The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1912, Page 19, Image 19

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" tVfcile diarwaalug lb tu)letl t naleie wilb
tr bunk r. A U It , I Ik iMiitiM otaie
fculi.rUllte flew In ihlllOl 1tl eeaaftloM ta )ia-
I ipiitlulr. olj !.. offeiiag iv wager a leaner
I Hal t riel,aa
" u .(r I el BUI. J Id ,tluJetll i.ia feulM 4k J el a
. f tf ll Iiiceila.i, itJtJ A t-o f glaaac
fV rfvl.kf Itf II. I rtml t,l il -H ('.CMC
uf Ik if r I. tl I Hri HJl I .J I i .
;i ..ale mi i,'
eg II l ll-e I(:i4t.l ft.
I i .1 I. I i x.l In .
.1 !- . I ua lit me! ftlr'f
.. !.. ii f gie't4
tMh ma IKay fial
(u I lc (! laililM al
?!.. Ihtltlaig It, (.itff i l a lib me
it i
J t-tw tuHlfq ' tI lrclt d4g I
c. f
. I. Ko-.lli g It uJ , a
llfl,tlOll of I fC Jt ,f ,. I . ul.l
1 t"
.i... Sm . eJkw8AL Jm, II
It- " V 1..
K aa a, W i
Monday's Delayed News Briefly Told
AfirfihNm I'uiil 3 o'dock TtUa MrmliMt.
i ralrnl'7
Tt.cra a lualy dc)ai In ( an-
ma Monday or Mr Hilrlu-tHka (raw
lullun raltl tot full lofor malioo of
i Of (ruraUoiia at itlacluartt In I ha i iH-uta-
!' a la ralurna, Tha ralurna. ha a)4.
ettruma(r d!-olllon luiaatj lal
Ullain, niaJa cllJitlt Ihe lla;llr of
ailh. haj ifiittaacd hala of million
alira am) thoafd lli iolc-i4 inltir
( Ia4 a ii'iu of I I.aw0.u 000
)tar cur trlimiala jrull
t'laacrrnnetil oor lha folljn of
Ilia tlil for Ilia tailrf f Hiicrman coun
ty rll). fa. dlafuaaraavd ot unl of
Thaa!la inllllary rad. Jaadlix .! Hit
houaa com mil Ira ore uMlr lanla Won
day morning and thr iraull Indlraira ir-a
rommlllra la not llkrly lo atlrinl .o
inuf furll.rr roi-il f alluii uf Hi blil
J iff a lon.
mi ilflJ aril lh working mf n
rroancd by mora than a not of rf fe
tid uialora during Ihn hutlna Jl4l on
tha apir iriallon Mil Xlondav,
Th Hum loial of Ihr Aralory (hl
ailopliun of an amrinlfii'iil lo I'ip bill I
i ruvltlliig II at harraflrr nil coal pur- I
I aar 0 for Ibc navy niuat lr itilflf l un
l r I lie vlgM liuur vrorkday law A I
I tfpat altiriidiiiat-.t r'"iun Ir.jj t lie ml.i-
Krtubllraa. raa affaf4 U aia far III
Mali Mnjralli. lh .flla , tart!
Kaftimtr iNroact, ahl li.a by an
lt!Un In ' Turk dundav nlgM Hr
Utalh aa rhaalngiUta lal:an. l-o aaa
ehatgrU lli aUrmptiag lu kill a nun
In Harlrm Tha wounda lll not intar
faia Uh lila going la t.. kliolni a
tif-mlwr of I la AnarUan Cil)iiH learn
TMMy la !- frviti frullatid arrlfr-1
In N Turk klunday and ! mn by
39 yovinf man from all atla of lh
I'fllcJ Hlalra and I'anada. and all ISa
toung malda 111 go a bar Ibair fiancaa
li mada hunirn
Tho hlghrat prlra ainra 111 ni
in he.l by l-arf in is hnla inar
krl al Nrw York foiida. abrn II ( i 1
a( irrili a fvout-.d In bilk II l
aid lo mean from IS lo : rrr.ta a
Puvind ln tr.w for prim mraia al r-
Kdwnrd k tll-liargd 1 young -riru
klo(ida al.en ha ra'ighl Iheui In
ilulglng In II. l irkcv Irol ' on the third
floor of II, f l.n1i. Horn Jourt at build
I tin lo fl.llndf 'I KU Tha girla mtm rn
)"lng ihrlr nHn lunchaon hn Mr
I I Im annual vimi fur
mi to ! i.ahl not Ir.a than Ilia union . .
ali- of aifr vnlrd down.
l)url:. a tlrbale l thr l.o.iao Monday,
ltirrfnl alive reel, I f J'ennaynarU
lUpublkan . re.i iit.i1 un alluaion '.o
lubui omdillona In Trnna) I vanla niad i
by Hrprrariitatltr Mcfiln of Alahama
i Damot ial i. lie annulled the oonditloni
In turpt iilit.c i amp of Alnbuma, wheit
h haid. were n-arc mnre barbaroua
and Inhumaii than In thu luliira uf 1
l.rrla "
The army approprlallon bill with tho
antl ndmlnlalratlon uniendmcnta '
rcpoil-1 ba W lo Ihe rrnate and house
by Uiv con ( i 'CM Monthly. The aim nil
mania would lifcUluIr .MaJor-(iftietnl
Wood out of officii an i hlef of alaff and
would li'MM- the location uf imlltHry
poiia to a conimlMaion of retired army
officers and two memhera ancli of tho
Mcnate ar.d houn committees on military I
Hole happened in.
Ka h innmbrr of tha Irtali-Amrki'an
Alhletir club lwn ahlch oinprlr at
the bn-fit of Hi
Manhallan ftata a a I .un la. I
Miturliiy I the proud poaartMir tonla '
of a i:nk ror, ignd by on-.-of
the In ma ten
That th" clMirchca of today ara hin
dered by Utile, narrow rt Indrd t'hrla
tluna'' more than by opn mlckrdnra
ll the declaration of rv. Ir Janus
W'hltcomb Ilrougher of I-oa Angrlta ba
fore tha Northern Ilaptlnt convention,
which continued Its aetilona al Lies
Muli.ea. Monday.
Iratite v:ii 1vt aiia-tr AtiM-k'
iui ii iiniiiu t-r ie tmt-t
4a4 ff I! al i:.a if.
II klaiiran fe.Wi.l ,-inaa4' I
far4 lo k b..t l.i.u al II da,
altlt lle (,!tli .f tilllh 14.
l.c al an. In,. at II' ant of a dj
lb r 41 a 1 1 al I'urango ha
al rli. ti a' lo ! Ameilcan n !!.
Bwunla;i.a. aa'alng U..01 10 t k tl.elr
li"l aiubl I ! "fli, ! g and pta-
fuf in.laiil 4rpH.lfe lo III rt al
UlUIUi. It la f'.i .!) I nlwU. k
Hie No rraaoii la .:gi,. for lb ill.
Mia rllaiH-tMJt.
One uf Hi larg'tt )jl iirnl l('i.n
an i.dil4ual r Jc9rd li aj-
l lll rul of II . t hllrd Male til
arno.maO kui-dy agalii.t Albert M
lugelow of U'aun II a ill ba railed
upon to pa a JiulimcM if I J. 1 00. tvt. w1!t .Mel..!. 1.1. h rvbM)
hrng u.- lot.i in ; :'.' Thi
t lor in lie ..ii la Ilia Old laimlnlon
I i V!nl"s A r:iii:i g rumpany
Suffering More General Among
Peasants Than Since the
Famine of 1891.
t il'.l f.M la4 Wle
ti.ti n. VI.) ! t amine rond.tlona
In Hue , , lo tha failure of lal
auriu er rroa. runllnu adaapra4.
aroi.l:itg to : a I . t advlre re-e!d b
i l.n.l n tei'ef loinmltle. at, I. h haa
lee'it.l an i-i jt.J'r aeal f.r
fur.! It .,h.i allv.: ttllmil.J
Hal li.n.u . a lei.nnt. n. in a stale
ll.grloa ai.d 1 -iiar.1 l.ealohn of Nevi if l,l I ill... . ai,l !r t ,itir:itMe ililri
Voik prt'ii-..!'.l lie .ompany and hil.'Jthal a-ifr.riog la mora general II. an in
owning Ma '. k " d I" II l'rtt mi alu-.lUr calamity ilnte lha famine
Mis nrllamy Storer, recipient of the
Iiear Maria'' letters, which figured in
sn unt'leiiSHiit political-diplomatic Inci
dent of the Roosevelt administration,
has written a letter lo the Washington
Kvcnlr.K I'ost ntlacklng Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt and urging: Catholics to
vote for another candidate. If he 1n
nominated for president. In her letter
ehe declares that no friend of Taft. of
law. order and authority. Democrat or
Ask Your Doctor
Stop ceughing! Coughing
rjsps and tears. Stop it!
Coughing prepares the
throat and lungs for more
trouWe. Stop it! There is
nothing so bad for a cough
as coughing. Stop it! Ayer's
sjjfherry Pectoral is a medi
cine for coughs and colds, a
regular doctor's medicine.
Use it! Ask your doctor if this
is not good advice.
J. 0. AyarCo..
Lowell, Man.
New Tuberculosis Remedy
Based on Medicine
To say that a specific exists for tho
cure of Consumption la
stronsr a statement, but in Kcknian s Al
terative we have a medicine that has
been the means of savins' many a life
to years of usefulness, and In perma
nently benefiting a large number o
Consumptives. -
Any diet that keeps a Consumptive
well nourished is the right one. but
what Is goinsr to improve the patient?
Kckman's Alterative is a medicine for
the treatment or this disease which lias
been found beneficial in a lance num
ber of cases. We prefer to let you
hear what Biich people say. Investigate
this case:
90 Savannah St., Rochester, N. Y.
"Gentlemen: On June .1, 1907. I was
operated upon for Tubercular peritoni
tis, and mv physician pave me up as
hopeless. .1 was then urged by a priest
to take Kckman's Alterative, which I
did. I began to Improve and ateadlly
r jlnarl in nuilth nnA slr.neth nnrl om
absolutely cured."
(Signed Affidavit) EDNA FINZER.
Kckman's Alterative Is effective In
Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever: Throat
and L.UHK Troubles, and In upbuilding
the system. Does not contain poisons,
oplatts or habit-forming- drugs. For
sale by The OwU Drug Co., and other
leading druggists. ASK for booklet tell
ing of recoveries and writ to Eckman
laboratory, Philadelphia. Pa-, for addi
tional evidence,
rarlfic Coast.
Pr c C. OIvnne;i. who was actlva
In Han Krunclso polltka for many
years, died in that city Monday lie
was a resident of San Francisco for tl
years and during recent yeara was a
candidate for either coroner or mayor
at nearly exery lecllon. I was a
veteran of tha Mexican war.
Mayor Georg-a F. Cotterlll of Peatll"
has vetoed the council bill known as the
anti-red flag ordinance and which was
panned because of the red flag demon
stration on May day. The mayor fears
the law would prohibit fraternity ban
ners. Mcs. Nancy Jacobs of Portland, a
survivor of the Whitman massacre In
1MR, will be one of the principal speak
ers at the annual meeting of the In
land Empire Pioneers' association In
Wnitman chapel. Walla Walla. Mrs.
Jacobs was a small girl at the time of
the masbacre and escaped by hiding
under the floor. She will relate her
experiences at this meeting.
John Fournier, father .of John Four
nier Jr., the well known young cati her
for the Chicago White Sox, was injured
at the East Side Hhingle mill In Ho
Qiilam Friday, when an ax, struck by
a saw, hit him In the side, and he is not
expected to live.
The National Lumber & Box company
mill, the largest on (.rays Harbor,
which has been closed down for two
years, will begin operations within HO
days. The mill will employ 600 men
and have a monthly payroll of 110,000
W. E. Schricker, principal owner of
the private bank of XV. E. Schricker
Co. of La Conner, Xyash., which closed
Its doors April 16, Was arrested Mon
day on a charge of receiving deposits
after he knew the bank was Insolvent
Bond was. fixed at $5000.
After being told by physicians that
her chances for recovery were only one
In a thousand, Mrs. Fred Hatke has
left the hospital at Klamath Falls in
good health. She had received six dis
tmct perforations or the Intestines as
the result of having been accidentally
shot by her husband.
Henry T. Cowley, a Spokane pioneer.
has lost his suit to force the Nortnern
Pacific to give him back land In that
city now worth $00,000, because the
company has refused to carry out the
consideration for tho deed, which was to
give Cowley and his wife passes for
Ufe .and five Cowley children passes
for five years each. 'Th supreme court
says that congress passed kn net pro
hlblTTng free passes, and the railroad
company Is not to -blame for obeying
tha federal law.
George L. Tock.'aged 45. who went to
Tacoma a few days ago from Portland
with his wife and secured employment
as night clerk at tho Arcade hotel, shot
himself to death in the hotel bathroom
Monday night. His wife says he has
been despondent.
al an ei.ofita .u jroltl 7 l.e a-ila Hier
to. k to t'e let. .Kent lulllr " WITti
lb uii.ler c.!m. of the "limo.
ri,t tic . ,,..;,li i . t ucl II scow tor
the pi.. fill an. I on
In aiisla'.nliig II. r'gM of the Colo
rado Antliraille tni.iiiy to re.-owr
flout the got ef r.irteiit money falU en a
i ml entry maoe i ) i..i.iri n nio.wi.
In I nion niunl. Colorado, and afl.r-
AaiJ ( anietrd. the supremo l ji I .j.u
that on ijualifiej peraon ro.i.d enter
roal land ft r another qualified prrnui
and that nothing appeared In Ilia re,ir.l
li liow il. al the mpeny not
qualified to entrr land
Lieutenant II I lhnin. recruiting of
ficer at Pur I laud will la alloaril fiir
month leave of abaenca wnn lie i it
lievrd of l.ia prreebl dutiee.
Th avfiatrn price e,f cuffee Imported
Into the I MI.-.I Stales las greatly In
crcaaed In tha last f(r years. A atate
tnrnl aue by l!ie commerce and labor
department's bureau of atatlxtlca show a
that during th present flaeal year the
average price of Importations hits been
11 lents a pound. a'Hlnet 11 centu n
'911, t cents in lylu, and ' cents li,
Announcement la Jurt ma.te that the
Marconi Wireless Telegraph company
of America bus arranged to equip U
tlona al New Orleans, at Swan Island,
In the farrlbbean. und lit Santa Mai'tn.
Colombia, thus to provide a direct wire
less service between ti: two conti
nents. The stations will be erected for
the I'nlted Fruit company.
According to Lhe Cartagena news
paper F.l Provencla, negotiations be
tween the American minister at Itngotu
and the Colomluhn gmernment liae re
sulted In an arrangement wherein- Co
lon, t la and the I'nited Slatea acknowl
edge the sovereignty of Panama.
American refugees picked up along
th? west Mexican coast by the trans
port Buford will be put ashore at San
Diego and Kan Pedro, lo be cared for
by cltv authorities. The transport Is
In aome of tt,a Ma.k!r tillages.
ai'iri til. correal. mlent. a her no
rel.rf I. a )ct been upplld. I'e eaa
iril lin,y ) ,iua n on th floor ..f
tl.elr hut and pat i;t Iv wall for deatl
1 .it nta are raying for the death of
1'ielr 1 1. lull, n they may not Be nlrir
i "i :1m .uf ,'ei" w rite another
'I'.'iey. 1 1 e-nael ea. ara efteti tempted
! end th. ir n tnrtuin by aoltlde"
The oi,r H.aanta. da-larea tli com
rnltt.e l ute notlr.d tl.g abarnra of help
front abroad.
In 1 1 . ' they r.y, "people came to
kelp us everiahero. een from Amerha.
W.ere aie Cey row
said to have about 1& refugee aboard
Tl-.e South aule of He- ontl aerlue, tn
hualnene aertlon of U'n it. r I K h t. Al
brita. waa naepi by fire klondnv a 1th
a loss of lind.uoo. The town hall and
I'nin bank, the flia hall and other
buildings were leatro4.
Brick Structure to Rise
Hood River for Apple
Growers' Union.
(S,.1.l I. It - J. (..1 I
flood Itlter. dr. Via) II Weik lia
begun In arerking Ihe old wu.len atruc
lura baa bn uatd by lb Apple-
grower union for aturage purMc.
and Ib.a ground will be uaed aa a alte
for a IJ storage plant 49tlH0 feet
thai Will I" uaed I) the union. The
building will bo bulll of t ri. k and fin
lred in time lu bandl Il ls ear a crop
of apt l.a
With I h lai added room lb union will
b abl to store about li.0(o luxe of
aptdea Tha present Ic plant .f the
union may be ample to afford refriger
ation for lite added aper A few years
ago lb chlon purchased tha water io.
er owned by Joseph Wilson, wh.-i will
gle anipl power for th entlr plant
Mince II, annual election, held a. ieiall
months ego. the affuiia of tl.a union I
hao been conducted by an executive!
rtiimlflee rnn.lillne of three niembera 1
of the board of directors. It Is ex-
h le.;. however, that a manager will be
hKted this week lo manage the affairs
of the aaaoclatlon. Humors are current
that John F. Moor, who has managed
th Fruitgrower, association at tirand
Junction. Colo., for 10 years will prob-
b!y be the manager for tha Hood River
a le of ti e I'a
.: ti in MoohJ
in .ii. i'
.in ti ,
of lha
lf:r l oe.i ft I tM I
It 1 1 er 1'i.t it. I V
at I! a !
cd b
r.r.::.;1.1,::,! causes brute to run
ii ev-l
le 'I
Ct tn.lln
x,t d ilci'H
o tlug
111. 'f
I rnllng t.lrrfrtr Mgna.
i, lit I- Ta kaiwll
t lli.r. or. Vfay II- "lateral
liner ntarthanl at laatalllng
r:ai a lo adterltae I be I r p lacea
a.. .
w iiie-,1 ftae a Sign
1 1 at iob!bii algna from pro.
. r in al traalk. bul In lb
r?-.lil.- algna permlaalon la
,n ti
e theiu on blngea
I'BJI4 lraa La4 Wilt I
Cap O ar lea, Va May t ti -
hi year ..Id atepeoa wma gullir of
Irlrlal effia. Tbunaa I TumiwoeKl. a
i.rgra. ite-lTtha tmf la bore aa4 ike.
rtcatd ira animal to rua. away. Taa
and bark vara broke) bf
betr.g dragge-l along lha roa4 44 hf
plow a from lb horaa'a boa fa. lVua
ntond was arral4 a4 loAay la a waiv
ing lb action of lha grwa4 Jury.
Mm ideal gertion in Orefon (or the im!l lirm.
Hft tuturban acrctf on rtijr tcrmi
Opening-, for Small Induatriei of AH Kinda.
Commutation tick-
Wrrk rti'l rxcttmion ratet over I'nited Railwaya
rli. I iiforni Jtii -ti. terrr.i and lllergfure.
Main 5075.
235 Stark Street. Portland. Oregon.
A 3774.
(Salem Bureau of lb Jouroal 1
Sniet;i. Or. -May IS State
School Superintendent Alderman
1m toilay sending out tho lTlghth 4
grad queetlons for the school
exsmlnallona to be held June t 4
and 7. This examination will be
for those who failed to pass In
all studies In the examination
held this month. The superln-
tendent estimates that do per '
cent of all those who have taken 41
or will take the exa lfis
will be graduated rrom Ihe
Eighth grade this year. a
Game Wanlen Ilunj.
lSpcll to The Journal 1
Hood River. Or, May 28 --Iul Frlti,
district fish and gamer warden, has had
a busv wr..k in Hon, I River county look
ing aftr tho state's affairs. W. M
Daum wss arrested for having under
slxed trout In his possession, and on a
plea of irullty, waa fined $25 by Judge
Buck. J. P. Huff was at rest., I for fish
ing without a license, and upon a plea
of guilty, was fined $26. George Grubb
and Hoi J. Bpeer will lava a hearing
heforo Judge Ruck tomorrow on a com
plaint charging them with fishing too
close to the fish way located at tho dam
o I
O XllYlaLi ILm&IL,U tLsmL.UX o
Q Maob Fbom a PsTaicuN'a raxAcairTioM Q
O Not a Quack Remedy JJVtJlS O
or Fsorlaaii
Poison Oak
Usa Blanobard's Eoiimi amotion
Hold by Druggists.
rUB diagnosis, Instruction and ad
vice, by C. K. Blanc-hard, at '.'31 Mh St..
Portland. He will also state how the
disease will act and disappear under
the use of this lotion. Call from 1 to 7
I p. m . or write for symptom blank
Every Woman ;
Is interested and should . I
know about tha wandarf ul 1
HASVEL Whirling? Spray
o WW J arujai pyruie-e
Boat V" eoDTanleuU
41 ciaaaaes u
Ask tear 4Vaggf st for'
It. If haeannatauDDlV
tha MARVEI.lM.Dt
nnnthlr bnft aa4 III YIH
foe lllatnvtd Hook sealed.
givas rail parties tars and curag
fioas lnTalaabla to ladica,
elBTU COk. it Beat tag fa. gsTf TS.
Iwr aaht by gxldmar Drag O- Weoeara,
. taarka Oa. aae laiaa-Dirtr I4ra Cm. tuna
1- 'JiL in.
An expedition under Professor George
Reisner of Harvard has Just completed
a series of excavations In the -palace
of King Ahab in Palestine. One of the
most remarkable finds was the kitchen
of the palace, where more than 6000
ancient household utensils were un
covered. Eighty persons were killed Monday
night in a fire In a theatre at Villa
Real, Spain, caused by the explosion, of
a cinematograph.
The little garrison of Jlminez. Mex
ico, evacuated the town Monday, burn
ing tha bridge at the) Rio Plorldo. The
federal military- trains hare therefore
been blocked several days. : The rebel
also destroyed a number - of other
Mining men from the Moeorito sec
tion of Mexico say that the general be
lief that American intervention la prob
able has brought about strained rela
tions between natives and Americans.
They say the Americans are preparing
to leave their properties.
Roberto Alameda, millionaire member
of -one of the' chief f ami Ilea of Sinaloa,
waa executed Sunday night by the fed
erals for treason. Hl execution-has
caused consternation, as it was the first
lime a wealthy man has pahl the ex.
- ' - the use of this lotion. Call from 1 to 7
Journal Want Ads bring results. I p. m . or write for symptom blank I
Yellowstone. National Park
u re. una a not iieg. ic m car aour roeaKAiian u wot, ys ra aouuag euu
TRY 6088 o
Aik rW drug fiat for on free booklet. "Medical Adrlo On Bhenmsttiai" If k kaea't It a
post card request to us will bring ii, faf
. . -, iiaaaaaaiiiaiiiajiieiji. .man nna i. ia 1 111 r.j ai -a
' Tht Aneaf trtatmtnt 'neath th sun. a mhoU full course roIfedT tufa one O -
(Greatest tterve and Blcod Tonic
No. 2
Q See America NOW! 0
On any ticket we issue through Livingston, we allow, on any
train nd we have four of them daily from Portland and the
Pacific Northwest, two of them through to Chicagoa "stop
over" for the Park trip during the Park season, June 15 to
September 15,
Tickets and Full Information
A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen'I Passenger Agent.
255 Morrison St, Comer Third St., Portland
' fit
I have Riven per
sonal inspection to
the working of M. I.
S. T. On tba human
tystem, and must
say that it entirely
meets with my pro
fessional sanction.
Late Demonstrator ol
Anatomy. Philadel
phia Medical Col lege
QIUD UU Vfl U B aaaagtaas-ssaw .
Ml - i , :
Saf7irVir.lV .b.ii-r m)lJeUaXlSrrTT li ill iiiZSaSSSgS
What Ve Guarantee Ll.l.S.T. Flo. 21VIII Cure
RHEUMATISM, na matter how long standing.
Any case of luaammalloD' of J,he Bladder or
Enlarged Prostate Gland no matter if the pa.
nonts have been for venr forced to use a
It is no giimniant. its-eftecu are permanent
and lasting. Will eure any ease of Stricture
without local treatment. Will remove entirely
from the system Cancer and Cancerous Germit
In addition to tba above, M. I. S. T. No. t
has cured many oases of ParalytU, IjOcomotor
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oag wts. areurs a a, m. to a
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It m. Onr jeedlcise always
ireaa. we deal La at. I. a. i tmi.i.