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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1912)
nr lurnn ninmiin lr i . mm mm rnn im Tniiniini ' . , li in h ni iiiiiiir iLui - t runnH u. uun tc THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL , PORTLAND. SUNDAY WORNINO. MAY II. lilt WILL BAKER'S HOME RUN DAT DE HIS HOODOO? Chairman Wakeman Expects at Least Thirty Entries by Thursday. rift mwh Ka Ify fX4 N.IM Miry lit! af Im Kti apitag kaadlcap taauUa t'aaat l IM aJaltaaatefe flK CHalmaa Wk- ' Mt lpl el Iat II " t lui fearer ( cle) TkurUy i alt 'Clack. The Multae. iMa j eruie4 vry tnm by lrr are Im ( eUese for IM UnrMBMi e oral f4 ItmM bar biea iar4 e4 ome of III ra fcra ere ta aJM-aoa for, . . . - , A. B, MeAlpJa s4 A. M. tUlaet r playing Im lir J (Imt fern. War fU iKaae airvli figure Bresnlasat. iy la Of IwimumI 4 A. IX a hum la ela confident af playing ftraigal Ihraugb touraajaaal Tbo b bar aUrd are: A. IX iku. tC U faloa, A. at tfaen pnrey. J. a fed gar. tX at I .a field, ft. U tin, JuiM Y. Cwtag. Sen BL Archer. P. W. Lewi. Jt A- WUtlaine, M. M. Ollber. R. M. ClMiMk T. M. paaaa, '. U Krib. and A. al. lUarrta. II SWIMMERS COMPETE MAY 1 8 Prof. Cavill Has Some Classy Youngsters in Training at Club. The Jam lor awlmmlng chaanplnnablpa - . ikUmitmHA art IV 14 In jf matt which will b hali Halurday afternoon. Mar II. lit lha club tank. Tha Junlore of tbe club are rrom t to II yeara of aga and rofaaor Cavill haa Mini v.ry rina young iwimmin In training and aom exciting, racaa ara In order. Thara axil b four vnb II. (a and ICO yard daahea and fancy diving- Cavill will have charga of tha handlcapa for tha younger eaimmer. Oold and all- var medal will ba given lo tha wlnnara and aaconda In all eventa. ' Tha meet la open to tha publlo and will be ataged Katurday afternoon at either 2:10 or I o'clock. BATTING AVERAGES FOR THE SERIES leave Tire Qame. Ah. H. p. C. I Chadbourne .... It Bancroft 14 2 Butler 11 Rodger ,17 i Krueger IS Rappa 20 I Mclxjwell T 1 Loane .....a... 11 2 Lindsay 10 1 Howley 17 S Olrot S 1 Temple I 0 Klawltter 7 1 Koeatner 4 0 16 22 Colte Biz Gamea. Ab. H. Mensor 17 Ppeas . . . . Krlea . . i . , Straltrr... Williams . Moore Harris ... Kibble Coltrln ... Veaaey ... Stanfleld . Tonneaon . Bloomfleld Kllen Eastley . . . 24 22 23 26 4 1C 20 22 S 2 2 2 S H t ii 7 7 6 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 118 41 .184 143 .132 .24 .212 .1(0 14S .273 .100 .294 .333 .000 .141 .000 .201 P.C, .811 .458 .304 .304 .240 .260 .184 .300 .183 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .250 .211 Kohler Beat Ferns. (United Press leaned Wlre.i Kanaka City, Mo.. May 11. Paul Koh ler of Cleveland, Is victor today over Clarence rem a or Kansas city.' The nen fought 10 hard round and; Kohler raa awarded tha decision. tir W. J. UMba. We INI U-V 11 ta . U aw la Ilka -kii aaiMka tt rkue. ial ta a-a a la(t!ae; etk af aa tU ktatary, faaw. U la Ike Hl, ka aaac Kta l taalytka) aa4 la un4i ik4 t-rr f Ual fail aaaiat Mta fa4 kaaf g Ummm la rMi4 kr rl la inrw dtanaetai tgki njwa aiar af ika C. !. Tkat faainr aaU.' Ika akakky big kal Ikal rfr4 kIMlfaw af Ika U JkaHitahia ataal. Tk kal toiaaigad I fraak tuker, UU4 taataaa) af Ike AlfcUlK 11a araat4 la kaaaa ruaa t Ika ' a. lha Hf el off "Maker aarajar Ika a4 aff Ika aaa ! all n , 4riai laatkawateav fitit. ielkklk rw.14 ae kae ailkM game wlltieal bakee'g ick k . tla4 Ika I gaM4 ta aaitaa) fU I tk ll f Kaw lark. Ika rat areata wrajt4 kava lake ik aan ky faav gma la two, ika tuajgia ky akick Cuata kiaka waaawful aai lit. ftv4. wry af Ua aUk. Xaw atoul Ik well ailed be I etf Baker. A atoeea differ! atari) kava toa laid aa la kaw ka ram lata pa im af It I (era la ika r alary. 114. wa alacaraly kallave. ft ika fir I Ilia. Tka eaiaraaaa af Ikat femewe tUtU af aoad gMwwik ak la da la Ika good (llawakip that akiaUa ta are. fMalotvtt toakall aa la Mkar etatka t Ufa. Tka kl wa make racially foe Uwrga llnunatk Ika Raekaaiar reemll af ika Tank wko kaa dooa ealdr akl laHaid aukklag for Harry Wolver tan ihia apnag. ah admirer af ikla Breoklya lad, a oaupl of yaara ag. whll Iminana waa a mambar or Hugkle JenBlnaa Tlgara, lurmed tka cu-k vllk kla oomi kaada aad raaiad It lo Ike aoaiataai mloor lava lug gr. Immotva Baver had a great a matin I f luck with Ik audgeL It waa a trifle anort and lap keavy for klm. Ha gave It thorough trial. tha dlaoarded IL II kepi II oaly tacauaa II had keen a preaanl to him. Owaa Buah, tha clever II I tie shortalop of lb Tlgara. borrewad NlmmoBr bat ana day after ha bad broken hie own favorite ablllaleh. Aa a reaull ba had vary favorable and profitable afternoon. With that Innate uperatitlon of bail player In general, b fell In love with the etlck. II wanted to truy t.ut kimraona wouldn't aIL Finally Blmnwna waa turned keek to th Eaatrn league by Detroit. Bath begged ao hard for bla favorite weapon that Klmmom finally made a preaanl af It to tha midget ahortetoppar. Boa Orawa aVaoporos. For a time liuah proaparad la hi new mare. Only a fair kilter, be bagea lo climb up to tha .100 notch. Ho" had many extra baa hit In hie collection of swata. But after a ooupl or month he fell away In form, lie etuck to tba bit until It waa apparent that aom thlng waa radically wrong with hi form. Mentor advlaed blm that tha bat waa too heavy and elumay for such a little fellow. Buaa found a new stick. klor than a yr latar. th Athletlca wr la Detroit for a vary Important erlea. Prior to th gam th third aacker of tha Athletlca borrowed Bush' discarded bludgeon for batting practice. He wa ao well pleaaed with Ita awing and balance that ha W proached Ownl on tha matter of a awap. Buah had no particular uaa for the club. Bealdea ha 1 a ganerou llttl chap. "If tha etlck. I any good to you. Frank." ha a aid, "why go ahead and take It If yours. Only don't tall Sltfmiona. He gave It to me." That afternoon tba world' champion turned th table on th Tigers. Baker led tha onelaught against Mullln, Dono van and Summer. He had four hits In five time to th plate, the ooUectlorv lncludlng a homer and two double. Baker haa never alnca let that good stick out of his sight It Is aald h slept with it during tha world's series last fall. , rat Helped Jfaekmaa. Thua It will be seen that fate used the haplesa Hlghlandera as an Instru ment towarda Connie Mack's greater glory In 1911. New York handed the pennant to the Quaker City by wallop ing tha living daylights out of Detroit all eeaaon. It waa the Hllltoppera thai first put the Jungaleers on the tobog. gan. The first few weeks threatened a walkover for Detroit The sensational winning streak of the Bengal was broken by New York. Every time after that when Detroit gave any evidence of pulling together and heading off the Athletic it met with reverse at the hands of Gotham. Hal Chaae's olub lost aa consistently to tha Whit Elephants as It won from the City of tha Straits. And then th world' series. Where would Baker have bean without his formidable bat? But for Simmons, who is now a Yankee, this slugger would never have Been th piece of wood that he loves dearly as his Immortal soul. Bush may claim th credit of aiding the Athletic to the highest honors of base- 'J ' aeBjk J The bat with wblch J. Franklin Baker robbed the Qlanta of tbe world's baaeball championship last fall has failed this rear to do Its master's bidding. Tbe club has played the same trick on every man who ever used it first it brought floods of luck, then It brought a Jinx. batting has gone off. Has the Jinx got him? Baker Is still using this club, and his balL But do you not think that Sim mons at least sharea tha halo with Baker and with Bush? Just another little speculation before tha veil Is drawn. Did you ever stop to consider how lucky both Bakr and hit. bat were to gain auch undying fame on two hits? In 4 909 Kred Clarke won a world's championship for Pittsburg In Identically the same fashion. He robbed Detroit of th honor by annexing two separate games with home runs. And both of his demon blows fell with men on th bases. This wonderful old player, a true hero of full 15 campaigns, attracted not even a passing mention through his performance. That waa a series that went the full limit of seven games and one In which the score on both sides were unusually high and fluctuating. Neither blow fell at such critical points of high tension as the circuit smashes of 3. Franklin Baker. Who ever mentions the deadly blow of "Rube" Oldrlng in the fifth game of the world's series with the Giants? 1 HI Tram run smash off Marquard In the third Inning of that tilt at the Polo ground waa the most damaging smash of tbe aerlee. His liner cleared the center left field bleaoher, carried far Into tha crowd and tallied two runs ahead of th batter. It waa the pretti est pinch hit Imaginable, for It fell with two men down. It gave Jack Coomb a I to 0 handicap. Yet. atrange to aay, "Rube" Oldrlng was but an eight Inning hero. Th Qlanta got to Coombe for a run In th seventh, then tied the count in the ninth. Eventually Cran dall beat out Plank, who waa substi tuted too late for Connie's great pitcher. who bad strained himself earlier In the game. Oldrlng1 home run did not stand out because Philadelphia lost Tinker's Komar Decided. Joe Tinker's home run In 1908 In all probability decided a world's champion ship In favor of the Cubs over Deirplt It unnerved Wild BUI Donovan, who for seven Innings pitched on of the most phenomenal games of history. But Joe Tinker's swat was clouded by the fusl lade of hit off Donovan that succeeded once the Ice waa broken. There are some strange superstitions In baseball. One In connection with Baker's bat may be Interesting enough to bear watching. Both Simmons and Bush declare there's a hoodoo In Baker's stick that will get a fellow aooner or later. The flrat time In his life that Simmons fell from the, .800 hitting class waa "When he uaed this same cudgel. BusRt started out upon his ownership of the club like a Ty Cobb. In a couple of months he couldn't hit a lick with It. Frank Baker had hia renowned ash but a short . time last fall before the opening of the' world's series. With It ha swatted like a demon. He Is using th cudgel still; but his hitting so far this season has been away below par. Is there a jinx In that piece of timber and la it working on Baker now? If you are at all Interested In superstition watch the batting averages. HAD HEMORRHOIDS MARSHHELD W FOR RFffl YEARS COOS COUNTY MEET Had Awtul;Tfme. Bleeding and Make Big Margin on Points onarp rains uuiicuni uinxmenx Gave Immediate Relief. ' After 2 Boxes Cured Permanently,- and Will Compete in State Meet : , KZ3 Octavta St.. Baa Ftanclsco, Calif. Tl suffered wHh pile hemorrhoids for fifteen yean - bleeding piles. I surely did have an awful time. I was distressed continually also aervousa night, with sharp pains at interval, and 1 worried tea a to bleeding caused a weak and fatal f eeang. 'I used which seemed to Irritate, used a dosen of their boxes, but it did no good. I also ttsed and ; wlthMit rMiiltx. Then I saw Ciitlmira, Dint. L7,""ent advertised. X got tarn and it gave im- meaiave reuei. Aim iwuic twu turns, it topped the bleeding, and after two boxes I was cured permanently with no mors bleed ' tog. X always keep a box of Cutkura Oint ment on hand for family aaes, auch as chapped band, pimples, etc It k worth its weight m gold." (Signed) John Taasawn, Mot. 29, 'U. ECZEMA HEALED IN 4 DAYS ' oonod Kara! Croat oo Scafe. Ver itebf. Marlboro, V. Y. "Vy little girl bad y gama oa tba scalp. Fmrt a small mattery puap appeared. Tk pimple brek and a watery substance raa oa the akin, forming a bard crust which wa very itchy. It was oa ' tba top of her head, aad ta crust becaaM as bur a tba pal at of my band. A friend reo oaunended Cuticura Soap and Ointment. In four day tk talp was all healed, bo alga of crust or scab could ba seen. Eh ha not ' bad a sign af acsecaa star Cutlcnra Soap aad Ointment cured, barrtSlgaodr 24m. S. B. Cooley. April 1. IU1. . , . Cuticura Saap actd Ointment ar sold verywnere, Sarapi of each mailed free, wtth S2-. book. Address, "Cuticura," Dt. T. Bestoo. Tender-faced men ahould ahar wUk CuUcun & EbaTiaf Ettck. Marshfleld, Or., May 11. As a result of winning tha Coo county high school field meet championship yesterday the school team has decided to take part In the state athletlo contest at O. A. C, next Saturday. In tha county contest Marshfleld was first with 42H points. Bandon was second with 25 points. North Bend wa third and Coqullle fourth. For the Individual championship Carl Larson of Marshfleld waa flrat with 20 H points. T. W. Laird of Bandon, ras Second, with 1 - point- and Hodson of North Bend, third, with 14 potntsr There war 11 field event and in all but on of th county records ; were broken. Th field meet was largely, attended by high school students from different parts of tn county, speciatr trains were run and the visitors were entertained at a reception last night, at th local high scnoo. . s . :. MAN WITH PUNCH : WILL DEFEAT AD v : W0LGAST EASILY Continued Trom Pag Eight) Crowd in uproar. . Ritchie put hard right to face In clinch. Ritchie scored. with left They cHnched on ropest-Ritchie tabbed left to rib and right crose to rae. wolgast missed Jterrlfle right to head.- Rltohle put two hard left to hand, without, return, beating Wolgast unmercifully on ropes, Woigast floored RltchJ twice. with tw left swings la succession. Wolgast missed left swings. Fighting like two wildcats. They clinched, both whaling away for dear life. Wolgast's round. Wolgast laughed at Jones when he took lit seat. Round 4 They clinched in center. Wolgast played for the body, stagger ing Ritchie. Ritchie missed right swing. Wolgast worked his famous loop In clinch. Ritchie missed with right, but landed left to faoe. Wolgast bored In. Wcdgast put hard ieft to stomach. Wol- faat chased Ritchie across the ring. Ritchie uppercut with rlnght and blocked three swings. Clinched, Ritchie rocked Ad's head with right and put two lefts to aca-Jtttchle-rrnisaed right, cross. Wolgast' nose spouted blood. They wrestled. Ritchie uppercut with "Tight and put left to face. They boxed. Wol- gast's mouth bled profusely. Ritchie mad him miss several swings. At the bell Wolgast was streaming with blood as he want to his corner. ; y T Wallace. Th manager of the Myrtle Point team ha not yet been selected. Some fine material has been secured by the different team and they expect to. put up some good gamea this sum mer. On account of Coo Bay having no railroad connection it 1 impossible to have any outside teams here regular ly, and the baseball fans must satisfy themselves with the county players. On this account special interest is taken In th county league and efforts are being made to get good players. UMPIRE, EVEN, FOOLED BY FORD'S "FLOATER ' POLE VAULTER MAY DIG HIS HOLE NOW New .York. May,l.---On of the jiub- Jecta of tnucb wrangling at th Olym pie game' of 1908 was the decision of tb - British , Olympic committee 'that competitors in tha pole vault could, not dig a hole In front of the bar- in which be planted the pole befor taking.' off for the vault. This, was a great handi cap to ittm -American vauitera. , now, after nearly four years, the rule baa been changed in England,.. the new rule reading aa follow?- f , Pol vault Any competitor ahall be allowed to dig a hoi not more than on foot In diameter at tha take-off in which to plant -hia pole." ... COOS COUNTY BASEBALL 7 LEAGUE IS pRGANIZED afarshfield.' Or May II. Th . or- ganlxatiorv of tbe Coo county baaeball league has bean completed and arrange ments ha vr been made for. a schedule rof gamea for tbJa lummer. Th fol lowing managers have been elected for the different Teams: Marshfleld team. Jo Sahott; Bandon. team. H, Whlasett: Coqullle team,, George Gage; .East 81de SL Wiuy; North Band team, J. C, UacA Tom Connolly, tha American league umpire, has : this to say . about Russ Ford: ."I never saw a. ball like Ford pitcfifd in the first game' be worked on the hilltop. Thy talk about bis spit ball which break both waya, but he pulled .something thla season which haa anything beaten that I have looked at in 21 years. I don't know what you-would cau it. Fernapa a sauor;. or a rioater. It breaks both ways. .'--,,."" noticed - that , the Boston - batter wore letting it go by and taking a. shot at hie fast, on. Soma- of tbe Boaton hitters";werrturning ta m and, saying, What .do you - call that, Tirar Ford has control of the ball." . , - : v' ; Blmen Coming IWe. T 1 in DascDau tne red nan looks like a coming Taca instead of. a dying race. The older, th game grows the faster the Indians com. ' Saginaw 1 trying out Nefaau,. a copper-colored player from Pittsburg, at first .ba. Jackson has Ncwashe. a famous Indian athlete, and LeTcr. W" the ame race. Nevltt-' of Battle Creek, and Cote of Kalamazoo, ar alee Indiana. That makes five red. skins in the South Michigan league alone. v ;' ':- - - . - - - GEARHART'S GOLF TOURNEY SET BACK I iii an The Great ; ERIGAN BALL! BEARING LAWN OWERS Cutting ivnue 1 With Raised ARE SELF- - -SHARPENING GEAT AMERICAN DALL-BEARING LAWN MOWERS HAVE NO EQUAL ANYWHERE. There are hundreds of them in use throughout the city. If you want the best buy a Great American. BOHN SYPHON ' WHITE ENAMEL REFRIGERATORS HEALTH. COMFORT and ECONOMY Are assured when you use a Bohn white enamel lined Refrigerator for preserving perishable foods. Science and skill have been concentrated to produce what the Bohn white enamel Refrigerator is today second to none. HONEYMAN HARDWARE FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS. CO. Telephone Her aid KNOWN IN EUROPE AS THE TELEFON HIR MONDO," IN PARIS AS THE "THEATRO PHONE," IN LONDON AS THE "ELECTROPHONE." Date Postponed Until June 22 23 Because of Waverly Conflict. iTgcWBtrTBIIl Bailer. ' - - troltr May 11. President Navln of tfee Detroit American .league baaeball league announced the purchase of Pitch er BUI Bailey from the 8t Louis Amer icans.' Bailey, a southpaw, was long considered, on of Detroit's greatest "hJCdo,'" Th data of tha Gearhart golf tourna ment has been changed from the first week of June until June 22 and 23. The dates first set for th Gearhart tourna ment conflicted with the dates of the Waverly olub tournament. Now that the dates have been changed the Waverly golfer wilt have a chance 'to compete for the prizes, in the, Gear :hartQurnaentiIt is expected that several out-of-town golfers will com pete Jn the Gearhart , meet . . The local tournament will be held the weak following th Rose Festival. joHnWhay - FOR BERLIN MARATHON FREE DEMONSTRATION I : Come and Listen PROGRAM: , JJ 10:20 A. 1 P. M. Piano music from Remick's Song; Shop. The Stehtor will read news items, make . announcements, and "Sing a little Baritone" at , intervals. ' ', v " ' 1 TO 2 Soprano, Contralto and Baritone solos and sten- , "A tor announcements. ; ' 2 TO A Orchestral music, violin and cello solos, soprano and contralto solos, baseball by innings. ';, f 4 TO 5 Baseball reports, monologues, Remjck's Song , Shop Piano. v'v 5 TO 5 Remick's Song Shop Piano. ; ' 6 TO 8 Review pf news of day, baseball reports, mono- logues, readings, and Remick's Song Shop Piano ; at intervals. 8 TO 10 Songs Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Ban- - tone voices. ; J . 10:00 P, M. Good Night. .. "'. ", ' V ;.. 'J,. Please bear in mind that we are only demonstrating ' what Telefon Hirmondo can do. We make no pretentions , during demonstrations of furnishing a program of great -iXiL merit. '" -' ' The piano music is brought from Remick's Song Shop ,v on Washington Street. The first and second viplm and : ; v piano of our orchestra we borrow from Meier fit Frank's ,C . Restaurant orchestra. The Cello soloist is from the Ar- ' ; cadian Gardens of Hotel Multnomah. The lady vocalists are advanced students from the vocal studio of Mrs. Rose -;r"jy Coursen Reed. The baseball reports are from Baseball Bulletin Co. , . - ' '. -:-r.----A- Thinkt If we can give you all this program for prac- , jv tically nothing, think what we can give our subscribers If , we spend fifty thousand a year for news and talent. Daily Except Sunday t , ; , Meier & Frank' Great Department Store,!? Ladies' Waiting Room, 2d Floor Rest Room 7th Floor." : HOTEL MULTNOMAH : Afternoons, 1 to( 4; evenings 8 to 10. , f ; All Around Balconv -Mezzanine Floor .tii-tJ Berlin,1 May 11.. Johnny Hayae, the American marathon runner and winner of th " OtypjpIcT' race ; at London. - is training hard for th international mar athon, which will bo run in this city th middle of May. Thus far Tom Long boat, - th - Indian Henry- - St Ives of France, and Dorando Pletrl of Italy hav been signed up by th proreotara as opponent to Hayea, and It la an nounced that Kohlatnalnen. th Flnnlab' champion, is practically, an gaged aa ait other eompetltorr Haye 1 training at Latr-der-X4nden. and every day thara get Into shape. He covara about tea miles daily at an easy Jog ' - -WM f - Coiumbu. Mmneapoll and - Toledo hava been, showing tba way In tha Amer ican asaociaUoav ao far thla season. Oregon Telephone - Herald Offices Afternoons, 1 to 4; evenings, 8 to 10. , : . - - 506 Royal B14g SEVENTH AND MORRISON. . ' AM Fill out and Vend coupon for Descriptive Booklet . Oregon Telephone Herald .CeC t ' .' :. ;. ..-' 506 Royat Building; , .. '' f; v ' Seventh 'and Morrison Sts City. Please send Descriptive Booklet . ; . ' - aNeine - -v ay r stw fs ? J-s-i: Street ...... 11 n