The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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a- r
Imperial Potentate and Cara-
van of Nobles Hopelessly
. Lost Between Portland and
f Los Angtles Reward.
IjM!T Tk i",Prtl I'
teaiau f lb Mum KMh..
rntin rrvn of aobls. om.b.e
t.M I AMirt ml t.fU-M W(
utd trty I iM br-.
fMkJsatiO !. lr rltnpiriMn en-.
fou.U Se. iHfloll. Information oufhl
by At Kader tmU of lrtlid.
I oma at efeUd c Pul hu
t r:h 'mm rltro4 p sod pol
i t th hebtit of stwlal
! train of ait iainna. for irt pll
ri. bearing . aboard William I".
i unnioiiiMR. .w r" .
f ih Myue Bbriae-. u lt
Not ordinary r-leD'aa mie.ina. nui
Ll.- far aa lorilaad ahrlner r
eoecra4. ebaolulslr, eonpieiiy, mi-
Mr. Cuantnabam. W hi lartd to I
(torn, at tb I m portal aaloa la Lo
r Ar.f !. ii la hav paid Portland no
ble a vfait wim ttm In la we, in
fart. )a Uft Ln Anseles for her In kit
' special irala with members of bio home
I. itmrla, Iiouml, of Italtunor. and an
f additional aacort frorn Almas tempi
$ of Washington, rj. C, serl day ago.
In th meantime th train and all word
1 of It haa quietly disappeared.
I" Miaur. fraaaswered.
XV. C BrUuU potenlat of Al Kadrr
tempi. aat thro lonr rueh meaaase
yesterday in an effort to local th
train and Mr. Cunningham. Th me
sate did not coma back,' but neither did
word of tha train or Mr. Cunnlnsham.
r, go today thy ar loat just aa much
ver. ...
0. O. Tomaslnl. on of tb Al Kader
recaption committee, thought thla morn
ing that he had solved the myatery and
got tha kinks atralghtaned out of It,
and maybe ha haa. Mr. Tomaainl aald
tn paa icarnea inai Mr. vunnminira
and hla special had stopped off tome
i here along tha line for aoma fun. but
; that tba Imperial potentate and hla ape-
lS clai really would be In Portland tomor
row, morning. That la, they'll ba her
for a f t w minutes, for they won't-atop,
Mr- Tomaslnl aald, but will daab
through to SeatUa and Taooma.
After m day la the Sound -cltlea, they
will turn arosnd and como back to Port
land. arrllng hero at t:4t o'clock In the
morning, in time to take breakfast at
tha Portland hotel. They will remain
hers until I o'clock before denartlnc
F for the oast. .
elaborate Preparation.
. Anyway, in tha abasnoo of any official
confirmation from Mr. Cunningham him
aelf ths Portland noble ar accepting
Mr. Tomaainl' veralon a probably the
correct one, and ar making elaborate
preparations to entertain th Imperial
noXasrtats Friday. He la expected to be
accompanied by several other Imperial
officers. O
An escort of ths Arab' patrol of Al
, Kader tempi will meet . th potentate
at th depot, to march beside th auto
, on the way to ths hoUL. . Th patrol
. will be dressed in Us striking uniform
of red. purple and gold --red Jacket,
L yellow sblrt front, purpls trousers with
white leggings, and rd.Tc with gold
. taaael and in th abaenc ot Captain
"William Davla, who has not returned
"from Ix Angeles, will probably be in
command of A. H. Lee. The full
a strength of th patrol is 60 members,
jf but aa many of three are In Los Angeles,
mere win prooaoiy Da zt in me escort
' After breakfast- at the Portland, Mr.
Cunningham will be guest of honor st
a sort -of informal reception or levy to
f meet Portland nobles, and then will be
"VjJ!. taken about the city by automobile.
There will probably be a special dinner
: i In his honor at noon. Harvey Beckwlth
l-v is arranging th details of ths enter
taiament. "
' Ik - All Quiet Today.
at After the lively times of yesterday
with 1000 Bhrlners in the cltv. includins
Lulu temple
of Philadelphia and
famous band,' today was comparatively
quiet. Between 400 and 600 Bhrlners
reached the city, but not more than too
were here at one time, as the .nobles
and their ladles of Damascus temple of
Rochester," N. ' Y., who arrived earlleBt,
departed at ' 10:30 o'clock. There' were
109 In this party.
. Another special train of six cars in.
Where Skill
Counts Much
Two cameras may take exactly
the same4 picture of a bit of land
scape, lmt let two painters put it
Upon canvas, at once individuality
and character and skill in execu
tion become a great factor.
j So with optical prescriptions.
The grinding of a lens is largely a
matter of the operator's skill.
Here in ottr prescription depart
meat we use the latest y electric
lens-grinding . machinery, which
insures promptness and accuracy.
But nevertheless the skill of the
operator - is tf Ihe greatest impor
'nce.' An; you maybe stwe that
' ctherrpg knowledge'' in the
'rhool rjf experience we have not
been letting our buckets down into
i rraoty well. ;
''rne f cur eye troubles to as,
-.Eye-Sight Specialist
Portland's Exclusive. Optical flice
Second Floor Corbett Bid.
t '
eluded akael l tuthlea and ladtta
Ata4i If B !. f YilHt, flfclu.
Mr Pwlenlals J km Ml i. Tbum Uilti
( l.u were i wwkrf ef Atiloii
tempi txirtda. (M, m4 fur tt-om
Oeifi t.i (.1 Wheeling, M. Va.
1vm Uittag MhrtiMf tsMlted
ltiiai.4 ue, a4 al I i !. aftsr
trmtutyf f MiM:eh teotple. fiat VI
laui. ti arrH.i. ihtf were put In
uhd alien tar and ! Uu tt.
l.ola teiiii.l. f.iHuut band (e a
ri la the ntuit uf In 1-ertUnd
hll befor l dr-ar(cl .l blll H at
4r c(iia fr-n an en.a of 0)
agtf toaue ! i-.f.l lt.(tl trt
ffuiu ruth lo'iutb ald uti aaiat th
pvltrflc lle on It. UiM eld
Kalcly ha IMlttaod had the opporttt'
f la Ualin to tlt.r mualc, or a finer
d. Ihan lat Right
Several mllllunalrr tueniberS of
tht muaical iraniiiin, and two
third at laast of the are
Of Iher, Tjte rnibln.d wlth of th
f mambera. It uf whom were here, !
aald to l-a kaerly l?,v.00 Th trip
of th I -and m tli I'acifte eoaat a
a little trai from Potentate W. FYe
lan.t Kandrtik Ut ct him 111.000.
Kur ytnaiuiuriuue aperlal train of
II cara. on ahlch thr dertl for
BratlU and Vancuuver at J a'clork thla
mertilr.g. I.ulu temple will par 171.00
whan th trip la flnlahed. Thle doe
not Inrlu.i aid trips and triune apnt
by IndiMdual member of tha party on
tb trip.
Th bhrlner to arrlv tomorrow will
Include a peel I train of eight cars
f rum Mecca temple of N'rw York City.
Th Halting Nlirlner l.av been In
vited by Ornrl Ilaasenger Agent Wil
liam McMurray of the d..V. lu N to
go on the trial trip of the remodeled
llaaaalo, fast atemwheeler,
o A P'cluvk t hirmf icrnMft.
fkitU Hear Lulu lUnd.
' - lOalte Prra Leaee eVtra l
Seattle, lay II. Heattle autoa ar
out In force today to aid In tha enter
tainment of the Mtlc Hhrtner who ar
spending; their second day In Beat tie.
Lulu tempi, with Its band of 10 places
from Philadelphia, arrived today and
paraded on Becond avenue front th
L'nlon depot. Trips to the navy yard
sad other Interesting points will be
mad this afternoon.
John f. Stevens, builder of Hill linos
In Oregon and former president of th
North Bank, now engaged In railroad
contracting; In New Tork, haa returned
to Kw York from JCurope with a con
tract for th construction of 1609 miles
of railroad In Bpaln. aocording to Jnfor,
ma tion In a talagram received here.
Ktevans, after his retirement from the
Hill lines, formed ths John Y. Stevens
company to handle big contracts, and
some time ago went to Europe in quest
of business. Spain la on th eve of
Industrisl awakening, and is about to
enter upon an era of railroad building,
making It a good- field for American
capital. -
Th amount of the contract csptured
by Btorvns is not definitely known, but
it is supposed to bo in ths neighborhood
of t60.000.000.
Mayor Rushlight., by way of a little
exercise la cllthenrev swung; his veto
club for a few minutes this morning
and M a result it is probable that at
leaat two ordinances passed at the last
council session will receive knockout
One of tAose is the ordinance appro
priating i00 for the payment of a
claim presented by Special Policeman
Ed Oassett. The special officer assist
ed a regular policeman in a fight with
footpads last winter and Gannett was
shot and severely wounded. His claim
was for money expended for medical
services and for time loat. One of the
items of the claim was a bill of ISO
from City Physician Fred Zelgler. This
Is the -feature of the claim that the
mayor, disapproved. He believes that
the city physician should not be permit
ted to charge for services rendered in
such cases, as his monthly salary is paid
by the city for that very purpose.
The other ordinance likely , to be ve
toed Is that appropriating $600 to be
expended under the supervision of the
cfty inspector of buildings for the In
stallatlon of ornamental festoons of
lights-on street Intersections durisjnthe
Rose Festival. The mayor says the Char
ter provides that all sums of $100 or
more expended for such purposes must
be spent under the direction .of the city
executive board. .
' Hard cracks at the congestion , of
Alder street caused by retail shipping
on the sidewalk were given by -William
F. Woodward, president of the Retail
Wercfiajitp' association, in an address
thio afternoon bsfore the Ad oiub at
luncheon in the Multnomah hotel.
Mr. Woodward averred that when Lip
man & Wolfe occupy the northwest corner
of Alder and Fifth, with Meier & Frank
on the opposite corner, the wagons andj
goods piled up will prevent pedestrian
use of the street. He also scored the
auto owners who leave their , machines
standing on the sidewalk and concluded
by declaring- that Portland owes It to
her future to solve this problem of
traffic congestion before it becomes
more serious.
A. F. Brayton, an engineer, outlined
a plan of his own for relief of traffic
congestion lu the retail district. Vice
President C. H. Moore presided. , Hy
Ellers was chairman of :fhe day. Twen--ty-one
delegates were elected to repre
sent the Ad club at the Pacific Coast
Advertising men's; association in Port
land, Juns 10-12.
Ben Rleeland, prominentj In east'side
improvement movements, ana ais ac
tive In school affairs, is a candidate
far election -as school director next
.month. Mr, Biesland t a real estate
dealer with an : office in the Spalding
bulldlrig. . .
7 Mr. Rlesland was a candidate for the
school board last year, and failed: of
election by 89 VoteS'ln. a fUefd' of fouA"
principles In cftiol affair jthat be aoVi
voc ates,' and will make tb basis' Of 'his
campaign . . -; ut .rL.
$1 00 Worth bf Huslc Free
aonoHbveneatfci9ag slue this At
euet "Player Piano - idw for vNearty
Every Horn.' , "::'-, -? ',-..
Says Public Apparently Re
cards Moral Conditions of
City as Inevitable Conven
tion of Diocese in Session.
Commendation of th work of th
Portland vie conmllon, a ih.rail.r
taalluti vt It report a a "tarl!ing
pom of th awful condition In IM
city, and a declaration tt th rUrgv
hould do It ulffiiMl to'rti ll.e ray
clean morally, we on of tb Impor
tant feat are of th annual a.ldrr of
liUhep Cliarle ttraddlng. lllveied ll
aisht preparatory to th flret aee.ion of
th twenty-fourth annual eonvcntlun of
tha dloa of Orsea UUrh cunvn4
his afternoon, Huhop f raddin ad-
dra waa dUvrd at ths Pro-Cathadral
or Hi mpbn tb Martyr Uat night
nd th convtntlun. which will adjourn
Thursday vuing, waa called to order
In th Trinity pariah hou tbl morn-
ng. Episcopal prteeta. representing
practically vry town and mlla In
a(rn Oron. and lay deUale to
th number of 116 ar In ttcdaiit-a.
. Tha: convention I presided over by
Bishop Bcaddlng - 1'h for toon !
was dsvoted to th appointment of com
mittee and the.rporta of varlou rora
inlltetMi and officer. At I o'clock a
taaty luncheon wo rvd In ths parish
hous by th ladles of th Trinity guild.
Hpeaktng in connection with the vie
condition In Portland last night. Ulshop
iicaddtng said:
"Has Portland bo conscience? Is its
consclrnc o dead a to let It rt In
It filth? Willi vie spreads, th Inert
public regard as) Inevitable the thing I
that are largely preventable. Wher I
the church' conclncT The church
must wltn to Christ by making an
effort to awaken the public conaclence."
Xaea tostss acad.
According to tatementa mad by th
bishop In hi addre, th property of
the dloce I In good condition and
much progress haa been made in church
extension, both diocesan snd general.
El. Helen's hall, which Is operated by
the Slaters of PL John ths Beptlt, h
reported, has bad a prosperous year.
and that ths standards of the school and
scholara ar steadily growing higher,
Pt. Elisabeth' house, st Montavllla, an
other institution tinder the guldsnce of
the Sisters, has done much In the way
of aaalstlng unfortunate and wayward
girls. Thus fur 43 girls have found In
It a sanctuary. The Bishop Bcott
school, which is now cloned, will be re
opened In or near Portland aa a school
home for orphaned snd destitute boys,
should It be resumed again, he ssld.
At present a plan of making it a home
for boys is being worked out by a com
mittee. More Coatributloa Mdd,
Speaking in connection with operation
of th Good Samaritan hospital, which
wss begun and fostered by the Episco
pal church, UlBhop "Bcadding aald the
time had come for th inauguration of
vigorous publla campaign for more
contributions, to the end that the-hce-Pital's
equipment could bo improved and
more Charity work done.
In concluding his addreas, the bishop
thanked the .wardens) snd vestrymen of
tn various parisnes ana tne mission
committeemen for the effective work
lley are rendering; to the church and
oounseled the clerry to continue their
efforts toward the upbuilding of the
ommunity and the church.
Gawlej's Son Sups for Damages.
James Gawley, who lives at 1080
Grant street, and who is known in Port
land as James K. McCauley, 1 mado
the defendant in a suit filed yesterday
the circuit court by his son, who
charges Gawley with failing to support
Mrs. Gawley, whom he deserted 26 years
ago. The sum or 17000 is asked by the
son, who says he has spent this amount
in taking- care of his mother.
The Government
A. D. G. Rye
Black and Red
This Week Only
85c per bottle
And pur Reliable Special
$1 Grade Port Wino
50c Per Gallon
D. Germanus
Dr. 'firown's
Spsc5 1 f i c
A., positive cure for any lnflamation,
irritation or dispharpe of the jmucus
membrane and blood disorders. Price
11.00. ;
To" Be Used Externally and lntr-
nally -Tti
preparation contain no Bal
sam, Oils or any MetoUlo Astrla
g ents aad will net wkan or lrrl
tat tli stomaeb or bladder, Evry
bottle gnarantssd) to glvs sstUao
tlon or money refiandel.
I"or sal aad' Cruarantked ta Portland
The Jeilerson DrugCo.
tezbjd AXB jTErrssisOir . .
ftiU to 114 i Mela, U;cV
t". ell wit Bhei -Klbeoa. V
IIAM59 B8N1 I'iLjLal 1.4
l'de la aaet mt tb irttv
oats lit t tn Port la ad Coassrxtl
club, a frwU ba4t will t gtva
Carl R. Orey. ratine ptldl f Ik
North fJHb road 'iS It Hlil lte I
oragwa. May f. Tl bniua U b
held la lh aaala tllhiag rmotm of la
0naa.iTlal tlubu Tb baitauwt will llM
rv to laUfitiuc J. It Veuag, ue
or io Mr. tiray, I PwmUu ppla.
Th tl arragmata eomwiit
waa elrtay an'lntd by Manager
Ctiapntaa.of It eiecuttv eewmltl
to mansg tha ba(HuL
w htr Hnlldlng for i'-M KlJo,
A a sit for a awdrn thr try
tore bullJU-S. a 4 by foot parcel
m ;t iturns'-i. hik r-i on in
aod k.t Severn elfwt. waa purrhaaed
rtrr by War row m Woudhoua
l aioti attnu p!umbra. Tb pruprtr
as !.! fur Lmuls tarapert by Mall A
Von liorii. th prtca being II,
M.ear Waikrow m Woodhoua pUn le
I one dear th lot of a old fram
atrurlur and proceed with tha rOt Ion
of a Ito.o fireproof building.
We Have a Good
Mortgage to Sell You
That idle money of
vours may as well
be earning a goodly
rate of interest and
you need take no
chance on the secur
ity offered.
Borrowers with the
best real estate security
come to a bank for the
loan and we loan the
money onlv after, the
property offered as se
curity has met the re
quirements demanded
by our experienced men
in charpe of these loans.
Amounts of $1000 and
more and netting the
Seven Per Cent
They are an ideal in
vestment for one who
wishes the utmost in
safety and earning.
Portland Trust Co.
Third and OaX St.
- - i
In the largest Oriental Rug
Store west of Chicago you'll
find these rarely beautiful
specimens on saleat an av
erage of one fourth less than
regular prices. Another con
vincing demonstration that
Oriental Rugs
die me uesi dUU IUWCM
priced. A special shipment
bought at a great saving.
The ideal rugs for bunga
Sale Prices
$7.00 to $100.00
Teijth and Alder Streets
Player Pianos
Now in Our
New Store ,'.
VETTTIPX. You are cordially
' Invited, to Investigate v .
H" .
388 Morrison St.
'!..'' Opposite
Soule Bros.
Business Men Say Properly
Owners Must Rebuild With
Wider Streets or They Will
Move the District
tl iri..l la Tb i rail I
ldt or. lay 14 A oesnraitte
ef count I tut . a I yairday I lal
gal tb chin of th big fir of Hoo
ds ih(. which wa thought I b
nraneiary The fl get it trt ta
flrelrap it th rr of tha eajoea.
drug stbr. grocery tof bakery and
lly abla Th oil h4 la lb rear
of th Jaena rIeron cempany" gro
cery gv lh firt real Inipetu to th
flam. Tb only Uf lost ws that of
Twt." Airedale trrlr, which, whan
showing you.
Piano which we
I . -1, those .
i i I !rs ixi" I i J i n
J p Jill j
sa 1 1-
For instance, the Metronome Motor, which winds and rewinds itself. The
Human Touch. The Solo Device, which accents the melody and can instant
ly omit the melody or play the accompaniment only. Also the transposing
device, which permits one to play any piece of music in any one of eight dif
ferent keys.
No matter what any man says; no matter how sensational, or startling our claim for the
Apollo Player Piano may seem to you we uy, let the performance prove. We promise you a
demonstration no other Player Piano in the world can equaL You owe it to yourself to investi
gate this wonderful instrument ..
Apollos cost Jrom $650.00 to. $1300.00. We will accept your old piano in trade at its real
worth and givetconvenieni
and All
the Records
II I! Odd
I I 11 - r y -
w . yj
T -..
k im -A
nffli mm
. II Ihllll III III II mm i m r II irtifltilUif
ik V, : k ) 1 fl f I ! SJ F fife i iBB Imposing entrance
; Selllno Agerlt A
Q1C-823 Spaldlna Ijlda
irtrwa fra IK wlry tr f
04 -
rrr Utwtaaf) A Cv, w.t bca I it
at Its mt."" ' - '
HuiUiag we- mim4 Wr ta
aakaa waf'k. Tb AatlM
a aw dotag buiaM la trao
lure. H J. CallaJ.aa la bmltdtag a aa.
luwa. BIS'liX P"rttlof vf t
IMrtuag rturaai. M luuani av
stand. Thirty m ar wtac i
brta '
Alesaad OtlH. th Bvtt mmtr.
lt.ef witb mm lrao will
uku-lku w a w cMeri etrua.
tura. Lawler and Moor will folio
ulL A a4 I that Of John
Uhii aad wtf. earn bar a wk
and bought ha VTbeelar hot!. They
lt all but lb clot aa tbtlr bba
tear la ufurtea- ttvm caacr Of tb
lot ef tb low arc ehrf uily
plaantng a Pw bualn t-(lo nd
oortfldaitce la a batter !! I s
pr4. Th otty douiunt r la a
renerste vault, w blob has not bn
opa4, Thy sr thought aafa
fuiae nieo mty tit property
ra In lb hum4 dltrtct must wtdn
th trt or tba business sit will
be changed. All want a bwtter water
ylm. fatly quarreling la blamed
for lh lack of water at pre ant Tb
ourc ot th prvpcttv supply I near
and liiJLtiutibl.
Th Astoria fir dprtmot did ar
lire in lime I help.
Journal Want Ha bring result.
which is the best Player is simply and purely a matter of
We have made certain claims for The Apollo Player
know sound unreasonable to the man who doesn't know.
term for the balance. Yftto for
Sherman jpqy&.Co.
Postoffice, Morrison at Sixth, Portland, Oregon
"Lives there a ii;vd1rh:od
so dead, who never o jhimselt
has said, this is my own, my
native home? " An expression
eminently typical of him .who
buys arid builds in Eastitiore
land, the h6me of Reed College
tCaltad r teai tM.I
Mtanaapoli. isy ,lksXWii t
tb )oarsnll gtaeral oufwtae f
lb Mln4l KpU-opal church. I
ion hr. quit wmagita lost ough
today over tb report en plaepey for
lb soafarenc t ad a weag f
saadolenre to th Oaniah premier on th
death ef King drlca.
Ulshop war-t, Mor aad Klr
wr retired today by ib eoorrao.
Tb vet toodi
for tb reliremint of Bishop warren.
44i Moart, ; NeeUy, 41.
tiubop warrwa and Moor old not
eppo tbUr rttrtnat.
Oooda I20OO, lasaranc fAOOO.
Wit. Wh, I4y II The polk
sr searching tor I. Wurg and l. ly,
charged with tb burning of I hair tai
loring tbllhment a year ego. It
waa found th bond they put up wr
lnopmtv I th superior court. They
Insured thlr plac for 100, when only
1 10 of worth of good wr In th place,
It la ailgd. Two month Ulr th
bou waa destroyed by fir.
Apojhs booklets they are very in
and Other
Fine Pianos
.1 .
'-:.'' ' t