The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 13, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. XI. NO. 67.
1 1 1 i
mystic mm
hob guests
royal receptio
150 Nobles Returning From
Meeting En Routlto-Thci
Homes In East, Given Glad
Hand by Al Kader Temple,
; through cmr latr
Red Topped Lcdgemen Taken
7 for Auto Ride About City; ;
' Cbj UU Portland
rttU mh tro th
tag at LJ Angel
tht riortUag
taiparikl. gather
lo Use th? big
luhn temple Uey reprooeat. a anvil
la eUn- party of 111 Myetto Shrtn
r and thsir ledl.a, but, a vanguard
he 14 be, OS testing tb hplfalJty and
eajUg Ua pleasant ellraa of th eUr
whUrb la thla wk to be lb roods.
vua of a, vast throe f of nearly 40M
ratursLaa nohlea. .
" The arrived earlr. but early II
aa uey rouna ua waicaiu
Al seder Tempi ea guard at in union
depot, wlda ara4 and wakaful. la eoa
nul ef lra r. Powara, wbUa ft cara-
Ljui- rty ataoMiaa wa Hntd
op to racaiva tham.
rtrat to arrtva war thraa 1ullma
cars wlib T7 aobtea f Madlnab Taav
tia of Clikaao. In caarta af rotanUU
IC J. talr. n th apUJ ear. "Mar
net' with alcht ioba from Alappa
Tampla ot Itoalon. Thaaa cara war In
ona apaiial train. Tba Khrlnara ftboard
vara bundled lotothaautoa s4whlawd
up lo tba Portland bacal. wblla th rl
Itrr4 chauffaura raturaad to the ata-
tlon to meat two Mora PuUmaaa con
talnlnr abuul nambars ot Al Koran
Temple of Cleveland, who oal In by
the reriilar train aoon after.
riatftraa Axe Takam.
While tby were walttn at tho Port
land hotel. Ivan Itumaaon lined tip the
vlaltora In froot of the hotel and aaked
them to look pleaaaot while two camera
man mapped their plcturea. lie didn't
have to esforoa ' tba "look pleaaant
part of It, for the oeamed to take to
the Dhotoaraphln ' aaturallr. One
fihrlner explained that tber bad col
aa need to It that tbey enjoyed it by
bU tlrna. v .
Arter breakfaet and reet. the mam.
re of Al Kader tampla were on hand
Jh hair autoa araln. Than for two
ho. , tba Ylaltlnf fibrtnara and their
ladlea were taken about the city and
oat by the Llnnton road and abown
point of Interoat and acenlo beauty. '
Ilarrey Beck with- waa in chars at
the Portland, which, with the M&aonlc
, Temple at Weat Park and Tamhlll
1 atreeta, haa been named official head-
qaarters for Bhrlnere air thla week. nd
j the comfort of the weary onea waa wall
I attended CO. " " 1.
Mamhera of Al Kader tampla of Port
land, aet out to make the day one round
I af pleaanre, fun and feaaUnc. and they
' euooeedod. At that they didn't hara to
i (O far to proTida ftmnaemant for the
( tnambera of Medlnah temple of Chlcare.
which contained jolly crowd of mirth
: nakera. - ' " '.) '
BalAad wineapottara." ; v
m Loa Anrelea, nine
rty ftt toretbar ft
lie parfonnora " to
1 at home. ' They
utt Potentate Daley
alaam -dubbed, them
and threatened : to
tally Incorporated
o nine merry "nlne
. "Wenneberr. R. 3.
T. i Clark. - Herman
Laeohetxke, Henry
; of the .Great
Ijot- Yet Over
dl Wire. '- S
; .-Wlth ears, eye
en,; Broadway, to
g i from the f lrat
. announcement that
i ',.r::' Thawpwfe of
"ayer -of. Stanford
- a 11 ontba old
. detalla The re-.
r- i ' paver S"or tlje
Whit M'ay had
'.Tand It canaeilthti
tt the' lobster, pal-'
1 In months..: .. .f
noement that.MrS.
i S -her baby cam
has been ineon
; with her, dlfecf
. oaaibl and many
is girl's - friend
f Kewapapers here..
' story la detail,
that she Is here,
"hereabouts Is un-
topea, the newspa-
-checks for H4.
. she will then cut
i Thaw family. ,.
Thaw' a personal
a afternoon that
t Mrs. Thaw was
la Child. .
May ll. Em
report that Mrs.
rags TwoO .
Governor West Gives Out Draft
of Proposed Initiative Meas
ure to Make Ufe Imprison
ment Penalty for Murder.
UW NOT intenoeo: ::, j
Pardon Only to Be Exercised
.on Recommendation of the
Trial Judge, "
BarMa ef Tke laarvat I "
lalajft. Of, Uy It. OOTarner TV eat
today cava ot tba text of tho bill pro-
rldlnf for tho abollahmaat f oapttaJ
ptiBlehmenL It aobetltutea for eapltai
pualebroent Ufa tmprtaonraont at bard
tabor In tho a Late pealteBtlary and pro
hibit the gorernor from granting ra
prtera. - eotnmutatioa or- pardon, ' after
eoaelctloa for marder In tho flret do
greo, oBoept on the recommendation of
tba judge of tho eoortrwhlcQ originally
tried tba oa A feaXura of tha pea.
poeed- bill la tbo provlatoa that It anali
not apply to the Crimea committed or
ooovlctloaa had prior to -tba eoaouneat
of the meaaure. -
U JalUaUvapeUUoaa-artU. be oUeed M
circulation within a few daya. , .
Tba text of tba propoaed moaafire
propoae that aectlon 101 of tord'
(Contlaued on Pag BTn) J
nr - - - w
. a.
" - Today' Swmparatar. . -
I a. m (1 degree
. a. m.. ............ l degree
I a. m.. ...,( degreoo
la. n.. 7 degree
19 a. nt.. . 71 degroo
11 a, m. ...-.' degroeo
IS noon ... ...... II dgra
1 a. m.... .......... II degree
.' !: Mv."i'o."" deer (
4 t p. m.......'....i.i T degroo .
- Testeroay at ii. nown,
" TeaUrday's maximum. 111 at
I n. m. - .
It ha been warmer all morning, ac-
nnniink to tha-thermometer J ot to
inat waather bureau, than It waa yea'
tarn mornlnjr. tha maximum of, IS de-
gross being reached at li o'clock, v At
11 o'clock yesterday, th thermometer
registered 7t noon to
day . tho : reading-. wa .aegro, -ai
antnat II at noon yeatorday.- and Indl
cations . aro - that yeaterday' record Of
t.l degree-at-wnv--wlll bo-oxoeed-ed
before the maximum temperature la
reached, thla afternoon. , '
There haa been hotter May weather
la Portland, aocordlnr to- tha ' records
at tha weather office, but It ha usual,
ly com later s In th jmonta, and ye
terday mark of' 1 1.1 topped th pre
Vloua early May record of II degToaa,
recorded Miyl, 1106. ,. Thla waa - the
high record sine May , ' 1111, when
Portland really, roasted with th ther
mometer at "degreea, y'-ir.
May l HIT. -SI degreea
lir is , ! a- , , c - 5 t;--' - fli
WW r-r V 4 ,-" , ' :
v-:-. . ........ -, '''s''
'J' ' 1 ' " :4.;,: , V : y. M " r
I ;1 . i; V : ? Mil:
i lal I ' .. , I I I
y ' W . ii i - ' " ' " ' 1 . 1 " " i j ' J)
0 IMHIlt
u .
Insurrectos, Tired, Hungry and
, , Discouraged, Are , Fighting
FiercelyAgalnst Great pdds
Rellano. . '
Three Hundred Wounded Rev
olutionists" Arrive ' In . Culdad
tr untnuanua,
CI .Faeo, Teaaa, May II. General
Peeal Oroaco'e frabeJ troop. ttr4.
hnngry and diooragdU today are mak
ing at Rail an trhal maylpror to bo
their laat atandT la tbo Inaurractloa
agalnat thauMar admlntatratlon. Do
ciatvely bien , ln yeaurday . battlo.
lheTbal tibepfl raUled. about tbalr
leader again today and gav battle to
General liborta' elctorlou federal
army. Let aet report received her a tat
trnt the rebel arnghttng daaporately.
but With faiat bona af Bltimala moeaeam.
re porta recefrad here today from fod-
reraj aourcaa aay.that rebel wi
lain in yeateroar- bat t la at Conejoa.
Ahtwugirto Teteria rr ty ' trtu re
port I greatly esaggarated. It I known
that !0 wounded rebel arrived la Cul
dad Chihuahua teat night and a eon4
(Oontlnued on Pago 8evea
coraea. and It haa Mora been hotter
man mm at any time Of th year.
. Bat ther la ona feature of tola Fort
land summer season that muat appeal
anyone wno baa experienced awalter
inr eastern weather. , No matter how
hot the day, when th sun alnka Port-J
lander ar aaaurad a coof ovenlng and
night, when blanket ar a comfortable
covering. Tho haat at sight 1 never
latenea, aa to. dslv away alean.-A
refreshing brees springs up with th
coming or.iwuight. and a long cool
leap puts' ona In good ebape for' an
other' day, oven though it 1 hot and
fttUry. i '-- - - -.: 1.
Park and' river and other
retreat offering a breath of freah air
and a little ahade were tho mocca .of
thousands p Portland peopl yesterday,
and. today, especially women and chil
dren, and th idle mala population are
holding forth where ther la ' green
grae and ahade. . - ' - '... - .
Tbo city park Is on of th moat eon.
ular retreat , Canoe and other pleas
ure craft dotted the Willamette all day
yeaterday and oosn street cars. carried
inousanaa to me utu, council-preat,
out on the Calvary cemetery Una, and
to thir 'points In and about tho city. '
- Heavy aales of straw bat aro re
ported, and aoda water and Ice cream
resort ar runntnr fail Mut and with
complet mldaummer help equipment.
v To tho e who are today Buffering with
the heat it may be refreshing to know
that back In the vicinity of Denver, CoL,
the telegraph lines are reported out of
commission on account Of damage by
heavy . anowatorm. :"i'x -" a
S 1G
.. 1 ., - ' ...
- - . , .
. . , .'-. - 1 Mil, ,
.". I ".III I
7 '-',. . . I ' -,- A.
Chilly -Wind Accompanies Fall;.
Snowing Twenty-four Hours
Kat-'LeadvIlle.:1 :t-"V
Denver. May Jt-CoIorado la lnjtb
grip of one of th heaviest snowstorm
f th winter-today.- in tma-oity'ine
new baa . falUng :ti mtdnls-ht and
continued until I o'clock this afternoon.
Up to that hour aix lnchea of snow' had
fallen, making the heaviest Btorm ever
sen her in May; and on of tho blggeat
of the winter. - The storm -wa accom
panied 'by-a chmy wind causing all to
wear heavy overcoats. r '
. Th now vu general throughout
Colorado. , In Colorado Bprlng moat of
the enow fell yesterday, changing; to a
bllnard last night At Leadville It-haa
boon snowing for nearly II hours, with
bo Indications a yet of abatement.; ,
S. T.
Th ree Days Remain In . Which
to Secure Names;-56,430
; 'Names-Are-Obtained: :jS
- V
.But three day remain of the whirl
wind campaign in behalf of the Tiarmony
highway blU.-Xt.U asUmated y-Presi
dent Ptalf Of thcpregon'AasocUtlon for
Highway Improembnt that SI.410 alg
naturea for tha six meaaurea have been
secured In Portland and throughout the
state. . of this number only 11,690 have
actually been turned in.. Ha has, how
ever, reports both from city and state
that, be aays, justify the estimate. , ,
. During th time remaining every ef
fort will be made to more than com
plete the eecurlng of the. 60,000 signa
tures needed for placing th bill on the
(Continued on Page Seven)
!,a. , ,
Colonel Wins 20 and Probably
21 of state's 24 ( Delegates
to ; Chicago Convention;,
" fCalted Preea Keteed Wire.) .'-
-.BtTTftuVMInn-; H. Ltet r-tum-fron-the-
atate primary election
today indicated that Theodore Roosevelt
carried very congtesalonal district In
Minnesota except possibly two and that
th colonel ha 10. probably 11, of Mln
neeots'a Ii- delegates' (n Jhe. national
Republican "convention. , la th district
of former- Congreasman Jam A. Taw-
ney. on of President Taft' most ar
dent supporter in- th aUter th Taft
foroea carried aeveral counties, and are
deputing the control of tho Ninth dla
trio convention. In thla district the lia
(Continued on Pag Sevan.)
MM v i
ii. hi""
TaftT Politicians Appear
Control of Kr
uation at K
' Have Posscsi .
"Fifty Pitchfor
Keep Out Cr
E. B.
. Mlri.l e 1
Aberdeen, raab,
Roosovelt delegate
th Or arid theatre, I
ef tba state eor
I now certain. IX I
Taft ateaju roller
and manager of th
day aaM be bad tan
to th elite eantrel
pro-Taft. Bent al
purchased plUbf orki
keep out the crowd.
... i-t
- . S if
admitted . without a
atat central eotmnl
attempting - to pai
Rootevelt men aro
never bo permitted !
Rooaevelt me la
day nlgbt contested
to the atat enve
delegate. . They . aa
lent ground for. ft -will
not dlvulg urn
mitte on credent la
Leaders of tha v
gan arriving today 4
paring . for an axclt
Seattle. Wash--
there ar to be two
erdeen Wednesdsy ,
ton' 14 delegate t
ventlon. depends up
committee, which me
leader ar ' openry
pro-Taft committee'
regard th Rooev.
jortty, - and WI1L a
Taft delegata- In -'
tempnrary , roll call,
the proposed eonvef
an, arrangement tqrj -
te convention -hAIl a
tlflcat signed by C
pro-Taft state cornnj
ecretary of . tho- o
Snyderr Seattle, 1 t ,
Governor M. K. H .
man. haa been tt "
th Taft leader fro
program, ao a, to i
election,, which wou
from a - party split.
ver, nave mtie noj
get a "aquar deal" '
re-preparing to u
gain admission to t
If they fall, they w!
position- of a major!
elected delegates "b
a convention of thel
On tho eve of . tl
meeting the delegat! r
lows: i Uncontested I
contested Taft 117 -bo
lectd : today,.
Franklin county hi i
U It
La Kollette first cl ;
(Continued On
a 4 lf like
. . hi , a. m
Organized Move
Judgo to H4
"Face Impeacl
v fUaltod
Indianapolis, May3 .
ln,.lnterBt ven tha
dentta nomination d
ttonat Socialist con. rrV
1(n,t itn aoltdlv beh.
comoel United State Judge. C II. Haa
ford of Seattle' to recall his deolslor.
abnulllhg? the citiaenahlp .paper r
Ionard Olen of Tacoma Tecaua th'
latter admitted h waa a Socialist, ot
fac, .impeachment T-proceedlns-e. con.,
cmuman Victor Berger. of Wlaconeirt,
indignant "at Judga Jlfanford a rullns:.
promised on the floor of the convention
today to take action in congress Imme
diately j upon his return to Washington
Bcores ox telegrams irom nepuiK.!
n n.mnnrnti in all, section or tn.
country In which they promised to hfU
the Socialists in theirerrorx to pr"
that Judg iUnford permitted person :
prejudice to5 rule his, action-were rea l
to-the delegates The decision, the lel-
gates ay, will be carried to tne x.ntit i
Statea supreme court lor . reversal
iMAtmrT snd tbev freely cher?e t'n
the decision U the direct result of J ,
Hanford's' opposition to the
the JudicUry, he believing, they
that by deoriving Olaaon of cltlier.
h would curb agitation in V.e ?'
thla direction. '
he reports of th recall
and' those of the pen'na.neot i f
.were, presented to the convection t
I TndisTiation" was -'xorrel v
delegates over the o- ier o' c
Police Hyland frbl 3 ling a ?'
red flag In th 'S-c:a!i-t ls' '
L'elegatej dernandel an lnc'
the motitve vhi-h t"""i',''l t '
TomJInson hall, In. w!.' ' i
tloa 1 in sea Ion. t Jfern" 1
'i American flag. . r ' '
' ' -. was lcot- i to a '
j re HanfirJ's de- 'n-. '
r i new chalrnivn H i t '
Irte rfpnri. (
V.. dtdate fr
r t0V,
tte .
V "t'"
f s
d in Bfr.:. M - r, i . : ,
i . ; - I v ' i : ' ' . - . .j ,. Wll
f , I . ' ' " .. mMmL : .., v ------- f! - -3IW " - - !