Till: OilUCOU SUNDAY JOURNAL. l'OUTIAND. SUNDAY MOIiNJNQ. MAY It. lilt BICE OF GODS" ; WILL BEPRODUCEOj 11 J 'o . . AMERICAN WIDOW IS MOST FASCMTINQ 1.1.1 flttWll I it ijr, waRs 0 10 J.J uir aa4 Spectacular Entertainment to J Ba Brought From Astoria . " for Festival. . IrinJt a4iacBat lltl "TM ) i I J f tf t O k gr pi4 UMt llv Cfa.1.4 u.h UUt l k Atrt tUatual ha few torvtd to ti'.goa ha sow W" aa4 r a adulter eiwmil fortwa I liutlvu fa.a w h h Wal4 lsv ,cl iihr for th k f rnakiog B pftfcNlt'utt. , ti tnJi r i Co" it t t. r aU,r pert af lb Ho l" tlaL et4 U (lili) la tb rfuui l-rotiam. Thl yr 41 l ba $" aUl o WaMiwiuafc H.14. Jst.! m4 t, ik ujAr bf a4 tb M4ay w f )( KtVl WB. Ur III.M Will b ptt4r4 Th BrlJs f Ik Uod" sb4 II I P'tnn) t m. tb producll r rbtt fin a that at, Ik irlotiUL Mla XaJl V.rTl brlf I cwcrt4 . In lb i rod mil m, and pla to tbkt U 4 Of a nalwr 14 Ull 4q.iMtly tb Lend Of In Indian which ll fr AimU ar Bw ( work arranging Jut 10 Indian lo b brought la lort land and ncampod oa Multnomah field, Th I4 Indian I rib J danc . U1 b rtrd a lb tribe of Wanna, th Columbia) gainer t lb council mt- lag on Wapeto (4uvts Island). In I lb prologue 'ch tall of tb J parl or of Rv. Cl II Qttr for lb Indiana, MO whit persona will la I ha part ef Puritan t )i wooJ and la lltalr masting boua. ilaav ar (ha aiclaeular on which' will ba hown In "Th Hrkix f is f ii i ' - III x f i II i II Cm " ll la r-4 iki aa laj i ?iia la r . k. i-l wlc; a I AatK aaia. , 0 M'MMaibaV b r-ai4 fi mt -ua.maa." to V' f JU Ur f lt aama la l ai ir mmi irMtoa-iwra. trie ta l4Mt Vlllla) (vr bar -r l- ikaar4 tua ,- , , . 1-4 Wif librae w a at Uu ry Mtf liuoa IkcalMcal idtoaf, II atari, 4 AOa uUUMtn l "Tb t aiad at lib aa luibl la- anvt Willi aivnaipBiam M !' bai, V Kr faiiad :::iEcoiii problem Annual Loss by, Slaughter of Migrants Estimated at., : Hundreds of. Miflions. Wl. EIanch DaUa. ll UV1 Ka f1a RSwkA " ft a who ha iudl4 half a hoadradVwId- owa, for tb porpoa of rnln br roj-. of Roiaaa Ci)'lon, In "!ioho4r Widow,? comodr which h will pra-l rl In afiar diea rwti lb wrlatw aMacbawt ai Jama T. h aa I um( ftiy Um lu of oaalh t Ua4 ale lua wriM In Iww awu. Wbal Wan lb xiaalun Uby, afi.r ! oV I i"lr 4; 'KiMr, tbl 4innr waa rollan." , , "A worn mr hot atr awtmtt It. Ull ! Ur wbleb MM b rry.-vara Mad THhawdo la "A B nrOf th Vbaaf ' h.r I r4 ao ub in tb pap' aboui ih llr4 hoalaaa to. W Dal akut lir4 fcowirr Ul b.r 14 y wiih n t'ftuio crjr In It, an 4 iyrU bot f i a . , i For r wrll.r of ih' alai and play ha baan wrgUia; dranvaiiai and Wiauic.r (bal thai ar Ncuwri 01 bar, IniaraaiintT laauaa In Ufa tban lb tlr- I Irumt-la wo woman for on man or . I w nn f or on woman, 'urn ithL m moU Ul ta t fouiMt." Char. .rrohmeji daclnr. A a toallar of fact. (I ba baa) pratir aorailv found 'raJy. for a unit la. ih ivrw llannr IUaiatnackm plr Tb Bpy. which Mr. rrohman. la to do la thl coualry til aaaaoa. haa a It mot iv o of wBtrjr Hanry Ur- nt at Ih Hcllip-tliaau for on whlln- Mw puy. now runnlna; at th rxaioDin- May i. in jimaricaa wiaow i uymaaaa. turn upon th moll oc lot la ut moat lacwauas ana oaanmg oi0f honor and or truth. la rnci, u Ih world. ' fklncl eharaot.riatlo war to ba nain4 I baa thl oeneluaton upon clof ih play roe I atiecaniful upon tb aaya that th naturaJ bnlahc will bof Mahal lilt, a popular Taudartttlat. adjusted aa boo a a th reaction from I and apponrod only In nrgro aonca. Trld th narrow away. Victorian at haa worn of I ha (Joda. Whllo ih Indian la- observation of nor than of Ibim I Curononn tun today, that chararlar tad will b rll4 In a mann.r that Bay Mia Baloa, who alao uphold oi.j lad would ho th uur abaanca of Ih cannot fall to !mprea lh.mj.e. tnoatjvorc a th proper proedur nndarluni worn irtanal of th huaband, th portaoular of all will bo th rolcnnlo crtaln clrcumtocfa. Iwir and th Hvr. r ' eruption of Mount Hood, which th In- rlartB that th peodulum ofl " . dlan daclar ruptured ba ffrat nal-(woman ll f poaalWy has wunf a 11-1 r.ay Cos. headllncr at th Orph.um. ural bridge thy aa apannul the Col-:tl too far twr4 freedom and away I deelar ah. owe her atag aucce to ihiibla. CbIUm., ant Uia..XJa il .1 .-Lrvut gOliijUy...aa,rauit..X . wtm I Oaa.ball. o afiar- he- traduattoei bridge. Th batUa of tb warring tribe ian dlBcovcry of otbr work than that front Va a ar college IS year ago ah ' and th trtf Into which tb fall of, which- aurroond tb home, Mlaa Bate I want on the alas under lb ruldaoe Thl Ilrldg of tb Ooda" throw I ham will be drplcUd with daring realism. It must b retnmbre4 that It waa an Indian legend that th tribes of th Columbia ahould bo nt price long as th "brldg of the god sbouldM land. ' The laat tableau of all and on that will cling Indefinitely to the memory will be the daatli of Multnomah, chief ef th Wlllamettea. followed Immediate ly by lil trlbeamen setting hla giant body afloat on'th Columbia in a bias ing canoe. Only evening production will b given and ther will ba brilliant Illum ination of every cene. Among -thoa Interested In tha presentation of "The Bridge of the Onda" are: W. H. Fear, president; O. P. Hortsmeyer, treasurer; Attorney ' McCarthy. Augustus Berg, Arthur Reed of Hpokane, H. C. Ayemt, Thomas Smith, Frtd.H. Rothschild 1L Bills. and Mannla Orosa. Scat sale opens nest Krluay. May 17. " "Dpe wafer' Ullllrms" Com in. On of th moat laughable and atrenu-1 thvalr on a comedies erer presented her Is "Brewster's Millions, dramatised from the widely read novel by Qeorg Barr MoCutnheon. Its fam extends all over mimicry and dancing with few frills. 0h never mla4 a beball game, and aa as loud as any wild fan when her side loot.- A friend suggested that ah make a stage act of her baseball com ment and she dM. Tony Pastor heard her baseball talk premier and engaged her at once for presentation. In hi In New York. Thereafter for nearly 14 year aha waa a tarred In the est with th bbali common, as tti flnsle of her number. Then she hit upon th ' aeroplan act, her present vaudeville . feature. Thl I tb first New Verb. May 11 -Bit: I provide federal proievtH-n for migratory btfde, lnir4ic4 la the l'ntl4 fcieie saw! by awnaior Mt-es i4 la lb bauaa ef reiwwMaiaUva . by Cuair eaatuea eh. have txU b-ea rpol-4 . favor- Uy wUl f b ceniiiiUlH. la targtng lb haeaaaily of this Ulatailen. h Acsanoas) Uant rroieriu and Jiop (tloa tiMtUiiaa aaei. Uilinaa ef ulla taa annually b aar4 t ia xoi-.s-a ih t'niie4 auui by. wle an eonacrvatlv traaliaant f lb Mornoi natural raaonroe rsora- Bta4 by our migrant, fiular preaan wopdiil'Hi conniloM numbara ef lucks, gcaa ilul Bltor tarda r tugble'e4 t tin when every festal billed niaan tha alMlrucUan af a aiaall flatk. at alt timaa th bfillng gua on t a rat ibat I out ef aU , proporuoa la tb natural tncroa. alarktr It Xaavy. . C V. VlaarL stats gam warden f Arkansas. rvort4 In hla Indoraemanf f lb Weak Ull that lo.tt birds were sent from Miaalaalpif county la en shipment OcluUar 1. '1ML. Aeer4lbg to th gam warden of Loulalana, ther war 4.KI.III ducks, geas and ahora birds killed la thai stale during tb wioiar r iiivii. "The favorabl r.port aa th Mo Iean bill by the senate committee eon uma th following: "Um oontmlseloner and) Othtr of ficial representing 41 of tb II atata f th Union, together with some of th leading ornithologist of ih country, appeared be for your eammlite and their taatunony, baaed upon year of eiparleno and practical obaervatlon, was coolulve of th fsot that Ut control ef migratory bird must, from lb vary natur of Ih surroumllng tsmptallons and conditions, and In fail ure.' Zasaet Feet Oreat Bnxdaa. Tt la further pointed out In this- re port that th annual loss to th country through lnsct peats amount to perhaps lrt0.000.0C9. To "bring home th sig nificant of the figures, the report add that: Thar are about 600 col leges In th United 8tatea. Their build ings and endowments have been cen- turlea in accumulation. Th value of th college and university building Is estimated at f 110.004.000 and the en dowment at f lia.000.000. If they1 eliv4 be 4w4 twevfrw fcalid lae a4 tuoaia taa ismc las ef aa ar -U4 r.ta( I a at as l tUac atfrtaa la eew 01 nw MBivaraiitaai la i wa f i,e.. aea eeb . . W hat la this watry laaay ahuat tt.Ova.M0 aJ shiUraa. a4 is oat af liiwi 4aciiaa baa I . by, fr Ike bwvaal lt laJ4 apas) Ike surplus mt Ik country. yt It eaaie ai bp aaay snlliKt la fe4 mtr la- aal I nan It daa laatlifw! ar cpU ran. If ib 1 asy way ta waun IM vast aa4 crweUrf las ph Ih a liaaal as aaa b prf aai4 ar t4 rai(4 ta nay apprtKiaU wtuwa It would la b !. pari at wU4s ta act wlineut 4aly.' HUGE BUILDING FOR THE PORT OF LONDON IBf ta taerMIMkal free SerrW I Isn4L Kb . May 11 Tue a lea leal building la Uuslead. If not Is Eurwp la sets ta b rvte4 by th Fort af Ln ttboiltt wb bat paid t.t0. 0 for a sh f nearly ibraw acre which ar la b put nnd.r a alngl rwf Th plot la qaeatlea I Prtlbla a laws' throw af Twr sn4 aaar than aO Sep rat baUding will hare te ha deaaai lahad to A room for It and Ihree o44 Ladoa trt, ratherta Court, Mua rovy Court aa4 'rah Ilurar4 will disappear f rn hw map af Ih ity. ThU base Uork contain noma af th Meat bouses ta London, which war lafl nleucbed by tb great fir af 111. n4 among the, th cloisters af the (rwtche4 rrlars mona.t.ry built aa a foundation of hvadretf of ' eojl aak pile will ba known to moat American vial tor to. London. NEW ClflRASS FOR . FRENCH CAVALRYMEN I By lb liters Ilea. I W.ar PerHea I Parla, Franc, May 11. Th PVenrb war offto Is teatlog a new typ af cul ts for th Culrlr. th heaviest branch of the KYencli cavalry. Th a- le ting model date from lilt, and I af steL but Ih nw en now on trial ta of only half th w.lghl thst ta to say. 1 pounds, lnsta4 of 11 pound a. The moat atiiktng featur of th new model Is that It la not of metaL What th ubatsnc I lb war offlc official re fits to dlacloaa. but th.y tat that It power of resistance Is quit equal to hat of th ateaJ cuirass, in spits or lis lesser weight. In addition. It Is thought thst It will have the advantage of doing swsy with an asog.r-or retieoung light" Colon! Thodor Roosevelt I oo reputed to be s wealthy man. II has never had extravagant taatea. H I said to bo today worth ovsr 11.000.000, hlrh represents his savings from tha offices he ha held and tha royaltlea on bis books. ll im Mx v 1 1 .11 J AO. a, H.nM a. t... . 0) a avaae hu. Home ol.lheropnlar Dakcr StocU Co WEEK COMMENGNC SUNDAY MATINEE. MAY 12, 1912 TODAY By Immrnst PopuUr dsmarwl lir. Bkt m : (Gift f f EE 1M WEST The Scenic Wonder of tho Ag 4 , Crtalrit ptotJixtioo rver trea keie. Imrflcnie cut A t'y that nrver grows old. A power fsl tad Utrnia d ra ma 1 i ptrtor If th day of 49. Moldi th record for U chic. NOTK Etcolfta; curtain at S tharp. Mtloe at 2. So no iatd s whU tht curtain It op. " ' " ! Matinee Sundty, Wadnttdiy, Stturdaje All Kill 25c Kv, 25c.. W. SpedaJ MoncLj Euxaln Night, 25 Centt--No Higher w ' - NEXT 'WEEK BREWSTER'S MILLIONS -C3 that f-mintrv. mnA thm m n nrtti nram n t thff Baker BtOck corapeny la going to preaent tr'P "F n "o coaeu PROMISES MADE BY THE PRESS AGENTS Continued From Preceding PHge.) t ented by that wizard of dramaturgy, Duvid BelHKCo. Minn Hutew at last succeeded in per suading Mr. Belasco to allow her re turn to her flibt histrionic love com edy and Judging by the splendid re ception and result attending this de cision, her cholc: has been an especially J hnui))' one. as she nas been credited wltn It for all week, stkrtlng next Sunday matinee, will be weloom. . Monty Brew. ster la th young man who falls heir li.ooo.ooo ana a um later reciv othar shock In th shape of a 17,000.000 legacy with -th proviso that th first tl. 000,000 be spent very cent of 1t le glUmstely with receipts to show .the administrator. How h does It Is th plot of the play with a pretty love story running through It. w w Oaks Opens My SA. Official snnouncoment was mad ye- I terrfay hy John F. Cordray, manager of The uK, mar. nis arnusament para: would be retdy for business Saturday, May 25. putting the final touches to the offices while a fore of sign niai Is at -work getlng out notices for the various points of display around the park. Thirty gardeners are engaged mowing lawns. H "HOLY RASPUTIN" T RETURNED 0 SIBERIA ! olantlna rose btiahrs and arranvlnr the registering one of tho blggeet hits of flower beds tBht made The Oaks so th New lork season. j talked about last Summer. Oavld BeUaco, with his usual thor- , "I have every reason to believe thst ou-rhners, has surrounded Miss Bate j the teneon of 1911 will prove to be with an exceptionally selected company, ) The Oaks' record years," said Vr. Cord wliich Is virtually the same a ap-i ray yesterday. "The brand new ride prared with her In New York, Including Bruce McRae, Adelaide Prince, Kenneth Hunter, Edith Campbell, Alice Claire 11 llott. Minor 8, Watsoh, Arthur Hyman ACTOR IS POPULAR,. ARTIST OF ABILITY By Karl H. von Wlegsnd. iCnltrd rree. Uaaed Wire.) BU Petersburg, May 11. "Holy Ras putin," self-styled priest, faith healer and prophet, whose power and Influ ence In sooial, .political, clerical and nnnrt rirfltm wT'S.tf Peteraburr reached Painters are hard at work llmwt incre;ble height la on hi way back to his Siberian homo, from whence he started bdg a short time alnc as plain Oregor Rasputin, peaaant farmer. H waa ordred exiled to Siberia after an amaxlng career in St Petersburg, which was brought to an and at It a. l V. V tha V rwt at fha T ii atsilat n yrrj iiriaj tit v tx mhh-w wasw . Darllament demanding an inquiry as tor his powsr and Influence in high circle. Rasputin recall th career of tb famous French hypnotist Phillips, who attained an unbelievable away In Rus sian court circle as a result of hla alleged mytserlou powers, until the op position to him finally becam so great that he waa hastily") hustled away. "Holy" Rasputin,, ai-i he was known, was "discovered" by a "generaless" the wife of a prominent general in the. which will be th star attraction on th Trail has been completed and Is ready for business. , Undoubtedly it will make a hit for ther Is nothing of Its kind between . Coney Island and Port land. It waa erected at a cost of $30,- 000. -i "There will be something of a change in our amusement rolicv. Our feature attractions will b changed every two or army. Ha cured diseases by faith and p.- '.--wa,av. . . . . y ; a... A s-- X it ll y - " f - Z.-- ' f I M i three weeks, and they will be composed of the finest park attractions to be ob 1 talned In tha country. "We plan to open with the Boston Symphony orchestra, th soloists and principal members ox which are now en route from" Boston. I plan to hav a symphony coictC every Thursday at ternoon, but durlng-tha remainder of clety. It penetrated the most the week the w4-stand , will, harv court circle and there was k grana opera ana comic opera singers. "In engairlng the symphony orchestra K Dm trying to get 1n line with a senti. mcnt to be found over th .whole coun try, where there seems to b a general impression that th bands, formerly en gagod, have lost to a large degree, their piu-tima popularity. . think Portland people wll appreciate th change.' j "PLAYS AND PLAYERS Maxlne ElIloU Is In Paris. . ' Xet Qeorge Do It" has been made into a musical play. , Anna 'Pavlova haa been enthuslastical ly received In London. , . . A .is: ... .. ... Tho revival of ."Ban.Hur" Ih London has been a great success. . ? ..r ,'.- . r -t:r. A. Four companies ar ia be sent out next, season In "Tha Gamblers." Harry Hilllara,, the Webier & Co, star,,? Itjta Spong Is appearing in Australia '" '"-"cu " ""' i In -thB Utla roi or "Jflvery "Woman. of Baker Stock company, for the sum- ; ' y : a - 1 ,.r r,i, trfinff w" r.v Little Boy Blue wm open in Boston ;on hnvrer kno;.- His playWl? of tbL en,ffaSement the role of "Jimmy ValcnUne- the past nr m or'P t , - -..nr.,, h vin,i wK K,.i.i-i E, IL Sothern and Julia Harlow will tof stock companies only when the regu- f'v e,rTl;,r,e"ent- eaon unU1 tha lor pnn 1 -touring ftpflorl tina. . - ' Tf a tR I v - Of young, 'handsome and of a strong,-virile FIetJia.t - succeeds with both the men and wiaeiof stock audiences. As th debonaiT7 outlaw in "Th Oirl of tho Golden Weafwhich opens hia aftKl1. noon. Mr. Hilllard wlll.hav a role tt i eiy different from the one he Just close J,-and one also that la more or leg, familiar to the "-majority- - of theatr goertv.as the play has been played hers by th Baker company altogether Six wCSKB in m iJanv tJTOowiit. b prw bable ilhat "Unci Torn's Cabin. taking it for all the year U has been be for the public, and tnaj-beff"East Lynn also have appeared here ' rnor often than The tirl Of-the Oolden. Went" but their record hav been scattered over a period of thirty "to forty years,, whils "Tha Girl- vii first seen herein .108 not, yet four years ogo and thai -was three years aft r the Initial New Tork eroduction by Blanche Bates. -, Eddie Foyhes-secured the rlphts to Augustus Tnomsa rketch, At Liberty,' to his owif. vsa. in, vaudovllle. . i .t William A. Brady intends to produc a play by Juiea tcKertocwiwian. which U entitled. "Th Sisters of Fear. - Madams Kasimova will open Iter sea son next year IA a new play, under th direction anoV management . Of Chariek Frohman. . . ,-. : v . . . ., w . a - a . ,. Maude Adams has expressed th In tention of making a tour of the booth l-?H5hntlcler,'; tlp-flrt-alf-:Of 7th coming aeuaon. ?. - r -. - . - . .. : ' Caby Deslys wtll return to America in September to i begin b-tr tour under the inonagenient of the Messr, (hubert gh will If seen' in "New- Yorkior avl prayers; he could xorese me xutura aiid tell . the past H had Svengall eyes and hypnotic power that impressed Women particularly. He was a mys tio such as every large American city has half a dor.on or mor. Rasputin's fame grew until b be came th "fad" and "rage" In high so- xcluslv keen' rival ry to b known as hi "protector" or "protectress" until he had attained such Influence and power that he turned th tables and was prayed to as "protector and "father." Th' "holy" man began to meddle in politics and church affairs. Any on who sought preferment promotion, rank or position tried to see the fantastic mystlo. Through his women followers, fa kept remarkably well posted on what was going on In high official circles. Hs waa the .: "star". In th exclusive drawing rooms. Tho climax to bis pow er cam when he plunged' the popular Bishop Hermogen, one of the princes of th Russian church, from hla position, and .succeeded la having- him ordered to, a distant monastery to do penance. Rasputin also is credited with having eaused much trouble in the ministry Strance ' tales are still told or nis pe collar. Influence over women.- Thoso who i desired to bo cured of diseases or "pur ified" had to present themselves befor him entirely nude. 'The fall of Bishop Hermogen caused a reaction against Rasputin. The duma demanded an interpellation -of tho holy synod of tho Russian church. Scan dalous Stories began to . be circulated about the mystic. Sensational disclos ures In high circles wera threatened. Rasputin Was hastily ordered home to Siberia, . J Fourth and Stark Streets HOME OP REFINED MUSICAL COMEDY Week Commencing Tomorrow Matinee , , Night Performance 7:30 and 9:15 Th Keating & Flood Matinee Daily 2&0 MEILIG. THEATRE Seventh and Taylor Phon Mala 1; A-11II t inoim m TONIGHT 1S BEoiJfxmra - o'exocx BPECIAI PRICE MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY - t3rn3 m iWHBM H BUy wmup h Musical Comedy Company 20PEOPLE-20 . ' SINGEIDANCXIOAIEDIANS ITS TO LAUGH 4 I LOVE MY- WIFE, -BUT OH, YOU HONEY BUNCH! Admission ISc and 25c Chorm Girts , Contest Friday " MATINEE EVERY DAY Week, May 13lh SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE Special Engagamant of Vaudeville's Moat Tunful afnsleal Comedy. " 10 People 10 , H. BRUCE Presents : 10 People 10 - TliDelaSalPoste PmiOBB Evenings Lower floor, 11.80, $1.00. Balcony. 8 row. $1.00; rows, 7lo: 11 rows, 60c. . Qallery, 85c and 26o. Wednesday and Saturday Matinee, $1.00, '76. BOc. 5c, 26e. SEATS NOW- SELLING.. AUTOS AND CARRIAGES 10:45 0CLOCK. KB AT BAXJB OPESS ITEZT TBXDA.Y, SCAT 17' BEILIG THEATBa 6 mourn KOSBAY - MAY 20 VpoialPrle Mat Sat'day SAVTO BSTABOO Anaotinoaa tha Homeoomlng of , POrjiAin' WATXTB FXATSB IN AVERY HOPWOOD'S FARCICAL. ROMANCE "Nobody's Widow" oxxanrAX oast ontvjerr nov. bxcokd axnr th . rav YOKK. Prlio Craning 12.00, $1.50, $1.00, TSo, BOo. r rlCCS Saturday Matin -41.50, $1, 760, 404. 364, 854. To protect ' tha propellers of small boats from objects that might - - break them an inventor has brought out a guard conBietir.ff of parallel rods to be fastened to the stern post of a boat. ' baiiti! PUwm Msa 6. A. 1020 . V I aasBTSWBBSSBjsssBjassawBKBaB - - - - - - - Qeolnnlng' - V, Mtiiay ISaGaet ADVAKCKt-VAUDSVILLK Week, Slay 13 KUBXOAX. COMEDY (TAXI Cecil Lean and Florence Hdlbrook "Just aa Thayr Are Mile. Camille Ober Phenomenal Parisian Star Vocalist KSCSSATTOV TAMX " " - j Comr Yanrhn and Twaaty-foutlk .--; Victoria .vs." Portland - KAY 4V T, g. . 10, 1L 14. Games bearlnweek days, S p. m. Sun- days 3:30 p. m. . . ; i . XtASXSV DAY RUTOAY - Boa under J- free to bleacher Wednes- W. H. Lytell and Company - In tha Comedy Sketch : i . "AN LL-NIGHT SESSION Reba Kaufman -Inez - In Their Clever Capers . . '" ' t ? ; The Saytori Trio , In Their Novelty Scene "Th Land of the Crocodile" Weston & Bentley Co. Offering "A TTORNK YS AT MXSICr .. ? ; , - :. Pert and! Lottie Walton - Agile Singing and Dancing: ' Acrobats . , MArnrriw D AIIiY .' Orchestra -Picturea - OATX.Y ' scAYxaxa i Evening: Prices: 15c,aSc,OOc, TCc SAJXY KAYrJTEB 15o. 13a, SO. KOtTDY atArrJrax JTlg't rla4 With Eddie Hani and Ester Weir and a Strong Supporting Company, In A VEST-POCKET EDITION MUSICAL COMEDY Tb Season's Most Notable Announcement, Playing Exclusively th Sulli van at consioin circuit. . MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK VOELKER - Present "TWILIGHT Iff THE STUDIO." Daniel ROACH AND McCURDY James THE PRUNE CENTER CUT-UPS. ' (Lata HI Holler and Town Constable of ,Wm. A. Brady's "Way Down JEaat . - va. i - VIRGIL HOLMES AND MARJORIE RILEY , Society Vocalists. ..A, : .,' .V:,.-.:--..;,.; Offerlng-Naw and Spectaoular . Fats In Balancing. Special Added Feature Wonderful . WILLARD Thf Man Who Aotually Grow.' ' " ORCHESTRA . - Unequalcd Vaudeville MUMS Seventh and Alder Streets WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY MATINEE, MAY 13 ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY The Huge Magical Fantasy Stupendous Scenic Effects--Gorgeout Cot- " . . - .a er-a. a . a am. W . a. . - tumes A,Uramauxauon 01 uio jjeagnuui fairy Btory iargo van. Creating ' VeriUble Paradiao. for the Yoang Folk.- , Brandt a& Walton ' - - joy Joystcri Mathews and Fields; "Behind the. Scenes". : ' Friscary :.v" ' iturope'a Favorite Juggler , Mile. Mercereau .Parisian ;Danseue iJouise' Gerald & Co. Musicians Extraordinary - Pantajesccpe atest Animated Eyents Popular prices. Matinee daily. Boxes and iint tow baiconyre Bo"x office open from 10 4. ra. to 10 p. m. Fhonrf A , ; Certain 2:30" 7:15 and 9. . '