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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1912)
THE OKHCOM SUNDAY JOURNAL. J-OKTLAN D. SUNDAY M OK NINO, WAY If, l!t MULDECUBIES' L1AUUFAGTUR1NG lilSIKll1' Whole Forests Pass Through Portland f in Box Cars Every Day THAT FRANCE HOT MID TO FIGHT Tale U Tim Tht I mU Ut Ur4 Any to Setto! -rr44 Otrv. 4 JWt" 4t TroAW UM TU Thl Aw litOtg tOiiifcnl to Vortato lUarva (Jrewa to UtotS iUi oreorf t (Www, VWglo. . ' MMEO HUM Distinguished General Asserts Greatest Strides Taken From That French Republio Would . Be Able to Defend Wt&Mtr Event of Conflict- 1904 to 1909; Net wealth Created In J 909, $42,453, 000; 34,722 Employed. 15 The at MuJik -i4 r ' j j lurlof tla I lb -!' i tn ie r eaaei4 ( (0 Mif the d?e tUUC f the IWrtMrOt IM l'bii4 '.', )ul Im4 ty -f - e4 UW. ' The boil! tt d-tailad tlttW- f a&afM'rr rr the eute la !. ' tA4frr Wlia ether trforaaHa H4 fnra U wJUirf li the t Mrm - la iwnmutiiitr Ue rvl is of t tMaufatftuneg tiduy ta 1 39. lb - auiils MHI la )MI Ue artate of Oregc bad tilt aaaa fact arte aetabitahsaeal. wbteb aava em&lertnaat to aa average of 84 t;l Soring the y, end rJa H U salarU ea4 was, trf the pereoea employed, 31.TI9 were wag wtm. IBM mumumimh turned eut prodortJ ta lb value ef UMdUtOL te prodiee which materials MUtf it.tlLM 'were aiUla! To vl added ty, inaaufeeiere was the I4M start Orewt Shews, la teartl. lbs laeaafartertBg laduo. .tries of Onto aa i'Wi ahowd a marked grewlh during the saeade 1199 lei, the . mM oevelopavaat ha vine UikM place dartfaf Ui" five rr period 1904-1909. During this period tba tr at esubllstuaents lncread 4i.I ! Mil end tba avaraia numbt af waca aaraara IM par avat. whil Iba valua tit producU lserMt4 (7.1 Pr ca(, and tba valua ad dad br Btaaafa. tura Tt.t. It vould ba Improp1. bow rr, to laXar that mnoflurr . tn ' rra4 la roluma to tba fuU aitant Ind'.catad by thaaa flrurta rapraaaaUAg valuaa, ainca Uielneraaaa abawa la ear- -taialf ana, in pan. u im incraua ui baa taJira pUca la U Pt ( ooo RiodlUaa." Tha buUatla autaa that aJthoorb Or egon la iaoraaatac ta Important; aa a Bianofacturlnr a lata, tba BTOtb af tm tnaoufaetortac tnduatriaa durtnf tha put (a jraara haa not kept paca wit. Utat of Ita population. , "In X90." tba ballMla aara, par cent of tba total vaJua of product waa rrMrted from tba cltlaa of Foruana and Balam. tba only oltlaa la tba atata having orar 10,000 population, ana . for rent of tba total numbar af waa ernara wra ampioyaa in uaaa eiua. X.nmbat Matt XaaporUat. Th era baa baan a chaaca from tha ' aupronacy of tha ouUlda manufact ur ine district la 1S9I to that of tha clttea In 10. Tola ta partly dna to tba fact ' that , Balara bad a popuUUqp " of leaa titan 10.000 la 1100 and waa not Included In tha city croup until 100, but ehlafly t tha marked arowtb of tba Induatrlaa In tha dty of PortUnd, tala city alona ra rortlnf allchtly mora than ona half of th total raJu of prodncta for tha atata In 10. ' Tha Urra paroanugaa anows of tba antalda dlatricta ar largaly ra . aultant from tba activity la tba lumbar laduatrr. ' - "Portland, tha larraat aad by far tha moat important dry ta tha aula, ahowa aa lnoraaaa. from 104 to U0I, of 109.44a. or lt.l par eant, In vatua of , producta, and or 4041, or ii.a par oant. In tba ararajra nnmoar oi wava amr Wttn tnaaaurad by valua of produota, tha lumbar industry waa tha moat' Im portant-branch of manufacture liaJ Fortlana." la to tha raiu or ma - rodiiot of this Induatry la thia city amountaa to io.iio,vo, rapraaanuar; ' St.l per oant of tha total for tha Indua try (a tha atata. and amploymant waa . art van to aa avaraca of S69 war aarn- era, or 9t per cent of tha total nutn tr anfraKed in tha induatry la tha atata. "In 1909 Portland reportad nearly thraa fourtha of tha total value of producta for printing and publishing in tha atata; " over thraa fourtha that for bakerlea; J mora than four fifth that for tha foun Orlaa and machine ahopa, for tha manu- - factur of copper, tin, aad sheet iron igireduota, and for tha leather gooda in- i duatry. and aver nine tenths those for' tha eoafeotlonary and furniture lndua-j ' i tries, respectively. Tha manufacture of I rnan'a clothing in tha atata waa . con' flnad to Portland. ! . ' tttata math la Vina, " ' ' "Statistics for manufactures for 8a- : lem are ahowa for tha first time, la . 1909; therefore no comparisons can ba j tnavda with former censuses. Tha moat Important Induatrlaa In tha city In that . jnaar were tha lumbar waustry, tne cran- aarlaa, alaughterlng and meat packlil?, tha woolen gooda Industry, printing iid ' publishing and tha malt-liquor lntifua- fry." " V. ., i Tha baHetln glvea tba following gen- aril faota brought out by the ctensua: i '"Oregon, with a gross area i of 86,(99 faquare miles, of which 1093 rapraaent ; water aurtace, ranks ninth In alse " among tba 49 states and terrttorLea of ' continental United States. Ita popula tion In 1110 waa 879,785, aa compared with 419.889 la 1900, and 817,704 in ' IS 90. It ranked thirty-fifth among tha ,49 etatea and territories aa regards pop ulaUon la 1910 and thirty-sixth . in 1900. ' having -more than 10,000 inhabitants. Of tha' entire population of tha atate, 46.8 -per cent resida in cltlos and incor porated towns, having a population of -Kst III - ,''. - -.- .-.ji 'III- x: T - "' ,.-vJ -i -rX V : . , - V. . y A- J! Wboia foreaia paaalaf tbroaglk Port lead aarb day ta a tw rarf ImpoMlhl! yoa say. Tl it la a faV for thia U tba lima at tba year lt l axia aaaa piaaia bla a forvaia aa tba burned scraea la tba national foreeu of Oregoa ti or- da that Oreaoa ruay BialnUln bar an-. aratnacr la tba ttabr Wld. Ifu drada of tuaanda of tiny DougUa fir traaa era paaaiog uirva rwN bound for their final borne in Tillamook county. "It la literally I rue that tbouaaada of treaa are oaaalng through Portland each day." aaid UUtrlct ytoraatar Cecil, "but of catiraa thv a all Utti traaa omy oo aad two yaarar-0 ona1 slant iBrhea talk They are grown at the Wind tuvar nuraary pt the foraat aerrloa. . located near ' Carson, Wuk, aad tha govarnmaat la ahlp- clna tbam ta TlUamooK to ba piant ad on tba large born ad area la tha rlrlnlty of Mount llebo, about J mllee south of Tillamook. Por several yeara tha governaiant haa been experimenting la tha atouat Ilcbo, regioa witn oiract aeadlng aa a method of reforesting the denuded land, but tbia la tna nrsi year that small traaa ara available for planting. Planting la eomewhat mora expansive than aeedlng but tba results mora eertala and I have treat cope that thia year our work on Mount Uebo will ba vary successful Approximately 700.000 treea will ba set out there this spring, and since about TOO traaa ara planted par acre, approximately 1900 acroa wUl ba reforested In the Mount Hebo region thia year. . Orowa by XOUoa. " Tbe traaa ara grown by tha million at tba Wind River nursery. During tha first year when they are only two or thraa inches tall they ara crowded to gether very thickly la tha aeed beds, but at tha and of tha first year they are taken up and transplanted to other beda where each little tre la given mora room. Whan two yeara old they ara five to eight laches tall, and ara large enough for planting in tha field. They ara than dug trp, tied together in Top, left to right Camp and character of ground In bumed-orer area In national forest; bundles of aeedllnra and tools employed In planting-. Bottom Showing distance between treoa; planting; tiny trees. bundles of (0, their roots wrapped In wet moea ao they will notTdry out, and packed in crataa about tba also of a aoap box holding 1800 trees each. When properly packed, tba trees will keep In good condition for two weeks or mora, but it la necessary to give tba topa plenty of air and to keep tha roots constantly moist. jrorty Kaa Planting Traaa. "At Hebo wa have a planting crew of over 40 men at work. It is not diffi cult to plant tha treea In the right way whea ona 1 earns how, but tba greatest care is always naceesary, otherwise the little traea will not live. Each man la equipped with a apada or mattock and a pall In which ha carries a supply of treea In the bottom of tha pail there ia a little water and some moea with which to keep tba roots wet, for It they dry out erven for a moment, tha traa will die. The planters spread out In a row, each man eight feet from, tha om next to him, and then they move for ward eettlng a tree In the ground every eight feet A hole ia dug deep enough to accommodate the roots without JB90 or over la 1910. as against 1U per oant la 1909." - Tha lumbar and timber Industry is by far tba moat important In tha atata. accord In ir to tha , bulletin. uregon ranked ninth la tha total out for rough lumbar la 1909. Tba Induatry gave em ployroent to aa average of 16,800 wage earner, or 6X.4 per cent or uie iouu for the atata, and tha value of its pro ducta amounted to, or sj.o per cent of the total value of all manu factured goods. In supplementary data regarding soma of tha mora Important Industries of the state, the following facta ara presented: The out of rough lumber increased 1, 184.487 M. feet, board measure, or 168.8 per cent, from 1899 to 1909; that of shingles, Z8J,460,00O, or eii.o per eeni; and that of lath, 119,788,000, or 884.6 per cent Of the amount of lumber cut 8S.4 nor oent was Douglas fir. There were only 8046 thousand feet of hardwood lumber produced. In 1909 Oregon was second among the states in the production of Douglas fir, re porting 82.6 per cent of the total. Cali fornia and Oregon were the only two states reporting a cut of sugar pine and Oregon reportad 8.6 per cent of this cut Flour mill and gristmill products are irivAn second olace of Importance In the list of the state's manufacturing Indus tries. Tha total value of these producta in 1809 wo 88,891,001 as against 18,467, 618 In 1904, . and 16,186,260 in 1899. nrhit wheat flour fornvd 66.9 Dr oent of the total value of all proauota xor ih. inrinstrv during the rear. The density of population of the state waa 7 per square mile In 1910, the cor responding figure lor iou oeing .. "Portland. With a population oi 214, and Balem with a population of 14,094, are tha only oiuea ia tne aiaie The outnut oi Don m ine state in creased 444.7 per cent, and of fresh beef 279.2 per ; cent Bdurinst too aecaae. HEADACHY, CONSTIPATED. 115 Or TAKE DELICIOUS SI1P RS Removes the scum from the tongue, sweeten a sour, sassy, . bilious stomach, cleanses your liver and 30 feet ' - of bowels without gripe or nausea. - . If headachy, bilious,' dlzay. tongue coated, stomach sour and full of gas, ' you - beleh undigested food - and feel pick and miserable,- it means that your liver la choked with sour bile and your thirty feet of bowels are clogged with effete waste matter .not properly car ried off.. Constipation la worse thai! meat folks believe. . It means -that this waate -matter laN tba thirty j teat of bow els crcays into, poisons, g acid and that these poisons are then iuckid In'o the blood through the very ducts which should auck only fiour- tninfnt to sustain, the body. Host people dread physic. They think rtf east or oil. sal ta 'and cathartic plHst .'They Shrink fromi the after effects o th .postpone 'the does until the r t ali.k; then-they do this, liver end ' ivwtl cleansing In a heroic way ihey have a bowel washday. - Thai Is -all wrong, . If you- will take a teaspoonful of delloioua Syrup of Figs tonight, you will never realize you have taken any thing until morning, when-all the pois onous matter, sour bile and oltggad-up wast will be moved on and out f your system, thoroughly but gently oo grip, ing no nauaea m weakness. Taking Syrup of Figs is a real pleasure. Don't think yon e dragging yourself; It is compoaed entirely of luadous figs, senna and aromatlca, and eonstant use can not cause Injury.' ..-.-..t rAsiyour druggist for nsym ef rigs and Elixir of'Senna," and look for the Rime, Calif oral Fig Syrup Company, on the label. iThla IS tfce genuine old reliable.' Any other Fig" Byrup offered aa good should be refused wltta.con teihpL ,Don't be tmnoaed upon. The alaaghtering and meat packing Induatry ranks third in the Hat of states Industries, according to tha bul letin, and it ahows Increases all along tha line. The total value of the pro ducta in 1909 waa 8M79.616, against fl.907,164 In 1904, and 11.688,480--In 1889. . Jumping from a total of li.62d.848 in 1904' und 8689,222 in 1899, to 84,920,462 in 1909, the increase In value of the state'a butter, cheese and condensed milk industry Is considered remarkable, The industry is one of the newer ones of the state. In 1889 there were only 12 establishments of this nature In 'the atata, tne vuue or uieir proauota amounting to. about $66,426. In 1909 7J5 establishments reported with a total value of product crowding the 8600,000, 000 mark. The first report of a condensed milk factory in Oregon was received at the census of 1904. In 1909 aeven auch es tablishments reported nearly"22, 000,000 pounds of condensed milk, valued at over a million dollars. Canning and preserving Is mentioned aa one of the Important and distinctive industries of the state. The Increase In the value of products from 1904 to 1909 was $296,696, or 10.2 per cent, and from 1899 to 1904, $917,267, or is per oent. The value or the production those three years is given as follows: 1909, 88.207,060( 1904. f 2,911,364 1899, $1,- 994,107. Although the output f canned sal mon decreased both in quantity and In value from 1904 to 1909, it la still the most Important produot of the canning Industry in the atata. In 1909 Oregon produced 18 per cent of -the otal jtitput or. oannea salmon ror continental, united States. Production of Prunes. The most marked increase was that in the production of prunes, from 818, 000 pounds in 1904, to 1 14,009,697 pounds in 1909. : Beans were the principal .-vegetable canned, in fact the only one, aside from pumpkins, which was reported by more than one establishment. ; Decided growth is shown In the erint- ing and publishing Industry. In 1909 64 publications. In the state were re ported. In 1904 there-were 221 and in 1899, 197. The aggresrate circulation per Issue In 1909 was 786,868, as against 445,840 in 1904, and 311,950 in 1899. The weeklies showed the greatest in crease in number and the monthlies in aggregate circulation. The publications reported Included one dally In Japanese. one aeml-weekly in Finnish, three week lies in German, one weekly in Swedish, one In Danish and Norwegian, and one Value at Prodtuita. 'T The Increase In the value of products doubling up and tha aoll then packed firmly about the roots, with a loose layer on fop to check evaporation. With a little practloe tha men become quite expert and aet out from 600 to 700 treea per man. per day." -11 Is the Intention of the foreat eerv loe, according to the statement of Dis trict Foreater Cecil, to continue thl work on a still larger scale next year If good results are obtained from the treea set out this spring. There are thousands of acrea of denuded land on the nellpnal forests la Oregon which ; the total number of wage earners only 98 were tinder 16 years of age. The great majority of wage earners employed in the manufacturing Indus tries In Oregon work from 64 to 60 hours a week, lnolualve. Only 14.6 per oent of the total were employed In es tablishments where less ' than 64 hours a week prevailed, and only 6.8 per cent in placea where the hours of labor were more than 60 a week. In the lumber in duatry 91.4 per oent of the wage earn era worked in establishments where the prevailing hotlrs ' were 60, per weak. Corporate Ownership. For all industries combined, 28.6 per cent of the total number of establish ments in 1909 were under corporate own ership, aa against 71.6 per oent, under all other forms. The corresponding fig ures for 1904 were 28.5 per cent and 74.6 per cent, respectively. A paragraph and table of the bul letin la devoted to the size of the va rious establishments, as the tendency for manufactures to become concen trated In large establishments or the reverse, la a matter of -interest from the standpoint Of Industrial organiza tion. In 1909 of the 2246 manufacturing es-i tabllshnients In' the state, only eight had value of products exceeding $1,000, 000. These establishments employed an average of 2365 wage earners, or 8 per cent of the total number In all es tabllshmenta, and reported 15.6 per oent of the total value of producta and 10.9 per . cent of the .total, value added by manufacture. The small establish ments, those having a value of producta of leaa than $5000, constituted 86.1 per cent of the total number of establish ments, but the value of their products amounted to only 2.1 'per cent of the total The bulk of the manufacturing waa reported by establishments having a product valued at not Jess than 1100. 000. The advance bulletin fwlll be re printed wlthout-"change as a part of the compendium of the cenfus for Ore gon, and la the final reports of the thirteenth census. . , The Danish inventor. Ellehamor, has discovered a method to ascertain the presence of icebergs or rooks within a distance of 1200 yards of a steamship even In a dense fog or darkness. The Invention further enables persons aborad ahlpa to learn exactly the position and suse or rocks or icebergs.' DECEIVED BY SO-CALLED SUPERFLUOUS HAIR "CURES" Famous Doctors Charge Deception., fly 0f 8freea 4 ay ta Imimii4 anln 1 rru. May 11 " U aa ruta aarueaa af (4ae aa U 9-as West all iae year, bul eke ta Mt arrets, af war. Tlae waa taa Ida ef Ue eat uiuy ef aa stub. ef boeiUiUae with ta faUaeat sUfer las aasUca frvfeUer ete4 a us asia to Un- ealee as 134 (otUUei Mt ail lUl Is aew. it aa4a a war Is sear ta eesae. It wul be aapie4 wila rt aadva but aUae wim swai idaaaa, is Ue af (eel ef ta ate arlais vat eaaa4 ae aaaah aaalety t&rewsbeal Ue alvtuaad we 14 ta Ue leUer aaU af 1311. The eaouia ef tha Oermaa sevaaa aaaat te laorwaa Ue imperial army Is aalu rally the subject af a ad Seal ef eoaaiaaat aa4 speealatlea ea tals a tie af Ue bersar, aad. aatareJly, airferest views are aajpri ea Ue taaTUav Uea era! DeanaL tbaa waesa a all bar au thority ea salutary aiMMUeaa aatsta la lais country, has lust glvwa ais eptaloa.. aad It Is both clear aa eelUr ra- urUg. The gallant affloer aagias wit l be argvmeat tbai aa Tvaaee e eastern frettr is er wautea aaiaat, aaa as evea. If the seaireilty af Haitians aad Swttaartaad were vleUteV tt would aet exceed 199 mil, l,0Mfr ssaa would suffice is cover It. Aad thia salllioa rraaee beeaeeeea. Dahla4 Uts fore there would be a number ef reeervtsta, almost eouaX la fact, aa the Oerfbea army, ee Ue increase that has been de- elded on would net taaae se great a an. fsrenee after alL sUa Axe Oeoeral Boaaal says that the Im portance thus paid ta snare aeabcre Is a survival or tba -servicae iter, wnee las rreneti mad Bften" to fight a tne-' rate of one to is. but Uls U not the case now. oraaied tnai iaa uertaaaa have their plan, the French have tbetr plan. too. Tbay win cave eaougn men. Their rallwaye will be busy all tba time. and evea If tha French could sead 90. 000 more men Into the field they would do well not to yield to such a tempta tion. They have aom thing better than min numoers. wiumwi BPwainaT their aviator, their eommaaders are ad mirably trained and fit. and there" ca dre' ere superior to thoee of any other nation In Europe. There la a Ooee union between officers and troops. Qo to Germany and see Ue gulf that eepar. atea the offioer from his men, aad yoa will return full of oonfldenoe la our eomoaaUa and our regunenta." No. Franoe need not ae oiaooneerraa at tha "folia da nombre" whlah prevails In Oermany, and wbloh only serves to illustrate Ue frame af mind m official are now lying unproductive, and sinoe I quarter "They feel that war Is ap. they are not suited for agricultural use preaching, and perhaps they evea deelre nut win produce greater yieias oi um- it, gncer uie impreaawn um awwuta bar than any other similar landa la ue I must be settled onoe and sor au whole country, it Is the plan of thai government to renlant them aa rapidly I rantala lames Johnson, fotv many as funds are available. That this work I years owner and master of the schooner Is being undertaken so extensively In Eva, was accidentally drowned by fall- Oregon means much for the future am-ling from a wharr at Bsjunoaawa, wean., bar wealth of the state. 1 Wednesday night. a.' V, OCXOR he . TdVICE: The ouestions answered -below - are general in oharaoter, the symptom or diseases are given and the answers will apply to any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, Collere Bldg., College-Elwood fits., Dayton, Ohio, encloalng aelf addressed stamped en velope for reply. Full name and ad. dre? i"u,t b ea, but only initials or fictitious name will be uaed in my -n?w.Br": Th prescriptions can be filled at any well stocked drug atore. Any druggist can order of wboleaaler. A number of eminent physicians re cently made independent and exhaustive tests of the various depilatories and unanimously decided that with one ex- ejection they did not operate on the rlsrht principle, neither were they made of the proper ingredients, - therefore could not acoompllsE the purpose for which they were Intended. from 1904 to 1809 was 81-8 per cent, fs compared with an increase of 86.8 per cent from 1899 to 1904.- The average number of wage earners employed In the induatry increased -during -the de Cade' from 840 to 1459, or 72.7 per cent Although this Industry ranked fourth anion? Ue manufacturlna Industrie ef the atM I" point of p"odn"ts value in I them sometimes, ex 1909, It ranked second when measured by number of wage earners and by vahi added by manufacture. ; -:; " ; The average number of persona- gaged In 1 manufacturing during 1909 waa 84,722, of whom 28,760 were wage earners. Of the remainder. 8719 were proprietors and officials and 2253 were clerka There were 31,89 male l.em- Tests alao tiro vod 'that thse nrenara- tlons were actually injurious. , While no Sercepuoie narm was nouceaoie witn ie first few applications- other ' than alight akin' troubles, the real Injury manifested itself after more freauent and continued use. Furthermore, It waa demonstrated that ' When tne - surface hair was removed by them, it grew out again more rapidly coarser and stiff er than - before, consequently rendering each subsequent removal more difficult. It Is astonishing and surprising; that women will take the risk of disfigure ment by using unknown and uncertain means for removing superfluous hair. In spits of all warning, it seems that some are always willing to make "one more try," not stopping to consider that In using these worthless depilatorlee it will be only a question of time before they will have to resort to the. use of the razor, Because eventually me nair win become so coarse that no preparation will be sir on? anouah to remove It witaout ruining uie sain. -It must be borne la. mind that un scrupulous xajcirs nave always taaen aa vaatage of afflicted woman's despera tion, depending solely upon extravagant and sensational claims to extort from their so-called " cures.' ' Usually makera of worth leas, poison ens pastes, powdera, faka beauty artV ole .recipes and ao-cailed llauld '"cure resort' to-rpubiishlng testlmonlala pro- curea xor a money consideration rrom ona or two bhyaiciana of -questiomtble standing, or from aom unknown' woman who. Is dubbed as a "great society lend er." '"More than likelv the ererjiLrationa were never -used by thl writers of the ployes and 23 T3 female ecuployea. Of Laeallad tastlinoaialsL m 'Don't be deceived or deluded by allur ing arid impossiDie claims or these im postors. Tell any one of them that De- Miracle Chemical Company will forfeit Five Thousand Dollars if " It can be proven that their so-called superfluous hair "Cures" ever eradicated' one single growu or supernuoua nair. There ia one standard denilatorv that dlsBolvea hair, thereby taking- the vl- uuity out or h, oonseauentiy retaraing ana preventing an, increased growth, it is DeMlracle the one exception noted dj tne pnysicians wno made the testa, It Is the only perfected, absolutely non- poisonous and thoroughly reliable meth- oa tor removing supernuous hair. s After ail, the real test or merit Is the test of time. DeMiracle was the largest BelUn&..debllatory ten yearsago, and moreJT of it has been sold each year smcruiBB ui compinea sues of all tne questionable hair removers aold through Ue mails or otherwise. ? The mere fact tnat laae-aangerous preparations are Short-lived should alone be sufficient warning to avoid tne use of any depil atarv.but that or nrovan marit All reliable dealara null an mend DeMiracle, knowing It to b the best and safest depilatory, v SOme un principled ones win ten you tney cannot firooure it ao that they may more easily nfluenoe you' to purchase their own, or possiDiy some ouier cangereus, - worth less substitute under another label, for a few cents more profit Therefor- for juur vwo yivwuun, , retuee just as gooa lmiiauons ana suDsUtutes. II your dealer will not supply you go to Lipman, Wolf a A Co. and you will be yen .icaiiracia witnout ib pilatory that haa ever been Indorsed by ,m!llblh,, writes. 'IClndlv oublish asraln tha urescrlntlon for stomach dis orders ana constipation, x nav mis placed the letter giving the ingredients." A navnri On to vour druaaist and ask for tablets triopeptine and take accord ing to directions, and you will aoon be nrlrair cured mll stomacn trouoie and constipation. This is the best treat ment known for all klnda of stomach trouble. "Anma.- savs: "I am nervous, hysterl cal and very thin due to overwork. What can I take to regain my original vital ity?" . Answer: Tou will gradually regain your original strength by using syrup of hypoTPhosphites comp. 6 ozs.; tincture cadomens comp. 1 oz. Mix and take a teaspoon ful before-meals. Tlrts is-the best system tonlo thatl know of. - -"Mr. Jack" writes: "I ara greatly em barrassed on aooount of my weight. - In the last two years I have Rained flesh so rapidly Uat I am getting very un comfortable. Please tell me what to da" ' 'Answer: Do not get the ordinary pills and tablets for obesity, but use this safe, harmless and quick acting medi cine. " Get . them separately so as to avoid anv substitutes: Aromatic elixir; 5 ozs.; and glycol arbolene. 1 ox. Mix by shaking well and take a teaapoonful after each meal for the first three days and after that take -two teaspoodfuls as long as your case may require, After th first week or two you should lose a pound a day. - .... S ;.' W "Edna T." writes! 1 wish you would rMcnmmend a remedy for kidney and liver trouble, I have dark, spots before my . eyes, dizsy speiis ana also twinges of rheumatism. Answer: I have received many letters from people who have used the follow ing remedy-and. been, cured of all trou ble such as you mention.' V.Oet "Hares grain aulphwru taniets (.not tuipnur tab. lata), aad. take according. to directions riven. They are sold at any well stocked -dm g - store and ar-Uoroughly reliable. ... "ay I -LooUeTOet the following prescrto-P"1011 ta nlsT fery s;nnoyiBg.- tion filled aad give 10 to 15 drops in reputable, physicians, Burgaona; derma tolorista. - mdical - Wuiraili, nMminnt mafc-axtnea and newspapers, end lndrwater"toeforerniealarto cure your little I you, every one is genuine, ir they were (boy of bedwetunr- -omj.; nuia baimj dos, ws nwa v. cvnipeiiect vy law to discontinue tha Wrlto fop fr., twwilr. let which will be mailed sealed- In plain envelop. Deiiiracle Chemical Company, Devt .(P. Park in. Uftlh anJ LnU atreatet jvaw oia., . - wort 1 ok.;, tincture rhus aromatic, 2 drama and tincture cubeba,-! dram; This ahould he given one hour before meal. have heretofore recommended for leucor-r.i.lnFamma"on- "oodlng end the like is simple but very effective,, Mix 2 osa of antlseptie vUane powder and 1 OS. of tannin arM TT - . ful to a quart of warm water twice 5, nJeotlon with syringa Thisr stops Ue discharge, heals and tones the muous membranes and restores firm ness and tonicity to the parts. " Tom M. writes: T am only ID years old. but my - hair Is falling out very rSid,yr?!l3L"CBlp. s covered with dand ruff. Whanssm! got to cur It f V.nin,wv:. Tl our dandruff and stop falling hair use plain yellow mlnvoL iti l?u.oa.l Kfl an3r. well stocked drug atore in -4 , ox. jars, - and if "iis'd regularly it will cure any ioalp dls- ease ana prevent nrnmitn,. i..ii.. Mbtif people have reported a icure-bul uaing two or three, applications. - 'X W." writes: 'lnhnnM-'h. pieet woman in the world if f could I ndu remedy to help me gin flesh. I hare rani ar , f oa . k.t. t am so thin that I am homely.. Can you ' aivo luq a, vruecription r Answer: I reoelve daiiv - an gratifying letters from users of three grata hypo nuclane tablata. Th mtu tablets can be bought at anyup-to-d'it drug store in sealed packages, Full di- reetiona, are given. I advise that vou besrln taklntr them it nnu ami their use for several months and vmi will gain flesh. Many people report that a two months' treatments will in crease their - welzht from, IS in -u, pounds. Hypo Nuolane tablets will also tH impiuve your complexion, j el vine vou - roey Cheeks and llpa and an sparkle to the eyes., e v "Amerloaa CMrl- writes. "For soma years I have been troubled with rhnsu matlsm. I have tried almost every cure,' but toey .did not .help . ma"- , Answer: The best known prescription for theoura of rheumatism is: Iodide of potassium, 2 drams; sodium salicylate comp. eaaence oardiol, 1 os,j comp? fluidSw I balmwort. 1 oa, and syrup BaraaaarlUa, uj muMinK wen. in a tie end-take a teaaDoonfui it nui and at bed lima, wUl no: oniv ba relieved, but cured, if you Continue lu us lor a short time. - .-. J ..... ... . O.. L, TTanlt B." writes: ' "I wmYM itt. i have the jformula for-a reliable couch" cure - as ' I have a , very severe tour h ' Answer:-The beet remedy that T " ef foTT5oufhpandjf6ldB is made br" mixing a 1H ox. bottle of concentrator essence mentho -laxene with a hon ' madeugar syrup. Tou WUl find full directions on the bottle how to mii :-. and use. This will make a full ttnt of . . " . - . -L. . . i th- finest and cheapest oorrh iaedtolne Mollis; XX (Tha txaatment .wtJob. IlobUlnaUa. -