OnCGOfl. DAJtY 'JOURNAL, rORTLAND, TUI-SDAY , EVENING. MAY 14. 10U- THE . 3 -aaaysi sfflomiPfUfffl ii'Eicii mm .: WILL SOON START . FOR REED COLLEGE mm mm I IIIW IIIUII wilfiiaw . - . I'm Going Alter Some of the Other Institutions as Soon aJ'm ThrcuDh.With the Prison," He Say Mrs, J. G. Houston.-cf Port- land Gives $3000 Memor. tal Endowment. KM PLAN BIG DEVELOPMENT ? Ca4iae !. lr!i- Ml" tat (tt .fN l erl.lrg tnrn far 1 a '. that B frf u riH.il at. ''H It m a. i.i. 4 H"- Ws kH.UIl-eJ BSC i fl't " ' " Wl ruKJc tf ! . l-y eyi hl lh! ' f "' "'aha luirt.J.4 U apl I rt1 Ja aen ndoj4 Ilea niinl a l uUlStlip fottdrlB . Mra. Juaet B U lliaten vt ljirrmlt-a Ileal, aHO'ina.! l thjowmeht In '... ..! ff in Mimir of ftr daucntrr. A.i. Jo.e M-Ktluu. who dlat laal July Ik. a U the fuel e.lieiajatilp ettil0nnt ' md ! r.! a It aa nt-e-UI ad all eerl- t:f forenoon ey lTal .lent William T Ku.ter, vtxi paid j, .n4;J I'll i ija iiiiaU ( U In l.aaih tte ni la the alu- lenta , iJiiig la l'Kldil'l toalar. lie f if at li .a'.ailmaat f Ilia fun.l a)-l Um ailat!s fur the mndi. )tr and Ira. llouaivB sau Salem Council Is Advised That Expenditures of 53,000,000 May Be Made'on Extensions and. Betterments. - purchased. SUPREME COUR T STOPS iBaWa luoa a Tka iantl ha lain. W. Mar 1 .". W. Water, rcr-raeanilng llta WalrH railroad latar- rata Mth recatjtly urraa.al Ilia liaJeaa. l r.rt rr araiem. announced laal niahl at malln of I Ha flljr runi'll lhal hla funiarif la j raparjnf aipand tiul laaa tlian U.f.0 t at.iiairtii an4 . itinanl f (la Ilria IK ami Vtout Halam. Tl.a Midi lntiula aaUrwUnt' C)a Una from Matom la rlllvarioa anil I ha lln rul oo for rr uatAcKaliaK lha lCoaaOal cruna tllalrlrl. rt1' MI l tolU Uana-!'' KlucaHon. an4 ainra J.alh ntth f fcr. Mr.'Walara J1 hla mm- il W )a niuarw, tul ety " 0' norne.l. r inctula.t ll oull Niwnr Iniafida to Uh H Una tturtU 10 I . itiai to4 aiwl laafcl' a" "" , riilln la nonor tiar dauctilar'a rnaiuofy I I'oritanti. Ihua . cOtcllnr up lha m Wrfit it t rn" aui"Hf. ir.a .nJumm Un Jram l"urtUn U Kuna. .A naw kialiar I ' i priaa poiirr la a Bill-1 uuslnn wka a aiudanl In tf iKl lor Inlanwbam aiul cllf atrvlca l lura f ciiit ata ana mMnn jrfrro hih -huOl ha comiiiaa , tu t Willi on Ifta Horn txMtlMIa.1 by lata. an4 rhWiltali anumanianam , u,u fttur rar liljh achu aouraa ilal Ma oapoaanla dJar II o ha. Uv. I hrr ycar )J w lauklnf forwarJ rrnor tal4 aajrrar4 an au.li- rJlir;r , j,,, f, a aluJaul la la4 met af at laaal ttf ('I h M. - j vui;ra whn H alrfcn4 and di4. ii.urra n!ar tla-hl unler ia aujUaa ifca rhapel rlraa al Itia cnJIata to fcf lx4--lla' mn a rlaaa. ' j tt, (n ,ft altna if a metixufcl to i TU fownor lhat ajiarl yalil , jj,,. jiou.ion. lha aa4 af hli larin uf of fi. a. Ii oull . V-av lb prlann malilnf monry tar lha ' a( l.a v lua.! nm oul of raanf )iavtrl. . iM4r Ilia ayaiatn in ta"u tan na ioua eri'ro. wumw a turned oo on a.lar iH.r lha aiplallon of lba4r rrlmoa u1ar ron.il T!on lhal woll aJaaoaC lnvllab;y nava '-M!la4 in ' oiif rwaC-. Tha ro amor atalfj lhal acpnrailnt -t i Km nlJ lima nollilrlana frotn xhalr ka lM eaunad an rarlt i.ualia. J go4af aficr aoflia of too othar tnitltn-' iona. Prapa j far ooa mora 4rtli- A-i" ' , . ! Two imprewlva fltatiunta waijo by ( VIA A MM It 9 tt P i , -Jf bum kaara buar and Irla liquor -alona. h I' ,n, Ruh lrou i'la:" "Eyarjr man ahouid la mada lo hiork,. No man la rntlllrd In at unlaaa X orka and doca aotr.athlar uaaful tor -lha lnettcutlon." I Tha rovernor darlrad lhat ha dl1 not ara aoar inacil ha waa crlllclsad j-araoonlly, but ha wanud the aupport j la Mtt tha aubils for hla nollelra. othararlita ' corner iho could not "ba mada a aucccaa. Haialraata. which la lad for 80 ycara ald ba hopad ha would hara lven him ; thai Morchanta National Bank at a rnaa aucti orportunlilea to addreaa tha 'monthly rrnta! of 11600. At tha oplra- SOCIALISE CALLS E DA E CHANCE OF A MAD RO BETRAYER COMPROMISE NOW; ; - ' : nrrn it xnrnnrni Says' President Not for People of Mexico; Americans Not In Danger.' Wiraf 14 Wan MRS CAROLINA TRIMBLE DIES: HEART FAILURE BiMzkmt .Jaali-h al waa lnrd to h rrl fallurn. , fw houra after mh had arrWad from iviriland for an ftlrndwl vlall. Mra. Carolina A. 111 narh Trimbla.. wldA. of Judta W. F Trimblf. and a membor ot ona of I'vrt- land a waallhlaft plonarr famlllaa, ilja4 at tha boma of I r daughter, Mra. A. K. Jtcarra. In t)akand. Cal.. yfatarday. ller auddrn illnraa followrd acvfral yara of auf ferine from aalhma. Mra. Trimbla waa a daurhtar of Patrick Kalrlah, a ploivrar of Ui!. Several trarta and buel-ni-aa blocks in and about I'ortland aland in hor name. Her moat, valuable hold- tlia property op. tha northraat of Fourth and Washington to OAK STREET OPENING '.people of tha atate and a hoot wkat ha .la dolna. I Tha fflvernor declared VimA InlA rfT'rm Vint n w tell tha truth that when ha eonm tlon of the U-aae. now In torvt ono year. the $100,000 building bum by ths bank will corqe Into poaaenaloa of her estate. Her property Jioldinga are attmated to ISaWaj Baraaa af Tba JaaraaLt Balam. Or, May !. A drrtalnn of considerable Importanca to I'ortland waa handed down today by tha auprene court, la which John Clartt wrtni hla con tention that tha clly cannot forte thfl openlnjr of Oak alreet running wait to an Intersection with Jlurnalde. which would croaa hla proparty. The lower court decided In' favor of tha city and that opinion la reversed. The caae of tha State va. the Ptrat National bank of I'ortland. appellant, which la a ault to eacheat an unclaimed bank depoolt, la affirmed. Other oplo lone wore: John A. Sanderaon va. rvnlnauler Ixi ruber company, appellant, appeal from ilultnouiah. action for peraonal damasea, reversed and remnnded. George F. Brlce. appellant, va. C. Q. Younger and George F. Brlce, appel lant, va. Lea Colhuge, appeal from Multnomah, ault for Injunction denied. IndUii.iHij;. I at. Mar 1 4 lOranrla. e ! I Jira la addraaaing ibe aovutiat eoaeeallun hero today billerly aauaoayl rYastdanl Kraeiai 1. ytad af MealcOb le lira cam lo lb Called titaia la aa affett la ireni nU gor eminaal frvrt iittarfarlng lo bieKo auaira ia aeur in. y adm aaya he la for lha paopla, Ila l a liar. He and hla ansliy are ainung the biggest laadlurda la aieilco and ha ha tlrytd the bleslcar.a. 'The Mrtlran rvVOutka. tm bound, lo aotM'S'4 wllhin two roonll.a. Ueneral Dniio la nut lha leader of lha rroii lion. Me le only an Instrument In lha handa of the real leadera Tha Amtrl ran government would Uka to Inter- ven In Xlaili-o and aave gentlemen hav tag Htoaey and lands I her a lhat ought lo belong lo Ilia paoi In. "The suggestion that Arnrrt-art Uvea and property I her a are aitdaagered U a lie and part of a propaganda to have America Intervene," Tha resolution preaanted by TV. IX Haywood ladoralng the Coinhagen In tarnalional ronveotloa aud declaring for a world wide atrlka lo prevent war waa rule.1 out or order. Haywood then denounced lha charges preferred against him by tuclaliala of Denver and Hrldge- ort. Conn. : U Chairman ; of State Central Committee Gives . Rivals d Chance to Caucus; Hay . Is Urging Some -Agreement; a Tba Abarda.u, . tVah May It. th aleeflaal imttllleg of fv members tn fiorn tha Taft anj Rooaevalt fo'vea cob far ring during lha noon hour. tbas has arrived tba fuel poeJlblllty t any comprofliiea to avert dirw-t hoailllilaa la ihs Washington convention catle4 far tomortrow, - The silata commlttss ml saornlng front tba outset niaalfaeted lha as tab l of (ha ti reach. Uovernor M. K. Jlay adtutitad In an adJreaa tha aerlousnaas of tha ituatlaa, and ounaelUd lha own. mllteo a.galnat any ael lhat would eon filet wltn tha known aenument of the voters f ths state. s - . - Follow Ing tha JJaAaa4reaa th com. cnlttea aougbt lo maka headway bat wss loimediatslx bloiket by a inlaunder elandlnar- between jcretsry . Snyder, a Itooesvelt ufportr, and tha pro-Taft commit ta. ijnrder refused to turn m the cradanllala and raooros of tha corn- mtttea proilea. lis was dlracte4-to dJ by m Inoiion of tba comsnitte4 avftsf aharo debate. la which he waa bat lartially aupportad by Kooaevelt f ureas. After tours of delay a- subcommittee on momberelitp appeared 10 maka a re. nri r-fs ivrp kl k urn I w,wl lB" "man i UtLtuAltb NAMtU I Chairman Coiner lhat there appeared oma reaiM to twlleva a com prom I ao be. I ween the oppoalng force a oould ba brought .about, and ha adjourned to ao afternoon hour permit nefotlsttons." L1N0TYPERS WAGE . CONFERENCE CALLED -. . J ' k ' " ' l. . . " . ' Aw wis scit pal lata offset by IUe. Kt.al 1)H-ralhual unlaawwbtek triage tha wsgo of libalypas operalofa la Jwb kbr fa cxaruros le Ibwae p4 havlar ofwaloea, baa led to a raU for cdiifern-a thia arierowua beiwaaA vpreaiailva pf iba tauwa and their saiKyera. ;Tbe reJst lor Ua roafar. aAce, skits wilt bo bald al I 10 ortwK, oarna fraja tba f elnl.fr Itoard of Trade. .1 lha orricial exf saiMle af 1 aiatlus era i i . , , Abed II ffilMirc frita ar affata4. Uovtipo wpataifa aa work aa al praa.nl tilt a way t algbl SMtia kay atk k .iiewapaper 1 of it U to saa a4 xa ba'f boui. a rAiiitui of 11 cunt lor a day half an hour aborts a4 ettrtlu-e jay la l.ltt an .or . ' - - ' I'fOrrait Itoal tapatiataa, alaaloa Olf. May irwel troof' aaar haa Mrla4 ladaf I bat they b4 routed ! JUpallalaa near Uuaa. tiMlaoa. -ig".r-oaa rebel ar r(rt4 sUin la lh fight. . Jourtia) Waal Ada bring rooulta. m.jf. a -bulb 87 DEVELOPMENT Into off lea muni man for (trivial offense were thrown into prlo. wortU mora, than half V. million dol- fn with dSa-eneratea , 0d cooflrmod jiara. . .. crimlnala. ant If not crlmjpala when .According to telegraphic information ithfy went la Uey certainly would ba received by her aon. Dr. .We A. Trhnblo. h i. ,. ,. "Tu. li.j .e 7&T Caat Knrnalda atraet. lodav. lha bod V Ithlna- la a erim " tha nv.rnnr ria. will arrive at Portland Thurdayaccom- clarcd ?WXan X oamo into office Ihera Pnld by. Mra. Trimbles daughter, Mlsa rr ahou 464 man In tha prison, at I May Trimble, who waa -her 'traveling ilraat 50 if whom wore Idle. How carr-ompanloo from Portland , to Oakland Jyou- CKpift to reform men when you iearI1'"'r In thb week. .keep Unh In tdleuese. . Vhy. si per Ko arrangementa for th funeral have Jcwitjpf rlrao la tho result of Idlcne;.n. jboen made. Tha probabllltlea are. how Tfrcat cro !rt4flthedlcc be held -from tho ath- onor men." th governor aald. "but even (ol,c cathedral and Interment will take then wo-sometime cnaJce mistakes. tr.lP1"c Calvary cemetery, by tho aide -tame, a Other people with problems to1.0' her'husband. who died in 1888. fworte oot That -wo have not mad mora f -Trimble, who was 82 ycare of tnlatakea is most remarkable, consider- ,"e. la survived by two Bona. Dr. Trimbla Sing--tba general class of tba men we ,of Portland and AUorney Raleigh Triro 4,ive to work with. Our eiDerimanti t' of Halelton. D. C., and two daugh- jiava'intived auccgaful in 8T per cone! tera-,.rr. X.-E. Rogers of Oakland and THREATENS TO HAVE SUFFRAGISTS INDICTED Mlsa I. T. Martin, antl-suf frsge speaker, is now threatening to go be fore tha grand jury to seek Indictment of soma of the suffragist speaker who gave her a grilling last Saturday after noon. Making oraf complaint at tho of fice of the district attorney yesterday. She declared ahe, intended to inalst on prosecution if retraction are not mad before Thursday. fot tba caac." yV The go vet iror1 also' addreaaed the chif .frlren of tha city at 4 o'clock in the ajrtr .ernoon aqd had a large aU4cm e. (INSAIiE SOLDIER LEAPS I --ATtf DEATK IN .RIVER f A v I i I. f' ItenaUb Petroxsoh, aged 21, an insane oldier. yesterday afternoon beat hla fcuard Into Insensibility with the shackles that bound hla arm, and then Jumped verboard rom tho transport Thomas nnd wo drowned before he could be res cued.- .Tho-body waa recovered several Sioara latec,;by City Grappler Brady, who Allved, to the bottom of tha river for the jjban. Who w,s hold there by the irons on his wrists and lee. Petrozzoll was It member of the Fifteenth Infantry, and jpnlleted frsm St. Louis.. He had been Utloned at Tin Sing, Chins, but was laing retut-ned l.ere for medical treat-I jnent on, account of his mental condi tion. ' I Miss May Trimble. Three sisters and a brother also survive herrtney are Mr. Matilda Oearln, Portland, owner of the property'" on which the Rotbchlld build ing standi; JJrs. Alfred R, Kelly of San Ki-an.clHco, owTier of the Raleigh building at Sixth and Washington; Mrs. Frank McCormlck of San Francisco and Will- ilam Raleigh of Tillamook. Or. Mra. Trimble resided at 204 St Clair atrcet. BICYCLIST HIT BY CAR; INJURY MAY BE FATAL Suicide Follows Shooting of Woman. . Olympla, Wash., May 14. The body of John Thornblpom, who shot his els. ter-ln-law, Mrs. Anna Thomas, Sunday, was found In the underbrush near the Thomas ranch, where the shooting oc curred. Thortlbl'oo'm had committed aul oide. He was aged (5 ycara and hid twice assaulted Mra. Thomas, shooting her through the check when she at tempted to resist him. The woman will' recover. Mrs. Thomas recently came to Puget sqund from Portland, settling at Brighton .Park, near Olympla. Her hus band is employed in Portland as a ma chinist, i (Hales Boreas af Tba Journal I Kalem. or.. May It. Coveroor Weal ppolntod today the folio alng vrrgon delegate to the Tforth west TVvopmnt congress. To be bald In beat tie, June to June : I M. 'Rowen. Baker: If. 3. O'Oorman. Bakert W.T. Oaaklna. Cnrvallla; It, W. Johnaon, Curvallla; tl. J. Laiella, Ore gon City; M. TX' Iatoure.te.' Oregon City; E. Uratke, Astoria; J. R. A. llennett. Astoria; H. T. McCormlck. Houlton; W. I. Piue, rainier; O. A. Hunter, Bend; Willard Wlrti. Prlneville; U J. Pimp- eon, North. Rend; Hugh Mi'Laln. Marsh field: W. fl. Meredith, Port Orford; W, A. Wood. Gold BeaVh; F. L. Beard. Yon calla; H. F. Joneit. Rneebttrg; Judge Kd ward Iunn. Condon; K. J. Clough, Ar lington; ceorga H. Cattanach. Canyon City; V. O. Cosad. Canyon City; J. F. Mahan. Mule; William Hanlry, Burns; -E. C, Smith. Hood River; O. M. I'pte- grove, I'arkdale; C. B. Watson, Ash land; Wj. V- Colvlg, Med ford; Stephen Jewell. sTirants Pass; J. A. Plover, Orants Ias: 'vV.-S. Worden. Klamath FaJla; C T. Oliver, Klamath Falla; Dr. B. Daly, Lakevlew; V. .SnoUing, Lakevlew; 1L II. Veach. Cottage Orove; I. II. Ring ham, Kugrnie; Charles Harding. Rout Lodge: J. F. Stewart, Toledo; S. M. Oar- land, Lebanon; C. O. Burkhart, Albany: J. R. Blackaby, Ontario: Ivan K. Oakea, Vale: M. A. Buren. Salem: fieorga Cusl- tf, Sllverton; Sam E. Van Vector, hepp ncr; C. A. Rliea, Heppner; D. O.. Lively, Portland; George M. Hyland, Portland; II. Hlrschberg, Independence; Gena Hay- ter. Dallas; L Barnum, Moro; C. A. Buckley. Grass Valley; J. O. Bozorth, Bay City: Thomas Coates, Tillamook;. E. B. Aldricb. Pendleton; D. C.Brownell. ITmatllla; George C. Blakely, The Dalles; W'alter M. Pierce. Hot LAe; Dr. it K. Hall. La Grande: C. H. Evans, Lostlne; Sam Pac, Enterprise: H. C. Atwell, For est Grove; John M. Wall, Hlllsboro; J. 8. Stewart, Fossil;' James Wilson, Wat erman; W. T. ilacy, McMinnvllle H..C. Gist, Vamhill. ' , i .. , . " Von Iileborstrln' Honored. iCalfad rraaa laad Wlral Berlin, May 14. It was officially an nounced here today that Baron Marshal von Rlebereteln ba been appointed German ambaasador 10 Great Britain. I u . 1 - i , iL'.esi "REGARDING VOUR SAVINGS r Th bttt form of invitmnt ( m urlon account with this ' 4nk. Your monrf on deposit la avallapU whtn n4dt4. OoVana accoont thia tnonth and your monay btgint to '.draw Interest Juna 1. ' 1 m - ' '. If you wlab a Homa Saving Bank wi ara La4 to furrtfs securitv savings & trust company V.' : ' v "M0RRIS0N AT FIFTH ST. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - $1,400,000 Germans Scout French Frontier. Metz, Germany, 'Mar 14. -Successful experiments' wore conducted today by n squadron of military aeroplanlsts, with Prince Henry of Prussia .in oommand, which scouted the French Tfontler along the boundary line of the province of Alsace-Lorraine. The Zeppelin dirig ible cruiser Victor Lulse accompanies the expedition. One Advantage of Tailored Garments Is that they always hold their form your form. The moulding and cutting of the cloth, the stitching of the scams and the per fect finish, is responsible, for this. r Every stitch in our suits is taken with a thought to your perfect satisfaction. This service costs no more. Ask any well dressed man about KRANER & CO, ' IMPORTERS ANlX TAILORS Second Floor Couch Bldg. 109 4th 'St, Near. Wash. ft Journal Want Ads bring results.. 'eii'.i i Do Gla You Need . i sses i 7 Attempting to cros , Morrison street near Eleventh shortly after 12 o'clock today, oh his Tilcycle, Emery Lang. 35 1 years -old. unmarried. . rbf 1088 Front ' street, ran into a Morrison street calr and sustained serious injuries which i I may result in his death. Immediately i I after the accident he was taken into the i i candy .etore of Batterson & Smith; at i 406 Morrison street, where an attempt' was made, to attend his IniurloSi- From tills place he was runhed to the St. Vin cent's liOBpltal. In the Red Cross ambu Ifince. lie was found to have sustained j a Iract,urcd skull and broken leg. Lanlf wias riding up Morrison street 1 on the south side of the thoroughfare, and strfrted across the street, directly behind a Portland Heights'. car, .which was facing down Morrison.' friable to see ahead of Jilm on account of the "car being in his line of vislob, ho ran Into a Morrison street car;' wlileh was going up the street, and was thrown to the pavement with much force. "Tl)e bicycle was demolished. ' " f'".rci. ELK FIGHT DUEL TO THE DEATH, TAfT LAYING TEDDY LOW Come licrc and be fitted. We rc specialists. You are as - sured of the best optical serv -ce here to be had. Our lead ership is unquestioned. Our "opticians . are of the highest tcchhical skill and of many years oPpractical experience; -Our "plant is the largest,-roost COEipkte and most modern in , thi daritryf artd'we-guaran-' -tee that your eyes will be per ,' fectly fktcd to their require-. Ttnents. J . "7 ,V a. mm , ilih.Cs3 Work .' v,, : . AT THP Lowest Possible Price THOMPSON Eye-SIgIit Specialist CA rtcos COF RETT BLBO, rB AMD MOUUSOaT. ' . , ortl4,..Cra)goa.:':.f' 4 Roosevelt dead! Taft In con- . trol! , This startling report came to 4 State Game Warden William L. 4 KfftleyUhls rrrorning from the . 4 AValio-wa forest reserve, where the herd of 15 elk recently broUEht from the Jackson Hole 4 country in Wyoming were in 4 stalled a little overa month ago. 4 "Teddy .Roosevelt", and "BH1 Taft," as the two big bull elk , were christened, had, many a 4 tussle oveir-who was best fitted to -rule the" 600 acroi of the. "Billy Meadows'" pasture, their new"hopie. 'it seems that the 4 superior weight of Big Bill" carried the, day.' ;' - . '.Gn account of his marked ag- , greSsivenefis the betting favored 'Big Stick, Teddy." but Taft got the solar plexus blow and in i i: ! It . celyed Internal lnjurle to which they Buccombed. It Is sapposed : Wt; Teddy wa hurt when tie a was thrown to hav bis antler y ...ui,Vn jLeJure, eiraimg-,. Teddy - joned the Ananias club In elk heaven. In. addition to the demise of . the 'great ' warrior the' community- is mourning the loss of two members of the gentler sex, and one of tjie latest addition, a young calf. Warden Flnley be lieves that the Tougb trip from Jackson Hols county to the Wal--Jflwa reserve- w oo-mueh for . the animals, and that thev r. " . j 1 .4 3B 1 SpecialAssoiMment 1 C. E. H0LLIDAY CO. , 355 ALDER ST., COR. PARK 44a444444 7 " 4 'T e Ladies' and Misses' Man Tailored Suits: ' ' "rVdi "th? JBetter .Class) t - '--SUITS, FORIVIERI 7 ' . . -surreFqiwE Handsome and exchjsiye styles, novelties and plain- tal lored garments. "A larg(?, collection .of new models. Smart) Man-Tailored Suits of Superb alityi Dresses Navy and Black Serge Reduced 1, Different and distinctiyetfrbm the 'uua,; ah.Jndi-: yiduality all their own.j A remarkable ?xt2$ of ex-: 5 elusive lriodejvxharhtfng usual styles for which this exclusive shop "is. noted., $25X0 DRESSELS NOW. . .1 ... .$18.75 $lcf50 DRESSES'NOW.;. , . . . .$13.90 v: 5 "! ' ' ' '-.' .-. - - , . - ' v' v v' W-'-; tf'.-.' v 1 - . ; . NEWSPRINGT. STYLES v. Makes Formerly, tntrolJetJ iyMrfWjiJlM ''tfT' t t'iV'i 'iz,: - I i 1' i. ' EKjECTEKS fans KEE1P cooil a The best way to keep cool and comfortable during the hot weather is to have an Electric Fan. We have ,them for oflke, store or home. All Sizes All Prices Have your old fans oiled and thoroughly cleaned be fore installing if not, they are liable to burn out. We Will Install the Fan for You . M. J. WALSH CO. 311 .STARK STREET, NEAR SIXTH Telephones Main 879 and A-1879 7 1 Ar)FJ2r -'"i - t'liii Plav cir Pianos Now for Nearly Every Home Study This Carefully and Sec How Really Easy It Is to Make Home a Musical Home. The extraordinary proposition to sell lateat ruaranteed t pianos - at reaucea nrlree and on payments ot only 11 week will have to end In a few days, for by thia time all the pianos In this undertaking -will have bqen sold, and 518 Oregon homes will have benefited by thia onDortunlty, We found many caller who wanted to iiuyi even finer piano than those In thia sale if provided on correspondingly easy term, and so we have arranged to close out before our Great Annual Rose Festival Exhibition all the most valu able and the very highest grado upright pianos and some of tha .most costly Baby Grand In our main and our fourth floor salesrooms. We have reduced price wherever possible, and the pay ments will be only II a week. You imply agree to pay at the" rate of S3 a week, or so much a month, and one of the finest of Decker, or Kim- balls, or Weber, or Steinways, or even 'a ChicKering, inougn in a pimu cue, 1 ent to your homenght away. ho use oxroro ohsai We have learned that some doalera In trying to. . compete witn this sale have tried to make people believe that tha instrument sold by Ellers Music House upon these especially low , terms were not -good i4nstrument--in T otner nrds:' were !t:heai goods." This is not the cao. Every instrumenjt ln the sale I - h tgh grada -nd- 6 guaranteed, a 1-na-ula.r catalogue , atyle euch as. any mansion would b proud to owna cred it to every .home.' -; '- .; . jnA now the nation's very proudest names the ' most exclusive makes, the very - b'et that - money, -no-- matter - hotf much,' can buy are Included.- And not only are the prices reduced but pay ments are only 12 ft week. BTUST THXSH GREAT HAatS&V Think of securing choice of numer- nua aranulne WCDer moe . irena na three Wober upright, brand new, at aunh srreatlv reduced price, ana pay -in .only: tj , week. A couple of Stein- way ' grands, same, terms. Beautiful hiehest award Kimball- upright .and two JCimball baby grands, $2 a ; week, Three of the Nation's highest priced and moat valuable maice, me. wnicKonng, navmenta t2 a week. . Bevoral. splendid Deckers, same term. The remaining beautiful Hallet 4 Davis pianoa, and two f our superb -Sohmera. All a re duced prices and. $2 a week. fiMtlM beet Dlanos to be bought else where at $a5. Here they are. only, 487 now. payments $2 a week. . Others, only utt S41S. SS86.T 1337. ' Tho magnitude of : this undertaking and our determination to sell every one of these-ptanos before Commencing our Annual Rosa Buow n;xniouion tnaaes this possible. - -.-.--.v " ' ' ,' yr.a-a-em FTaJrOS ' WZTSTJr .UACfS, Simultaneous with t"he "great distri- biitlon erf. new nanos n a w.eca. while oare'stni supplying- genuine for oniy l21,"$lSe and 1 165. a great co-operative flayer Piano purchasing ifn lias been formedv Thi wa ar- ranged under tha'auspicc) of h Eilrs Music House in conjunction wuo in four greatest . Flayer iiano manurac- turers of America. This, too. brings many advantages to the bur, and makes possible great savings, as well as most extraordinary easy terms of payment. Splendid brand new Player Pianos Instruments in the usual way of figur ing surely worth $650 each are now priced only 1485, and to be paid on pay ments of 12 a week. The Auto Player Solo Grand," which quality could, not be obtained In the usual manner for less than S800. Is now brand new, only . $576 on' payment of $3.60 a week. ths raw ACMX-rooSic. And now the latest of all, the 'Kim ball Acmelodlo Player- Piano, the like for less than $1250, is now to be had in jJf choice of, fanciest mahogany. mot-.' I tied French walnut finish, and also in superbly figured quarter - sawed - oak cases for $778, and payments are ar ranged at only $3 a week. There Is also the elegant little Baby riungalow Piano, priced brand new only 385, on payments of only $2 weekly. A range of assortment and design that has never heretofore been presented in any musical Instrument house in America-- : , arcsxo mu kbkvxcx. A free music library service is in cluded In those prices; so is a i bench, delivery free, no extras, no waiting, no task to.be performed- In the meantime we are continuing also to close out all our Pianola Pianos, which have been superseded by the lata improved Player Pianos de Luxe, etc. At the reduced Tjrices -we are offering these Pianola Pianos they represent the most wonderful values Imaginable. As previously .explained, -on account of legal .protection which' the contract price system at the present time en joys, we have agreed to advertise and ticket all our Pianola Pianos at these reduced prices as "second-hand:" ALI. AT BEDUCED PBICE. fcvery Weber Pianola Piano, is to be sold, as stated, at prices', exactly $320 less than the combine dealers are ex pected to ask. - Every Bteck Piano Piano is to be sold at prices reduced as stated, namely $285. .Every Wheelock Pianola s Piano Is to be sold at prices reduced, at stated, namely $236. - , . -.- .-.- , - Every Stuyvesant Yianola' Plant! .;ls to. be sold at prices reduced namely, 4185. ... $ioo anrsxo mus i-bibb.-.. ' With each of theso Instruments sol we now -give free, in -addition' -to immense saying 4nade 'possible during. the aale, an actual $100 worth of Metro- style and Themodlst rriuslo Tolls. ' ' It Is undoubtedly safe to, say . that v this will be the iast-opportunity- for ,-" any one to secure one of. these contract- . protected-prlce Pianola-Pianos at such, - . reduced prices. ;. How much- happier, -, brfgher, better - 1 home, is where there Ts music!. And ' now- only' a little payment . each week, -or equivalent by the mo th, does it the V. Ellers ! Music ' House. Largest ' musical instrument merchants Jn America 40. stores the home- of the C&ickerlng, th'. Autoplancs the Klmball, etc., in the Ellers building,- SeventB and AJder.i - . . -A.