The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 15, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    , f
' X
Clayton MeasureAttacked for
"Gaa Rule" by Mann,'
Cannon and Others.
' trail praas lM4 tin)
WstUiugloa, ale, la. Aiming ( rtirb
,the leeuaeee ct Injunction lo scrtaea.
Ilia HU-tejurxxKHi lull of i'MrMWM
Henry X Clata of AUbuu, chair
nan of h loue )uJU.larr mmlllH
wee ha autijeet ef a (area aeura debate
I) lii hauM testerdev. lHat bodf having
tn early far the ei press purpose f
Consldertnf the sneeeure.
Tha I'larloa bill ftrea-rtba rules and
regulations to cwrb the Imimdo by fed
eral juagee 01 lltJuiKUuoa. acpwrlallf
la the f strike ar boycotts fin
a geserel r. It prohibits injunctions
la labor disputes unless Irreparable and
Immediate damage lo property la prot
sbls, and bar lujuartions arhlth ara
Issued wit bout nolle la edvanea. TUa
bill also jtrevlde for security for coals
and (UmasTca la raaaa vttit InjaivcUooa
ara leaved.
Cesgreeemaa liana. Cannon. taUel!.
Karris end Lsnroot attacked tha -ge
ruia under whloh tha bill waa eons id
are Chairman lleorv. of tha
gammm ae
tala laa oeelrwetiea. mIk1 aed
terstls f eleeUte ellee 1
tejuaa. Liecm rail ear eaeale.
use iKair twutaiw. ara feelta ie
fact f laa tataeeJg wt f UU. V
pay autre l-r Ultof. tar eer
rail. tka eM er we save
tup amr irvsefUaa. la bait.
MMhg We !. IWe-e was la
case a tfeuad eg.. J -IKe fclna pa
f auy taMKllwa with la taduetrir, the
tl ta ur opaaif fur tea fees a4
eej t reule par car lr par gass.
lavewiag aa eaeael luUl of appro
Imataly . tMa, irUu tatfvayt
Mtear I lutes ear ta (umiak Swrvtoe
laa than aval. This aula af affair
(AMI coatlnwa Ia4rtlaly,"
CapUUa raUaaf. ,
Ceatpetitio, ta alar i na railway
Ira. Mr, hi darter lellsee a fallacy
holding that It wotl4 only eases the
ruin f on a af tha eowpoOiers or lhara
would a a ompauM, ul duiuw-a
llS af si pane., tie conleaded tha
tha !-! rta railway busies la a
ural maoupoly aa4 lhrft 11 bouU
ha rf ulalfd.
"1 bailava la pubilp artra oommla
alana. If twmpo4 af aohar, thouahlfut.
cour(ou men. who Mil aot ba infla
aoe4 by ha blan4lahmala af earvar
life a aa aa band, nor by tha daalra fdr
papular applauaa aa tha aiir; and
tha laa? eraatlaf thaaa bo.ta aa4 da
fining tbalr fuactiotia ba a mm on a.
by aaaa, 1 maaa a latr which coafara
upon tbaaa oomoilaalona tha powr
aupanrlaa, aa tfiatlnaolah4 from tha
powr t admlnUtar tha affaira af pub
lla utility oampanlaa. It la pro par that
tha eomiBlaalo a boo Id hay tha pearar
of lu parr talon racardliiaT fundaniaolaJ
Uttafa, auch aa capltallaaUoa and, par-
tUH. ralaaiahlaa. fcati
goa further and tamJor tha aaUra
admlalatratloa of tha oampanlaa ta
eotnmlaalu&a; you bar tha warat poa-
tibia form of municipal ownrhlp
municipal ownrhlp without financial
raapoaalbOlty.i' - ,-..x
(Cowtlnuad From Para Ona.)
tanc which may ba travalad for a
cant fara baeoma atradily (matar. Tha
raault U that tha nlckal la baing con
tinually dilutad. X cava bean told hrra
In Portland that tha avaraga fara par
paaaangar carrlad by tha Portland Rail
way, Light A Powar company on tha
city Unaa. during- ItU. was MS cent a.
"Ttt tha cot f averythlng antarln
Just say that to a woman and ss hr
ayes sparklo with pleasura. Sba knowa
thara is no beauty Ilka tha beauty of
Unfortunately, at this tire of year so
many women ara in a weakened, run
down condition that thara ara few to
whom ona can sajr It
Mrs. a Ionian. 1S4 Anthony are.,
Nsw York tuty, aays Jn a letter: "My
health began to run down two yesra
ago. and Xrom that tiro till last April
I was In a badly weakened condition
with little energy end poor appetite.
Having heard ao much about Vlnol I
began taking It and already I have
improved mo much that ail my friends
notice great difference. I have en
tirely recorered my former stran
thanks to Vlnol."
This, delicious cod Hver and Iron rem
edy without oil, la of the greatest value
in creating- strength, restoring; appetite
and building- up the body, rale, aickly
women, overworked men. feeble old
folks and delicate children all need It,
and we poaltlvely guarantee Vlnol to
give satisfaction. Woodard. CUrka As
Co., druggists, Portland, Or.
lie pointed ant thst la building up
the American munldpaiitlea thara has
bran ne mora Important factor than the
elect rlo railway! It has enable the
working- man and tha man of moQarsi
meane, ha pointed out. to leave tha con
gested parts of tha city and estsUlah
bis home in pleasant and healthful sub
urb. It hss opened up new areas to
residence and paalnees, and thua has
created lasable value and added ta
municipal rvnuea.
Veins of sllrosds
"I believe thst you will all bear m
out In this statement.- said Mr. Mo
Carter, "and I think you all admit that
the growth ' and ' development of the
Paclflo northwest la due to your trane
oontlnantaJ railroads, or you would not
bava hung In your halls of the club tSe
portraits of the Ista E. 1L Uaniman and
the empire builder. James J. JIIII."
Oscsr T. Crosby, president of ths
Wilmington. Del., and Philadelphia
Traction company, held that the public
utility business Is vastly different from
other lines of business, such as, for In
stance, tha selling of manufactured ar
' ur sinenses run on each day," he
explained, "and at ths and of the day
If we hare not sold The service we have
nothing to show for It The man that
manufactures or sells hats or shoes at
least has his goods If hs cannot sell
them In ous day, but if ws operate eara
and get no revenue one day that service
annot be held and sold tna .dajr. after.
'h loss Is irreparable.
V r-.A whatever foil ArL ' An n't adAuvav
to break down the trinity, food service,
good wages and good dividend. There
can be no development of one of theae
without a corresponding development of
the other. Oood service Is the 'Very ob
ject of the. whole effort, ao far as tha
pnbllo la concerned.'
"Good wages ought to ba tha object
ef atr t Ike heart ef every
May aWI ef ef ary aiusaa la lit 14.
Oeni d!Vl4atla, e4u4 ttt far,
awl We Kise aaaoa h la pe4c the la-
tiwwlsg suasa ef cp4is4 atSi r
rkit m e.ulr to IWr pofaii
aiUille. A SviUm !. amalMlM
er ehavld aak hiatMf ta auaailwa la
legwtellBg tales, 'At ( rl Kl I
pal aty BMMf a e4vi ay wl4ew4
eaxistej ta put Kef sauawy laUk-arTakful
iklMKlM T That la the, rl ejuaaiiusv
It us44raiu Vt effiaia kill ease
life pat SHuattea.
."rteiwlatlaa ef pwblU . at lilt tea rsust
sale and aena er II will epatl ruia
fey ssietlec svantpaalaa Sa4 put stop
l ae laveeiiHMta. looking la the
RMMrs rw4itr4 far future derelopsnaat
lb taaa, la a measure. el lake ear
of Itself. Aar errr aveda by IKa uW
He I fning lhe Umtt ef aaratbga law
low will retard tee developm! af
ropertias and la time the leasoa'wtll
b duly lea reed. hue , will a I pul
Ike4r snanay Into rtskful veatarea al a
tw rale af lalvreat. TImiI n4a It K
pblloaopbsuig. aa ew Method af ro
era man I will altar thai fart, la the
od. if a Urge eaevgh limit be aef, II
saama Is me Ihsl IMs will ba lhe beet
solution of lit whole snattsr, namely,
l limit rvtams to repliat"
O. r. Johnson, chairman f tha pre-
metion remmltta of ibe Cnmmaretsl
club, bid tha visitors welcome on bahalf
of the t'omtnerrltt club sad lolrmluced
Pri4nl H. . Joal)n of the Portland
Kailway, Ught and fowar company.
ss taastmsster of the ereolng. Mayer
nuaniignt bid ma v lei lore w el re me oa
behalf of the city. Other speakers In
troduced were E. W. WrtshL ereatdeat
ef tha Merchants' kUehsogej Clyde ft,
Altchison. chatnnan of -the state rail-
roan - eoram?sionrtTitrTes Plerca.
district maaacer of the railway depart
ment or me liosioa ornre of tha Uen.
erai Elecine com pan y J. Kred lAroon,
vloa-prealdant ef th Portland Kaalty
board; Col. CUB. Wood and Kdstr
sv-s'iparr piat-el tae -Cemmersial
A number of city officials war
among- th grossi of bonor. Governor
weet was unable to attend, hsrtna- haan
called to aoutbern Oregon a few days
ago. A letter sipresaing- his rat-rets
ss read by Tosstmsiter JToeeelyn.
xeeiardsy anemoon the vlaltora ware
gieso a uunch ride tin and dawn tha
river and taken for an auto ride to th
ernooi children gardens on tha (
ids, they viewed the work with Int.n..
luterret In the afternoon thar ware
vnienainea -at sir. josselyn's reeldence
t Mouni Tabor. Ther left for Kaatila
at mianignt. immensely pleased with
r eiay in roriiand.
aa exchange cardan, tha int,..ix.i
garden, the nursery garden and the (04
little gardene that together make up
the Woodlawn school cardan, wer
Ited by the electrical men and thlr
r -or iisna nosts yesterday afternoon.
Traveling In spectallr provided ante.
mobiles, the party reached Woodlawn
school Just aa ths children "had been
dismissed. The little folks were rushed
towsrd their gardens, then cot busy
weeding and thinning radishes and beets
and lettuce.
The visitor exclaimed with sunrise
s Principal Nswblll and A. J. Kruecer
showed how little lota of years had
done their pert In clearing away a typi
cal Oregon thicket, both brush and roots,
before planting; and cultivating ths tiny
gardena that have transformed what
as wast space Into two acres and a
balf of productive, utilitarian beauty.
Principal Newhill said thst thsrs Is no
diminution of ths Interest taken br ths
chldrsn In the garden contest, snd that
all are looking- forward eagerly to the
awards of roller skates, air rifles and
other articles dear to the hearts of girls
snd boys, who ara now working with
great energy and not a little study to
qualify for tha prise.
When the electrical men learned fur
ther that 1MM children sf alt
ackxeule ara lu.iarlr a gaged, laelr ap
pfvbltj was l sasea eoeleela
LaVsews AaeeeJled Jeka lalae,
labarer, was hake4 4ea sad rbbe4
ef lit last alf t In tha rear of a sale
at III ce ai4 by a teuag saa r
mlum lb poiiea a a w eaarcalag. Tb
aaipect la 4aeribe4 a balag abw
years af eg. fees. 1 Is ha UlU
Caaaff SVsU
. X. Bavajrtdfe,
a ebsuffear, laa mmm ef wealthy Chi
cago publisher, waa arrested yeeierday,
after Kavtag altempled ta paaa a werth
lee Check for IM Meier gt PTaak.
This morwlag l yeunaT man ws ar
raigned e a vagrancy e barge, but At-
tareer L Ikewiey, wb appeared for
bim. trv44 la aecurlav release fer
bie riUat a accaual of IJ4 msa s yausg
Cass Takea tab Oasaady Prank U
Caaa, alae knows a Prank Remolds,
ba been takea late caaiody by th
sheriff foUowtsc I ha veeeat aptnleei
ef lh supreme eowrt boldlsg thst Caae
ueaai sere sil monins a in rocaptlo
rur a stataiory errenae. Jsae Iteee
ley. also bnewn aa ilaiaa lluaL was
named in ins Indictment sgalnst Caaa,
fe ws set free. I'im'i dire reed wife
was ins saovtRg spirit back of the proe-
ecuuoa of to couple.
MoryaUw XXrareA Timer Archi-
baJd. ags4 IT years, end Mlaa Aubrey
PeHiare, aged It rear, were slightly
injured la at night at Trniuma a.i
aBanfemslretT when a metorcrele
nodes y a yooea man vboaa name tb
police war, anabl . I secure, crashed
Into their motorcycle. Too no- Arahi
bald sustained out on tb leg and th
tUl waa bswlead bake. TbO Otbsr
party not UJored.
Basher sUsUaeed Pred retro, wbo
several waeks ago lured bl wife to 0
south snd bows oa a meaaags that bar
baby was dying, and who aftarwarda
stabbed hi wife, slashing- hr arm ter
ribly, waa yesterday sentenced te
day on tb rockplle and fined 1104 en
sa assault and beltery chares. A soon
aa rtro 1 rsieeeed from the reckplla
after serving hie sentence he win ba
tsken before the grand Jury on a chanr
of aassult with Intent to kill and win
ba tried oa that charge.
MUarV Toilet Table
"The ssslest wsy to preserve snd re
store youthful complexion Is to llchtly
mssaage the face, neck and arms with a
solution made by dissolving sn original
package of msretone in eight ounces of
witch hasel. Vo powder is neceaaary,
for mayston prevents that 'shiny- look
smt keeps the skin eoft, aatlny and ai-
logetuer loveiy.
The hair can be kept Ilsrht snd fluffr.
snd beautifully lustrous, by dry shsm-
pooing. MIX rour ounces or 'powdered
orrta root with an original packaxe of
therox, sptinkls a little on ths head and
brush thorousrhlr through ths hair. If
anything will make the hair grow, the
rox win.
"Nothing Is more bumlltatlnc to a
woman than hair on her face. Wild
halra ran be) quickly and asfelf removed
by applying delatone pasta. Mix anouch
powdersd delatons with water to cover
the hair; leave on lor two mlnutea, then
wipe off, waeh the skin and th hairs
will be gone.
"Many surrer now rrom urea, sore.
swollen or aching . feet Nothing will
five quicker relief than Mother's Salve,
t Ls easy to use. quick to act,' and ra
lloves pain In snv part of tha body-
headache, backache or sore muscles." I
e "-mi
-':.J ::- ' ft .
r r
' i "! 'f ' . r
t , . '''- - .
'."'.' '
. t.
-. .
. ?' t r. '':
'If you'll look at the suits tt 20.00 ;"
522,50 and 25.00 displayed In our
center Morrison street window, youll .
be pretty sure to dve one of them
the flad hand. We doubt If you
ever iaw-judi znMA fMr , n
carefully tailored, at so moderate a
price. Springs newest weayes ancl:Ll
best colors are displayed here. Come -In
and see them.
You can "put one over" on the nun
with the high-priced merchant tailor's t
suit If you wear one of these new
models at 530.00 and 535.00. ..The
finest" of American and European ,
weaves, absolutely faultless in tailor
ing. Any model you like box back, .
semi-English, conservative. They're
good for the eyes of others. j
Mea't Shop, Maia Floor '
M CIoitMer v .
The BURNSIDE DEPARTMENT STORE, located at Southeast corner of East Burnside and Grand Avenue
Beginning Tomorrow
Thursday, at 9 a. m.
to the Public
r 7 o no TTT
As the Premises Now Occupied
Must Be Va cated by J nine First
Therefore, in order to save die trouble and expense of moving thi immense stock, we have detennlneH to let nothing stand in the way
in closing out every article at such prices that will be bound to move them. The determination ,to close out this fine stock of seasonable
merchandise will enable economical shoppers to profit anywhere from 25 to 50 per cent on every article purchased during this gigantic
Removal Sale. ' The stock consists of both medium and high-grade Ladies' and Gents' Furnbhings, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc.
Below We Cite But a Few of the Many Things on Sale at Prices, in Many Instances, Below Manufacturers' Cost
$1.50 arid $2.00 Gray or White R. & G,
Corsets . . . . - . . . ....... 69
$1.50 and $2.00 Shirt Waists, long or short
sleeves, elaborately trimmed with lace and
embroidery . . . ....... .............. .98c
$3.00 Ladies' all wool Sweaters, gray, red
and white '....2' .v. '.31.48
25c and 35c Veiling, in all patterns and col
ors, per yard . . : . .15
$2.00 Gingham House Dresses, in all col-.
ors . . ,". . - .Jpl.SO
75c Ladies' Embroidered trimmed Drawers,"
for only '. ......... . ... .59?
$2.00 Parasols, just the thing for the hot
weather J .......... . . . . . .98i
l?c: and 15c A. F. C. Ginghams, j5er yd.'9
l$lc Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, per
yard ................. ....... .92
35c Children's good Gingham-Rompers 19j
50c Pillow Tops. .... ... . . ...... , .... .23?
Ladies' Kaiser Silk Vests
SON HOSE REG. 35c . . ; . 1 y t
l ft .'-e ,a gfrr f gt, j ivt W em y v w )--
15cand 20c Organdies, in neat patterns, per
i ' gfr4 0 ;
25c and 35c Swiss Embroidery, 2 to 4 inches
wide, per yard. .13t
INeatly tucked and emDroi
dery trimmed ...... '
15c and 18c Swiss and Cambric Embroidery,
in many widths, per yard. . ........ .71 .9?
15c and 20c Ladies' Vests 9
Embroidery and lace trim'd. CQ W
Regular price 75c . . . . . . . . . O St
VaL lace ; and' embroidery.
Regular price 50c LdSs
75c BED SHEETS, 72x90,
heavy muslin . . .. . . . . . . . . . ,
15c PILLOW CASES, 36x42, Qr
heavy' muslin . . . . . . . ......... s i
5c Skeins Carlspri & Currier f Embroidery
SilkSi two skeins forr . .... .... . . .. . .. .
Three spools Carlson & Currier Sewing Silk,
all colors ..... ........ . , ',. t . ....... ; .25
10c Fleishers Zephyr Saxpny and Floss, ill
colors, sale price t . . ........ .'. ....... 1 5
even spools Clark s U. IN. 1. IC
otton .... .......
Three balls lack or White Knitting Cot-
on (Keg. price 5c per ball) ........... 1U?
Seven Spools O. N. T Lustre Cotton,
all colors, regular price 5c per C
SDOOI . . . . . . s . . ...... ..... .aaVtJW
5c Card Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards . . 5c
13c Star Skirt Braids in all colors. . .8c
in Our Shoe
Depart merit
60c Children's Tennis Shoes 23
75c and 85c Men s Tennis Shoes, heavy
rubber soles ...,68
$1.50- and $2.00 Children's and . misses' kid
patent leather tan and black Oxfords 98J
$1.50 Children's Shoes and Oxfords in black,
tan and red. ....... ..................89
75c Infants' Shoes; in red and black ...39
$3.00 and $3,50 Ladies' tans, patent leather
and kid Pumps and Oxfords. i..... 31.89
$2.50 Ladies' Kid Oxfords.ln tan and block,
at only). . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,.;. .$1.35
10 Salesladies Wanted
CQU iseiorc oiocic
$3.00 Men's Oxfords and Hi Cuts.. .31.98
$3.50 Men's Box Calf and Vici Bluchers,,
at only .32.15
$1.50 Felt Ladies' House QO
Slippers, black; wine, colors . Ov
35c Men's Neckwear . . . . . . . ... . . . 19J
50c and 75c Men's NeckwearC... ...39e
50c President and- Crown Suspender35e
35c Men's Suspenders .'. . .19
15c Men's Sox in all colors ...... .1 ... .9
35c Cotton Rib ' Underwear, just the thing,
for" hot weather , . . . .19c
50c Cotton Rib Underwar .....36J
75c Men's Negligeeaiid Golf Shirts in this
season's patterns ... . r.'. . . ..5Se
$1.25 afid $1.50 Men's Golf Shirts in all the-
latest patterns ......... :V1 ; .... 95c-
$3.00 and $3.50 values : 7
$10; values 7
Regular $2.00 to $3.00. JJ 1 r yQ
values, sale price , e5 1 Tt O
Soft or Stiff .Hats, regu
lar $3 values, sale price .
$2.60 Men's Soft and Stiff. Hats;... S1.48
$2.50. Men's Soft and Stiff Hats. 31.98
La-BaTsslsslsSBJsJisJs1s-g i " gWw w 'Br'v-'!T '.TT" sa.s.ei lJaV a '
In aU patterns 2.00 values.
$2.50 values now,; .r. .... ....$1.98
$3.00 values now . ;.V..; $2.35
$3.50i and $4.00 values now V....$2.75
BOYS' KNEE PANTS, $1.00 72r
and $1.25 values . . . . . . t . . . . I uv
Bed Comforts in silkoline coverings, hand-'
.'sortie pattern, white, cotton ? filling. '$1.75
'r values .i . ......... .81.38
?50c Men's Blue Xhamb. Work Shirts ' 35
l50c MeyBlacknd White Stripe Work"
';'rV SsdlaTtS .Vmy''m m mX a s a 3oC .
MEN'S OVOALLS, reg. 80c K f r
values,1 sale price . . . . ...... i s j
il.Oren'sBUck' Sateen Shlrls' 1 . 1 . . CC
Two fcr 25c Cclkr now tl.rce fcr 2"i
s- Corner cl I