THC ORECOJI DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY $. IttL m ftif r'H imi "f m.i f ' ; . - - ii - ifi ' - w i r "" ' - alwl-ll. !a. .l'. -- Mllll. fli AUtl " 1 'Hit IV.fUi-4 Wl ta4 ttltaan. - M .l.t.i.t. J I ! Olaaa. !.! ' MM l H Ui9 , . fit J.-.I. ll aa4 . . I ia.aa, . tail. . t - :. ! t. : laf.i, I J . UAftTZJkt L tiri Si Ct. ' " eaia. a.aa la... fttaJlar. I Kitti n tiM M mw hai III IM Ul Wvl Hit J . KViTl hi. f I -. i if tlH !, t!i i ! I . at ft., av a a bv a . . a VC-HiW-l. MTlT 4.- L.f V " I Zl, miff no ) ' -;rrf' ,,niiJlm al aaaa4a,aa4 I ! t.l., ,.. If i. .l.7 ; ''. '"' --4. k44.,. ii K t.. lT. .... i. it..tu 'ffc V - !-.. . u. It i. li lit A 1111 I xitxtr to liiiM rr BT&crrts OCKT' II l I l l I I l f M KhI.4 -4 ... K.",, 'ni. .. MM ..4 , t I i I i tl I I 1 W Mtw-f. ) U W U t-fcilt I ii .. ,. -- . ii Um, . rn Crt3 IbiIii tr. AlliClC. liUMUl T IHj A tie ax Itll (l Kx ikl fiM kii fw li.Muif mi. .f C ABB KOUI SOariTAjV toi , lit He. l frUr rUrl ,Kf PE'.VIS'a'.iir"" 4i-'Hti l.i U tot, rr -urn ! rr l "ur " ,J a l , rf f mr roluit t.' l KiTo.' IS 4 l W fctir. li odd ir rii W j McH'ulr Ni"l c'i nii'. IH tiurnW- of IIH friri-.s'.. ;iT-i'"irs'. ; r lrni; mi pn4, tir4 r. c. J'i ,;," J,,,, r.h talanr Iniiulr ,1Ui4 -VV a w " Whli. and Bia4M I (iff inarMn: T larmmU. CaU 111 l "i. iU.r Hi lilMl 11.4 aJ I llt( t .i:iil ill -u ..II M. l L' i Is4i vlj Han t. '!.. !. fjl. Iiihh Ilk Bh4 Ssah to Imi ll I. '!!. Sa Ii m cfJ a I I i ical4 I ! I I jK 1 I i.iiiia bia. a -au. .ui laiMfta lltia, la ljfr nii'i lu.1 !" il laoalta llkafal laaaid t m Mlm I rw il.ralr aval la la m - m klf iax tia awft a I II III l-ia IiiiiiL II I l i. T o-.tkia. I a kiihi i F aa BUSINESS DIRECTOny Ml I " A '"'rr l.;v ttihuu.! Mt, ual aa4 Him, -Mi- ; ,r',T' i U.:.T,. ,V j IN Wmwi.t Ht W.i, H iirrT-Vriki.iii 'at oum avs Bucraorumao I1MIM4 al aaa. a- a a. 4 III j --.- -r . . -.. . a . a.4k IU-" a 'M HHI S. id. AM a aa a4 iu fu:. II', Ut Uaialail Itl. A' lit aF l44 aj il4 III aU Mown Miu. lit A-4.U ha It K III. H - Hill VALfcHTJSr t alaaa a( ralilaa. aa alf aa4 wiirtlU taaafci, U I. bMrla " - a 1 vvaaiTvaa aarAXuaa aniiniaim lapima i' ara AKT ai ftft i rarr.lli .flBl.l .k4 akalll' l ! tia. al-aV aaa.a Waf aAoiaaa aaotaaa tVWIll atfra I lai'fA-a iu a-M a aw a. aVB laiAal. i aai aa a at ii h a a aata a a. - " - - - II a aaMs, v-iaa4 aaav V !- kirn !! ait TALAaaraa, a TavAa rAriNAHf aaa aaattaa. alatlrH ulMaMll, kaaAa. . Mdinrlat aoiaMta a4 ralall. aaaiaa itailiUi n i aa i m wtmwrf t. ; a ai KAXa oocaa AAAATtjVS NiTI-r. JO Clll l'lnnta In i:.a 'ia Ifl. I i'Ufail Ilia I r l4 Mai. a fur t. I Main. I of lcb n ii iMll' pi Wilbur II l.aiva Unkiuiil. S LiuUll.Y u-al rata iiair. a.l II rairlalara, - ampulln acalaa. Muh an4 Tfc . ."lor Iwviw rw. IMl'l a. ! till R'H KALii r lai'l. Ia(ln Mol.llnt rncinaa. Halls. " Tar, Uwm0, railway airtimnarol Oa. 'LiSL-' i 'ATrtVa- fnrniliTia Iri-aTTlPa. aa lima la lft. Maraha I II S i l tflH aah. WAXTUU M!SCCLL.XE0V8 5 BtCOND-HANO ri'llSITfRE. l'a ara In lha tuarkai o buy aiarr IMnf In furnllura. alovra and ml". a k la an oppArlunltr lo maka fan an frfrj will par In caah All It la worth. I ron r.. a, r)H a ttiiow m fihrrn i. in lVTi-l y.itllf .!. oi, HaaOsarit aau, lv Jil alf a .iii!t.iii V la e-laO lnfaa wim a tiMWllna ft hla rravtllol ill b I llMia7 HI hlh la l!t -ar moiill wtwet ii.ia fo-.iir ajiii iarrrM ai laaal II r-r tm In a;ja for an aa Tlx. f"-.fl)r la l.l.!lr aula i a ) 1MB hn. a a alia! air I'l.biia Maial.all Jill A HaoDIa af pnrlUnd ka" that I par tha Mroat raan prira ror av -faopla IV lha k a agonal harwt ho'iaahnld aTuayfa. Iaalr. 114-11 Orand ava. Kaal 1l(t. : WK IUV HM Ol IIA.Mi rfvOTIIINO AND rURNlTLUB ry lha hlrhaat prlra for aaryUla; ran mia rw rirat. (HtfH I. ri'KMTrHU At COUallA- BION CO. I'ara tha baal prlA tor your aacond liand farnltnra. rarpaia ano aiavfa. 101 lat wain atii bXr3 KK H' AL'CTION IIOt'ME. III.II E. Morrlaon at R. 1411. 1JJ worth of a-oo.l fumlluro at onra. IIOU) OOOI'S. UK AM) KAI'IPf , FT'RMTUhK EX.. I K. MOR. "UK pay hlcheai rrlcra for Id han clothe. ahflM, tools. 171 Front. Mala tTO buy raah ranlalar. acalaa. rha cut tar, rofreo mill, eradlt rfflatar acd mat ailrrr. rail aTaranan iiK WlStb; cat luuia fr your a-tn4 ' hand furnlhiro by ra:inr It to Ford Auction Co. Ill lat Main Mil. A-44a- VANTKD Kiidaka. raniaraa. rta Cam- am Ernana. 715 Morrlaon. VaNIKD :i !iaud furnltura. tiialllll III Howthortia ay Waatr A VI a Mia. paid for bouaaould gooda. C. M. Panned Co.. Mar. 4 III NVANTKI 14 Flrot. Kvrnltur. tool and cloth- Inr. hlchrat nrlca palit Marahall lit. At'IX)MOBIIS-.MOTOnCTrCLK8 44 Automobile Bargains Hupp. . i quipped. t4)0.' pais., extra well Hi l.ahalaMrr hotl.a I haxrbr Kl.rn thai an In Jlth day of Ui, A i 111. Wilbur K i.ana. or r...baii rrra. Ihc lMlkrul Uat aaa tfulr a.ljuJl.ialaJ laolrruitl. aiv.1 iral i.a iii.i iiMwiirif tr hla rraUlloia a ill a a a I.I J lha afflra tf lb uadaralcaaM, ttna 411-l i-l l I'aolon lulldiii I . t . lanj. Ofilus on lha lain day of Juno. 111, At 1 m.. ahl.-ti llioa aa J ctatlllora may atund. piu tl.afr rtairai. aKjnt a Iruataa, rtamlha II. a Uuni(i. m iranaari aiat'li olhar bualtwaa aa way potiiy rao tfur aaid niariliii t.iainia nui aa i.reemJ In fonn r quirad by h Mnkrbl lr, a I and aau, lu. 1h ati4t)U flUd diailoaaa aw al I"ud Mar I. Illl CHKHTKit o. mi nnir. lfara In . lUnkrunlr KYjiVti to Uktl ,YfiRit ti i iT ., trlrl Court of lha t'niiad xiaua. fur in tnairiri or Uirna In lha a.iin or miuip K. imnnavanl. hankrupl. .s Soli In hankruplrv. Kotlr la brlr fir inai on lh lid. day of Mar. A. 1 111. I'bllip K. Imnnavanl. of r..rllai.l lraon ih bankrupt abova tand. duly adjuiliraia.1 bankrupl. and tal i nrai nvrrlu.g of hi cradlloia wt.'l la hrld al Hi offuaa ut lit uadVr!riMl. loom 4l-3-i-4 Krnlon bulldlha lutind.' Orc", on Ih :llh Uy of Juiw. 11. at 11 a. tn . at hlrh lima aald rradlior may atirrnt, prava thai rtalma. appoint a Irualaa. namlna lha bankrupt and lrana- aurh olhar bual r.rta aa may properly tain brfui aalil m-atln. I'lalina imiat b praaaiilad in form rjulral b- lh bankruptcy acl ami a worn lo. Th achnlula filaU dia clotea no aaaela. I'alcd Aiay :. 111. ch:ktku fl. Mt itriir. hfera In Itankructt,-v. Ljhkulltion oFTftTT'AiTT n Kiui ITT r hwiaal Xlhm aTi.Vi.Va Ii a i'MiTaoJ ilia pa'Mktal tlanitfitll Ka far i.ia l--a laiiaiatfr Ma4a laaj r f I I A r R L i VK I. aaaay. .... Uii, Munak. ai. rfc. I Irihal ckaa.laia t4a Vtnk M ta a. nail ir .a f ... la a fa la I p if.; JT . . ." ."i. v - fv"-i , - .- ' alJTA.A aaaay alfu la a a i a. r . a . -- '- in-4 i laaliaf Marvkall till III Mwrl iumiii la !' iaad. a a-u a hull I.J i . 114 ll a'aalalalca )'l lhlfUn r a A A Jiaaa at ArtvaaiT tl tttUt-CH. All-rway al La , abaiiaria mliaO. I.l Mala III A lltl. al Pilita, abuaria 111 US T iK'HSIllAl. klla.i.l.i.1 41 ill 1.1.111. iacm ii'a-ia iariiina. rn ni I;; 1'iiihlir tt I'bnutm SJaaaaukn A Mcaaulmlaa t r. K. uiMiKa I tari lumiraj iimi u.r, n.ntu, IlieaJ Haaaiaa 1 1 4 f I I U f( Com i II i a i writ LMft m aal prwrlka 414 4IT J k.Siii.lPH (an pi art I-a a:rara aamlnad 444-I ranl tn blt kl 11 a giirr. fiAVE irill liiouaand .loliala worm of gill ari( al.Nka asutl Ilk la tia paa of. will aall aoma undar th tnaiket prlra Anawrr A-4CI Journal A a 1 1 T ill w H Ja U fl t Ua3 I T" Or aallara l'y la raalrart af aaV rai tal in Waaalaataw ar 4rtav, It Nkla Lambartwaaa bla . Laaaa VTilt SaCR "li "aVara f l k"TiT'"TKa I nllet nilii I'aahlar C' far 1. ill Alrw Urai tot. MaJIral Pprlm... Or 1 (It "All -5 aharaa of a lark la Poll' land i'onrrl I'll A fequipmenl rampany lll Jourral MATTHrV?ai Tar bid B ATMS AID IWIMWIO fOHTl-ANO Kaimmlnr lUtha. IIT Ifh. M4f Morrlaon. t.!i(ant pluhg and arlvala fftha -tutva-r a ttAMetitrr. Ia wla lauoaa raakar: nl aiark baaj hair . hair Alaala aaaalrarlaf f ara a ad Ocala Iraairaaal 141 tlh. aaar Ma M & aeaAS nawajwortaa ItOI.IJI drlpd rr; ail 'Ar iiltd. Trnal rMT .rial. I UM . MarwAaai KAf cuiviia LAI'IEV a ma Kala etaaaad. Plua kad I'anama t.lraahad wllhoul la. I iriuu rhatnl-al. 'lnr. talloi laa hallra ( kj r aoik muni Had for yH4 Out af lawn ordar rtrt fuilr altndad. Moral H ajjaark a II In Main 44I. C 4k CK Tfalr hlM C. al. laaaa a4 r.a4Mva I tr a'W ainnata with attaiaia Iraa A ha-4 firvavrawf akl IW ). N W. t M aa4 riaa aia ttaa aj l rar. tl-aa 11 r4ia as a 4 aa fwad la ! 1 1 lhr(k rra I al) 4jaati a ad I ! I Vaa) rt. a A-IA I T.fiTrX.D aad a i." C. la. I - ' I r lllh aad K.a. II !, amaal a4. fCC w ta aarahaoa la tUf. af lawlUaaAa fl r Ikaanara Ml. .imI ml I h la kaa "'. tiag. i(hl. I4""4 ffalaht ralco aa haaahad da In ihtaufb. rr I a4 fra (h i Main io. A-lll Oregon Transfer Co. tlliUlllal lt. Traaafcr ar rrwaria afaaia iora f ra (racial Offlcww d aiaraa, if uiih! rlnH rarwar im tad (III aaa. puaa, Mala 4 A. Ml . pari rwrwllara and p la aaf I a f I Irwak 14 rh. Addltlonhl tU. U. 1M. A-4IT4. WO 7 . V ' i i : GEE V. . WO VAaaaoAaa oiucauo bictoui arrAiajvo NKW hi ,la. JJ. mm land Mry. fla llano Ul UiiIihmi raar b'l If BX-AX X BOWS MA Illl 1IOM.V TO T 1'ha co-Dartnrahln haraiofnra rviat. "i uiwen 1. J. Ualbralth and 1. r . Ta lari (Jar undiT tha nama and alvla nf (iil. bralih a Ttlandrr. rontraclora and bullJ- era, atul dolna bualncaa In tha lily of IMrlland. Uraon and tha city of Upo kana, Waah. haa bn thla dav dlaaolvcd vj muiuu oonaani; in nm J t. if- lander la to contlnu that bualnaaa at 1'ortland. Orea-on and will nav all Hi- bllltlea of ulj firm In tha ll of Urecun. Th a Id 1. J. Oalbralth will rontlnu tha bualrif at 8pokane. Wahlnton. and will pay all llablllilta of tha aald firm In tha atuu of Wnah Inclon. liatetl, Portland, Oregon. Ma I!. lilt. Hluaed. I. J. GALUHAllll. J. i MiAniihK. Maxwell 2 paw.. II H. P.. filly quipped, $35. Autocar. paas., 30 u. p.. only 1450. Lluiek, i pa-.. 21 If. P.. mly 3JI. Ptevcna-Duryea, cyl., 60 H. r., snap; 1125. Oregon Auto Exchange ' 493-495 Alder St. A-4S37, Main 1161. HEAIj bargains. wnv buy a new cheap car when vou ian nick up one of our hlfh grade used ara at th nair.a price? We auarantee them; ilfferent make- and models all traded la on new White irss cars. Stearns. Peal Bulck. Premier, etc. White Car Affency. 6th and Madison. NOTlCa. K 8AL.K OK SCHOOL BONDH Ida undarsianed will rnrlvo bid uii to l.'IO o'clock p. m., June I. for 111.000 chaol district No. . Kenton county. Oregon, per cant bonds, aald bonds to b duo In 10 year from data thereof. optional on and after 10 years from th same date. In denominations of !6u0 Or 1000 each, principal and Interest pay ble at the office of the treasurer o Benton county, or at a designated fiscal Bency in rew Yorlc city. A certified check for 1600 to accompany each bid tne riKht nemg reserved lo reject any ana ail bids aunmitted. W. A. BUCHANAN, Treasurer of Hen ton County, Orego i orvsiiis, nr., May is. CHATTEL IjDANrJ HAlItt 1iAN". I!ANb OS IjI AMONDU fyoan mad on liralock. furnltura. planoa. real aalai. atorag racalpta. dia monds, or salary aaywiiar lo city or 00 aubuiban lines. Special Rates I It Wckly paa all loan, I .! Weekly pay a I It loan. II 4 Tarkly pa all loan. II II Whly pa a a I Ti loan. Ill Weakly 4vi a llo loan. Other an an a In proportion. WK IXIAX KltOM l TO l. YOU CAN OKT IT TOUAT. Itebala If paid befor due . Portland Loan Co. i 0-T Macleay Mdg. lklh hons. BiH 4th and 1th on Washington. Opo Monday and Haturday tCy. till I o'clock. MoNEf-MON K T-MoS'Rt. " 8AI-AHT LOANS SAl.AItr LOANa II TO 110. Lowell Rales In Part land. I1A repsld In Installments of I .41 l:n repaid In Instsllmenta of .1 ISO rapald In Inrtallmenta of 1.00 larger amounia in proportion. All wa rnulr I vour Dcrsonal note no montage, no Indoraer or security. Iiowr, PAVlg COMfAHT. 11 Id av, Usak thaok rsa ; sgaois for Joaa a ( Laaaa Leaf ladgae: aa lh w Krraka laaf. A Illl Mala III. avooaaiaoEaa. KMKIl W. IU LI''K. II Yron bide Marshall Itll Arllaiic tanj-p gardening, carpel ba-da. plsnllng of all description, giad Ina ai j tunat rm Hon of new lawn lo pilvata r.aldrn.r aad putillo grourula 1 hi-ioustily i- rleoo! men employed. Iteaaftnable rhalgca. liralglta and trl HiKK. - uutiu aid riaoiaaa CHAM U MABT1CK CU, 11 rr-l ialbar of ry 4aacrlptlaa; laf suMfifiiriTk rtndlnga THnriTthh Traa.f.r I.V. rrat IJ anr rm I tnufar iai alaaaaa. lln jtA, A-4444 t.AC.n Aftrr"A"(.mr.lHu Trao.?re CV Xj. labllahaA Hit fhnaea kl . A-llll P(SmT dalla.naa all haria tiTrTjT fkaw alaln tin, a-ItH 4 Tartar. V JollNriuN a praam, baaiaga III siarria i cm giard th m Caxtrn. TAILOBlaa TIIK CltJNLAC lILnttALIir ' Tareasa. WaK afatrki II. III? I War luiar. I am J'sg e III lllf la a a P raa an r gialllu.'a far all lhal ) Ixaira awna for aa I mil I ha. ga fravlaarat allh rx I bad .alarm af lh kail and Ihfoel. Ixahlaa aarfaaiettf tain als af lha uenrh aa4 Ih fcldaa I ei.Juie! uhl! I naaui al lima far f't t"l Ml aflar rar helpful ramavlie I ant aln lfk at l la ia khali and fcaliee wall aaj Irang huU I tcf 4 anedUal irimai again win uriy maa 1 you. lor i war Ih only dar-tor ltv aa able la cwr m. faun irw'r, M1HU.N xoia ALrnrn runi.urc. in Labb ida.t4 atwi Wi.MniKw Nulla la r4 ti rewajrrBBB letter Ilk this keen imurtag la and lhaw tut 1 what lb dot lor la doltt for xaavnavaca I'tlo.NE ua about your flra Inauranr. Main lift. Mallory A Co, Inc III W llros llldg. THE JOHN I'lTTM Alt CO. Magaalsa muale and law books bound, blank books and lo leaf sra tarn 117 4tH at Phnna Marshall 1 II A ICtUIII CAAOI WaRKBN CtlNnTHL'CTIOV CO Airet paving, aldawaiks and rroaslngs. II? Item Mdg T)U: llAltllKH ASPHALT i'AVINO CO.. ir'sng orrii-. soi frectrtc M.ig oaarar cia'Aviao JOTCK nno-l. Eleilrle Cleaning Work. carpets cleaned and 'aid refitting our eparlalty. K 440. 11141 104 Fl lth S. FOH th b'at In carpet cleaning -a.l I'aul H I'otter. Marshall iZh, high pea a' vimijin proraaa machine. caTiacraAcnc rarraioiAa IlAVK (Urn thousand of adluatmanta: I II week. Pa th offlca I t an d Waah. OAaXT WXATDTO NORTIIWF.8T BL'tl WORKS, ruga from old carpels, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. Ill Union sve.. near K. Morrison. C'OI'ONIAL srt iusTes. rag csrpet and ruga. jii i-atton sva. wooaiawo 11 COAX AJTD WOOD OKKICK C. O. M.. Chronicle Bldg.. Pa Kranclsoo, Cel.. May 27, 1911 Sealed proposals will na received here until 1 a. 111. June 12, 1112, for furnishing for age and straw required at pniss tn wes em division during flwal year com menclng July 1, 1912. Information fur- nisnen on nppucauon nere or to pOK guarterniHSters, and quartermasters ii eattle. Wash., Portland. Or., and Hon olulu. If. J ., and Dins may he receive by twist quartermasters and quarter masters, Honolulu, II. T., until Ham Pacific time. June 12, J912. K. Von Schmder. C. Q, M. SEALKIJ bids will be received by K, Slightly Used Automobiles We are exclusive dealers of slightly Used cara. See us for bargain.-. .- Oregon Auto Exchange 43-4f5 Alder St.. a Kood bargain in passenger car, first class running order, Just verhauled, worn parts renewed, tires A-l,1ranrt new top. tire chains, etra tubes, tools, etc. 575, no trade. Sell wood g. . Tor SALK Seven passenpre Packard car 11300; owner dead, must sell to Close lip estate. Cash only will be con sidered. Bunnvsltle Auto Caran. "ill E. 84th at. Fields, county clerk, until 10 a Wednesday. June 6. 1912. for furnish Ing Multnomah county with a hauling ouirii 10 consist or a traction enpin and cars. T. J. CLEKTON. County Judge. 1 . v . M A H I , County commissioner. WANTED One master slilpfitter (out side) at 16 per diem. A competitive examination win no held June 24, 1013, jor tne purpose or rutins; the above po sitinn. For runner information, ail dress "Commandant, Navy Yard, Puge hound, wash. PERSONAL 22 ASTHMA t'r heart trouble: wlah to see tha case 1 can t cura DR. DOUGLAS. IX C. 131 Union ave. N.. Portland, Or. Bnrlnas guaranteed. 21 ,N. Hith si feTAIGER Auto Painting Co., Automo blle palntlnft apeclalty. Fourth floor Covey bldg., 21st aiid Washington ats. Phone Main 1S44 AUTO repairing and storage work . guaranteed, all experienced help. The Powall Oarage. 17th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. T " GA R A GTTFOTTTTa or . " Tools, stock of supplies and lease for ale. Address 319 E. 3U St., The Dalles Or. V ANTED 1911 7 or 5 passenger car. . Rood make; will trade srooil inenmo property, not over $1600. G-411, Jour- SPAN1SH Holmes BuKinesa college; lnaiviauai ana class instruction, un der direction former United States con sul to Latin America. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure, remedy for delayed periods. 12 box or 3 boxea for IS, by man. r. j, fierce.' if is Morrison. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness In men, by mall $1 per box; monev re turned lr it falls, ur. Pierce, Remedy DR. A. A. AUSFLUND. of women and surgery. Ex amination free. 03 Merchants Trust bid?.. th and Wsshinstnn. Main 4047. SPIRITUALISM REV. MAY A. PRICE. MEDIUM. READINGS: TEACHING. HE.'. LINO. DAILY. CIRCLES TUES.. 2; WKO.i P. M. MAR,. 4746. 391 5TH. KEO express truck In goal condition, with business. If wantjl. that will " tfl', 0.'J., ,nvPsUpae- Phone Main M41. 201 Vine Et, cor. Front. VANTED-1-4 passenger automobile, ex . change painting and carpenter work, ftr inati for cash. B-.415. Journal blOUUAHB laj ton, 4 door. 5 Dassemrer. run 1300 miles. 40S flay st. MUSICAL IXSTRU3IENTS 34 ON account of 1'iness am competlad to -j aacrlflca my omrogany case llallet a. Davis piano. 1ut year old; coal ICOO. 4to. JonrniL liRAPHAPHONE. new Wi.nn 4 - double facM records, for sale cheap. Apply 201 Clarendon st, k. i . . ' T NEW FRENCH HAND LAUNDRY. All work guaranteed; dyeing, cleaning and pressing all kinds of fine washing. 475 Williams ave. East 2347. fcUROPKA'N HEALTH HOME. Rooms 48 to 53 Washington bldg., 4th and Washington ats. Hours, 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. ,. . I WISH to communicate with lady at once who was to meet trie at corner Btli and .Morrison this 9 a.: in.. May 27. Same address. Mr. I . : . LullENZ Nerve Ton la Tablets restore loat vitality; 25o box;- axea 11.215. Btlpe-Taylor Prut Co). Ill Morrison st LANG'S MINERAL WONDER. formerly at 353 Morrison st., now per manent ryiaifiajpi i;amnilt St. W. KELLOGG,- apeciallst for rhauma tlsm. I cure where others faiL 27 rana ave. Everythlnr strictly confidential. BTATTO HECTniTT CO, f FsMIng Rldr. $1 to $100 Advance on furniture, pianos, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, wagons, automobile, warehouse receipt, salaries and plain notes. OUR MOTTO: Quick, reasonable and confidential. Elby Company 220 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. Id floor. IIOU 14 10 Drake's Easy Money Purnlshad salaried peopl without a- curltv Indornrment, delay, deception or extortion: cheapest rates, beat and moat private term la Portland. 107 8paldlng bldg. Pueeeeors '.O H"T TON rR KDTT CO. BSOTICE PRTiAoNSLrsWi23 OHKFN 8'.",HT WtxHl, GREEN 4 FOOT WOD. 2I0. I.N8IPK ORJvF.N "HOHT, II. I. 8AWDUHT. for fol anj bdt1nr The Portland Slabwcc4 Co, Main Illl. A-7001. V, 0, Smith Fuel Co, JAB Met. Woou CO, ail aiaoa lnur anro, aarely bona. Railway :. Midg. I'A I FlI" ii" VkT K-A "r'ir Ina "Co. , horn office Portland. Or, Cn of Com bldg M AHUAIC Ha 1 a lively. fl Yroa bldtr Kvarv form of lnurne. bond. Jnfl." kKU lnurnc. boni7 mlg loan 1111 Taon hide. II 111. anno TKAcaxaa VK'LIN teacher with 10m capita! can ai utii catab'mt d biialnea noar IVirt lanl: 1 per lemon up; large number I u-'ll Onportuuitv of a 'lifetime 10 A LI a la TYPF 4 hand mahaa MUfal aalJ rS.A Pllnla All 0P Ih OMhl. kaW ' ' VJl": i!!J ill 4 ,mplo. h.l4 F v. Rn KR A ruppiM lav rieeaut, and proper fcrw iiixtIiii fsralahoa. I hand Iiih Hit Mar. l. oinara who caaaot call "d 4 caaia la mammaaai alamp and ur a rmploan blana which la filled aul and foiumhd la lh CAKTWKiniiT a ca. in m.i-. f.?.: hirnr,N:'V.l,r,,.,d: hniTlworklVrtntS'r!.": MM hr cn.u.l.ivon. -Uch re...a b vaajmaiajv Whvff:rASf CGee WcChlnwe Mettlcine C5i NP. OR. TBTxaxaAaxAji 1W rUJHT ST.. PORTLA MODERN veterinary hoapltal. Ill T- 1th. cor. urant. iviya rata ireaian, poaro ed De n M HuO.oan f-l- K. Illl wiu p o Jamea W. Gren. wilt drilling tractor, 21 yra. eprlnce; t, 1.T eon- I in.. get eatahlUhed Give name, addre I any depth, 10 Vancouver a. C-111. - T IT r e ll'l"; . Jmirna I llAi.'I'lMK piano. 14 lesson. apecUl de partment. National Conservatory' of klmlc. Grand sve and V. Morrlaon. THIKI.HOUM. .lollo Itirb.l; puall ivria. loo Marquarr. A-41 Mar III! I ItuF. l.AVTMJN piano lc ms 60c lur- 114 14th Main 8117. Ing vacation. ACAcaxvxaT a TRKNKUAN a Co.. hydraulic and special pip, amok atacka. oil tanka mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. wiouiiu joaiataa EVEKDINO a FARKBUa prcluca aall com m U I on march n la. 140 Frcht at, Portland. Or. Phone Mala III. WAl7rlA"Mia; CO.. whoTJ grocara. manufacturars aod ooff roaslora. 4ta and Oaa ata. W. a. ouWf a To- DISTRIBUTORS OF F1NU CIOAKS MOTOatrrcia cxPAxaraa REPAIRS of all klni; alao Mcycla aup- pihaa inn rep inr lit nurnaioa OaTTZOl ATAUO waYSZTZAJTB Kan 1 44ai. B-117. Dry fir slab and block wood, ROCK SPRINGS COAL PACSLABW00DCO M" aln A-711 Green alabwood. big and amall Inside Piocg wood, pisner trim as., corowoon. mmt: rnpvrja tP0Ct09Jl 133 x nsnn. aa) na re cti an. The reliable Chinese Doctor B. K. Chan with their hsrmless Chines rem edies of herbs and roots hs medicine can PORTLAND Wbod Pipe Co. Factory wonderfully cure all slcknesaea. They and office. J4th and York. Main 141. I "ave cured many surrerera. both men nun women. 01 rnrnnic niseanes ana an DR. CaCierlo C Gates. 11 rears ex pari. tic tnreating nervous and cnroai dlaeaaea. 101 A-blngton bidg. Alar. 1141. Hra. 1 a. m. to p. re. tJH LIlKliKl.l.k PATTERSON. ' apa clallst on nerves, acuta and chronlo dlaeasew. 201 Fen ton bldg. M aln !. Ilr. Smith, graduate Klrkavfile. Mo.. IMS. postgraduate 1107. 111? Helling Mdg. MUKliAN WALL PAPkCH CO.. at., bal waen Palmon and Main. ""ALXtST I 1 ... 14 Xk w I hTk: a riica. R - a . aT 1 rxrjs PAXHT, OH. A1TD a&ASB .MONEY FOR "SALARIED PEOPLB Women keeping house and oters far nlshed without security, cheapest rate. easiest payments. Cum and get money when you want it, and pay aa you can. Officea In all - principal cities. D. H. Tjnlman. 117 Lumber Exchange. K E K F I IA N K L. A K for a Jonn on plsnos, household goods, nutos, livestock, storage receipts, mort gages, Hnything of value: It will cost vou less. Call and get our prices. 609 Pwetland bldg.. 5th and Wsslilngton. BORING WOOD & COAL CO. Fast 1118. Country slab. Tabor 1742. R-2111. Rlock and Cordwood. B-262. a short time we 111 aell No. 1 4-foot cordwood at IS per cord. No. 1 4-foot oak at 17'prr cord. Main 454. A-4547. Neer&Farr-Fw.'i. 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co.. 17 Water at Marshall 10. A-I645. DELIVERED PROMPTLY. . 1TVERT8. Ft. Curry si Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 811. B-1817. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, mortpaces. enultles. chat tels, diamonds and real security: spe cial service rendered. LAWSON-PROWN INVESTMENT CO.. 1126 Yeon bldg. Tel. M. 875. A desirahfe pTco tor ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry st eastern rates. Dlsmond Pa I ace. 334 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried, people. P. A. Piew- ton S15 Herrv Hldg. ' LOANS pn fflamonds. Jewelry and val- uablcs. atTiimost nsniiers rates or in terest. 326 Failing bldg., 3rd and Waah. STANDARD WOOD CO.. box planer and East if. K. REACH CO., Pioneer Paint Ca, II First at. Main 1114. A-7041. KamMUKSEN a CO., 'High Htanuard" paint, n. cor. Id a Taylor. M.. A -1771. raiSTZKO AID PAPEBiaO E. II. PICK.. RD: painting, tlntln pa pering satisfactory work. East 136. FORfiE1w6rkpficee right, call P. Jk Doane. 104 Union sve. Esst 101. Interna) and external sicknesses when others railed. No operations. Examin ation free. Ladles treated by Mra. Dr. Chan. Call or write to B. BT. Chan Chinas Mdlola Co, 13! '.a First St.. Portland. Or. Oppoaltl i. v. 1: station, TINTING $2 room up; painting, paper hanglng. C. A. Rarnes, Main 1334. G(ODwork my iiiaTto; AOs bo u r n3S6 E. Wssh. st. B-217. East 4 214. PATENT ATTOBHETS cordwood. B-1196. 147 E. Stark. Ill: PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir, oak. slahwood nnd coal. Wreck age. Dth nnd Glissn. Main 3363. A-22x:l ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Pprlngs and Man- acts rrmi, SEGHER'8 WOOD CO.. F. Hill, Prop. (!ord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 18th and Vaughn. Main 3B. A-2410. T T. .,n ., .kin Al f I f nn.rflunn.l .1 1 ur ou tnji it, ... r , VI W.'M oall rr wiMt. tn Ilia TH 1 s n Vila UO., PJBSC 30, U-ZS MONEY to loan on pianos, "auto, furni ture, livestock. Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg COAL and all kinds of wood. Pbon HQlgste Fuel Co.. tieuwood 4S. CITY MARKET Wood Yard. Coo at Boa, id and Clay. Main 1241. A-4121 B5AN for the asking, salary or chat- tel. The Loan Co- 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY7-to loan on diamonds and other security. Low rates. 606 Swetland. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 Money to Loan On real estate in amounts from 1250 up at 41, 7, 8 per cent per annum. Sea mq first, J, E, Nichols 615 Yeon bldg. DON'T burn money. Pnone E. 1625. dry board wood 12.60 to 13.50. B-1239. CH3BOPODI3TS DR. Oliver O. Fletcher nnd lady expert assistant. 305 AlisKy bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. Main 8762. Tleats all Ills of the foot without danger of infection. Corns, bunions. Ingrowing and atrophied nails. flat Toot and bunions specialty DR." MARGUERITE CHaWKOKD. chi ropodlri. Formerly 6th and Washing ton. 614 Dekum bldg. TO LOAN AT ONCE ON IMPROVED PROPERTY 140,000 ' ' ' ONE LOAN OR WILL DIVIDJ5. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108 SCALDING BLDG. 3 Oirl rrrT Dr. Ivey. 245V OlurV TLLl Morrison. Main 4641 bR. U. 8. G. 1 nd Mrs. Fletcher. Pnlrilns chiropodists. Over Ha?:elwood. M-3711. PAINLESS chiropodist, cornn, bunlonx. Ingrowfag nails. A-7845. 417 Swetland. OaZHSBB sooToas MONEY TO LOAN V 11500 at 8 per cent. 12000 at 8 tier cent; 12500 at 7 per cent: 110.000 at 7 per cent. R. N. TUFFORD CO., 407 Spalding bldg.. Marshall 4547, A-4545. 100 TO 300 LOAN FOR SHORT TIME, FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR OTHER PROPERTY. PRIVATE PART i. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. am leaving ror eaau and must sail as - almpirt jw Voa & Sons pUno; artU aell at a barm In. N-Jl. JournaL A KIMBALL piano, sllehtly used, for ' aale at a bargain. N-138. Journal. riiUNOGR AJ'H andT roriable terms. CO records. 120; ft-408. Jftumal. .M-1AUXCILES AXD COATS 04 WOMEN Use femoids when other faV Bold and guaranteed by the Ausplund urug iore. im n. sin st- main si Of. . . GIRLH. Learn our bainess; Sanitary Beauty ranura a-ais rnnrn oiar. II tl molor boat Jtor sale Edwards Ftandard Boat house. Madison at. - ITRMTURE FOn SALE U8 FOTT RALE JRoIl top desk, combination and clipboard.. S chairs and. good rv. cfcrap. Hi Couch bid-. BOSTON scalp specialist, facial treat- mems. nvom z, top IJoor. 271 Vi Morrison si ' WO M EN use Opaline; positive- relief from female rouble. Call forenoons, f7 2d. Main 9470. . . -. 24ADAME EST'eLLE. spiritual mental scientist. 144 11th St. Main 8991. , SAVE 1! to 1 by buying your trunk or suitcase at III Wash, -or. 1 7th si BALM of '1s, remedy for diseases af woman. 811 Oavla at. Main Hi. - alra.olter. chiropodist. ormerlvv4th . 'Waah, hi N. W. bldr; th A wain. 120. 1306. 1500 Client desires me to place those amounts on real estate security. ' Fred W. German, 821 Burnside. M. or A-2776. JING WO CHINESE MED. CO. curn men ?nd women. New location 1854 Morrison St., near brldre. DR. J. L. elclan for men LONG MEDICAL CO., phy- a Alder. 2S3 PATENTS obtained: trademarka, copy rights registered In all countrtea: book lets free: consultation without charge. Peter Haberlln. 32 Worcester bldg. U. 8. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN, 408-9 Chamber of Commexce Bnllrtfnfr.- PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, At-I torney-at-Law, Iste of U. S. Patent of. 1 flee: book fiee. 719 Board of Trade bldg. 1 4 :; l t. m & mm The old. eintnent Chines doctor spent a lifetime in study of herbs, and gradu ated from several univer sities tn China. Cures all diseases of men and women successfully. No matter I I. ..It.. V . . lias iiiiicu, x sTUHrarue -1 a cure if curable. Coll or "o write to I T. TEE a SONS MEDICINE CO.. 230 Vi Yamhill. S. E. cor. 2d streel - Portland. Or. R. C. WRIGHT, U. U. and foreign pat- 1 enta; Infringement caaes. 104 Dekum. PAWSBBOKEB UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland. 71.6th. Main 910, PIA2TO TtTirXNG FRED JACOBSON. piano tuning, 12.00; is yrs, experience., 190 Id. Main W431. PIl&TXJTO wous WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208' 4th. Plating and polishing. M. 9348. A-7190. aooprare, paxktxho, bepaxsibto TIN roofing repairing, painting. Jobbing. J. Loan. 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. BUBBEB STAiAPS AID SEALS STENCILS and1 office stationery. Cua Bincnam Co., 281 Stark. Main 107. BADGES, trace, chetfks. il lran bIki.s. atancil. Krebs Bros.. 114 Id. Mar. 1171 BATES THE MOi'.Ll jR Safe Co..1 108 2d st. Safes at factory prlcea: repairs: lockout opened: bargain? in.sconfl nana vara. BR O UT Give Prompt aad Effectnal Relief without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No other treatment required. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DR. 1 BublUa m v ewa F holograph, personal y conduct and ma age my own office and have 00 connec tion with any othar prartlc. I am Uglily qualified to practice my profession In th aiatee or urea-en. Waahlnglon. Cailfor ala and Nevada Prac- tlc limited to ih acl ntlflo treatment of apclal aliments. Everr man calling at my offl't la aaaured or my person! aod Individ ual lralsnni until a cur Is f fctd. B surs to consult nis be fore treating elsewhere. NEW GERMAN REMFDT TOH BLOOD POISON My Method of Administration la Ab solutely rar. Coma to rn If vou hava anv of tha following dlaordera: Enlarged Veins, Plmpla. Nervous Debility, Nerva Blood snd Skin Disorders. Bladder TniiiKUi TllfWl Pftluin. Pmntlrtn. alTiocre. Special Aliment. Piles or Fistula, to 17 to S DaHy; Sundsy 10 to 1. Examination Ad vie Free J. J. KJBEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooma 11-15 Ifavette Bide. !11A WASHINGTON ST, COR. th ITIKTLAM), UK. MEW AISD WOpIEN CURED Our wonder Chlneae herb treatment cures dlseaaea o the Throat, Stomach, Liver, Heart. Lungs, Kid neys. Asthma Puenmo- Flies. Chronic, mbago. Apueixli- cltis. Malarial Fever. Rheumatism, Blood Trou- blcs and other ailment. Tlie Chinese 1 Doctor Out-of-town patients write for symptom blank. Open all day Sundays and eve nings. Room 18. BING CHOONG CHINESE HERB CO. Realty Trust Bldg. 222 Washington ct, cor. 2d, Portland, uregon. CHICHESTER'S PILLS '0 !"ak a alkar. Bay af year V , HAalaiMB HRANU P1IJ.S, a, sal yankawsaBat.aaiatt,AlwarRl(akla ' rr SOLD BY OVISTS FVtRMKfii XTat" aa fx 1 BASK, BOOKS, WI1IDOWS. United Glass & Glazing Co., saeh, doors. p 1 ate glass, lit n. unsan.-, jwain 4431. .SCBEESS COLLECTIOHS WELLS MERC. AG Y, EST. 1908. CUR 'ftENT. DELINQUENT ACCTS COL LECTED. M. 877R. 7l RD Of vi,,.. PHYSICIANS' & Dentists' acct., general collections, 201 Medical bldg. Tvf. .617. OONTBAOTOX3 AJTD BXniDEBS TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooma 10-13 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. CLIENTS have for close-ia east side mortgages, 11000, $1300. Atty . 210 Aiissy Diag. - HIGHEST, grade carpenter and cabinet work t banks, stc.- and homes. O. H. Hammond. 185 Madison. HARRY E. STANFORD, deslgnei and builder of modern homes, f lata and apartments. Office 7 850V4 Morrison. BUILT to order screen doora and wfn dows. ; painted and hung, complete. American Screen Co. Phone East 6339. DOOR and window screens : to order. Would : bi pleased to give estlmatca. .Ward Bros., .Woodlawn 2163. C-2394. BHXWOILES BEST in Portland. See them.' 201 Washington st 8. K. Gilbert SHOWCASES ASS PIXTUBXS 100.000 nn saortarages. cltv or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensie a io, uerunger orag, za sna Aider. MONEY to loan. 4 to 8 per cent W. ii. Beits Co, 110 Sapldlna- bldy. Qi'iCK loan on all aecurltles. b. "w. King. 46 Wiahlnaron bldg. Main 411. MONEY to loauon improved real aaial. L L. White. ai Selling bljg. . WlLL loan 20.000 or leas real estet. ' KaiUngton. 41 Commercial Clnb bldg. MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per cent, Louis Salomon A Co, 219 Stark si leOQO OR. PART for Immediate E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store iron t -ana store rixturea especiattvv "--lng. 291 H Ankeny. i"arshall 2851. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, hew and old showcases, cabinets, store aaa office flxturea 288 Couch. Af.S7a VABCXBO) SUMMER DANCING LESSONS 25c. Open i air. cool hall, come tonight. WaU. two-step, schottlsche, - stage dancing taught, iioming. artornoon and evenina;.- 5rof, ' Wal. Wilson. Royal Academy: hall 85 Fifth st. between Startt and Oak sts. Main 737. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S school. 1-s-son's 26c; fancy atage and social dancing taught dally; waits and t wi st ep guaranteed In 4 lessons; class Mon. ve. 109 8d st.. bet. Wash. e StarH- RINGLER'S Academv. . leadlnar school. . - . . i. i , loaui iaay ana genx'emen insiruciors, .iia on real estate, Phoc Tabor 77V I Morrison, at Second. . SHuWCAt9l!.e ot every ueacrtution, bank, bar and atore fixture mad to order. The Lutke. Mfg Co. R. H. BIRDSELL. HAMILTON bLDOIT Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. sxasr abo sieo wcABja FOSTER a KLEISER Sign : th Jar, Pbonsa Eaai gest sign makers In th oortawaac. K. Tin ano 1111. E. Everett ata. Horn B-3I2 BTOTB BEPAIBZBCt THE ACME cleans, -adjusts, 'repairs or connects votrr ni Tinn. water haar. era, etc. 408 EMorrlson. East 1811. TAixroaxva aoxoOa - BTTESTER'S Ladles' Tallorine roller . learn drtaamakinr, Uiloriog, 14IS Ilia 1y Terms for Tie atmeni within the reach. of all. I will not accept your case If I cannot cure you. I will give you an absolute guarantee to cur you or not chart you on cent for my services. The reason hundreds of men today are dis couraged. Is because they have given no care to whom they entrusted their case, their pre vious health. They o' not -consider the abil ity, professional standing and reputation of the physician or specialist of whom they took: treatment, but have considered far more the fact that by not going: to a apeciallst of abil ity they could get cheaper treatment, nucn is pot the case, because it requires ability and skill to .cure any one of the aliments to which I devote my full time and attention, and the specialist who posses ses tire ability to cure, gets all the business he can attend to. If you 'are today discour aged because you have not been cured it is your own fault.' -You have no one else to blame but yourself. If you have sought treat ment and are not cured. It is simply because of th.e fact; that you hxve not thought enough of your health, your life, to pay the price of a competent, rename specialist, wno possesses the ability necessary to cure you. The one thing for any man to consider la simply this: "I want to get. cured. I must get the ailment conquered before It conquers me." If you look at this matter from this standpoint.' valuing as you must do youp fu ture neaitn ana nsppniess.'you win consult once the BEST and MOST R K L I A B LE s ciallst one whom von know from hi nerm nenuy ana iong-eBiaounea 'repuianon 10 Da 'o. uuuer a raise name nor the best, and if your case is. placed with him publish a false picture nor' the cur will follow In short order. moke a false statement or LASTLY, REMEMBER, there Is no man who any kind. , . really desires to be cured who cannot place , x-ir his case with me. BECAUSE, I always arranga my terms so that an caa-recenve expert attention -and care army bands. ' f Jw I ,,,A.-.n,,i,.,,Mt.,),, C. K. HOLSMAN, M. D. lit at .;. TIie photograph which I ape- rJbllsh above Is a perfect rma- Jiaeness of nie. 1 do not I I Invite you to come to my office. will explain to you my treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, btoodillsorders till futula. bladder, kidney and all men's disorders td iv you a FREE exani- -If von cannot call, write m Immediately a-ivlnr' ma a.'-hu.. ... vour ce in vour own words. Rv rafnrn mall t will aanrf ...... V free, a diagnosis of your case-and my best professional advice aa to how to proceed In order to correct your trouble. ..."'""' Mr. office is. open all day from I arm, to I p, m' and Sunday from 10 to 12 only. . '. , ' . v. . . 1