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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY If. lilt 17 Fellow Work When Everything' Loolis Like This? - "41 By "Bud" Fiohcr YOU POOR. RUMfvv , 9 m -I r't3, (4. " III "IXKKH (HA ( K o UKIJ' ITASTm-MUC 4pj 11 1 ATIONH KKMALB 4 ROOM AND HOARD 18 I I1 I J, ! 4y il 11 f" h. ISffi ' foil bALK AT INVKNTttr Mitt clultiing. hat l J fulfill). lug fHU alor ixia of the bl end ii oat rapidly growing ride in eauU.ani Clt Jtiila; btialnea eeteljllebed ; "lurk and rillutnfl alout lln.eoo. ran dure el nek If desired, beet location. IH window. rlen. Hgu-grada alor a i.j riew peaulirul riiluraa; control rat desirable agency line: If Hilar eal.i 4 ni . . .. A .1.1 free P II I4. laeadrna. ( al Tine CafeteriT I- r g room; cheap rant, fin lore lion In hotel; fin trade. oaper going la AUeka. wante to .all; tMe la a money maker: will eell for l:00. never offered al thia price before Tl.a uaurr aava lj aall II aa ha inli to a". J'hTUM) BI'MINOK KXCHASnE 71 RothcMId bldg Marehe.ll : ' $TTI For Bala Blacksmith ahop. icr ehon, thai bii(lnie anil Inula, on lot ! alow, on promliarnt ttua- In aaat aide Street I year' laaae, a I 110 per moulh I am moving In tha country ami will aall tha whole bualneei for 117. 11.147. journal Big Money Confectionery And light grocery; Juat Ilia place for man ana wue, nean ann n.i. on cor ner cuemraa eireet in ;1 1 -. Ilvinn room, worth 11109; can bo Had for 7fco, good reaen uj i etotk at room JO0. Mar ' ahall 1911 Ut".: aiJ woman la Mm tha bar Wr IraJa In waaha. rerlat li4iirwiaaia. aananiago aarnl whlla laaralag. loela rraav i Dart laairuriora. If vaara la ih buaMaaa. It achoola. A Ufa lima avchol arabrp gliran to ara atadaet. Molar Harbor collagt, Jt R 4ia au, arilaao. Restaurant Ona on 8th at., rhiaii rrnt. lone laaaa, noltigr 1.0 da 11)', wurtli Uiu. price tiUy. loo ror all. Another on, flxturra lll Involra 1800, for lion raah. IVtrta, 15 K tlh al. AKK you an ajv art lalnv man Willi auma monajr )ou could l".rat In n RnliiaT manufacturing proKltlori and taka rliarga youraalf' llanilla your own monrjr. Thla uffr a big opportunity fr I ha rlrht mnn I' A It TN Kit WANTKI). With :60U to take ii the brat paying froK)iltlon on th ruaat. Juat In It nfancy. Your money la jrotctt'! No rral ata(a or fwka propoaltlon. t.'hiinrc to maka $24,009 by Jan. 1. If 13. - J-H. Journal 1'OH HAI.K A clrnn little Mink of l.i dlra' and gruta' f urninlilng KOodh, aliora, notlona and ih'uii ilry amod. ,Muht aril at (iiici1. will l ike t,5 tn. on tlm II, caah; good location, nli a rooma; cheap rent; In biiKlnrva only a ihort 1 1 me 77 5 Wlllliiinw nvty $10o0 AXI aomo gooi tradu will jlvc u 40-rii'nn hold, west aldi1. Id lie.rt of hotel dlolrlct. now 'waiinir t2.r0 per month ud over. fall toi JtothchllJ bMg kXCLrsiVK aKinta in every county In Oregon to handle hlffh grado apeclul- ty: .00 capital required. Spleiulld oti- portmiltv for live men. Invest li;nte. K. O. I.. Tookcr, 711 foucji bl.lM-. ' h'(lt SALK I'elitrtl office iiSd fquip inenl; white enamel outfit; fine loca tion and biibltiexa which, with proper at tention, can b doubled; terms. Ji-161. Iniirnni. KKSTixFl; ANT iloina InimeiiHo 1ijhI naa. ownvr oMIceil to be out of city, will i-cll whole or luill' at burgnlt) If Iji- ken quick. See Owner, ut 313 Alarqiiuni bllii I'hone Mnrnhiill !!. Tlllf UflrO.M ALTO Hf glv.a Srawlli-aJ luaUu fva .in repairing an rl lua aulomoUSca; TMTIkN RKI fciN.lRU:, pari i-aah whan rot ann.ll balance aflar graduating a ad obtaining aalaricd tweituin. OHK AUTO KlfOL. t-t 1 1 IH mi . cor Jefferaon. anJJXf.ltT axnooi ai.d flower ntaklng. ever iua new; beaullfurlr trimmed hate fall t) Uvodnougb bldg, oppoait pocl afric rMriTsXTTif!?T17nHr:kTH'. Ml'llNU room iul lrWav bMe t nr Id and Htaik ta ; open dna1ay and Saturday nlghla. Phona kialu 102. (lend for our new catalogue. OVftKME'T ioalltoiia are eaay to get. My free booklet Y-1M, lella how Wrlta today NtnV. EAUL llol'- Waatilngton. 1. f. 5 A U ki XI K.N' lo carry aide Una work ahlrla. c-ommlaaion and profit aharltiar raaia. freaton uniri to., aa Uroonie at N Y ITtTION wanle.1 at nuraa. Will do ligiit houaa work, Mlaa Caauagh, Taix.r llAi'ai itirnim, ilra per lea and wool blaii keia hand taandared. flral claaa work 7IOr 117 VA XTi:i AC ENT8 WANT - A rr.W IIK1M t'l.ABB XIEN Ttl BKIX ftl. I'MIIIA NATIONAL, I. IKK COM I'l.aTTK I'HUTr.f TKN Pol.lflRB iiih't i uvi:h KKnr pokbiiii.k UH lKATII. Affll'KNT. nlfKNKBn HINT NO MOKE than participating pollrlea whlrb tnaur 1. 1 r K ONL.Y. BP clai ewnlrarta for a few produrera. I'At'I. II HHOAT. QES AOT HJ-IH H..1lng bldg. WK Deed a aalearaao In eatcb of e- eral etcallaeit field a lo aeU oar aplaw. did nuraere atock. A permanent plaoe. raah w .! and a a-ioara firm back of you. Writ 'or particular a Waahlngtaa Kurry ti T op pen. a W aak. BITLATIO.V8 WAXTET hLKLE AXD r KM - K SS A COL'KBIC In our pr-lcl training will fit you for chauffeur or repairman rorlland .uto Pchool ft Garag Co, 111 Hawthorne ave Vol." are w ai:l-.l for government poal- iion. f monin; sand poatal ror llat or poailiona ojien. Kranklln Inalltute, Iep't S:i-P. lto -heater. N Y ViM'Ni widower, with two bova, t-S, want Ponrd ana ruoin. elate price; no Unuor . iA4f wa n ted I-I1. Journ a 1. fn. -ailed fur tallor-mag aulta, (10 up. Taylor the Tailor. HI Burnafd at. pNCA'rT.Ei for tailor made aulta til op; tiarvaro lauora. ai id. HELP WAXTErx FEMALE 2 TTANTED TOUNCJ LADIES FOR TELEPHONE! OPEHATINO, WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THE TACIFIC TELPHONE & TELE GRAPH CO.. EAST SIXTH AND ANKKNT. T0l"Nl married couple wlaheg work a cook In camp, ateady, flral claaa cook J-lll. Journal ItixiM and board wanted far br, re aneetabla mechanic with eom poor widow to whom the money will ba r H-ll Journat UOL'SEKFTCPIMI IUXJM8 WtST SIDE rOt'R nicely fumlahad houaakeenlng room, suitable for I famlllea. atrlctly modern, rent reaaonabl. aiao nic naae ment room. Including light and wood. 110 month. Ill K. 17IU at. inona Main llll hSXlfTi'VC furnlahed houaekeeplng apartment of 1 or J rooma, aullabla for bachelor or family, lovely location. nice home, all conveniences, aunimar ralea 402 Hark at bACHKU'iHii' houaeaeeplnr: room 11.10 ub. a na a rooma II up. niceiy mr- hlahed I room coltag II . 14 N. Itf) t. Phone Main ll0. taka 8 car going north on Sd at. NUHSES 00 PRAfTIt'Al. nurae wlahes nuralng of any kind; references. Room 111. Main "l Ha T KilN" fry homa, beat of reference Mr Wllllnma. H Union ave. K K. 291 DHKSSMAKING 40 LAIIEP' tailoring Alterations, coat rellned. Mra. Muckler. " r-esendorf Apt. 80 1. 10 lth at. Marshall 304. FIIIXISUEII I1003W WEST SIDE CI-OSB IN Furolshed housekeeping and single rooms; low rates. Ill Tark st.. corner Morrison. aud TMeN thc at I T " !I0lSr IX)it IIK.NT 12 NICELY furnished houaekeoplng rooms; eaa ranee phone and bath. U is. lain St., bet. Davla and Evaratt; walking distance. O E NEVIEVK, 44t Columbia Bt. flleam heated houaekeeDlng sultea. nicely furnished, reason-bla rent, walking dis tance. T1IUEE larae clean, light, modern housekeeping rooms. 116; also same at Ho ner month. IH0 2nd at B I" IT EH phone, housekeeping. Her. I! week Water and Columbia. electricity, up. Corner Regent Hotel 151 1-2 7th St. Newly furnished room water In each room, a team heat, very central, dulel. special weekly and monthly rates, Iran slant ratea 76c up, weekly 13.60 up. Run on home principles. Main 1002. WANTED Girl to work on collars: also 7 mHngle pirls. H. H. Laundry Co. r.iHiMl nve. nnd E. Ynmhlll. t'HiAH fsctorv for mile, In country V town, f.H tulle from Portland: no opposition: triinc eaianiiMieu; price a Himp. rue Mwarg Anacrson, t nrnon. H ufh. I' - opposlt - 11000; DUTiMA 'I )l.()OIST will Hell lier old eKtbllKlicd iiiiHlncsn, and teach ynu l . i . . . ., H . . i .... urn . 1. 1 . . uraiucB, bo J ou MII fill. Hl.'llllin , If Price 500; soma tcrrna. 403 RothchllU bid. CONFECTIONERY Kino location: titock and fixtures, cost 400r you can clear 1100 month; owner forced to leave city at once. Price 20tr. JAMES. 88 10th, near Rtark. GROCERY, PIECE WORK. Girls wanted to stitch hallorka and make tin top herry boxes. Apply to box luctory foreman. Mtannara Hox Lum be r to. !;. ater and K. Pine ats. lijfT'Ui i-JNCKO hosiery nnleawoman piruiHnerit position: good aalnrv Leiuion'a Clove and Hosiery Store, 30t XMrirrison at GIRLS wanted to learn the. beauty par lor DiisiiicNs. Also a partner wanted. 701 Rothchlld Mflg., 4ttt and Wash. WANTED Ulrl for gencrnl housework Mont be Rood cook; good wages. Ap ply hM irvinsr'st. , WANTED iMdy to take cure of girl years old In her own homo. 1042 E. IRlh at. N. Woodlawn 12K3. TEN dunclug chorus girla for city, sal- ary 1R. Allaky bldg Call Immediately. 315 Theatrical Enterprise Co. WANTED A maid for general house work; nmail family. Apply Thursday, 415 E. 12th st. N. igHrH, etc., with llvli. rooms: rent C'J.iio; win invoice 6t 1 Will dlHcount 10 per onlld blclg. cent. 403 Roth- MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, films, supplies. LAKMMLK, 833 flak. HELP WANTED JMI-E Y - - '-v-i. i. 60 MEN wanted at once" to take course In United Wlrelens training clan" and ho ready for positions with United Wire less Telegraph Co., who are notified to nreparo lor passage new law, eirecuve July 1, maKingi two operators on pas senger vessel compulsory; net quick. Ap ply chief operator, 210 Grand Trunk dock, Seattle, Wash. UXPEUIKNCED girl for cigar and con- recnoneiy more, fall zow 4th ft. E X P ERIENCED girl for cigar aftd ofan fecttonery store. Call 206 4th at. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 WANTED At once, cook, man or worn an, to invest 1500 cash In younsr or chard and. take position in most select bungalow hotel in araio at gooa wages, good opportunity for permanent . posl tlon to one ambitious to own land and arn an Income producing . home; state experience, P-161, journal. i . ANTED For the United States army. v able bodied unnjeirried men between ages of 19 and So, citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. -For information apply to recruiting officer. Worcester bldg.. 8d and Oak sts., Portland, Or ' WANTED At once, experienced painter to locate In new town near Portland; must be wllllns; to Invest 1609 or allow part or earnings to De applied on pur chase of Income, producing home; state if. capable oi doing interior uecoramig. P-160. Journal. 4$ WANTED Man with family, familiar Vs with farm work, to take up residence" ; :t)n small place; permanent position wltn i ;. ZD wages to start; oou acquires pon lr session on home place; balance can be paiu jor iroin pari ui wagea. auui dba lr-g4, Journal. WANTED Neat clean, sober single man for small dairy In Portland; should have- some experience In ff ing for cows and mflk house work, bottling, etc.; reference required; wages 35. O- 168. Journal. AN" experienced bookkeeper, having some id e time, will write ud vour i books, take orr -your oaiance, or rive you any help needed; highest refer "ices. W-383. JournaK 200 berry pickers, men, women and children, for Hood River and -White Salmon district; furnish your own out- rit. we are me exciustve agents of the Hood River Apple Growers' union the Davidson Fruit company and the White Salmon Valley Fruit Growers' union. Special steamer fare $1 round trip, good to return until October I, Apply Y. M. C. A- Industrial Employment Agency, 2d nid Ann sts. Marshall 2271, A-7745. AT once, strawberry pickers for White Salmon." H-163, Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 55 Y, M. O. A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOY' MKNT AGENCY, SECOND AND ASH STS. Headquarters for competent loggers, millmen, r. r. construction men, farm hands. And all classes of skilled and unskilled labor. write, wire, pnona or call at our ax pense. MARSHALL 1271 A-T74 A square deal to employer and employe ; wo cnarge to employer. .. HoteJ Ford 733 WASHINGTON ST, A splendid new hotel at entrance to City park and Portland Heights. Fur niture new and elegant. Prices reaaon- ahle; private phones; elevator aervlce. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel, 165 lati steam heated, new building: rooms 11.26 up. THE CLAY, 143 Morrison St.. house keeplng apartments; neat and clean, free bath;rates 13 to 15 per week, f RoilM aparTmenfT 'cool; everything furnished; excellent location. 699 Ev erett st. THE LEBANON. 429 Main at- between 11th and 1-th, one and two houaekeeplng rooma. Phone furnished A-7061. FOR RENT Desirable unfurnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 3P2H 6'" t- NEATLY furnished comfortable houae keeplng aulta. conveniences, walking distance, very reasonable. 609 Johnson. THE MEIER at KRA.VH STORK'S KREE RENTAL AND INFORMA TION RL'REAU Is for lh convenience of both Port land people and strsngars In tha city who may be looking for liomea. apart menls and flat. Ue have an excellent f Ovate list, aa well aa the combined lata of all real estate dealers. We can alao give advice aa lo the new building In rourae of conatrurtmn. Home hunters, especially, will find relief In thla apoclal aervlce. for w help you to get quickly, comfortably and dealrably located, whan you wanl to rent vlelt THE MEIER - FRANK RENTAL BUREAU. 4th Floor. Main Bldg 111 New i room liouee, modern, T5 mlniitee' ride. Sell wood car. East 17th and Rhone sta. J. F. Kertchem, agent, with Pacific States Fire Ins. Co.. 300 Chamber of Commerce. Phones Marshall . A-4311. . FOR 126, ona modern i room houas with fine yard. 72S Corbet! at. FOR lis, cn modern 6 room flat, Jnd floor, 110 l"orter st. FOR 116, one modern 4 room house, "41 Water St. By J. Iiill 110 Porter st NINE room house, newly papered; haa furnace, gas and bath. 147 Montgom ery; rent 4S. See Fred Williams, 92 H 1st st. FOR RENT 6 room houaa on carline, 4 rooms furnlahed, garden ready for use. 469 Williams ave, cor. Eugen at, 120 a month. IX room houaa, on W-R oarllne, i years old, close In, good neighborhood, 111 month. H. I). Vincent 4 Co.. 116 Chamber of Commerce. 110 Built for 120 New modern 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch, walking dis tance, fine view. 6(9 Montana near Fre mont, L car. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT R, N. Tufford oV Co.. 40T Spalding bldg. Marsnan o7, A-4t. I ROOMS on Russell near Mlaalaalppl, IIOIKU4 FOn IX EXT Fl it MTU It E KOi.1 BALK S2 I ROOMS, very cloa In; god furniture If aold today II7& for ail: don't mlaa the snap Hea Jamea, I Infrt ' tj.irtw I r )... I ' ll-i-Li. IIA I fM ui iiiiiu lTl(..... v, furniture for sale ibeap, fin lot, alao win sell cheap t lt, . Ft'RNITl'RE 6 roomed houa for price 1126. 171 Havlcr si. l. APARTMEXT8 48 Most TIHE VILLA ST. CLARA, lfth and Taylor. magnificently furnished apart' menls In tha city: location rverfect: rent als reasonable; every mo-iem con Tea lenre. baoauet hall and roof garden high claaa aervlce: references reaulredL Both nhanea In ail a art menta. Mala 117. Summer Rates Portnomah apts.. 660 E. Taylor, corner E. 11th. I, , 4 and 6 room unfurnished apartments. Juat completed, every con- Iking venlence, wal yard. distance, porches and The Morton WASHINGTON s KINO. Nice modern I room unfurnlahed cor ner apartment; bath, phones, good service. KINO HILL APARTTENTS. 4, I, I -room apartments; select -tenancy. Apply on premises. Ill King st TWO larae outside housekeeping room In private family; phone, light and bath free. 668 Ollaan st. Mar. 8391 BASEMENT rooms suitable for sma family or single persons, f 6. 18 month 676 Couch, cor. 18th. Nicelv Furnished Rooms Beautiful location, makes you feel at home. Call evenings after 8:30 or Ch"pt" lur8ha" 16 through the day- fw6' nicely f,lrnl.he(l front housekeep- I ark. I nty rnotna larffe vard. 13 Der Week. 246 N. 17th st. Main 6H7Z. NICEST, cleanest housekeeping room I Hotel Dayton Strictly modern, lowest rates In Port land; Inspection Invited. Corner lt and Taylor. Main 6120. ELEGANT furnlahod city, best view of city. St.; 11.60 and 12 a week. 184 Sherman room with run nlnr hot and cold water, private dress Ing room, shower hath, all conveniences. 6 s 401 1st at., 2 suites of housakeepln rooms, all outside, lignt, water an phone nr room, anower oain, mi i:onveiiimiuea. a : , r ; ; 9 Trlnltv Place, between 19th and 20th TWO connecting clean, coxy , housekeep- ts . off Washington st. lng rooms; exceUent location. 653 : , Everett, corner 17th Hotel blenwood Strictly modern; lowest rates in Port land. 24 K SALMON. TWO cool pleasant housekeeping room in cottage close In, nicely furnished. 531 Morrison St., bet. 16th and 17th. 669 6th St., phone A-3710 3 housekeep lng rooms, month. private bath, 116 per FINE large sleeping rooms, gentlemen preferred, all privileges, nice trees porch und reasonable prices. Main FURNISHED housekeeping room, kltch 5510. enette, modern, laundry, yard; $15 GENEVIKVE 445 Columbia St.. nicelv month. 4.6 l lay. furnished,.., homelike, steam heated NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms rooms, ratfrt 33 to J4,f 0. best ror tne money in city; walking distance. HOTEL KLICKITAT. 826 Holladay ave.. open for business; new brick building, modern, walking distance from business Bectlon. I'hooe rcast 5xs. at 392 Jefferson st. MtftTSB fyiSfiW!7- 6tf,-eCT rooms uuw u . livuiniisiyiAJo.DP up per Free phone and itb. Main 7764. week. I ONE housekeeping room with porch, all conveniences, ia. 4ts Man st. 2 WE'LIj furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range. 347 Jiaii. 313 1 4 til. cor. Clay Bright, clean 1 and 3 room furnished housekeeping suites, HOTEL GARLAND. Trinity and Wash. New prick Didg.. rroiern. rooms r3.n0 up. H. K. ROOMS. $12. Phone, sink, gas, trntn. Z4r rvortn istn. FRONT II. K. suites, newly furnished. iz.po tip. Z45j n. I7tn, cor. Marshall, . l u.- . r . . r r ROOM In private home, modern, suit- CLObh, In on west side, 4 rooms, -mod ahln tnr 2. 1 block from Wash ne-ton. ern, lit monin. inquire 1I JZtn, Phone Marshall 8029. TWO housekeeping rooms, sink, private ' - s .... v .,, n . . ... , entrance, $12 month. 808 13th. $6.60 per month", furnished room, ground floor, porch, yard; eroso in. 667 u. I FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern, $1.60 Main 9470. THE EDGAR, corner 11 ton. Rooms $3 and ta phone. u p. S car S. to 695 Front. Mar. 119 3, and Washing- free batn and I C, R. Hansen Co. General Employment Agencies HjO I ABblfHEIJ IB. SC and 38 North 2d at.. Portland, Or, Women's Dept. 7th and Wash, sta, Upstairs. Help Furnished Free San Francisco office SOS Howard at. Spokane office 218 Bemardst. MITNICirJL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE All AU-B.AS1 tinaUHlael fesslonal and clerical, mat and female beip xurnisned on shcrt notice. No ees. Ken's department 215 3d, cor. Salmon. , Women's i department SIS Sabnon st ' Main 8S6: A-E6S4. WANTED High school boy living near Montavl'lu. who . has taken manual training, to work Saturdays.. T? Harrl-! eon. (istn and Mill us. . . WANTED At once, 2 men 10 leant o . drive and repair automobVlea. (Tall at Hawthorne Garage. 44S Hawthdrne, CHEF fceadquartera and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot, 285 Yamhill, nmxt to Journal. BOY living at home to learn . kodak finishing business: $4 fd start; rhancu ror anvwncement. . B-16Q. journal. CARRIAOKAnd wagon woodworker, e-x pertencf Carriage A in: Main 2892. ur Works. WANTC-HMISC.' i umbij FISK teaehers" ageoer. "Swetland . hid i., .supplies schools for teachers. Butts S Eldredge Emp. Co. . H N. 2d st Main 1S206. A-1S91. Bennett's Emoloyment Agency 14 N. Id. MT1! 114; A-1981. QntcV service, reliable hBp to ern ployer free. SITUATIONS FEMALE EXPERIENCED lsdy wants washing and ironing by the day. Call -Kast LJ3S8 from 7 to 9. Pwo Mar want lng. Rhone Mr. OlserV MENDING noon- ann e day work, houseclean Woodlawn 3331. Call nd re of children after- enlngs. 'Tabor 890. WANTED Men's. washinand mending aiso inmiiy washing;. - 213 Mill St. CURTAINS. hoteia..lOSgi J housef, one prlcj t5c. by expeta. Todlawn 2684. LACEcurtaina hand la'l 'ierd, called for and delivered. A-J 1 ,7. . " - ) ':- " ClOSE In, large, well furnished front rooms ror 2 and 4 people; cheap; Main SZ63. writ st. .NICELY furnished front rooms close in, also basement housekeeping, reason able. 26 N. 17tn. 4 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 TWO or 3 housekeeping rooms, free phone, gas plates, ground floor, mod ern, rent reasonable; sleeping; rooms 11.00 ana up. ou ueirooni, Der, 7tnand 8th sts. THE ANGELUS. 272- 6th St. Newly furnished irooma, $2.60 and up. AMSDON hotel: nicely furnished rooms. hot and cold water: close In. 268 3d. THREE modern connecting furnished housekeeping roomsj rent $20 month, eluding lights and water: no obiectlon one child. 985 Alblna ave., corner L-- I n n . a r- a 1 . r n f reasonable rent. 4lft 7tn St. - i v-x., -""w ."ou " I antra nr A idi. nwlv riiinf al.4 koums 3 and up; rront rooms suitable housekeeping rooms. 608 Hawthorne tor U11Q.-HB. ltny, in, npir wurrnwi. ave. Heat cat service In city. East SMALL, room in private family, modern, I jizi 80Sa, Sd st. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 DO you vant a good room in a good location ' at ,a low rate? Try hotel Larrabeai 227 H Larrabee St., close In. WANTED Young man to share house- Keeping rooms, close m. 11.25 per weeK. H-itfZB. FOR RENT A few nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, light, water, bath and laundry' fre. Tha Acme. cor. Union and E. Morrison sts. Phone E. 639. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, bath, light. large, pleasant outside rooms, 12.50 and up. rennisnea. l4tt union ave.. cor, Belmont. in rood renting location, for only 126. an cornet t bug. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. : Cor. 4th and Lincoln. All outside rnnrn int, Unln... ft.4a. cleaner; janitor service; $22.58 to $30, Including light, private phones. A 1472. Main 1177. Weekly accommodations. 5 ROOM new house, with S acres, psrtly Improved; will lease for ona year. Owner, East 6171. FOR RENTALS SEE WATSON & THERKEL8EN CO. 806 Spalding bldg. Mala 7692. UftK KENT-6 room lie 966 Gantenbeln; key beln. use, 17 rnonth; at 9)1 Ganten- FOR RENT Modern 7 room bungalow, mi. neon car, juyriie ran. uo norm 60th at., 37th ave. Tabor 2071. . SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE. M. 1068, 616 ABINGTON BLDG. A-1146. $16 Modern seven room house: room for 200 chickens. Key. apply room 3 Washington bldg. Halsey Court ADartments. Nice large 3 and t room suites, close in walking dlatance, 117 10 to $10. Cor. Williams ave. and Halsey sts. Both pnones, i -zdbk APARTMENTS 4S The Cody Apartments 1 and 3 rooms, atrlctly modern, cor. 7th and E. Taylor. Phones Kail 11, B-1401. 1IIKVJE or 4 room aiartment. with pH vat bath. $32 16. 111. 117.60; all out aide rooma, splendid location, modern f convenient . arrangement; beat of serv ice; close In location. The Sheffield, 7th ani Jeffereon ts FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODERN flat, select neighborhood. rooms and maid a room, furnace. flr- Flac. gaa range, ahadee, bardwoc-l ' loora. 214 N. :5th. our. Northruo: adults: references. Apply $75 Northrup. "W" car. liOLLADAY addition. 6 and rooma. modern flata. fine location. 162 Vi E. Id and Multnomah sts., across steel.- bridge, close In, cheap. J X . r II 4lUUtK.N 6 room flat, weat aide, walk ing dlatance: gaa range, shades and lota of flowers, good vlw of 'city. Main 8311. i , NEW 6 room modern flat, furnace, fire-r ' ' place, linoleum on kitchen and bath. ', gaa range, water heater. E. llth. near i Everett st, E-A car. Phone Eaat 654. MODERN 6 room upper flat, weat aid. ' aalect neigh no rnooo . narevwpod rioora..- fireplace, sleeping porch. Mar. 2&14. ' HVh, room flat, modern; large. Rent $15. At 691 Vs ' light rooms. Tnlon ave.. N. TWO room flat, $9; S room, $14; new- , ly papered, water and garbage free. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1963. MODERN 4 room upper flat- eltlo !"! alcove; private bath close in. 442 12th St. UNFURNISHED 6 and furnace; room fist. minutes to good post- The Fdenholmfi and 3 room apartments furnished and unfurnlahed; bath, phone and ele vator. 334 bin at., cor. Market Don't Make a Mistake J Call and see. tha Orderlelarh antawf f raa mfv a vs nnn... m r a eir m atr prlvste baths; low refrraiflat 800. FOR RENT New 4 room bungalow, $10 per month, close-Jn. 781 Insley ave. nenwoon car. - "B ROOM house. 163 Eaat 60th St., near Mt. Tabor carline. 120. newly papered gas, electricity, bath. Phone Main 7765 MODERN 6 room house, walking dia tance. some fruit, rood location, rent zi. 241 Tillamook st. Take u car. FOR RENT House; 4 lower rooms of modern house, with bath, yard. 390 Vi El Ira st. $10 MONTH- house. J. Anabel. -Modern store or 6 room Wolf, 6338 Foster road, NEWLY painted 6 room cottage, ce ment basement. range. $22.50. 44C Union ave. 8. Phone E. 462. FOR $ R RENT Si 12 Call W m RENT 4 Small house at Woodstock, Woodlawn 2368. FOI basement. room house, bath and 310 17th St. 8 ROOM fine modern house, west side, renr4o. r'nono A or Main Z474. MODERN 6 room house, close In. $20. 66 ;ast zsth, near Davis. THE AMERICAN Most up-to-date apartment In north west, 2ist ana jonnson sts.: 4 and rooms, all outside. Apply on Dremlaea or can wars nan 3360. HISLOP HALL. Hawthorne Ave. and Sixth 8tL Modern building, best furnishings. 1 2, 1 rooms; walking dlatance or best car service. THE DEZENDORF. 106 16TH ST., NEARJ'AYLOR ST. ELEGANT 4 AND 6 ROOM UNFUR NI8HED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PHK1VIHK8 FOR RESERVATION, THE CAMBRIAN. 12th and Columbia; large 2 and room apartments, new and elegantly furnished. Modern, close lit. Marshall THE CHELTENHAM. 365 N. 19th, Cor. Northrup St 2, 8 and 4 room apartments, newly lurnmneu; new oriCK DUliaing, modern. a up a. The Newcastle 402 3d St.: housekeeDinr and aleen lng rooms, modern, homelike. Phone main a-ixyo. FOR RENT 461 Rodney ave., 7 room house, modern; walking distance. FOR RENT 3 room bungalow, modern. im. rnone seiiwooa 1469. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 FOR SALEor rent, furnished 6 room bouse, for some cash and trade; one 10 room house: rooms all full, cheap. If sold before 1st of May. . Owner. Main 784S. FIVB3 room modern furnished house. Mllwaukle, St.: bath, electric lights: on car line, 10 minutes' walk from city. Key at 687 1st st. Phone Main 8768. ROOM furnished house. 1 block 4 carllnes. walking distance, east side: 3000, terms. H. F. Reynolds. 429 Sac ramento st. Alamo Apts, 101 ir..v.l 1 J u . Just opened; furnished and unfurnished, all modern. No obiectlon to children. THE MEREDITH 712 Washington st. 2, 3 and 4 room apartments, hard wood floors with every convenience, newly furnished, cheapest rent in the city; references required. KEARNEY APTS., 671 Kearney St., cor. 21st. One 5 room and bath, unfurnished apt. First floor, modern, 136. ONE newly furnished sleeping room, $1 2 60 arfd -up. including a per week. 392 H E. Bumsld. , trie lights, gas, laundry. THE BELMOR. On and 2 room housekeeping apts.. team neat, eiec 148 K. 3d st. ROOMS AND BOARD 19 THE BARRETT SLXSSSr Rooms with board, also table board,' first ciass, FURNISHED nice large front . room with kichenette. If you see. this vou will want It. 89 B. lzth or East B3T9. COMFORTABLE home for gentlemen, private family: good, home cooklna. pieaaant surrounaings ana an conven encea. ts I . zotn St. Be 11 wood 1. IF yOu are looking for rooms, with or witnotn Doara, price reasonable, can at 263 12th st Of phone Main 1168. OUTSIDE rooms, board, bath, home cooking. 16.60 week up. Table board 14 50; -meal tickets. $4.60, 284 Main et TWO finis rooms, fine location, home cooking, re&sonaDle, two Carllnes.- 17 Kearney. - ' PLEASANT room, good botrd,' phone, i H t h ami all hnma Mlmfnrt itbIL-Iiiv dlstanne, $18 perimonth 625 Clay st. LiARGK cool rooms, bath, closet, home privileges', ' 12 per week: board op tional. 447 th. ' ' f ROOM and board for young- women. $1 - per week.- ' Phone Fl 4712. $2.25 Firnished . housekeeping room, ground floor; walking "distance. 465 E. Ash st." - THE GAYOSA Modern "apartments, 5 and 3 rooms, $18 per month and up. Grand ave. and E, Stark st. TWO room housekeeping suite, sink and pantry, free thone and light, close in, $4 per week. '392 E. Burnslde. THREE! unfurnlahed housekeeping rooms. 640 E. Stark. 651 E. Morrison, 1 or 2 large housekeep ing rooms; gas, electric lights, bath. THREE housekeeping rooms, bath, $12; -Ti!ce neighborhood. Wood la em 1093. : HOUSES lItVRNT 12 6 ROOM house orr Seilwood carline. 640 Ell la ave MODERN 6 roam bouse, 246 McHWen; walking distance. Main S2i. FURNISHED cottage and furnished or unfurnished apartments to adults. In quire opposite P. O. at Arleta Station. Or.. Mt. Scott car. SIX room home, furnished, on car line, in North Mt. Tabor, for the summer; surrounded by grove: right rrloe to rlghtpartles. 121 E. 69th e". N. M-V car COMPLETELY furnished 4 room cot . tage, west side, walking distance, yard, grass, street Improved, reasonable rent. 693 4th. NEW clean modern ,7 room tiouse, new furniture, silver arid linens complete. Hawthorne ave., close In, Tabor 270. SEVEN room house, furnished. Inquire oiB jrving si., aa a montn. 2 ROOM apartment unfurnished, large outside rooma, private bath and toilet lights, jwater and phone; very desira ble. close in. 89 E. 12th or East 6279. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS": HI. 7th and Morrison sts. most centrally located, 3 and 3 room apartments, fur- nianeq up io aaie: private oatns. neighborhood. 10 office. T-165. Journal. FIVE room upper flat; IS blocks south of Morrison. 469 6th. - f AlODERN 6 room upper flat, nice loca tion, close in. Inquire 619 Everett st. FOUR room flat, modern, $20. Tyhone Main 7006 or K. C3b4. FIVE room flat. 627 Overton. $15 LorD-r niag. FURNTSHED FLATS 60 FURNISHED flat of 4 large rooms, prl- .. vate bath, closets, etov and ' gas i. range, phone an water; $32. Also 3 rooms. $18. 614 E. 21st at. W-R car. , PLAIN but neatly furnished i room flat, basement, rent cheap. 186 44 t. Montgomery, evenings. . 1 ' FURNISHED flata, 3 and 6 rooms, close In. Call at store 7th and Jefferson. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND - European plan - only $1.60 and up. $ BELVEDERE European. 4th and Alder. STORES AND OFFICES Factory tor Rent Two floors In new brick building. Just completed, at Hood and 'Baker streets, j South Portland. Long lease, low rental. V Building is well lighted and will make -an Ideal location for manufacturing t plant A. L. Fish, care of The Journal. ' LONG lease on half of the second floor at 291 hi Morrison, corner oth: suit able for doctors, tailors, photographers or sample rooms. .. . RESTAURANT in hotel, good location, ; i-o per month, water, light and sleep- . ng room included. Call Central hotel, f t. Johns. DESK j-oom for rent front of flea and . , phone for 5 per month. Apply room f 260 Alder st. NEW. store for rent, corner and oarllne, 815 per month. 'Woodlawn 203, WANTED TO RENT LET us rent your homo, flat or store and save you tne trounie, .Mental JDept, ; 8. D. Vlnient t,Co., 816. Chamber of ommerce. WESTMINSTER aDts.. 262 6th sr..' cor" Madison; furnished and unfurnished apts., 2 minutes' walk from P. O. Phone Mam &s8.. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay st. Modern 3 room apts., completely fur nished. Rates reasonable. ALBERMA1.LE I 3 and 8 room apts., steam heat, phone, bath, walking distance; e.O up. East 4193. 383 Williams ave. Gray Gables t room suites, $21.50 to $25; Phone A-2629. 289 10th st. close in. MODERN 6 room house, well furnished. wnn large grounds. Marsnan e FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 room - house, rant $11. Inquire $25 ctara s ROi !3and board In private family. iSfljk ROOM cottage. 111 N. 31st at Mal ; llth, between Tom bill and Taylor; . fT IU1' A-4662. GOING to country, will giro you the a v. i . k.,.,1,, a-4 a . n rooms, rent only $26; detache-, strictly modern home, large lawn, -roses; really rinaiy rurnianeo ana- uae new; five oown, oaiance your terma: rooms rentea. Pee today, 806 Hancock at., U car. FURNITURE of 10 rooms for sale by; owner, pari casn, easy terms : nave a lease.- 324 Jackson at " . - , . irTri;x.tfrf'vntr-A ft rAAm, 'ti ri.h ,ii sell rheap house' for rent, $50. Phone Main $786. S, ROOM house, partly furhistied.- $40, including 1 month's rent. 8021 17th ave.. Stewarts' station. . Mt Scot t. FOR SALE Fine furniture of tool 3 room apartnjent With sleeping porch; roan a-ido Drickston Apartments -448 llth near College. 2 and 1 nnm suites, strictly first class. Marshall 67. THE NORMANDY A suite of 2 fur niahed housekeeping rooms; also sleeping rooms; no children. 29 9th st. ivortn. irnone -A-Z7 4 3. IF you wish to rent y'our house or fiat, see WATSON THERKELSEN CO. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7593. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC, IS FOR SALE cheap, family horse, fin rubber tired single buggy, rubber tired two seat, harness and barn tools. Have bought automobile and need the (pom. Hawthorne ave. car to Division st; walk one block west and three south, 281$ 68th st S. JS. . r . GOOD team, mare and horse, weight . 2650 lbs., good pullers any place, with' harness and farm wagon. $175, Call 7(1 Insley ave. Take Seilwood car or phone Sellwnod 1645. FOUR and 5 room apartmenta, steam neat, private pnune, fzo-tiu; modern. psg nortnrap. A-enyg. JULIAETTE Furnished and unfur- nianed a rooms, cor. za and Montr gmery. ' MARSHALL. APARTuLmTs' " (34 Marshall st; modern, tip to date 3 room aparimenia. reaaonaoie. rental. CARMELITA, Unfurnished Jefferson -end 13th. apartments. V'n 8968. PARK APTS, 353 HARRISON Beautl- ful ana room furnlahed apta.; walking distance. Marshall .7. A-4421. JULIANA Apta 46 Trinity Place 2. i and 4 room apts., strictly modern, new brick building. $28 and wp. HORSE, harness, light delivery wagon, , pair of horses, weight !890f ' soured, good workers. 838 E. iiib at, Woo-lstock can . , - PASTURE for stock. -LaJd's Canyon Farm, Canyon Road; ratea 10c per day. Phone Marshall 2874. No business on Sundays. J. A. Putney, Supt ' HOUSS and ouggiea tor reot by day.j week and month j special rate t business houses, (tn and Hawt prae. East 73, " '- : -' " -"- , , ONE of th flneat road teams ii town", will lake good 1100 or 1200' lb. lor In exchange. 14 TTnlon are., cor. A an. A SNAT $3i will buy a one horee imk i cry or laundry wagon. - 741 Vancouver sve. - -" ' f. FIVE paasenger aute or in.ortgae r" to exchange for "hoi sea. nuiiui. to Chamber of Ccmmercf. TV(T light delTVery w6'T'e f-r T Phone ffwdlitn II? . SINGLE buggy, for aaie, mium 1 T K k''1mre. - 'AN Ti:H W'.rat ti ..' . Coluinl ! 3 . - ' ' IRIS, COR. 3D ANDMILU . : 4 and S rooms; modern. " w f.' ' '" '' -' i