s ....... L - J-., w Ailowcbile Purchase r li AU&-.lll lata lUK.HKtLJM'UlH O.f MTT'-H UVHullll 1 , I,. a -!... .-' r-l aJ !-. k..t. Ifvi IMfLlM I - lit S fM HI I tea LTT.i V"a T 1L- P .- i w4 -A;i.a i - ! U.aaa. ... iai, l; Supertbous Hair Ul'il 1 I V.I i-i i a r)i all .... ( a t U4y It flu'. mi lklllM ft 1-ala. .! ' Bi . ea, l.l, V)u. fcalal a. I -4, AX. I Ui ! f.a tlaat 4 rani I w.A a. m f r. ! " T r . . , , lilt lm IM MlaHa k-4 l-Ukl-al (wM.li kJ -k. .--Wr M Ulri ... - ' H. - , a. 7a ka.la . Tf "U.-l t-U-. II a..I.M.ff fret-. - ' - .- - - -4-1 W. It .l k4 tw4 t . ,m mt M -Uaa aai aelflfallw av fca lava Ut4 T !.- W St elSiS . - a-..-, t t tM ua.11 1- 4m.. .. . i.m u.. a 5 ZL, '.l, T.tl7t JZZzUkJIj t r ) ,-miuii U U ' . . . wAXTtn u u . -4.. .kU I,Ji"SJ LLv. I ii '.V!' rjr, , hVu. ru-K. Hrt- f" ' "-J .. 4 . U. - mJK u X mi L,STSJi-.7te.a.U. .-Iik. I I s Vj 10 '' . . ... r ,, ri'.a MtaUl W-J a4 fal.: li.lt Irria4. r I H 414- 14 4 lrl a . l'7 4 iloUit ari Ik UUhfal a,((afMtaa ( k4 , awJafMlxi4, rwracl )itl( n4 -r(ar t W.rHli l!l"--s -1 "''r au CTt Ilk r nM4 lf .. J .' Th ! ! l.l Ua rwaln. I U f44 14 naaiiki ui4 laairr 4a f avllakl . U aUai !.ai..fc 'tin.a l lul r..i ,., ,. r.- .; I mi-. -- I lBr ofa. I iV mb4 it,i .ri w bartlra If u ii r H.1.1 NT 1 1:1 !..'" t T7W1 1 Y':.l i4 n4 I " T A ...... ii 1 i. -.. Ka Kl fla. Tl 1 1 mTT l I-aalh.r lot III; )akaf to I Al i..Vl Mi l. I ! WkMlrt 4) la. trails. r.1llla. in . a4 tdlK V. CO. I rhr. t HI. lu4Nkk.r T . l k. rullr : pi ! Tir n i ' "' vikiim, I'"'"'. )ula.a and MtlnUllMI, motl j p-., , Mlfc!CAL iNHllit MUMS ai J-m I. llli. 11. fiM f. Omi k, 1.1 i.VHnifM, Mil Inunt a4iP mall ; . r c""u" v.T. TT tilad tlal 4XI . kTI ! !. rmk. ho -klaf WWJI. liHir T fk . II K. p 11 ON irol t IU a eilia4 I h1 '1'', . ''t4f"' ! daalft M), un4.r wr ra; b U AVJSr.. ..TlW rr.ml.r ...a. I Il l -t Jl-IaT.,ft, .rw, uKKS ttT"rtifPg . Mall. 1X4 af4 In l .! t'f ronailion. -..,,. .... Ill 19 ll I . . ... . " f i , I V. ., i I "rvol.- NmJ, a7r.lv vaiUvaa aoma iftol. n. rot! nar 1191. rcin live. . ,. ..... i...,..,..!, I . . ..Tm. . I L - - - i. . . I at ik. .K.im.i. .kl t I ... Ail-... II..- .'... I i I anal raaaa to 1 la 4 i4.a na karm H Hi Hi'PIl ,4 """''v ' Vl8 AUar .? e.nl of IK. r.fl.l rffi. I ly K.waJ. kkl. fity 4 ft M. 1 llli, fo III. A MWf rl III f 4i K1 4-kaa4 Car i. r.TL-Miii . " . . . k . t A i. .1 aai Vlte4 kl!r 4 avrraaaort.; if n- U t Hswa Mala 1lu , I Z , rS'1i. .11 1 aTi n o I H. r w r ti Kimil Of ail oaaa; ltut ba llU far aifaa; l .J1"! k rJf. ai your mn ric. Ill 14 I . rr.f ColumSIa L Ml UITii "i. IrawMM lrtIi.a. Mlh irtlf a4 frm pranril. ai4 kcift hnyr aJ illr IH alwari r- ( Raairjro, II I.omixr r w riak. .h r !'' acai.a. n Millar. HUM ail.ia. teTat T-alJy t3ua4 prioa.a4ihr rr laiaratata: pa.. 41 h MTI. OM.mobll; I pa. II h. P. Mil. Cirhna-Iur7a. paaa.. I tyL. II k. p.; li Aolfc. I t-. II h. P, ITS. Bulca. I rk. II b. p, IIH. Buirk 4 paaa.. II b. Ph till. An4 mur elh.ra. CaJI and look tham ovr. NV can a yon monay. orkoom'aito rxniiKOB, 411-411 Aldr au Vln 1111 A 411 oo.l I'll 110 A Ilor I. I M. a aullaala knn4 lor I h. raJIhTal I . -. L . . - 1 . i aU la io (ur ai- an4 ul all aa parforfnaaca ef aai4 vara. I" Ika iat ti.4u.4. Ill Uoila4y aa, eorn.r almoat b Vaaa A Han pUj will lt eonlrar I. .mmr4i Max 0wijnf U oar. aa llli. C-Il a.l i a taraaln N-tl. Journal AnvnsririTrroTrwifjiT.nr ur aal al Vfii'n. N-llI Journil TAo tioliu 1 mio yr.fa o rca' 111 C I'lh l N. rrT ' . . .. - t::. L.,r.Noui Arn hoats T.J CUKirr.flN. fp,B aVaW r.mif juii i w. ' " w u t.ioii TVrn. Count t ' "UrolMlonar. D. V. II ART. Oounly rofnmtataiiar. k !; 1 1 . .. - , ur, A. C. Burroughs 4 Ilka ma4a a apialiv f r mtsrl iVaa quartaf caolury tha lP.kim.al of'rfiu. mallam. B.uraldk. Iumtii an1 all 4i fr ft Ih atomach. Call offlea. 44 -T NOMT'W.! hMf , llh and W..FT. MOrrr TO IXIAM 0? CMATIUA itAiaiUlJl OAkrttT WBAVIMA "'"ffl I OA. i . a s ii.- niAuovra ka Ma4 u.ij.k. liMilyra, pkawva. 11 .lata, it.ij a..t. aa r a k4 I k lnlnllH I !. Special Rates .41 Wmik itii m I II I M Mkiy Ml biff H I XMkiy 1-4 1 a I 14 laa. 114 Wk.y a)k a I 11 luaa. I I Waair lata M t-aa. ' C'ltirr auna n iiumiUuii T UIAX P'MUVI TO !, nir i'A Utl IT lOtiAlf, Pli If 114 (-.Cafa 4,. rorlland Loan to. luaa. kan. I4IT VI at-1 a. tU. l ik and llK.an Hoib pbAnaa. 0p M4y akd Aiur4y ;. nil I CRM liuitr iyiAMA4Aiuhr UAAN& 1 1 TO !. IxmI Ral.a la INtrilaad. !ll rPl4 ) lna)lmnla if.,... I A ! rll4 In l!ml of...... il r.ai4 la ttaiallni.nla al X 1 I . imauaii la pr.'HIea. All a iaiuifa I your i.fkiit nala. o nMinis no ndvrar vt aacurliy. rvtrytblnf elrielly aBn)artlkl. ICJl .S1AI. ai .iiw, lad a'aal 4 '". mi fait. a k a, imIIi. 1 llli ' caimorvsniTS t'K. Dtlvar " rbri. l ty kn4 lady tnr kkU4kt, ll Ali.ki , M na Vlar. rtt.a. Uaia l!41. 1 ii all i.i. t ua iw iiiM. d.aaaf af lafawltua. Cvrf.a. .kkAa ll.fal, . w4 air,-(.viaV ka4 f .HiJ 1tCi i i ii 1 1 h1' h a W TTTThT IO11; f.rn...l lk a4 WlllM loa III rvum ..tf " Motrta Vlia 44 44 bnvnnrizru,,' i i:i r' p..'... rMf(.-,1'i!i I'lrr (l.i.lw.wd W-Jlll m.vr JT.V"? K "A.-1 f 4 ' ., 1L " Caiiryiiona mnoiii HAVK i.b Ihoaaand i. art ju.imaiir; If atr-r raif (flf f 1 an W..H. oaua tCT0ava mm and tu.a- K location llt4 blorrlai.a a.ar ttrltlf t.'in for ri.n. wt...n tllS Allr COLLECTIwirl l'A0r!". rani and c!lnit of any da- uripuon oonriej on rrii( any. har. m can ai la monay fur yon. Tt Norma kUrcaalll ttarvlea. Ill rnmbar of fommarra. TATB HrVTniTY CO, 101 r.Ulrt lld Worv.n tpla hm... and alora f I IlKNT. IHCI.I.VwI'KNT AdrTI. COI. Mln4 ikul aarurlir. ihMMl ralaa. I Lku 1 I U T1i t l Hit - ... raVa?rj:.Vt.S4,ata,l.:'.,rn! llIbTl7rTnTITT., .rc. .,... taimaa. lit l-Ufnoaf rirbaat. COMTJLACTOM A SO BVXXSBaUl i :ra . i - i tu.ulfi 1 TU rak Vaa a loan 1.'lha a.kln H..T?!I J J0" w?"ffi luaa auloa. Hano. rurnlluxa, at, I Tr0.-. ""!'"' "4 bulldar. trleily oonf M.ollal and 4alky. 1 a anloa. lano. furnlltara. ata. . . I ... f I . I . i. A aa ili.v. I a a raloa. U. XlaKi.n. 44 llend bI4 ir' ywa aikat inuii.y en clvall.Ta at yala ral lMiin. in iiif.n a- r-uoa Tabor mora raaaonabla than you raa II runr tu... MK 4s4 Wkahlna-Uo. or phona Wain laawbar. rail at ft 'atlaarllon fUMr.nt.A 1. llli tatn liuiMar or rnoirB bumaa. r.rlm-ii. vOfrv T. 1114 Mnrrlaon. ATTPJtl tUal.n.r aril iwl.rn bumaa, flat and . or pnona iin "- ...-i ltl-)lk-T rkda parp.alr and ealilo.l kliaa and tnll. m'"rb '".VV V.rr.S booaao. U iy on dlamooUa I' Hammond Jl Vafllaon. til A-Irll Claea for I and lwlry al alrn rala. Uiamond I WIM.iAM 111I1K'K. oarnantor and I -a l a-4, III ah., ii p Owl Inif Hiora. I builder. Johblna and oonlracllns. 101 TOVNO man. 17. -HI.. la ml ro-n r ii. (Ill ovr ona who rat naka (ood CnViWIi ' ."T-.i.ii...;. ".7.i: lib ( Vain (III tlal lo 'alarlrd twoola. .' A. Nw I K-ll:tftif.ri. rarrnler kulldar. atora Wind ixitllt'. torn.rly 10 1 llollartay ".' t,".rT Hiay 'r?" jd olora fltura -pollly. FkMem crkdaaia riui.uk N Tork IXJANd b uikmono. J.wairy and vti- ilr lrl m ' liool of ('. 4. D. Traal rhauma- uM4. al almoal br.ra rata of In-1 OOAL ATD VOOD Kajona, r..h R;;7-i1 "dlur5: ' FOR AEaL uaRIaIS'I pony tonnaaa. Launch for Salo or Trado rullr aoulnJ 10 fool tk Uuneh. . ,' "' T" ; 17j.rrir clool of C. A U. Traal rhauma- Ukl.la. al almoal rnnr- rata or in- 1110. .tin bulM I.. ih.n I yrar. .fo. 'J riiJA.; rrol.al.nl! eotvfvd.n. l,n, '- ?. or J.ffor-oo car. Opa to loan on pl.i.oa, auio. furnl- 111 ...( 19 pr-pl.. can b. h.d . a ll fur SCfrB.tHrBonr . Moryioon L till, jura. Ilvaatock. Lana. 414 AbUftoO .arrlflr. for raah or will Ikk. lot or jlr kulo I rnriund bM ito. tKkt houaa lnclud-; lnT(laia. trr MY- lm ..Trf.'mi.T unlnr .ml P- Attr-J A. OR.irf t5hT tlm. loan a on rral aalala. morl- -ourrai , h.rad Jf Irlal d..Mt u. O. nd In B'wr...Hb 4'. contract. cliatt.U. aalarlaa. ..Ii.nnOAT II ft, id ll mii-.oo.i bulna. l.h. to form ta aeualni- ""a. " 0,a- n,m HIUwli M1; IKA ona rr .; will eU 'ViA:1 an-. of a laldr with icdii mn; objart Waalrt- at hO'AyTlpr tha aaklnc. tmim 10113 IKA ona rr o; will e-U 0: A-l kru. of t 1., w1th om. r ditlon. I mbrraon. II N lib. Wain I murimoiry Writ for I rn ISTT or A-T7I0 ik tZti ill-ionrh. 1! it loat. P.J 14 ml.; would bka to b e,.n to b arrr-claiH. Apply 111 .bl'' or l-ron Main III). '.pt Wunaya Full o.uic kl. faciory 4oln oo4 butr.a; hora. rythinj oomnHa. 11104 hk41o thla. Tabor 17 D-Il. . Hf N.w aad ii hknd. low prlcaaj ra.y torma; aa opna4. rapatrad and fklnt.4. Jhii.l ftkfa Co, and Portland t.fa Co. II Ith at. Mln IQ, A-llla. 7 t IaL ( of .lightly ud lnr -yV. 4 W- Whit and Stand. M Ing machln; aa.y K-manla. Call III . Morrtaon n.r flrand. bKWINO machlnaa at Whlta ator. oor ntr 1Mb and Waahlnirton, II and up. All ntafca.' Ooarantard. Whlta Bala Ay.n-r, cor. 11th and Waahmfton. i.i..HlLY ud oan r.l.tra, eradll raclaura. eomputlnk aeala. at, bou-ht and ld. Th Inc1fio Btor P.rrlc. Co. It7 trk t. Mln T7U - LIU aaraaln, baua. mmgan -for aaU. 4) moat oompl.t outfit In th otkla for traraiiD;. Call At 111 Stout U eor. J.ff.r.on. J-AKGATN- In unrada.ni.il rlotblna:. J.w.Iry, tnuaicai inatrumanta at Pt.in a Pawnabop, II K. 4tb at., naar Purnalda. FOX vlalbla typawrltar. with daclmal tahalator. narlr new. coat 1116 for quirk aal 1 51. your own tertna. N-110, Journal. partloular. X-1 KINKilT Una of fiimllv launch r U4AHiy,-plo.data tnatrlmontal pPr .KhlMt.d on tha Pnclfl Cot Coma I i,h i.rinilnna of lha waalthlaat and ar for your. If J0 iiawtnorn nj iarVMt aoclatr In t'nltad lltat. -9 f.pr olad. 10c. Mm HIL 1114 M- FT-VA-VCIAi. 01 fnl- )y aqulppod. dtmoiinlabla rim. nw lira, uaad vary llttl. and can not b told from raw; coat 1I04. Prlc 1 1 140. 1110 Ht.arna ll. 4 pj , full. aqulpp, floa condltton; yoat I1I0J. rnca 1 1 1114 Bulck runabout I paaa, fully aqulppad; coat 11100. Prlc 1450. 1111 E. XI. F. 10. I paa full nulppad, pracllcaily nw; ooat 11114. Prlo 7II. 1111 Bulck runabout, fully aqulppad, practically nw, ooat 1 1010. Prlc 1760. 110 ChaJmir 10, I paaa., fully aoulppad, run only 7000 mil a: coat litoo. Prlc 1110. 1114 Ford, I paaa.. 1115. 1110 Reo to, I paaa.. I0. 1111 Bulck 40, 4 paaa., 11101. 1111 Oakland 40, t ra . fully aqulppad. brand nw, ooat 11460. Prlc IIIS. 1010 Chaltnara 10, I p.. 1130. 1110 Oakland 10 runkbout. 1671. Writ for barf ln Hat. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO -CO.. Cor. E. Ilth and Hawthorn av. Wa hav for aala tha following ua.d can at ramarkably low price. All thaaa car ar iruarantad br ua to ba In flrat ola.a nachanlcai condition. WaN'T;L Pmali launch. .rrdy. pow- no I la ar , 1 -o Any.la, Cal. , rful. food condition; ch t.r will Tjk WJUtH. apvalil; quickly rra rnt for aurnm.r Ad1r- K. J. B.. car dlaaaaaa of m.o, blood and akin dla- Jullan hotl. rorvIIlk. or.a-on k..a ior4 ulr.ra oll.r alanda. kid- boat an,l hou.a. co.t ny. bladdr anj pllaa. Ill rirat at. I-hon E. Portland 10 KT. molor 41104- -nul.l aall for ttit 1141. WlnoWLK ha llttla lrl 4 y.r old. r;T. lil r.1.. w ri. 1 v i f hv I wish. annia mod fanillv to lak h.r CASH PAID FOR afORTdAaCaT Or aajlar- acuity la co a tract of aal ra raai mum In Waahlnfton or Or.ro. H. K. Nobla, Lumbarmana bid-.. Loaaa, Ca-U V" fur rcr.3 "mortk or !. con tract a. rtal atate. ntort- I -. loan. CowMahaw, 111 Commrclal block wain 1777 rr or chal- tA. lb. l-oaa 414 Iinm Mg. MONEY TO LOAX T IlEAL KSTATK hlntton or Or. f oa, TO IX)AS ON PORTT.AM PROPERTT (SOIL! Prompt Delivery 4 fat Inch... Aino. boat hou.a. ;n.l ral. har till ah ' c' Hawthorn brtdn. or call Main 4181. Mondar or afUr I at 1104 lat a LOANS XTAJSTED 0 J room I. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. MORTGAGE LOAN lltPAflTMKNT. V hav application, for tha follow :o.r.i. ?JIV "V-.W mn ,.... ll: tr.tm.nu ill Ul M au r ,.a. i , . . ,!. Journal eve. i.u iu... mm l"'"fc"-". , . m rr .ck.ma anr.a and rad noma 111 and FOR HAUvl room houarhoat. will an I 4I, ,-orthw.Bt bldf.. cor. (th and Waah. In flrat raortgaf loana. eha.n Inautra Qaora llosklna. 1071 I til Ann . n-- v. . i i. Wl"!?. A'lTTTTsPRtot'H. oo! nature-, moraJ H coating, with land. riMAlX towbont for hlra. aolln. U mujdia ar.d bualnca man. wl.ha to 110.000. Incoma 11600 par h. p. 8.a Murphy, Salm houa. Iront mtti a rpbl. fair lady, betwn ...... month. and Morrl.on. 14 ,ni 14- own hom and bualn; ob- $10,000 on a nw fireproof apart- lMi a1.k. f frw.i launch with boat- l.ct mitr tnoiir. T-144. Journal. ay. m.ni nouaa. api.noiair duiiu houa. In good condition and running A TEMI'KftATr, intalllgrnt, loaaaoma order. chp tor ca.h. rhone r.. 1603. mntlaman dalr.a aoqualntanca neat. BOATS and cano.a at th. rlaht prlcaa. rafln.d woman undr 40. Addrra 'njiuooo on 4 nw modern homaa to Look thern over at ? HawtUorn ava. I oonfldanca, J. L. Gray, Gen. D.I., Port-1 'jyt b aracted In a cholo ao- Fl' liyiTU KK FOU BALE 08 rKnf.6Cfi hair remo in two ------- . - minute. Ua Id11o: It'a Carfactly HARTZELI, KUMKITtJRB CO. harmlaaa. 78 canta pr bottla. lor- Tor aala, atovaa. rang., furnltnr. .ml. Chemloal Co., P. O. VOX 144, ate. Wa pay htcheat cash pnea ror hou.a- I Portland. Or. hold a-code. 1IIHI l.tM.r.hall 171. WA5TfEI-Hy kind and tru gantla- an coating with Ikni. t4. 000. Not of owner flrat claa. AT ONCK AT I TO I PICH CK.NT. - f fOR- TCAHI. ,1 l.l0 rOH I TKAItli ,l 1 000 KOH I TKAH3. I 1.600 FOR I TKARS. i 1.600 FOH 1 f EAHH. il&OOO FOIt I TEARS. IT. TIPTON X. 1104 BPAIJjrNO BI .PO. Money to Loan On real .atat In amount from till op at 4, 7, I par cant par annum. B tn flrat J. E. Nichols lit Ton bldg. ITT LO Any Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 Foot . ALEEPCA FRJIEL C3. Phones: . 182, Oil 17 sPKclAi. is flir.mn1! PRICKS ON BmSKyita fjt'OOr. fkrm w.aon, aprlng wagon. Incubator, for aal. or trad; will x chanyo for paper hanging or painting. V1j, Journal. VAN S dark blue mill. 41. aultabl fur tall man. $1. In answer mak appoint m.nt, J-l, journal. If you ar In tha mark.t for a good KUKN ITU HE of I room apartment. man. 41. good position, tba aoualnt- uaed car. don't fall to thaaa bar-I Phone Marshall !94. anc of a woman not over IS; no general . t C Bmlth. vlal'ile typewriter like new, 106, your own tertna. N-16S, Journal... -- ----- JjROPHEAD 8lngr machine, practically new; vary cheap. 474 Salmon at, oor. ' FOR feALIU. 2nd1 hand poo table com plet. Iialis. cuea and racka, $50. Lock 4. nutelton, Ore. VlslBLK typewriter o'r; aula, each or reasonable tertna If you wish. R-158, J"rTil- tTTOVE recainn:, connecting work guaranteed: eatlmaten given. War- hall 11.8. (ZH Washington at aalns: 1 1310 Whit gaa, 4, paaa., repatntd and fully equipped. 1 1110 CAdlllno, I paaa, demountable lim. 1 extra rim. electrle aide and tall llghta. power pump. 1 1911 Cadillac, 4 pa., aeat cover, Bumper trunk rack. Preato tank, extra tire, speedometer and full equipment 1 1111 fore door Elmore touring car. fully equipped. Thla car haa a 1112 engine mm na noi run svu nines. 1 1910 t cyL 7 Das. Premier. mounUble rims, trunk rack, Preato rank, electrlo aid and tall light, clock ana A extra tlr and rim. ' COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. . tlt and Wash, ats. Main 114 4. LOST AXD TOVSD delivery: describe yourself: object mat-I SI rtmnny. K-i. journal. CATHOLIC aentleman from the eaat iubi uy a working gin. on tne nortn with means, ag 4U, wian to m.et aide of Morrison at., between Grand I Catholic lady between 25 and II. Ob-I ave. and Flrat and Alder, a lady's gold Meet matrimony. Address, N-182, Jour filled closed face Elgin watch and fob; nal. I lo. or cmbo a.i.o ii.; "nucr pieaee A audDLK aaed mchanio with a good leave at Welch Printing Co. 12 Alder. inb woui,. ifk- to meet aood lady for i . . m ..'awl TO EXCHANGE for small farm, close a companion; would marry If suited. L in. s room extra good house, half leg. journal. 'ai t J PrUJii.r na. y?ck fl.il"- cl?"e '" ..L T,b.r .51"" MARRIAGE paper, hlgheat character. 'J? eyL 7 . pa, Prrier. De- trlct; 14500. mortnace 12800: thla Is a Incorporated lth year: 8000 miffl- .1,1. rim. Ir-iinbr f.lr Pp.lt a l-i. K n hac tt.--.. 1.1 .1 I. IHV.WI iur.icu, w,, rear, ovvv iiiaiii n.ii. ...... c. ... ur-...,. umn- bare; paper sealed ; annd J 00. I a 6TRA VEi A Manx (tallleaa) cat, Lov. box 1(00, Denver, Colo. ,oWhte 5Uh blaok V,ot,,i Keturn AQTUKytA 1 r hart trouble; wlah to SS Grand ava, near Harrlaon at. H- AO I nlVln th raaa I can't our. ' I y i. Mur o. M-f, v,.. LOST C photoifrapho, Saturday after"- IS Union ava. N.. Portland. Or. sr old lady, .TO Kb ALE or rant. Logging. Holetlng Engines, Ralls. Curs, Locomotive, -3.11 - I.--, .!,. V. ... -. U-rniY.Wn'B'ir i vVi I i7Z fT MUST sell all aecond-hand cars before fiXi.-r nV-.h. A. : ;;,i. i June I. Make us an offer on "".., - 1912 modol. ALL klnda bou rurniehlngB bought, , l Abbott-Detroit "30," roadster. 19U RBAL BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can -tick up one of our nigh grade used cure at the aamo price? We guarantee them; different makes and model all traded In on new Whlto gaa cars, fitearna. Re.al. Bulck, Premier, ate White Car Agenov. Ith and Madison. tlon of the city; loan guar anteed by a strong corpora tion and will be only i) of the coat of property. 14600 on 10 acres on Cornell road; good comfortable farm house and close to city lim its. Adjoining land Is held at 11000 per acre. 11100 on new attractive houa Just being completed at Rose City rrk and valued at 14200. 11100 on $2600 property on Alblna tft ava; I room house on lot 10x100; Insurance on houa (100. $600 on 11800 home on Portland t blvd., lot 90x100: entire $500 to be expanded upon Im provement on houae. 1400 on (0x126 on Counoll Crest I with 4 room houa. IIARTMAN THOMPSON. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. TWiri-'N SIIGMT Wduu, l-.ou. GREEN 4 FOOT WOP. $1.50. INB1PE OK KEN PH( RT. II.J0. DRY truORT WOOP SAWDUST, for fuel and badtlng "me Portland Slafcwccd Cc t a a a i I II Main Ilia. A-700L OAN3 made Immediately and eonflden- II... 0 CQrr -For a short time we llallv on real aetata furnltnra. planoa, I IMCCI Oi I all will sell No. l 4-fnot eutos. livestock, storsge receipts, room-1 cordwood at $5 per cord. No. 1 t-fwt Ing boiiae and all kir.ds of aaourlU.a oak at 17 per cord. Main 4691. A-4M7. U. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. n K r -aL . '. n r.., .... g g g g g g 9 9 91 J " Bnn UlUVal WVIA. DO you need money? Why not borrow . nUUK brnliMbb lUAL on your real water e-e riii7MiAnh rn A I r"A . juy ana DUnllMU VV UUL (ii AUrtL KjU, plenty to loan at loweat rates. nearby Drocerty. i . . . . ..w U. . HMITn 4k .l-OHI'AM X, 431 Chamber of Commerce. East III. Country slab. Tabor 1742. R-2SS. Rlork and Cordwood. B-2429. a-, a a " A 'a r i i i fv It.i. a nJH -MONEY-fcTLOA 7 FAl,. S AKWUlJ J i;iJ a-Vix;. I1E0O at I ner rent. 12000 at I per I n .i.k. ki- .n .m.ti in.M. cent; 12500 at 7 PrC?J?I,v'1.0,S block wood, planer frlm-as, cord wood. pr cnt It. IS. TUrFORD ft CO. Hpalnlng Mdg. llOO.OilO oi nvort MMhall 4647 jfcuii FfR wood for sale, second growth body; , Maranau 4B47. a-46I0. wfmA BpJlt for -76 p,r oord inquire liAPf aTsl aTaa 41 f V fir f fTn I .4 TT .s V V. -.a... A klnA1.a an,.l. r 4 m m. " 1 m ? i a " tniicuj. u 4 'v n avuvu v Co., arlfnirr bl-l.. 2d nd Aldr. I TT ,',.,10 VrrVtrTH a c " - ; . n " I fr I i I Jr bulldiug loans; lowest rates; fir tn- Vth n Loans Wanted W want to borrow the foltowlrii? i uJJA7i ir-n, x-xvii4A-i,4.D rrtoi, yrrn-i v, ,,.. -ll(,a -a.-aw- - nt. future, business, marriage, etc. ,T0h.i, ree lo aumr. blrthdata. Will sur- L t!nroom nalow. value $6000, want YARD. alabwood and coal. Wreok- auranca W. O. Beck, 115-414 Falling. v.yrg.V-o J,i i -...J 1 . 1 1 . ' -UIUHIIA I-WCV V V. - 1 1 UUIH Wft Bl.va ' aiw.cx on reai t-siaie. mcuriiy mori- an(j ,jry wood. Rock clprlnga ana alea- Kt. uuugiik - iuriir, iv. ouuiuo goti coat. riiag. l V L" V ia 1 i-t n I a r oa n r r.i a 1 1 omnnnla good real aetata aecurlty. Lamar, ill Corbett bldg. UoRTQAGE loana on lnmroved or un lmt.roved property: Cullan & Kaser. Main 4 7zx-7.il yeon dioc. 4 foot dry wood, Nat Fuel Co, IS? Water at Maranau sou. a-ib. noon. Of old ladv. aentleman and lit-I a croni Anuo rr)nmTr"ro n a ar 1 l-1 . , , , , - I ..J 1 .nklA, - - IYiTTH-'Ti 'T . . . , 'I . .... r. 1 rr i j vu.i uj xwvkj i.i vfucrii.aji uuwb. x. I jnro u aiiiiiiiia, inriiiuaia. mil 0 I ttlOO ... nuUH. Bcnu-ii mnmm. priKe you, i, i'lAniuiN, uaieaourg. in. .. m bungalow, yalue $SI00: want in. "iiwr iuii, . uurnii LiAUl&B rvnen oeiayea or lrrenuiar, i ni. FOR quick loans on, real fstate, ace ua, l. o. n Mi l irl n tumrkni, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Interest ii Delivered iL PROMPTLT. BVERTS, Ft Curry t Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 811. B-18ff7. STAKPARD WOOD CO.. box planer and' cordwood. 147 E. Stars. East 1314; B-1B90. i ii. u wai.jcii iiiv.ui.i, iiyv, jnUJUbl Ii 1 1. II, O iu O i-uiiv." TT , ua. rTrtuniTih trtllH alwava detrandkrila. I 4 rnnTn linn a-alo-tf valna 1100- want O.lr. a Cn Sift Ranldlnv hliti. FOUND Lady's gold watch. Call after 'Relief' free Natt Medical Institute, $1800 .... QUICK loans on all eecurltlea. S. VT. n:.n ween onya. ,tn at. n " JP.r aZirI,At??im King. 46 Washington bldg. Main 1Q. $600 or any part to loan. 7 ur cent. Taoor 771. MONICY to loan. 8 to 8 Der cent.- W. H. I SEGHER'S WOOD CO.. F. Hill. Prop. Cord, oak, ash, siahwoon. uet nrioas. o. 18th and Vaughn. Main 6169. A-241 IF you can ship A-l fir cordwood now NOTICES nay MAHRIAOB paper, oontalnlng de scrip- j".?J'T .TH!1'- ..' HONEY to loan on imoroved r.al .at. La. 1 call or wrlte to th Edlefsen Fuel 20 Hons marriageable people, all sections, " fawinorn avc. rnon, x-Wr -j- j,, gening bldr Co., FTast 803. C-.303. sold ami evchanaed. Star Furniture ft" ,8 Hawthorne ava Et J07. LADY'tJ tik. Columbia, good coWitlon. cheap. Phono Woodlawn 2276J even Infrs. J WILL aacrlfice my new -Oliver No. E" model. 1 Everltt "10," monpi. 6 paeaanger, lilt tyoewrlter for 115. cost nrlca 1100. Mtes Fisher, room 312 HHmllton. BACK for ay VCK for coffee urns for restaurants and holils. 2 for 25c. 3S0 Tflrlor nt. crar.1, wain mi z. WANTED MI5CELLAXEOUS 5 WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash prlc for Second hand household good. .V. M. dewier. J43 'tus.i. h:st lftnz. mci ! verwary IibU, East Sixth and Alder. Member can secure plates by notifying the clerk. j -rice ou cunts, nour 7:00. - WK B H S iffo n HAND CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Pay the hlsheet price for everything; ral) Main 'O&fl 2i0 l'irst COVELL FURNITURE & COM Ml S . SION CO. Pavfc the best price for your econ3 hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st Main 3022 PIANO or diamond tnknn an first pa'y- Sliehtlv Used Automobiles We are exclusive dealera of aliRhtly used cars. See ua for bargains. Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 Aldef St. - - m an v weannv. aena sesiea luo. rA. nAjiiiku mtouv ior a yomu on urw 1 vi 1 1 v 1 ii. a. 111 bo received at CIKIOiGENCY. DeDt 8. Bverett Wash. room bungalow (Insured $1800) hard " t'-.i""" n Ar T..T. IB nmhi. . '..v ' '. ..- -; surfaoa street, rlsrht on the carllne! will -""'"'- " '" '"1 .... 1 i - h . 1 r h . vi a w x wir n inrna ttiaa-I nm inn 1 . . ' - . 1 , , ng. Portland. Ore- " . ; L.V.' ..".r-. k... !. Py per cent ana xpnses. a-101, vi Mirf 1 juuriini. BEALKD nroposals w the office of Whlddo tects. Wilcox hulldl j 1 Vr.-.A.1 " ?r,a-t- acquaintance of lady under 85. Object with th. wood t-Aw"-..ai"a.i,."';': I matrimony. Address M-9Z, Journal, and metal work, etc.. In connection GENTLEMAN with means wishes to ictlon uima -j.maxn wijn means wisnes to . a r oint: very beet security. " liar- mca- .-I?.0" f''t.r'f. .aS"" ri- grove & Sons. 122 6th st. N.. cor. 6th leaa reiki aetata COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone er'lal Cltib bldg: Holgate Fuel Co.. Sell wood 4t. anil 7 nr r.nr Ul 1 Al A rt Jtv r 1 wuoa xaru.- v-uoa aj iir c-ii, .i Bon. Id and Clay. Main 1348. A-4III WANTED A loan of 11400. on close In kWETTO .OaN ON REAL ESTATE, T bnrn money. Phone - lozjary modern home. In Sunnysldg, will pay nr. I i. . ... . - ii.iih , 1 1 r inn h'.ri vi i r 1 or rnn n.ir I i viliviu i ' niuu. mu luivu , . . . it , i v r , j i a , . -- o r. 11 t o a-iau nave a lew reuuiii. Tiaion- " - . . '. - 7 w. " - ,, - - ana iiiiBB,n. ivittm tooi. i-i.ir. Sixes, jniaranteed Pf-nii. as new. th?ufe fer tt,e couny of Multno- 162. Journal WANTED to borrow I100U on 160 kcreg PORTLAND M( OR CAR CO., mai' "Ul Sf r"fPn-., v K MAURY Thousands wealthy, anxious ofniri 3d and Was.ilngton Sts, . ,pin" "d BPiH-'Btlona may be ob- for early marriage, all ages. Deecrlp- v r, o Pnt md ?a brokeraVe of 125 ON Tuesday evening. May 14, 191., Mt. Uld-U.ST ?e, "fc ii1!-.. iL". ?t.rn club, d.pt 9. ih ,6 urna"' " br0ke'R f "' ttaaJ ..I..1. kt iri tx r .j -iir.A i ..... vU,.u,v,Vii huh.w i rvinrnBi .-sun r i h ncigi'n i u i 1 i... . . . wi' - -' u I.- i. ! v Mi,. . (Si. ""'''"'a1 by a chetk pabie to the -r:Kt"7 r-7 B.i-T .a 'i750 loan wanted - . Instead of holding a full regular order of "The County Court of Multno- .NDkRSON CO. Savin and Cotton NEW HOUSE 60x100 LOT Ing, will give Its fourteenth annl- mah County." ocrtifiirt hv n r.-.nnaihi Root Pills sur remedy for delayed p-t. rv.KT Tn pt?tvatui PAHTY. banquet. East Side Woodmen hanir tnr on nmnur, .,,ni m Derlods. $2 box or 8 boxes for 15. by xi.ix-i tattdxjat. I . v . ... . u u 4 1 - wj v j a. v i oa i - , , k -r . n a mr t . .4 .. I . a w i a v - t. board wood $2.60 to 83.60. B-1239. joan crarv A. H. HARDIN?. 818 Chamber of Com. SHORT TIME LOANS. $100 AND UPT 20? OREGONIAN BLDG. ,$200 UP on dwellings, owners only; title PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School ,i . n.n. nn v I tin Tin Aii.irv n i n it i nwiwup .uvi, i...... i iiiio.-Binjj Q um ai. .cu una .c.owi,, triai lesson given rree. . i ne oest is ai- $700 FIRST MORTQAOE FOH SALE BARGAIN. 2 7 pass autos. 1910. $900, 11300. 1 1909 2 cylinder model V Bulclt, 1300. 1 1911 model G A, Maxwell, $1000. AUTO GARAGE, Aurora, Or. meat on new bunir;ilow bslnnr. 1 1 iVn. WANTED A trood 4 cvllnd.r trunk, onn rent: .cash for equity in lots if price i r two ton. second-hand or new; must 1- right Cobb. I'OS Rv. Fx. bldg be In good condition and reliable; small - 1 OR. 2 acres, without bu!ldTnl.7 3 to ! Cavmel't aown and installments, T-161, , 6 acres lifiproved : near o. W. P line ' - r , , IneMe 26o fare. 1?3'4 1st r-w ''WILL trado 1911 Michigan 33 touring PTtiVATRl iirt Hunt. ?7iai...J i auiomooiie ror clear lot in gooa resi- 1 i?a'eJiarat "?"t8. 'uI1lturl.ana ,dcncr, district or small house with slight raroetl for 20 rooms at .n,. Main 838. Phone 1 incumbrance. 1 iiiHur-n REir.TT m WE pay the beat pricr-i. for your second l 401 Yeon Bldg. nana cioimns. cee u rirst. 28 N. toR HH.tV-fav.n r0.-nc- a,AA.A I uayton fo-ia norse power, in rirst cent of tho argrecate Dronosal. to mall. T. J. Fierce. Z4B. Morrison. 1 - - . 1 - . " ; -1 : 1 aiuu taaa auvili vjvviu J.'!. Teu r8 nxe.i llf1ul" BKXOIU arveiouj cure ror weakness tOAN WANTED ON MY NEW H0M73. ,ii vi.iia.c-a .11 tasir Lfio uiuuttr iieK- 1 lecis or reruses to- enter Into conti and to nrovldc a snlf.ihle honil for faithful performance of said work. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOOOTTRTAVTS PVBZiXO. COLL1S, BBHRIDGH & THOMPSON, 824 Worcester Bldg. Main 667. ASSATSKB : the event the contract lis awarded mm, The right to reject anv qnd all bids is hereby expressly reserved. T. J. CLE ETON. County Judge. ' W. L, -LIOMTNEK, County Commissioner. I). V. HART. Covintv (7irnmlslnner. 111 men. ur iitnix ax UTruux, uiimtrv rij- , iirTTTraii v . xi.-r -it,t . in nniviTir i 1 ThMrWVd Wi, Rmtay ' PARTY. N-4. JOURNAL. 1 " j.", 'V.f. AaY I uV.nCV. ' in - : I WANT $600 for 1 to 3 years at 8 WuVJt. hj ArriA. " !.,-.,. nr. 2d St. Lessons "I T-l , , . A TTDAT Tm I ... .. . AH 1 , . 1 ' .-.-.. J - - ' - v I . .-.-.. ...- . - I . . ' to Jr Auoriui.Li. par vul uu iww iuu wmiti wi testlnsr Marshall 1726. 186 Morrlsoa. 1 Rlngler tietiool. l Ijfsen es or women ana surrerv. ex. Iment walk, closa in on E. "iia sjt.. value . i. I .aii A axxviuisig - i- : 1 I - " - - - - . - " " -.. . , A. PI COOPER. Attorney at I .aw. O.n. I -. S.ATFS: .tArBV? rfi oNCe d..water: L .?ral practic.: , .abstrteamlned. INTERNA TIONAX.- Deteotlv. Agency. ,ES TUE9,, front. R-166, Journal. . , j"' leon ""-j1" haT'. n:. Vi V rii,.. k 1 r . 4746. 891 8TH. .Wamp 4lknn K Kn rt lota nA t rooiri I KURNEQAx, SHEELEY & J-iILLIl'a, I irum MAmTuU, 4424. " , 6th st- near Bumrtlde. WANTED to buy or rent a small res- ! class condition and good running order. i. xauranc or rooming nouse or small 1 2 exira yres ana tubes, speedometer, farm. Will pay casn. P-16". Journal. I anock absorber and K-unk rack. Ad- i uress 4it uimoirmf BARGERS' AUCTION HOUSE . 86818 70 E. Morrison nt. E. 10!2. 10dJ - worth of good furniture at once. WIS pay - highest prices for 2d hand ,-rkithe), aboea tools. 273 Front Main TO buy ch register, si-ales, cheese cut ter, coffee mill, credit register and meat Sllcer. Call Marshall 4648. - HE WIMEi ' get - inui fur your second hand furnltur by .e:;iiig It to Ford s'l-imn 10, jii ist. main ksri. a-:445 bldg. LMjjjg fltsTprglPBiiiflQ-go. PprlnRS sruaraoteed. 22 N. 15th at WANTKD 2i :an furniturJo, H 1st ill II Howtnme ava. Beater A Martin. CASH pAld for kouseoold gooda C. M. Penn.H A Co.. Mar. 4?65, 844 First AN 1 Kl Fv-rnUure, tooJa and cloth- lr.r, hlrhe.r price paid 4nrehsll 109. AL0mHlLl5OTOnt?TLKS- ATTENTION. auto ownera I hare botts and lota, lota and acre to trate for your used aecond-hand- car. Call .d.MM. ua. .Wa IU trada 618 Board of Trade. , -- , , . , : . , . STAIGER Auto Painting Co., Automo bile painting apecialty. Fourth floor Coyey bldg., 21st and Waahlngton sts. Phone Main 1844. ' AUTO-UpabBenger, 'complete; exchange for acres re close to .l.nt-i. raiiwav chance to turn your equity for clear commerce. W'A NT ED Kodak, camera. etc Cam- ""inc, ; 422 Chamber of Commerc ei s Exchange, 245 14 Morrison. ' REGAIN runabout in fine shape, to chsaieK as'' first DBTmA-t an no. ATA. room residence or bungalow. 811 Lewie hldg.. s l'9fiVarf "ln.,,n MHS aa us flrat Write for list Wr buy snd selL CUSTOM HOUFE AUTO CO Cor; . 18th and Hawthorn Ava. 1 pYarls rid, Jn good an oTtlCTi, uhl only 6000 mile, for lots or acreage: Tan pay small cashVdlffer- H. w. Wells, 408 8 wet lama bldg. WAJ7.T B21 -econd hand motorcycle. itakae as part foment on Glv full deacrtption. Bog St 6. cnji ' i ' . SWAMP LAND NOTICE Acting under Instructions from Gov ernor West, all the swamp land belong ing to the State of Oregon will be selected as soon as possible. Anv one having information regarding the locaiion or condition of such land will kindly confer with me. Buch in formation will be of much Value to the land department. A. RINEILART. Stat. Inr,A.-f. A LARGE corporation la desirous o? paving constructed for lta us within a reasonable drtvlna- distance of the Union depot, a stable for the accommo dation of 40 horses. 20 cTouhla wagona. 10 single Wagons, and ts willing; to psy a. fair return a rentf--baseTt err tha value of the property and cost Of con- true tine- tha buildine. Addreaa V.l9. Journal. . "... VV1L1 not be responsible for any bllla, contracted by T. L. Olrard. Union ava Exchange, (21 Union av.. H. -uccaasof Blunden A OUiuberry. n emlnatlons fre. 802 Merchant Trust 1 11300; all expenses paid. R-1H3, Journal. bldg.. Ith and Wsshlngton. Main 4047. Hini'in. n.r .nt r.rm nrnnertv. vi; orini i tiTii-ivi jnvjv. 1 MEDIUM. READING HEALING, DAILY. CIRC1 2; WED.. 8 P. M. MAR, A GENTLEMAN, some means, desires house, valued $4000; on Mt. Scott car to meet refined Catholic lady not over line; pay 8 per oent and coat of mort itnWTCY wanted. Have choice aDDllca- NEW FRENCH HAND LAUNDRY. tiona on hand; desirable loans. Ail work guaranteed; dyeing, cleaning G. S. SMITH ft COMPANY, and pressing all Klnda of fine washing. 432 Chamber or commerce. 40 vviinarns ave. tin -si way the cheapest. Stage dancing and all vaudeville acts taught quickly. Royal Academy Hall, 85 6th. bet Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. MR. AND MRS. HEATTrl'S school. 109 -a st. between Wash, and HtarK ana Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison; fancy, stags and social dancing- taught dally; itep guaranteed in xour Monday evening' at '109 26c. hstruction dally: latest anees. Morrison at 2d. SXTECTXTX aOXXOT ifOOO at 8. wanted on Gantenbeln near GENTLEMAN of good character from Shaver, value $4200. 311-312 Lewis east desires to correspond with, re- bldg, spectabio laay, unaer o ; ODject.com- . -. t".Vll:'.. 1 80. who prefers country life and a lov- gage. R-162. Journal. jne r.usi rorunna Uffianing c Dp Ing husband. J-115, Journal. MOTf ,tviaa himi iv i.i'iiiiim uni pauruns iiiai we l ave dispensed with the services of tne two elder Drivers on routes No. 2 ano jo. 4, wnicn routes are from Wash ington st. south aide to the cltv limits west sldo of river and from the Sullivan gulch south to Division ave. on east side 01 river. Hereafter Fred Burcllck will have charge of No. 4 route and C. Hume iso. 2 route, jnese two men are the only ones authorized by the East Port land Cleaning Dye . Works and not the East Hide Cleaners & Dyers. Our patrons kindly beware if being deceived by ome unscrupulous and Irresponsible parties. , Thanking yoit for past favors, we remallr very respectfully yours. EAST PORTLAND CLEANING & DYE WORK?, 148 Grand ave. t.awv.ra i AVw t m ri m amtmtn.t' -' fnllin tlons. 522 Chamber of Commerce. Mosessohn & Mosessohn. lawyers; ab- streets examineo; epean uer frencn. Russian. 714-716-71B unam, or cam. tUTlSf OPMERBON ' ft ' . MATfH-fcVVii: general practlc. 416-417 yeon bldg. yV.-J.ENGLISH. gen. practice, abstracts examined. 406-g Fenton bldg. M. mil. pany. Q-169, Journal. WOULD like to meet young lady be tween is ana 20 years; object matrt mony. K-169, Journal. MRS. 8. B, SEIP--Mental and spiritual scientist, so Allsky. Meeting wedne. day and Friday. 8 p. m. Main 6824. MRS. POTTER, Chiropodist formerly Ith and Washington. 605 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington RUSSIAN Turklah baths, rwlmming pool wiiurvvcvi. ..ii.iGtiivii m J partments. 695 Front, 8 car south. WOMEN Uke-remoiaa wnen oiliers fan. Sold and guaranteed by the AuspTund Drug atore, HQ N. th at. Main 6106. GIRLS. Learn our buelnens; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-41 1 Wekum bldg. LORENZ Nerve Tonlo Tableta restore lost vitality; 25c box; I fcexea 3L16. Stipe. Taylor Drug Co.. 2 Morrison t YOUNG man of 29 would Ilk to meet a young lady with or without mean; Object matrimony.' F-HO, JourrtaX MLLEl ROBEHGE. jphyalcal culture. 860 H Alder at. 3d floor, suite 29. iLAllA ME EST ELLV -plr Hnal - men tal scientist, 144 Iitn st wait- 8si. BALM ot H. renrdf for dleeaaeg , woman. 612 Davie t Main 9114. SAVE 12 to $19 by buying your trunk i or aultcase at 182 ih--eor. 17th at SPIRITUAL advTce. alao mental science , treatmanta, 5SVi Morrison, A-64C)4. WANTED $1000 loan first mortgage. good security. 418 Corbett blag. WANTED $200 on second mortgage. new 6 room house. H-159, journal. 12000 at 8 per cent, offer good reel oence security., - rt-ieg,- journal. WANTED $1600. to 6 years, property. N-l 62.. Journal. city MONEY TO IiOAN 67 C1L4TTEJL8, SALArjES , $1 to $100 t: Advance on furniture, piano, watchea, diamonds, Jewe,Irjr,wagonB..autoinoblle, warehouse receiptsT )ates and plain notes. ' - -; OUR MOTTO: - 7- Quick, refitonable and confidential. - . : Elby Company: - 120 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark 3d floor. TO' Drake's Easy Money ,m Furnfshd salaried neonle wlthoflt se- curltv tndornement, delajr. deception or extortion; cheapest- rates, best and most privat tTTra-fn-PoTtianii 6lT Spalding bldg. - gueceseor to HT7TTON CT?PT?T CO. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. BATKS ABTIr WlBnO-TO - PORTLAND Swimming Baths, 167 4th. Bwim, steam tups, anowera,. zto. io cle pjnut(jf NFW Mercies,: 825: second hand. blcy- clea 810 up. isi waoison, near prmg. BZ-UBX BOOK l-JUCBBB HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY; -184 Id at,' l.hlr Xiai1c wn'fm ' ...nil tar J -in.. in proved Loo.--Leaf Ledgars; th w Bicrexa leur. a-iin. mbisi i.a. BOOKXrB-rBB. THE JOHN DITTMAR CO. M.railna music and law -' booka bound, blank books and loose leaf sys tems. 167 Ith at Pho Marahall 1235. T .BUSTJTXSS CAJtOB WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalk and crossing. 817 seen Dioff. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, portiana orrice. bus rvtectric niog. rr-,.'ai--jL S.T-. Tn.,-i . n if w JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works, carpet cleaned ana :aia. reacting our peclalty. F. 440. B-1963. 204 E. 10th N. OAJUTET WXATZffd Contracts,' mortttaffpf, equltfs chat tk-la Aim man Am mrtA rom 1 KMirttv' mTlm Cial ervtce rendered. ' I NORTHWEST KtJO WORKS; ruga) front LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT COj-l old carpets, rag 'rugs, carpet claanlng. . 1101 l.on blag. lei. 4SIAI, 1 151 TJnlon av near ii Morrison. bldg. PACIFIC" Investigation Bureau. "ah. classes investigations: terms reason able. Main 3221. 12 Portland Trust bldg. SO ABB BOXSS HOSl-TAXi BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4086, A-4086. Re. II R. 12th. B. 8440. B-2287. BBXssuAXziro EC-toox. VALENTINE'S ayatem of cutting, tai loring and dressmaking; taught 481 g. Morrison. EIiBOTBIO AtOTOJUl BOUOHT. sold, rented, repaired, f-117. Walker M'knle El. Wk.. 108 5nln, "UBKITU BXFA-a-ZBO - ARTS and Craft bop, furnltur re paired, reflnlshed, packed, upholster ing. Mar. 8964. 7th nd Flanders. Ref. OABOjC-JlB BBonrair STATIONARY nd marine, electric. uuipmraa, ; launcne. - aocessori, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Releraon Mcn1riry C lag Morrison. OOODS FEB VET ft HANEBUT. Leadlns wl and toune maker: finest atock of human hair good; hair dreaalng. manicuring, faca and aoalp traatrocnTB.. ur (in, near ior. m. 4. BAT CXBAWX-ra LADIES, gent'eraen' bat cleaned, btoefced. Panamas-bleaclied Without TnT turlous chemicals. Clean! atailors take notice. Our work meana trad for you. Out of town orders carefully attended. Royal Hat works. 223 1st. Main S443.- oitu BOtraxT AJrrt iou All kinds of horse boorht. .old. . changed.. 247 E. 12th. East 8274. I ! V..