The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1912, Page 69, Image 69

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Fh 1
fff -,-e
- T r t - a
ki .n ' t..
ftl!! Ok rUtCCDIXO
biav tl W4 l k ware eleaiij a. Ik eefee Be- aa k.a t a e'a.Le 4.alaik4 IMitl
nuntn xv.
ted I sc., u UtM. 4 ! ear.
im tare, r u r ei-
Vie al ! in httal 1m pana. .lata al.t. U.irt ft.aea'1 U k-ee.4 4 W4 kia tale Ika - V ke 4f1M le-aier. era e4 la. He Salad. He saeve Ibiaa.b, IM
nruiMD cuztKH lavma.
IflM ' -.., a xtta. mui(i i.u .. - ae a-i.a. aatai na weary reeiateaev a.4-kie IM U Pane wrt4-nk
. 1 frta. ttr t'r Kr tal iatfu. a jrt (UK Ji
ai VI wMr ifc boat a ! ). atatirf ai t(a.Mr, fti.
ka " Me - a fa a i. k t M'k Oa. BM Ik MmIIM lie aa aUraa... II : .ii J A'lBiftat t I'jiMkv kt l a . k.a rail1, la I k ' r Aa ba tMlfaa" af Ira a ... -
kafa aa'tai 1 1. 4tt Ma
U tfifim baam 4 tl - f MMf (! U Brttala taaa VHf war? t4 vt Ikiaf
juoua rib it iabiiwit am a..n lu luiia aa.ta a.... u tkaie a.1 ..... a- a. ... a,... iakf m KUKHM nruui r rr . ,a asm 11 n, ta'llkl'f l '
iaa ajT ik aiai iL. Inafci fca raU4 lrlia f rar.
T" . . tataM. ll k (lava Ka llala u4
am - - - " - j. - a - , ... - ' " -
M. A
I 1 V J.I I , V , II . II J
fe i:mi la tUiri una . Ja.a i .iii ukj Mnii atata f f tit la Ika aar i i aj t ,fm f a4.a
jirr.u m.ii Imu a.a . o...a aa Uiiajr rraa a.a kamtaiaaml vaaaia mum. ivUal akawlAjif. in .til . ' . . .... . " 7. ... T m al a. la Link. klk.l ... . . " ' ' vv
i . ..a ...... . i. ....... u.., .r.i ' T-v aaaH la (ha T. ' - .7. " a-a "i a n a, aia bia .u, T r. 77:7. T rr rmftra. It r rr (! k.a I
fia ti la t ,i . m c ; aa lvi la j l"fil i sj4 i laii. a. im( eaw. ' " "..7. Z 7 7 . ' . 7 -"7-77 V,. ,7..". utl. I lait at
t .a 41 ifca ii.a poi a,.a:i. aa ii r iwvarai ik it4tiM.M aiaat. lit jMlia, la aia MMtli ! i. : ' " i " v - ati-anaa ia inai i aa itmi . - " - . , 7 Watay. 1 will aal aaaak af ika kaaC
air Juuaa I. cai a J",. .. . .... !(h K.4-,,a. , . dtlKk K,t,' !. ;.!..--. . Ja4. , fc f M a,rakJ i!.. Tlalaa la ala. k.r ' Tha IhrN Rao ha4 arrla4 la nr t MT PUa4U rlM M laal It a.
. .a laJ..iaf Jla' al a ctiafa it, Al'.n.t. ktk.t.kk ! li- Jvlla' afci. vllfe a M(J clkaaaaa ! ka- - ..T . - "r... " aaar.aa m KaMriaa aaa aia ha .-.ij. , is. ,i..i. mm hul I aa Wlal iata ktr BifttriuiM ilk.
a.,.a ; ka al.i. i a fwi ai.ia i air hmm.ii.. .a. Kj MaVWflki", Tlm ,mt . 4 tM ar tlM TaHKL 1 alar U kvrauaa Ii la Ir"1 " " " . lerr, tUI K a aa4 M
Ju).. uliUj " . al K i .' A. d .! -.a . 1,4 a. a .... VI.... 1 1 na- t, . u T7. Z77. rTrl'y T r fc4 Ul .. aal laa fvU af lk -atr4ai aa af rlf ftara J'0- k, b,, "" Mu l-ru4. I arua llmtJjr varaiM I
Uft ' . a-,-7 JfTi., rT! '.iTzr 'l Mtlaijaf la t atfil af aar .Ma Tkla arala araak- ,h fcUilf. em t tM Mlf I far l-ar aa
aa af i .uaJ ai.aa,., !! iKa .Mt I aai i.a.a har a.a ' . ViULLiL- "" Caaai af ai, ,.t In, i r ' Th lvthn ... arit.y af ilia ffal aaka. f- ta aa af k.f ata h
llaiT.f a..-.a li a Mm. tr.ia .d In latl fuiUa air Jiira n.r.ato. lar aL "Aa4 I aavaaj aa la rna fa Waa4. -Ifcla JIHa ialla Ulla4. f I l)l aow, ,,,a "J'l'ta . ,rr(, of ,- tT
a .'. t f.l.a .H-amkHklr That- at hi. iwt.l a faAa a aarf I catU4 at tmt aal a4 Uvar l 44 lata, la a aaa Hula ara ! ! Uaf.l. laeuftk 1 t a. li'',"r"k iU" "' lhal llllla Vf ll)4 r Ua
mm vail a Ma a i J.rialfi.k la a,,.,. OMi af ((.r,aM I. hmmii lavl4 aaa rai mmt, . '" M W M4. J2t " '' Ml la. raaa U "4 ol,,t whU!h b,M , Ka-taal. a
til il ia imkimiJ tia a mar hi a afrUaa -t 1TJ ..T - . " . l al4a af ika 4a Da I aa raai -fa lfa Va,.4MKar.r v.lH,k. ,r,4 dT. Than t.a ralurn4 la bla k- .... '. ..."....,,
WaJana hr.awhor a.a ir Jullj i oak Mauaatr mmladaala U lk . . v-aa - llLJ. k.,.,.,. . k . ' ,1. 7j . .w. ....I " " . U, III a cilaralta an4 laaaa4 back 1177 " k "77. ' . 7 . IT" Z ' I
ai( aitlata In any T " aaicas ai. a. ualnlanra a.r im niw laraaa PMk
lltf l a raaiawratil an tk4 ouiakiil. af lafia Tbra Sir folUa "I aa aaa krHa yr riaa4 " k
taaa It.. a.aVr Hairt yorg int.. haa. mb ,a baa laara4 la k taatvr. aVrtar4. 'Ila faaat laU ua
MnrMiua aiitfe a rahttta. a koui I. a aarartalaa la a Oarakaa a. Jatiaai haaliala4 fa nmuL
""uJZtZ c"i.uThar an J .If iul.aa . UW, la Iha Tnara aka .1 t."11 U
Ikmli I ha alra of a Uaruiaa aarral a.,,ir m.n Kl.a la!. a tr Jullaa IKal
7 a Ii I i.aia,.a aak.. . . . 1 . . . . . k, . . k. -A . k Tk I Vm amaaaA - Ikk a. aVjCak BF ..A aal aaaV a
aara.HI far Maaaala kJrk ..air Ika T. ih. Ui kkua nm lltil. I Cbtlr.
taat) Ikaaa MSia4 . IImi iki akalevri.L aaai aaa (a Tlaji - Juliaa " frl.ada.-
a4 rafaa, Ikta yaliatr ta all ika raaliaa. -rriaaa a aw wut tail ma .
"T uaar aa iaaf call aiaa. laat aka la a abaaalraaa U 4ia.
aral La at ikaaa aeia famj (a f ai.T-
.aUaa. Tkara a wbara Ika r4 "I U tall ran aathtaa- aixtai ktr tkla
Kill la.. m Mi a a 1 a V
ka aaikog-oaJl r 7 k..
klaa4 rtawa Tk.rra Ika aa4 ana "rnJ-.- H.fi4rrk aalti
UaVnalkMl ff Vjaaavka.laval akvakavkt ak
klotialaar ral ! wnUaaV -ii.r. rr.ui-k7- tv. ka... -.1,..
-T.- h ad-1114, t. lalk. la r aara aat4 Mva aaa la aama
p"""ri aa-naiawr vri asaaaara prt.r4 for. TK nara am).
I II tail yau rraa4aar.' I ttriak a.r vara oa4 ,abla loaa
f all Ika MrraabakJaaxa ba-
a !ri fra4 of hr, aiwl ana wouki mj att nar ika ir wivaa aaa waa r r aaa aaaraaj- taaaa ala ra aft .Z" . 7" " " ir ain. a.-.aa ---a . iw v, naana. Lrtwiff aaay laaaa llllla Vtalla twaaa aar Iwa rakairiaa kaa haaa
. af VVaruk.ta THa aar.i a.rka maB ;ugaea t .iaravaa Hr rrHtaskwri fa 1 m at Ikalr i-4ara f r kaaraalf - af faur. eonllaaa.- L.VkVi .f u.V v.. .Vt!- It' . ?
kianaaa irta ! a. 10 HU- Juii.n. aaa wUl aa.a aaHMiv. u 4a am -f a at U4 la aaaai ra. air - ka ra. '" faa wua "Pa raa iklekM mar kf villi Hkvrr rraudaabarg a ml 14 kU IkaW !?- .!. .V ' ! K ' M1
wu4":? iir.rr.r'nJir.ST rkr.,,. .kf "TUr. .".n jr'r i: 'lrrf..,;,, rj; SSSSi'S 5.3 a?'... Zlmiri
li ft Karl Ktaurt-nliatf, ho ral btmaaJf a Uraakar. af liaaif. la Ukla. "r IMalU a4 a.aft4.r al Ika M U.daina C hrl.loph.r. But fal whrl o. murh ,h, brt,f ' J' ,f th m,,r,:L
wakim a of bi- una 10 Kria and l. ,, . 4,har at ika Cafa 4aa "Mr frlaao. Wr. XaMHcVa." ka aal fr fr " lk Uaam II . Wa 4laa Icf.tbar laalfbt I U ,,, of mi0, cu. jaii-.ifui -aBUai Th Wor r'l r aMlry. lha
AniUalaura. Wllh him U klarioania a UaWiful r rriia , ara. kaiiaa. a kratMiM aaka. twmlbf aa laaishlHioBoIUa, vto- UU " lhn. I t-'ft v. .-ara 1 tklnk .f iK...ur7. ..i rroala aha la ta b faara4- liupkoalii
-a.rn,.n. afi.r cui0n. i.h Jtarr r-aiH-a. la JM--Va r-- .JT-i k-J4 hmiw IkaWlTlT Wkt af ar.ry aartT H 'U tanipaJ.a. Tfc.ra fk'aT Vf 01" i ,,. yf Ta" rrarea ato4 a. aita axta wklia Uraal
h T'a-TJthli w.o..fa,V r-llrhit:1 ThTl 1 alX'U ta! f IKM la faallla ! ra '" 4 l-aek.4 laa -rati. ft r. If T HM II: Hoiklaf 22. a. 7-10 ar,t- W l h.l
U-ar fl-4 fcUa, Ikat r f tkai faailianr. afcr U Hi MtM am urilMMi, kiNliM-t.i Untr ... Uil k oa4 fHn4a who maal lotalha Oaraaaarr
If- a44a4 .-r; Miiat ., i u.wr,ai- Tha r Mibar l. Ma-ant. a a n " r Mb our or I aTo o f aa a a A h tVa M.ali.r Bra.t apoka fr IW. firai
fHAnrn XIII. IK-"f4 fra-a m o-4 tha. a4. a... -II to aauao." ka aa-to-A T fIH - aifklr rlsaralUa. lb lifM la4 fiora , lha akr. Twho! bloauaal wVta M t,B1-
MIITIO AND PATr.IOTIf-C. "." MulWaf, 14 .l.wlr. r- wllk f-la.aara.- JM t4 tip i.uair. la iba MoiMaf M -rrl-a la oaraat ao4 3" kl 4om r Tk" much o-!l -" rr.4aaaar,, hhi rami ad m. of
TT hi" ahoultwr. aod Uoe al tha af ih.t waa at Po jro kaow laal U yriitm, la Ulro4 car " !.Jr.Aa .7. ?,.?- k7 T7'i . r . 15. if with ona aaothar- twa'a-a- to Mht. bath a alron. aa
n KfUr tlo4 dof. kT- - W M M Mf -TkTk. Woaaiaur Dachalaa amllavj. hliaaalf. Ta tha oaa ka aar. I atxbaaaa-
" Il -MaAamoiaan. la a ' ha ha. hand r da-ttaamatoalla lao. Wa .w hL,.Tr,?a? AV. a'nf-UM bVd Si tow llarr rrud7n- ' - H"ra hlch wa all aharV r. with tha fc.r of kla fa-arli. ,a
.acla-ad. -Aloror. ho .a "J t.. haltara thai u ... . Irap. U II U rr Ulf eolVulf.a rUa ! .ufila. ktrf. o- ihi xnZ7mrtMmZ h "II la mora wrniMa wU. aaa: Ika oibar ho fw,ht. la a ,t
; ata4a. Sir Julian. UI not alt w .. l$Ll"Z, rZTm.JL Mrr! iaTia rartl to U -Till o Ami ta' iko Miil.g mm -. Maa- poller to 4aol wllh onamiaa on. at V
' daa for a mwnanl? wa ooafaaa Xf oouraa. Doat raa know yao raa If oomar. Mr. Kt4r1rka. fa fcara. J4 7'7m F" m' "r' " rJIl-.a i Vula7ard alaur Carl rraudanbart. a-4 to aaaok a tlma." N
Iva or ft-a tninutoa I fh Ulk your ow. rrtrT Thar kilaj ya, ka- J-. kooto ,M w J Tiuaa ror, I'm mi ' el th. -rorVu A 0VkrrTr.ritlr aiudflat aoma laM.ra Inlarvlawa. tha trua m.anln, of arm. a-ra. Ih. i.bla.
jXa b.maalf w.ib.t ha.l- wTwCT -TaTm.1 hL"i luTtMlV toioaaTl m.V . u . alkl la Par., ea.l.m. at kl.k h.4 arr,,.. kr th. hlthi rn.a 7"c-'v1l,b,r. 4t"r',' . fr,4-" h "- -""hu
,o.L" ho k. Id. "I loft Bar- ha lad a tkaraaaa au r. MOM lO . al MI4.m 10 110 Ilka w- w wa ara: Ana. Ull.n, tl gtt ,, ' 77. . .... iu. toara la an g-OTara-iaai. aaa tou
r oaar nvai. . ywa oanaaaa r wara O OtronaT . . - . a f ... ...... k." h. Ih.r. tar tha nurana. af mablna- a daatlnlaa of llarr frtudinharr1. ara. t k.n.k. .... r,
in w.. . ... t invvii wn a u - - . . - w - a . - .w m . w . w a.r . " . ... i . . .
Ila a yaar ao with onijr ona nopaor. nvaa In a otroar plaea. and bacauaa Ika
r.thar, laro. Tha nrat "a mat '"" paopia ballva4 10 you. Thar hal4
Thar all aal lor.thar.
Ma thaaa bUoaa aolna " raport.
"Tha Oldar wa a.l." Julian iallait oi a cacumaai
wa Rava la .irufl
m. n v la kaI anrl ktava. haa haan lha Ira.
C.tarman waa a.y "Monalaur," llarr Praiidanbara aaJd. jih...i ..a-. f arku.. t ..k v.. i.
a for aur r -or! nodar ahali ba r.a aieaptfbn. Today I .tody tha wbola uaatlon for h..t ona
la hi. trunk, bla buraau. or aoywhtra apaak to you,, riora opanly than half hour. la ak you m raad lha
..... v.. your.elf to kit
ara in my titartr' ...l, ., .
:ha d-ll Mon.iaur r.ll. Branl look a rltaralia ,A, .n,u
tba auiiailea that throw
hla qua.llon. and I awr.r
Vai4.k... aaaa. M.k ... m.JI - - - A.
havar BIT. lo oaun aaai... . .k yai mim it. mUn akkk a.u .... -' w v.u
aacatid waa that I tntajht hava lha plaaa w-a- ,Mr. i. ;. " a," " wlaa. Tha ehaf rorha.tro wao "tBOhardar
nr. ar bmUik ou a. aiHhadily o4 aa 7." L" .1 7 J7..1Z l bla olbow, Albort borarad la tha Uek- joya."
oriao aa poaaihla." whlok wauld ha-a ia K.rtdrtoka laanad oar and KaMrteka whaaUd au44an
..." iZl.A-rU... .iA . ...l.t. w"'".wu,a .a Nilrr whlBiarad In hla f Hand a aar. laea.
'7J.' '. .17, " " " f""0 "'' -JM wha la raa, frlaadf- Tall ma haw loaa au h.r. know. tuUy
ICIDIHIWwaf. aaaaaaawa. & anil Ota laa V... a ft. . W . T " awa I L . wa .
-e. aow- ha ramarkad. "whaa I . ' ' .TT. T." . A maaafaeturar af toya frorn Lata. r? rraudaabargr ha Irtalatad. Haw . !
would to r Xor a n.omont on ZIZ.,;: ' .T Br"n. ' al.- Jnllan an.warod rrlraly. 1 m.ay llmaa ha a yaa kaa- aa4a with ' "1 " rrom iho bo by hla albow. but ha fall B-iiaia Tand Oarmany ata.d aaViaed lo
mora mSSS euWacta. il.a atranao bu- ST"1 MHr la iflajio had lo far. -r, t-y, thAt Bru- hin-r 1. it ih. tnilb that yaa mat btm 'r ,od?,? 2 ,b pr,T,u room 'or "r ' "'r laft lha V? "jLJ lon . 3
of th.t routdVbla canco ",r!rt,11-blJT th,t WM "" Kandrtcka matlarad. ha-i oarar for- tonight for tba fir.l Um.K tka Arm.nonTllUr f,0a of hu ho. Df tha thrao m.a. ha n Jrt- -Va If ut? i
cwmaa homo to r Thara w.ra rou or. 7L "-- oook with thai f.M JuU.n Uufhad. . "-ewrrthl-t attandad to." ..,m ln. on, , In kymn.thy with V! "J,?".?!!
rid ouTbl. Triaod 1 from Au-trta. and MM , ot ho paroonal ala. -rbwl forget lhl, 4 -Mr daar Davldr ba prola.lad-. I'"m P1" . .a. , . M ' ta which Irlarr Vrau- Mn Of oonlantlon any whr
iikli .wKl din hara, oo. m. m?nt-?r . will, for j.Uaa adrtaad Mm quickly. "Tbla la To l.ll you tho tmih. Auli.r,- Kaa- rrottoanharf wa. tkourhtful for i,nb,rr; had alluded ao chaarfullr- Ila Mtwaan rranra and Oarm.ny Thrir
Kua.Ua. Bhalt ou avar forat that wh". 1 pl' wlrr t knaw no net tUgbt for momoriaa. I hava llvad drlcka- lalorrupiad. "lharao aoma hid- f!V,ro .mm!."1 ..-J..!ai Z watehad th. man at tha haad of tho ",m d'"'nt "lr druinl-a ara
.paaohle.a Ruaalan. who nevar opoaad frt-na-hlpobut. aiy 4 aar fri.nd. lat with tha aHo.ta of th.m long anouah.- dan troubla. aoma myaiarloua tafluanea ... " ,T . L ? " ub, ' tm though avafy rm.n. I aak you ta apply only a
hla llpa aioapt to dlaaojraeT aomaUmaa m X" that I myaolf would h.a party baeama larger. Tha llttla at work whloh aoama to ba apaattlng .77 k-. v.5 . , onargy f which ho waa waa raonabla mauro of phlloaophy and your era .eroaa tho Ubla. And. mor - poaraga I would daaelng girl earn a to drink wlno with tha relation, ju.t now balweea fTanca - ' daroted to tho ta.k of reading unflar- amnion acnao. a raaaonabi. measure of
fclr Julian, you know. I pre.uma. whoao le prlnelpallty to Iho pereoa them and remain ad ta tlelan to llarr and England. To ba frapk with you. I mzZ a-.Ti-air w...n... .k-.i. "th ln"' Impenalrabla faca. f'h, to tho thlnga 1 aay."
wa tha Hlvmplv of tboae doyar . wo threw, you oat of Engllah poll, rreudenbarg. A frtand of M.d.mol.ella know that Carrabr. a a cabinet meeting aJ . ...u li! ..-It... .i "Oentloman." Ilerr rraudenberg con. Thtra waa a oautloua lap at the rtonr.
Julian amiled doubtfully. lie a tall, fair' girl In a blua aattn raat.rday. auigeaied. that you wara at 5.7.5 ror D aerreTary ao. tinvt6t "thara hava baeo many in leap- whUperad Monalaur Telle-
.... ......... it...' k J ii I fan' a ara. a.a k w . a .....V.. .. ....... aw. . . . . . .1 .... Tieeu. . . . . . . . . - ....
pirniniion. oaiwaen rour counirv ano man rwa.
berg eobtla.ed. Tha prraa evao van. or other, bla old 4 raa me, bla old faith and Joined them. Herr Kreudeaberg, Julian', aye. euddenty flashed flro.
. I nr.. I in nnri ruilf with ma V t. .1. a. I In hlmaalf hail rat nr nail tnr . with hi. arm raallna ll.htlv arnnn. "Inirulv ml vat luiu. . .
' ii.ii.I h.v .Ia.urf1 h.rl Hlna4 .11 Ajld than h. klll.r.ka .11 ..n in M aitemaiaella Iia'a walal falk&it Ia. in Ka ..aafnl Vhh . r'..a . . v. T. HllO. I
aha a.lrad. and hail a-lvan tha v.rv UDSl him oualv and IneeaaantlV. It wa. not until aaaa In nuhll. .Iuim wllk th. CB tell
. . I .. n . IT ....... ... .. ... t t.l.b .r... a . . . . . .... .am. an. 1 1 r .A tha kllnJ mA I . . - n .. . ... H bOth. I W
. iiiiuuhuui. ii w. .i .i, . w... uwi a. vw . . .. . u a. nn i rriuatnHri. na aaia. ."... .....u . . .nw cvt- v. uui uuur. i
I . ' - . . rr..f. . U . .. 1. . . ... - ...... . .. . k. th. ana Waa ahlnlna .ha. . Mt - . ta. . 1 . . WBIK I "
..iu. in .iuiiiwtjji.w, uiv v.ux ..i.k "u ara umuir a niti. in ina v. ..... .... . . a. .itinina .ii.. iiiii j. . xnuainDin an .nam ar mv
llarr rraudenberg ahook hla head
Sleep," he declared, "la a waate of
mine. Ten yeara ago wa aaamod Indeed
Mlt la my aecr.Ury," he announced.
a. . ... k. i . a. at a . i k. a . , ..... . ...
.... na ala.n Aa mil an. vnu " "onrvau 10 irianaanap. J waa iar, aa.iviainan, in.i wa a.c uu.
' ' r ' " ' kaM r . k I . k . . .
g. warm, nuim -in.i ;
my aartrant to prr pare
your alewhera., 1
111 real then for an hour and c,unOr mada tha ona fatal ml.tak. of "Ilerr rraudenberg. your lunrh-nn ha
tha Champa' - recent years, ureal aritaan, laoiatad, bean aellghtrul." Men.teur ur.nnra ie-
pleaauro I Uavo In thinking of thai .klaa. At any rata It make, no differ- apoko of a mora. Than. a. th. country?" Lk. , . . .inn. u. ..lok.A . waak.n.i and deoaylna- nation, havlna .tv.n ... .. 7u.i. to think
r-X.T.h-wi J'ir!S!. :nt.Jh'?u,thtn'l h,v P""4-" "Tn rud.nh.r. im!? m. i fl'1' Tt b,ck ,B h" ,,t nd crumpled ro.. tb.t lay upon th. table 'rch the world oer for alll... h.ld of. Th... Informal me.ilng, botwo-n
"'"V ?u rV -mami'rr iM w 11 ,h'"" J"-" MwT Ti... Kreudanb.rg llfud hla laughed acornfully. d ,, for moment or two In " tha tlmorou. hand of friendship to oltl.en. of to great countri.a will do.
' :.T IrZnZ'XX'ZZmS r."" "'n. l..t h. mad. .TV.r .,J..U:nh il?.. M-" Vf - Th. .c,.on ...mod to be you. Wh.t genu., wa. wh your , ara .ur.. mora than anylhln. e,ae in
.. .17. .T1. . 7 . . . r""- " wnr ...... ..7 71 . wholly unaon.Cloua. Mia evea were net aiaieamen iiibi ayr vnen ine niatory ih. t.nrld In rlnan hudrlina frlr-nd-
iin were Duay viwor mti cvinti o Da wruien, it .hip."
in nay. u . in; inni ua.iai i.iai. it will oa loan
, th. future prime mlniater of England.
I believed It, and I am seldom mlatakcn.
Tell ma, what piece of tranacendeat 111
fortune la thla which bringa you here
e.iiei . v. w.u
. cunmuueo an act ox xranacenoentai juii.n ,h.v hi. h...i
"My mend," ha aaid, "It la the cruM
folly," Jullen replied. "X hava no on. to
L I wiab to rescue from the Ignominy of Marguerite, my frlenda all of you to you, Indeed, mean that you would try , a tlx .tare, hla thttuah
. which you youraelf have .poken. I re- '!uw h' crh."11' tt l n! .t0 ,"V,rL mJ wYo.u . W0U,,. pr- out hi. plan, for
paat my offer. Be my man. You .hall .n. W.h.' CJL "il? -kT.ili m' ,0 th' L,n1 ,.h't. D"r,d .?"-cM of the Waa no" until he wa. eumn
fat. Ufa and ta.ta It In auch gulp. " . V... .n 7. .mn .A nn-h.nn rhi. a?5hAB..???T."firAf7?u" t" ao and rlanead at tha man who reigned over Great Britain at 1... rV.V h h-nnv ...
ala.a aniaai Ih. . .. a 11 .A ILai . I . 1 t k a a. arw.i w.awawuai -a- i r
iiuwar. i " - ...uiB.i. mat vlm. wa. .ions reaponaioia lor tna Whan wa meat aaaln I klmll be
He ral.ea nia campanion a hand to hla and th. Prlnra nn r.lkanhar. r,.l.. nr r.:L
lip. and drew her arm through hla. Germany, ara ona and tha same p-raonT "Poor
Com, he cried, "to the atreetol We Maker ot' tova. ha rail a hlma.if! m.... ..f.7.
v.i. . ..... i i . ... . ... k.irnu, n a.iu. ii i. mi crul in ..u. a.. ... ..... -.. .. mura.
r::,:.V ,ir.V'. P "tour prof..,on that one' m.n'. Z.." uiL, or rwir paiao... ir you like, builder of iU touched the rose with hla Hps,
.....wVVa. , -- IV U i uiaT uaAijira 1 1 av a . L. I . . .. k. , . D TIB Oil nOUalTal. IT TDU W1IL i O mun 4a? 41 a. ak..4Ahkn hlai tilanHnn -uhlnk
. . -- aa BUa.lUUIIfV, aW B III li trim vr., T II I V:
to bSrt
'Valia fAItetei 11a.f1- BTralliian hAf 4T raV-
moned to his ackaowletlged that tha genius of the ..,. ,r..BiB. th. h.n.1 which had
iiiuivcrvv. 4iirr, out. J. PUi niir nam n. i. . a
to it I ma. dac.ivan . i .ha r"..: M o-l"n o one country alone.
acter of tha to whom It waa Herr "fnberg declared
. am uui iuui 10 aacry pa-
J ne of my country
' ' "It la .0 tiifllnaAn error " Harr Wranit.
.nhartr aalit tlmtitf)i.iillv ' -n, u.l .
. . .-.-n.. . a.. , M.aua 1
- many a man wiiuovti evil results. One
learn, experience a ona passes on in
life. It 1. a hard price that you are
paying for yours. Coma, that la fln-
, lahed. Now answer nic. Vhat ere you
going to do?"
Jullen laughed, a llttla bitterly.
I. the religion which guides my life.
But you have no country. There I.
no England left for you. Bhe haa thrown
you out. You are a wanderer, a man
without tie. or home. That Is why I
claim you .. my m.n. 1 want to show
you the way to revenge."
"Vou pur.le me." Julln admitteit
of which I hava spoken.'
Thay left him on thk threshold of the
room. Tha giver of tha feast- wan alone.
Very klowly he retraced hla etepa and
blood for a moment wit It folded arms,
Herr Freudenberg paused.
.v.. hum wllh 1... ne . 777.717. .. ...... .. .. 1 .L" . -" ."una.aur -'a-
f'HAPTFli tiv. 7" .. 7. V.. . k.... V aeBrnaa io b.t, mrn iu ...row n mio ma cheiea aaaerted. calmly, 'that lha In.
..... ..... inori n...i7 ana wnunjr amunioua oom f replace, ana put It D.CK careruiiy upon, fluenca of tha lata klna wa. Imtw.n.a
THK MORNING AFTErf. for hla 'country and for himself, than the table, aid. by aid. with an odd. .r-OBt .h. .nJ fj e,n.?..W" 'T.T'."
ENDRICKB and Jullen drove down the man w th whom you talked tonight white glove. 'pealed somehow to their imaain.Hnn. looking down on tha Ubla at which they
irom me nm in a -man open v.c. iou unew nimi -queer little record of the froth of a m0nftroh who waa alao a boa Md! lunched. Hla natural urbanity, the
lorla. The aun had risen, but Naturally." Jullen answered. "We life." he aald softly to himself. "One 7., ... k.. .. 7. k."i.7.... .Dn.'! .mil. r..r...a.i.. half h....ioro..a.
ll.a ... .!.. . r A -A a-.. . .... " Ilia u 111 r.lK . . . ' . . . . " .. .
aa the others." whip", i.aa parieo ma hps, naa gone.
Itorr Freudenberg nodd.d thought. ub turjt seemed to hava resolved imeir
"My friend." h .ir.i.iii.. "You talk shout revense. I know vou
out hi. hand and taking a cigarette from far 100 we" t0 believe that you would
the open box upon tba -table, "you ask Propoae to'me ay scheme which wouM
rather a hard queeltliin. My resignation lnvolv tha raising even of my little
wa. accepted, w.a eveii "required of me. 'In"er against the country which ha.
Folltic. and diplomacy are alike barred turn"d nie out."
to 'me, There is no return. What Is "Js'"-turally," Herr Freudenberg agreed,
there laft? I may write a book. Ho tar You do ,mn no lP,' tnan Justloe, my
a. my means ptrnitt. I may travel I d"r tfilr J"1Ien- What I do hope that
may play gamos, tike walk In tl.a ??" h.av. r,rmIy In your mind I.
morning, play. brWge ln 4h. .fternoon. v""lr i;",?!', .Ll,r nlrPnnv PP.
- - - ' 1 1. ' r i a new .cii.n
nere anu inera wera traces ot a met at Benin. soiled evening glove, a fader, rose, a
fading twilight. A faint mauv "Tha man Is a great genlu.," Ken- woman'a tears they pass. What can
glow hung over tha sleeping street-, dricks continued. "No ona will deny one dn we poor others who have to
The sunlight aa yet wa. faint and th. htm that. They apeak of hla weaknesses, drive the wheels of life?"
morning braes, chilly. As they passed They talk of hla drinking bouta, of hi. Ha alghed. ahrugged hla high .hould-
down th long hill, tired looking waiter, plungea Into French dissipation. Tha era, and passed out.
Mgr. B onzano, New Apostolic Delegate,
Has Served the Ckurck in Many Lands
- th.r. left Herr Freudnhr ,. , J. lion' ml you welrd mlddl. cla... I, Carl
p tjaV ik,. . i u , , . " us murh lfi the Interests of
Herr(1,rcu,c''be'Kl0'''l"os.t Ms y0r country as of my own only when
i- .r'n' H"d. n,ihUt ,lm,y-"t "-"" ' your country. I moan your coun"
it .eycs ,wfre ,,rlsljt an' n,', "f trv Koverned by the political party in
. rebl,IIl, Jny frlr.d." he ,i, lu'ie.l. which I huve faith and confidence, t
"Choo8 another foundation and rebuild." tell you frankly that im England gov-
"Y011 r-C L' T 1 7 T rt.-aui.n-... " T i . t , nfn. aa .k. la . .. ... 1 . ,
' k ....... , .ui irn . . ....u a rtic in nt ui rrriu in . rtuinirv
aal A '! ha t . l ... ... . . . in..ik. t.v i . . . . ..
...... . a n-w rnoie ne- 1 ohik, ii i rniae my nana against ner
tnlla Ir ....... ... i . ... .... ... ..n. i ... i . . ..... ... ......
ine aatalis are here in this room," ,f 1 strive 10 humble her today. It Is
Herr Fnsurienucig ni)liccl firmly. "Be- ,,,rftlls I would cover If I could the po-
iiiicni party wno are in power at this
moment with disrepute anil dlsnrmllt.
Why should you yoursolf shrink frorn
aiding me In this task? They are the
party In whose rank. high ln whose
my man. I thin.ot offer ynu fnroe be
cause fame
the man who aer.ei. hl:i iwn country.
You eee, I make no pretonHc at dncelv
; ln vou. hut I nffYr u-.
tlon. X offer you such wealth as voir r7nKs' . 1 ay th,)8 who
imagination can have conceived - and I St"lT,c' Hh baseness, with deceit, un
offer you reveneo" ' 0 -mefitlonable, to rM themselves of you.
"Revenue" Julian rei rt.i . Therefore, I say strike. Coma with me
itevenge, juiiun rei.octd. a little BI,d you Shall halt And wh,n rl,. Hma
"Ilnori th. nnHMi.ii ....... "'m,s I think I can promise you that
' upon tne political i.urly h vho-e j 0an show vou a wa v back . wav
acbemlng that letter wa. first" rf B,i lu ! h.-M-i. ...7?. . W-y
Jullen looked serosa the table Isna
and earnestly.
"Herr Freudenberg," he eld, "If I n
wer you in the negatlv-, It la bocause
ot your own words. Tha love of your
country, you told me not long ago. Is.
From Collier's Waaklv . your religion, for her good you would
.Wa made up a catalogue recently ot make use even of .thojra you call your
T-optflar songa of the laat two decade. rien1f- , Now I with you.-" I
Hardly vs. it set ln typo before those do iio know .whether to urvat you ot
. omittad began to swarm to memory not- For that reaaon I cannot attempt.
"Shoo Flyl rlon t Bother Me" mik-hi 10 d,clJM ,hl? matter- with you. -. I da
ava been added to tha old iinJ not eV. ,bk tnat you explain youraelf.
Thara ware:
tho old tlmera.
"Put Me Off at Buffalo.'
M4 &J , I ii I o 1" il ih' i, -if
i, V 1 i 1 til
i .. lit m&m
't&M.iili Ai limit ttoHmlttlddH., w x V-;Vrf--.-K-i MruniwtonM&0r f h' iUJSiall TPs.'."' ''
fully. ' Into llnea of Iron. Aa he srood thora.
Vila is dead." ha aald, "and history will " beamed auddanly to realise the prea
write him down as a great king. Do "a of a great Mian a greater, even,
you know that it la one of my thaorlea thara Carl Freudenberg, maker of toyel
that morals have nothing to do With (To e OontUneer Text uday.)
government? I doubt whether a mora .
aagacloua monarch haa ever reigned over Soma PollOflOUl Flowera.
that unfortunate country than tha Ona From HarpeKa Weekly.
we apeak of. Bo sagacious waa he that ha M-ny apeclea Of W.ll known and much
even aaw, tha beginning of tha and, ha, .dntirad fiowara furnish the world wiV
saw the things that muit coma when groat Heal of It. poison,
h looked aero., tha "North aeai and - Tha laburnum, for instance, which tha
noiwiuiaianaing mo oeacotu, notwitn- p0et have loved to compare to a foun
tandlng all the ties which ahouW have jaift of "gold playing ln the sunlight, la
allied him with Germany, ha hated our Bna of th moat polsonoua flowers im
pcoplo and ha hated our counter with 4 sglnsble, There la poison ln every bit
prophetio hatred. But w. gossip a little, 0 n nower, leaf and aeed. Even grass
gentleirien. Let me proceed. I Want you. growling beneath it la rendered polaon
to realise that the policy of Germany ftakon Of Ha proximity to the
for the last five years has. been wholly baaatlfui. Innocent-looking bloHsoms
directed toward securing tt frlehdahlt Overhead. -
of your country. I want you to realise . gut!n dainty and lovely blooms as
that but for the continual Interference tha narelasvie, hyacinth, Jonquil and
Of Great Britain you weuld. ever) row. anowdroft secrete the most deadly poi
be In a far more favorable position with ,-, while the oxalis. the monk's hood
us than you are today. Oermahy wnta .nA tn, fqggiove conceal noxlou. liquors
nothing In Morocco. aermMy'a flrat 0tj-ful enough to4 destroy life in a
and gieateat wish la f or Huh and Proa ,hort tlmaT .
peroua France.1 On the oth.f hand, Oar. "'Vh Hat might be further extended
many la loyal -to her frlendshlpa, and fey the addition of certain, of the cro
fervent tn her hatreda. - The aountry .aa, the beautiful ladys slipper, the
whoae humiliation Ja a solemn charge -uatftt "old Jack-ln-the-pulplt" and the
upon my people 1. preat Britain tnd not Jriro little buttercup. The later, do- .
France. j . -. IpUe ita lnhooent appearand!, is. really
y .Monaleur cheiea leaned back In hg rne of the worst of. the poisonous
chair. Monsieur Telia Brant , never Dl0OmB. Kven the cow la aware of this.
m.T . ', and carefully avolda it. The couelna
kv"I want," Herr Freudenberf eon- ot the buttercups, the peonies, the lark
t nud, ''to )nv yoM thihU fcnd con apura and end the rest all contain toxic
alder and weigh thla matter. Why do liquids
you, great and prdaparoua country, Another aource' of deadly poison la
Jtnlt youraelf with ft deoaylna; power,:, the oleander trei, while the bark of tho
against whom, before very lonff, Geiv BUperb catolpa tree eontalna any quan- J
many is pieagea to strmer These are tlty of deadly doses. ..
"t'hfr'iiTalnesf'wbrdlj Uat hair ever haan - ' . 7 -r-r-r-,
apok4h by .cmen of one country to, -.., .-,
three oltiaena of another. Herr Freuden. 6EARD OVER
berg, the maker of toys, jpeak. to hlg-. 7 L-lzlrZ. .
three French fri.nd. ag a thoughtful '. . 1 1 . FF.F.T T nMrl
. , merchant of hla country who haa had . w -
a-77,fi,i 7 "PfV"" ,f "Wng the From the Bclentlflo AmeHcan.
; .,X.-4Blrtt Of -her politicians. . Gentlemen, n-h naknta haid. ih. -..i. !...
-you do .not mlsurtderatand mar- i N7,l 7 ?! ?orl " chm '
"It la Impoasible. Herr Freudenberg,"- v 7"V' "-. ona ,
-And Her Golden, Hair W.a Kt.tin. lrul. e eruweiyT- jjerf i-reuden-
k -. ,aai. - -k.7 W7 ? "Z oerg repnea. -well, if you had. I should
.hV" bash"Fart Aay.-:.0; -SlSSrJ
O Grady.- "Take M. Back, Back. Back IS ."1
You, mean that at any rate you cafi-v Lief t procesalon at St. Patrick cathedrll. Jev York, part Of the welcome, celebration tended Archbishop Monsieur Dechele as-id, "tiy miaunder ot ,u -citiaeng can begat of no leas than
Glorannl Bonzano upon his arrival In America. The apostolle delegate Is the Central figure In tha baeV
roF7RihtArchblshop qiovannl flontano, new apostolic deleg-ata to the United States.
ho err - ... a at . w . a. MrHHlRHnP Ii TflV A TUTCT , T3rJ- aAtaU alaA I- aa m 1. tf '. m aA 'ai " 1 . i. - .....
iiorof rTeVl. ood.Pbv TJrl IV-. B.6foM w lon- w. uik A ' W'!JK' ??.nVT. u "ot .Wr ?! ''W- Toung fchoiar wa4 aummoned by ;the
iHrtly.qray.-.He.Wa, Happy Till She VWa.- .7.i.k... ' t ..t- e XZ. ... 7k.. SuvrZZ'-"Z?2?"? 'h0P to his dioee.e and
!? y?-?!--"'?"'. ' n welter appeared almost immedla.alv." Roman CatbOllg ChUfoM
""" '7.r.:::v.Tr.7..V."V"" 'in iiademolsalla," he -ordered. United ta tea. baa had aa Interesting
career. Tha archbishop arrived
Herr United Btatea only
through ready taken up hla
- ' aa I Ilk k..a atli IVI.
Church." the whole erop It aeeme -We return. I think,- he ejd. Thu .America, be apeaka
T Hot Tiraa In the Old Town To- Jul !eT on tTInflfnl". P.77."-" . M;vWM tla.hlneaa, Greek and Jilmaelf te higher gtudie.and Ut.f h. of th. devutetlon. Mgr. Bonnno waa aeneroalty la a great thing, but ? would
atand you for m.slnala moment. Tour1lTB t and alx Inohea of beautifi
hand la tiwi laae-nd vnur mathnda tnr'-Wavy-Wh laker,
aaaaoloua." ,7. ...j;nH. ' Haoa N. Langaeth, a native of Nor.
'Thea let me repeat." Herr Freuden- ' me or .ni remarkable
berg declared, "that before many years trowth, which haa been cultivated with
are pa.a.d perhapa, - Indeed, before we an- ir . - n yaara ana haa
many montht i-Th. intention-of my r.'
-rV WarV.
ii v ui -i'F'a rr. .Ti,ooar rreuoenbarg pasaed hla arm
Work a "Hut Father." "Waiting at tna her.. 717." mrm :
rTatln tl&ng Ml called to Rome to the Urbaa lomatle bumlltatloaupon Grt Britain. S5SiT.-T9,5'MoV
In. tha lately to i:hlna a a missionary. ' vUege. ; v l . r or to tigaga In thla war tba fear of T. fS. rmXu. tB lrZn,VlLit
recently and haa al At the end of alx year, bla health was ' After the earthquake la Meealna. Da- wnicn aaa Kept her in a atata or pania (n -0m ,A -.7777
work In WaehtBgI ao shattered that hla uperlora ordered, eember, t0, Plus X eheee Afgi- Bos77or the last . 10 years. tCeep that tn tt tha chill blaata of tha Dakota .. -7
la hla.firat rlalt to him back to Roma., on arriving agaia ano to visit the stricken regloh.'help .your minds, my frienda.-, Friendship la-tra
Enali.h fluently a. at (hi Pontifical .amlnarv ha nai..... - th. afrllotad k rA rmnnrt a tha ...... a araat thlnkr. honor la a trttt thlnr. - ' - a.
o.a .aieui, out ua boat. .-Jy toughed at Unlike bis predeceaaor. Cardinal
A peaaimlst can get more genuine
of .
-won doctorates botk in theology and tn -consecrated titular bishop of JJllitene -peak to you thTee citlzena of Franca pleasure out of a calamity than out o
aal Fal canon law. -.-.- , ' a March la Home, - , today aa X would speak to bar rulers a blesalng. t "( -
-V .-7"k'--. v 7;., -... ;.r--;.- -t :-- 7 . t;- :.
f w " 7 i