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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1912)
I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. 'TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 14. Hit 4 PKEPARINGTO SAVE Squire Dad Sylvester of: Newport, Or., Champion Spinner Ha Wtara U Iuh T, IhiI Xo f Wo? lea ld,' Aha-nagta. t(ofl M x4 4 a AraVl Tfcoa. JU-aOa CmM pea It. Tmt HU AH USB Firs Wardens tnd Ranpcn .WW Exercise Rigid Over sight Over Forests to Pre- . vent 'Ravages of Flames. t raw n e tv j-imi i "-. tr. May 14 Aa ftTa asassa alaaa Ui taauaaraUaa e a Siala ferf-esxry 4frul prrfc (! rareatar r. A. miotl U arepartaa 14 lee a a mwI of lietrteflaas to r rar4eaa aae! raaf re walea. Bw Will M tB SBaWAS Of irMlIf rseiUtaflaa; U rt f. freieetlR Uw sl lianas reaourree of (tie aiaia (hla immk. TbS snaaual la la Iba haaaa of ta priatara and will ba raay for 41a. tf.bwtloa fcr west wees. .Far lha purpoaa af Impreeelnt; lla waraeaa la ' Isaac rtawra of wt'rk. CUla rWaata IClHaat alwsa asvsa reaasaa way la at la ajpertetee ma- far taa aeolaotioai af foreaia Trm After aaaarttaar that ta 1111 lata taat laa tireaar fcy ftra taaa tr-U- aay txavlaua raw far rate ttara l a rear rat tha timber aastraywa U(lla4 aaaraatmalalr IT.tM.M feat, te floirad aa tha aaata af aoUara Hi aoeta, aaaats4 ta a laaa la tha Mopla of tt KtU af aaora thaa !.. ft. ' , iltraa amt af Qarsleaaa isa. Tba rarda a bow a that TS par mI thaaa flraa aoold havs bean avaMad oaxa aaa baaar lake by awarybexJy efacaraad. wblla aa!y tT par rn war report aa ta hava start tram oneroid, atle eaaaaa." aa ra Farsstsr KlIlolL tbJa tnaaaa that appraslaaatsly IIM.M a laat ta tba Bubtla tkrouch aara leasaasa. - A. 'similar loaa would oot ba . tolerate ff K fail dJrwrOy apesj tha frair. awa was aaa a aa. w ViaJK inauirr " ll iaaould tha alata aa laeUffaraat ta tha aaoaanala raloa af Ita Umber laduatrr?" , iPnc4ing thla. tha atata (orvatar aajra: "Oraatnt haa mora atandtaf tlm- . bir thajr aay athaa atata la C -K approilmataly IJfl.eO.000.00 faat Whan maattfacturad lata lumbar, Orfon a llm bar wui hrUf la at 4aaat- ItJoO.t ooo f euuida aaonay. la par canr of which IU ha apant far labor aad aupplloa Ortron la raeahrtnc tia,C00.JO annually far lumbar ad Umhaf produeu. Tba tnduatry ta deraJaplaa rapidly. Or(on tlRibar aad tha lumbar taduatry pay ap proxlmatclj on a third' af tha taara of Ua auta. Yaapla IMraa &aaaia. ("Whaa tlmbar la daatrayed by flra, tm atata loaaa dlractly tha tasas which tha propartywauld yiald antll out. aad ladlraetly at leaat 10 par cant of Ita manufactured valua. For avary tboa aaad faat af tlmbar burned tha ewoar loaaa tha vulua af iba atumpaca. about 14 aad tha auta ..tba atnouat aapapdad labor and auppllaa In maaufacturtnf ll'lDto lumbar, abaut .- ria ltll, 141 flraa wara reported, of which ll. er about 71 per aant wara c4uad thranch- oaralaaaaaaa. . That a a-iajortty of thaaa flraa wara tha raault ct TtoUUana af tha law by pampera, hftMaaa, 'railroad oompanlaa, loaaara and ranehara, la bayaad quaatlon. Thla record ahoold ahaw a marked ' tmpreva- mnt d urine tba comlnc aaaaon. and It atiould, tharafara. ba tha aim of every atata flra warden to reduea tha number of. avoidable flraa la hla territory. Tha foreat fire law waa enacted chiefly to aaalat ln redudn tba atunbar of flraa a t kl LI-J ' Oatw Kaat a Bxarolrad. a order to obtain tha reiulta da- alred tha warden ' should aaa that al persona uelnf flra la tha open durlna- . ma period June 1 ta October 1, comply with tha law. Willful Violation pf tha law should not ba tolerated, but the warden will ba Justified in exerclalne; lenlency In rare cases where minor tech nical Violation la InrolTod. Wholesome respect far the law can ba created only by punlahinr tha violator A law per , atstently dlarafarded la far worse than -ftcflaw at XV. . ' - It la not the lntantloh of tba forest flra law that tha atata should ba called uppn to rirht forest fires, and there Is no appropriation made for that purpose - except in extreme emervencles. The real intent la to prevent fires and in ;) case a flra. does ret started tha super vising warden, federa,f patrolman or taarfte! IV eWaal I Naaaart. i. May 11 NewfMt e eM aad tUUe lfa T4'' Kylva4a, oeltWaiad a btrtbdar r ally "lad" ciiae ta aa III awl iMa u aaly tfce aid aatlaaa'a ia-t.y ad hla eiacl aaa la ( kaoa a A la andaty kaaaa all . iha eiaia aa Newport's olat - Labtunl ac hla chief alalnt la feioe la Ma ni-i.Hr aa a tattllral aruixt aad a richer tt aa 1 J I aa etcvptkMi ta tha rale that. fvt ie ttKat bokor ia Ma owa auair. as aia af the raaalacaaaaa IhJuifad la ai laa afaroal blrlhaay rttaa held la Iba haa rexwa. af lr" Uidya drua? alap. will eaw. awa aad Qaaiaiaat !- Uy. fUfara lad bax-ame a aeos afast aad raaiavad la lha drus a tore hia haaduar. lara aaa lha rornar by tha elote In I'Uarlis Wlnaal a cabaret liar I '4 at and" t eld Imw eoaareaa ahould aava lha untry. c traary evettlef ba lha bnal wblallad ta4 aartad far lite doer ahere bar mat tha aaaa bajr. Far tha aait half hour tha bystanders aara Iraatad to a reauafte of la day's dola aa4 rauatla eaanmaata an aarna, ecvBijnled with era fout atamplnf and abowara of aieatlaa julea. tre aiK( iTtnaat ,anpaa laa rr a paper laa yaara aid with Inatrwrtlcna to live It ta l"ad It eaotalaed lraaldeat Me Kt slay's naaaaca Dad. raadtaar, got madder aad ejiadder. AI laat he Jemped ba hie faat TMdal I tall yaw fallow e thla would happen hlcKlaley la erasy aad cor. areas ahaald ba prohibited by law." and tad foaalotd thing a thai had bean Malory for a rear of mara. "Aw, what's tha matter vrtth you. Dadf aald Wlnaat. "thai bappanad way along laat year." II did net." roared Tad. "It la riaht bare la live papar. M rKlnle a advtalag Wlaaal walked air, "ey Pad what yau bea dama? Iaoh al lha darTad lshed and a lam ml a a tha paper down Iujhm1 out of lha door and niade him aelf all tha madder trying to slam lha Inslns dnor Kept Warm by Baa af Battle. fad 'fit la lha Ctrl! war and many are tha Weird lalre ha telle Orvre when la waa eiandlng, feal b'ared apart t land Iba ahorh of onalauaht, a rannoa lell paaaad between hla Irga not tourh Ing him but removing Ms pants. The heal of teltle kept tied warm and be never mlieed hla nelhar tsgurnanls till after Ine day was won. Luckily Ihtg did aet happen at lha lime af year of another af his adven ture Onre, tired out. lha regiment lay right down la the mud aad slept la lha morning thay had frosen together and the officers had la eut them apart with their eabrea Once when Mad took a bunch of "Ftbe" he had co rr a led to Oeneral tJrant, the general gave him a drink af peach brandy from hla private stock. lied was also some Mm rod In days 2(Vfi jQLI Tnit una ra m I Vr gone by. When be IKad at'Labaaea ihey bad a email aaaaaa wblch Ibfy mutinied at goeaa thaotlag aaaaaa) and hunted wliM thla minis 1 are hew I tsar. Dare they killed ft geaae with One ahot. There la a tradilloa bare that thla wsa nine geaae but tad ias told It once etery ear far years, hence lha Bad aUaafea Ve Argwaaesi, j (aa naiea 10 nave his memory ouee- tloaed. In faol ta real '"techy" about IL When "Ixxj- tirsdy flrel came hare be attempted lo disprove one of Dad s tales ith pencil and paper. "Voong man," bellowat Dad. looking over hie epeoa and aendtng loharoo )ulca la all direc tions. " oung man. If you had a memory Ilka mine you'd never hava ta raaort 10 facta and figures for proof." ftealls Ing lie truth uf this Iirady is now CVi lent lo listen with lha real. J-ulltlfally Iad Is lha moot rabid standpatter In town, lis votae a straight Republican ticket and swears by TafL Tha surest way to liven up a rainy day bare Ms to lei fall a remark that Taft will not be reelected. Immediately Imd le on hie feel, his white hair erect, the fire of 1M1 In his eye, the windows rattle and the customers In Ihs drug store are kept busy dodging arguments. adjectlvee and tobacco Juice. Dad al- waya talks more loudly the madder ha gata Hut with all the leasing Pad comae In for, everyone remembers that he fought for his country on such fields as Gettys burg, rJpoltsylvanla. Hattle of the Wil derness, ChanoelUjrsvllle, Cold llerbor. Ustheeda Church and many others and ha la about the moat popular old "boy" In town. Hla birthday reception broke up with many congratulations and hsarty wishes that his days may be as long aa aome of his stories. iTstoppSg LOSS. MSTEliNIlD SAYS SHE'LL VOTE BEFORE SHE WEDS Bureau of Soils Gives Valuable Information , for Benefit of .Western 4 Pccplo Unfamiliar With Scientific Facts, ti county patrolman should aaa that the persons whoee Interests are endangered. abelher timber owners, sawmill men, loggers, farmers or others, get an ade quate force of man on the ground Im mediately to handle and extinguish the rira." FOREST SERVICE IS GATHERING FIELD DATA ror the past three years tha forest aerrtca has been gathering field data to show the rata at which burned tim ber detnora tea after the fire haa swept over It Some of the timber burned In foreat fires ta Immediately logged. and put to serviceable use, although the greater quantity of It, being situated In Isolated localities, never reaches the market It Is with a view to definitely establishing the time which will elapss before burned timber becomes unmer chantable. and encouraging tba logging of such timber before that time, thai the. forest service is spending great effort on thla study. J. K. Tsroot aa employe of the Tort land office of the forest service. Is de voting his entire efforts to this prob lem. Fairly reliable data la already available regarding the rate of deterior ation ef coast timber, and Mr. I'emot le planning to spend his time In the burned timber of Idaho and Montana during the present summer. Here vast areas comprising millions of feet of high grade western yellow pine and western white pine were destroyed by flra during the summer of 1110. the most severs forest flra season In tba northwest In recent years. Is about It miles and over a mountain ous country. The Hydro company holds a franchise In The Dallas for the fur nisning or riectno light and power which Is conditioned upon ths comple tion of the high line by certain dates II. T. Boykln. chief snglneer of the Welch Interests Including tbs Oregon St Washington corporation, was In Hood Illver looking over the Hydro plant Extend Electric rower lane. Special te T JeoiuLI Hood River, Or., May 14. It la re ported that the Hydro-Electric Ught company will soon begin lu work of ex tending ita Una from Hood River to Tha Dalles. Tha distance to be covered Coal gas first waa ussd aa an 11 lumlnant Just 100 years sgo this month. i i ia A QUARTER CENTURY Before the Public. Over five million samples given away each year. The con stant and Increasing sales from sampled, proves the genuine merit of Allen's Foot-Bast, ths antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoes for Corns, Bun Ions, Aching, Swollen. Moist Tender feet. Bold everywhere, 26c. Sample FREE. Address, A. 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, K. Y. - - laTMblatWe eWreaa ef Tie I haeluaglea. May It. Tha fa'mar flade hla elock auffertna- from saane new form of aUttfaaat dieaaee. hla rrope warning under aa unknown vat la. iy of blight ar who, despite bard wort, and careful management, raa not get hla farm books (if he haepe any) la enow a balance aa lbs right side of Iba itda-er at tbs end of the year, caa tura to the department of agriculture la lha security or receiving gratulloue advice en every one ai his probleaaa by man who hava made a careful and exhaustive atudy la the particular Una af r.eearch involved. Many fanners know thla and do hot heellate ta lay their aroblema before gectetary VTIteon Of lha depart ment Many mora are Just beginning la realise It and are hastening to follow In lha footsteps of those who hava already profiled by having dune au. Not all of thta relief, however, la for the man who haa already purchased hla farm and la engaged In making II a pay ing propoailion. The services of the department are also available for the man d. airing lo purchase land with a view lo engaging In agriculture, who Is In need of reliable Information aa to the soils in the neighborhood where he pro poses to locate, lha crops to a bleb thsy are best suited, the regions and condi tions best suited to the. branch Of agrl- ruliurs In which he propoaee lo tngage. and the land values. Hoch help Is given by ths Bureau of 8olls. of which lro- feeeor Milton If hllney Is chief. Practical seaeflte af BoU g array. Tha work of thla bureau, In tha west ncludea a careful classification under field condillune of all the. soils In a given area, the materials being studied to a depth of six feet They are sep arated and claealfied after a careful study of tha surface soils and eubsolls to determine their physical properties and their adaptation to crops to which climatic conditions of tha region sur veyed are favorable. Esch type of soil Is fully described In a report and the location and extent of the aoll Is shown on a map printed In colurs. Tha phy sical properties, origin, suitability for agriculture, range of crops for which It may be used, and the cultural meth ods under which ths most profitable returns can be secured are fully set forth. Such Important facts ss tha quan tity and kinds of Injurious alkali salLs wnicn might be present arainage con ditions, and Irrigation problems ars carefully Investigated and recommenda tions made whereby advantage may be taken of the favorable conditions and the unfavorable may be overcome. Aress of alkali land are outlined in a map and suggestions given for their reclama tion. Would Stop Waste. It Is not an uncommon thing in west ern regions with cllmstes suitable for fruit growing to find farmers planting v I mmm TO BUILD FEEOEBS i . i at Reports at Spokane Indicate Plans to Open New Farm- Ing District allsa Jean Kynock. Hartford Conn.. Msy II Miss Jean Kynock. a Red Croea nurse, secretary of tha Connecticut Woman's Suffrage as sociation and a msmbsr of a prominent Hartford faartly, startled her audience In an address for equal suffrage caatly when ehe declared that' aha bad refuead to marry a prominent and rich clubman of thla city until aha ahould vota Miss Kynock refused to divulge the suitor's name, but declared that he was a firm opponent to ths suffrage movement It Is known that vhe jun ior member of a welt known brokerage firm in Hartford haa been very at tentive to Mlas Kynock of lata. The young woman Is pretty, II and popular among tha poor for whom she haa done much good as a Red Cross nurse. taeat ie The Wal ) pakaaa. Vtesfc, Msy II Carl ft Orey, taoaaalag preside! pf he Or eat. KeMhera Hallway eempeay, eaaeaaaad t Upokeae ihal a 1 1 liana af dellare will ba eipaaded this aad nail year la eg leading Ueee Weehtagiaa aad tfce- gaa aad the pravUee af prliia tv- arable, Tha plan' te ta drain lha rich grata fields f weeiera Canada by eneane af aorta aad aeuih feedera. Con- ratted work la eaatera VYeeiungiaa ta laa 1'acifl exeat will be rushed la rvmptet ton. and additional eueirncte will be awarded eooa far attentive de velopment in north. m Washington. Mr. tirsy said also that the development of eubeldiary Itnee ta Orago will ba car ried eat by Joha IL Tougg, the new prealdeai of the fpokane, Ivrlland A Seattle railroad and ether ItUI iraee. rwgioae where eotl surveys Have been wade such wletakae have beaa avoided er remedied and fruit planting placed oa a rational beets. The laformslloa made available by the department Is ef value le Immigra tion and colonlaeUiort organisations af- fording an atact Sellable baele for lha aattlement of land In the different parts ef ths country. Thla data Is also being used by railroads lo aid them In foalrfiiig agriculture along their exist ing lines and la determining tbe w ledum of projecting their llnee Into new re gion Ths Information derived from eoll surveys enables a eompartsoa ef the soils ef different localitlee and the op portunity for developing the beat areas. To provide a cheap eubetltote' for cot ton waste en Inventor hae brought out a proceae tor extracting all the moie ture from banana atalka and then shreJ- dlng I hern. . all kinds of fruit on all kinds of soli. As a reault thousands of dollars and much time are wasted. In many cases orchards have been located on poorly drained soils or whsre alkali la present In the aurface and aubeoll In quantities aufffclent to kill the treea. With light poroua aubaolla or a high water table I the treea would, perhapa, thrive for a few yeara and give great promise, but aa soon as tha roots devsloped suffic iently to reach down Into tha unauttable soli below the trees may decline rapid-1 ly'and in many Instances the entire or-1 chard may become worthless. Such ex perience In many placea haa been the rule rather than the exception, espec ially in newly developed regions. In all I Graves usic Co, j- HI Fourth Street m i Old Pioneer iVictor Dealers Direct Factory Shipment of V IllUI Victrolas Red Seal Records jVe carry the latest, new- ittt and brightest stock of ?erei7tlimm the Talk rag Machine world. Come yand inspect our new nar- Graves Music Co. Ill Fourth St ; Pioneer Victor Dealers , If ydia 'duly kmew what pleasimre th Victor-Victtrola briinigs into your home e vou wou Idb't b e without i A one, tor a Any Victor dealer in any city in the world viu gladly play, any music you wish to hear. Victor-Victrolas $15 to $200 Victors, aflQ to $100 Victor Talking Machine Company ' -' Camden, N. J. . More prompt and courteous service, ete a more com in d1 stock both ma- chines arid records (, together with the fair ness of our easy payment plan has made the Wiley B. Allen whether in Portland, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose or Los Angeles, f ft e largest arid most popular Victor dealers of the West ALL RECORD SALESROOMS Iff; OUR, , PORTLAND STORE LOCATED .ON MAIN FLOOR Morrison St. at Seventh f skf I i single day. t 11 i aa ii in 'rrasarza,wr II Jf & u ii'i ii it, n ii ri ! i f rani - - - Vktor-Victrola XVI, $200 : v Msiofany or qoartered oak v a. r e - - ' m ' . te-j ALL RECORD SALESROOMS IN OUR PORTLAND STORE FLOODED f WITH DAYLIGHT MomsonStatSevra iMdrrubrji SrrilvSiiwnri? 'i "v aaasaaaBaasaaaaBMBiBBaaaBsaaaaaaaaBaaassBaBaBe V7. u f - '