ra i aataia la W aahlnaloo or H K Nnaia. t.umhartnna felda l-ana i lama Til K JullN I'lI'TMAIt CO. Macailna. mual.- and law boo la HI I'Allta af all klnla; a laa Mrtrl U Urtiaa lound. Mnnk toui and nnaa Iraf ea- If UU.M V .VTKI t-liillT frh dalrjr rnaa lth taltr: llolalaln. and jTarf Alao fma family mat Jual frrah. I tar anlrr avarr i-ow aa rrprrarntr!. J I. Mayttrrry. .0 Harold avr nrllo.l nr. ' A HKAlTI Will aril. rrA-ardlraa of coil, Bhl- tan.l pony frV'fia Kal till kilvS roaa. yimm and airnllri. and I allona rli'h milk. ud lo hallar. I K. Jlin al . Hi l-I.VK Jrn llrdra ay aalc. I h anj I Vi it nAl.K A 1 1 1 -a I . - a i. r r Whllr Miaamrr auti"tll at a t-r-iratn (1. A CiJh, II 7 Taun I'lJ Main :l J 7TT lull HA IK Ural nir(i4C II0C9. pay lie (.- r i.ionl'i on .t Ini. : t-l. I par rrnl t.lva m Md X-IOJ. Journal. MOKY TO !OAN C'HATTKI-S, HAM It 11) t3T lifM'fill runalK.ul it aala nr for a !! In olio of ur(ianl i II I oS Journal Va7T Kit Aulontoliliak. rlnna rrpalrlnr trrr (rail. auburba. iow for M V car UaTJ-uf ln-li rum and pilnei for aal- al j:i H. Main r-i . l.nila ltl LTKT nd (i 8AL.K Ijaylnc hrna. II ilm . a fbaby rriima; crop m rny ikjihh-. a.iaa, chrau. Krnral Jnhnaon. lalaml lallon. a do lirt Portland Auto ftrhooi A lara to . J 1 1 111 horn air f.aaftena'rr arr.i . t In iimm! ri'niiinc ordrr Mui he old. aorlh mnrr f.i.irrv I't.nn Main 7?T AI'T't a fltal pmrfi( on hiu tal- nnra m aulf Mr Mr. Karrla. 1 lh. Vacalion loans And lrir !. lo IV a I (nam 1 1 A to, 1 1 00 Al lha lowral tatra All rriilr la that on ba rm ployrd on aalary, and y'u Srt money fulrklr tallhoul 0iorlar. Indorarr or olhtr arrurlly fall and r- Hi. I xi It now. State Security Co. r.iii.a iiUd LAI N( AM) DO ATS fit EaKKEU Horn arm pura Klnnlct alock. 111. and baby chlika. Hoyi. Btllarood Von HA UK tlna f ull-blolHl Uufl 'o- fhln hi-na, etna roualrr. to roukarala, fhap. W. - Klnnay. jtK2'.'Ki aU ff.RE bred Whlto WyaodoUa and tlar rad Rock nana for aala. cheap. Thone Pallaood III). W"ffl""y!. SaThT aril Huff Orplnjt tona, on- rooatrr, 10 laylnn ht-na. l. Ovatia. 1710 K. Ulli l . Krllwo'Hl. I I KK l.rt-d babv ohlcka. K. M. Oay, 4234 4Id avr-. f?. K. W. W. car. 1HX.9 AND HOUSEHOLO I'ETS 48 GRKAT PANE Pl'PPIE8. Thorounhbr-d pupa, 7 wreka old. for le fh-ap. X-65J. Journal. BOYD the Aog man, all popular brrada for aala. Boardlnir. 617 l- ront. a-jbih. rlt KAI.K al a . rlflr. faal :o ft motor boat. 10 II I', duubla ryllndrr -nglnn. run on a-akon, full aqulp n"'", "J':''irnal La V S ClC tor alctnrii"boat foal IJitf! ill laka 1 lo aril quirk. C-lll. Journal r'ult rlAl.K MotorLoat Von-iel IT mil raarnnable KJNK llral ..I . hjIiiIm. Pliona Marakall I0II. apaad very mil family launrh for aalr. Plum- PrllwtXHl 1 1 at 4 777 Kaat KlIt.MTlItE VOH SALE 83 JM ralllnc lllila; I r I I I I I i ii JtriXKY lo loan on furnlturr., planoa. ulna, live Mixk. a'.ornar-. r.'-lnia. rral ratal and . onirari at lotvrai ralra and alrinlv ronf'il !al U. ft. KKaL KSTATK AND HH'iKKR AUK t't . IIJ Hamilton bid Main 1014. 111111111 I I I I tn at I'lior Marahall I : accxjfzia caad ii WAIMtKN fti.N'H TItl'iTION ft) BlraaM pavlna. aldaaalk ai.d iioal.ia. Ill FWK bldf THK II4HIIIM ANI'll )'.T A VlVii CO. Portland offl. its r!r.lrt- bldar CikfBT WE A Tilt Ci pllava and rapalrlr.a l Hurnairta OBTBOATBJO FgTI?IAai DH I'aUiaiia (X Oataa. II yaartjr aiparl. artca tAllnr nttiou and cbrvala diaraa-a. It; Abmaloo bid afar. III, lire l a ra lo p til. Vr hmllti. araduaia v i at v 1 1 1 Al l. evafcaa raataA aaAlr4. a4A .' aaat kaaaa '. . ill i.r aaaaa 111 (a aaiMi IIIW 14 al Mar l CUES' BY SIMPLE, SAFE AND RlIUAiUfi MLTHODS vrat)vTBmua CAllTWrtiail Llllina aaallt lOlIT A fa. lit Maiaaaax, aa. IpCC a. faaaJlata rtMa'tl illIlE a vara auatal 4 Wala II II I va WO TACPVM CkJaAaBBA Ualdaa H Vraa riaaaaaa lit . 1 1 k. M . A A ralra. M ki WUL JBAILUa jama vr nia-n. t: artlllaa aa. iraa-iet. fl yr r.l-na-. a a.Tl lat. t. ilia any depth IK 11 Vaaraaiaf aaa I a ii i. a . ,,,iai i.i .i.n y ( u l J r L' T Ax v j GEE j wo WKOLIIALI JOBBBBB HVIJiniMJ llkau. ravJM aaair.lai aaa rvr k n I a II rri iwnaa Of trtiaaaa Mela I T A If AiL ST a c. DiarHUit1 ioha or riBCiaAB ltiNTi.Asrv on v:. . . . : : . " - . - " WA.'IIAAI A 1U . aaaiara f Chinese Herbalist Isaa h.i rraauiarturra aa4 awtta faaAiawa Ha aaa laa! eta. la Ika ytere Ihal If 0 U W f I ar I U ad j-di In la II. i. .i I. bad aa optMarluait, of iirrin naay lara raaa af aitkara an) la r.i ti. effaria af taod.rii u .di. upon ihuai dlaaaaaa aa coarpalr,) j K( a.4n main. al ! ialaatM a ad Mala. !' That be kaa fviloa.d lb older A U.K IB i J HiaCWAl tJC I tat kod af mblli,f Htknaaa l.oa IBat ha ceaaider II b-attr. No puieone ia fla by hlna and no oparailoa ara raaortad la Ha baa leaiimonlal frum patUnla be auffrr4 from moal ry kiaoaa dlaaaaa and by allln- al lila of. flra you may knoar from II. am Iba ra. BaAravabla cure I hat be brought about. poairrad iai H7 li vi ifr? Mo, rlllnrf 111 blda SOUTH V KHT I. ft) WtiltKH. riifra from I oiii rarpcia. rac ruga. inr ri riraning 111 I'jilon in n-ar K Morrlaon i'K.SINSI l.A Hui"oi kaTiai;' - r.l and rii Ills nlton nf Woixlln !. l-OHTCANf) ant) efflra. Wood Pipe Co. I'arlory lllh and York Main III 9 stmt: CTJPOLSP poctouj 135 X flCiTiT. nWCorAkra nCADQCTIArt. rAIXT. OIX ABT) OXVABB CARPET CX.'2AlBO JOVCi: lllfi i.t. ITIr.-lrlf Clrnnlnc Worka. rartw-ta . l. nruj iin.l laid. rr-rittlnK our ap-l!lv K. It" IMM.? rn K lllh N. I-Mll II irr"lii rnrirt rlranti'C .ail Paul K Pottrr. M.-irrlmll 4 115. high pnwar va.-'iuni prn-'im rivi'-hlni. 8rKt'I Al. FOR Tilt." WEKK ONLT. til R RAS8 HEP8, M 75. Other artlclra radurrd ari-ordlnaly 'rana itapma r umiiure av Hi. Mor rlaon. Kaat "II. GfmO rani-, rli -a p. and other furnl I nr. No d-alara. Phona Kaat tlM or rail 4S3 K Pine at LOST AND Fm'ND St FOK SALE MISC1JLLANEOL8 18 OUTFIT FOR SALE. On account of leaving the atate, will aell gradlnar outfit conaliiting of good teams. 7 dump wagona, t other wagona, automobile, plow, acrapera, ateam iww and tools. Steady work goes with th vutflt. Phone Marshall 2181. U. B. LIAlao Portland Wood Yard. Ninth and Gllsan. one of the beat located and longvesUbllsheil In the city. Steam saw witn elevator ana i wooa waguna u with the yard. Poth phoncw. tXJP. riAl.E New and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tablea. and bowling alleya and acceasorlea; bar fl urea c all klnda; easy payments. Tha Prunawlclr-Balke-Cr.r.ender Co.. i-4l nth St. Phones Main 7. A-17. LOST Or stolen, from Montavllla, bay mare pony, weight 800 lbs, long mane and tall, white ring around left hind foot. 335 Roaa at. LOST lidv'a a-ulil watch, with pin. No. hu9fi4. Plcaae return to 275 Henton st I. II. ami reward. XV K sell cash regleirrs. acalea, credit reglatera, cheese cutters, coffee mill, etc.. at greatly reduced prices, either for cash or payments. The Portland Store Supply Co.. 260 2d at. Marshall 4641 SEWING Another lot of - used machines of all makes; must be eold for storage; every one In first rlasa order, at your own price. 292 3d M.. corner Columbia St. POR BALE Sewlnif nini'hines. new or second hand. Sinjser, W. & ., While. New Royal and othern. 236 Runsell, rear Rodney. Knut 448. fcVKCIAL Rale of slightly us-d Mlnner "W. & W.." White and Standard sew ing machines; easy payments. CaII 382 y Morrlaon near Omnd. BAND saw, combination dado nnd cut- ' off, pulleyB, shafting. Mrs. R. Hnl man, Troutdale, Or., care Charles K. W 1 lson, R. R. No. 2. KLIGHTLY used casn reajlxters, credit LOST Hh'- mare 7 ytarg old, weight h In hi t 1100 Iba.; mar on left aide, and left hind foot. Phone Kant 4810. LUST Gold hrarefet. June 4. Liberal reward. 204 Falling. Phona Wood- lawn 8 86. LCTST l.ltlle black, curly dog, white feet. Reward If returned to 117 Al blna ave. KOTICE3 20 HEALED bids will be received at the office of. the undersigned, 40L' Tllford bulidlne. Portland. Uregoti, until 6 p. in. Tucwlay. July 2. 1912, for m'hool sup Tillis. Speclrlcatlpns may ho hud at the office of the clvrk. Samples may bo obtained ut the office of the purchas ing agent. Atkinson school. 12th and Da vis. Certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of ciicli n'U. payable, to the order of R. 11. Thomas, school clerk, must ai'Compar.v each proposal. The hoard of directors reherves the rleht to reject any ana an bias. it. it. thomas. henool Cleric Dated June B. 1912. MONEY TO UUN. On autoa, planoa. furuiuirp. Ilrrstnck. warrhouaa recelots. contracts, mort gagee or anviklng of value. Pualness strictly confidential. ADOLPJir" LANK. . Main 111 44 Ahlngton Mdg. Drake's Easy Money "uu FMrnlhd aelarled p-opl without ae corlt Indoreement. delay, deception or eitortlon; cheapeat rates, beat and moat private terms In Portland. 107 (yielding bldg. Fn-ceaaora :o HtTT TON CRFTP'T CO. RiW r?To"R b a 1 a n t t:r pf:OpLK Women keeping hotiee and otera for nlshed without security, rheapeat ratea. eaaleat payments. Coma and get money hen you want it. and pay as you can. Otficea In all principal cltlaa. IX H. lolman. 117 Lumber Exchange. CMlmCPILACTIO PHTE1C1AX HAVE rHen thoiianniH i'f dt'titinenla: 'IM.IT1' I'ajh of fire ?d nndWaah COAL AND WOOD r. F, REACH A CO, Pioneer Paint Co, I Kiral al Main III. A-74S. .iiSkTS a. lO.. )Tiia k ta i..ird paint. a cor Id A Taylor M. A-P7I aAiarxo iwd rAFiiniu rOK lfct work In paint In ir. rtc , phone Main 47. We plnl anvlhlng any time, anywhere. No work tov lilgh for ua lo reach. u. J. Prcei-ou & i'. ;in. i ftark t. HPFCIAI. . rvk,; Plllt.'KH ON JaJrt iJlTU C.HI KN H'.Ji.tT WiMMi. 13.60. OR KEN 4 FOOT WOP, ) 10. INSIDE OH PEN Plloritll.lO. DRY PHORT woor BAWDl'HT. for fuel and baxJJtng The Tcrtland Slabwccd Co. (...Kii. work, my mono. , Oalxiuni ?ii F Wash. R2 1 7.E . 4? I 4 1 II. "li KMIIi. I 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 tlnlln- - pering; aatiarartnry wora. Kaat llll V. D. Srrith Fuel Co. Dry fli alah and block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL iC, SLABW00D CO m'VtV.i Green alabwood. big and small Inside bloik wood, planer trlm'ara., cordwood. PRIVATE PARTY Advances on pianos, watches, diamonds, Jewelry, storage receipts, real estate. I work reasonable and confidential. Elhv Compana. S20 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Ptnrk. Main 4il7. SEE FRANK LANE for a loan on pianos, household goods. autos. livestock, atorege receipts, mort- traa-ea. anything of value: It will cost vou If s. t all ana get our prices, tiuy HwetUiid bldg.. Mh and Washington. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, mortgages, equities, chat tels, diamonds and real security; spo- clal service rendered. 4 LAWHON-PROWN INVESTMENT CO., 112n Yeon bid. Tel. M. 7S. A desirable place for l.idles and sentle- tr.en to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry st eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 334 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. LOANS on diamonds, Jewelry and val uables, at almost banners rates or in terest. 32R Falling bldg., Crd and Wash. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry; strictly confidential. 141 Vs 3d, near AinT. rerlsters. comnutlna houeht and. sold. The Fervice Co . 227 Htsrk st. at-ales. etc Pe.clfic Store Main 7711. 140 SACKS fine Burbank potatoes for aale at 1 per sack f. o. b.. Tlirard sta tion. Inrjulre Fred Strum's or wire own tr, M. K. Fllcktnger. Trrlgon. Oregon. JOR SALE Two cabinet fireplace man tels, oak and mahogany, w ith plate glass mirrors, new, cheap. F-C37, Jour Tial. . )OK SALE or rent. IggiiiR, Hoisting Engines, Ralls, Cars, Locomotives, Railway-Equipment Co.. 74 1st st. HOSES for THE annual meeting of the stockhold ers of tlie Portland Concrete Pile ami Equipment Co. will he held at the Y. M C. A. auditorium, corner 6!h and Taylor Bis., In the city or I'urtland, Multnomah county, Oregon, on Monday, June 10. J!UZ. at 4 p. m.. tor the election of dl rectors and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting, By order of the board of directors. A. L. MACLEOD, Bee. WANTED A Painter who is willing to work evenings and mornings for the rent of li room house close in on the east side. See Gunther, 919 Yeon bldg, PJEKSOXAli '2 ASTHMA ( r heart trouble; wish to sea the case 1 can't cure. DR. DOUGLAS. D. C, III Union sve. N.. Porflsnd. Or. stems; phono carniUhl. klmri and "loni; i special uriees for l;irio amount. Woodlawn. 1872 St. .Tohnu car. FOR SALE One 4xt'j iiuailered oak desk, range, water heater and bicycle. East 4432. i'ULL PET LADY with fine business quality; have Home means; would like to meet lady as partner, past 40. for business anil sociability. Plume Main 4872. SPIRITUALISM REV. MAY A. PRICEs MEDIUM. READINGS. TEACHING, HE ' LING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUER, 2: WED., 8 P. M, MAR. 4746. 391 BTH. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. Naw- ton MB H-nry, Biaar. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat. tel. The Loan Co- 414 Deknro bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds and other security. TOw rates. 606 Swetlnnd. MOMCr TO 1AAN ItEAL ESTATE 27 Neer& Farr " wTn BORING WOOD & COAL CO. Fast J13S Country slab. Tabor -1742. P-2S33. 1 Hock and Cordwood. H-2129. I abort time we sell No. 1 4-foot cordwood at IS per cord. No. 1 4-foot ouk nt 17 per cord. Main 459S. A-4R47. WViTTimTi fTO '00t dry wood. W I I Nat. ;'tiel 'o., SIT Water at IJU IWBrwB iJ0.A-JSJI. DON'T burn money. Pnone K. I&2S, dry board wood I2.SU ,o 13.60. B-1331 CO A I. and all kinds" of wood, phone Holgate Furl Co.. Kellwood TT)il HKdT work, prteea rlglit, call f. a. i nana, ma union ava. naai lBtk TIN'riNG fT room up; piilntlug. pupal hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334 FATXBTT ATTOBITETI TATKNTH obtained; trademarks, ropy. rlghta regtatered In all rountrlea; book leta free; conaultatlon without chare. PeterIlaborlln S2eWorceair bldgj PAl'KNTS procured cf J. K. Mock. Al-tornay-at-Law, lata cf U. S. Patent of. fire; book fre 719 Hoard of Trade bldg. "H. t:. Wniliiil. U. ri. a nT f orel a o "ja i anta: Infringement rasea. (04 Ivkura. FAWXBXOXXB UNCLE MEYERH COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland 71 th. Main 10. FZAxro rvxiwo LKLlVLKLIi PROMPTLY. J. F.VERT8. Ft Curry at Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST SIR. B-18f37. STANDARD WOOD CO.. box planer and cordwood. 347 K. Stark. East 2316; B-1695. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir, oak, slahwood and coal. Wreck- nge. nth nnrt c.llsan. Main a.'isa, A-228.L ALrTna'FUEL CO. A 11 kinds of greea nd dry wood. Rock Springs and Man dota coal. FRE3 JACOBSON. piano tuning. $1.00; 11 yra. experience. 190 3d. Main 9431. F1VA7ZXO WOXK8 Tha rllat-!a n.H.raa tWIara fl af Chan with their hamileaa Chlnaae rm a lie t.r l.rrua an rola aa tnedli lna raa wendarf ullr cur all airkneaaaa. Thay iar cured many euffrrara. bolh maa and women, of rhronlo dlaaaaaa and all inirri-ai nun cil.rnal alckneaaea when omere ranea No urratlona. Kiamln ailou free T4lra ireatatl by Aire. Dr. i n.-in. i an rr wrua to B. W. Ckaa CTbHiaae BledleUe Oe 1111! Klrat St l-nrlland. nr. Oppoalte i' v. i- aiauoa. CONSULTATION FREE Oul-ef-toaia ra lien la aand 4 rents Is elaanpe for a consultation blank and a circular ao Ihal Iraatmenta may be begun. omcE orrs rvKMNaii atd st-j DA 1 B CGceWoChlnwcMcdlcfiicaw lJi FIRST BT.. PliRTLAND. OR. NEW RATEI SURE CURE! WE CUT 25 OFF e--. On our Wonderful Oilnea fTt'a. F!etiii-ly on account of llv. TI 'ig ri-enea being high V M-n or women auffarlna l with dlseasea or airkneaa Mp-T'i . 'fJ can coma and have a free Lw-y consultation with our Chi ""iL n" doctor. Call er writ CHINESE MEDICINE CO. US', MiiKRIHO.V PT.. AT RR1DOE IfiRTLAND. OREGON. TiJ w V Baa Every Vom'art) I Intereated and ah-ald I know about tha wea4erful I MASVELVBirtlal Spray The a aw Vatrlaal hrrlnga. ia oa oat r-nianlanU it eieaaaea la-atanUy. WII.LAMETTK Plating Works. 201 4th. Plating and polishing. M. 9348. A-7190. ANHLEY Printing Co, 250 Oak. 4671. 1'rlnting to please. Main BOOriHGr. PAJflTinO. BEPAZBZX9 TIN roofing repairing painting. Jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. XUBBEB ITAkuTS ABTD SEALS A lr mae rlrnevtat for ft. If he eanmii aupalr tha M AKVI I. accent no other, but aend r.tama for lllnatrateil becik nealad. El raa full partleniara ard dlr on lataluabl to ladlaa. BiSTU OCX, 41 Seat tU IU IBW TOES. for aala It k f, SZH or aala hy Rkldmor Draa Oa WaodiraV Ouka Cm. aa4 Laaa-Uatt- Draa Ca a aiaraa. bTENCiLa and office atationery. Cun Dingnam Co. 231 Stark. Main H07. BADGES. trjie check. bras mk stencils. Kreha Bros.. 114 Id. Mar. 1171 SEGHERK WOOD CO.. F. Hill. Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slnbwood. Get prlcen. 18th and Vaughn. Main 6359. A-2416. Iir you can ship A-l fir cordwood now cal or Co.. Knst write to tile 303. C-2303. Ed Iff sen Fuel MONEY TO LOAN. B0O TO 350,000 ON IMPROVED CITY OR FARM PROPERTY. $3000 TO LOAN ON GOOD PORT LAND RESIDENCE PROPERTY AT 7 PER CENT. $7600 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY. $6000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON IMPROVED VALLEY FARM. WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 426. YEON BLDG. carpentets' tools unit cnest cneaii. Wooiibiwn lSP'j. aONE tool 48x60 O. water heater. O douhu desk, range, bicycle. East 44:t: .JbJUtcLKS, l J up. vcies cheap for' cash. 181 Madison, near bridge. (STOVE furniture reialrlngTesti males given. Marshall 3223. 628 Wash. CUT floweru delivered. 1 mgs"tenT roses" Zella Oossett. 7 W. Killinpsworth ave. WANTED SilSCUL L-AiEoFsS WANTED People of Portland to kno t that I pay the hlrtest cash price for eecond hand household goods. M. Beater. 124-126 Grand ave. East 1562. COV'ELL FURNITURE ft COMMIS " BION COy Pav the best price for your aecend hand furniture, carpets and atorea. 2je4 1st Main 3122. A YOUNG man from east, stranger, wishes to meet nice young lady or widow between 21 and 2?; object mat rimony; no triflers. Q-656, Journal. ADVANCED Therapeutics Institute Rooms 4S to 53 Washington bldg., 4th and Washington sts. Hours, 9 a. m. to 7 p. Hi. NEW FRENCH HAND LAUNDRY. All work Kuaranteed; dyeing, cleaning' and pressing all kinds of fine washing. 476 Williams ave. East 2347. LOriENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 2Bc box: C boxes 31.26. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison at Money to Loan On real estate in amounts from $260 up at o, 7, 8 per cent per annum, bee me nrBi. J, E, Nichols 616 Yeon bldg. CHUTE SE IOCTOKB JING WO CHINESE MED. CO. curs men nd women. New location lsb'i Morrison st., nenr bridge. . DR. j. l7 LONiJ MEIiici. CO.. phy sician for men. woiocn. 25'A Alder. AJTXg THE MONLER Safe Co.. 108 2d st- Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouia opened; bargain In Becond hand eafaa. SASH, DOOES, WIUDOWS. United Glass 4 Glazing Co., cash, doors, plate glass. 11th, Gllsan. Main 4431. BOSEENS BUILT to order screen doora and win dows, painted and hung, complete,. American Screen Co. Unone Kast jtiZ'J CONTSACTOSS AID BUILDERS HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet Hfitrlr i w rt rlr u nfa-,Au o A Vs i a f H. Hammond. 185 Madison. ' DOOR and window screens to order. Would bo pleased to irive. estimates. Ward Bros., Woodlawn 2163. C-234. SHOWCASES AITS FIXTU3XS THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. net? and old showcases, cabinets, store aaa office fixtures 289 Couch. M.3708. HARRY E. STANFORD, designer and builder of modern hoineu, flats and apartments. Office 7. 350 H Morrison. E. OEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, atore front and store fixtures especially, gt- Ing. 291 Ankeny. tirshall 2S51. CHmOPODIST3 DR. Oliver O. Fletcher and lndv expert assistant, 305 Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor rison. Main 8762. Tleats all Ills of the. foot without danger of infection. Corns, bunions, ingrowing and atrophied nails, fiat foot mid bunions specialty. , DR. M A i:G ! ! K R I T K C RA W FO R D. c h i- ropodl: t. Formerly 6th and Washing ton. 514 Dekum bldg. DR U. S. G. i nd Mrs. Fletcher: Painless chiropodists. Over Hazel wood. M-3713. PAINLESS chiropodist, corns, bunions, ingrowing rails. A-7845. 417 Swetlnnd. HOWCaHE3 of every description, bank. bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. K. H. BIRDHELL. HAMILTON BUDO, Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Bales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. EKINQIS BEST In Portland. Fee tTiem. 101 Washington st. ' 8. E. Gilbert ElO-n AND S&OVCABD8 vVArXrVSVVaV Vvv arrVVVVeArV : gv catarrh: i Mu!m bladder itWi RsIiaTBd lo ; : I Wjfl S BFVl 24 Hours ; J a Bm-are of ewnterfrtu ' WW'Th T VEE SONS. The SLJTAx tj'ro d. eminent CMneo riorine ST" WZ'mii'llf H lifullm. In b..1.. "iTlft. " ..-. is id noiuy tji 4 l"l,.,,-Ku ,1 - ' ,t: tsoverai universities In cntna. cures all diseases of men anu women suicessful- iso matter who hits lied, I guarantee a cum If . curat! lr I'uti o.. ni.ii. A Lii t VACn , 2301A Yamhill. K. K cor d street, Portland. Oregon. BR. IEEFE Qualified Specialist I publish tny own photocrup.'i. per sonally conduct and manae my own office and have no conneetlon with ny other practice. I am legally qualified to prurtlre my profcaalun in tne statca or Oregon, w uNtungiiMi llfornln and Nevada. I'rsetlre lim ited o the ecientlfic licutmcnt of special ailments Kverv man calling at mv offl.-e w nssured of my iersnn;il an I Individ ual treatment until a cure Is ef fected. Be sure to consult ine be fore treating elaewhre. NEW GERMAN REM I.I ' V FOR BLOOD POISON Mv method of administration I .a absolutely safe Fee low. Nclssor Bacterln for special ailments Ani mal serum for nervous d.'lillltv. I FULFILL MY PROMISES ACCEPT NO INCURABLE 'ASKS Never HOLD OUT FALSE HOPES Come to m" If V"U hnc sue of the following disorders: Enlarged Wins, Pimples. Nervous Debility. Ncrv- Blood nnd Skin Disorders. Bli 1d-r Troubles, Blond Polseni. Eruptions. Ulcers. Special Ailments. Plica or Istula. to 5 7 to 8 Dally: Sunday 10 to 1 Examination Advice Fran J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Booms 11-Ui Ijifnyctte Hldg.. 1SW WASHINGTON ST.. Cor. 6TH PORTLAND. OR. I 4 FOR WOMEN 0HLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Hoot 1111a. The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PERI- ODS. Cure the most obstlnatjf casea In 3 to 10 days. Priori li Per box or. three boxes $5.00. Sold h druggists everywhere. Address T. J. r-in,rti..i'., nooni Portland. Or. Sold hi 1. 245 Vi Morrison at. FOSTER St KLEISER Signs; the lar gest sign makers In tha northwest. & 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East llll. Home B-Z224 STOVE KEPAIKINB THE ACM 12 cleans, adjusts, repalra' or connects your gas ranges, water heat ers, etc.. 408 E. Morrison. East 1811. $100 TO $300 LOAN FOR SHORT TIME. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR OTHER PROPERTY, PRIVATE PART f . 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. $200, $300, $500 Client desires me to place those amounts on real estate security, Fred W. German;- 329 Hurnside. M. or A-278, W. KELLOGG, specialist for rheuma tism. I cure where others fail. 27 Grand ave. EARGiRS' AUCTION HOUSE. : $1 3 7 E Morrison St. K. lilt. $100 'worth, of gwM furniture st once. - TO tou,jr casn register, scales, cbees. cut ter, coffee, mill, credit register and tweet allcer. "! Marshall 4648 AN1 ED Second hand Singer sewing machine. Cash for a bargain. X-701. Tournal. - BK WlSii, get riioia for your;, aa-ond , - hand furniture by ee ;tng It to. Ford . Auction to, 111 lt Main mil, A-Z44. WOMEN Use femolds when others fail. Sold and guaranteed by the Auaplund Drug store. 110 N. 6th st. Main 810. QIHLB. Lfarn our business: Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-413 aVkura bldg. WOMEN use Opaline; positive relief from female .trouble. Call forenoons. f67 2d. Main 9470. WANTED Address of G. H, Riley by C. J Blahchaxd, Hemlock, Or Im portant ..'..--;- , SOALr'shd facial treatments; room 312, N. W., and Washineton. WANT 10 .-ond lian-1 folding chairs; aat W cheap, X-7, Journal. . v'ANTE D- Kod a k s. eantra. etc Cam era Lxchavuge. StS Vi at or rlaon. SAVE $2 to $10-by buying your trunk or suitcase at anz w-n.. -or. I7vn at. BALM of Flaa. remedy for dlseasea , women, naz iiina at. main tils. FACIAL massage given by lailiea' bar ber a hop, 216 Salmon, price 26c. : MONET to loan, large aoans a specially, building loans; lowest rates; fire tn surance. W. Q. Beck. 315-31 Falling. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkev bldg.. 2d and Morrison. CLIENTS have for close-In east side mortgages, $1000, $1300. -Atty., 210 Alisky bldg v OOLLECTIOK3 PHYSICIANS' A- Dentists' acct., general collections. "?01 Medical hid?. M. HI 7.' DAKC1KO MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S Bchool, les son's 25c fancy stage and goclcl dancing taupht dally; waltz and two step ' g"ua ran teed in 4 lessons; class Mon, eve. 109 2d "St.. bet. Wrash. Stark. RINQLERVS 'Academy, leading school, ' latty and gent'emen Instructors. 231V4 Morrison, at Scfnd. DETECTIVE 4GZXCT PACIFIC Investigation Bureau. Al! classes Investigations; terms reason ble. Main 3221 12 Portland Trut bldg. 1100. Ot'U on mortgagee, city or farm property, fire tnauratice. MCKenxle A to., uerunger oiag..- za ana Aioer. MONEY to loan, 6 to per cent. W. Belts A CO.. ia Bapiaing oldg. H. QUICK loans on all. securities. 8. W. King. 46 WaahlnartOB bldg. Main I0. MONEY to loan on Improved real eatataT L L, White. 701 Selling bldg. WII.L loan $20.00 of lfi real estate. Farrlngton. 41 Commercial fflnb bldg. MORTGAGE "' loan a. and 7 per rent Louie Salomon A Co.. 32 Btark at. $6000 OR PART for Immediate lo'iiii on raal estate. Phone Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL KPT ATE OOa Aim HOKSE UOBrtTAJ, BROWN BROS.. 646 Wash. Main 403. A-4016. Pes. 1 E.-1 2th. H. 4i. B-II87, TxLoitiifa schooi. KTESTER'S Ladles' Tallorlnc college. ,. learn dressmaking. nilorfnsr.T4.IH 11th SHULTE'S Ladies' Tailoring and Cut ting College, 3"1 Central bldg. iTRJl n IE Jl towel svvni CLEAN towels' dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co Phones Main 410. A-4410. TaVAKSTEB AHD BVOBAOB PBISSMAKniO SCSOOSa VALKNTINEfl system of cutting, int. lorlng and dressmaking taught. 483 E. Morrlaon. - uurzTtTaa: seaxbUxo ARTS and Craft atiop. furniture re paired , ref Irrished, packed, upholster Ing. Mar. 3964. 7ft T a-nd Flaiwl-ra Raf. OASOiaisBr zurauTxa STATIONART' and1, marine, - electric, qulpmenta; launchea. acceesorlea, whoieaala and retail! an rln. rni lata A. H. HARDfNfZ, 111 Ckamber of CnxJwrxn Macbtdery C, 1? A49tTlaop, PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc.. cOr. 13th and Everett sts.; most mod ern storage warehouse In city; our low fire Insurance rate proof of this. Free iracKige; moving, packing, shipping; reduced freight ratea on household goods in through cars to and from the aaaai.. wain BB40. A-1620. Oregoa Transfer Co.- - Katabllahed 170. Transfer and forwarding agents. . Storage, free, trackage. Office am atoraire. 474 Gllsan street. comer 13h and Gllsan.- Phones. Main . A-llll. : CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co. Es-P-rt furniture and piano -mdvlng. 1 trunk tea each, additional 25c. M. 70S9. NORTH WE8TEKN Transfer Cat.. 4-4 Froct. General trahafer and atoraga. Mailt 4. A-4441 , W. JOHNSON, express, baggaae. 31 Morris at. C-818. Ptarrd th ei Couch. PROMPT dellrerte. all rarts 1tv. xifvaoav MUv Till. A.-371, :t Taylor. In all my work I am thorough, pains taking; and careful to give just the right treatment required in each individual case. For years I have been proving my ability, and my business methods have always been strictly reliable. My unqualified success is due to a thor ough medical education, supplemented by years of experience. My treatment is as correct as modern science can make it. Others may offer induce ments such as cheap treatment or quick treatment, but my foremost claim isV'J CRE8 V aiA' ' J IS. atr 'r,V'-a vr-' 3 C. K. IIOLSMAN, M. D. 'for thoroughness, which in the long run in i2.yjti.Ki L. cheapest and tlie best. : I HAYE.-.GIVEN HEALTH TO THOUSANDS . ' J'ep,utai,n:J "-'' specialist in men's disorders Is firmly established ty my work of the past, and there Is no necessity of my resorting to i!XegoJ2rin?hSd" 1n,.0,rder to keep busy. My skill, ability and stralght rl2tth?r? nKt, me,J the "uccees that I have won. and to the full measure of public confidence that I enjoy. I Claim to -Know a Great Deal About a Few Ailments Ratlier Tnan a LHtle nf AH Human Tlte. I confine my practice to the curing of BLOOD POISON VARirnsu' VEINS. HYDROCELE, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. CONTRACTED ElU ORDERS. KIDNEY and BLADDER 'trouble, and their many complications: If you are af flictedwith-any of these many ailments yoni can com, S me knowing that I have treated hundreds of cases like yours and thou sands of others very similar. You can rest assured that I will know lust what to do In the treatment of your case and that you will get better- treat ment at my hands than the family physician can evr hope to .give you CONSULTATION FREE TO ALL' PATIENTS If. you,r unfferln from .any of the above diseases, call for Free Con- ru. "u, nnir in v iiiiiiituiaiei j, aTving me a aescilntlon of your case fn yoiitown words. By return mail I will send you absolutely free, a 3iaSnols of your cas and my beat prof eastonal advice as to-irmr-to proceed in order to correct Tour trouhla T , "uw " to jMyjifflce Is pen all day from a. m. to I p. ra., and Sundays' from io 221tf Morrison Street - Comer First 8t - -..PORTLAND. OREdON. it;