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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1912)
t SUNDAY JOUUNAI, 1'OttTi-ANP. SUNDAY MOBH.NO. MAY It. Wl Tin: oiGcm sales mm ;e d SBUS ESS FO I raw Ycung, Popular Dealer Is Said ' to Know Every Other Deal ; tr In, United States by His First Name. fafcl kMMh ml MWtM lOet !U s.feMta'el ef ! la. . kM rwaotallaax, Me ra la ! ,,,.. I (" I he e44l"eeel tcIMl eetieU tt,re e effort ana" aaae- le Hare ufr4 large latetaal m Ik Meu Malar. Car rweaaear, a aaave af ! t rt. tur e4 a).! a " ui a 'f Atifl lh ele ef rre4et - le IKK of flnrl fellel altl Je V lx)frrt4 oe Mm h elfea I lh eUlefBaelle IMas- rr ara sraa'ar enuaitilaece f(ulfMy IK a Itmlllu II la ehl I Iba toeeaaai. if eaUrUs 4 mt 4.rMl4 ele nmhiki U the adue. try i I 14 thai Ke aneae rr 'atr In bi l'all-4 Niata y hUJlrl i. am. aaa) la la -Paul" la all af lhm h.fcr alllaa or eJeattore, Vajr XJVaraJ MUitN. la lha eutameblla bfcaln.aa, at In elW I'aae, (mi parkap mora ao, tte mall .re f raaaliiy a4 rreeal costact rouftl. Aee an feeler lhal baa coo ntHii4 lar(lr l a aaecaa as4 bopa laritf of Paul Uralih baa rxxra Ma "rail Ilooa ares at headline- iui Ilia plan beee ta aurroua4 alrlf wiih young. elean. nar4lo nan and kaap (ham floe, ta him while ha tralna tfcam n le latrlrartaa af le eualeaee. II lara literal salaries ea4 airh for partunltla la premot thoee.abe ma a oot Waller C riaoJ.ra. than preeldant and general aiaaaaar of I ha K. U. K. nra ranr. dlaoovrred leul mow -ft as and ha baa baa eiw of tha amalt group kr man wnom ianoa conaiaara-i aary to tha aucraaa of any pra)ot I ha 1.1 m Mnt9fAttirv And npt orvmnlaAr ndrtook. Naadlaaa to car. Smith' raalgnallon from tha company with which Mk Flaodara la alllt ronaaotad, baa eraaiad much iTvnmatit gad coajae tur la aotomoblla ciWta. trtll Iirtvllti,' An tntrroallng tha praoant mora la tha fact that Smith alllra blm af with R K. Kvrrltt and William C Malcgar. tha to nira who, with Flan 4ra laid tha foundation for tha fha potnanal auercaa of tha B-M-r compaJiy. It wilt b raalled that tha tiimi of tha rar bVM-r "30" waa darlvad from tha Initial of tha thrra larlnr Krarllt, Mcticer and Flandrra. Karlr In tba rararr of tha company Kvarttt and blU gar aold out for a liandaoma flgura and klarleil the Metigrr Motor Car com any. La tar Die Morgan Intercata tuiught out tha other aharvholdara and inargAl tha company with ha 8tud baker. Aaked aa to tha reaiion for hla change Paul Pmlth ld: "Why. It la almple. I liava niada my record and aa w a chance to t-aali tn on It and so 1 re I did to Ktl In hiiHlncna for myaclf. Thcae larg corporation do not offer the beat 'op Krtunltlca for young men, you know. Blatad Over Aeqaitlttoa, "Bcaldc. It deemed almoet like going inme, olnc I will be with bid frlenda. And llio product acema almont aa fa nilllar. for Will Kelly, deirlgner of tha 'Kverilt fuura and alio waa also father Of the K.M-F '30." " It. F. nTcrltt, prcaldent of tlia Metiger Motor i'r company, was very elated kta Uim ai ' ai l Mti mt - M tie a'f '- te a-Jiil MI t " wia a4 .n i-a wha k4 Ik ' aia M rtt.. aaa laa t..l.t . eia. b mu4 Una tu ut hI - bw, i a laiaa H aka wa W.a ta l ' t ' iiwtlt af - ai k.ia aa IMXW l,illalWkl , . - - " 1 Hou ofSenrlcN 1 i i g HOW BUYERS PAY TRIBUTETOVAHITY "tVbaa U avarat Ixaraf." aaid I K rrawa, laral tefwlila af tba Mat. "g tr If foe a awatoe- ear. b aatlv baa aalr aailarniaa) of baw. lag that Iba aatr lM IM la apaail aa hr irttMita la vaeiir. Tba aaarfcaa. kaily fxrffart 4caa b aU4 fa Ha . kbv aa4 aibaf ara ariw'lr aloiag l . aawl I 4mxiii I Sal tba meter rar faaally tree I kaigbly IMU bl wbaai II oonvaa la getimg ) eer a alltf but It l a link biar I have Iba fluff la (be fomar plaal kaa la lb family albua.- Tba aal will bate thrae car a lb a tnita race M Iba 1Mb at Iba ladua. apolia Meter epaadaar. Ikat year proved itiai e bad a real ar. aad we boa Ibla Tear la drlra the prof boma a llllle furtkar. Our cere will b pltoUd br Oil Aadaraoo. Ul Kanel, Oaf ley biera and Hilly Kalppar. Tba era are about raadr a bad by tha e4 of Ihia ak could ga out and (vat only ejaattfy nder h rlgtd rauiramaait af thia race bat raald. 1 believe, rua tlia let aallaa tt rror4 pad. "M'hea aabed ta wkat be altrtbuied IK eonetatent growth Of tba car daring the paat year. Crewe eald. Ta Iba reputa tion of Harry C tliuU for allowing aotb lag to o Into a rar be baa dealgitad thl la not ebaoluUly first eUaa. Tba BbU bnowa that be U thoroughly eonocieall. out ta theee aaaiiara. that be baa la tha paat bmllt aoUilag but arood oara, and that ibla last effort ef blaja a combl aatlow of all hla axeiiatca during the Pt U yeara" Some Auto Don'ts Don't rua an esperlmental depart meat. There are a lot of would-be Inventor throughout tbe country looking' for aotne eaay mark tOjlfT "t their aaw.faagtad ihla thing ortbe ethr. Don't you i be Iba dog lo let Mm Jr t on. If yea r foollali enough lo contribute t ! arretimenia, If anythlnc goea Wrong; the do not blame tha rar? Don't run a copartnaralilp car. Bar- i ral people cannot operate one car that It will give entire aatlafactlon to Don't forget that an automobile la the flnet piece of machinery In tha world and that you will be . repaid In riceltanre of eenrlce many time orr for the care and attention given It. When the company haa allowed your clalma for replacement It I only fair that you pay 'r tha tlma nereaaary to InataJl tha new part. While you may not have admitted It to tha dealer, tbe break waa probably rauaed by aome fault of your either at the moment or aome time prevloua. -U la reasonable then, for you ta epect him to give back. In the way af gratia eerrlea, tha email commission ha earned In convinc ing you that that waa tha car to bay. The dealer'a margin I email, and ha In entitled to much consideration upon your part Tour influence la great. A wise dealer knowa thl, and he will be twice aa liberal wicn a man wno ooooia, aa one who threaten to knock. An Iowa man ha patented a email grindstone to be attached to a aewlng machine to sharpen household knives and scissors. V IS A Million Tires . Without a Single Rim-Cut That is tha record on our patent tire on tho Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tire. They are used on more cars than any other tire in existence. Vet with all their use, and all their abuse, there has never been an instance of rim-cutting. With old-type tires with clincher tires statis tics show that 23 per cent of all ruined tires are rim-cut . ' 'f v..'"" 10 Oversize Saves .Another 2596 No-Rlm-Cut tlret sava 23 er cent ky making rim-cutting; Im possible. 's They save another 25 per cent . by being 10 percent over tbe rated 6ize. " - ; . For 10 per cent oversize means 10 per cent more air 10 per cent added carrying capacity. And that, with the average car, adda 25 per cent to the tire mileage. So No-Rim-Cut tires which we control have cut the tire bills right in two for tens of thousands - of users. ' j . The Proof No-Rim-Cut tires now far out sell any other tiro that's made, la two years the demand has Increased 500 pee cent.""" It has trebled in the past 12 months. - That tells the verdict ot motor .ear owners, after testing out a million Goodyear tires. - ' They proved that tires which can't rim-cut ovorshw tire re duced average tire upkeep by 48 per cenuAiid Bow our capacity of 3,800. tires daily cant keep up , with the calls for these tires; Those users are not mistaken. What they have adopted you are) bound to adopt when you find out what they know. Our 1912 Tire) Book bateex! on . 13 year of tire making ia filled .7' with facts yon. should know. Ask 7 us ta mail it to yea. AKRON, OHIO No-Rim-Gut 10 Oversize 'THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO, Akron, Ohio T . .. - Thla Oompaay baa no r uuaetMea wfaaeerer wttb aay . rubber conoera wbleb naea tba Oeaoyaar aaana. . ;. - ,W- '. THE OAKLAND Motor Cars FOR 1012 30 II P. ROADSTER wU25 30 H. P. 5-PASSENCER ' 51475 : . 40 11 P. ROADSTER $1700. ' 40 li P. 5-PASSENCER $1700 ' 45 R P. 7.PASSENGER $2350. All equipped with Tops, Wind Shields. Speedome ters and Self-Starters, f. o..b. Portland,. New Sute Agency Head quarters at Pacific Motors Co. 682-684 WASHINGTON -ST., PORTLAND, OFV Main 75-Phonetv-A-4655 The messurs of tire qual ity U not only length of service, but slso bnd of .serrice. ' Thf fir lhts t roaxcj bv frf qutnt viiits lo th rfpiif shop i n in-' rrior tire, even thougti it msy Ut tout of 3000, jooo or 7000 .Aiiles. ' " Sfo4o,nr-Urfd tim,but thU lifelinJ lervicc. Is lecurrd in the mskinf; of the tires ind not by frequent doctor inf by their users. They stsnd up ti only tires can that are made as G. it J. Tires are Specify the old reliable ' G & J Tires, made at Indianapolis, Ind. Ballou & Wright gO 82 SEVENTH .STREET Comer Oak Phones Main 1834, A-8S8 r- d2z 7 v v Mm y Of the three languages, do you speak English, Baseball or Motor? Half the motoring world talks "Ford" -and one third of it rides In Ford cars. Every Ford owner Is a Ford fan thafs one reason only we'll sell seventy-five thousand Ford cars this year. Yes-there Is no other car like the Ford Model T. It's lighteaf tightest most economical. Ford Model T Touring Car, 4 cylinders, 5 psssengers, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland aflUaf Ford Model T Torpedo, 4 cylinders, 2 passengers, fully tftQC equipped, f. o. b. Portland pyUJ Ford Model T Commercial Roadster, 4 cylinders. 3 pas- - sengers, removable rumble seat, fully equipped, f. CfiQIi o. b. Portland ayvuu Ford Model T Town Car (Landaulet), 4 cylinders, 6 J1 A7C passengers, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland . .. .. pwl O Ford Model T Delivery Car, capacity 750 pounds mer- jjQIC! chandise, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland puU Ford branches and dealers in ail cities, towns and villages are at your elbow with Ford Service for Ford Owners." Ford Motor Car Agency Phonea Eaat 648, B-2117; East Eighth St. and Hawthorne Ave, E. E. SLERET, Mgr. in If You Knew Positively that a certain automobile seldom needed repairs, wouldn't you want to own that automobile? T Over 54,000 owners indorse the unfailing reliability of Max well Cars. Practical freedom fypm repairs and the assurance of every-day-in-the-year service has sold more Maxwell cars than the efforts 6 our entire sales system. , ! ; ' : . . The Maxwell' is not only low priced : v.--- ' " t0 buyf but i economical to maintain. , MaxwclIMaopotte" $1200 UNITED STS AUTO COa $1200 Fully Equipped Portland 177 ,-..317 I 16TH AND ALDER STS . --gw. Eyery Day on This One '-' ------ - -- ; Big Feature of Our Second Annual Ucd Car Sale Means A BIG BARGAIN for Somebody 2'S , . Car ' ' . " ' - See the Pierct Arrow automobile In our window. Every day at t o'clock noon w cut its price 121. Tomorrow its price will be SUJower tKan today. Day after tomorrow it wifl be lower. Next day $74 lower. Nest day $100 lower. And so on until that car is sold. Come In and see It anyhow. Waa $17W. Today It U $1M0. It la one of our, stock of used cars, flaranteed-in-writlnr cars, that we are sellinx at alaahed prices. Por this is our second annual bargain sale, and every used car must c. We don't want any profit. Because you will be so thoroughly pleased with the car we sell you that youH influence others to buy their cars from ua. That meens Increased business for us, snd that's what we want That's why we are T deaninf house, and fferinf the greatest barjalns ever offered in Portland. Every car carries a written guarantee, a truer antes backed. by the integrity and re iponsIbUity of this company. .Thafs your safeguard that these ,hlh trade, low priced cars are esactly what we aay they are. ' ' . This sale will not last lone. . Wt are making: the Inducement of low price to get quick results. So, If you are thinking of buying a car (no matter whether a $500 or a $3000 car) look over what we have to offer before you make up your mind. We shall be able to save you money snd give you full satisfaction. Come in today and seeNwhat we have. Store open evenings until 10 o'clock. A PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. .23rd nnrl.Washington The o , Modcl-35 - r i ' aTO-- JtajaBaaa'-. " 'aj' J DR. AND MRS. JaAS. R OVRRICO. 354 EAST 7TH ST.. I0RTUND, OR. - . j .". - This is Dr. Carrlco's second and best automobile. When he first begin "driving it, the average consumption of gasoline was 1 Smiles per fallon. He has increased it to 19 miles per gallon. Let the doctor" tell you how it per forms with the $5000 automobiles on the hills. . - - .Biick M(ole $1185 F. 6. B. PORTLAND . ....... , "1., . - ' ' Comnletely equipped with top, dust -hood, wind -shield, Presto-lite tank, tool and tire-repair kits: has a wheel-base of 102 inches, 32x3 tires on quick , a atk v,r.rcotrwar mnfnr f hre-;need selective-tvoe trans- mission, inclosed hand-control, velvet-grip brakes, Sphtdorf dual magneto and Schebler carburetor. . , . . , - It will give a better demonstration on the hills than any 40-horsepower au . tomobile in Portland, excepting the 40 Buick and the 40 National. j ; LET US SHQW YqU II I I - SJ I I I I IK I . .. - ' . - . ;i ' .: ' v. MEli.C JOHNSON, Manager (1 ' ;? . 1 7FOiniANDTBlttNCH2rE tr phohesPadficTM2190r Home,A-4046 ? t Trr n On tba JtoaAa, - y j - - - . J I y V - .L-l- : ' ' ' ,v 4 -A