THE ORCaON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY SS. 1111 UNLESS SMI OEBO 'HOE EBUBWNT POLICE KEEP DUE; MIUW nit itii TimimniiT ifu llllUIIMIUKIIUUI Local Finn Makes Record' Shipment to Alaska Attorney Genera! Webb Gives Ultimatum to Chief: Tells Him He Will Have to Handle Labor War. .New Refrigerator Cars, Loco motives, Etc., Bought to Handle Bumper Crop. ll ate- 1... I i 4 tl f - t i I. .. W v tt. (aula. as. lv I e I : ..-. It I -ti 1 I... . I. ) k i 1 flair tllfiiii tee aa I .a r ' a tfl l PfJn 1ft 1 a I ' ktj II .1 111 Hal Lata I ekfe He U g I .1 a sr et a I e" tl ree-rcs ef : ' l - .rat t" .alia Sldere .' 'f tie larilte i- . ..e. proaamut ne la e...!n.l f glelefl).eni l at tlt( M af.J ( ( , (H "f l!' fUCl I! .!''! IH1 vt I I ba rge-j k All-met i.rtirrol Utlb lie alter.lluii in l!e h.t .f tr. ill. ti. ! . Tll be I . .' V H h i. I r ill f i"el ygirkiy j.arai. vain irui.M WecaS egM. W!Ji !l I r a lt p( Ulcere a ltd laaeit .u a ...n.. t IV l ' the Bfflfcarn lf ef tie '4l). Iter I b e-a, I ' I '" t" and! pir In tflura llr fcae aiii.e rt.jri.-4j 4 ai'pt-er.4 before Ihe raecl.t grand Jury twwj)r eeaater hi. handed (0n ro li dlf I ri.fiit in IM - al (baagh II le lt that liavier Btrw at Vast ,. of u. mm tin li'M bin from loan I I ! I r 1 .1 . i . .f . : I i . - J , .- ' ' ' Id : . ; I . I '- 3 fill 1 i' . i ! I i: . : P f I J fill .llliill rl lit'i -. t .' I.a : ., J le . . 11 of ! it f f ft l !tr.Mun iin DGHI DECISIS GIVEN UOECISI SUPREME COURT rrial l T Iwul ) Klm. lr . Wr ;f KUIil ilcrlnorn r hnlrl down bjr the ri(rrmr rour: odr tollomt J. P. Jr. ppllnl. va Adl-.h W. lUrr, appral from Mullnuniiiti, peti tion for rlirrl(.j rtfnlf.l. . " J T. I'uidy, -l!iil. Juiloon Jl Van Krurcn and Jay A llllior. rl from Urint. revrri1 and r Inand4. J. Ii. Farlfjr and F. W. Miun Weatrrn Aaauranr company, aip!Iant, tppal from luker, afflrnu-d ; ' I ac W. 8harr and Kmina L. Kharp. ppllanti.. v WlUlim K. lru and J R. Blackahy. appal from Malheur, af firmed. John Hub bo. appellant, va. Pacific Coaat Construction inmptny, appeal from Multnomah, motion lo dmniixti ap. Pal denied. j George V Jonca. r-iitor of tlm will "f Madlaon Jona, appellant, va. Char Ira K. lilll, Margaret Hill and John H Ho glar, appaal from UmatllU, affirmed. mma Zeuake, rt ft, va. Auguat Z-ua- g gild vnitirlir.lna Zu8ke. appellnntr, gppal from I'malllla. modified and af flrmad. State of Oregon va. Frrdrrl. k Kader. gppellant. appeal from Grant tounty, revertied and remanded, it . I n .ml 1 Vt Itl n m.. . . I - -" a. Vila,... ,KI ( V p 111 , Jamea and Nelllu Allen wire iirreMod laat night by the recently annolntfil t i ' i - i- i J . I I J't l !. I ' I - i I I j i il I.l.j .' I il i... Is l ,1. e . ' - l ! ' ' I x e I : i ij!;.i ic f ...! ill I .'I . t . t I ! , i g ! .1 ti . ; tt 1 . I I n '. I i J r ' I c -I. I " lf f-l. ; i i i in I I s t . a .Mll.rl . il I ti( l-rrn , vl..lrf r4illllin 14 I ! !!. .4ll II 11. Iff -IC I" l!l tl lo' li a i. I ' ai I f i..l if it I II. a tin f 'iittrii lMr l.i ca iar Oafliaia life- a i a ! :;inrMi ..f .Nti (j.v,1..i. ..! ar j., former ir.i'iil l a Ia li; r .1 I i i a iiiai.n Wral I lv r. It n fattflii and ran lit! llfrg fi l,.cf ;lghlar (Jan tMar. a., nr.tiag In ij-tl fn:n tail'iia Irliatile a -i r an. I ffmii lha or. hard .ttatllrfa . oinr aiinliar lrmrlt In lha My flllluu maMlft lie Itaal la aalj I i l-r an xcil linn i,l and In aaeS toiitiliofi Hal I. n mora tml Hill tirrjrd In rr. a I '.Hi- II 111 f.lia ' a.iape i. I II la aald t!.r la in) llll.a ci if ' ff.ira hi'l Inil. l la ) ear 11a 1 .11. I .I t.uall.ree h thitt Ii a t- i 'it J iitpri ement iiiti ai fr .-ka a: 4 from now on laiga l.l.!i.nila It (oinc eaal every day 1 (.la Ttlil ciraia a hraty demand for roiling aliv k thai I.a a not txcii frii fur I I.a 'mat year, l-iinbrr manufai I urna fret aoma ruiirrrn uitr aaiM r.r ahoriagt T!.iiri Ihey a l. be aurt) lo rumt unlrx t.nBia !a' a ordera early Ha rriaf niilla are nut. txMiked up mbtnil ga far In adtarnc aa Ihry ma to go. ho ever II bring Wia general tmpreaalon ii. at taiuea ate lxund 10 advance aa tha ulume of b'lalnea ln reaaea It la eaiil aa a reu:i of the heavy de mand of i he paM thro werka. mllia in il. la ilialrlrt hav no aurplua of cleara. tut li.atead have a ready market for all thry ran priHlure ' TTirri (Ti n trjr. J-.'. .' Lilt' MfV-Vtlr-.. ;a . r -A atrial 1 i-J Sv -a.. -. -, -- - ;a . w --.. ---' -" . ; "kOV !i .a - ' ii . ' I I It III gi ' miaaaiin tiital ll aw-a..ani i t . , i - r i i f FLORENCE ROBERTS HO CLUE IS FOUND TO STAR AT ORPHEUM COURT HOUSE BURGLAR Pleases; Four Ritchles Al most a "Riot.H TWa' la u i la IL. .. u lit Actress Work as Comedienne kl - ' "' o-ar. ! J r Maa aet,l ttax al la """aw. a4 IWiaiy Ci.i Mliaiai laa IjM !) .IIIM u t!t,uvs .( aauM, taa fc4 a ,M h g taaft. a a-alat a.a ka4 a,i a aWI. Uleal 4r- I t Ika Xa. (n.a ka i.wrul HIM irf lag "Tk Mlfa.l. ka4.laa.ia.lMi., h fcrtiiWiamJ ul IIih ill a.f tatiaj faalaraa al Ifce Oi a katikM ! la t-a tf lLa atavly t jil Ihia aita If ii gat It aa ariiaue ul ttkar a it. aw 1 1 taana rrvrn in t4,t t, (wt- aaw IUwiii ! Biae f". right irala t carlug fn 00ft iLdi of mratg tatuej at 10 000 Coo 4 a ttill bm Irabaf arrad at Tarorua ualo Teaavrl bound (Of Alajka Am a d.fa I of lha ia t. tat aMi inri I aar til fl 'in "tfrand la In. itaio-l buainaaa baltaaan 'il:alnl .Via.-aa lo l by oba t ullottitr anj A.aaka. lha Inlou i"(.t I II . obtained frofr-ei ra f aauaage, aena Ml 11 treienlai a auliJ I'einloa) of and Uon In all about . aoueda, raaal la lha I'avlf.. ( aid Hloraga ma - ; ir iiiillng a al of elamt lany. .a. and ny it it on- , in in ieiure ir.a rampaign . ; 4V fre:ng and IIJ algnsd lo Nome. I'alrlai.aa. aaain and Alaaka Irgda and lb tnalilutkrn of I !e , , ondilloa until uaad ulhar Alaaka polnta II la lha lar geat ' t ' nlon company a ha ar (.14m on 'Alaaka Ika I'enltiettle, I hka buainaaa) a aa pla4 In lha aaal. by lha tn!4 alaraga com kaay Tha akl(tTier( will ha treaefarra-g ff.-m lha lefrigarglor rata al Te.otae Into a refrlgaraior vraaat tl aa fro tan la a temperature ln degraea ha keel In Ihla afirr raarblng BLAMES DISMISSAL SWERDLK HOLDS LEAD ON POLITICAL SCHEME IN BUY MAYOR RACE PORTLAND WILL BE WELL REPRESENTED HEAD OF EQUITABLE LIFE IS DUE TODAY I'reJii.-nt William A. tay of tha Fiilial.l I.lfe Aaauran. o aorlriy, who nrrHfn In I'ortlam! on the Hhnirta Lira Itnl (hla afternoon from un Kraneiaeo for a few houra' atay, baa become fa nioua in the Ufa Insurance world throucli writing a policy which la by far the large! ever laaue.1. Fomn monthe ago ho undertook lo protect the entire JJet of employei of Montgomery Ward & CO. to tha extent of a year a anlary In a blanket poll. y. For the :uo em ployee thla protection required a face value of I.OuO, Ouo. Mr. Iny eucceeded the lute Taul Mor ton aa prcMdunt of the society. Uur Ing the prealdency of Theodore Roose velt he vii an assistant art ornery feii eral and In that rapacity visited Franca In connection with tha purchase of the Panama canal, lie also took a promi nent part in the legal affairs of Alas ka. He leaves tonlirht for Seattle. Jli In accompanied by his assistant, II L. Kosenleld. moral crusader. .Sergeant Tom Kay and Patrolman Tackahery at the Spear hotel, East Third and Burnnlde streets, on o fhgrge of contributing- to the delinq uency of Peggie York and Hazel HucJ gon. both 19 years of age, who are held as witnesses. The charges will he heard tomorrow by Judxe Tszwell. flogUM Check Suspect. J J. McBtiln, 32 years old, wss last nlfcht nrrted by Dttectlves H'eppner and Maloney on a charge of passing worthies checks, imd was caught In tho act of attempting to pass a check for 110 which he had signed with the name of M. tel!er. It Is charged that he se cured 5 frorn the Y. M. C. A. and JS from (ieorge Schultz, a saloon man, by means of worthless checks. Journal Want Ads bring results. WHAT'S THE GOOD OF WORRYING over burglars and fire while you are away this sum mer. Just take a safe deposit box for your jewels, family silver and valuable papers and you know they are absolutely safe. We are always glad to show our boxes and vaults. Boxes $3.00 per annum and upwards. SECURITY SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY FIFTH AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OREGON. Thai lltlre Is behind lha order la sted elerdy by lintrrr.or Weal, re lieving liuatava J fllombrig. nr. ullif uffUrr ef lha dragon avl mllilta. from duly, waavdet tared by Ma a. fa to day. Lieutenant niombrrg returned ) rater- day from Marahfleld and Ilandon. alien bo liaa tnen on duty connected ailh the natal mllltla. but ha could not be seen by Interviewers t-day. Ills wife, hnw- ever, gate a spirited defenaa of her hua band All Mr niomherg aska." a!ie aald. "la a square deal, and he haa n t been K''l lli H that My huahnnd haa drvolrl liirn self heart and aoul lo ia velfara of the naval militia. Night after night he haa gone down to the cruiser lloa ton and worked there to bring hla com mini) up lo the hlgheat efficiency lie haa even neglected hla private bus! neaa for It. ao great hsi been his Inter eat and devotion. "I.t March he decided that M was Inking more time and money than hi could spare, and handed In his resigna tion to Captain Kdwln M. Hlmpaon of Marahfleld, hla Immediate superior. Cap lain Simpson wouldn't accept It. and ha and other officers praiaed Mr. Dlom- berg'a work very highly and ssld they couldn't let him leave the sorvlco. Po he reconsidered and decided to keep bis command until after the cruise this lummcr. He haa been working bis hardest to make the cruise a success. He has thought of nothing but the wel fare of his mei. The only reason we can ssslgn to the governor's action Is that there Is politics behind It somewhere. No charges have been fUed against Mr. P.lomberg whatsoever. lie can only at tribute U to the activity of certain of ficers who have been a disturbing cle ment in the naval mllltla, who are against Mr., Blomberg for his part In the controversy which led to the re moval of Captain Shepherd. Mr. Ulom- berg hasn't had trouble with brother of ficers, as has been stated, but his rela tions with them have been the most pleasant and harmonious. "It Is true that Mr. Blomberg has borrowed somo money on an expense account covering a trip to Marshfleld, but that was entirely regular. Ho wan allowed regular expense money by the state, but on account of the red tape and time necessary to get the money, he simply preferred to borrow on it rather thsn have to wait. That doesn't enter Into the causes for the governor's I action at all. "Only a few days ago Mr. Blomberg paid i36 out of his own pocket toward some expenses or ine Banaon militia." Mai Karrdllk still leada In lha ra- f"f boy mayor Tha lolat ti fr ti.a fllal 11 ranJldatea Ihla momma aloud I aa follow a Mat Nwerdllk !lt AlbaM Wilier ll. Jaka 1-avln !&). Nale l.ipi man H. )ave Cohan III, Aha Welnateln VjJ. Nathan faster nil William ilarralt t. Harry Iwla C. Ilrrnle Cantor 441. I'avs Zt.1, JIT. It iaaell peer 12. William Ferguon II; FYank Coulter 1. Nat Llppman. the candidate from fortland avalatnr. aa had lm predicted, at on. 11 i.n. k. a prominent place In the contest The first batch of votea turned In by I. la foliowrra totaled 14(1 Voting in aencial. however, waa very light yea trr.luy. only voles being caat. On account of the rain many of tho ballot boxra were not 1 ut nut I 'aughtera of the American ItevoliMton will give their aarvi.e. to tha causa of Ihe lira. s. 05 11' home, lo which the .ro'eeda frorn tha election will go, by Inking charge of the bal'ot boxea. They will meel with Mrs W H Chapln, whose husband Is secretary of Ihe news boys association, and apportion Ihe bal lot boxea each is to handle. I. W. W.'S PULL OFF MEN FROM C. M. & ST. P. CAMPS White Bluffa, Wash . May t. A large creer of teamatrra and snurkeg-a on the Chlcagtj, Milwaukee 4' Puget Sound Hallway conatructlon on tha White Bluffs branch building through this valley quit work as the result of agitation by Industrial Workers of the World, who had missionaries scattered through all tha ramps between Heverly and Hanford. The places of tha strik ers were filled and tha work continued. I Portland will ba wgll represented al ha Houtt.aeal Waahlnglnrt Development aaauiiallon mealing al Caiitralla on the closing day. June 1 The Portland Com martial club la galling together a party of Luainrss men. who will travel In a special Pullman, leaving hare Haturday morning and returning Sunday mnralng. Thla will give them opportunity 10 take In the moat Important featurea of tha big meeting and attend the banquet aalorday evening. Ihe annual mealing of lha Houthweat Washington Development association la matter of great Impoitame to Port land, tareauae Portland la the logical trading outer of that big district, and the aasoclalloD'g purpoae la to develop the reeourcee and particularly agrlcul tura of that vast area. Tha meeting will begin May 10, to continue for three daya.-and program for each day will have Ita distinct featurea. Tne moat Important feature on Thurs day will ba dedication of lha Centralla High school. Friday the corneretone will be laid for the library, and on Bat uruay the new union depot will be dedi cated. In tha Interim between these ceremonies tha association will hold Ita sessions. There will ba other featurea. too, of great Interest and entertaining. such, a automobile races, alrahlp flights and baseball games, mualo and dancing. Tha affair la officially known as the "Hub City Festival." Centralla. because of Ita geographical position, havthg Fen dubbed the Hub City. Ifcaa Mlaa ftls, -7 he Mmir wwtal ba pie 1 a inte4'atitg ueiivg tha aewarn Ihesne la waiaagle lha rlot a hlttt latfltaa 4talbaaai f, Irukeiy aad Sal. rUa Tie art la giv.n a Uauiifal wauailhg aad alilogri aka t.aa lazily llllla Piluelly. Mlaa Ka4aie ,n. iria ftaaxa atllaltr laws Ksr atoih laat haa gl high rash aunmg am... In aal ailrraeaa The tnte4ti eiage I ef f . aallJ aald be a SflaeadlJ alavre fof Ike die llhfwvigr. Ihatt slay fcf Mlaa Ikubatla dalighlful wuik as a eaimaiABa She Is eatiailaitily euf'f'lel in ' bag praeaal eiie by Oarlea Wyagala. U alter fV dre-aaa. Mlaa rihl Maerall and Janteg II Mar laon. lha auiliut. Miee lluUarla waa glvea aw otaitoa br her many ft lands sad admirers al yesterday a (Mtforia aaraa Tba Fvur ftlt. hlaa. eyelaa llwal s all. rare aliiwal a riaL Thay hat a a eta. ad la a aim different cloihea and dif ferent elunia, and lhf Ui lha great eat to He lloa ef freak eyelea t ha t has ever baen rlddaa on lha Orpheum a tag a. The Kllchlee are claver ridare and thalr art left the audience wishing l coul be aaea all over again. Al and Faaaie r lead man nearly amppati tne allow with Ihalr piano raia There le considerable biff hautg 10 Ihe art and Mlaa alaadmaa la Bath ing if not buxom Mr. Nlaadman le one of the beat an (he bill and waa re railed many tlmee before Ihe audience uld lel him go, I -a I'slite Mignoa la a llltle whirl wind comedienne who Is new la Port land Many of Ihe people whom aha imitates are not known ta audiences here hut she works enough for ten af her slae and la different, she regiatered one of the hits After hearing Fred Hamlll and Char ley Abhate. Ihe elnger and lha violin ist. 11 Is easy t realise that all the pos sibilities of "rag" have not been ex hausted. Mr. Abbate Is a wlaard of ragtime on his violin and the team ora- a tnled one of Ihe moat pleasing acta on the bill The Five "ultra offer a corking vau- evllle turn. "The Information Bureau." with palter, singing and dancing, dona m rapid rire lime. They were warmly received. Polaln Brothers open the bill with a short and to Ihe point arrouatlo act In which they use tha spring board. They have aome new and clever stuntg and made good. a lag caxualy fua.ia labea la isle aValaf aag afletW-eev Tba wets etMaal. Ir brwkaa lata ikaiurJay algal as lha rleik a afrit la lke! j4tr Tte Jaeitots ware aerhiag la lha effi i. uiNa evening aa Isle as le vt.-ra bt.1 ta.y inl-ori aiiHg aa aa.e eaiar ef hat-gitig atauad ika latm II a a ever, bvtigUig rottid aaail lata klddea la the ualil Le jaallwia wars broken tnie lha beaaa. Staring from lha offVa aa Ike dears caa e er-ea-j iroia ins laelda. I'aowtwa ("a f !laracl tt"aJ!a-1 rraaa taat.l wtra.1 aVaa riaswiaoa. May !l The OH llMdalbatg ca fa. a leadtag reaarl la " Framlajoa night life, la a partial rula laday aa a reaull af a 4. fire wnu.k slaruaadad buikdreda af aflar-tka. aire feaetete ahorlly after 1 elocs. thla morning Oaa waller aad a flreeaaa eaeapad dfalk ta tha anwhe. There Is a World of Satisfaction in a Pair of Well Made Glasses Making thousands of pairs of glasses has revealed to us the great secret of making good glasses. CONVICTED OF SLAYING TWO OREGON WOMEN I'oatofflce at Mctzgrr. I tVsslilncloo Buresn of Tha JottrnsLt Waahlngton, May 28. Senator Bourne today mailed a petition for tha eatab llshment of a postoffice at Metager, six miles south of Portland. (t'alled Press Lea tad Wire) Riverside. Cal.. May 2. Frank Bauerwfrftg was found guilty today by Jury of the murder of Mrs. Harriet Ouydf' 'Portland, Or. Death sentence will ba Imposed upon him by Judge Densmore Saturday. Bauarwaerta. who Is a Belgian, also Is charged with the murder of Miss Julia Francoia of The Dalles, Or., who. It waa alleged, he persuaded to accom pany Mrs. Cluyot to his mining claims In the Chuckawala mountains. The secret is to give each individ ual who comes to us for glasses the individual attention neces sary to assure glasses- that meet his individual needs. we ao it, ana tne satisfaction we give is why you hear go many tell how Thompson's Service Satisfies This perfect service is yours at a I small cost. raniwDcniM optical llelUmi UU11 Institute 209-10-11 Corbett Bide. FIFTH AND MORRISON STS. naval ..: .'jyr i!J!.!WiWI SaaaMBggass Children Cry for Fletcher's irrVf a. t : gg ' a"WniHiriii "if . in, .'11 iniata 1 Xmip-. . j D ''''vvvvlvvvvvvv.xxvAx.vvvvx, iirr i "mFVf? ,A!ways bo?11 has borno tho Him Of I h.1S. 11. Vlnr.hi na..l 1, j , . r . . - .TnkT. 3'i,.1 1,1 lsi Counterfeits, Imitations and What is CASTORIA - Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- nV!hta HKS' U 18 Pleasant. It ftbfc lu l Opium, florphine nor other Narcotic i nax-' ltS rantve- Ifc destroys Worms I riwlTne; lt t Diarrhoea and Wind i SariiEnle ?eeeth TrubleB, oures Constipation ' gnd Flatulency. It asslniUates the Food, regulates the wtif?'1?1'" healthy and'natuVal 6leJ! t The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought 1'- T ' Bears the Signature of BEER BOTTLES GREET ADVENT OF PATROLMEN A volley of beer bottles hurled from a dark room greeted Sergeant Kienlun and Patrolmen Nlles, llutcliings anil Boon at 2:30 o'clock this morning when they entered a house at 208 Fifth street to compel the silencing of a piano, to the accompaniment of which several I persons were singing and shouting. Viola Ray, one of the Inmates, received a cut on the head, having been hit with a bottle. While patrolling Fifth etreet, the at tention of the policemen was attracted by .vhoutlng and they traced the sound to the above address. Intending only to stop the noise, the patrolmen called at the hoUte, but as soon as they mad.) themselves known the doors were locked and the lights turned out, while there was a lively scramble for the back door. When the patrolmen forced their wav Into the house, the beer bottles began to ny. Hie. police succeeded in arreKt inR William Webb, Guy Hart, William Maxwell, Viola Ray and Dora Wilson. AU except the Ray woman are held for disorderly conduct and ehe for conduct ing a disorderly house. The case tame up Derore Judge Tax well this morning-, but was continued for trial until tomorrow. EEM OELILAJM Y 1.GROCE1R L 4 STORES 4 STORES BRANCH NO. 1 401 Hawthorne Avenue Corner Grand TELEPHONE B-1615, East 867 BRANCH NO. 2 595 Washington Corner Nineteenth TELEPHONE B-3211, Main 322 BRANCH NO. 3 142 Second Street Near Alder TELEPHONE Main 4160 ' BRANCH NO. 4 Cafeteria Bakery 405 Hawthorne, nr. Grand TELEPHONE B-1615 (3 rings) Tires Prices for Wednesday and Thursday 100 Pound Bag, J5.85 18 Pounds lor $1.00 POTATOES 19 Lbs. 25c Per Sack $1.25 x EGGS 20c Dozen Bellamy's ROSE The BEST Buffer Pot (t Roll JERSEY MILK: 4 Tins for TILLAMOOK CHEESE 20c Per Lb. Very Pure Lard 5 Lb. Pail 65c 10 Lb. Pail $1.30 CARNATION AND HOLLY MILK 2 Tins for 15c 85c Per Dozen In Use For Over 30 Years ' ... jy efTaua toarrwaiis..TTiinT. ttcw TORK CITT. SANITARIUM OFFER REJECTED BY COUNTY The county commissioners thie morn ing decided to not accept the offer made by the Portland Open Air Sanitarium' company to take over that institution. The county already has such aa institu tion at the county farm, which Is suf ficiently large to accommodate county patients. The Banltarium company of fered the institution and site free. It was also decided bv the rmtimii. sioners that no transcrlnta in criminal i cases uearci oerore the circuit court i snouid be pa)d for by the county Un less the defendant Is unable to pay for me same, in several cases, copies of testimony and transcripts hare tteen at- lo.ved tha defendants" attorneys, while tho county paid the bill. Tha aheriff was also notified that he should only work -60 -men at.Kellv Butte -foe th. Lireeent. County Clerk Fields arranged with the commissioners to install a tlma clock in tha record, rooms of .his of flea, wach elock will t. uae4 by the night watchman. ' ' ' " Gold Dust 17cPerPkg. SOAP Crystal White, Ivory, Fels Naptha, 6 Bars 25c Dutch Cleanser, 3 Tins 25c Round Up 5c Per tin Kings! ord Gloss or Corn Starch, 8c Per Package Bellamy's Rose TTte Bet.t FLOUK Every Sack Guaranteed Royal Baking Powder, lib J6c Best faro line Head Four Pounds 25c Small White Beans, 5 Lbs. 25c Arm and Hammer Soda, Ten Cent - Package 5c GingerSnaps '.it. ,'- Fresh v Hnarr K lT 25c Pack- QAa and Good UlrUl ouua v " ages for VZ OLJR: MOTTO :?There Are 16 Ounces to Pound All We Aslk Id a Comparison of prices and Quality 1 ; U. rim