run OKUCO.f DAILY journal. TORTLMiD. TUUSDAY. EVENING. MAY . W.h IE PRESSURE SYSTEM ON DEAD OX FLAT L. Ts a.f(ac ul aaatisea U h him I4ik Ask.a ti.a vtMia ts-4 Ika) wais'a k wai 4irs Is-asa a: rraa Oi? (ruaaisg " tit. ukt u Uua4a4i Ika a4 rvllle!. A. V fteaa, 4 leaa. aa.4 (rfe U f. aasia. ul )i.4 kajvaraii, , t.J.a af ae-Min Aiawa." J. IV rila sf .!., U.. ' 4 1 taw A. it..ff f bit., ": Ika lit frktMatag fc- ' I. t. . t i.taw t laaia. af (new Teea. ) A- ef h-ieA. ikl 1 iwi.g rrl. af Aea f Aul Ika I avtatkC tk A.. Il. le .. af f-k ia. kia INTERESTING STUDY : VICTIM OF "EYE if T Census Bulletin Gives Facts of Effort Being Made to Have 'Personal LeQlslationH Bane Business Men of Shanghai Form Strong Orcanlzation to Oevelop Trade. Farmers Install Big Coopera tive Pumping Plant for Irrigation 'Purposes. Production for the Year ueatn sentence of Boston of Army,H Dedares Sec retary of War. of 1909. Woman Commuted. CROP DISTRIBUTION SISOI ROASTS DEALERS 1Y i ntrn BAND MUX rv; 4 r Jar tl-ni' tsVaM h TW Walt I:a 1. .,. a,. IV. e&..a L-if I ' --" a -- .... ..a t-u, ... a.., - - la laa will. a ( HiH It u !! .nwa al Ct art, tea a b-c- ai4 coliuta Sttataljr la Ik so IB. . frvan lU;, teSkild la tlf. te lr a one batf af tl.e ! rr'eaet Ihe cef.!e 4 of he fa Ul - - lfcr ra4 fdthd ! Sf lk SMateabel met then toi i u art I situated eael af wKaa la 4ia Vlu.!..i-I and practically all af Ifcal Tha. fc. at aaaietlag la lie eas ahec I. ra in ihta aoclutn Nml I 1r a nxinuuilo af Mia l iMe,t ' it,, u.t.1. ri .Ira.. I I miwt a laraajf im eej i.v fa'aaa U Mua tiita ,ai-tiiir la .fr4 iilMlrM t(.f Haaclali. laa ( , ' , . . I I'atuHMtat, aba la aileti la aa i ae hair ar l,jlfrvi4 M HM k. la Urih Ilia nolb a ad ihe soul IU larlrto chair la UtwhuMiit an4 Ik.i ....... ... . - '-- in ..,,11 i. , .. . ... ...i I.UI Imb,.,.a4 aer.a.e lh. rr-HHM HMHVI ... nu4 ,, , . ""'-"'-' I olr ma fifl lima la ha ahrtarr " ' . 1 . . '" T ' ' I kl titvliuMiii that a n.aa haa M.a . .7 Tv 7P .. ' . . 7 .V: la 4a la I ha akarlrta halr. la th. aaulh I., In bol ,B. rir, Um. ,h. parr af r. ral. a4 hay a.4 rupf KM , ,..Uo ,ha, .amaa maal I4.all.-al propllM.a af lha Ira- hu o.4.n la d-ll. la Ibt. '"rm """ lataia aa a panalip fr a rrirn. w,r Crai oa, I lf or ,h ornaa II la aald ah Hh upward of arraa in I ti aa tina-iltiac and InveluoUrr ao. I0I. ha lo north rniral dlvlaloaa pompllna of Maarlall. a4 aha ronnww nvarij- io mirua vi in. idi.i i loaf unr ina inriuanca or Maariuit, rr acr. of lha rounlrr. although i fha "n "hrivll aya haa ha aiaa al lha a. in lima II la noud lhal lnlonrd la Ihla ronaacllaa II la ra din.iona ran(inr4 allchlly mora ihaarar4 by lha rourl officials lhal r-h. half af all th Improvad land. fWvaa j (hreufbol Irlal of lha air lha taira ininniB. Kan.aa, Io. naoraaaa, i m.n acaiual le ha la ranalanl and h- Norih I.kola. Mlaaourl and linnKia I )r of W-loll. Nol onra durlnj ilh an attr.oi. of J.0.0 arr, I ,h, B (ra did aha llfl bar c)a la a.arlr ona hair or ina loiai mat hi a. arr.affa m rtr.ala la ltd Tarniy-ona alalea r.pof IkI a amalUr rrcducllon la HOt than In 11)1. Of lha Trn leading alalaa. North takola hnta an Inrrr... in production acan gr.airr rrlallTfly than In arrea. and klinnrMita thowi a allcdl Inrraata In .rrrxlurtlon. In ilii of a dcrrMH In while IllinoK. Kanaaa. Iowa. taaka and li..onrl ahow a 4rcraa In production, thouith Kannaa and N- braaka aalnrd In acreage. Th rpmarkabla Inrrea.e generally ln tha value if the cereal crop dlarloaed ry tha aliarrd by all tlona. In only one atate. California, there any decreaae In the value of Ihe cereal production In l0t aa compared with !. -:iKemhere Ihe grncral ad- vnn In valuea more than off.rt auch Innn In prixlurtion aa ot-currect. rrodaetioa by lacUoaa. Of Ihe total acreage In the I'nlled Ptntr. Riven to certals II 3 per cent la wn II vproiluctli I acreage, L1 f Kabraaki UB CENSUS Martin Introduces Measure for Count of Federal "Cor- poration Judges." trailed rrea l.ted wtre.l Wa.hlngton. May II. To count lha "corporation ttidgea" on lha federal bench I lha oblect of a reaolalloa In- enat of the MUrlxNlpi.l. f. T being weal lrtiurr,j n th. ,uo by Repreei)tatlTa of the grout river; of tobacco. 98 4 per Maciln Im.. iVIo.). Ila aakad lha cent of the acreage In weat of the Mia- pr,aldent to complla and tranamlt a aleelppl. of cotton. 6M per "nt la Ju()lclai cenetia giving tha oorporatlon weat and 7 3 l.i east, of potatoea. (I t antrredenta of every Judga nominated per cent of the rco la cant, and 13 I during the Uat 30 year, per cent wet. New England producea Nol oniv , .,,., f ludaea. who practically no cercula. The aouth pro- had corooratlona for cllenta. ara dealred ducea SI 1 per cmt of tha tobacco crop I by Martin, but alao tha names of Judgea ana . I per cni or tne cirnon crop, i w ,. n.m,. -ere withdrawn or turned The meat producea but 4 1 rxr cent of down by tho aenato and moat of all. tho cerrul crop of the country. lnfl nnm of every Judge who waa aver ronrldrred for appointment and whoae nam a waa not presented to tha aenata. The resolution alao directs aubmla- THIELE, PINKERTON MAN, rOa4 fwa I on I I 1Taaa.Ugla, Mar 1 1 -M.rtaf afc wxnr UtT'aUiua) aa IV 1M at la arar," W4ar af War It y i laa tya4 a alalaaoaat la aka) aa aiiaa4 ta. sava at l.t-ra- mUJi fwr aaariiag a "fcr" la ika araay rprftUm kilt. Mf b 0aira.aa ttap af Ike sailuarr affaua ewnaaillaa, ku a IHaM. 4elara4 la daiga4 la aa Majwr Uaataeal faaa a44 koa4 fraa kla tae af cklaf af alaff af Ik t'all4 !! araay. , 'foil aatal l.i.iaiiH Ma Maa lha ! af lka artay. swUrri a lieu a. 'la k araaaamaai Ikla all la tklb4l4 la lis na) a-k a .r at. 4 farm. aa4 I 4uM If lha pfl HI syenfalklaa wllk aarfi aa ax. mi lr.tary atlasaoa 4rlr4 thai tha -Kk.r uta a arvatluaa aa mera rau llaa rlc a4 l.ada la dud from lh hlgtteal v.i ariny ia ho. arvla a4 laiallig aara tMamght iheaa quickly la lha front " e!a af Ir f df aiatloa of all )udgai agalnal whom Irafvathmenl rara4inga ra tstr brought and lbs raault of such ptoacdluc "tha Itnaraaalon I. 'very general." aal4 Maitln l.wtlghli "tliat lha dori.lona of lha faderal ludlrlary have very largely fora4 Ibo big bualaeaa Intereata. la Ihla iiftia of ailtallon for JoJirial ra lorm. II avahl la s arafllabl la make a atudy of irta rlaat.a of men who inaka up lb ludlcUry." HOLDS LOWER COURTS HAVE RIGHT TO REVOKE Washington. May JI -Molding lhal lower courta hav the right to review and revoka lha rltlienahlp paper of any applicant where there la fraud In lha record, tha I'nlled ftlate supreme court sppmved lha cancellation of tha cltlaanshlp papars of John Johannaen of fan Kraoclaco. Johannaen waa found guilty of perjury In hla application for rlllsanahlp paera. It having been proved that, desplta his aaaertlona. ha had nut been In lh country five yrara. iCaMed raw tain I Wal CKaagHat, May 1 1 0.iw a-ia4 ia IKaaf kal ka fMSha4 a auag arf aaiaaitaMi la 4. tela ka liada af ike aw tafwblK. Tk start waa s4a la VKaagfaal, Uiim Ik.ra at evf a rw-k I Cfcia k.ia ILaa aayak. la la Ik cwuairy Tb.a 4 t la whl. t Ika lr4a araaaa- l aia mm aa4i4 la lha alllltMi f lha likia las Theuih aufpadly aalLehaJ early ia Ika raiolulicHk. Ikla I till Uaiag rlriarl4. Ut lha MKrlli af lalaf hwi.cuI cmaaerva Tbefl kaliy, IK. ikia atalima ara woi y oa iaaa a4 walerwaya al parpalual taaua darwa anh a f1s4 arala af dullra. la fad. iMwavae, sialloaa bava k..a anala Island wherever local ef Delate rkaw, sad ha a avaa bwa ael ua by ro4br L..da w uat dutlea fu4 SI lha whim af II. rotlaclor A faimar romlag but a few mile la flK.rgt al ralghl hava la lay lha likin las a dusea linitt aa bis pruduca. TAKES WINNIPEG BRANCH EASTERN EXCURSIONS rawasylvaala Xitaea. Ppeclal summer eicuralon tickets to New York. Atlantic City. Aehury Tark and other Jersey coast destlnatlxna will ha on sala at ttregon olnta June 1 to Septaniber SO, ltlj. via all direct routes connecting at fhlcago and ft. loula with THK I'KNNRVLVANIA LINKS. Return limit 0 days. Liberal stop over privileges. For details communl- csta with V. N. Kollock. Ulstrlct Agent, 12 J A Third stroet, lortlsnd. Puff Sam Sloan If you can afford 8 cents for rood rlgar no need to do without. "8am Sloan sella for a rent, although worth more. It convinced by a trial. FRENCH TRAIN EAGLES TO DESTROY 'PLANES" WHILE SHIPS IN FLIGHT :l t'Je4 fW Uiael W Parts. May SI tr-ag tee trained a) d to d.atroy dirigible, and ' 4 sJanea In fMghl are being at d d parlmsnled alih by rrnrh army d af fit-era al Nl (u far Slg w 1 bird have ben trained, and lha 4) a re.ull.. It la tWIare-l. ara be- a g oni eapeciationa iy ruoatani a d effort tha big blrda vera mada a d arruslomed lu lh w I. Irr of d plai.a pro teller a. lha sputter of a) a motors and even of rifle fira Hy a d plarlag Ihalr food on tha lopa a and aidea of model hallunna and 4 d dirigibles, lha eagle aoon al- a) lacked Ihea on sight. Hlmllarly, 4 d tha warllk blnla war trained 4 to attack aeroplanea. Further a a and mors practical trsts ars to d ba mads. G. W. MUTCH, HUNTINGTON BUSINESS MAN, EXPIRES lBpeel.1 to Tk JevraaLt Huntington, ()r.. May II.--eorg W. Mutch, a prominent bualneaa man, dle1 auddenly at 7 o'clock this morning. II had been In tha mercantile huatneag In Huntington about four years and had been very successful. Ila was formerly of rayette, Idaho, and Hutte, "Mont. Mr. Mutch waa Juat arranging his af fairs to move toIIlllsboro, to engsg tn Duiinrn. tSk.l .. TV Ieal Walaar. 4ks May II Aadlag lie aa la Ik la IVa aait.m taai.ia pfea af fHagva t.a I4 fiat, ink ty ia Ikla rtty. .ar waa l4 aa la af Ika .! aahta puana ling. Iiua tUata oa Itio tsaaka Mt.r 11 w Tkrwugh la sUrlfte motors III ar,nwer. ler H b 4etlvar4 la pip la all -f lt prvparly ..Hit who hava flaaacad lha ar-leiprtaa Ml lag lit aaaiianta as I Key omiui 4ua until lha rwl aggrgal4 lis ef ci - Kbeil Cwull.r. Kalhaa aWeaaber ad Jeka liohrar Kava ba lha prima vera lei Vr1nglig I be project la a aur. cfut rulaxlaatlun Tha mala ajpply pip, afclrlt la Is Inch. la dlatuel.r. tl. ad a diaianea cf 4S0 feel. Uh Ulerala radiating frea II al Inlartala The rompletloa af this pro-t, to gether ailh Ida Mivak. rit.r dialrlrl plant, urder e.m.trur tiun. adja a total inlgatad acreaga tn tha ealrcme ea.l.rn ll'n of Or.gon, tributary la of If.SSS acrea. Tbta cnllra Impnxa meri haa bvan made within IJ rooalhe. and hUe muck of iba land was already I.Mlng aa Incoina under dry farming mrlho-la, a large portion of It haa ten Iranaformad wuhin lha year front raw aagehrtith o orchard, berry and garden Iratla. (Leap Her ha mada lha pump Irrigation propoetitona attrartlva In Ihla aecllnn. and additional Improve- menta of a aluilUr itulura ars practical ly a..urd. With lb opening of lha Trans rraek prole. I. a Urge gravity eelem, water ing 11.000 a rea, lh Irrigated ara la lha Immediate neighborhood of Wele.r will bava bea IncrvaaeU during II months by approslmately to.oo ecrta wall Japan Iluj-g 7rpjx-llnjl. (I nlled l'rea leaved Wire.) Berlin. May ti.- Japan Is so pleased with thoj-two Zeppelin aerial cruisers purvliasei In Germany that tha Japanese government haa ordered two morn Zcppellna for military ptirpoaaa. WAGES REDUCED. 300 GARMENT WORKERS QUIT trailed rrem Leeaed Wlr ) Oilcago, May II llecausa of a re rent reduction In wages, 100 trimmers and cultara employe,! at tha Kuppen helmer company factory hers .truck ssklng all membera of tha Chicago riarment Workers' I'nton to Join them In a general walkout- Tha union has shout 4000 memlera. Other members of tha union will vota on a general strlka proposition. City riAanlnc CoafrTfiice. (Seed. I as a Jearaal Boston, Miss., May II. Tha fourth national confer. nc on city planning be gan Its sessions In Iloston today with a lsrga attendance of city engineers. Prominent architects and social workers ar.d atudenta of piunlclptl life In gen- A QUARTER CENTURY Hefora lha Public. Over flva million amplea given away each year. The con. atant and Increasing sales from sample. proves the genuine merit or Allans root -Kb st. the sntlseptlc powder to ba shaken Into tbo ahoea for Coras. Bun Ions, Aching, ftwollon. Moist. Tender feet. Sold everywhere, She. Hampla KK KB. Address. A. S. Olmsted. Le Rov. N. T. ITS A WINNER ALWAYS IN THE LEAD BROOK HATS WITHOUT A PEER AT $3.00 Every new khar in felt or ttraw Aitncy for STETSON YOUMANS roiiTT.ABrnw rUkJiioa uor Reliable Clothiers ft, W. CV3B. TOTTstTW AID MOAaUSO THIS institution takes pride in the fact that It enables its patrons to deposit their funds just as they receive them from time to time, no matter how often or how large or small the sum. The Hibernia Savings Bank always handles the smallest account with the same con sideration as it docs banking business of the largest volume, . . HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK "A Conservative Custodian" Open Saturday Evenings from Six to Eight Corner Second and Washington Streets, Portland, Or. thpe't.l to '.be Jnaru.M Pponne, Wash.. Msy IR After hav ing been superintendent of the Spokxne branch of the I'lnkertPn detective norv Irei four years. S. C. Thlcle will leave Ms poMtlon Juno 1 to accept the man BirenK lit ut the I'inkerton offlce-ln Win nipeg, tnktns cliarKe of the work throughout Central Canada. Ila will be kiircrerie.l herA hv ft V Vamhl. fnp many yum In the 1'lnkerton service. Tlilele came to Hpokane after estnlillKh- ' lug a creditable record at Holse, Idaho,. in inn naywoon, mover ana t'einnone ense. Thlcle be;an with the IMnkcr tons an itn nmsteur In 1S99. EOZE3EA CtTF.ED 15 10 TO M SATS The Tarls Moillrlnn Co., 2621 IMne atreet. St. Louis. Mo., manufacturers ot Laxative Hrr.nio Quinine, huve a new end wonderful discovery, GROVE'S SA N A U 10 CUTIS, wlilch they guarantee to cure any cnie of KCZEMA, no matter of how long; standing. In 10 to 30 day, and will refund money If It fail. OROVE'S SA-NARE Ct 'TIS is perfectly clean nnl doea not stain. If your druggist hami't It, Bend us 5')r In stamps and 11 will be Rent by mail. . Graves Music Co 111 Fourth Street Old Pioneer Victor Dealers Direct Factory Shipment -of Victor Victroias Red Seal Records We carry the latest, new est and brightest stock of everything in-the Talk ing Machine world. Come and inspect our new par lors. ' Graves Music Co. w 111 Fourth St Pioneer Victor Dealers If yon loiew pleasure Victor-Victrola .brings into your home, you wit j Any Victor dealer in -anv city m the world will gladly play any music you wish to hear. Victor-Victroias $15 to $200 Victors, $10 to $100 Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, N. J. The Wiley B. Allen Co. Seventh and Morrison Streets, carries at all times the newest and most complete stock of VJctroIas and records, and the surroundings have been made up to the Wiley B. Allen Co. and Victor standard. j Come in and we'll gladly play your favorite selection on the various styles. New records for June were placed on sale this morning. i . ... : Victroias sold on easy payments Delivered oh appproval Seventh and Morrison Streets, Mtr . .. . - . ,, - -.- ...... . the J e for a sradle dav0 i sAsiatf ' 'jilij ' ' 7! WtmrnWrni " " wmi itm mfr :( Mmi4'iti:m ' II ill I I x 1 y hjil l 'H'lWr fl ffv'Mf 1 'ill!' 1 ' Vktor-Victrola XVX $200 . . -v Mahogany or quartered oak , A'i --eyaa" 'T f uisyHMiji 1. 1 1. 1 m 1 ii.iii 1 1 , , . . . . , 4 ?( and MooA . . . streets ZZZZVJjiKH AND MORRISON STREETS