THE OREGON DAILY,, JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINO. MAY to. 1918. IS IN THE REALM FEMININE l C. T. I). SEEKS MOWER'S DA Y - i in if iirnnrnn u ursui. amuM ! t o 111 If 111! Illill ill 1 lA ""U fucfl4 f' ' Mt IU tit I lUll IIIUIIIUL.IIU 11 a(a i Mvlftf Ik tfu. HManr U k f day u My M( Walk- Hlkr iut, rw ! IB ! 1 r Int. il. inn kb. I MkAll til mw mff llrtBi Multnoman County Works Plan fry m Auu. r i4tt. i m m kr u i I . It dar ! . cliureh pw ! rcar ( waiter. 4 10 MUU ;UUU namCS J u4r haul. pu koti u r or frui r mr .... !. I mlhri Ml ratkx l b I M !. 10 LISI. lh Bt ikMi M r piHMl. b4 I "I l im.1 Ifc MrMtlo hUh r Mia rrni).n i ra In iu. I nr ir nrnutm !or at lh malktr htt ha aaaa I . r k' batd Ikal h A. r.mra... ...nM a.l. ' Jh. .a," Mrm kMUK!- IJ.IM. ill ! mt IM llinuiheul I ' at lorgai I nir anvinar. i Mrs. My Aikwrljht HaUon. 8jokn uffrRlt. ho hti bMn elected delegate to the lxniocratto national convention. Uu'.lnciiiili rounly by Wolnrft a 'l.n tU'H I t-f ain a t.'Mn a iultrt, ala ill puki knuM l huuaa rantaaa. , ilni trrm ut lha l!l uniona In II U t.tun- l oil (( lit Ih" In ! imii(n To I In ui. rffr-! fi lh and county- aaa dlldr4 lnl llirt' la Unl f rrk au.l Mfh union a delallr-4 In oih (- lfl1 larrllury If lh ram ! r1" tuuTMful arvaral nrw untoca aiil oifanlaa.! lalar Aiiinni itirr uniona Hi' Mnunl H .-1 II ! W I I' liiauj ul air) Ma iamMilsn I Kxlay and on We.lncajav a rwwin un h. n ""III U I elil , "yrogrr niroln" III fu.loa , and Ilia t !ii.alf nota will ranoil on nrk untr r Ilia lum'A aon aiid mrrllna Mill ha tirtil at Ilia lioma i'f Mri Ward In I.rnta. In addlllun In ramattlng f r rnni-l-ar, lha wHI r 1 1. h.-nr a II alia dl Irtbula W ' T 1' lll.ialuia and i-in-ly olhar inaana airail a no a la.lita of lha ainta and tljrcia of lha orjanl aatlon fllii.a lha romni'ilfrt H at a III hava lha loal ork In I. arc for Ilia aMer-I ,r,n" Uinmnii of lha W. I ' T. t'. l.ailonal rnrni corvriillon hra In Orohr haa barn looking uvrr Ilia field and riling' Ins work under way ll hat brrn eldn thai much that la now drrlarrd to be 'lark of aympalhy alth Ilia organlsa. I loo la realty lark of trua kuol.lga of Ita work." aal.l Mra Ad Wallara I'nruli. prraldent of lha I'orlland union. 'Ouin (arallvrly few. outalda t) enrolled ranki fully eomprrhrnd In vat scope "I always baa in mr e-alatxetlon f thia moat arr4 ef all day." aald ty ey Mayme, 'by lyl I b4 ft llltW later In lha morning "I Ifna thai ! mar hv lh hour for uiidlaturtta.1 ntasiliatlaia. A I II there and think ft lh foodnea of mr mother, lh faint sound or the aWnv inlng nd drvflnf ef kltihan ulanilt coinr to my ear, forming an sprw l'riala rroinjnlJttent la my thought. "Ithe I out Ihnr galltnf brkfal for XI K' ftha I eiperlanrlng lh graat eat Joy Ufa holda for mother, nd that la the Joy of ferries. Whan I think of all Ihi masn Is her I era glad 1 wii t-orn. I faal rrIJ for kit the eorrow Ufa ha I'rougtil to Int. "I sly purrh mr rsmatlon en Haiortlav. and take prld In fatting l IraM five doaen It tak that many 10 make ciiiaag bouijiint lrg enouih In n.r my lo. and. fortunately. fathrr I. a an aroount si lh florlafa. Then. lo. I alsys re'namber that ha. Mere Mart, and devoid of ntl- III forget the day. and I buy an nlit doaen to make up for hi lack of aprK lallon. "I alwaya prepar s Ilttls poem to re cite while my mother rvg m t breakfaau I had thought of On Ilk thl. "A I. my soul doth poles and awing, From It earthly hsbltsllons; Kerklraaly It life 'twould fling lor thl bunch of pink carnations. J will recite thl to her after I Events in Society .RS. FLORENCE COLLINS POR TER, of Los Angel. . and Mrs abll liltney, ff fn Jtas. ha ra bean l-iJ on th l.r -reft ticket, and will h the first woman so chosen I J th etuir L'nitod Sttea." - No aaya th Lo An. F.fnNner or XTedntadsy. but th larement la only partially correct fjr local uffrg1t hava been rejoicing for more than a week over th election of Mr. May Ark wrlght. Hut ton. of Spoken, who w elected a. Democratic delegate to th national convention. Mr. Mutton Is wall known In Portland, wo .-re aha has frequently vlelted nd ha a hot of frlanaa. - In (peaking of th election lb Examiner y further In part : Regardless of party affiliation. Call-, ornla , women are jubilant over thia chltd welfare work. It eitabllahed achool earing banks, and In Oregon Die first Side by th W. C. T. U. The organiza tion ha worked slao for ths purifica tion of our literature and art -and It ha largely Influenced the change In pub lic eentlmant In regard to eoelal drink ing, equal auffrage and equal educa tional, profeaslonal and lnduatrlai op portunities for men and women." Victorious Christ Heads Procession T . . : :v fASTOU. RUSSELL) ttrTia Uid lh fol-1 lowing aa his text: "When hs ascended Up on high, he led a multitude of cap tive." EphesU ans lv, 8. Thl grand ex- .eom of th ba- vlor's work Is quot- I j . 'i ed By the Apoane Paul from th Psalm. (Psalm ixvill. i ; II ) Th figur thus thrust before our i mental eye la that of the great con kusror whose victory la belntr heralded, With th Roman we know that It was I , custom that generals returning from I varloua wars were granted what were frmd Triumphs" that Is to say, trl- rmpnai proceaaions. reault. At Hermoaa Heah th women vote exceeded the uirn three to en fcatlmatlng that more than 10.000 wo men voted in Ia Angeles city yeetar day. and more than half that many In the rounty. It la etate-i that fully 10 per rent of the Democratic aomen voted of whom three to one raat tlielr batlota for Champ Clark. Determination of women to make a surresa of their clvlo or portunltlea was evinced by the large number of rails which cams lo the county rlerk's office, "ully three lo one were from women. Not thst they were mors Ignorant than men concern ing where to vote many changes of precinct reusing much eonfuelon but because they apparently felt more keenly a personal responsibility. Be fore daylight repreeentatlvea from tht Champ Clark. Rooaevelt, Taft and j mobile to go lo the poll. The careful other league were t their pot. Card j atudy which women gav the election yatem were ued to check off the vot- ! aa evinced when Mr. C. A. Yeager, era. na ny isggara wa immeajaieiy a champ Clark club workrr. who was; reminded by phon or clld by auto- ! .tatluned at Adama and Vermont, saved a man from losing his vote. This experienced voter, confused by th error In th published list of poll- name through three precinct Mat. Dla- gusted, he was about to abandon his at tempt to vote when Mra. Yeager found hla name on the Hat In her precinct. Mrs. Emma Case Bishop, secretary of I the La t oilette Women a club, said last night: "Our organisation, both roan and women, had but one automobile do nated, and that only for an hour, to go about the polls. Every woman who voted for Senator Lev Kollatte voted for j sake of conscience and principle. It was not a partisan Interest, but some thing higher that made Republican women vol for this man." Mr. Por- i ter, who la the delegate from Los An geles, Is an example of California's most progressive, representative wom anhood. Prior to the election of Octo ber 10, last. Mra. Porter was not en tirely converted to woman suffrage. She feared Us effect. Now ehn feels that the six months of equal suffrage In thl state have been a splendid example and success. l.v IK. W I' T I' anH lha on m ,1.1., ,n.ih,Kta of work used. ' dreaaed for church. Indicating my The organisation haa a worldwide carnatlona and th flight or my oul .k-..v,,.. r t. unn nnn it alth approt rlate geaturea. r.ona tartan and Ita worka Include alt w'" "'" "wian, w.w, the correlated reforma that center In the protection of the home. 'Among other thing It h to dinner. I alwaya feel that th day furniah opportunity for rn to be .r-A hiring Example to other son and rlentlflc temperance instruction In lh. hlaughtrr.. and my n.! will he.r me I nr.l.. rr v mnlh. whlla wa aat lha public schools of every state, end regu- " ' " : ". " " l.r temivermnea leaeoi.a In lh. Sundav u,rnu,a ,nnw " '" ethools of the nation. It carries on I P'1.' Then whlla she doe' up th kitchen work I will tk ray gueat to the parlor and play Boderiakt'a 'Mother' baby . horn. wa. founded on In. ca.t " dear mother. "In th afternoon I will go with my guest for a walk, and return alone for tea. I will devote eome time In mark ing (election for br to read while I am at church, all bearing on th Joy of being a Mother. "I will attend aervlee In th eve ning for the reason that one cannot go Gold Dust makes hard water soft Boston, Mass., I Judas. Th Apostle are to be king May It. Pator who ar to reign with Christ In ore- Rueaell apok here I eminent positions: but following them today In th Boston I ar some others of th aalntly company theatre, .in one .oi pt king la all a. "little nock." Of hi two dlacour- Than will coma a umunr. mnr num. erou but lei heroin "a great multi tude,'1 uncrowned, but with "palm branches." not antltyplcal priests, but antltyplcsl levlteg. associate and ser vant of the Royal priesthood, the bride. Thn will follow (Hebrews xl, 33-40) other faithful ones of the past, the ... . W. I - - TtV. - V. - . .. Sto g"orlo out! .o f the "rebellioui hou-." Th. classes previously specified were not rebellious, but gladly and willingly for sook all to do the will of the father and to attain the liberty of son of Ood, aa th first fruit of th triumph of the lamb. But during the thousand years of Christ's reign he will led forth the "re bellion house" the world of mankind no all of them, wo may be sure, for some, the scriptures positively declare, will die the second death, because, after returning I realizing their deliverance, they will lova I be needed and he would dispense the honors of these offices to those found faithful In his rervlce, loyal in the defense of hla csuse. So in this pro phetlc reference to our Lord's ascen sion It Is declared, not only that he would lead forth & multitude of captives. granting them freedom, liberty, bleas lnga, but also that he would confer cer tain girts We might hava spent valuable time guessing the nature of these glfta which the great redeemer would dis pense, but such a waste of time Is un necessary, since the apostle proceeds, i I Thus, for Instance. Titus . from th war upon the Jews In A. D. 70, e'n and will therefore be destroyed a prougni witn him certain notable per- enemies or righteousness. . .. sons,, nod the golden candlestick from "Ha Gave Grift Unto Han." inr ceropie, ana tneBe were displayed it was the custom in olden times that ...... te the eyes of the people following the , king coming into authority and power . tonquaror They, were subsequently should give gifts according to his 5? 5f i ArCh of Tltu8' U11 wealth! Governor and princes would eustom was still older than the days r ma Roman, since it was prophetl , .' iaJIy set forth by the Prophet David. ' i Let u permit our mental eye to feast . .. upon the acene presented In our text , Jesus, In fulfilment, of the divine pro j gram had left the heavenly conditions l nu vtacioueii to sarin, taxing a Donds aaan's form or nature In order "that he, .. by th sTraee of God, might taste death for every man;" in order that he might rescue; Adam and his race from the dy ' teg and death condition In which they - werounaer divine sentence and under the power of Satan. ! Therefore, the redeemer rnunfarl Tint foaiowlne out text, to explain the mat - Si Ufa preclou to him. but freely de- ter "d tells us what gifts are meant, llvered himself up for our offense and He ys, "And he gave some apostles. dld the Just for the unjust," that he and some prophet, and some evangel- wvigni onng mankind back Into har-1 lta, and some pastors and teachers." many witn ood. His humiliation end- It behooves us to notice that the apos- .- e.d In death, but his triumph began tle'does not intimate that Jesus gave .to , J"". 8 ls rcrded, God raised him some Methodism, to other Presbyterian- vom the dead by his own power, and ism, and to others Roman Catholicism. net 'him at the right hand of hia own etc. No, when we held such thoughts iTf T "DOVe a"Ke,s. principal!- it was because of more or less mlsun " Powers ana every name that demanding because we failed to see j naratw. flrst that ther. ,s but th. on churcn leading Torth the Captive. of the ving God, whose names are vvlth most of the conquerors, in olden wrltten dmes, . th captives wre made slaves. I that on Not so, however, will be the result of ous Kects and parties, but Includes the jesur victory. According to the divine saintly in an or tnese, "For the Lora program he leads forth to liberty and knoweth them that are his. ternal life those who have been slaves Nothing carefully the apostle's argu 4f alit and death. His train of captives ment w perceive that the master did HT kn incomparably long one indeed; not givethese glfta for the conversion ". procession hks already occupied 18 of tn world. He does specify, how- ' tfenturle, and le yet to be the great ever, what they were for. namely. fork of the thousand years of that Mes- "for the perfecting of the saints, for the aianlc reign! ' - t . work of the ministry, for the edifying First -or. all m the procession are the " the body of Christ" the church, the sjalnt "the Church of the First-born Jfce class. Is it supposable that the j whose names are written in Heaven? apostle erred in this statement and In the forefront of them we see the 12 that the fact is the reverse that these .: 4iostles, St Paul taking the place ofJ gifts were provided for the conversion f mm M i . i i , 0f the world, and that the apostle thor- . fwj oiighly . misunderstood the matter? i; aocieiy women (lry or raded Hair Does Hot Match a 0rcfta rorm and Haadsom race. .i fteitntirut rural colored every woman wants h every woman can nave 1 r ' V it. It i a a i m pi e matter. -Just get a bottle of HAY'S H-A IR HEALTH today. Use It regu larly and you'll not be troubled with gray hair or dis tressing Dandruff ma ia so annoying : HKALTH ll M as good for men wall.. kid mar Drug Co. sell rt for ftOe or tl nd will glv you youY toon-; Luncheon Date Set. Mrs. Gay Lombard ls planning to conj- pllment Miss Angela Kinney with a I prenuptlal luncheon on Thursday at Ho tel Alultnomah. Dance Given. Miss Gladys Lang changed the date of her dance from next Friday to last, when she entertained the members of the "Campus Mouser" specialty at the Hunt club. In the specialty were Miss Helen Ladd, Miss Mary Brownlie, Miss i Sara McCuIly, Miss Rhoda Rumelin. Miss Clee, Nlckerson, Miss Grace Pe ters, Miss Esther Tucker, Miss Gladys Land, Miss Nancy Zan, Miss Mary Stu art Smith. William Wheeler, Blake Rob- bine, Calvin Dyott, Alexander Morrison. Cachot Therkelsen, Archie Klngsley, Stanley Bacon, David Loring, Lester Brix and William Burgard. j . Personal Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald B. Mclntyre (Miss Dorothy Josselyn) are now estab lished in their home at Jollet, 111., af ter a wedding Journey which took them through California, as well as to Kansas City and St. Louis, where they visited relatives. - Morris H. Wrhltehouse is recovering so splendidly from his recent operation that be will be able to return from Good Samaritan hospital to his home about Wednesday or Thursday. , a Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall Yates hava left the Bowers and gone out to their attractive house boat at the Ore gon Yacht club, wher they will pass tne cummer. w a a ', j Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Klein have been enjoying a stay of a fortnight or more in Son Francisco. Mrs. Klein ls better known as Llllie V. O'Ryan, the minia ture artist. By the use of Gold Dust you can at all times have nice, soft rainwater right at your .11 e . r . t eioow ior ine asiting. imag ine what a help this would bo for washing clothes; and for all cleansing purposes I Just a little Gold Dust add ed to any water 8of tens it, takes out the mineral sub stances and brings out the greatest cleansing value. Gold Dnst dissolves dirt and grease, works like light ning, and relieves house work of all its drudgery. For your poor back's sake, don t try to keep house with out Gok Dust. ' Do not liberal, joop, oapbtha. aota, ammonia er kerosene with GOLL DUST. GCLD r iJST has all desirable eleaniinfl quail. !ie in a perfect yharmleea ana lastinf lorm. "Ut th, COLD DUSTTWtfiy do your mark "Ti t7trHy ffiw m?W1w0 1ue a No: We are to be taught by the apos tle, and may be sure that there is no mistake, no error in his statement. Toes Gifts Ar tasting'. J N-Qt merely -for-. -few-days or years were these gifts provided; on the con trary, they' were to endure throughout this entire age until, the church per fected shall pass beyond the Veil and be forever with hr redeemer. The Lord from time to time has raised up evan gelists, pastor and teacher for thl giorlou service of preparing " th "chaste virgin," th church, to be the bride in glory, but the apostolic office. ey sack, if ' it' ast aatlefaelery, and irritating, ' i ej j .kv.wmu ....w lUTT lUiR repreaeniea in tne tweivev apeciajly proviaea Dy in rainer, has continued and needs no replenishment We still have their Instructions as fully as lb early church, "that th man of Gotf may b perfect, thoroughly furnished Tunto Friends of Mis Pearl Barde ar much interested in the' piano recital which she gives this evening at the Hotel Multnomah under the direction of Mtss Marie Soule. , a . Mrs. Alexander Reith and Misa Flor ence Reith pt Tacoma were "at home Tuesday ror their guest. Mis Pearl Berkey. of Portland. ,Mlss Berkey and Miss Reith are both National N Park seminary girls and members of the PI Phi Epsilon sorority. Miss Berkev wtU Temarn noTTH ror several week. a Thomas M. Paterson ls Improving steadily after his operation for appendl Citus at Good Samarlt&n hospltil.v New Governor of Louisiana. (Special to The Jonrntl ) Baton Rouge, La., May JO.- Luther ,Hall wa Inaugurated today aa governor of Louisiana, succeeding Jared Y. Sanders. Th elaborate ceremonies cu tomary to the occasion were eliminated, owing to th devastation of the recent flood. . . . . Every bottle of HOLBROOK'S WORCESTEESHIRE SAUCE is actually made and bottled in England,- right in the home of . Worcestershire ma uvst V ; WPRCESTERSHIRJS MARY GARDEN LEAVES FOR PARIS ENGAGEMENT t tr Ik llwiaaal X Sereta t Now Tor a. May IS. alary Oardea haa al!e4 en the Oaorc Waaklngien. Sn plan to make an automobile lour ef th eon 1 1 nan l after filling an one oce an ant at th fart opara. and than h will go to VcoiUnd for In ummr. t"I ha taken a aheotlag he In ee. land." the lngr aid. "and I am going la har lomi vary good shooting. 1 pct to b bark la November " Aake4 If ah was suing I" lg for rippl In Chicago, h replied. "Tou jut bet your lif 1 am " And. oh ya. railed back Ml Qar- de aha huirtad up th (ng plank. "pi don t forget my whit pt la your tery." WIG IS hOI HEEDED AND 5 DIE Chauffeur Rushcs.Load of Joy. riders Over Open Span - in Chicago. - (talie4 fno LaaaM W. Chlraie. alr l At lai ftva ft. ae or kUIad bar today when aa temtll rtlalsf a number ef joy. rider slungad 11) Ik alsait river over an ep-n draw si Kiaotr-rath at rl- Tfca driver ef Ik machine 41- r i aided a nolictntan's warning I nop and ran full i4 r lb draw. Th aawasiger screamed a th machine uin4 a onrouH and aank In IS at ef wtr. Aa hoar later lh body ef woman rrvrd, th ether vlollms being unnod boaeath lb aulo- niobil. Aeeounis aa to tk number ef ser vo m th autsmebU differ. It is ear lain, however, that flea wtr In th machine, other reports placing lh num ber aa feiga aa mil. Althouih dler ar atchln th river, ne other bodte had been roov rd up In a lai hour this meriting. The driver ef th nvachlne saw the dan. gr hn I feel front th dram and tried to run hadon lain sion shut !. Us h4 tk car turaa4 fcalf war wkaa u44aft)f aaildad. era tad tkrufh lh foty chain Storied lals n naler. CeJebratloii Off ChavrloUs iSaaaaal tea laauwaLI Chariot l , M. May l CharUlt today enrd hr annual eoUbrstlaa la baarvaae ths aalvrry s In signing mt U Wecklaaburg dUrtka sf Ia4a-e. t . dunint Mid in bar beam pewulf t4 her on Way IS., lit, naarlr a yr in advance ef th oMUitll it FhlUdalphla. Tk rata, bialien will last nearly Ik llr k aag la pealed I attract tkousanAs sf visiter. Th annual eshiblilon ef menu, faeluraa, logoihar w4in aaol gam. yaada'arou)aa fill It la. hand eoacari and ibr feainr sf aUrtinni, raah up lh program. Tilt INDIAN MtDIGNcluN wss ehn by his tribe In ploaar days versus sf his iprt hnewUdg n ennt klntng modlrlna from reel snd herb l aturs diMasa. Tby enuld eaqur dlaeaaa that tedsy bffls ths moat killed physicians whT hav spal years Is th study ef drugs. rrorn th roots and hsrhs ef th ftald I.ydl C Plnkham nearly forty year ags gave l ths woman of th world ft rm4y for female Ilia deemed mar potent and efficacious than any combi nation ef drug. Today L) dla B. flak ham a Vegetable Compound Is recog nised th world over as ths staalad rmdy for famal Ills. mmmmmK!mmmmmrwammmi.m' 'an sssmsis ALDER AND SEVENTH R. E. ALDER AND SEVENTH FARRELL CO. A Wonderful, Timely Sale This of 250 Samples of Dresses at One-Third Off Selling Regularly From $7.50 to $65 Three Complete Lines Secure3 by Ut Frofii Lead ing Makers From Whom We Buy Merchandise. TAtMAsoAiii mtpti km Kftfri'niiinry rf n vnt t Kir rs f levi, which the w6men of Portland and vicinity have never Hr r- i nn rv 1.. I v. r-. oeiors Known iov lji cases earn yio, mu uicmuic m two alike, secured by us at the interesting extra discount of 33 1-3 per cent and all express charges prepaid, enabl ing us to quote a redaction of one-third on evary garment. Bear in mind that this is not a pick-up lot, but a most desirable line of clean, fresh, up-to-date merchandise. In the line are Lingerie Dresses, Dresses of Silk, of Linen, of Voile, of Crepe, of Ratine and Wool Serges both colored and in white all the very latest models. Included also are Dresses of allover embroidery, lace and net, suitable for all occasions of wear. Some very pretty models, suit able for graduates' wear. Be on hand early if you wish to share in this remarkable distribution of Sample Dresses at One-Third Leas Than Their Regular Selling Prices. Our Entire Window Display Devoted . to the Showing of Theae Dresses. fj'iMir ALDER AND SEVENTH R. E. FARRELL CO. "Just a Little Different. MY ADVICE entirely aside from any H idea of interesting you in an investment in Eastmoreland, is to visit Reed College. See it as it is today, for the memory of it Lath YOU XlaaaaalaC 31 4 will always be pleasant. Wh6n you are five years older, com pare Reed College, then, with whtit it is today. Whether or not 'you pay any attention to Eastmoreland makes little: dif ference. Your judgment will decider x v ;. D Selling Agent " 81&23 Spalding Building r. $ellwoocl Car to Bybee and Transfer ' Before ordering, cord weed -f" clean country alabwood call EdUfsen, : a : . . . . -' . .