The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 01, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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. .. , T - ii --fc,. .,.. -
Blllie" Hawkins and His pat. B 111"" ia tba only son of Mr. and Mr.
W. J. Hawkins of Portland llelg hts.'-Ills brother are all girls, so
Billy areuraulatra "peta." Soma wlao ona has aald: "Tha boy la
only half himself without hla pata. Tha association of Iba child
with animal Ufa la tha aateat way to Inrvleata la him love, srtn
patby and a knowledge of tha ned of other.
cms vnjiit zsiTixTutrr.
Cdlted hf Trtmrt MarVe lleekae.
Do hanrtj aa4 riMW MUakoa. garth
Mala er. r-rwt4V, Mr.
W. , r.tMKtlM A-iMl.
KelratMrha. flam. hm a .4 Wed
Mneia h1lu4 MtM a4i ktTt.
11 m4 Warter. I'tw Mala tea.
TH riaaoVra Itiwt. Mala
Jawaila CVrt.
oatrlanaa. WttlUa N.
S. U
rl' gVfartaxat. Mtaa
Kaua; at era' arNnmi
BaiM Hatter. tSoodUaa U4.
Csortaaaaa pfcooa. A MaV
Olli laor CaaailMloa. Ura.
Trasbttll. 4t lblrl (rwt. Itaa A-
CI Drothara Paul S. 6iar.
Lumbtrmcni building
ralBar, T. W.
Oram Cangnm nf ttothara. 111. Bsbari
M.. Tata. Tabof m.
ha la a thorauahJy trained klndaraatraa
and aorlal worfear. aa wall aa attpervtaor
t.tomylilti aad Urfr Uaa fv IM
tM faltcwiaf r tia Prua fa !
ya4 . ii4ai. ai kuJj4 ua;
ua riJM. Ila TiaU,
wtaiarr, Xia. M. H", aa4 '-
ailta, C'ftl-I-K. lra Cm.
; a air a, la Ia Aaiala
ha-tC ffia4 aveat a(tt M !
I a 4a4ail ! a alaliua4
ffka t aw ata rA4,i4 ba
44 antwl Ireaw f t il ratia irfa
a UUkaa), avt' W af afcrlal a-lHMla.
Mft: "tHir a-a.o;a a ax ua4 aaly
mm rre i a, at ! "
lhaaa la. itaa aa afaail la luia ell.
aula ' ahvuM Ui air l4y
raoaaa fa aU iU4av
, . ... MajATnM.i.Ja.
Ta raritaut4 laalruftawa a fcaaa
arta4Bi4 iM tit fcia ia4r
Maaoajr anara m Tb ujtlafa n
lavalfwora ara atltiwl la aaa a eltll
rTU ataatmaiioa. 4ii la xao.
Iteal qvattuaa" aia lha raitan(: (II
aid ! ' laiaraaliaa la hava aaaaata
front BMilaara aa Ikaaa auaalkaxta. I
Qviaadua 111 NUr ara pUiroa4
aaNlad In rlllraf
(bi Hkr II a4taatla la auparrlaa
rfcilJrvn alula al iUr?
Uuaallon J (a rthnuld a flii fatal
front ei-rr nanioa ahila at war. bi
would oa 44?
(bl Hhsutd a br ta alfurk an tha
haad by a ballad ball n4 knacktd ua
ruAJoii a. wltal would )1 4T
.Itl tiiva flfai aid ireaUntal for
almula fraolura of lha radlua.
Idl Hoar mould yau dalarmtaa and
atop an arlarUI blaadlnr of Iba IhlaUT
. Viuaailun I (! A cm ad of about 4
bora In tour chart waal to pur
"maba ballat or Imllalion "roundup
for a vxki what U1 aa da about
IL and wbyT
- Oaaallon 4 fltva raaaona fa a
aaolaal lha foiiawtoa aaoiaa far both
bora and atria, namalr: ! taaebaii;
(bl martin; (e) hoop rol!lo; td) ropa
Ouaaiioa I (al A man rapona o
CcawraJ CVkiauatttM, )raaarlrr, 43d Sctllaf Ilalldtac. Mala) SMI,
04 aorlal worbor. aa wan aa aoparviaor h-l b . of u, . ttn,
f raeivallon work, and It would ha Unpj ea by anolh.r boy about to
II.' It It Routleolxe.
Do you raallaa that II I only two
It la betur to prefer hnnoraela da
i fat to a mean victory, to lowaiinc tha
leva) of our aim that wa may tha more
certainly enjoy tha complacency of auc
eeta. John Ruakln.
, Teaching 1rmon of Itponlblllty.
A SHORT lima ugn at tha calabra
Hon for C'hlldren'a Day at Cen
tral I'ark. New Tork. tha park
commlaalonera havlnv decided to
turn the park over to tha children
without reatralnt, appointed a boya'
police force, aa an eiperlmental part of
ha problem of allowing children tha
opportunity for finding out Tor them-
1 aclrea Juat what "icood aovernment
really meann. I. .. to be governed J)a
cauia you want to be and not because
you have to.
If this principle of elf-corernmen
applies so successfully on occasions of
play among children It certainly ougli
to apply generally and possaaaaa.
least, tha suggested value of tha more
general training of children In tha art
cf "self-government.
Question 7 (al Three or four boys, weeks until the garden contest show
eh aged about li, ara dlaturblng ele- h In the Armory?
icnla ar.d -llppy" hen remonatralad Th aeaaun la a Hide barkaard an.l
loas ia bare fcer rttura aaat. .i,.t iu vou 4o?
hi mniK.r at tha aTrounda
CoaauBMin' Lcaxoa. and mom.iu that .erai of tha child-
in aa larormal addraaa, daiiveraa by Dr. 1 ran with whom her daughter or 1 piaye
C. M. Chapman, under tha auaplcea of use tad words, aad ara otherwise 111.
the Consumers' league last. evening. ir. I brad: what about 11 7
Chapman declared that aa long aa there
Is competition In Industry tha tendency I aech
-.V. .27". ' Z'. - . 1... with: what will you do about It?
I ii ifaVsavm u a aav vms. aa wa aa iiivirinriit 1 - . ,
" ... ..I I as. s A airl n f Uilt i 1st I BO bdkld
yL,;rr.,! ...r t h.v. h,r f v...i.w.. . ......
"""" ai'e ....... . I li-. ,k. ,...,,- . what about it I aniaiiar out mat makes no airrerence
wages of women and children employed hrlslteplaygroun hm
I. n. lanllnllan far ftulltftlirl OUaallOO S (S) "S I WOU1J JOU OO I . . . . .
In making tha aurvey haa been
tha Rueeal Bage Foundation
t . . - ...1.1.1 K . V
thla surrey Is In no aense opposed toM" or clothing was the determining x no wou(J moh4
lha proposed Initiative measure which 'c'or- . . -i,.i "! a showing." Ha will t still more
gtrl of hera . ...... . ..
XIIm Mkrjorla E. Dana, aged It montha. it work la ber cardro at 1241
Alblna avenue.
another thing some of the gardene were
started a little too late. Thla will
made to '...27 The aardn.a vou children hava made
r.i.lthe cnllaren unaer your sirmion mam 1 - .. .
ruM ' "lu'"' .. . lare really a revelation to many. One
I , . . .. .i..t. t.. f I rnan aala to me tins week, I am as
.r. fk.t I into croups In which the matter or , ..... . ... .
la to l. nresanted br tha State Federa-I ' A ooy seeraa 10
tlon of Labor making a minimum wage l'der of his group,
or discourage
-(a) A number of child-
of SO cents an hour for women and 10 Would you encourage
feata an hour for man. but la rather ch leadership? hyT
i 11 tiueatlon t (a) A nui
Tha minimum wage was defined by ran who attend a certain r'yeound
Dr. Chapman aa "a wage which ae- !"' regularly lira about two miles
cures proper living conditions for the
nlflcent collection of garden truck the
young gardenera will have at the Ar
mory on June It.
Soat Bzpeet too afack.
No one will eipect to aea mammoth
from the aamc. Would you encourage f"n,,k '""., P0"10"- crros. etc.. the
naary vi wmrii his kiiuvi fi ivunij iiiu
. . . .. I lham Ia va.-a.lW frt fl1 from thtt DlaVT- I
wora.r ana n,.m..y. - - c wh,ch- cM ..... f.lra In the fall after an all sum-
. f ' . .,i.t u'k.i . mar's growth. If they do, thoy are un-
Portl.nd Council Meta. bV, ",. , nil!.) a nnmber of boys reaaonabla and will be disappointed.
Thursday, June will fee the monthly .boUt i5 year, old ar. disposed con- But what they will see Is a display of
meeting of th. Portland council. Thla r,nu,iiy to loiter about or "bang rfh- cl" nd appatlslng radlshe".
council la compoal of the offlcera of ,V0"n" the he.Jqu.rtrra of a fir. tatiui-a, onion... young cabbage etc.. etc
.11 circle, of ...ocla- Z.ny located near fh. p.ayground th?f&1
tlona In the city of Portland, also active of which you are director; what about 'V ' 1 ?"? .fJ I.
.... I " v. 111. i'. . . . w..a. 1 V ui
and associate members.
Tho prealdent of tha council ssks
(b) A number of tha "hla; hoya" In
alio has raised, if It Is only one cabbage,
a few radishes, a bunch of onions.
Neighborhood Hotue.
Few people renllxe the extent and
scopa of the work being dona at thl
settlement. Neighborhood House is to
South Portland what Hull House la to
the west side In Chicago. Here la one
of the finest gymnasiums in the city,
Manual training, domestic, science, lit
erature, clubs and classes, nature
studies, hikes, etc., in fact, anything
and everything that goes with first
class settlement work.
The most startling piece of news this
week Is the resignation of Miss Sadie
Block, the resident worker at Neigh
borhood House, It Is hoped that Miss
Block may be secured for Portland as
But a Symptom, to Danger Sig
nal Which Every Woman
Should Heed.
Backache is a symptom of organic
weakness xr derangement. If you have
backache don't neglect it. To get per
manent relief you must reach the root
of the trouble. Read about Mrs. Wood
all's experience.
Morton's Gap, Kentucky. -"I suffered
two years with female disorders, my
neaitn was very oaa
1 vam
'. ZSZffimi and I had a continual
FPWmi backache which was
A . M simply awful. I could
not stand on my feet
long enougn 10 cook
flla meal's victuals
il! without my back
nearly killing me,
'Jand I would have
(I such dragging sensa-
' 'Jtions I could hardly
bear it I had sore-
ness in each side, could not stand tight
clothing, and was irregular. I was comv
nletelv run down. On advice I took
f,vdia E. Piakham's Vegetable Com.
pound and am enjoying good health, It
is now more tnan two years ana a hbvo
:' not had an ache or pain since.. I do aU
work: waahinir and everything.
1 a (..v. harkacha anv more. I
CU1U UCf . ,
think youc medicine is grand and I praise
' if to all my'neighbors. If you think my
testimony will help other yoa may pub
lish it" Mrs. Ollib WoodaIX, Mor
ton's Gap Kentucky. ,
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta
ble Compound will help you, writ
to liydia E.Pinkham 3Iedlcine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass for ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
end.fceld In strlf wedcnce. 1 ; -u
. . m & . l 1 I . . A a 0 I
,nai uir. o mi, mi.u. rap- your cnarg. wan. i I ",'. Evny little helps Just think Of whM
rasentatlve. from every Vlrcie aa Irn- th. playground and pract ca boxing h
portant bualnesa la to coma up at thla each day. following established rules ony Mngm -u riBhMi ,hmt 'mMn,
Uma- ' " . for audi sport: what about It? J0.008 to 60.000 radishes. Did you ever
The Congress of Mothers meets the The Instructors are placed aa follows. h . .,v rn,i.h. mihrt i
first Tuesday In the month ana haa Jur- peninsula Park Luther ueacn. awim- ,. neltll,r hav8 , but x pect
Isdlction over th entire .tata. This mlng instructor, to tsxe effect about ,0 oon Be8do radishes, there ar.
meeting, wmcn win do me laai mommy the middle or June, unm " "" many other vcgetablea to bo shown
'v Vo ' ....'i" "l 1,6 .amporarny u. "''- ' ' Claaslflcatloa for Xndlvldaal maea.
ine x. t . i ucnuftr ai .v i. m. i coin rarK pinynrouuu, umi-. j,
The reports or all atandlng committees Anne W. Simpson.
are asked for.
urcie ieua. I tmrtnr.
Concord Parents and Teachera met I Kenilwort M. Maude Ryan, Dora I.
yesterday afternoon to formulate plane -ipper
for playground work for the summer.
Fop pupils under 13 years and for
ell wood Minnie E. Murphy. Ethel P"P " "cona
RSnaxa, Samuel Adlcr, swimming la
third prise, valued at II. II and 11 re
epevtlvely la lo be awarded for each of
Ibe following:
Htane Ural 11 green pods, bast 1!
waa poda, best slngla plant w It b pods
Gerd.n beet largest apeclmen, beat
four specimens.
Cabbage, early largest specimen
bead, best three heads.
I xx) re Leaf lettuce Best sit planta.
Head lettuce largest apeclmen head.
beat three heada.
Carrot Largest specimen, beat six
Oreen onions Beat six but ih.s of
five each.
Paae Beat 14 pods, best vine with
pod a.
Potatoes, early Beat II tuners.
Radish, turnip shape Best three
bunrhee of four. each.
Radish, long variety Beit three
bunchea of four each. '
Turnip Largest specimen, best stx
Bring the Bast.
I want to impress upon you the fast
that we don't expect all these vegeta
bles te be full grown or rnatured. Thla
la impossible on account of the earll
neaa of tha ahow but we do want you
to bring the largest and beat of every
thing you have grown.
There are valuable prlxea for all and
some one will get them, poailbly on
smaller stock than you have ao decide
now on Just what you will enter for and
pet" your vegetables for the next two
weeks. Tou'.t be surprised st the
growth they'll make and the showing
you can make at the Armory.
Next Saturday's Journsi will give you
full Instructions on preparing your veg
etables for exhibit and also tell you
Just how you wlil proceed to comply
with the rules of entry.
Shanghai . Foreign Settlement
Courts Give Out First De
cree to Celestial.
ft alMd raae Vka I
f haaghal, June 1 aire. Tea. Kan
ti. the firal Ctilna. eaten eier for
mallr diverged ty the court a af I He
UkaaakeJ feeiga eenleaaeatl. Kaa fuel
received tte Initial peynteal af alias ao r
usdar- lbs decree.
Teeu Kau. a preipaaue aatue aaer.
chant, originally brought tha dtreree
aull la the aula ad court, a tribunal
ejLerf4 alia the 4).vhi r i
ee4 erUaiael iui fct ..,
laedaale ( Ike l'' MMnaukl I:,
cttaif l datua. Mia a4 k.i
luialag ln ar ata4 a e t
Uller had aiaoda Mr i f. ft.i.i
hf teeti.ali Ui4 ae .u
aa a Ha.
P, W Heater. iarwaa edt I
lk aative aaaakeKate at tfce ait.4
a!, afaiaiy cut tha Mlrtavt. ,t
tow. arded Mra T rvtwra4 I.
her anu(U.e. . the ciulita t In
aad directed lha telle le -a III
Mes" which. aceeraiag la t'hta
steavaarde. ia a large .. ateauif
hie wifa
Mhaa he heard lha flaaarl.l ai.
Tmu wealed le wneliaw ht cLa,
hut the ruit rafaaad hta aralawea,
Amity llolrl (Itaagrw llaavla,
laWrtol aa TVa alt
hJcMlaaalll. Or. Jaae I The iau
li r hl haa hea) s4d le i W. Mim,
aha was fersaarly la charge af lha tc
rtd.aial oel al ("ervaliia. Tha hew
ur a til lake ckarge Ihe first art
ef Jum.
'- - l " -
Our New Perfection BrQiler
It pleasing mauv women. It enable the houaewife to bro3
a well on the New Perfection Store as over a coal fire.
uses ell tkt keet
It cooks evenly.
It broils both sides et tnee.
It doesn't smoke.
Aad al
yea e fuaXat wa aVa
New Pbrction
a 11 1 if iyHimT
OH Cock-stove
h Is each tieawaaianra aO the year
ovjhL h w01 baia. broftX roaat aaxi haaal
jaal as wall as a regular ooal tang.
Aia at mt ika N PertiOiaa 3m at pear
aUbrl UMaaiUwil
riawat haa, draw ahaana, amal mh, aaa. Fraa
r l u k .t
Saafraahse.CaL aaJeae.CaL MaryweDla. CaL ' Seattla. Weak.
Ua AaaU CU. ShKhtea.CaL CL aaha a, WaA.
aavanvu, jai i iaai, m. rail laas, Ure. Iinaia.
ravtiaeAOre. '
The committee on Rosa Festival re
ported Uiat on Investigation It was
learned the cost of decorating an auto
would cost $60 at least. If done by an
experienced decorator and that they
had been advised that no one except
an experienced one could make the dec
orations stand. Mra. lohn Risley, pres
ident of the circle, expressed the opin
ion that they had greater nceda to
which $50 might be .applied than In
decorations on an auto for the parade.
June 7. at 7:45 p. tn., at tha Con
cord school house, will be held a special
meeting tor '"Our Husbands," and an
Brooklyn Alice M. Ryan. Genevieve
Columbia Elixabeth M. Spetch, Ruth
C. Hardlc.
North Parkway Emllle Muhr.
City Park Carln H. Degcrmark, Kath
erlne Taylor.
Lincoln Park Luther Beach, tempor
ary until tho swimming tank at Penin
sula is ready.
J. M. Nix. a business man of Com
meeunK lor uar nuiuinus, ana an I - ' y ., . .u. pArktnn
interesting progr.rn 1. 'offered. Judga &ZWT&S2i
uronaugn, a. i-.eo rasa ana oeneior ..' . i r .... . -,...t mt th
Brownell will each give JO minute aug- o'c ). f beattle' ls a KUeSt at th
gestions on "How to Improve Our Dl- f . ih.mmn of Ho-
- I II. JJUIIUIIUCi v-- ------
iritL I , a m Tahrlr1na
... ...... .aa i niiinin r r" KiMrini ax tun
m. . siaraweamer wm apeaar on V V ,;...u . .nimiiiit and
aa. H.flU'R r i n I i a i ' " -
single iax. e iinrt River, ls at the
Aira. -I'nomas uawKes win gira -uur-i" , .
rent jsventa." i ' ; . . , w.,. nt TCaian la
r. uowaiu, iu . --
Wbodlawn Circle Elects. rTT whurrrr University and Idaho
Mrs. Miller, domestic science teacher I University track teams from Moscow,
at Lincoln high spokre before the Wood- are at the Multnomah.
in Pir.tii.T.iiiiiar axnoi.iinn irt.M.l v. H Aitken. DroBldent of the Trenton
afternoon on "Food Values." with aug- Potteries company, of Trenton. N. J..
gestlona for children's lunches. The an1 w ar" 111 ..V M
r.ii. .. v..i..i M Howard, rnclfio coast manager
for the Trenton Potteries company, of
talk was very helpful
Officers for the coming1 year were
A special meeting; of the Richmond
circle was held yesterday ' afternoon.
Arrangements for the coming; Rose Fes
tival were made. Many of the circles
are going to participate In- the parade
and the Congress of Mothers may be
creditably represented.
Is Portland to have a summer train
ing school? That la the burning ques
tion. A school where mothers and
teachera may be taught the ,1 regular
kfndergarten and supervising; of rec
reation work.
Trenton. N. J., ls at the Multnomah
from' San Francisco. .
Pearl II. Smith, a coal mlna operator
of Los Angroles. and wife, are In tha
city on their way to Europe. '
C. M. Hudflleston, an attorney of Was
co., Or., and wife are guests at the
M tiltnomah
J. A. Westerlund, representative of
Jackson county, is registered at the
P. J. Brlx, a prominent business man
of Astoria, is registered at. tne Fort
(United Preea I .rafted Wire.)
Reno. Nev., June i. Bits of
4 baby's hair and clothing found
along the railroad between Ely
4 and McGIll, Nev., made It seem
certain that coyotes had de-
voured an Indian infant which
d had been lost beside the roadway.
A party of bucks and squaws
was enroute to McGIll when one
4 young squaw unhitched the pap-
4 poose and laid it on the bottom
4 of the wagon. Tha infant evl-
4 dently was shaken from the end
of the wagon and went unnoticed
d until the party arrived at Mc-
v.l T .-1- T7Aif.lna-TMn Vi a. Tl'-! 1 VrlAWTI
Wanted., a teacher to teach teachers L J.?,;S "V nit J Ti. ih.
and mothers. ..?!'iu "
srJl unnu. a
M. S. Jackson, a railway contractor
of Seattle, is a guest at the Portland.
W. C. Ellingwood, an attorney or ian
r Highland Receives. "
Yesterday afternoon was a happy af
fair at the home of Mrs. A. F. Flegel, Francisco, Is registered at the Portland
the retiring president Of Highland circle, 18 accompanied Dy nis wne.
Tha incnmlna- offleftra and mumhrn mil I F. H. Finley, a machinery manurac
friends were tendered a reception by turer of Spokane, ls registered at the
president, ura. a. jr. onoemakcr I rv" .
meo. A. ppraiian, a proniineiii at
torney jjf Omijha, ls registered at the
C. M. Weatherwax. a well known lum
berman of Aberdeen, and wife are at
the Portland.
B L. McBroom, a prominent banker
of Spokane, ana w1fo are at the Port
TV. P. Davidson, president of the Ore
gon and Washington Development com
pany, is at the Portland rrom Bt. Paul.
E. F. Reilly, a business man of Los
Angeles, and wife . are guests at the
Misa Janet Gray and Miss . Gertrude
Jones, prominent in Seattle aoclety, are
at the Bowera. . f - '
, Ml.ia Ruala N Clarke, who haa baen
at Seaside far the past several montha,
A. M. Wilson, of Fort Mlley. San
Francisco, la registered at the Bowers.
Mra. J, V. Funk and daughter, ef Ba
ker, Or, are registered at the Seward.
isses Li xl e and May Arnold and
Harry Arnold Jr.r of Seattle, ara at tha
Seward. .-.
A. C Boebmatedt, a husineas tnan of
Salem, la registered at the Seward.- .
proved herself an accomplished reader.
jars. a. x. eacn gave two numbers
of the program, which pleased.. Mra.
Mra. Culler, piano aolo.
Mra. Flegel haa dona such excellent
worX thla year that Mra. BUllngton, the
Incoming- president, has no light task to
race, DUKwe an minx ner quite equal
to it., xne orricers-eiect ara aa Jol
Iowa: . - . - . "-'
Mra. Charles Blllington, president;
jars. a. x., vice president; Mrs.
O. E. Balrd. aecretary: Mra. O. F. Cut-
ley, treasurer, and Mrs. C F. Starker,
librarian.' t
. The garden eommitte la making that
all score cards be sent in aa soon a.
possible, , v -,y ' . - '
. . ' Sell wood News. ,
Child Welfare Department. Journal
Mrs. A. J. Hoover, tha retiring presi
dent of Sellwood circle, gave a dinner
to tha, teachers thla week at her home.
la reviewing tha year's werk. the presi
dent aald it had been vary aatlafactory.
From a discouraged few at tha begin
ning of the 'year, the circle had grown
to a uemberablp of 102 with much work
The annual visit of a committee from
the Fruit and Flower mission to the ln
matea of the county farm, which was
postponed from May day on account of
the performance of "The Campus
Mouser," will be paid by the six mem
bers this afternoon. The commit
tee will leave the Day Nursery, 26
North Ninth street. In an automobile
loaded with fruit, flowers, maga-
rlnea and talking machines for the
home Tobacco will also be taken to
the men. In addition to the concert of
the talking machines several well
known singers will add to the ' enjoy
ment. At. present there arn 285 men
and IS women at the farm and they look
forward for weeks to the visit of these
women. .
The annual meeting of the Portland
Graded Union Sunday School Workers
will be held next Friday afternoon at
2:60 o'clock. Officers will be elected
and chairmen of permanent committees
will be appointed. There will be general
discussion of business topics, and ar
rangements for the Sunday school di
vision of the Rose Festival automobile
parade will be considered. It is ex
pected that every Sunday sohool In the
city will be represented In the parade.
M. F. Neusley, a lumberman of Min
neapolis. Minn., and wife are guests at
the Seward.
ed In the center of
the city. Convenient
to the shops, theatres and
urban cara. Popular Orlll
and Dining Room, famed
for their excellence. Euro
pean, $1.50 upwards.
a.J.XMVTOLLSV, Manager
Hotel Oregon
Portland, Oregon.
Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co.,
Hotel Seattje
Seattle, Wash.
Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co,
Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect and con
ducted on the European plan.
In size, appolntmenta, service
and fireproof quality of tha
building the leading hotel In
Portland, the Multnomah, offers
to the discriminating traveler
every comfort and convenience
found only In the best hotels of
the east. Nine stories of steel
and concrete, with 725 rooms
and suites palatial furnished,
with rates from $1.S0 to 15 per
day. European plan. Motor
busses meet au trains , and .
steamers. .
Fun and exercise skating. Oakj Rink." !
CDCC in VniL-IIV CKITCn -ft. You and Every Sister Suf
IlllaU 'l"! EUU IIIU U!UcJI.II erlng from Woman's Ailment.
I am a woman.
I know woman's sufferings.
I have fonnd the cure.
I will malk free of any charge, my heat tosh
Mel with full instructions to anr sufferer from
i woman's ailments. I want to tell (II women about
thla core fas, my reader, for yourself, your
uiojoit-r, your mower, or your sister, iwaniro
tell yon how to cure yourselves at home with
out the help of a doctor. Men Marat understand
women's .offerings. What we women knowfrssi
liatrlanct, we know better than any doctor. I
know that my.'hoaie treatment is safe and aura
cum for LtatarTlraaa ar Whirttli tacharat. Utemtta. II.
alateaaat w f ailiag a tit Weak, fatata, ttaarr ar ratify!
HrMt, DttfWa W Owias Taaws, tr Sreatat; else aala is
keai, tack sad haeala, ktariag Sana failiaga, aanaataNa,
ami ia failing e tha tma, anlancaarr, aatir. Is . kal
ftailMa. aariaata. kWMt. sad kttMar Imblaa aaara rtiiad
ky vtaJimaMi caliar to our aex.
I want to send yoa I toapMa hi ttft tnakatd
Mm rat to prove to yoa tnat yoa caa enre
If Vlf 1
ff7ZYy I 4kk di VMd'&SZti MIT. HIS T K. C BOwXjKS, SCanagwr. II
h no I fe
The Hotel Bowers
4 ...
Eleventh and Stark its. Under New Management
offera all the conveniences of a high claaa ho
tel, with all the comforts of a home. European
plan. $1.00 per day up. American plan, : too.
Famoua for Its grill., a la -carta and table d'hote
service at reasonable prices. Special rate to
permanent gueata.
, . . ... ' 1
yooraelf at noma, easily , q uio k 1 y and
atir.iT. uememoer. inaa.n arm aaal aaa aataueto
give ihe treatment a complete trial ; and if yoa
sHsn. to eontinaav it wlU eort voaonlvabonk Uoentaa week or lass than two eenta a dev. It
Will not interfere with rrnir work or annnnatloa. had aaad bm aaat aaaa aai aacVaaa. tell me how von.
Buffer if yoa wish, aad I will aesd yoa the treatment for, your cane, entirely free.ln plain wrap.
1. . - 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . 1 . . IM. ... top.... l..rM i.V
liwiwr rcurn omu. iwiuawMajwniaaiLiBrwnK wvauw a arcwivai iufiki wna
axnlanaterv lUnatratioiia ahawlns' arbranmm anifer. and how thev canrnftailrnnr. thnnaulrra
at home. Bvery woman ahoald have it, and learn to ttiak fw htrteff. Then when the doctor an?
Toa tnast have aa ooaretloa." von eeji deotde for vouraelf. Thooaandaof women have cured
thaaaaal vea with my home remedy. It ourre il all ar raaac Tt Mslhari al saaratara, I will explaia m
simple home treatment wmcn arxwauy ana eneotaaiiy cure. iygooorrnom, jjirwen hick nw ana
Painful or IrreroLar Menstruation in voonc Ladio. PlamnnesaaDd health alwara reaoita from
aai oae.
V? hererr vrm llvo. I can re-fer vrm to ladlea of vrmr awn loealltv who know and wrffl vladlv
tell any sniferer that this taws I raatiaal really earaaall wons.n'adlf, and make, woraen well,
tronx. plurop and roboat. Jeat aaal wa aaw laaraii, and the free ten day's treatment Is years, also
ha book- Write to-day, aa yew may atf see tcia offi aaralti. Address -
MRS. M. summers, BoxH ; fiotro Dame, Ind., u. 8. A.
;.. ; '- -JUNE 10-1 : '
Auto Bus Meets Trains . 1 PERKINS
1 a.aei iuh i
All Cars From Union Depot ?T;-
"".Our Door.
.- ... - .. . i