The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 13, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Transport Thomas BrinQS Sol
diers From Philippines
316 Enlisted Men, 24 Com
missioned Officers.
nt ira gut rMii -:etb
tit h.14 It l.ta.IB tBUl .
Uj May I, tl e4 It el re1h
tlfte tM.Ut itUMi U.kih e4
(Ve elrwi The ! will be
by i. r. U Hslgaate.
preeUcnl of ha eoletle.
The wteea f tha late 4 f tb.
rt0MI It BS foil M.ed.y
rg. rlk, n41 terellee eat
aMIte.) If e'crerB. rail I ttrrr, prae.
Inl a edvlre. es4 r4ra (if eteu
roeamllt ; Jl t ciwr k. ar "Trla.
tt .uflU.- W . Imb
Ued. t'el OmiuIo txaa4 if If-
fclMMett litabe. II It a-clora, eibtbtt
Body of Mrs. Fred Rati of
Union, '0r Found With
Hands Tied. ,
WH M fcaaaaarere e br4. .!
b k.'tultf effirer 4 rt of (!,) damanairalrtf t eehibli hall. Ma
weair.flret lafaalry. rol frw !? i.rii. I II aihxk. Ml-. Ir
'ii;:.(-i-im vaNar
it4 tata Tneatil Tbr-a 4h4
ti ib brin ttatiK 4h li im lower
t .it-ar at 111 oViiK l"a ruortiir-g T
laft arrtvrd kixxil mUi.lfbt
i Wla4 la rae that ere tiilfM
,'u4 easier. Ho left Aeloii si
eiark reetereay el lre. .
hflt le ty awrur r-oHUepr. lr. I
pad la weleoen, TU ol-I ee.nel by lr,
I Vund (or tbatr ew
F, ita Columbia dlsberhed . thl
.ag sag wr he ipwitl
1a VtatMVtr, eh re they arrival
MM eth. They r la Ik lha
' r- . a . . ...... 1 .
ar W 9 irai iDienirr wniaw I
I'. W. f It Crlu lu l.auela.
Jraa Clina. I e i u k. labia clinic, chair
Cllnlra, nrtork. atXitlia a4 Jtaiwa-
Ualloti tn e.lti ll,
Taaa4a murftlnf. telwl, laala
tlltttra. I 3 u'rl.w. tr. If. M. M.
Uatltwia. li t arlara. nlihiia at!
damvaalrallvaa. Tutar aflraaa. I.J.
W A. Krunadr: I 'lurk. Ir K M Mara. I uvlaa. labia
ctlnlra; I at lurk, aikltlla ai4 d !-
Uallaac Al clock U Ilia miib
ap tl waallma fa
Imp-tal boial a4 tka mnbr vill
ba feUraaaad b Waltar II ran. -
. &ra aid. I WtJnear nattilBC. oelk. labia
,4rl W. r. itlnaaaj. la rhr f clinic; VP. P. U K. HahaW
I rajiaport, raoocla n of lb moa man, loa A"nla; II. 1 clork. aiblb
iaaant NtM tcratl lha t-acifYa for Ha. M aOnawJtf aflarrwan. 110 'clock,
Ua tlma. K M waalhaf wu ubi kllalc. atbtblla, maallac of ai-
i inltrad, no Ml banana alck ki4 aultva oomroltlaa; I o'cU-ok, rtpaf. Ir.
al wu varr aMOooUk. Tbk boat Ufl , K. liamm. diruaaos by lr. M. U.
nil t Bob April II aJid kloplJ an- liailoian; I II o'clock. uafloUha-1 btltl
uta far l boura t Nafaaakl kl4 IV ntta; I II o'clock. tIcUa of offtcara;
ni:ki Hoooielo. I o'riork. one. HU. IUU. lha Uaafi
TW Tvtatf-flrot Infantry la com- Aj ),- ar4 by lr J. W. McUlrbaaL
t4 at praoaot or 14 remm!alncd fr-I Otbar afflcara bKla Praaidant Wtb
ramot of Iba aoclailoa bra: Ir. C IL
l.aklm nr.y.iil - Ito I V fill U
4ltr. 4 H. C tliott, cralarjr an
ibtvrtal la Taa wal I
La Oraa4. Cr, Hay 1L MTHalkar
rUr tt aaHla4 wfcaiWr
Vaa ca af auUlaa, U 4 baMTtatniy
la Ui ca af Mr. rr4 lUta. ajl al
eriy MtJ of VoMoo Or, aaa body
fauaj U craak r lhara il.u
klra. naif taft b baata ully raa4.
h Brraa4 I al.aa fUlJ aar by
a4 kartlalty torb4. Ilf baada Mara
t4 Uthl4 bar ba lit bo;1 a
fuunl but about Inrlxa - aptrl
a4 lint in oh y aKa ki!ht bi
Waa II ktraair.
Mr. Ba arvuaaj kalfhbort arty
Ihla Moral'. Ila ba4 tarara4 hi
wlfa'a abaanea abowl 4 'ekxk. Vaarch
ra ooon. aol oul k4 bar ctoikln'
wa f in4 ar erab. Tha bod art
ot found for om keur
4 ycror )ry a ell4 for kk
Inouaal lata tkla thamMa k'a nn-
t' "'4 lb. Ihllla for aule!4a to kaovn. yal II I o
lani Row mardarara ooul4 bv I
4uc4 bar I la boot.
Mr. IUU la Hlddlt (a4 4 I t4
MkbBaBkafbBkBMaM ,X
At Least, r President of Amed
can Company So TesU
" fies In Trust Suit-.
N. Tort, May It A4a.liUf KI
IIIHMH of ha rliJ atock af lb
AMflca t)la a aU
r1bl4 ftoaona lu irmUar 4 aar
ln tbal Ik fortBallo of lb aaargar
af whlrb lb tmpmf ouatttta aatb-i
laha4 kkolr. Ilol Kl4, prl
4a of ba Atnailraa roitiaay, laaufl4
44ay I lha ul of lb I'aila klalaa
lavtrtntti ain iba alval mil
Hal 4 It,lr4 ba Iba furmaliwt of
Iba Amtncaa 4ompr aa4 majty
fuallor t)ii'ilo tORiloa f ruot fallwr.
II daer4 IKal ibtra ia boar Til
Mimbaikla I lk kaorffa 4 lit l
taa4al oinial. Mkay f lka
l4aoaa4l coo) fnla iarta4 Of fine
Iho fomalio of lb mrir, ka 4a
rltral "A 1 olrlla4 aal oa fallew4
Hal4 4l tlltHi lb ttapUt
froal4ol ana) lBlla4 MUla Altar
Dlcktnaoa kklaT fraqoaal cJaabaa.
,r an4 tl nilt4 mn. Colon!
iforj t Toutf I la romroani 4
:.icuoat-Colaal Chart W. Koy.
A Major x P. Bttfrtacton. and Capiat a
Uaor S. Tiffany.- a4Jniant r wllb
lha rtitnant, Colonal Young. Colonal
Nofta a4 CapUla Tlffaoy r accm-
tnl4 by tbalr CaJalllaa.
. V 4 O CorU.
Tt bnd f th Twntr-ra t
rxnttru acb valaf f th rk
and K m th utom at Uaa arnJ
itr Cia is to march about lb deck la
roupla. th of flcrrk a4 paaaanf r
with thalr tair a4 fajntllta fallioy l
tMad." Tha tand alt ytajrad tvr ar
rl lanoo flurlnf tba trip. A But
Tvbla mlntrl ahow waa k!o tf4.
Th Vat oacrt firm by th band waa
rratorday at i clock and rybodr
rromanidad and a ant old
1 kdUtloa to tb TwotitT-flrat I.
ftntrr. tb trnport bad a larv nam.
ber of oaaonla bound for 8a rrjclo
their to th various pou to
khlcb they war aaalrnod on fttn(
hnma. Tb Itat for Sao rraoeleo In-
Tba fallur f th raron la cKarft
f tb St. Vlnconl' boaptUI to raport
Raturday t tb pollc lh racalrlar of
H-rrold Lwrac rarry, wh bad
baa a hot through th tunc by Jama
AjTntron. whlJ tba two wera lay
ln holdup, may raault In lha proaocu
Hon of tb boapttal authoiitlaa undar
tb rdlDno which prortdaa that all
accident- c)a ant la tha boapltal
hottl4v b r port ad to th pollc at
ChUf of Pollc dlOTr thl morning
aajBoa d that t latandad t-nfr
rh o-rdlnanc and proouta rlolators.
Th ahooting, which may roault la tb
death of young Parry, occurred Satur
day noon, when ba rfued to b hld
op by Armstrong, who stopped him en
A. ;.MiM3a!Bmr4MsaS!
' Royal nlartlnrent U plann4 for
th Preea and Ad club by tb Roa
Paatlral managtinrnt Aboard tb Blly
OaiMrt of Tb Pat!. Portland Aa
tot la Navigation Co aa aaaort to tha
familiar I fiagahlp. th club member will, ateam I vacant lot near hla horn at lilt Wll-
oown in nvar on atoaaay. J line je, lo I wuivtuu, mmi " wi SUII
weloom Res Oregonua, klog of tha Ro
PektlTai, and to escort th monarch of
feollvtty to hi Portland throne.
After the reception th Utrt will
aaaln leave the wharf on a four hour
erulaa. Tha uaa of th bl ataamhoat wounded boy waa rushed to St. VI n
ciudea It f Irat claaa, ti aaead. daaa and I ha bean donated Bo PeeUvaf efa tioapltal. wber thl morning th
third ciasa paaaenrera. Iby B. r. McuonalO, auprintdnt otien" nwrura-enient ior oi ryooT
i txoid Cenrl KartlaL ftb nglvtlon otnpany. It I .eoulva-1 ery waa given.
Among tha dlatlnculahed Irevelere on I nt to a donatio of t00. Th arrange-
mini im ovnaiuervti pariicuiari napir.
at first and then a .It eatlpr revolver.
which tie a ecu red from a nearby hop.
At the second command of "hand a tip."
th Armstrong boy fired tbt shot that
penetrated his companion's lung. , The
board were eight colonels. Colonel P. W.
8lby. Fourteenth cavalry; Colonel; Ab
ner Picketing. Infantry unaarlgned: Col
on at TounA f th Twnty-flrst Infan
try LtauUnant-CoIoaal Noyea of tba
Twenty-flrrt Jnfaatry; LIautannt-Col
nnl EL P. Brewer. Fourteenth eavalry.
tnd Lleutnnt-Colonel H. W Ripley,
fMioJ Jvalry, war all members of
the general courtmartial board who have
len trying captain jaquea a 1a jaruia,
twelfth Infantry, ' and First Ueu ten ant
Georg SL Price, fourteenth cavalry, for
Irregularities fn-financial matter. - Th
rotrtmartlal was completed bat th ver
dict has cat been riven oat (Both Of
the accused are aboard th transport.
a th Press club member will bar
many friends In th olty whom thsy can
entertain with th rivr trip.
Monday, June 19, also, will b tns
opening day of th Pacific coast adver
tlalnf men's convention la Portland. All
delegates to- tha convention will receive
ticket together with local members of
both clubs, and thali visitors. The an
nouncement of this arrangement Will be
made t th 1111 convention committee
by , W. J. Hofmaan, chairman pt. th
marine omrrrtttee, at it meeting In th
Ad club headquarters In th sluitnomah
hotel. this evening.
Tb wounded lads horn is near
Portsmouth. Tha Armstrong boy wl
not ba proeutd, aa tha shooting was
accidental. H claima that he did sot
know th run was loaded.
E 100
T mhMi rAtnnala ara rVvlnl Uark I a" oecora,lcq lor uis mcuoin u aa-
. ( " Tl 1 . t -V. r. ', V m Tlcord with the thousand or so other vea-
Griffith, both or th Philippine conauo-
Colonei Hersey I a major or
tie- reguUr 'army.nd .la -lhA assistant
ilrector of tha constabulary, which con-
; ruts of about iooo men mostly rui-
' pinos. . . "iv. 7 . .
' i Another passenger of not was Cap-
' tuln John - Howard, of. tha nineteenth
infantry, bound Xor Ban Francisco. Cap-!
, tkln Howard Is a son of General O, O,
i . If oward,1 formerly at - Vancouver--Bar
''neks' and a .Veteran pf th Civil . war.
Captain Howard 1aon leave' of .absence.
s kKiuts ir. pmgroan, enjer or xn wa
, . Hila fire dBpartment,'. I also bit a. visit
"U this country. Since Chief Dlngtnan
took -chargo verJ, yvart ,ago th . de
partment ha become -very fflclnt .and
J id excellent work according- to the new
rrivals during th tl, 000.00 fire of
Jjik ' Standard Oil ' company i Iti Manila
Over 00 cords of cord wood, valued at
tt 1 cord and several thousand feet of
atandlnr . timber on th. 10 acre -tract
of tha JSIaer A Parr firm of wod deal
er, at Bull mountam. ' two mlla west
ib.t March which lasted for two weeks, of Tlardvllle.: on tBe.Orrgoti .Electrio
Tba department now has 100 men, about Hn. waa destroyed1 by a fir 'which
SB IAJ LBU BUUUL av U V W M ba waw m
noon. Aocorflinff to report rceivod
II h vawtila. h4t
r , . - . . . a Ww k itej IIBVIiai W WSVI J iiraviiiiH Vs.
It is probable that the Oateert trill be th- Methodist minlaters, held today at
Taylor Street church.' 11 00 was aub
scribed to the fund to purchaae a home
for the invalid widow of Rev. John
Naugle, " who for many yeara waa
well known Methodist minister at Uni
versity Park. Mrs: Kaugle haa charge
of the branch library at University Park
but owing to falling health and ap
proaching bllndneaa, she Is compelled
to give up ber position. Members of
the university- Park church have raised
over 1400 of the 1700 necessary to pro
vide her' with -a home.- -
Owing to th absence from the city
of Rev H. P. Nelson, who was on the
program today for a paper onThs
Permanency . Of Foreign Speaking
Ohurcnesm America," the regular pro
gram wa abandoned and th hour given
over ' to devotional exercises and the
transaotJon of routine business. . '
sels that .will -ba used In th weloom
to the king. Both cUib ara preparing
letter of appreciation to fee sent to the
ROM Testtvatmatagenantu.B.nd it Su
perintendent McDonald.
b 'J 4 .. "
f:'t I.Z. y., ,- ,j ..... f ....... ci .,'...:.;-.' -
' ,- ' ' 7 V'.o ..
Half white, and modern apparatus.
, Major. John P Flnley, twenty-eighth
infantry for 10 years governor of ' the
djstrlct of Zamtioanga.' Mindonao; Cap
kin C B. Humphrey, twenty-first , ln
fantry, who recently competed a three
this morning.- the timber is still burn-
In although aU danger of the fire
! spreading to other property ha passed.
The manner in which the nre sianea
.. ,CL. . ono n.i...,t. I la unknown, because the tract Is Isolated
almost Inaccessible. The first mat u.
H Foster." of, the fuel company, knew
Of the re waa at tVolock'laat night
when a phone call was reoeivea at ms
home." Immediately afterward he start
ed in his automobils Tor-ttia scene,
making .the trip In about an hour and a
half, r Men were H'i rady at, work
"back firing" to tha blase under
control and prevent It from spreading.
E, H. Neer, also, of the firm,. Is out
directing the larg t pre Of. forest fire
fighters. . Up to hour tnis morn;
lng word had not yet been received from
him. ; : '." 'T-'tTf'" ,
The fire a plainly vjslbl to the
large crowd that visited. Council Crest,
both yesterday afternoon and evening.
Through- telescopes, men could fee seen
working, trying to get th fir under
control, although , at times the smoke
obscured thftm. ' ' . .
ti i ', ,."i'V;Kl''i Vim I'., a; .n,vjiv '
i bungles of Mindanao, andi J. B. O. Bab
'j Cocki Of the Manila '-.Ttinfes, ; formerly a
torporal In the band! of H twenty-first
Jantry, were among the 'passengers. t
The Thomas will laave down the river
t Kan Francisco b,!; 3 o'clock tomorrow
a-iornlng.; -: C, !("!' S:
(Continued from Pag One.)
I fcvelya Neablt Thaw Is th mother of a
aby boy. was made hftrfe this afternoon
by- -Detective; Rotter O'lilara. j a - close
friend of tBe Thaw family. He said
, "The report that Evelyn is a mother
is untrue. J never heard the report be-
fore, an4 r do tnot believe one word 'of
v 1 It is pare raislTlcatlon, and made
, out of whole cloth.
The people starting such a story will
hav ur tak it back." .
- Thaw haa been confined to the New
. Terk state asylum for more than aix
i , year. .
No Waiting
') -l Made in the Cup ., '
Abtolntelr pure coffee.
DiMoIres mttantly in hot
w-er. Cof f ee iaiccrtain-
ties disappear. Any roe
can make it. -: Delicious
fiaror, . ' Always uniform. ,
.Fcr Sale at all Grocera ?
; ' '' ' BAvevs M.ttMCt v -J!
;, ; ' 5Aixs coi ., .
Mayor Ruahllght 'the city cc
the ezecutlve board and ' the state
road commission -will be Uh 1 1
of bonOr at th informer banquet :
given at the Commercial Club tarn
evenlns la . honors of the 'vlsltta
gates to the convention of the
can Electric Railway, Manufacturer
aociatlon" and . the-;' American El
Railway association, at ;8eattl.
visitors will b flV in number, v
them . off leers of ""the two assocll'
B. -B. Josselyn. president of th
land Railway, ,Llght a Power corr ,1
will b toastmaster at th benqOe .
a few local speaker will be Intro
la. addition to those .who wilt rap
the visitors. . - v
Th committee arraaginr for tj
fair-la bpldiag a meeting this s.
noon to perfeot th final arranger
On of the features of the ent
ment will be a ride on the rl
which a larg number . of club- "
bars .wilt participate. , Several larg
commodious launches will be at tb
street dock at it o'clock, the Motor
el ilb having volunteered to furnls
boat. . - -v,-- - -i.
. Mrs. Lola' Ct Baldwin' of the' depart
ment of 'publlo' safety for women,'' Dep
uty Dietrlct Attorney Frank Hennessey
and Patrolman, Sherwood clashed this
morning1 at, police headquarters over the
afreet of Leon Rafter on a vagrancy
charge; and the. refusal of Patrolman
Sherwood to arrest Lawrence Frits, who
is said . to' have been implicated with
Mabel Rafter. w- ' v .'
Last "week , Frits lured Mrs. Rafter
away from the Rhetngbld restaurant
where she was employed, and took her
to the Alma hotel. When Rafter heard
that his wife had been out with Frits,
he went to the ErlcJuion. saloon where
Frits waa employed and accused Frits
of breaking up his home. -Frit struck
him .in thr-face and the ; two men
clashed.' Patrolman Sherwood and Mil
ler were "Sent to investigate and when
Frits told hi story Sherwood arrested
Rafter on a vagrancy charge, intending
to make iC white slavery. When the
woman was arrested and turned over to
Mrs,. Baldwin she admitted her misdeed,
but declared her husband know nothing
" 1 " 1 " therefore a white
iot be made against
i demanded of Sher
arrested, but he re
Vlrs. Baldwm then
e a complaint 'for
promised he would
and call Mrs. Bald
e. - Thl he did sot
g Airs. Baldwin se
or Frits. Th case
The preliminary bearing of ' th
charge of titortloa mad galnt Pa
trolman Cliff liaddus. Frank Raed. aa
a-pairolman, and David Major, dis
appointed. ttool plgaoa.' ba bq' aat
far east Wdnday mornlsg. wba At
torasy powr will fight th cas out
befor Judge Taawtll.
Captain of Dtctir Daty this morn
ing declared thst b ha found furth
evidence to substantiate the claim
made by Majorle Morse of th Br.alln
hotel, who tat arts that ah paid 110 to
tb trio undtr rrt l rlas br aftr
having taea arraated on what ah aaya
wa a trumped bp charge of eelllag
liquor without llcenae. A meangr.
CUrlac -aaaae -ant Jaoob iar-
ployd by th city Maangr company.
aid to be the on who ecu red the
envelop from th woman which la said
to have contained the I0, haa been lo
cated by Captain Uaty and his testi
mony will b used In th case against
Maddu and th other.
Maddux denle the chart that he in
any way attempted to get money from
the woman, and declare that at bo time
did he saa anything unlawful about th
transection of obtaining th bear there
last week, so fsr as tb woman was con
" i i, j,,
Decision of Interstate Rail- Reelected Chairman of Port- Bill Introduced to fut Papers
road Comm sslon moon and commercial ciud; on aamc uasis as moso
Plans of Future.'
. jant to Growers, ,
In Japan.
Or li AlttUaMi b f lb
tale kejll4 aeaaalwUt. ba rerelved
l:tgras freaa ("balnea C. A. l"Mly
af the later. I le Cvmtmrf aoB.:aaka)
eaaeaaalaf bl tba ala.ul Ceanwesve
aaMiMva wv;i ti;.H i lis epiM.a la
Ka u eaa with prvheMy Htki a4'
triralKa f h kaarrib4 rla I r
llrultr laalaana. - Tb tal.ersje) ala
eiala tb rdr wtll dMe4l re
lde for tepa'ello ma shtitaa)la I be
laeied lk ao befave Iba aw ret
gor 11 fforl. . , . .
This, rmatiaiaer Altenta f .
plalka. I asaiur ef graal laipertaac
i Or. so a went grwrs b are
4lr4ag of tbalr ,.
Tb Or., oa wool grr sell t
brokar.' al4 Mr. . Altchlava, aa4 Ik
brokar daal with lb rtir4. Tb
priee ebtainad fee waul here I feeaad
tb Baste atartet plua the freight aad
as the Interstate Conatrt. Conmlealoa
raa erd.r reparaiio ooir 1 live actual
bJrper f tb wool. It wauij be wall
fee. the arw I raata aa adaria4.
latr with tb broker gtvlsg km tba re
la th rfu4 that will be made If the
wool I hipped s4er tb el4 rat. If
the prto paid to baaad aa that rale." .
Tb tatacram rroe Mr. Provty came
la raeposa I tlgrm front . Mr.
AltehUMMi. wh for meay weak pt ba
baa baiag4 with Ubqulrla aa I wba
th nw wool rat. would become f
faelira Th lataratala ' com.
mtaalo eooi tlm aso after a thorough
laveetlgatlo submitted a fennula of
ravtad rate vllh the UBderialas
that th railroad would have tbalr rat.
checked up by May I, but a no aa
aoun earn act cam from th railroad tb
wool men became Impatient
Chairman Proutys esplaaatory tele
gram follows:
"Commlasloa will adhere to It opin
ion In wool twee wtth probably alight
modification of rate la particular In
stance. The ItmllaUone under which
labor ara each that It may b. son dare
before rata eaa be made effective, bat
w abell us all poaalble expedition and
shall undoubtedly petot by order for
repay Uaa, iba wa t ef-tM erop at
rv tb Iklrd sanwiUv lUfc a r.
Jebaae) iii aleriad atainaaa at tb
PwtC Caajarxal eWbe ataeaUve
teaw. r laere wFieiy rfv4
lk yrnkillt eiaialllaa The latla
waa baI4 at If II thl ataraee. btta-
aaar L. li CkajNua eaa-t a far
MS Ik wars mt tb sal yea.
tke re4tie ewstrattiae cam
the rutiteity etik fc lb grala
tiaHt la lxe aad at, a4,aa
rkrf tb ,:b - "jr a bwet
tM )' avrala4tw ' btrtii-
BMit.f - tteiiAf a'r.a aVliVaa,
Ui It al aia aa t tir tt
U-e Or PfBt laM,
puaai af a large niabir f ewwaiaraiel
club tiwregawl tb ut. It anal-
lata, aa lalr y 4rtset
ll e4 ta4ealrtal ware e4 U ky
iber were fa iba apbutMia f lb
city aeut stele, The were la m
114 largely by sebctlpl fr
In blntts ttr.
4 03ab,
Tb tmpartsns f tb week ef th
prooiMlM eeesssili f Iba Comreta
club eaa hardly be eeUmeUd." l Mr.
Johkeoa t k4d raa In g tb ksttttag. "I
firmly biiev la the work aad tr-
uua lb plolo that tb prwapertiy f
Portland Bad Orego ef the peel rive
year la due I larg measure la the
tntllltat aad artlve work ef I be fen-
land Commercial clab's premoOe de-
pan reent
iPaib! rvaat tiwl Vwe .
Tekta, May ll.-r?s4M ef iba
U Kar. U Ik )( af bill bUg
a4 t4r la lb Jaaae bae ef
rty mutative by DapwUa Sabt !
iM Oaebt aelkeristag tb peblleaitua
ef a.atp pace la ttara wader th earn a
p4ltee I Japes.
Oaty a few p4er, which are admit.
tadly steuthplaeea.
ere at pradiubllaka4 la Kate, ell
ef tba e!4 ladrpaadaal 'pep.r kevtag
bwt beegbt p er attppreaaad aad the
Jar- gwveraer generel eonaiitiatlr
refusing to atlaw lb iabltbat f
hew paper.
It te cleiased by the advrai r tb
bill that tortur f poll ileal irtMi.
er 4 Mber horror g I Korea
hi wee 14 be eiepped If the r-oi.
tight f aoa-partlaaa aad ladapectdaait
pre were tarwed po tbeaa.
a4a ra TV JaaratLt
Nawport. Or- May II. Tb Nwwort
Ceesaaereikl club ba takes) up the mat
ter of geltlag telegraph aarvlo for this
pUe llbar from lb Waatera Cnloa
er eome ether company. Tb acrtary
Instructed to communicate with
both the VYeeier Unto end the Poetel
Telegraph and see whether the latter
-Tea years ag Portland aad Ore I company ld be Induced to put a Una
were rcrd aa aoa-pregreaaiv. To- I la bare-
day we er reterded a l Tb preeetit rvle has long a a
f lb moat progreeelve people the rc f trobl lo local bualaeaa man.
Paclfla Cwaat, Pit rpeaw wmnw mtw uma mm
"Tba work aheuld be utalnd I er-1 erreet. Telegrams an wire eusinaa
dr that Pertlaad may keep pee with
lb Paclfl roast prograaa. Th epaa-
lag ef the Panama caaal sad the es po
sition at See Frenclavo la 111! will
mean Increased population. Increasing
trade, aad it may be made to mean
vary substantial growth aad pro parity
for all of Oregon, perbape the graaleat
work for Portland and all of Oregoa I
to get ppl on the soil.
. i-- 'na fee Tvf,""
"W bar lb land and th oppor
tunities r her, sll thst Is ncsary
le te reach the proper people.
re bandied hare by local phone ompe
ale, wbwb are paid practically nothing
for doing It. Sine they gt all com
plaint tby thrw the work up thl
week, A few year ag aa offer waa
made to the Wester Union te tuusdl
tb business for ft per month, Tb .
bualneae we thin averaging fit r T
per month, but the company rvfuead t
nav tha It. In aummer the busies
nai nearly, .to. 1 1 oa. 4ar..moftib aad.aa. .
operator Is put bare I take thle cream
for the company direct leaving the allm
winter recti p La for the loos! people, who
get lee than enough te pay for delivery
(porta! The Jaanud.1
Bllvmon, Or, Msy It. All of ths
countryside Is gathered In Ellverton this
afternoon to pay tribute to Homer Dev.
! . rX... ! - - " along th me line a la the past flret
old tlm.r. and prominent Orgonlana to,lr'v torJ ucUdlof of Ih tt
nkm bar eald that Portland la too I ttma. not to mention receiving er oend-
larc in proDortloa to th population or I in. Thsy reeeiv on en average or
the stkie, but theaa have orerlooked thelf per month.
fact that Portland la located at the -
trem northern end of lb-elate and
does a vast buatnets with southern and Washington, and la therefore the
moat sabatanliei city on the Pacific
coast. Owing to hr strategical loca
tion, her future supremecy ee a trade
center In the Pacific northwest le a cer
In peaking of the plane for the fu
ture, Mr. Johnson said they, would be I
There's svry
good reason
why you should
corns to hosen-
thsl's for your
Spring Shoes.
(UnlUd Press Leased Wire.!
Seattle, WaslL. May II. In a frantle
effort to save th live of his two boy.
William, agsd 1ft, and Everett aged 4,
In th water of Lake Washington, Wil
liam W. Cowan of thl city, waa
drowned yesterday, having failed In
his attempt -----
The father and his two son atarted
canoeing from the shore yeeterday
morning when their boat capaised. Ap
peals from th father- reached the ears
of Mllo Henaley, who waa fishing, but
be oarae too late. When he arrived on
the scene ths thre had gone down. The
bodle were recovered later
Cowan leaves a widow and four small
children. . - -
Among these are State Treasurer and
Mrs.' Kay; Secretary of Stat Olcott;
Mrs. Oswald West and her sister. Miss
Hut ton.
Funeral servlets war lead ty Mrs.
Jean Morris Elite of Portland. . Father
Adehslm of Mount Angel delivered th
chlaf address and 'Mayor-eledt Albert
Whltlock recited an original poem, pay
ing tribute to one who evr lovd th
town of his boyhood days.
The Sllverton band, of which Homer
Devenport was a member, rendered the
music. The services were remarkably
"Upon the development of the coun
try depends ths growth of th city,'
aid Mr. Johnson, "and I think w all
realist that"
oc ratio delegates to
atlon at , BsJtimor
7. and have planned
t thir afternoon to
mts for making tb
Th delegation I
rt as a whole until
ie convention, when
eeine train to the
Omission of the word "not In the
publlehed interview. with President B. B.
Joeeelyn of the Portland Railway. Light
& .Power company . Sunday morning.
through a typographical. rror, might
ha . fears, lead some to draw a wrona-
inrerence as to vrnat he intended to say.
The quotation, In question read: "In
case wo do get the franchise, It will
then, be up to the different localltiea to
individually apply for their prcportion.
the same a was done by the Rose City
Park. King Heights, Alameda Park and
other real estate syndicates in former
year." The word "not"' should have
appeared In the first line, .making it
read: "In cuss we, do hot get the fran
chlae, etc" ; -?;--.V.,
In the .Interview Mr. Josselyn: said
that in such an event h rwill gladly
cooperate In. the. operation of such lines
In -the common .purpose for th publlo
good.": - r ' ' ' ' '';..4.',; - ..
Anflrew Ii;javBlhaughr"6r-l86 Morris
street a foreman for the Barber Aaphalt
company, and a brother of Judge John
P. Kavanangh, sustained several serious
Injuries, shortly after 9 o'clock this
morning when he fell from a platform.
wnicn is used in the street work under
Fy In Bastmoreland. He was super
intending some cement work when the
accident occurred He fell a distance of
over 10 feet landing on his hs&d and
shoulders. Dr. Sternberg was . sum
moned and took th Injured man to the
sc Vincent's hospital, where n was
found to be suffering from a broken
ahoulder and Internal Injuries. His con
dition Is said to b aerlou.'.
In answer to a question front Mrs.
Emma B. , Carroll, .local uff ragatja. as
to her views on woman, suffrage, Jane
Addama, community worker of Hull
House, Chicago fame, has replied as fol
Olrard. Kan., May II. Mrs. Emma B.
Carroll Passage quoted shows legisla
tion protecting street trading of chil
dren. It waa obtained by help of news
papers and had little connection with
elected officials. Colorado leads all
states in It complete code of law for
children. I certainly believe that votes
for women will be - of great value In
securing,, social legislation. Have been
speaking for a week in the suffrage
campaign in Kansas.-'"''-.
Car Hull Houss, Chicago. .
"It be playe poker, the roofs 'sure'
his limit" remarked th cub reporter.
The remark wa elicited after Wtllard,
th "man who grows" had given an 1m
promptu exhibition In The Journal edl
torial room thl afternoon. Wtllard
makes th claim to have absolute con
trol over hi muscles. He stand per
fectly rigid, and you can watch blm
grow six Inches. insLx. seconds. He
shtlnkt back to normal slse In the same
time. He performs this wonderful feat
standing either on one leg df both.
Willard says he bss acquired control
of his muscles by years of study and
practice. There Is nothing abnormal
about him. . He 1 six feet tall when In
normal pose, and he can add ssven
Inches to his hsight at will. He can
lengthen his arms six Inohes or more
also. Willard is appearing at the Km
pra theatre thl week.
. r
Wyoming Hold Convention. '
Cbcyenn, Wyo.. May II.- In accord
ance with the provisions pf the new
primary law the state conventions of
both th Republicans and Democrats of
Wyoming assembled in this city today
to select the delegates to the national
conventions. . - ' -
Comfort and good shoe
are twin brothers. Ever stop
to think about it? Must
have good. shoes to get com
fort This is our aim. To
give most shoe comfort
along with best style and
great durability. And all
these combined for the small
est possible price.
To thoroughly appreciate
our shoes, look elsewhere
then come to us.
The Shop That Fits the
Our Reputation for Good
Shoes la Already Won
(United Pretaf Utted Wire.)
New Orleans, May 13 With the crest
of the Mississippi flood expected Tues
day night the Louisiana stat legisla
ture, which convened today, la consider
ing' adjournment sine die because of the
unsettled ; and dangeroua conditions
which ths flood ha wrought It Is re
ported her today that a number ot ma
rooned negroes looted ths towns of
BatcheJor. Foroche andlQroeae.
'" fUnTtee Preea Leaee ITkl
Minneapolis, May. U.-That five new
bishoprics will - b created whan, the
Episcopal committee of the quadrennial
cpnrerence oyntn , Methodist church
make its reports the conference here
tomorrow 1 declared to b practically
Jabilant, -'i'l
tested WiraW, r -,
May 1!. e.Ioel
nt whan ha Imaul
nnou here todayTfertain -today., bishop , Warren. Mo
ot leaves for Ohio
In bia campaign la
which he la cbd-
-teecb.- J ;t --
,:-(' -'. sh
In tyre and Moore will be retired. oa ac
count or old, age. - , ; - v
. ... . . ;
Journal Want sAds bririg re?9ita v ,
i ZEo Anvaslc
:' K 1 - - : : - jr'.i; V,
. Tfnta' Too attff to Said Ovr.
are 6teady;anl brain worts clear.
vauve yourselr a fair show. to
coffee ancl
ana; achieve.
j tea v are found to finterf ere, stop
and use
"When 1 drank coffee I often had sick '
headaches.- nervousness -and- blllousnee-
much of the time; but about two years'
ago-I went to- visit! a friend and got In
the habit of drinking Postum.
- have never touched coffee since
and the result has been that I am now
k entirely well of all my to ...-.
vou trouble. (Tea oont
" the same drug rfoundTrr
"My mother was just I
, We all drink Postum now
K had any coffee In the I
years and we all ara well
"A neighbor of mine.'.
. drinker, wag troubled wjt
.side for yeara and waa i
waa not able to do her
Tiot even mend olother
It aid
digestion; ! steaaies
nerves; and clears tte Lrain.
; RcadK letter to rigtt.
ets a. Reason
Cornpsjiy, Uniit BatUe
aU where h would hav
ward. If aha tried to d
work ah would get such
would have to lie down
4th .dayr--rv- -
r "I persuaded her at las
Ing-coffee and try Pc
-did o, and ah has use
Sine; the reault has bet
i now do her work, can I
' day and mend and can
" chln and h never e
of pain in her aide. In fi
well and It shows eofft
of th whol trouble.
- ' I could also tell yd
- other neighbor who hav
.: - by" quitting coffee aad
Vtt, placa" Name given
BatUe Crk, Mich. ,
" i-iook la pkg. j ,for t
pook. Th Road 'to Wi.
4k' ae. .'
i '