The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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    4 ' : : -
tU Ulfl Of
The Sunday . Journal
ru t4r
n urik
i r I jr
l 4
6 Section ---78 Pages i
Aviator Killed
two mm
fl II III t. A J A 1 ' 'S- -
C ji -lK!
II Y I 11 11 I " I i I I y
II 1 T I T m r If "III II I I 1 I II II
srrN. 'vx-ocvr'vry'vrvrvyxy'VM ii
r'C- w&' V T eJ J II
f :
7 YV
American Consul leaves for
Scene to Investigate; Men
Taken , to Stronghold in
Mountains. .
Same4 Territory In Which
' Spain Never Exterminated
Revolution Germ. ,
f, Ik llaraellea r
Hateaa. June I. T American elll
Sa Identified aaly Waelf end Cl
Mir. save beea taptured r Cm baa
tbla at ftlgua. milt from Ha til la go.
4 MkM t th eeeuatala stronghold
nf U.neraL snd Yvenet. steord
Ing to sdvlflj recel4 t lb American
legation. The Information rem by tel
egraph from the American eeul. Hel
lo, al Eaatlafo, who lat.d that ha
leaving Immediately for glgua lo snake
a p-f qnl laveetlgalloa No detail r
known, but further maaga r
peeted by NInl.Lr Reaupr tonlaht
Consul Holld verified the report of
tie! Cantata to property in Orient by
hmja of rebels sent eut by Oenerel
;inos. the revolutionary, against the
Cuban troop under Oenerel ud.
The rural guard, whjjjh belter
drilled body of men than the Cuba "rg
ulirt,'' I aald to be badly dsmorallsed.
It h been learned from an unque
llonakle eourc that :0 men among the
Ikimtl fori. were kKlrd In the running
fight whlrh began Thuraday avwl con
tinued throughout Friday. . ,
Cul raUak fwU.
Homes declines to permit the Havana
papers to pu1eh tbe fa-ta. t has
.. a-tn out alnnmier of bulletins, which
allege haryHoawa to U rebel. There
' t known to be serious apprehenaion here
that the soUllara under Munteaguo will
depart and Join Katenos If the rebels
. hav a, datlatv victory In any of their
fights, nrty per cent of the govern-
. men I forces r negroea. '
- Cmmandei" Mitchell el 4hi TaJtlrsk
IfKxJ off Uatqulrl last Dlthe, but re
turned li Ouantanomo after, fledtog
, ltt a gOard ot. mrfW rtg th to
jre. further iMvtaHon fa 'prerertyH
. I tit create there had bten established by
" the rurs'ts. ' :
Tlie Gpsnlsh-Amrlcan Imn company
at Daiquiri hat.-already suffered ire-
- itiendous losstf, Mifliy tjulldlnss hsvs
hee i burned. Including the offices 1n
wirili tin' book re kept. All work
)ih been stopped. .Several hundred m
l yes nre clamoring for t lie I r pay, Init
It tsnnot ho ."in pitted on account of the
Ions of tli 5 time record. -The majority
of ihcuo are negroes, and they at
tin catcilng to Join the rebels.
' T" uy Xlllrd Without ProTOoaUon.
While the ultuatlon througlioqt Gumi
tanaino valley In In h ntate of acrlvity
nnd condition In all parts of the Island
are constantly growing more acute, the
people a mun g whom Oomes ia distribut
ing tiooo rifle have added to the dis
order by' sssumlng that when guns were
placed in tlielr hands they had a right
lo kill Indiscriminately. Numerous re
port have been received here of negroes
being killed without provocation. Notice
In being; le'ten by the authorities of such
Efttenos and Yvonet nre said to have
approximately 10,000 In their command.
The maximum strength Of the defend
ing army Is 6000. -
Seven hundred volunteers left here
today by boat to Join General MontesK
udo. Ills task of 'driving the negroes
nut of their stronghold Is . considered
nbout as Tropeless as an attempt to ex
terminate monkeys in an African, Jun
gle. This is precisely the same territory
in which Spain never succeeded in en
x -:-: ' i '.' t V
rhllip rsrmrlef, em of ths orlflaal
U right airmen. Mhu wu sal yia
terdajr isj a flight al .North Yakima.
4000 Waiters on
Strike in Ne w York
Original Wright Aviator Is
Caught by Yakima Valley
. Air Current; Body Is Taken
, From Under 'His Engine.
For Hours Hysterical Girl Re
fuses to Believe Him
Street Riot Between Strikers
and Detectives Follows
Public Demonstration,
tltr4 free W'r.
New Turk. June I. A riot in which
d.leellve were beaten snd pollr re
serve railed out. tonight marked the
waiters' trlke when the International
Hotetworkers' union carried their war
far Into the feahlnnabl Fifth aveaue
district- snd called out the men In the
Hotel Netherlands. Following the unread
of t atrlk Into practically every one
of the big bntel and restaurants. 76
men In the dining rooms of th Hot)
8voy. adjoining Th Netherlands
walked out. They marched down Klfth
avenue paat tlie Hotel I'Usa and the
Vanderbllt mansions ' and at Fifty
fourtli street met group of waiters
Who ha 4 left the Hotel Ualmont. lr
it clash with plaUf clothes polleeoirn en-
, It Ik e.tJniHLd by 'th leaders that
fuilv 1000 watter gnd rook are now os
trlf."-.Mf pJm of th-mrtropoUf
hotel life were affected tonight. About
i:i waiters walked oat of Ui nisgnlfl
cent dining rooms at ITielmonlco' on
Klfth avenue, about the same tint that
the whole force of waiters deserted
the Hofbrsu llsns. fn like manner they
walked out 'Of the Kslserhof. the Fun
Heino, Rehienwrber's, the LAf'ayette.
the Aimonln. Manhattan Square hotel,
Bretton Hall, the Pines! reitaurant and
the New York Athletic Club. '
Prejudice Against
American Tourists
Hotel Keepers of Britain De
clare Yankee Guests Are
x Unwelcome, -
ie-tl TW jml i
North Takim. Vt'ali4 JUa I -e Is
0Ot dead. - flriuember how It was wltb
Itanillton You ran aate Thll yl. la
ltj Xliat C. K. Tgrpln, th ouni
m . b . .a .
iiancea oi t nurp l rml when she
leached bis body tbia afternoon ? mta-
utes after U atiM.. th. ground and
waa .cruahH under th weight of iti
liming th. two ml! ride to North
Tsklnta In the car wltn hi body and
even -after an esamlnatlftn lr Coroner
h"rd "haw had aiiowrt that death bad
been Inetantaneotis. le rrfuaed to be.
Iteve it and irteiaied frantically that ef.
forte be oilda to restore hint to con
aclouanea. riylag at TO KUes, rails.
The accident occurred thre minute,
after he ro.e In the teeth of a .irons
wind, insisting that he owed it lo th
100 people who had paid admin. Ion lo
the fair ground to make the acheduled
flight. H lifted hi plane directly
in front of the grandatand and flew
north against the wind for a mite and
a half before turning back to the south
east before the gale, ftuahlng at a speed
eatlmsted st 70 miles an hour by tus
assistants. Ula maralne .was seen to
waver In its flight and then droned
liarply forward, until It 'was bidden
rrom the crowds at tb fair ground by
tna ireea aiosg irtw l aJilma. rl vrr. ' -
lie waa about 400 feet in the air when
me- act ioeai orcurrea,' althohgh ,Jut
bmow in rim or hills. along the nortl
side of the Moxee Vslley uo which h.
was ffyln. Th theory nff,erct by, bis
morhsnlrlMris la' that he ran Into a cro
current or air and lot control of ht
rudder. He dropped In a mead owned
Maesers Seaoh Kioi rtrst.
Th fltat to reach thu wrecked ma-
rblne wera rancher, who pulled his
ooay oot. . Bherifr J. W. Hay. and Dep.
uty Sheriff l,on Jtelthtm.ver In Ilia
county automobile were the f irst ' to
rrai'lf tlis acena from the fair ground.
In the second machine wss Ml Turpin.
rarmelee died instantly. The biplane
truck the ground at a sharp angle and
turned turtle, throwing: tho weight of
he 90 horse power engine on his bodv.
breaking bis left arm and both legs
and rrunhing; his breast In.
Parmelee'a partner. Cliff Turpin. ar
rived in Is or til Yakima at 10:36 o'clock
Miss C. Turpin was to hsvs been mar
ried to Parmelee next week. Although
1 tt J i vJaJ I V- "tJ ufllVftlli:& a t S 3r it . LJ I 9
1 1 'II nr -s -;ll , hJ 1- I 'I III I'lil ' I
ii: 'j i m in i ii i ... ' ii : if ti ill Lrrvi i
CO. 3 " . r" I MM , i' ! H I I I I I f I k I 1 . VJ I I
' Jim h. .,. l . 1 f f I i It c 1 L ZZ rSTtTl-Zi Jl.s-UalALVI
7t mmmmmmmr .
. -rV. sV... v KT-
r w ' ...a.rv.r i "
n n Mnnmo immM ; mmid diicuiicht , tactt DnMDADTe ;
r ill ill in ii i.i in. mi. imniun iiuuiiliumi im h i .1 h u rHiiii i
I kV I lWlllliWf viiiwii I - . k mil w in urn iiuiw ,
Pn F nf A FkwPB . CUmif ! f PIPMO il
LLUrtft. tJ UHUU ,,uL!r!''-"' wt) u fll
Chicago to Be Sceno. of Na
tional Political Drama UnU
After Republican -'.Convention.
' .' .' "
More Than 200 Contests to
Be Placed Before -National
Deputy Shoots Three Times a
Him but Misses; "He Is 100
Miles Away Now," Says
Loyal Fiancee, 1 7.
(Continued on Page Five.)
(Continued on Page Ten.)
Since Evidence Is to Bo Cir
cumstantial, . They Must
Know Geography of Region.
(Staff- Correspondence.)
St.' Helens," Or., June 1. The murder
trial of John Arthur, Pender Js resolv
ing Into a succession of most unusual
events.- Fenders guilt or innocence
"must, at all events,, bo determined and
now. In addition, certain disclosures
-foreign tor- the- vdenc threaten to
obtrude themselves. -
Todav brought to an end an inter
estingr 1f patlence-exhaustlhg task the
" drawing of a Jury. The examination of
prospective Jurors, developed many fea
tures chief among them tieine; proof
that the people of Oregon are turning
Approximately one-fourth of the tales
men afflrnled. themselves -opposed, to
me aesin sentence, una more man ia
declsred they: woqJd not cpnvlct . on
circumstantial evidence where the pen
alty was death: Every . Juror la Mar
ried;' most of them have large .families.
The defense failed ta verify . a general
belief that it would try to get a bache
lor Jury, Nearly all of those picked
are close about the meridian of life. .
- While the trial of Pender will 6t
formally open until Tuesday. Monday
will be given overloan"unususl pro.
tceedlng,' On that day - the Jury; ,the
. members, of 'which were sent. bsck- to
their ; homes' this sfterfwon.' .will, be
taVen in automobiles to the little cabin
In Apple valley where' Daisy VPehrman I
(By the Internirtlnnitl New. 8rlre I
Itondon. Junp 1. The London Stand
ard publishes the following In the news
column todny:
"Jn tbe 'oure of visiting many of our
groat coast reports to inquire into the
question, among: others, why American
and continental vlwltors are not attract
ed during, the several winter, spring and
autumn ' aeasons, it was found that In
Heveral towns u surprising prejudice
exi.ts with repect to American visitors.
"One found Frenchmen and French
women. Germun. Austrians and Rus
alans very welcome visitors, but 'there
was quite generally shown this foellng
toward Americans, hs unreasonable as
It was difficult to combat. 1 One hotel
keeper said, and his words . arrf given
exactly as; uttered:
"I do not want the Yankees In my
place. They may be wealthy, but they
are excessively , mean, and want their
money's worth ' every time. After the
Americans we-, have, had, I don't think
they nre . any sort of advertisement.
In fact, ; I believe a hotel which is not
edly frequented by Americans1 loses or
is tivolded by the best class of English
and other visitors.' "
Public Schools of
Reno Are Closed
Link Connects Main Line
Which Will Tap Valley
Reaching Portland.
Six-Year:01d ' Son of Mrs.
Henry Hutt Exposes Class-
(By the .Intern.tlmi.l New. Eervtre.)
Rene, Nevi. June 1. Because the
year-old son of Mrs. Henry Hutt, wife
of .-i well known New york artist, has
been ' allowed .to mingle with ' school
children while afflicted i. with : scarlet
fever, tho board of- health has Issued
orders closing the public, schools of the
city ana rormaaing inearres t omK
chldrQ under' l year of age. .-. -H-Mft.-
Hutt-haa been -In Renseveral
months acquiring legal realdencs for the
purpose of bringing- divorce proceedings.
The boy. according to the health author
ities, has had a fully developed case of
scarlet fver for more than a Week and
has attended, school regularly, t f ,
Civil Suit 'Against Beef Trast, Xest.
(Br tbe lawrnatlenal N Brr.lee.1 '
Washington, June l.Within the com
ing week a civil utt for the dlssolu
tlon oi'th beef trust. will be Instituted
by. the department of justice, Aeaoctated
with "this utt will te an action against
a retail , dealers-, association , Which Is
also a trust. - - --
The Portland, Eugene & Eastern be
gan construction, yesterday of an elec
tric line between Canby and Molalla, a
distance, of 10 miles. The " line will
connect with (he company's main lino
that will tap the Willamette Valley
rrom Eugene lo Portland.
A. Welch, head of the Portland, Eu
gene & Eastern, stated last night that
thla week applications will be made for
franchises through the various towns
between Salem and Portland, and that
as soon as they have been secured the
company will begin the 'construction'
of this moat Important link in its line.
He said that all surveys have been
made and that "right of way jias been
"The Portland," Eugene & Eastern will
be asking for a franchise to enter Port
land soon," Mr. Welfch 'stated last night,
"and I can say at this time that it will
enter th city on the west side by way
of the Tualatin valley. The line from
Canby to Molalla will be a feeder, and
will connect With the main line from
Salem to Portland, which "-will prac
tically parallel the line of the Southern
Pacific. . It will take cbout six months
to complete the . construction of ' the
Canby-Molalla ' branch, '. and before: the
end of that time we .will have our Sa-
lem-Portland line well under way."
, The company la busy building 'feed
ers and links for the main line through
out the valley, and by extending its line
from Monroe, S3 miles south, the line
will be. in Eugene,,. If ronetructlon-ls
rushed at the present rate and' no seri
ous delays; are encountered Jn- securing
pfrsacniaesr theeorapany will have Its
line connected up between Portland and
Eugene within another, year, or. not
much later - than the Oregon Electrld,
and before the Southern Pacific "cani
complete electrification of Its line.
Mr. Welch s activity la -arousing- a
great deal of lnteret,.adfrorn,BOw on
ftia movements and progress will be
watched askeenl)hy the general public J
as arc those or the two for ijie time
being . more formidable - force pBy
identified With the Herri man .and Hill
(Ctieelil to The J nam. I
Wallowa, Or.. June 1. Flo Norris. the
17-vear-old . I'nlon county girl who
eloped with T. H. Hobon, ged 21, 10
days ago, taking to the Blue mountains
was brought to. Wallowa (hi evening a
prisoner. Hobson escaped.
Eluding the officers of Union coun
ty. Miss Norris and Hobson , entered
Wallowa county Wednesday evening, by
crossing tho river at Rondowa. on the
railroad bridge snd keeping the track
till they reached the lower valley, when
they again took to the hills.
Tuesday night they stayed In a cabin
on a mud flat on the Flora- road, . 12
ml ie a from Wallowa. Making their way
On toward Flora and the Idaho line, they
stopped at Sled Springs and ha a lunch
prepared, naylng they had lost their
horses. At tlil place was the first
trace the .officers got any clue of the
eloping: couple, and Deputy Sheriff L.
Warnlck was notified and started In
hot pursuit. '
The couple had .;bje that , time got, as
far as Red Fir, on the Flora road, a,nd
witl.i-i a few miles of the Washington
linfc, when ?,f. Hotchkiss, a hog- buyer,
rode up on them and Hobson broke and
ran for cover in the thick brush while
the girl was held prisoner and brought
back to Sled Springe for the night. She
was sent to Wallowa on the stage this
When Miss Norris was returned ' to
Sled, Springs. Deputy Warnlck was there
and asked here where Hobson was. She
saiu ne was a nunaren miles away
frtSm here by now' Warnlck started
for Red Fir at once, 'and Just before
dark ran across his marl, but Hobson
would not stand 'for..-arrest,-ami, took
to the brush again; at which the deputy
firfd.thseu rhots at him, but did ,not
Biup mm.
Ii. an Interview with Miss Norris, she
would not give any information as to
their movements from . the time they
left Elgin till she was captured, only
saying that they had friends all along
the line wherever they heeded them.
cue denies trie story tnat she was
drctsed in men's clothes, though at the
time of her capture she was wearing a
man s coat and hat.
Hobscn is supposed to be , making his
way d Jwn Joseph creek, where the coun
try - is thinly settled and - very rougih.
His prospect of escape Is. very slim, as
there are aeveral posses in hot pursuit,
and no doubt before another day Jie will
be captured.. ' - : :- i ' .
Two Youths ' Rescued From
Possible Death When Thei
Canoe Is Upset.
John Dentler, aged 14. snd Edward
Porep, aged 15. awe their liven to the
keen eyesight of Mayor Rushlight and
the mayor's prompt action In ordering
the hsrbor patrol boat Elldor to steam
full speed ahead to the rsecue of the
drowning boys yesterday afternoon. Th
mayor, Cojncllmen Burgard and Monks
nd a party nf business men Including
George 11. Kelley and Walter M. Gads
by. were returning from u trip lo Ross
Island, which the party had visited
with tho object of ascertaining to what
extent the Island is covered during the
present high water period.
As the Elldor pounded the southern
end of the island and headed toward
the , .city, Mayor Ru.hllght suddenly
uttered an exclamation and ordered the
prow of the boat headed in the opposite
direction. At first the other member
saw. far out In the river what appeared
(Continued on Page Three.)
aft , and .. Roosevelt Forces
: Can. Only "Claim"--County
Conventions Fruitless.
v tCalttd tn luel Vf!r.t -v..
' Kingston. . OiU, )une ' 1. --Eighteen
men-were killed In a construction vamp
of the Canadian .Northern railroad at
iak Opinion, about 39 . miles from
(WeTUte this; afternoon, 'when a blast
of dynamite went off . prematurely.
, Prescott Northrop, the foreman, - of
Smith's Falls, On t.w-a load (Via: a 4
foot hale when the hiat went off. ' H
?'as .blown to pieces. The . Workmen,
II Itoumanlans, were ' working undei-
artd jtear the hole and received terrible
Injuries., . i-- .
rrnltei1 Vrrm 1teA WI-..
Couinhws, Ohio, Juno i. Control of
the Republican state convention re
mained unsettled tonight with the In
dications that both the Taft and Roose
velt managers would be In doubt Mon
day when the convention convenes as to
the exact number of delegates they
could rely.upon. Both I,. C. Itvlln and
Walter F Brown, leaders of the con
tending forces tonight claimed over
100 delegates In the state convention
with 378 necessary to control.
Whoever can control the . Ohio state
convention will control the votes of the
six delegates at large from Ohio who
will be named by the convention. Sev
eral county conventions held this after
noon to select , delegates to the state
convention failed t' f lnally"'"deterrnlne
whlcn' of the f ore es wll control.
I1U OlUltO Ul
With Their Eye on Pie Counter
Some of the-Delegates. See
Folly of Fighting to Last for
a Loser.
Roosevelt Forces May Bolt.j
TrfiHe TfeiC7.eJ' tVfS.V" ; ,
' Tvcson, Arls... June 1. - Indications
that the -Roosevelt delegates 'to -the
Arisona Republican. . convejjttoo,.'' whlch
Bieetsr-Here Monday, will bolt and. hold
a rump- convention selecting a, set of
contesting, delegates to be sent, to the
Clilc'ag-o convention, were ' apparent to
night .upon the arrival of members ef
the aRepubltcsJi - executive . council for
conference before .the .convention meets.
It -was' atated that the Roosevelt sup
porters would, split .evenly -with
tra Taft men the contesting, seats at
the tati -coavefitlftn1 hi 1 r -"believed
that the offer will be rsjeoted. In this
Belief en the , part of Republican
leaders that Prealdent Taft ia too weak
before the people to win a majority
In the "political states" of New York,
New Jersey, Indiana and Ohio, or t
hold other states heretofore clsssed as
Republican I responsible for a deep
ening of sentiment against .his nomin-
tlon at Chicago.
How far this sentiment -is attend
ing to the delegates who -will do the,
nominating cannot be determined," but
that-it la having some effect cannot be
doubted,, and this, Is tending to improve
tho chances of Theodore Roosevelt. Un
willingness to fight to the last ditch
for a lostr is expected to be especially
potent In the southern states, where
the politician, . white and bla.-k alike,
give first thought to the pie counter.
There has been little actual change
n the situation during the last week.
but there, are ruraora of further de
fections fTom Taft among the delegates
from the south. A significant dispatch
rrom Mississippi sSya that negro dele
gates from that state under pledge for
Taft are "singularly reticent," and
Ince the Roosevelt sweep In Ohio and
New Jersey , their reticence has In
Soossvelt "Way" Beard.
Similar reports come from South
Carolina and Florida, where the Roose-
elt wave is heard pattering on the
shore. The solid Taft ..delegation from
Georgia, half black,' is sa'ld to be stand-
ng firm, but no one can tell where the
ne Is wavering. Once tbe sound of
the stampede In in the 'air. it cannot
be foretold where the end will be.
in New York and Connecticut other
breaks from Taft are threatened. . Bo
far they have not reached, the point.
of certainty, nor can it be raid that 1f
tney coma tney win te in Koosevel.t s
irecuon. Some of the men who want
aft, but are unpledged, as In
York and Connecticut; are giving seri
ous consideration! to the chance of nam
ing a third candidate, with Hughes
and Cummins most trequently men
If the drift from Taft ia- checked,
arid there are some indications: that, .it
may be overestimated, it is in the power
of the pro-Taft national committee to
"put Taft over.". There have been 236
contests filed,' and only about SO of the
contestants are Taft men. ..If the com
mittee In making up me temporary roll
decides the most of them for Taft it
may-; mean a :Taf t convention. - -
(VrttM fee. W1e
Washington, June , The drama ef
politic wsa tnin'' V'l'ery, frtip.
fires ageata. .ataasgert, spelbghts !
all' to c1uata tadjr. .- . i
Moia tLe Taft and Ilevlt fureau.
pratttrally iloMd ldrt.r.
here. On Monday, they will te rtady
for bualneaa al lia. RepuUlhsa evnven-
Hon c-lty. .. .
MlUt the Itepublkaq fnwMlJit lust
II ds off, politician htte tvtsr wr
lost In a,pusle as to, the-eunom.
Nearly all agreed tliat the Vntncratl4
con reti l Ion s cbolce for the etlonal
ttrkel. to be anade lees than four week
hence, will be governed largely ay what
happene at Chicago. -' ' --
111 Assist M.XIaiay.
In addition ta Manager M' KJnley. tbe
Tal force from now on will b under
rbarg of Charlea l. .Illllea. scrtarv
to th president. HUe esvects ta he
a Chiesge W no need. y. 'For Rooaeveli,
fntor DUoa. Jil campaign manager.
wilt be en tbe flrlsa. line. .The first
brush will he at th meeting ef the na-
lonal Republican commit! on June .
when over two hundred contests will
be threshed out. I . ." ' '
olitlrlarr'beriev"thBr upen th d-
rlslen In thte caiff will depend the
balance of power, and. coneqently, th
victory in the Vonvenllon;. . , '.'
t - arPAM Mach at Jea,-,
Two weeks' sae a" . majority af the
members of tongrs predicted Taft S
renoml nation,. Tonight a- st viwajortty
nre hopelesely tineertaln." Man nepuh-
ricarrs.regara )k vuin state rnnvention
results , as. tavetal ofthe - Republican
cmplgUT-a4iiU-ome(er of, tbe.iesult at
C,lil-g. v i i -'-' -"' '
.i'a'h Oalo-rantenrien'la theerueUl
Incident f the -cawipeUn,. . saldyRepr
sentatlv Kent, of California,? a Roose
velt leader. - - ' - " '
- "Jf tha Taft f oreea ?ontrol. and Irnor
Ing the S. plurality fet. Roosevelt
In tha nrl marten, elect Ts ft delegates
at large. H will show the Taft program
at Chicago and precipitate a twit in the
national convention." , - 1
Teddy will get away with it by drrv.
Ing off iome of Taft's southern dele
gates," ssid Representative Victor Ber'- .
ger, the Wisconsin socialist. i m an
impartial observersnd already see the
southern pstronsge bidders cUmblng on
the Roosevelt band wagon."
An indication that extraordinary -ef.-,.
forts are-being made to keep southern
delegates in line was evidenced her -today
when President Taft entertained '
several Florida, Georgia and Virginia
delegates at the White House. :
Taft Zxpreeess Confidence. ,
The presldest told his friends' today
he was absolutely certain ef bis renom- t
(nation.. Under . the - present : plans he
hopes congress will adjourn so that
he can view the Chicago convention
from Beverly. Under no clreumatancia ,
will he go to Chicagro. " it is ssld. But
wherever he will be. arrangements, have
been made, so that Taft can practically -hear
the shouts In the. convention hall.
He will' have a long distance telephone
right at hand held open for htm through-?
out the sessions.- Tonight ;the ' latest .
batch of Washington. Headduartera cam
paign press matter claimed 879 dek'- .
gates for Taft -(from McKinley) ar.d
67 for Roosevelt (from Dixon). "
Colonel Admits He May Go to
Chicago to Lead Fight;; Is
sues Statement. ,
; ; Will Tore the right.
Inteniewswlth Manager McKihley
ef-thTa f-t-eampahiniirommltteeaftd
with John C."Nw. who Is hrgh in Taft
circles tn the national committee. Indi
cate that no quarter i 0 ba! given.
New's own seat as . delegate at large
from- Indiana ia contested, and he has
given notice that -he "' Intends to be
seated!-.Indiana. itoo,,l-. one f. tjie
states where ' Colonel " Rooeevelt; haa
denounced the methoda ef the Taft men
as' scandalous, and "not to be tolerated."
It i, clearly the purpose of the Taft
leaders . to- f"orce the1 fight In hv na
tional committee. e'hdj to give title to
the Taft men in such ( states as In- j
diana. , They expect' t go Into the con
sent, the Roe-sevelW merv- lt seemed ' .
celrUin, will turn. '- - ; . --; (Continued cn Page Five.)
iCnlted r're Lenwd wire.t
Oyster Bay. N. r, June. U That tpe
New I pressure tins uee.i uruuiu. '
bear from many sources to call off the
Roosevelt opposition to the selection of
Senator Elihu Root of New York as tem
prary chairman of thp Republican na
tional convention may result In Roots
election being unopposed by Roosevelt,
was Indicated fiere afternoon. After
spending; two hotiri with Colpriel Rooss--velt
at. Sagamore Hill, the members, af
the Illinois delegation, .who came hei
to "confer on matters ef .party lullc.,
went, back : to New. York ..and Ipvmedl
atcly afterward Roosevelt issued a for
mal statement alliich Indicated th;.
there 'waa weakening o'. the. part ef
Roosevelt men on t hej prospect ; or a
fight on Root Roosevelt,; ststed that
the Illinois representative had . aa d .
him" to call off , the fight and tht, l.
"would tarefuiiy eonalrterr Ihelr j
section and -alo - confer -wltfi ntftt-i
Roosevelt men en the aur-ject, .
-May J.tad rigk in Ttztan.
Roosevelt; admitted tha -posthl!i' r
that b will go ft Chfraga to lead n
fight in per'n-ln eonnt-ftfn with hi.
denial that h haa intended stten.1 H
the. convention, lie aM that u. '
nols . and .-Maine delegation, ti! f
queateo; nira w a", -r" -
hv l.'.s oriCHiaJ re.-l'"1 " '
do t "unless emeiitenU. ; i i
i-f Lnfilr oUy-.thniiM r-,.
ll J' d r n 1
rrnnUn.ued on rage five.)
- - 4 -. '