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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1912)
1 1NG OF CONTESTANTS f ' in the R; M GRAY ek Ending May 15th: 'iiiioM. e 1 ----- -r--- -r- ft -Ve- . H r .t oete It Any iring :oo ifbrth Caro le to the Re- f.uon were ini Sy the stata-eon-'oosevelt. is con-' state's 24 dele- HURRO THROAT A FFFCTIflfTC iiiuvni ni i uvi lvliu . AND CATARRH YlFID BEFORE SULPHURRO Stewart's Liquid Sulphur Com pound weeaea m n,very - :: Home. ,r:i- - , mji or MIDICnrES! ,?'' ' Seettl. . Hr. C, M. C. Stewart, Seattle i 1 Hy im Sirt X believe there is 'noUOar la the fora of medicine that la nsrlox to Sulphurro. X would state most emphatically that every family on pit to save a bottle la the heme. X Iter! used the medicine -e broaehitl and catenra; also, for sore throat and boras. I find Snlphurro to be aU its friends claim. ' W. X. GRAVES, . V . 1713 . 66th St j4rth dy at y u. Sat- ""'f v':i ; -Muutern y-Btrlke at WeA . for an liiy, which , was Sted further that the ii e inea 10 recruu sinae- . . . I lava Dee a uuutitiiui. j T T0LER- iummcring here 4 cwuct.'witb' all ,ments, not possible iiate vicinity of larg-ties. NOW HAS CHANCE PRACTICE THEORIES TTnitciI Ptcu Laned Wlra.l Washlna-ton. May Is. Dr. Harvey Mf. Wiley, who recently resigned as chief of the bureau of -chemistry in tne do' paxtment of agriculture, will now have an opportunity to demonstrate some of his theories regarding . puraLfood. par tlctilafly as to the proper food for in fanta. A nine pound son was born to Mrs. Wlly here today.. Both Mrs. Yfllaf and Harvey Jr. re doing- well. TRIAL OF SUFFRAGETTES BESUMEDJN OLD BAILEY T7n!tcd PrMt LttMd Wire.) '. . London,. May 16. The trial of Mrs. Emmellne PankhurSt; leader of the mil itant suffragettes here, and Fethrlck Lawrence and wife, sympathisers of the cause, charged with- conspiracy to dam. are property, was resumed la Old Bailey today. t Colonel Reiterates Claim. . v (United Preae Leued Wire.) OreenvUle. Ohio, May IS. Reiteration her today by Colonel Theodore Roose velt of his claim that he would be nom inated on the first ballot at the Chi oago Republican patlonal convention met with the approval of several thou sand persona who had gathered to hear the. former president speaic r Votes.! lne......H62S5 i..,....... S58pd 111 L .111,1 athieon. ,. . ... SIHt jell J70S6 iSejula 20100 unt v i ? I v, Jl. CllBt E.OW -v'v."-"--. tttisi T 2487B 18150 1I17J O. Hlbbard.V.,.4....... 1360 Ed. M. Tat Geo. Tinker ..i.w.ii R. E. Kelley ...i,.....V 10780 Jno. A. Bi-ehen ..A H0 Paul R. Dickinson .A.... 12320 E. B. Berjcenbehd 18345 Miss Rowlands .....A... 19865 O. E. Brashaar ... ...i, .. J46B5 E. O, 'Wreme 110 JO w. a Tun :,. io H. B. Pfeifer ,r.......... 1278 Edwin R. Gelsel ,,,..-,.. 18000 N. K. Jones..,........,.., 189J0 Carl Mallory ............ SflMO Francis Helens .... ..v..'. 106S5 Earl McCady 10780 Brt.,Jacobson 15880 Fred Hae 18 Robert Langley 26780 Ernest E. Barager 8085 A. T. Krueger 1350 W;'W. 31ass .J,........ 1400 Roy B, Dewltf . . ........ 12135 J. D. McCallum .......... 9955. QQy R. Kendall 14185 Harry Grayson:,. ., 12680 R. W, Peare 8270 Olaf Chrlitlanson. ....... 9946 A. Kouller , . v. .. .. .. . . . . , 1 8390 H. Keleon 14020 M. "Wl Rassmuaen ...... 10060 Marlon Cooper .......... .-18020 Robert Krohn 20950, M. O. Campbell 9841 Geo. Gammil 16800 Rev. BenJ. Young ....... 26845 CaJvia HelUg ....... 32885 R..B. McMlnn 108Q0 Votes. 12780 9960 16.480 21498 18248 10665 61 Mrs. ',' C. B. Prklns..yv 62 Mrs.; W..L. Phllp 68 J, A- Smith'..... 64' . ,,; .?;'" x: 65 1 It Hansen ,f. Ol Wiiw . . ----- 68 Harold Ross 18885 69 J. A. Gelseman... . 17485 i 60 J, W.'" JohnSOH. .ymwtH 10905 61 E. P. Hbpwood 9810 69 Thos. J. Canavan 19690 68 Harold Jevanord J0740 64 Mrs. J. J. Patrtdge.....' 9400 66 Edward Cohen 24495 66 Mils 6. Eklund ....V..r 9820 67 Joe H. Jordan , '. 24785 68 S. P. Mans ............ 8661 69 H. V. Hatfield, 11285 70 J. D. Foley ...... 13620 71 Mis Ethel Btiles 10760 73 Miss Louise Glover..;. ...10645 78 G. K. Smith 7 11846 74 G..W. Baldwin 14268 76 H. B. Howell 21605 76 D. G. Anderson ......... 10166 77 Stanley Frost 10590 78 L. F. Sundborn. 8320 79 R. G. Turner...,. ....... 13765 SO B. A. Belby............. 10228 81 Mrs. B. H. Wilson..,..,; 9640 82 Lewis L. Dearer 83 F. C Meadows ......... 84 Chan Lock 86 Mrs. F. H. Henry'..... HA M C T. RMdl......... 87 JeBse C. Bros well ....... 9485 88 Jno. Hunt .............. 16260 89 Arthur T. Welle, ... 8920 0 C. N. Parker Jr. ........ 12340 - it K. L. BeeUm- - ". .. 92 WVn. L. Mo." 93 Maxwell P. .'. .' 94 S. W. Lawrence-. . .-.t . ... 96 Louis Feldman 96 Olaf Olson ............. 97 Miss Nnnette Scott.... 98 C'arence A. Ruff ........ 99 Martin seirer 100,:b. B. Tate 101 J. Scheldeman. 8825 6860 10865 12460 - 8385 8390 15350' 13160 4820 1134s '2500 w I 1 1 ii Mo x v iio . ; "K 273-275 Mormon at Fourth -.' Clltnatle eendHlons are"" blamed for much throat and bronchial trouble. Thousands Buffer unnecessary tortures through, weary yr&r:- The throat and lungs ara exposed to the contamina tions and polnnne of the atmosphere, and unless the blood is In the best con Jitldn these harmful influences find a irmejieit abiding place. Pure blood the antidote. Sulphurro 1 the sreat ?t of -blood purifiers., r t. wudy the booklet that accompanies aoh hottle. cr we will gladly send you i' booklet upn reoueet.', Sulphurfh at ill druggists, (0 cents-sn'd 21. - C. M. C STEWART SULPHUR CO. 71 Columbia St.. SeatUe.Wash. ? , n east sold- '"vyl'y-tyrrfr Wooctard, Cjarke St Co. Aaierloa's T'rret XJrufetoro, 1 he flrstl .ore (nan -w-- contest. ., JTf liOM-mtiV -4-teches were mad and the candWfJa for the fcishoprlca will not be known .until the poll 1 com pleted. It began at 10 o'clock today. A two-thlrda vote, 630 (delegates, Is re quired to elect.'. v- I . The first ballot on 'the candidate, for bishoprics was. completed at noon. ' The result will be announced at 6 p. m. CONTRACTORS GO Hi ... 'OVER ROUTE; ARE " TO START AT ONCE (Continued From Pag One.) the Porter Brothers have several times been reported to be in this cuy. . '. Mr. Porter on this trip saw for the first time etfme Of the large timber hold ings of Porter Brothers in the Btuslaw river country. The trip of the, railway men to Coos Bay was made for the pur pose -of personally looking oter the country through which the line is to be built and was in the nature of final In spection of the territory.' ; They -stat that there Is no possibility, of any delay in the starting of the work and that ac tivities ' should begin in this locality within the next few weeks. It is learned today that James Twohy . of; -Twohy Brothers Is at Gardiner on the, river, through which place the Shigen Coos Bay route passes.- V il. A.; Sumner, who represents th Pacific Great, Western and pacific Coast Line Railway company has sent an an nouncement 10 this city-that his com pany turned over Its right of way from Eugene to Florence to the Southern Pa cific. This In a measure clears the sit uation, as Sumner had aleo applied for a franchise in. North Bend. ., . Eugene, Or., May i I8',i-Th Southern Pacific 'right-of-way agents are busy along the Sluslaw river below Mapleton and every few days a number of right-of-way deeds, are filed for record here. As far as, known the. company Is not securing any right-of-way between' the tunnej- 2jjmUes i.wesf of Eugene and ilaplpton, giving color to the report In circulation in this city that the Paclf io Great .Western Railway route has been taken aver by the Harrlman company, - Last summer the Paclflo Great West ern succeeded in securing a greater part of the right-of-way along th Sluslaw canyon between ti. 'tunnel and Maple- ton and It was believed that it had suc ceeded 1n bottling up the Southern Pa cific on that route, but . work ceased during, the winter and it was then re ported that the Southern Paclflo had acquired those interests.;1; 5 i vis t ; , Every day for th paat whek or two materials for the building of the Coos Bay branch have arrived and are being; Unloaded at the material yards' estab lished In the western part of the city: These: materials Include several car loads ,ot tie pla(e, s'e vereL carloads . of rail joints and two or three carloade of bolts and splkea '-; Th bit rails for the first few miles' of .the track out of Eugen,eN ar expected to arrive in a very short time."',"...,- 4:s"r.yl v'';- ', CASE AGAINST 1 ALLEN GOES TO JURY AT NOON vt iH t"tt If4' Wire.)-' , ; Wythevllie, Va., May 16.Th' case agolnst -. Floyd Allen,' ; the' 'notorious bandit, was given to the Jury at 13:6li Mil OIBOFITOW Kmeiry 2GG0 New Dress Shapes for This Special Sale Milans Hemps Chips at .. ... '. '.... -v.. Javas Peanuts j Hair Hats In White, Burnt, Black You can make your selection from 50 "new styles, in large, medium and small hats.ijMost of them values up to,. $4.50. ' Some with velvet folds and in the finest qualities. - SEE OUR WINDOWS Hdt Weather Sailors SOc Plain Braids and Rough Braids 'fi Velvet , Bands and GrosvGrain Bands Sf r'aight lorms and rolling trims Values to $1.50 Make-: CA ; i;your;choiQfe of st vies" tomorrow at. OUC Genuine Panama Hats Three new styles in the' very finest grade to choose from. Jhey are being sold in other stores at $10.00. 'Here (P C fl C tomorrow, at. y ' $ ' SK89MbjBJ HMbIIbbt kaM i VST ' ' VllsV flsssW8al IhbMM bsb' M8B sjsasV SmMbbV , SJsjbjsj ' Bf SMMbmbibI sHaasV Mssaal bsmsbbT SbbbmBJ MbH5 sslsir - Ss8pBW ' t- 10340 i 8835 12880 11985 10385 J" '" "' ' - . ' - . , ... the former president speajc.,-.., .J,,.v....ig,MW rvjiri by V o ciokttiiis anernoo,. .. L: