THC, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. FOIiTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 13. m. 11 CREAMERY BUTTER IS VERY FiRiM TODAY; 'ADVANCE IS GENERAL Calif oraia a4 aahJngl Oal. t tug rv Ju"th fur ImBKolUl VrUirrJ- -0 t Pactlaai WaeUeaU Mark- k.gge wave a1"- t fciO reia T a lie d wwele q'4lC X irt' loaer, ' Uoebrrlaa arrtUfc. ' a.lmuo run f4. i ..n.Kl A r U 1 1 r rtaa - A in. - ' . ,,K fak thotit ll the butter . li, in tb. bull.r trad. 1 due t i ibe ""' ,on V i WOOL SALES TO BE HELD ON DATES AS IS . JMUDDY RIVER HOLDS DROPPING FAST IN BACK BIG CATCH OF NO. PORTLAND YARDS . SALIilONINCOLUMBIA . effort, of Ljaroiire of lc.-W Hair IrHcM Cat rei7 Hoc, Wl Trade! Vaag Vt Wb Mm ! CoaaaJ fa Cuafl lit hltaattoa r mil aa4 (irtmm Ara Holding tut Ilrg alar rlQtKM Adirrllaexl I late. ORIGINALLY PLANNED la 1U4 I Gearrally (UU Tf( Bdl al 7.13 Irta. lha Uy. UUh Wrglrr for Veara, aaj Iruepri Ara for aa Iproeai lhra !Uier KuWJm. limit ,d I. coming from lh. far north, . Jkceordt flit ail 1. invito valley la an ffr ta diM-rd: lh refularly eetabltahrd wool MlH of lb. l'lti' .or I ion. fruuie lm nlrl ar iiM4mi (1m rcpurie of th Mint af hoMlug lh Mm thllt athere aM hi alt be held l certelo pomte Thla haa bn officially dented by II Iluopaf. are-r.Ury uf 111. Aul.lnp. Wool lirow.r' ...iMtatlun f.r a. the rt.i al oh.nlko i. cunrarfiMt. Tlx for ll. aala al In. I tlul Ita. Imi laiall a.trrat llm. by dcalcra, but I.r aa Ifta aa.ociaiion I. oonr.ritMi n III fca h.ld, aa anoouncJ n.ltl. tin Jub. It lrai liall)r no wool ha V-n aald lit lh. Inl.rlor of Urrn of, noi. wllhklaading lh rvot lin( rlrru UImI In aoin. qu.rMr riu h rrMrll a la l. lm tka t1atrMa. Nulk IVrilaaJ ll.i a alaai. callla laa4ra ii ChlMi-lloi lor. calll J ttk.f( ah mb lra. Kanaaa Ct'r Hf tla4f, calila to la llbir, tp bUbar. Boulh Offltk.-Ilaa e Mfh tr. caul leg bifbar, tbHp .. i tl ra unabla liava lnr to mahera. Ihar t I llar wrtl.ta al IhU lm. rrmrrr Inltraaia itiiad VnanV caila far lh-ir aup rwattao ajo ... v. ,,.t (h.r ji la titad a. nor , co.vriutTs riRMjrn ' A flrmar ton U bowlnr " Xoe maArk.l tir hop contraci. daaUft aaf tbror unobl o Oecura auppU.a at Io a eoond for fiad auppliaa availabla around c- A N.w Yor iiiail advlca aaya of tha torai aiiuauon. ' Raealpta for ........... i llacalpla from artambrr 1.. v.twn. from HaDtajiibar I . . . Bl klporta from'bar 1 lmuiri. froin bfD1D,r UfronT .11 h. ''ror'k f",.2J,'.n'i"'.h.Tbl7rfrmar. ina w . k- ara aald by ai lation rlrculalad lr anamlaa or Iba of aal-laf for Iba vols purpoaa ir r.u.ln hold.ia lo ii m trora rru- I.r aalaa rial.a and m.ka lb Ultra a" m jarra Tba .mall d.aU that ban In aaal.m Or. fin .n1 Idabo rut but llttU H)n!ilrrtlm l-n lha total amount of thaaUaarlnf luera la n carnad. . In lha Wlllam.tla all.y tha tnark.t Mia mora ailv. la mill on a llinllJ 4ru..ra ara IHflf a aubatanllal fiilnit of tb. market l fora off.rlnf ntota fraalr. IXTI.AKt) LJVrtlTOCK HCN WaA Toa Xiao frYlday Thur Waak Year .III .I1 .loi . It .lit .:74 ao lit J .10 til ' i : n i:j ii II in 1! If til Tit . Lr awaon mm A I?w s::; oTv. w-ih.r th. ro tu m . .a lr rapid. atiL'V.I 1 In tbla oounlry la aqually true What la tnia of tba farorabt. outlook Vi. .nir. ! auual y true of fcu- ' rot7 It ndi onlr ooi weathar thU luntrner tSTx'a tha contln.nt hra-y arfal many tnore hopa iMIaaeaaon than, Wll,y, th i,; California fancy. " laat. About 100 balea of medium sradea 2 t 2S: nplnah, 26o Back. ' wara purchaaed In thla atata at OMON8 Johhln prlco. Oraron: Tal- lllfll tf, alfalfa. Ill 1011; oata. IU on aa. aHcr. Mm a ad raalli r . 1.UT1 ER Nominal; aitra craam.rr. euba and tuba, STc; prtnta, HHc; oairy. muik. BUTTM. KAT rot.ica.a prieT o. K Portland, par lb, lie. rXK.B C'.nJUJ, ritraa. ZZc doaon; unranairo. Jr; tpot bujlng prlct. 10c i. . n. roriiino. I.IVK IMfLITtr Kanrr hana, lie; broilara, ihr; item IO01c; eprlna durka. 19011c; old riurka. lloUr: lurkrra, J to; drrl. lOtrl.c: pla-aooa. via, (; younf, iigi.ti par aoarn. CJIEHTflri Nominal: fraab rao fancy, full craain. iiipUi aod daUioa, lie, fount Aru.rioaa, nr. . fraita aad Taa.UM. POTATOEm Sailing prlca ntra cnoic. l rholc. 11.10: ordinary. fl.noi lll cental. Buying prti-e. tiirt fancy labia atjek. 11: .xtra cholca, o f. o. b. country ahlpplna- polnta: . w rr ( ; now poiaiora, norma, to pound; Cal ifornia, iftir; p.r pound. VEOKTABLtS Turnlpa, li e par aark: baata, aaek; rarroU. 11; rabbar. H aOMt.OO. alr-xlcan toroatota, li.24; riorMa. 14 00; baana, 10c lb-.; (rrn onlona. He doa. bunch.: pap. para, ball. !6e lb.: head IrMuca. li.EOt l.9 rrate; hotliouaa. tl boa: rodlahaa. CANADIAN Kharn ii?t-a at North Portland r atllna Ovt of Una alth lh. of lb ouunltr an. I thla may forra laayy ah ii-I rnanu to tha ajr 'rondltrona In nt P'. local trad ai unuaually poor. A raw tar load hat. tba .rfatl of overflow. In lh. wania of lb. trade and lha re ault la thai prlr auffar a.v.raly ah.a th.y .hould al Iraat bold fairly alaady. Another aharp cut la mutton pnr.a waa fuixad today when Ibe bat offer Inga of wethere told at It for year, ling aa well aa othtr ah-arwd a(o-k. Wbll one aale of 11 bead of aprlna lamb wa ma1a at IT 1. tba a.ti.ral market maa lower than lliia. t'oiidlliona at tha yard aeenxd lo Inilirafo that klll.r w.r making an rffuri o hold lh decline In chek be- raune moat of thvm had purrha.rd con- klJ.rabl. tlmk at much higher fl and therefor antd lo gi from undr bafor alaahlng miolaltona. Ulllamelt valley aheep ara coming forward In beavlrat .apply and th recant- direct purrhaaea of klll.r al thaae IfTrta haa In reality a-lrJ ajraln.l Ilia general trade, although killer them, aclvr have been hurt by purchaatng more than they could take cara of Im mediately. Saatarn Trade Oeaerally Oood. Trad In the ea.trrn million market ronlinur of good character at moat renter and buyer from that aacllon have been Invading tha Partf lo coa.t and haa purvhaaed liberally during re cent diva. Balea at Khanlko to coaat and other point, ar vary heavy. Dur ing th paat few day th following were reported there: IL Patjen Bold 114 yearling wt. era and 140 z-year-old A blgw river wtia a Jy water I ktaliti. la rlik lb. Ivtal c.Uh of aal HMa la le l'lowlK rK i. ara bawevar. fw4 a Wl taul after ike ! wt-.ia.a tlH opibloaa ara given by Teag T.l far It aa eonao. Id .Ilk aaiMMMi rkl. Pre af J. (k Uefier A Iw af iirookfl.U Taoc .1 .laled lib klegler la ll. wben lha euMar waa ai . f al biuwfc n4h 11. haa ba aufe'laieadeat of lae ranaary or lha rematiir M la aoava firtui aaa aad af lha iVlumbl. lo lb other a the t'blaaiuaa wha boowa root abaui lha aalawro bulaaaa lhaa aay ell. man There U oely a v.ry email run at aalinon la lb tolumbia al iMa Urn., aata iana - '. "alibooffc Mturh gear 1. bnf vfeiai.d In Ibe rlr. lh. water I. loo J y and high for a big ralch aleet of lh. fl.h bol.g caught ar of email la bul aa both In ia and eateni of talrbj la eipeoied aoon. 1 be run to dale I about lb earn at Iftl time during raceal year lh run In th Willamette remain v.ry good and Ibe equivalent of about I email bo la being aaol ta th IHUr Itofki rannery each day. Tha at. reotakn vary good .nd the quality la at retlenl Acevrdloa to the official of r - Hra) - r-wetar e.eiiaay flan I arming thai la celltnt lonji lion. LOCAL .WHEAT CEIIT LOWER HERE V1TH i It DESIRE TO BOY Ulliert An QaxKtM a. Cat QaoUtlo Iml Arw Net lUor le 1U4 trra Ttxmi CVWtaJ Ilor Uarri Arw MbMJa Horn al Irci. aa tmgtL. CaUago. May it. Laf avwrakU a weather- mwguwxia ara ahowa ta ladiaaa for wheat bat lha aal. too far aal la favorable. ""wiiriT rimuucriiu liandaa. Way ttWhaal rargoea firm. Walia Walla for klpa.l. Jta 14 la II. d. rnuH oounlry aaarkaia auitl. yleu h evuairy auarhata firaa. rortTt-AKP UHA1M ItKCElPTi. -Cara- Moaday Tuaal.y . . Vedntedey Year age. taaon to dale. .11141 Year ago IHU Wheat. liariey.riour.Oaia )la i It :t it 174 17 t I tie 111 lll 44 till 1711 PACIFIC HITS HIGH POINTS Saw York. May It. An advance of urea I H, point In Canadian Parlfla today In na race or an ainioai c.oerai oecnn. In tha Block market waa dueed by lb buying of lorolgnera. Blael Block, lou, were purchaaed by Ixirwlon intereala and thla forced a xrac lional advaara In thai Isaue. American stock ahuwed an Irregular ton In London today. flange of Nw York prlcea furnished by overbed! tortus company : ibo ana. Diincnaa, celery, it crate; egg owes for a atralght price of :.It per neau. a. j. conroy aom rdo yeaning plant, ie lb peau. m7c; cauliflower, local. tl.SSof.&O ter dot: a.Dar.rua. I 60cfal.;5 per doien bunches; Walla rocilly therw l but little doing. and no change either la the temper of iba mar- ket or m price. - ail nHm. tn choice. p : tar. AViYSm to-ood. ....: - itaii nrlm la choice.. 41 " 1 . nAnrl Ikfri I 1 ... . . - . pit eowt,- mi', meniuin ,u """::!?,, ; ; trnwDernea. r ionn, ii.mwi.ns per id 111 rraira)- I Aim Anraiaa M 1 1 n tm I ' ft s. 1-arlfle ooaat, 110. nominal , p.rtfla-iaoaai, Je - TaSTTlo coaet, older growthB Uannana, 111 FOGS I0VE LESS 41041 r40 an low. Ho. 1. S4; No. 1. 2; red, tl.bO. crop. 3 per crate; garlic. 7H(fSc KftSII FRPITS Oranaea. 11.7BO t HO: bananas. 4 V0 to lb.; lemons, It rt I before June 1 n.n; umea t I can: grape rrolt. 13.53 iM.SI; plneapplee, to lb.: eranberrlea. It owes at I2.S0. t.eorge Wrlrrht waa the piirchaaer of both lota fur the North Yakima Kueeo.rnmpany. James Mac bought about 1000 head of mutton from J. K Mlnton for ahlnment to tha Seattle market -next Monday. He alao bought 700 :-yrar-olil wnthera from Klsher A I'o. la h- it.llvered at fth.nlka Mr. Kohler of KUn- H- lidtZl '4 LIVEIiY Movement of KK9 outward la leag lively than laat week, and in some quar. Cotawol(t u& ,7c tera there la a tendency to ahada caae 01uc; cj.olco count half cent from last weeka do. , j"? rX gon! : Ins; flglU cliangeo. ta. Recrular prlcea ara un- AVEATHEIl AFFECTING MEATS Owln to tha warm" weather, tha trad la expenencins: aniicuny m uuiuiui .. boat ouallty dreaaed meats from the country. -1 na sioca aoeo no. ii .. green. 17c: green nines. I'm Ho let first class condition aa a rule. Th da-.than united; aheep pelts, salted, fl; dry, lh crate. APPLKS $1.71 Sops, Wool aad aides. HOPS Producers- prlce till crop, c; 1112 contracts, .oc; 1111 ana 1114. 17o. WOH AIR 111. 12 Ho lh. WOOLi Willamette valley, coarse medium thrODahlre. fancy lota. 19c oound: eaatern Oregon, 11016c, according to shrinkage. CHITTIM OR CAPCARA DARK 111 nominal, carlots 6Hc legs carlota tn lb.; 111 bark, cariois, ic; less car lots. 5c m HlDFo Dry hides, rotj-je: green. DtWinc saiien niaon, ivhouc; ouiis, green tlt, 77ci kips, izc: d -The stock does not arrive In green. maud Is limited. MORE STRAWBERRIES ARRIVE 1 . T U. rt lr 'Mai 2424V4c: calf elclna. calvra. salted or attit .nnthr carload of atrawberrlea -- " . V.j 1 o. in.i.a tn lha 1 nogs, iHncy, ivirivnc; orainarv, 10c . came forward from Jos. Angeles to tne - tt,c: yeal lOc- oVii 12D12Hc lb. TALLOW Prima, per lb., 6Ho; No. t na grease, zrrztoo. Meats, riab and Prortdoas. PRESSED MEATS Front street: uosa, rancy, luwiuiic; ordinary, ioc of nine carg irom inai wmiw o. miifton 8(Si9c: 'thla season. The market Is easier, witn xi Aneelea aellfne; at 13.25 per bundle of thre crateg and Florin Dollars Belling- at 11.75 to$S5forbestf . (JOOSEBERRIE8 ARE OOMaNO go 1IAMS, BACON, ETC. Hams, 1U( 17 Hp' hrenlcfnat hamn 14lZtf94lJ. boiled ham, 26c; picnics. 11 He; cottago rEATS -Packing; house Steer. No. I stock, llc; cowa. No. 1 stock, 11c lH6c; ewes, 10c: wethers, nC; iame, l.e, iurn uii.. lou. FISH Nonunai--rtock eon. ino 7h. sunders, 6c; halibut, 687c: atrlped naaa. xoc; cnuiin. kwiimc; aaimon, 12 Ho lb.; Boles. 7e per lb.; shrimp. 15Ho lb.; perch 7fJ Sc: tomcod, 8c; lob sters, zc; nernngs, wc; DiacK bass. 20c; aturgcon, ( ) per lb.; silver smalt, go lb.; black cod, 7c; dressed shad, to; roe ansa, ivc; mu n svv id.; tciaia. bla smelt ) per box. OYSTERS fhoalwatef- bar, par gal- ion per iu 10. h i uiyra pia. per gallon, IS; per iOO lb. aack. II; canned eastern. ESo can., IS.fO dos.o; eastern In shell, 11. O2.00 par 14; nicr elam. (201.3B boa. LARD Tierces, JSo lb,; compound,, tierces, 8c pef-lb. J " NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT eaaiHiaaaaavMaaaM Portland Banks. Clearings today $1,805,S47.98 Clearings year mgo 1,746.914.84 oatu, 24c; beef, ifptc. Oooneberrlea are berlnnlngr to arrive , from Willamette valley points, and are fjoUnaerg, IIIIUIIIPC a 1 ixt 1 .hio niuuiiu a.vs u ..... The stock Is generally of small Blio, but ox g-ood quality. . FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau Bends out the follow ' lor notice to ahlppers: Protect shipments as far north as , ' Seattle against mlmlmum temperatures of tbout 42 degrees; northeast to Fpo- ' ' W.n. - An Atrtm Rniithenfit. to Tolne. 14 degrees; south to hiskiyou, 86 de rrees. Mlhlmum temperature at" Fort . land tonight, about 42 degree. ' 1 . WinTMXT) JORRTWO YTtTflWCl. , Orals, Xlonr and Hay. ' , These prlcea are -.hose at which whole tiers sell to retailers, except aa other 'wlee stated: WHEAT Nominal Producers' price, romlnal, track delivery, club, P7c; . blueBtem, $1.02; red Russian, 69c; Wil- - lamette vauey, sue. t . BARLK iromicers- prices 111 5 Jeed. $15.00: rolled. $16.00: ,lrewlna;. S' , - arriXfTraTrS- -S-tllni price ", .125.00: middlings. $13.00;- shorts. $27.50. OATS Producers price Nominal Track No. 1. epot delivery, white $39, gray ISS.50. FLOUR Bellini? price Patent. 16.10; Willamette. $5.10; local straight. 14.60: bakers'. e,905.1C; export grades, $4.104.SO. HAY Prooucera price llt crop Valley timothy, fancy. $14.60011: ordi nary, $11914; eaatera Oregon. 116.000 IT; Idaho, $1017; mlted 111014; lo w, Q1: wheat, $11011.50: cheat , 11 " , n . . 0 YeRBeCK &C0 OH E CO. , Btoeka, Zonim, Cotton, Oraln." rto. 816-817 Board or Trade Boildina; DIRE&T PRIVATE WIRES TO-AIX'EXCHANGES Hembers Chiefs'" Bosjf'd of Trade Oorrespoadents of Logan Jt Bryan OUcago, Hew York Gain today ..t..$ 69,083.45 Balances today 140,222.72 Balances year ago 169,615.82 Taooma Banks. Clearings today $ 610,164.00 Balances today 62,540.00 Seattle Banks; Clearings today $2,022,221.00 Balances today 121,893.00 Money and Exchange. London, May 15. Consols. 78V; sil ver. 28; bank rate, 3 per cent ' New York, May 15. Sterling ex change, long, 4.85; short, 4.87ft; silver bullion, 60?. c; copper, 16 Ho. Ban Francisco, May 15. Sterling, ex change, 60 days, 4.83?,; sight 4.86 i: Doc., 4.82; transfers, telegraph, 3 per cent premium; eight, 1 per cent, pre mium. ... burg. Wash., has alao been buying In arket. and haa acoulred about 400o head for shipment around tha flrat of be shipped from this point during the month. Probably 10.000 sheep will Mav. Prices paid In the Interior are slight ly better than a year ago. ci,..n - ........ . u T ir.tiM TrnKii 1 load; y. P. Norwood, JUrrlaburg, 2 loads: L. K. West, Oakland, 3 load: W. J. Flake. lane, 3 load.; W, E. liunt, Hunts Pralrld 1 loada; L. R West Ton- cajia, x loans: A. H. Kent, urain. x loads: J. T. Walker. Corvallls. S loads. Nominal sneep prices: Fancy spring lambs $7,004 Ordinary aprlng lambs 6.604 Beat sheared yearlings 6.004 Ordinary sheared yearllnga.. 4.60 i Old wethers, sheared Fancy ewes, t heared Ordinary ewea. -sheared. ..... Wool stock about 76c higher. Cattle Tops at S7.1S. Cattle tops sold at $7.15 In the North Portland yards today and the demand generally wds considered of flrat class character. Receipts fur the day were I li eii t ; totals being but so need compared with 433 last Vednesday and 373 head a year' ago msfy. llest offerings of cows went at $6 but only a few head appeared In the division. At Chicago' there was a firmer ton In tne cattlrt trade and An advance of ion was torrid in price. Kansas City had an advance of 64910c for cattle today with a much betUr demand. North Portland cattle price: Heavy fancy $7.00i$7.15 Fancy steers 6.90 0 6 6 Choice steers 6.75 Common steers 6.60595.75 I Feeder steers 6. 00 5. 26 1 Bpayed heifers 6.75 Fancy heifers 6.76 Fancy cows 8.00 1 Ordinary oouvs . 5.90 6. 00 I Fancy light calves s.ou Medium llsht calves 8.00 Heavy calves 4.00jJ4 2ol Best bulla 6.00 Ordinary hulls 4.004.60 Hogs Bold at 18.40, Hog market prices at North Portland 600 vearllnes are holding steady today at $8.40. Sev- 75 yearlings erai lots 01 tops went ai inis price our ing the day and demand was good. - Kun or nogs was ciuue zair mis morn ing-, totals being 856 head, compared with 355 last Wednesday and 169 head a year ago today. Hogs were somewhat easier at points east of the Rockies today owing to the warmer weather, but the situation is generally satisfactory for thl period of the year. Hog shippers: Martin Sc Hanson, Moro, 1 load; L. O. Peetx, Moro, 1 load; S. C Cloydt. Pomeroy, Wash., 2 loads hogs, cattle ana caivea; rj. uiaric, Ar ' leacrlpl loo I OtnTT(l"ghl l-ow 1 Wd AmaL Cop. Co... klVt US 1H 1 Am. Car F c t t It tt Anu -an.. r. 414 411 o4 40t m. t:ot Oil. c. lV 141. Its lis Am. Ixko.. c 42 41 45 S 43V, Am. Xugar, c... lim 111 131 13 1 Am. Hmclt. c .. I4S tl 5S II Si Anacotida L Co. 41t 43 41H it Am. Woolen, c... Ill, tH lift 2H Atchleon. c. ...H04U iot,;it dotu H. O.. c 'I0' 110 0U 101 Brooklyn It T.. .I 84 U 1&S S &S Canadian Isc , e.'ii I :6 :tlf:cr Certml I-eath., c. 2f- :t 1 C, O. W.. c. . . . 1 8 1, 1 s 1 H I S C !. A H P. ...'107', 107Vll0Hl07I C. ft N.-W.. o U40 140 117 131 U Ches. & Ohio 1 I0U 71V, 0 Vt Col. F. at I., c... 2 :V 2 2 Col. Bouth.. C 434 Cons, (las 1424 141 14114 142V. Cprn Prod., e 16', 17 16 1S T. 4k It C... 1H 204 1V4 1 Erie, c I6H 34 15 "4 3H do 2d pfd 41 V4 44 Vi 414 Oen. Electric ...170 17H Hi ltVi C.I. N. Ore Land 42T. 41S 43 Ut. North., pfd... 11:KU1IS IIP 181 4 Ice Hecurltlea .. 264 17 V 26 H 27 H Illinois Central . 135, 137 U4S 126U Int llarveatcr .-. 121 131V4 11U 120V4 Inter. Met. o ... 20H 10 U 19'4 20 Vi Lehigh Valley .. 17Vi 1784 176S 17S i K. C, ffouthern 25V4 LAN.? 169 15IU 168V4 16 M. St. P. AS.S.2I. 141S 1444 141 144 M. K. A T. c... 28H 21V, 28 28 Mo. Paclflo 40 4' 40 40 National Lead ..67 67 5V 6 Nevada Conn. .. 214 21T4 21 H 21V, N. Y. Central... 120fc 120S 118 V, 119V N. Y. O. A XV. 38V- N. A XV., c 112V US HIV HI N. Pacific, o 120V, 120 119V, 1194 P. M. Steam. Co. 33 83 82 S S2V, Penn. Ky. ...... 1 23 V 124 123V 123V, P. O. L. A C. Co. 109 V4 109 V4 109 V 109 V Pr 8I-I Car, c. 35V 32 V 36V H6V4 do pfd 101 V Reading, c 176V 177V 174 177 . do 2d pfd I I I I 8V4 do 1st pfd 89 Vi Rep. I. A 8.. c... 24V4 244 24 241 Rock Tsland, c. 2f!4 28 28V4 2 8. L. 8. V. 2 pfd. 38ft 3 V 88V 8. I & S. W., c. 33 .13 33 33 Southern Pac, c. 112V4 112V4 111 112 Southern Ry.. c. 28 29 28V 19V Texas & Pacific. 24 34 24 24 T0.HU.tW4c 1 Union Pacific, c. 173H "3V 171 172V4 do pfd 90 U. 8. Rubber. C. 69 59V 6V 69 U. S. Steel Co., d 71 71 69 70 do pfd Ill V 111V4 111 110V Utah Copper.... 63 63V 2 63 Vlr. Chmlcal...r 62V 62 62 63 Wabash, c 8 .9 8 9 W. U. 'Telegraph 83 84- 83 83 Wisy'-Central. c 67 67 66 66 Wheeling L. E t-y.-l 7 . Total sales, C83.600 shares. grinders are realty The eapartaUon of a A further loaa of le a bushel la a how- ng? today In Iba bids for wheal here. lut la gcitetaliy quoted at ilgiir. nd blueal.m al II. 1 a buabet, track bww trwaarater. Kven at iha lower price th trade Is noi keen to tab bold. This Indicates that none of the short of whaat raeord-braaklng crop for Iba coming aeaavn la causing all of tham to make an effort lo held down lhair a locks, which will run Into lh new aeaeon. fur export la very quiet lilda of China and Japan are allll ooosld.rably out of Una with what miller say they can afford lo do buelnaea at. The deadlock I holding In check all trade exoepi par liapa for speelal brands that are Uaed to fill In .lock. Patent flour I firm but do change In prlcea le cod temp La tad. SHARP ' BREAK IX WHEAT DYKE BREAK ENDANGERS rn fwi nil U 0U.UUUU1M TOT nil y ICO Dfli n (t tJw4 I ana. Wle I . JVr (xIma. . La. iay 14. tty Ikaiia4 iraag ar eul.atw4 py a UfMk la lae M U.lMipui river levee lb weal bank. II sailaa) aarik af kera Taa bewaa U It faal wlda. a4 affeeil 1 Maara alLae ef leftiiarr. The aaov aawl was Ike af taa we eat beeak af the 1111 rte4 Patt IlJvwr ftMdtaim. TTATIOM I-eai.iua Mlparia ... I'tttaiilla ........... fuaai ............ Ii.rrt.barg Alboay ra l.ea g, WllaoavlUe , Porilaad () RUIng. it Z X Is Si i r I'fr U 'Jl.le71 l if . . i It li.a . l) .(. 1 ,l it I,'.I t t.l-. I ,1 1 4.t'e. 17 1.1' II 11.4 $ 1 Caltiorala CtoratiT lo Coma. There will be a -"faJlfornl Flrat" eicurelon lo Oeffoa,'!! will ba at lbs Mate of tba Roes raetlvaL Al tba head of Ibe excursion will be preeldeat C C Moore of the Panama-Psrlftq ICipoaHlon. III. aad bU orfletal family, lloats af he eieursloa erill b tha m.mbars of be trregoa First exeuraloo ta lea Franrlaco. LINOTYPE OPERATORS ' ; filAY TAKE CASE TO Dflfl r Liaati a aupleyers save ItaleJ tbe raiuwi ,f ec4 be-k aad affua llaeiyM pel lore far abet tee- $tere a4 tauera say. "What fankar acilaa lae saatehMe wm taka, tr-aay. eaaaa be BMe fMtblia at Ula ilea.' ai4 A. 1'. Taraer. areeideat ac Maiiaoeaaa Tya. grwbtaai aaiua, this sawratag. llaw. aver, taaew has baaa aa Uettaellea, Mkr ea lha 1 at the operate a taa esaaloreia, la nave aay Iraabie aad for Ibe preaeai el leeat tblags will saeve along la lbs usual , Job affloa llaatypara ar gelling li lt a day far algal baa' a They want I work aud.r tk sal thai the aaa. paper afftca aparatare heva, vl: It ll4 fur ava and aoe half bra, aad III1W aa bur overtime. . Vmtm ficrioaa CYiarftei. rreak N. Lahmaoa. I years old. aaa f naak A. Lehmann. a Ullur at Itl Merchaal Trual building, awaa arraatad laat algbl at lb depot by Iwtarllv. Coleman aad Caw oa I wo ckaia, ea for obtaining money under fsiae pre lenae aad lh other for larceny tr bailee, growing out af tha pure haa on lb lastalliaeat plea of a lies at 01 or. eycl from Halloa A Wright Thw raotorcycl wbll yet unpaid for, wa. mortgaged twice, then rtddea to Olympl where It waa sold. Lehmann waa urJ back ta fonlaad last night by a deoay letter and the a plaoad aader erraat In bla pockets, ba bad a ticket for Ban rraactace) aad waa about to leave with bla wife TBABa-SeOBTATXOX. TaVAJrtnrOBTATXOK. 31arkrt Brvaka ltj, Chicago ; Foreign ers r bowing a Ioss. Chicago, May It Wheat prlcea dropped aharply today owing to general, ly favorable drop condition. Closing waa VtilHc-a btianei lower tnn ye- lerdny. Opening was down VOVc rrn maraaiB were generally lower. Liverpool being down Sd at tha dosing- whlla BerUn waa ore So ana Hllf1.FA.t UC. Caah wheat No. 1 red. II. 1791. 18: No. 3 red, $1 14 CM 17; No. 1 hard winter. M.I7 !: NO. 1 nortnem apnng, $1.1101-11: N 3 spring. $l.litfl.l$. Rang of Chicago prices furnished by Overbook A Cook company: WHEAT. Open. Hleh. Pen. 107 1071, Mav .... 11 11S July 111 112 Sept .... 106 107 CORN. 10 81 77 77 . 76 75 OATS. May .... 18 V July 11 12 Sept 41 43 Mar July Hept Iw. Close. 105 105 1 1 4 11 111'J 1 1 1 1 B 101014 A 04 B 77 A 10 T 71 65 131 41 Tl 66 i 62 B 43 B May Jul" Sept Mar Jul" Sept May julr Sept .146 .1965 ..101 ..1110 ..1061 ..1062 PORK. .... 115 147 117 1917 A 1913 1953 1913 A LAKD. .... 1085 N 1100 1090 1097 A ... 1111 B RIBS. .... 1047 1060 1047 1067 A 1015 1065 1073 GRANGERS TO URG E JlIBKMllLil - SrRIXO AND BLMMER BAILTX09 LONDON -- PARIS - BREMEN AZLZBaS AT 10 A, IC. rurila May S5 July Aag. IT KaJacr Wllhrlra . .' Uf S anH July II Ang. IT KaiaY WUbclm drY Groaa Jona a Joly t July I Sep. Kronprinxeaala Cexrllio. . . JuaalX loly .l Aug. Bep.ll Gtwrga Waahlngtoa . . . Jon 18 July It Sep. I Kn aprlna WUtielm . . . Jno 18 July II Aug. It Sep. IT Prlns FrieMlricii Wllhelm Jos 30 July 17 Sep. 11 . TWIN-SCREW PASSENGER SERVICE renew 7a ae 1 Aug. CI SCoealgta Y,nlae .....Jaa Ore Xarfaarot July a Koealg Albert Jaly The MediteiTaiiean zJkS&li1 OBXmzcn k CO Oea. Agta I Broadway, Brw Tom kvOBXXT OATXUI, O. A. F. C, tSO awsH tTV, Crwpostte) r, . rraaels Hotel, Baa rraaotaoo. ' or Local Ageats New York-Portland American-HavTuIlaa S. S. Co. RanrcABTsnpzo boxttb Freight Carried oa Schedule Tlra. ZeO W BVATBB. Frequent Regular eaninga, . fl Yl KENNCDT. Aarent fflg Bail way Baehanga Bldf. ELECTION REFORMS Legislative Committee 'Favors Second Choice Voting and Earlier Filing. Consolidated Gas ex dlv 1 per cent Call money. zy,Szy per cent. -3 6.50 106 6.00 40 mixed 108 4.25 37 sheep 85 4.00 SPRING LAMBS. 93 spring lambs 65 $7.50 62 spring lambs . 68 7.00 70 spring lambs 71 7.00 160 spring lambs 65 7.00 CHICAGO CATTLE HIGHER Advance) of l6o Id Quoted Today; Hogs , town a Nickel. a T . 4 r TT.. wk A Un.ton.,1 load hogs, cattle and calves; aRVoo: left over. 440o7 SarkeT 6 c low! T c-opemna. fiainview, 1 ioaa iiuB. er;- Mlxed, J7.3O07.8(J; heavy. $7.70(0 7.90; rough, .3U(fl)Y.6u; ngni, ii.zow 7.7214. Cattle Receipts 14,000, market 10c higher. Sheep Receipts 18,000, . market steady. -OMAHA CATTLE HIGHER sheen and calves. General hog range: Best light . Medium light 8 40 8.25 8.25 heavy 6.00 7.00 Wednesday's livestock Sales. STEERS. Average Lbs. J363 Good heavy-. . Rough and he; J.C. WILSOfi&CO '-'- SClCBEBS -lrCOf TOBS STOCK BXCHAJTOB , $TW TOBK.COTTOB BXCXAsTOB 7 CHTCAOO BOUtO OT TmADB TBS STOCK A a BOXXr EXCJIASjGB SAX FBAXCXSCO Muln Office MlUa Bldg Baa JTraBdiaao 3raeli Of flees Tancoaver, fiaattla, Portland, lvos Asgales, Baa Diego, . Corcaede Beach. - ' . v - Portland ernes ! Boom k. Limtemnt' Bask jatrflSlay pboaes MarxkaU dtjio. A-4137. , San Francisco Grain Market. Ban Francisco, May .15. Grain calls ' WHEAT. Onen. 'High.- Low. Pee. ......16Z .167 167 North Dec.153 152 152 BARLET. Deo. 166 V "U6 111 Close. 167 152 May ....191: Jan Feb. ... March . May ... July'.:. August epu ... Oct Nov. .. . Dec . . . jsevr xoric UDtton Open. Hi lit -1164 I-'li 73 .....119 1151 ,....1141 7.7." 11 64 7.7.117! TV 11S9 as X - 1177 li? 1141 llil 1161 HIT lit 1141 iili iisi iifi iiis ! 194 A Market. "Low. - Close. 116001 lltle3 11970 llSOfell 1134M15 1143 445 1147149 1165436 115ft0 1165066 $1 CO Worth of Music Free tire announcement, rae nine, 4 his Is. tre, ,-piayer l'ianoa Now for Nearly Every 'Home,?-' - $ steers , 2 steers . 3 steers , 7 steers . 9 steers . 2 steers . 3 cows . 2 cows . 1 cow . , 1 cow . , 3 cowa . , . 2 helfera" 1 heifer 1 bull .. 1 calf. ... 15, caJYes . 2 calves . 2 calves , 1 calf ... COWS. HEIFERS. - BULLS. ' CALVES.' HOGS. 9 hogs $7 hogs ; 49 hogs . 69 bogs 2 hogs .., 22 hogs -1 hog ................ 14 hogs .1190 .1476 . 917 -.1083 . 976 : 933 .1140 .1110 . 990 .1043 .1215 510 1300 160 -136 ' 155 470 30 152. 218 249 195 -200 . 171 3 hogs i) 1 bog ...... ...... Si - hogs 1 rhogs , ; : . : . it jreaVrtlcji .. iif . S 4 1 SHEEP. , Ul Price. $7.16 7.00 6.50 6.60 6.60 6.60 $6.00 6.76 6.50 5.60 4.00 $6.25 6.50 it. 50 $7:25 ' 7.25 7.00 6.60 6.00 $8.40 . 8.4 4.40 S.4J 8.40 . 1.40 ,1.40 8.4 :,.oo - 7.35 7.25 7.00 T.00 ,15-Ot1 Market. Advances Dime; Hoga Are B Cent Up at 87.75v Bouth Omaha. May 15. Cattle Re ceipts 3300,, market strong to 10c high er. Steers. $8. 15 8.75; cowa and heif ers, $6.50 (&7.70. Hogs Receipts 1600, market to high er at $7.607.75. Sheep Receipts 1260, market , weak to lower. Yearlings, $6.6507.26: weth ers, !&.85!t.6G; iambs, $s.40v,od; ewes, to.20ve.bti. KANSAS CIT1 LITITOCK Hogs Are Steady, but Bales of Cat- - tie Are Higher, Kansas Cltv. Mo.. May 15. Hors nrveifi. iy,vwi ..winct pionu, - Cattle Receipts 3000, market S to 10c hiuher. . . , . ' . . Shep Receipts woo, market nigner. ' ,t All Claim Victory. (Cnlted Pre Uad'wlf.f . Bay City. Mich., May J6. With the supporters of Judion Harmon, Champ Clark and Oscar Underwood all claiming that they have elected 17 district dele gates aga-inst t tor Woodraw Wilson.' the Demtfcratlc- state convention met; h.r at noon tndav. Runiwlrtef nf Wll. son. -claimed that they have at least 10 I of Ui district delegates. ' ( (Special to n yonrnalt v Roseburg, Or., May 15. The second day of the state grange meeting In thla city dawned fine and cooL The various committees began to bring In their re ports, the committee on legislation re ported favorably on second, cholco voting in state and county elections, on chang ing the time when nominating petitions shall be filed to 30 days previous to the primary election, and on authorizing the county clerk to send every voter a ample ballot 10 days previous to the election. It also recommended a re vision of the election laws so that no candidate or other persons In behalf of a candidate shall spend together more than 15 per cent of the first year's sal ary except that the minimum limit shall ho $100. Governor West sent word that he wished to confer further In reference to road legislation. Ho pointed out that the Grangers' and "harmony" bills were agreeable in the matter 6f highway en gineer and county bonding, except for one feature, which was that the Grange bill provided that tha people should de termine what roads should be improved. He said ho would concede th superior ity of the Grange bill on this point, and proposed that a new bill be drafted providing that the people should deter mine where the money, state aid and local, should be used. The proposition wax referred to the committee on roads. Dr. Harry Lane, called on for an ad dress, responded with discussion of road construction, parcels post and the Aldrich currency bill., He struck a friendly chord and his handling, of these subjects was well In line with tha views of those present He later expressed a friendly attitude toward woman suf frage. - - . . , Governor West voiced a warning in regard to the several tax measure that are about to be mwiaiea. -. Th good roads committee and the governor then retired from th conven tion to a consideration of road legisla tion. ' " ' ' - ' - , In discussing taxation Master Spenc ald:-"' - - . ' : . .''.'.'' ."The burden of taxation la continual ly . increasing. .On would 'think thatj with th addition of population and an nual increase, valuations that th tax lew mla-ht be lowered.', but the increase of valuation" does not .keep pac "wltJk "We have too many offices and too many departments and each department Is run independently of th ofSer, mak ing a duplication of help and equip ment this la true of city, .county and XrO Angelas aad Baa Diego gteaxusbips YAX.B 3XABTABB Railroad or any snip 10 can, .. ii'.nn.iiiA. i it. 1 . r . . . 1 jaii.ii Lilt. AJfcFV... --..- J . mt,a k. nNT.y atrlrtlv flrat claaa Ml- senger ships on th Coast: average speed 2 5 miles per nour, oosi as.vuo.uvv nun. San rraaolsoo, Portland tl X,os Angeles a. at. wo., FTLANK BOLLAM. Agent Main ?8 188 3BP BTBBET. A-46 EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE, S. SL Bos City, a. a. Brlday, Bay IT. The San rranclsco It Portland . S. Co. Tloket Offioo 14a Third St. Srhones Mala 8608 aad A-1400. 8 AIT FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT BTOBTBt PAOXTZO . B. 00. S. ft BOABOKB aad B. B. BXJXB SaU Every Wedneaday, a'ternately, at p. m. Ticket offlca 111 ahlrd St.. near Alder. Phones Main 1114, A-1314. MARTIN J. HIGLET, Pass. Agent. W. 11. BLUSgER, Freight Agent. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK. PALERMO A NX- NAPLES. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Itinh, Con tlnenttj and Mediterranean point. Su perior Aooommodatlous, Baoallent Oul slae. Efficient Service. Apply promptly for Beservatlon to local agent of Anchor Lin or HENDERSON BROS.. General . Agents. Chicago. III. COOS BAY LINE bTTEAMSHXV bbeazwateb. Sallafrom Alnsworth dock, Portland. 9 a m.. May I. 9. 1$, II, 23 and 28; June . . 14 1? w.lh ....I.. m, I, . . .1, - iiu .1. viviu. irwtvvu at Atnaworth dock dally up to 6 p. m. Passenger fare first class $10, second class $7. Including berth and meals. Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 800. A-2332. Lumber mens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 on Savings Corner Fifth . and Stark FIRST NATIONA L BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS - $850,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Soma men ar liars who never' even r ' tried to catch fish, v. ' k '.. Ladd S-Tiltori Bank ; ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - - $1,000,000.00 . Siirplus and UnHirideH Profiti $800,000.00 jMMl(Li ' Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks ry' -l - issued, available in all parts of the world ' ? Cdrner Third, and Washington St reels