I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. .PORTLAND. SATUKDAY EVENING. JUNE I. lilt. TERRIFC CLOUTS SET BEAVERS BACK Sixteen Hits Off Glrot and HIg. Clnbotham Shove Portland Into Fifth Place. VICTORIA MIES PORTLAND. 9 TO 3 SMiTHSON III BAD ANO MAT LOSE IP !Ed Kennedy Runs Into Harris Former Portland Boy Com. Ea Uaaeg.r Wn..,le tuiH f ti - It ttt twal I (lata I SlMA - . ...... . and Knocks Colt Catcher Out petes Unattached When Los Pas Expenses, ua&;itet:.tf luaf t-.fore ir rel lk r I a iiwt t I It 1 ? I hi Wv la a rMJi aarater a id taaiag ef Ik II I I - I .f tit KWU ) ail IN ivaae I 41. 4.e.kc. laain la tba rtici,t? aft. '. i. tu-raMai ! 4 U4 a ia Is fnH at Ifc UK iiK.ttt.t a It. flrta, . .f ll la (1utit. lie. l'Ul tiairl aara4 ! M Ulttiti IM i a l 1 K f ii!U4 alia aim al Id -Ulw far in. u.--t.t4MK4 Kaa.ui aj l.er ( K I'ti-UJ a. 4) Trta" da Ihrwa ft;lM4 u aiih ft'.ilaea ,iniM ' f'wia tklfui4 tvcl4 Haa ,lale la ti H .itt vff ! .ui'.4 ..!. -'r -f iim i iii . ruaa.r ai.iiwi i!.. ...Mora i.ifi li t wh ul . r.ulU4e4 ana lUrtie. II' f . :ft ttiilti, ( U ial, i!! i:l'l'l talrfcv tjrfp4 Ka t ail r jiii, aJ.cii as v. r. Ie4 tf I TvmMi innui aa.ia fx 11 a ..! ' "! "Ha laa tu. IM. ' , . ,,. If.. ( lM I-alii 4tttH.lJ i'm .e.Mn ,ltrr.4 ftf ij, )laa aaa liM ca4 up at .a la Aaegar. A r it.i ! 4 tve r r It . fair fcame of lt . " J " " .1.,.! .. 1. I ... .k.-.l.l " T lilt to Om taalr. Tottsr-iy U a anj I'.n. (lnUrk. 4 4 "i f I. itouaual UiU cf la- mi, Jb '! IOa (a. uHlt M I M 1 I ' 1 ' In on. Intiltif. una t.f 1 1. a flKlih trial- ' " . man a balna a rtaubla lia aarh a 1 f."1."'4- 1 1, 1. l.ara tM IMc r-" In fiMn-l'ain ajc4 only tl l. . r.uak.f 10 ia au44 ail-'i f-'-i .1.1 abal K.nalHa di4 l bint Tha a a 1-ub;a n4 lr.U1n fia ifl. O K. .)' J KibMa, Jo AH U t !' 3 It VK'TOKIA ah AH l( It I'll A . . . 4 1 I I . . I I I I I . i i : 3 o 1 . I I I 1 1 ft , . J i a j .4 ; ; oi. j u o : 4 i it IT j; I.VMNO jioAind 0 n 0 1 0 0 I - ! douM.a til a airtfla a" ('hark ajialirin aa Juul.'. n4 ao alrtfita. I'-il flaa, ( Tenttraon. a fo ! l-aa Mrflin al Krnomiial i I-""1", p rllti tt lata aa I ha aalv llnat.r allr i a:ta in fiirin t tmnit, itiung a 4'ubU aHtl lu i ikln aliigira in foji .'. ..v ... ... Bfaftaaa. Ib win " tanavi ina ar n iri ai4 If lha foiiili allH a alngta and Han kl44J Kaanay. it t'npua flnnry Inlo !-!:. :n Uil ha Mark, c ... II rfillUcd lo a b:k afiar halng ' Va4. Ih .. -am"-l allrropllng la aiaal on liiroi J'."',,1 t ' I'HJurk.. ri .ln douMa ci.d him it,,!!,' 'la "a. In ia.,1 and it.a pair m..aJ up Ori,,Pr)on t, An Miiira flrat aarriflfa t.inJt rrJ oti Iala hard f round, r and. 'Hou:ka r.d rlhrahan foulad In; BOI i jr en rii.k ralrhcd a mU lo thorl and Haaln tiorej Arr IUn- palk.d and liuol an rannrd lllfiln boiham rrlad l.im and Immediately aalked trrlan fnrrlng !! In. Mad dan (ir.glfd ihrougji ajsrl and (ir a'Orrd Tha ollinjika air.f'.J to I. ft and Arri:n and lrr',fn trtl.l.ic.) Haaln ilrmk n-n and rndrd It for a 1 IfTlf . Haalna ln(l. M rant. Kruagrra error. M:llra aa. rlfl- r'tfri gan tha :lt'ia thalr rlchlh run Ip tha artanth lwulUa ly ('iKwk and Ir.lan gat Ih.m another In lighth In tli nlntn d'uh!ra ty () Rnnrk. Millrr and lcal and alnglr by fhaa- han, rhek. A rrallanra, folloa-ad ' a ,, ... . , aarrsfir. fi, br Iralan added fo..r mora VkIUc Coal league. lo th. t. tal ! I-??1 Torliand mJa It on!y a.ora In the o",, $ flrat. a hen fhnrtbnurrir walknl. ti.k in, Angcira . :s mind on Hsnrroft a aarrlflrr. thltd or. Hn.-rntnarito l.lndfriT'a out an. I arorrd on KrurKrr Is.lln1 ii dnuhla to right run r With nun nut In tha ninth. Rat p'. ' nuroh and Rtnnc, tutting fnr Hlg, ; "Ir.gipd, liut Cliadboiif r.- utid Itancroft ' could n"t bring ona over. i n i; i i VI. tnria full land HIMMAKV. T-haa tilta Merrill. Ilarrla Tbraa-laa-MI- Kannl lloma rona- -Merrllt. Ht. l oltdn. ri. ritha lH--rTnlth. nltna htolei. Utr---Uri-n-nan I"tthera' lutnmnri - S ruin. !.lt off Toni.eaon In : Irnm & hlta off I Jim I In. In htrurk otil y I nnrannnii line 4 l.eee on lui la -Oft i otuani..i. mm , 4 t -til lnn f n 7 I.) ... . on tuimeenn j, oil i.HiTi.iiie a (..fu.'- ail'i n " ' ' ' ..l.h.. ui .4.1 1. 1.. lr.w lu... in 11... 1 Ilara Kellar II. t'mplra Vtn llaltran. KT.I.VniNC; OF TIIK TKAMS. I han Kranrlaro 3J The M-ore ralan . . . Mnddrn, if ii'lcoiirk. Jb Pwaln. -f . . . Mllr. 1 1 . . I.a Ik. If . . . . Shci'iiiin. 3li . e 'l.i ' k. i . . A rn p. T' n a I- . . BACHAMKNTO a n. it ii ro a ortliMcalrru Ijr&fium. Won. 1-oaL rortlan-1 :4 Vam-otM'rr ?4 'lrtnrla Jl , Taroma t. Pen tile . j i hpokane 0 r nt H in f.i: 4: 4)7 40; r c. .(..i.i , :. : .1 uit-ne g.-i-ra ! nacUii. aa-;uti la. ii at i . r.a git.a up ail tv m af rt ...(. ! t a m . aial.a ( Ika '-.n.l .f It a allMula tt ih I Ai (e.ca Al!.:riu rlvjb la ra)dlal- II ( ll.a adi.cte I-av,aa t.a rwnial4 ai'a-i .-J la H 1.1,11,1- I rf oula al laa. fi-t i 1 u afti ag.i. a Ml. a ttt.itibar of Itt I w Ai g.l'a . 1. I- a... (:.... a., au.i'rndcd by Iba rag- dan c..niin!l of ihe Iw.ulh I'aelflc a- laii.ti .f Itt Amateur AIMaiie uhluh A l.i. gram ftaxn Jama K autllvaa. I alrn an of ll.a ArtterUan Otniile rotn mill., in Nr Tnrk alatea Ibal Iba Sea V..ik offlrlala Iiol Interfere in. tha ruling of lie !. Angela rom n.ii irr rl'r'i.'.a n baa re-celel or4 thai hi Buei!-el..rt la a 1 1 ! I In affeel ami -a III wiljl further lneatlgalln The la Ang.l.a . Iu alau rfua la lay iiHiinia eioer.ae t Star York 10 J..in tr.f lorn un.l.r any fir-rum. atal.t ra !ai.iuna H a lima f.tr th team da- laituie la t-nt a few .! aaay. o II aeema r.ria.n j-itit-.aon ha anieng lla al .'.! llnrinr (rat hr Gotham. I all. a fr-rm l.etai H Ira I Sa V a. Jh I - tieorge lli.rlna of 'aaford umt-aiaiiy. t'aiifornla. world a 1 i.ami'lnn liith Jwmr. la hare 4da) from 1 a 1 fot nia. Iturlrta etarled Iralnirg t..'a. at Travrra (aland, th rummer I oi-.r ,. ha Naa- York Athletlrl eluh and alii ra tl dally until tha I'on.j.:, r .,..! m tha Harvard Hta ! mi J.in. m hi. h ho la entarrd ffi.iaia of Ih. A A I". irre on hanj .- lu l.i aatih II. .rin. a ork. . . .Mdrmmn llomr DUrua Man. ilr.H. I I'ra. Uaarl lr.l hlanford I ' nls i-r : l j . (al . Junn 1 T.'iera l a anaplrlon Tealrnt I era In thiit 1.110 hkelv ran-llilala for tha At.iarlian n:ni.l.- t.arn : t.ean over- ik..! In Mi lie Alderrnun. Htanford e.i.-(il Ihi.mtr In priirtlra 1-era Ald ir.iian hvirlel ho ilim-ut 14? feet, Juet one f'u.l nur the. world a record. Leaps From Horse and Throws I VI Id Steer t -i4- r ' 7 -4 GOSSIP OF THE MOTOR BOATS laV-4we- taul N IK . ' f ' 4j Yf ' -!- . , k. tf. il M r. . f v : i. ; j a I V el' y ' 1 J Tkt Jl .-V i aTtfC -IV kif 49HtWt al ). ( I IT f4 U .i,tia w tic -J-I.O-.i W aM r f IH 4NI Ut clgj. I A It tvu4v (( ft ' ? l!t j 19 Jfif g MMK rf til It. Ill ct I f ! M. M l t-J J.'t3i1 t U H ltX ItaV f It U .- luUti tvr4( (iti. tvl l ! f , I I W 11 r 1 . f i Ui. 41 H- fl 4 ft.. - jtT t un 1 arH, I v tC klM itltHit M I t lakH.gJ I i K W ifc f r- I J 1 44ft f-c ! f- iftn I oi 1ft; I j. :: :i 4 , :,. , i.. i u w i: 4Kj-4ii t tw ta j it i l4M. I f 4x lit 1M( ttl I ' e WrMll flut 41 i MUtti,IU loi.4a'(J l 'r gctiifi -trv-ai r the tat if thil h1 dt'll'iUu! l tU tit (ef( ii of 1 ' .'..!: . Il Jane J flcl iJ.l. I .'r-4l . K I, I nlt' ! Ip - 4k I ff Intra I4t.aul M. Ik ft : a. a. .., 1 l'. a, . . M . . t a9 -"1I4J rba (a 1 V VMkl CO ifl ' - T -.-j-. . . t ii.a.1 ta. w, ta,i, aia-4y ataav. la-U a la I ka ('alaakar 44 k) Aatvrla 41 a .ala r aM!i Wa ...t aa. aa !. aar la rwtU a (-: rill lliraafc la la tkaiga. U !-.. Ka4l aa aat "klef I ar rr.at H Cii.r r J Ptaak C gaaa aaa.'fai.a .Mitu.l. 11 Ika taiiut la . ' " - ...Jl:-... a. lie UmI Ia4 ta?a ti.J .i f. ii. aikiai al bay Oratt. ' .c tl.ab.l la III I 4uaki I a . ,( ! a ilh .JJ.iakJa 4lfX ' 1: . 1 ij an M !h aiaa4tJ ilasav Tat ;..' acta aa.bpag laa Ibllda f 1.1 ... iioitl of Ik fa"!1 I'. i'. . al i.i m. gi.a ) Ual -r . . t . 1. 1 .agiaa lea II Uraa o...i )) del t.ait ad Iba lai t - i i K t M .rgiMa are .at k It t..r; ,arl . llll.4.t l.-hlla af ba r4 1 . m f ..at.fa.tui. T t. daaki'.-a-ll ! II r . I . . r I 1 I, 13.. Ira. I H HIWH. . 1 ' ..f r . . 1 , ana ' i 1 !raaa4 be jlf.. a . I ail. file ..! haa aol j-' I. 1 1 & ..i ut f i'i. a.lar, tH. I 1 1 ... a.i t .1 .r.a la a fa laa and ' lUi 4lv4 i.Cft't 3 1 1 a . ? J 1 - - ''htgy&f-- 5 . L. ( i. of III I I I (0 f , f ,f .. 1 me I juij s e ; i -1 i .i-. mi. i.. iiMi i ranae Tf.a r.m rrtfiiltl 1 I iti al 11 I I la.', la In -f rt- n leiii-a ilh He . on 1 l;.lllic and an jouauatly lalclealm til MalninrM la tl-lrt I Auguel - Aneotan.e of an lnllall 'n ,1a at-and the da al I tllclxiti t lan h ion rtul l 1 i.'.ji. 1. mitt (f.al oiefara tluna all. tx ItiaJ. for a flfel ilaaa ual Ibg Auguel II. r-U l.nsj-ef I af-d i Trotyl- hl lie ui.il 1 . -.terra '. log 1 lut rulaei uf Ilia er lu IValama. Waali. aa t al.an-.ai lli.kaal.r aa ah. ai.li4 l la.a. .f t u.a . lain lineal Ik. Uiaak aa i" 1 gel f lit Irngib ahead, ahe) ii . Ii.) I'.mii t.t 0.1I her an gina a 4 a.i ! Uriakatirr aiihw-ni aay i J f f 1 ull. .oaililarln hal Iba tlraak aalrf la 4 It knot eaeal The att-e-a f Ihle Irlal f.r eo-aed raeiM a bat ha liar ei ran do Tha alahlllly of Iba ii.mI trtiia,rkMe. and the dralgnai, Y. A. Ita.llo. ta bcatt b'.gMjr cMU. mmded f..r h'.e ei.eil.tii auik la bung-l-g a .1 thla eaacl and for Ih raaulia . I it.. I ii allalned an.. 1 t ar Ltjnrhlng 15 .American Ikakiic. 11 r'ht'-agn 0" Roaton (i Phll.idelphia U Iel rnit ... VI 11 16 I'oHTl.AM) . VHilrKt'n 1 New York , 81 .nil I a . . n IMt. V r : 1; "no f. 11 fi.ii 17 1 sis ji-i :o f.n,) 17 1 1 4 7:' in : 1 . 4 1: : : .v.m 14 : s . 3 r, 1 1 'l!l.1hcH! I.e. If . Mani'infl 3'i I. 1 il.-ay. !'! K i tii-f;. 1 . rf . . . MlitliT, l-H I 'nam-, i f RHfin. H) Hnrrh. ....... (iirot. p H 1 it ,: i nliot hani. I' Totals A" ' V 'u'T K,i 1 National InRnc. 4 n n 1 ! (I ' V.'on Lost. P r J 11 11 4 2 I V' York 7 SoO 4 ii I 2 1 rini-lnnatl J1 17 .'.7'. 4 11 1 1 1 ( 'Ii I f't co 11 17 .!'.'.'! 4 11 f 1 0 0 ritthlmra; IS 17 .:, 4 4 11 -i in 2 n ut. iiui 1 :o 2? . i7 4 n 1 ti 1 n : I'hlladalphla 14 in .t:( 1 11 0 n 11 0 Brooklyn 1 - .J1 j 11 1 1 2 I) , Hontoii 1-1 :i ..133 HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHT . RESULTS IN DRAW (t ailed rreea liead Wire Fun r'rnnriam, June 1 - The queatlon of the heavyweight "hopr" auprrmary of tha coimt la ntlll unilerided today following n 10 round draw between WoN dler i:iler ninl Phatlay Miller Tho man ir-v !!! 1 v i.n.1 fouicht n four round ('rnw and wi ro mntrlied over t?ia longer In hii rfforl to aattln their dlf- f er.-ne. Kldar hud the hatter of the' aarly roiimla. but Miller raitia hack atronir atul atoni'd up tn.'ittr-ra. Miller used hla 111 1" nor welt-lit and alr.a to waar down the .Si.lili. r, ami fmiKht rovrred up. Ho punlHha.l I-:ider with rlumay body blows, wlill.' i:id'-r, en ; 1 1 y oulhoxliiK him, piyki d at hin k'k mttr nppnnant'a fara r.nd trlfl n'pr.itidly hut vainly to get him to open up. The bent lmut of the evpnlnjr nil a ""hedulod 10 round nffnlr botwacn "I4d" Watson and Ahe Label, In whlrh Wat non put I.al.rl nway In plirht rounds. JliiuilV t'arroll and Holder Rocho fouufht a druw. ' ' . illMiin rirkftt. rowl)oy ter- rtatlrr and rhlef hlh rhlef of lha Cbajcncfk with (bo 101 Ranrh, whhh oiDa at Portland. Juna h. Dr of th moat remaikibte eil.l l:tloi.a in tha 101 Kanrh IM W eat rl.ow, whlrh eihitita in I'on .rd r .r four da) a, beginning Pat jrrtay. June t, la a wrealllnaT conttat between ' l iau' rirkelt. a rowboy. and a big long horned Trxa aleer Pickett. It I aald. dladalnea to have tha animal bald by larlata until he rani li...ana and t'.ieaa.ka ho ront rlbula get a good grip 011 th animal' nerk or J hiiaratmg .Mini to ti e wild weal per head Ml method la to pursue the a!rer fn'tnan. e of tb penfli of that !! Hi-aia will leak Portland nil .r.1 moinlng. te lurnit.g toi.Ja ei.:ng tahor Id M.iemb.r 14-II It la planned t hat a llJg irulir The . 0111 ll.ll te la not al IllKtty to glv oul any tiifurir.a. 1 I ion aa lo dretinalion. allrartlona or (any other fatura It troniliea lu b I a auB.lon of aurorlarB, one after tha 1 ulnar, fur t wo da) Hfler.ler !: tu lihar i: tJ and IX lota-r ! : . will on a row pon . wati-h for a faorabla I a.ao ht rruialng loa. but towplrte Ue o.orlur.lt. vault fiom the la k of lh !alia havo nol liven made pory to lha neik of ll.a ateei. and then) potlry of the renin commute wreilie with the aillnibl until It admila , 0 mtrieal tha arloua lommrn 111 ilula lte-!f lealeii and ilr.-pa to tha ground along the rlar of lha nortl.aeat In It l n tihlbitlnn (ht netrr fall lns rub crulara la a new one and glea rrrnlc a Ben.atiou eery promtae of opularltlng rruialng. 1'hkett la oni) one of . big rongraaa a II ha never baen bafor The lnl!a. of n. !,,. rniflil. Median Vaquaro tlon are cordial and II I rertaintr from ie Joaepn Ktiiile ebip )rda In tlaet fniilin,! The eaaet irrind lata In th aftur.-wn and tla.1 u(. I Suppla a I do. k al the foa l of aet luiiaonl tral. fMhrr triavatp. Wil.nm J. rattrraon haa purihiaed a all 1) under linmm engld from lha Moter iliehineiy company Von def Urrtr.a are doing Ih Inatalllng. )'. II Helton, nianagrr of tha Gaa I'nn.r at hufpl)' I'o. la on a tup dowa tha ruaet In tha Intere! of hi com panv. YOUNG OIIEN HAS WOLGAS T GUESS! NG . 1 .34 01000 1 8 27 1 4 3' Il.itteiJ for lllk'Rlnbnthnm In 9th. SOU It K BY INNINGS jinrrjimento 0 0 0 7 0 0 11 4 1.1 1 IltH 0 10 6 0 0 2 2 K lfi Port land 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hits 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 a- K SUMMARY. Strurk out by (Jlrot 1. Mlesin Ar icllunes 3. Ita.Ta On hulls off fllrot 3. HlKKin 2, Arrelluncs 3. Two Iihmc hlta Kriieger, O'Kriurke 2, ItHPps, Ohoek, Iralan, Mlllor. Three bsne hits Iipwia. Poulile plays Ilancroft to Llnd hRy to rtappK. fiacrlficfi hltB Banornft, Miller i) Knr-rlflri. flv trnlnn Ktolrn banes ('heck, hewls. O'Rourke. Wild itchrs- Hlnsln. Balk Glrot. Inning IVltrnoii ny i.irui o t.-i. natn nun ut 1 lrot 4. runs 3. Charge dufeat to (71rot.' Time of (fame One hour 5S min utes. Umpires Wheeler and Kinney. DAY WILL FIGHT KID FARRELL ON JUNE 15 Marshflejd, Or., Juno 1. Jess Day, who fouphl a draw with Jack Duartu et Pandon last Saturday night, has ar ranged for another fight at Bnndon, June 15, when he will meet Kid Farrell for 20 rounds. This will be the twenty second fight that Day haa had In tha ring and the day upon which It is to take place will ba his twenty-second birthday. After the fight with Farrell. Day expects to leave on a tour of Ids ho. Utah and California, where ho will fight. There has been noma effort here to mop boxing and the matter has been taken, to the Marshfirdd city coun cil. Until the position of the city au thorities on the flRltt question Is defln Wratrrn Trl-SUto Gnmoa. At Walla Walla It. H. II T.a flrando S S 2 Walla Walla S H 5 Batteries Kinnear and Mountain and White; Brldger and Kelly and Brown. At Boise n. If. K Tendleton .1 9 4 Bolso 4 10 2 Batteries Garrett and Pembrooke Karr. Maya and Vox. Washington State Games. At Hoquiam It. If. E. Aberdeen S 7 2 Hnquliuu 5 " 2 Batteries Josh and Gleason: Kane, Wllklns and Troeh. Umpire Golden. At Ontralla H. If. K. Aberdeen 8 7 1 Hoquiam S R 4 Butteries Helmecke. Smith. Boyle and Gleason; Berper and Wllklns. Boy of Eight (Seeks Heath. Bcno, Nov., June 1. Disappointed be cause other boys sold more tickets to a school entertainment than he, Lau rence Fouts, agod 8, attempted suielde by drinking a solution used to remove dead cuticle from fingernails. It was stated today that he probably will re-; cover. "I want to be first," the boy explained to his parents. "If I can't, I don't want to live." ANDERSON WILL MEET F. EDWARDS TONIGHT Vancouver, Wash., June 1. In a let ter received from Bud Anderson thla mornitiK. written at his training camp at Kliinatli Kalis, he predicts his suc cess In about the tenth round tonlfrht in hln match with Frankle Kdwurds. Bud put Kdwnrris down for the count in the seventeenth round in a former engage ment and says that he Is now in much better shape and expects to shave at least seven rounds from the time. The seuts are all sold, he says. (frilled Prea Ta.aed wire. Philadelphia. June 1. Young Jack O'Brien has Jumped Into the flrat-rater class of tha lightweight division today aa a result of Ma ahnwlng against Champion Ad Wolgast In a six round bout here. At tha end. the advantage, If any, was with the rhaenplnn. hut for the most part the bout wa very even. Brian was far the cleverer, but his blows lacked sting, while Wol gast made his opponent wince when he anded on tha body. O'Brien showed speed, which at tlmea had the champion at sea. In the second round Wolttast dropped the I'hlladelphlan for the count of nine, but O'Brien was up and fight ing at his usual clip again before the gong. GOLFERS PLAY TODAY that many peopla will prefer thee monthly crulaea on tha rlrra to a irg utar aummer acatlon. Ilajf OrM"" In Tort Tb ganolln yacht Ray Again. Ot-ean Tie motor t oat men ef tha Wlllaro etta aie wondering If Mr. Wlie will aend llu; Wig wain lo the rarea at bt Johna lo rue againit Johnny Wolffs new Ih) ,1 Nothing ha bean heard t. and ih time Ii growing short. IN GEARHARTTOURNEYiNORTH BEND PLANS National Leagun CJatiiPs. At Brooklyn Flri-t game: R. IT. E. Boston ,i r 2 Brooklyn 9 10 3 Batteries Dixon. McTlgue and Kllng. Gowdy; Ylngllng and Krwln. Umpires Brennan and Owen. Oaks Win in Twelfth. San Fracisco, ("al., Juno 1. The Oaks defeated the Villagers In a 12 inning game yesterday by the score of 6 to 6. A base on balls to Tierlemann, with two outs and a man on first followed by Hetllngs single gave the Oaks their victory. The score: R. H. K Vernon 5 11 1 Oakland l i Batteries C list I. ton. Gray and Sulli van, Abies ana fllitz. ' At Brooklyn Second game: B. If. E. Boston S S 3 Brooklyn Rl 2 Batteries Brown, Donnelly and Dowdy; Ragon, Rurker and Erwln. Umpires Brennan and Owen. The third annual Invitation golf tour nament nt Genrhart Paik opened Ihta morning. Many local p)aera ar en tered in the tournament, which will labt until Tuesday evening. There will be u dance tonight In th Grai haft hotel for thin who hav en tered Tha mens and women's qualifying rounds will he played today. Play will continue tomorrow slid on Monday tha st-ml-finnl will be played. The mixed forrsomes will also ba played Monday. U S ro mm TO BAR "WORKERS Ordinance Gives Mayor Right to Deny Streets to Public Meetings. IN RHODE SLAND VOTE A,t New York R. H. E St. Louis fi 8 0 New York l ti i Batteries Willis and Bresnahan; Wlltse, Tesreau and Meyers. Umpires Johnstone and Eason. At Pittsburg - R. II. E. Cinclnnafl 2 5 4 Pittsburg 6 S 2 Batteries Bagby and McLean; Adams and Gibson. Umpires Klem and Bush. BATTING AVERAGES FOR THE SERIES Angels Make It Five Straight. Los Angeles, al., June 1. Tho Seals suffered their fifth straight defeat at the.- hands r.f tha Angels yesterday by tne, score or o to i. The score: R. H. K. Los Angelns 5 8 0 San i Francisco i., 2 S B Batteries Flater and Boles; Miller HgMl Berry. itely established events arranged f or this city wilt not be carried out.' THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. - VICTROLA XX. Mahogany or oak; 13 inch turntable, double spring motor u-an be wound while playing), exhibi aTUon Bound box, Victor tapering arm and '' Vnonenerk" sound box tube; all thi; metal parts are heavily- nlckeHJj Cf Plated. Price . - ( . hPJW You will appreje iate and enjoy-" the icugnuui inuBic. ui hub 'Koviii. Other Styles $15 to I2B0. SOLD" ON EASY PAYMETs'TS tar OPb Tonlfht. : s attonrtaa ptreat. at - StTgnth, . '- - . Baavera roar Games. AH. H. P. C. Chadbourne 13 3 .231 Bancroft 1 Rodgers , 12 Lindsay .1 Knieger IS Doane 11 Rapps 14 Burch 10 Howley 2 Fisher .-. 1 .JStone 1 Hlgginbotham Glrot Darkness Klawltter Koestner Colts Big Samoa. AB. If. P C. gpeatt 4.... 26 6 .192 Crulkshank 12 4 .333 '4 .250 4 .2.1.1 4 0 .000 2 125 2 .14.1 4 n .641 1 .400 1 .S00 a 0 .000 4 1 1.000 4 4 1 .250 a 1 0 100 4 1 .600 a 2 0 .000 3 2 .687 a 395 ' I Senttlf Heats Spokane. Spokane. Wnrh., June. .1" The Bugs nosed out the-Indians In yesterday's game by the, From of 5 to 4. Kraft Intercepted a throw from centerfield, which would have caught Strait at the pinto with the winning run. The Ncore: R. H. E. Spokane 4 !) 1 -feat tie '6 11 3 Batteries Noyes, Kraft and Devogt; Mclvor. and Whaling. Wall'y. 132 39 Fries Smith .'. Williams Harris . Moore . . Kasttey Kibble . Coltrln . Lam line , Doty Tonneson fc'Unfleld 25 11 2 . S JS g 16 7 11 'Hi 20 23 4 5 8- 3 ' I l.i a t 4 a a t .440 .193 .320 .188 .28$ .543 .300 .227 ,flOO .400 .000 '.''3S Jl 2 .287 Tacotna .Uents 'anrouver. Tncoma, Wash., June 1. Allekla held Vancouver to rtwo hits and the Bob Brown's tossers were defeated by the score of 2 to 0. The score: . . R. If. E. Vancouver . . ; 0 2 1 Taroma ' 2 7 1 Batteries Kngl and Lewis; Meikle and Crittenden. Umpire Tomen. Cuban Situation better. Washington, June 1 United States consuls in Cuba today In reports to tha state department expressed complete bewilderment to- thef-authorshlp of stories sent out from Havana report ing tha$ an alarming condition pre vails in the island republic as a re sult of tha negro rebellion. ' Want Sunday Game. The Keystone Woolen mills team would like to make arrangements with some out of town team for a game to morrow. For further Information tele phono Tom Jaxon, C-2592. (Ppaclil ta Tha Jonrnat.t Providence. R. I , June 1 Victory tr Champ Clark throughout Rhode Island In the Democratic presidential primaries was shown by practically complete re turns today. The, returns show that CUrk will get all the 10 delegates to the Democratic national convention in Baltimore. The vote, which was exceedingly light so far tabulated, stands: Clark, 5712; Wilson, 1530; Harmon, 728. DALLES DISTRICT LEAGUE IS MEETING IN YAKIMA (Spertal to The Journal.) North Yakima, Wash.. June 1. The sixteenth annual convention of Tha Dalles district of the Epwdrth league of the Methodist church is being held in this city yesterday and today. The district Includes all the territory in thi Yakima valley from EUensburg to Ken newiek and on tie Columbia river to Hood river and Prlnevllle. Among the out of town speakers are Miss Edith Waterman of. Boston, dea conese evangelist; Kev. If. F. Femher ton, pastor of the AVhitehouse Heights Methodist church in Spokane; Rev. II. O. Perry of Sunnyslde, Miss Clara Motilton of Grandvfew, Rev. C. D. Rary of Kennewlck, Rev. .1. W. Caughjin of EUensburg and L. P. Meyers of Spo kane, representing the. second annual Kpworth league institute, which is to be held at Kale: park Liberty Lako, July 8 to 14. The officers of the district are: Harry Cole ef this Hty, president for the past two years: G. If. Haffenbrack of North Yakima, assistant; Mlsa iiamle Landon, Sunnyslde, first vice president; Miss Nettle Barnes, Golden dale, third vice president; Mrs. R. R, MacDnnald, The Dalles, Or., fourth vice president: Mrs. Vessie Keenon, EUens burg, secretary-treasurer. HE STOLE CATS; WILL EITHER GO TO PRISON OR RECEIVE PENSION HERE'S CASE OF OFFICE SEEKING OUT THE MAN New York, Juns 1. Who wants a $4000 Job? Not all at once, please. Newark wants an expert to help beau tify that suburb. Whether or not It Is regarded as a hopeless task, candidates arc not flocking to get on the pay roll. The state civil service commission has asked for applicants and has gone so far as to specify the exact duties, but not a single man has offered to take the Job even at $4 000 a year. I Special to The Journal. 1 North Bend, Or. June 1. pea king on the rtreet of North Bend by mem ber of the I. V. W. or others cannot take place unless the city officials know about it before hand. Thla la the result of an ordinance passed by the city council which la similar to the plan adopted In some other cities. The or dinance provides that anyone desiring to make a public speech on the streets must first receive a written permit from the mayor of the cy and the ap plicant must specify exactly tha hour and place of his Intended speech and must also atate the text of the address he Intends to give. It Is atated that this measure was passed by the city to guard against I. W. W. troubles should speakers of that order come hore from other place.!. Jimla IL Welch, secretary of lb Motor Boat club, la Inatalllng Ihre c Under Falrbanka-Mora angine In hla boat. Th 1'acer Hull. Thra la eonald arable gucaelng aa to lbs apead that wltl ba tiJida. Th Huh has recelred a nw supply of plni Anyone wanting on mar call on th rarlak'-r at th clutx , MARINE ENGINES AND SUPPLIES BEEBE COMPANY 44 l-BOVT BT., FOlTLaJrt), OB. - BALLOU & WRIGHT - DISTRIBUTORS Monogram Oil Klaxon Signal And Other Leading Accesiorlta SEVENTH AND OaAK STS. GRAY&SCRIPPS MOTORS Snick DUtt on Both Znglnaa otna In ancl Be Them and Oat Vrloas F. A. BRICKELL, Agent, Baa. Fnona B53 Bs. Fhone East 138 Hawthorn aUllwood T3S - Atibm BAPTIST MISSIONARY , FOR COAST SECTION ("pedal to The Journal.) Marshfield. Or., June 1. Rev. C. E. Short of Oakland, has been sent to this locality to do missionary work for the Baptist church. He will remain here for one year and will act as general mis sionary aid In Coos and Curry coun ties, filling the pulpits of different churches. Another missionary move ment which Is to be carried on here by the Baptfst denomination Is that of maintaining a colporteur boat which will be in charge of Rev. J. Leroy Hall, formerly pastor of the Marshfield Bap tist church. The boat will be operated Only jeraeyites will be considered ror j the same manner as the colporteur the place until it is known that none Is j cars and wagons, but it was decided competent, if any should apply; but I that a boat would be more effective lo the commission threatens to cross the , cally as It would better reach the rural state line shortly. But Newark really districts and tho logging camps. The has a rase of "the office seeking the i boat will be a novelty as it will be th oniy one or tne Kind in tno united States. The local church furnished the money for building the boat and specifi cations are now being drawn. STRIKE AT ABERDEEN COST TAXPAYERS $4400 tSperlal to Tbe Journal.! Aberdeen, Wash., June 1. The re cent I. W. W. strike in this city cosl the taxpayers nf Aberdeen for special police, $4 100, that amount being allowed by the city council. When the trouble broke out. Chief of Police Templeman and Mayor Paries, .finding it impossible to get officers. Imported from Seattle, Portland and Tucoma, 90 special men, who worked during the entire strike. Blind Woman Burned. (United frees Leased Wire.) Redding. Cal., June 1. Unable to make her way from the building because of blindness, Airs. Kate Fernando was burned to death In a fire which de stroyed her cabin home near here. Launches! Canoes! Rowboati! FOR HIRE Phoc Main 1764) or A-5311 - KELLOGG BOAT HOUSE foot of Salmon Btraat. across tou but a MARINE ENGINE , SEE THE NORTHWESTERN w. a. KSMVxarasB., 7 Pacific Coast Distributor 47 FIH8T STREET, FOBTZaASO, OB. H. A. REYNOLDS AGENT. , Union Gas Engine Co. Marine, Stationary and Hoisting Engines . lorw-Victor Marin Oa Engia Gaa Baffin SupplUav 47 riBST ST., FOBTXaAXTD, OB. FOR GASOLINE ENGINES AND MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES SEE ROBER MACHINERY CO. 281-883 BASi MOBBXSOB. ..j , j-U.jiLJim.j.LAii.UJ.ujji,1 .i'.,,". V - American League Game. . At St Louis B. It. R Detroit 1 1 St. Louis 914 0 Batteries Wlllr.tt. Works and Stan age; J".oweII and Stephens', Krtehell. Umpire AVstcTvelt - and O'LoUartriin. Crowds attend OakaViinh ihes day's. fFnlted Pre Leased Wire.) Toklo. Japan, June l.Kohl- 4 chi Kobayashl la under arrest 4 hare charged with stealing oats. He had a corps of email boy aa-' sis-tanta who scoured the city 4 for them. In the past few years 4 it la estimated he gathered 2Q. 4 000 cats. He sold their skin far half a yen, er 25 cents each. 'Th authoritlea do not know whether Mo imprison or pension a him. -.'.-- ,:. -. J. I ' GRAYS HARBOR MILLS DO ACTIVE BUSINESS u (Rneclnl to The JonrnoL) Hoquiam. Wash., June 1. More than 1000 carloads nf lumber were shipped from Grays Harbor during the month of May. The shipments were better I than any previous month this year. The mills find it - hard - to get. suffi cient vessels to carry lumber and the raise In freight rates is due to tho scarcity of sailing ships. Many Attend Memorial Services. - (Rpeclil to Tha Journal.! Albany. Or., June L More people at tended Memorial services hers Thurs- day. than at any time in the history of Albany.. Tha Spanish war veterans pro vided autos for the members of tho G. A. R. and the Ladies of tha Grand Army during the procession to tho city cemetery where tha services were held. Flowers were strewn on the- surface of th Willamette river in commemora tion of th nation' dead who gave up their lives at sea. IT QTEBCHEl TBZB8T . Horsford'a Aold Phoa-phata r ;1 A little in water, far mora delicious and refreshing than lemonade. . WHAT'S THE USE OF LUMBERING UP YOUR MOTOR-BOAT WITH UNWIELDY LIFE-PRESERVERS, WHEN THE Kenyon Cushions WILL PASS THE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS AND"ADD TO THE Comfort of the Triti IF YOUR DEALER CAN'T FURNISH YOU. CALL ON US ' . ". We Are., Factory Distributor" for 1 STANDARD FERRO. VAN BLERCK, ERD & CORLISS MARINE M MOTORS CLEVELANDAUTO BOATS -- . -'O MOTOR-BOAT ACCESSORIES 242-244-243 r Hawthorne Ave. yas ruwer M mpm to