1 . . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. WAY It. 191t I 4 4, llllMklltll nfXIMJl Ml4 tUtl HCU WATI4 UAUt 2 I h ""I for Sa!a or Trade 1 lie Uiolt i,,lM M , .... kwJy f ,i A4 'I1 i i i-.il, S--J it,. i4 ! i.ie f CM - h -l ,( Ilk - . mi fw k a aaia iti . at a iMy U fig re ....!- ,ttw,, la k a4 !. -,, (it ff l .fl B If fat !. ! ! at eawa, heiale kte.f I" I ..i.. fc- r lrireaa kfatefceil 4Mb. For Business Investments See W. W. Jordan .. n hat B"-4 " tii tt wi.l 1" J ttkl MAI BtI , i bBHea. Urn if MilM elee. fl" llae - ' a.4 ey Ja ! T-H6. Jot'riSAl. II mm. ml Mil al mk. aaly III !., r tmmlmtttmmmtr. , t-1 . .i -I kutiMt I lat la tnw ilt esJ iwliou l i,, L IB MM k.l ff I '. tul Mt .wuua lf IvMllk. IMKB II it. ! lek i l tyt.eai I : t .i. - - ifca Csltfatal .Ji! ! Ilt Iltaieu'eal all tu!kM ' te latil . e4 labita, e4. .M.--k r,.ai,. tll intnuiN elaet. lag 111 par . lieia. i '! .. k mm) 111 ft. ..I l To I, l l . j -Z-Z - . - . i Mir InM Restaurant ,UI H !' '' ti J I ' r -OA I, i r ' ' " " I :. i.i ,jur4 i r m( wmI ll; i '!!)' rr-m ...... Liiu, tnt .iub: ! lUiaal rwriunllli for nM !. Cfc EstSlislioi Business , Ti filial tl In. ...... M.iaa Kia dlviaXMia . -. i f.mll, IMUJ.I It 75rocerv Store Na fcaaia lv I kui a aC e!4a. tl rah bu.lnraa. apladid alack: '" tMMubk rourl latlClon $1400 Mill In) eaa f lb, i clar mt. iitM. lr r"i J ,fl artik i.J In lf .-iir ' lun aa. lx- I la Uni, mimmkk iKa i on arrual t-t luralliMi. ral raaaualla. h ll,r laaal uu for I r Bionar I VII al roam I. "' e Oregon Ldcators 510-11 RothchiU bldfi. Main 1222. Business Chance Headquar . . ters If u nl la fu. atl ar airKaava any kind of a toani. rail and aaa ua. it- arm pir rtMt UHi H. I ll T nllh I nlra lltlna ruoma. no oo4i.i4 lUon la Ur wall aalllnd arlfhKorhoud. (xd flilurra, fraatt aal abla aim k. J htirr, Kararaa and a M ana. Hualbaaa aid aalaMlahad Oafi.r tm i I'xriru iTiTti Kivr aiw M Wi H iVU,rt'l, WAN i rsikr ur who kuiT4 am iu hMIHN Hlkl TU lIVIU IJH5 A 1 1 t I. eiriiKN. Tk.a '.! af lia aalralad ky lata a rrui,a u,r-ti,,' fc lu al nasa ta au,la, I Ha la- liinilioa ai-i r.ik, aantaa al laa a4 Ualaiaa alailaM la vuaa4 aft Ika aaa aa aaai4 Mir aaiai and la wm ai.a Ika . aarr anirwallna aarial llrlla a gia la Ika Had a. lunula I ala- UUtsna. aacliaUla. nukUM, aaiaxa. u, yauaaan. ala. Tka ffa tariaia ar ili w aar niakaa II buaait'a Tor v)iaa aa la am laa ark tor arhan hr afa lal fill, Tna ar la araiad acrafdlaa Im Ika aaul ai.4 aWilllf raultaJ. and. alla a imii aaa ratnaina I Ina ark, afl aa,ia oaa anliaiwanl. ar d0laa la taltira la l,l Ilia. Iu yaaa' tt-iinra la Ua aT auk aa kaitor. all. 4la.lai(a I IKK Wi'MT VALU. Aitl.K AliniT IIK IAN tnfl C tla (all al ika Kar flarrulllaa iall''n. Kallaay KirK,, lll CMlthl. lf . nd ihauir fully about mi, bouia. pro. mollsa. air. i villa far Tka alaklaf af Man. M areata '' aa Illulrala4 buuklal i.l'nita fully all iKa adranlagta of. fa. in Ika nary, trim Talk lid ilk ur l arvnl, an I aand for Ihia bo.a.. Adfia llurvaa af Nanaalian. lo til Swy !artm,at. Washing ton l I. btlM'tJt to'ANTK!) ' lia laa fiaa I a-a UMll rwiiaii, ainal la kuil4 akaaji Uti Wm , tu Itnrli ak 111 fuk.l,a lr and a'' IMilatinla. IM fc-l. I kua aaa af IJa At laa IIHI aa 111 la aw ka f,adiiad iiitMa aa li'l i-aymaai, kln aar wal I'tanA Im buasalun tuA. J. Ik. L.l4. II IWUll lIJi nl a.'.. and aaa, tna WaJ Iravda la araaka. ,mi1 lad. aiaia aarad kn iarai . a nairrina. If yoa la I'm mll 1 1 ncnattln A. Ufa l lua acka4 abia ! l a,r alvdiat. alr bikr alia. M. aa at, Fi Salesmen ft. I J I hafrlfta rhkiirdi In hll,af hlmaai f Mflll T7iiriTX A lla auainraa man lo u M u ruB ue nJ tn la lh anal ,utlnlll mnniM,. If yo vanl a aood. rrntxaaiiKMi la irtlaad. ,,l",,r" ali.l. miiii( bu.ln,aa, rail 0J floih- III eoarlnra yow; rapllAl. a-lri,id M1 r-rofll: alaIUIaiy lnimaia. r ..- . , , '""l -n- Res aurants and Lunch ...h .a null avar l;oa wonn ,i faal alllna Una of art anofla, ana lanrn liihlr for 111. "an naka I : r mora ir k J. N. Hirharda. K Hi" al., norlh; Restaurant A nd Mllla plar oi AlJar St.. iNtl II loln IJl lo l pa' ' " rhaap ot. i yarv tiJwa. "r !; Uaa aluna worth prlr. r-aa llila. - tl Hwalland bMr. WASTCIV- At oiwa: flwnilna houaaa. holala. mala a re ntn. confarllonary dry rnnda. rramr or iirl iturrhandlaa aloraa. Wi ran anil ttirtn O a riMITH At 1 1 IM PAN T, I! J rhinr of (mmwa l!TtX"KRY At lnanlorjr around lllo; cheap rnl and nlra Urine rootna; firm location and dom iwd bualnraa A not bar food on, al Invantory around i;o; a ua about rocary aloraa; 110 Hmh.hlM r-ldit. TT?S 8A LK KUoallant rari.iy aTora. doing a nood hualnaaa; alork and fl lurra about 11000- boat location. Ion W. Came her for mt bralth but am rrttlnr on: oln bark raat; no NRftv- . -o nine. ir. KOU KALE l l. T. l and up. all II lore lad and making motiry Now I, Ilia inn. lo aal Inio ihla line of bulnre I'all lla RoCirhlld bbl. A i4Hi. rlaan alork of r rrlra wTT fltluras. amounting lo IOuo; all raali lrad. no dai:rry, rbrap rrnl: llvln rootna: have olhar Inlrrrala. will ar. fftr o; can arrange trrrna. Juat the Mara for man and wire or two aromen: le average 111. Danr. TKS. Jour nl trnlit.' TUnta Rludlo at While Balmon. Waah. Kor parllrulare call or write lo Cam eron Pturilo, White Balinon. Waaii. Box U. ONIV.-li'4 Tleataurant fully equipped 1id big bualneaa. Do not ilea Ihla NTb. Have othrra R0 upward. i O. H. KM ITU COMPANY. HI Chamber of rommrrre. IXCLL'STVfi agonta In arery oeunir in urrgon to handle high grade apeclal" ty; o09 capital required. Splendid op rxirtunlty lor live man. Inveatlgat. K. O. At F. U Tooker. 711 Couch bldf. AN architect with eatabllahed ability aa dmltrner and practical man: wants to connect with a. firm doing high elm building conntruftlon of all klnda on a , tfmr for t'rit1ern CONol;LT our bualneaa opportunity do- I partoient If looking for a good bual-j O. 8. FMITH & COMPANY, " JS Chamber of Commerce. I'AKTNRR for old reliable real relate nfflre. om ncr baa been In Ilia bual nnea for veare; ran rlr hlhrat rrfer encea; will expert aani'- V'ra to at tend office or ehow pi --Ir. owner III d either, can rlrei f:So month. n lumber Kirhange Grocery, $900; Free Rent Corner raah grocery. 7 rooini and tore only II month rent; doing 110 a day. Leia than Inroloe 505 Yeon Bldg. -CTIuNEHY rlvara. elc. Beet location; rent 10, with 1 mmlern liv ing roomi; extra good flxturea and Slnty of atoi-k. For quick aale only 100. Another aplendld place at only Ton. Kea ua about them. 110 Roth chlld bldg FOR flAI.E At a bargain, furniture nnd leaae of modern brick apartment houee, cloae In on weat aide, or will take i-if caah and remntnder trade. Act quick, owner leaving city; no ageuta. --i. journal. SAIXKJN Good country town of- IftnO only one other aaloon. Price llftoo and aome terma to the right nmn. Thin m a gooa propoiuion. inquire 610 Rothchild bldg. JSftO will put you In full ownnrahlp of bualneaa that netted me 1800 uroflt In one month. If you mean bualneaa will prove to your satlefnrtlon, but have no time for trlflcm. O-l(i0. Journal. FOR 8ALE; Dyeing and cleaning ea- lanneninenT. mo competition. Ka- ftay city la aeur4 of a deaa water harbor, two Iraaerontlnenlal trunk iiaee, a number or lumber mine, oaa a minion dollar plant, and other wood orklng faeteriee. , !l ka ihlrty-fire bill Inn feel of limber 14 market, lola are aelltng al a very reaeonable price. He pay a liberal oommiealon and ran give yea all the work you ran do. We ant men with the huetla habit Hay City I-aad ca, 7J ripaming eiog Tilt. MkiiON Al. IM'IiimiU five a frmribJ laetneriWa la iaMug -a 4 rlvlaa auiveawMUa. Illflof H A aWJNAliI:. ail rek aikea yow aoralL balanto after a ra4-allua and vblaialag a la Med tnell tO. fiHt AUTO CHt-U tl lit I Ilk at., cor Jffe-aM. yv.srAcrrr7orip.eT for riiemea aa trtkta.ii, aval aearor rallroada,. l Ilea anealkly. a-apar yaro uaneeaaty: aa airtke- troaaalioj m,mr,r or romiurior, ll,a to t4v munlkly (ioo4 life coroer Dial age; muni ale-ip aa-T, Jwurnel UA NT : I i-iTfcTa7"rr.eo. elaika la treaauiy, aarirutloral, aleat of. fte and other deparlraaota In U aehtng loa tcll.il oajarlea. I'oftland eiaaa laatlona owalog M rtio for lut af po- eiiiooa open. Yaaklia. laeillala, lf l III I', Hw heeler. N. T. Di4k your euero lime to bull4 up a real! order buelnaaa f your ova. belt D you atari- for a enare la Itronia. II UK CM rTyOT VI KNT AGENT! C. R. Hansen & Co, Head feller. 10. Heron,! faller. II. llucker 1. I loom foreman. III a month. Wood euttrrn. l.:t a rord. Kaller 10 renta per kf. fiei-oad cook, icounlry hotel) HI. ;4 n d tl N on h Ind a t Hood Ilivrr and furniah your Jlltr ilchera for bite He I mod dietrlct own outfit H e are the exclusive agenia of the Hx.l Hlver Apple liroaera' union, the fwvlileon Fruit company and the White halmun Vallev Fruit lirowara' union. Mprclal aleamer fare 11 round rlu. good to roturn until October 1 AddI V. M. C. A. IndiiPlnal Kmnloy- menl Agency, td and A ah eta Marahal! 171, A-77IJ. Wa itronta. opporltunltlee. Particulate tree. Mu. iu upporlunlltoa Kichentvi Wuf falo. IahAI. repreeenlallveo wealod No ronvaailng or aollrlllng required, (lnod Income aaaurad Addrwt National Co-Operatlve IteAlly Co. V Mardea I money aalrb HiNTrll alOXI.Af, I kelel e-vka. lit aa4 r arfui to.. Ha. I " f 1 Ilk. . ' Y eniooa ivwi or run. Tim UKUI rHANbl TtBt flaaaltaa ks-a a4lxo I NilH, ''- Rprent HoVt 151 (-2 7l!rH;t.v 4 k.leA liie.ew U aad III. - o wao l-et..a 1 i k.4 M ' , !.-.. 4 ,im,u, Jkjr. Li-J a IK v . , " ! oai-aeieoeo of aay kf frooM. oleau, Uat. tr ell. q.. .4 giii. Ia aadlll. . ti.i,ee)i 111 l al axPaJiaedea a at, .el oe-aiy aa4 kouoiU: n rJ, 1 aa. ( i ui A. I: aa4 kol4. oil wo iwjr avl I a. i aieal al.a 1 v u. ajkl, l tm up- ,!. Uttwai leiMaeik I OA 4 oal of IM I e-Hj, .. ( 1 1. l( f Vi.iu ,t, i7iiJBksVrkipiYMrKTorrTC", ..' , zr ' -1 Venablo Hotel HIS weeiJagleo el. rweea f. K ITT I e ialla " oa. it aaU (tH, III AKIl UAiN. S n II A. I luetlto ae aooaakeer rou.ll.g I . u. n. run 5 en a lu. i t.iiM er Viewer a b.a. Pkene klata Ik afieraiiuoa uaey aa4 Aiat.ie. I ail wtiia rler A freaa I I A. 11 I tl , hMU,4 JVr.HklN.l" k--i.- olia ii.ri yeeto, la eueli feiully. aa raaa or Iwitii,, ee la idooere feu.ee, apiy kl K . 1 1 rik el rwr. Aakaoy a lon m 4 , Vol'XU iejy'tuuel Lata twoiliui, elllier ae allteea, aoueeaeer-er ar chamber kvit; in due oeed veil otpolaoe-d, refetettvo aiee. I oooe ale la 1:11, ki h ' .- t 4. . ; i 'i! n't.1 ; ' R. . - " I llt flM.1) oo.ao oienea imute tnr.tl,c Fmn nwii.ril Arrnrvl k tuWI ntmi o etuaii r-eniir. m "I "y".." k " 7"7' .." 71 lW, II per week, heleteneee. V" Hi." kiala lift General Fmplovrrtent Agencies gaTADieiiEU ma v aa4 I Noeio 4 al. f-rtlea-L AaV WMUM I l-M, Ilk a4 Mkmmtk, , laia. Help Furnished Free- - laa rvoftatfeee office all lle-ard aA. l-kee, efftce lit ler.rv1 eC Butts u tidredre tmp. to. Ilk N N M . Mala ltat, A I tit. II M. 14 aril lilt A-IIIL aore leo relmkl kelp to .eieyer rroe. j if W r -J. . - AOr.NT Wonderful Ofporiualiy; ac ttUk, oell "AmMtt ' ronroatraled J eilraciai aaakeo real geouiae l.tn, right al fcom ty aiuing water; vea IM or tent hhKWKHa' PMI K, T .St A It hryk. not euhoiltuta but real laaer boar; NO Llgl lt l.KMlNal. lvji. iiiki; email wttft; carry eck aupply. deliver aa y oelj "Am. brew4 14 TllK Cvl.Si'K'N fit ATKO IN- HKJ)r.STrt UF IU:aL l.AOr-M HCFII. me material uetwl by all bteoero fur brewlBg the beel beer; big aeller; Kir- moua demand, largo piflla, Juat vend poelal; all anow you ' now lo toaae AM Kit II. AN I'lKiULI-TI XiATIlKR a.oTNe-"l"or I rhllJieo, Ki, 1 I (TO. ,l huaaa. healthy lo. iioi., teiana r-kaooabla. III K, Itib booth.- V S 'I S ill wlXow, ralae4. ef pleaaaftf tpl paoraaro. lehoa t-naiiioe, aa iwaoaeaaep. or lor widow lk gu4 home. L-lli, Jueratl. LI 01 i T bvueeo orator tare tM'xirea lt roil,, board ed 1 1 woekly; I rtMtaeeU' live houre iteiiy rtwuiroa oir on tan veeelne work klalo M YA A K T i Tor I "atiia II tMldrea to ck a fur; beat of rare la gooo noma, oeer rortlaad. M-ll, Journal; UlVTI l A tlaro aa family: beat of reference, r- bulldlng. Waehlngton. IV C LAMIUi make ablelJa at hutne. 111 peri 100. work aonl prepaid to reliable j woman. Particular fur atamped ad dreaaotl envelope. JCureka Co, lept. II. Jvalamaaoo, Mich. LA KM if dally" h"ule" ttl, liepl 30JI. I Inclnnall. Ohio aluMjNk! bemieoling ' Flat Iron. pump and aad Iron eltud aetla for It Agenta' price, r-mplrle outfit, II 14. MICH KB A WAIT I NU Till) Ageata. Ible la a money-coining prupoeltton. A ie r r lime ro. atoring fadetl colore In ruga eead rar KIA Na capital Free, booglr-l telle t-,m.. a K-l A -Jk lk.i.1 In. i . now. n nii.m M . , . I v,, t '- fc- - . .--., . , . .. mi eu iron. "". aii' n I t ! 1 Wll-l- UTAltT yt'u aomlng 14 dally (for the above deacrlbed outfit. Town. aoverneaa i email Ika. Journal fcX I'LiH 1 E iTr office wvmao wUhea aoatalanl bookkeeper Or clerical poel- lloa. Heferonceo . A-IH, wouriiai. m -rtVi'h 'w'u'iiutn elebea eituelion rare for ruritlabed flat or furnlebtd BtMiaa. 1 1 1. Journal of our boot agenia are aelllng HI Oul. a - . f. ' x rita a month- It a wonderful low eog.r dJMPI?Tl:.ST " V "LT..r every family la, lo get Ihla abaolulely weening. Irc-nli.g and f'""'-. t of aafa NEW Allt-l'KI'KHt'HK aelf-hrat- rrfr-n.. ' J!Ii'or Kolllng ilka wildfire avert II to it home In epare lime allvertng mlr rora; no capital; free Inalrucllve hook giving r 1.; plana of operation. PC 11. noeion. H a. f. THE MKIEIt FTtANK STORK require the aervlcca of hova of 14 yrarf and over. Htoady porltlona for hoae ho prove worthy hpiemllfl op- portunlly for advancement. Apply Mon ey to tne manager or arnvrry aeparx- menc. 'ANTED At once, cook, man or wom- an. to loveat 1500 raah in young or- hard and take poettlon in moat anlect ungalow hntel In atate at aood wtir,: gTHa opportunity for ermanent poel- ion to one aitibllioua to own land inl rn an Income producing home: atate experience. 1'-161. Journal. MALKSMAN and advertiaihg man wanta - good buBlncta propoHltlon. What have vou to offer? Give full particulars In tirat letter. Muat h It-gltlmate and high . clues. AildreHM, T-i 5T, Journal. HAVE you Keen tlie Palace Realty Co a bulletinT If not Bend in your name and they will mail you one. It paya to advertise. Address, 245 Tamhlll at. Phone M-2K16. . . tabllahed trade. for right party, Columbia F1. Splendid onnortunltv Call up today. Phone PARTNER in real eatate office wanted; eiimll amount of raah needed; muat he noner. iniiimirioue ana good metier can ehow a good thing to Hie right party, zui nweriand ninff. 40 MEN wanted at once to take course In I'nlted Wireless training class and be ready for positions with United Wire- ess Telegraph Co.. who are notified to repara for passage new law, effective uly 1, making two operatora on paa- aengcr vessel compulsory; act quick. Ap- Iy chief operator, 110 Orand Trunk ock. Seattle. Wash. WANTKU For the I'nlted Statea army. able bodied unmarried men between ages of I and 2a, citizens of I'nlted Statea of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Kngllsh language. For Information apply to recruiting officer. Worcester lrt. Kedmond. MILLINERY echooi and flower making. learn all In a weeka. old hala maJa over like new; beautifully trimmed hala ("all U4 aoodoougb bldg . oppoeile pool- offli-o AMTIM1IC ige prlree lhon lllh at WO-fAV I tg. own al Mala 1171. moderate Tit Kaal wan la day work. houeeclean- JOo per hour; talephoae Tabor Tau It Moving Picture Operating ight In a theatre: only way to I rlgrt;: leeaona hair price. Icounlr and slate AtlENTH wanletl Agenia' Money-Making Catalog of many other arllclea FKEK. NkW PHO M4 MFO. CO, Had Irog, m I, Fallna. Kan ..Jfr, Uir wan., day work --'.,'.., I..' ... ..-v. I washing and Ironing, rail evenmga A TKVT "'TJ wrN Ire.l jllf helweee 7 and . ror.l-nIAT, NJtioVAI. Lini WMAN winta rlay. work. houa.keep- Imupi rn- nmiTi-'i'TiiiM pulirirx I mg I none vtoooiawn - . ... . - ...... - - - - - - i . ,- i Turn nivyn K-VVMr PriSMt HI.K iern Call I05H,DEATH. ACt 'I T'ENT. HU'KNKlK j VoVSTnady deetraa pnaltloa in offlcaT WaahTnglon at., near 17th. am 1:14 "be aIietkctive. Earn I0 to S.0 per monlh. Trarel over the world. Write to HuDTlnlendent 1-iidalar. 1711 Pcarrllt blag. Kansas lTt-. Mo. 1 N T K It N A T I ON A L, CO R R K S Pt N T K N fit H'JIOOIJt nxirn 401 McKay Mdg cor. Id and Htarlt sis.: open Wrdntsday and Saturday nlghta. Phone Main 1021. Bend for our new rstalogue. Ct IHT NO MUllK than participating pollclea which Insure 1.1 KK ON1.T. Spe cial contraeta for a few producers. PALI. 11. BKOAT, ur-V AOT, . m Xi-li: v:ral'v eIT J vVK nee S aa lea men la oaob of ae v- caahler, mod era le. bookkeeper or R-141, Journal A lJirY wants work by day. tie hour. Uli 4i. CaJl leaXWe A MJ Atar. H Mrs. Pruitt. laundered, ub! f 1 ra t oral excollonl fields to oell oar eploev rlasa Work; quick eervtee. Tabor 117. did aureerv alork. A permanent plaeo' I - - I : .- HELP WANTED FEMALE a eaab Weekl and evquare firm back of you. Wrlto 'or pertcilre Waahlngton Nur oiy Ct , Tot-reo-ah, Haah. I'8K your spare time to build up a mall order bualneaa of your own. W you atari for opportunltlea. -ITUATIOXS WATTED SIAXJS AM) FKM.i.K 2.1 Ocen for Business Jv,X"-"'- fral ateaa. pel. . vale feat.M aloutallo eloaiur, ir.nl. t'lV laleo on. fylvlMa 1 i.oae HotH Ford 711 WAslllKilToM T. A splir.JIJ l,oi ai nuanre la ti'y paik and lxittUi.4 iletghia rur. ilura m ead Uii I'.i.m leuu,. able pri.alej.iiun.,. ejeval per vice. l-aoa, alai-trte ligkl. free phoaa, at ady porrhee. bel teebieor ditlrlcl lu I V( l laad, all loom ligbi, tltaa arvl cheoc ful; pleely of hoi waltr; walking dig' 'a-. i-rtcoo front I lo per Woe A. Mem lit. : l.ertll . H VKJ" KI.IC.JTaY.". ' " ' irW llull.day Ave. hta epa for buairi'ta; new brtrg building, auiraiy tnoder, walking die. laoee from Ihiiibim aociiAaj talea r a Hotel Dayton irtrlly Mtnlern. leweat rata la TrtrU UH, Ineperllon rVlla.t. ' Vl?! J, l..r. Moan U:, TO nileinen. Modern be air furnlaK4 fionl rotMti. easy walking duiance; three adulia la fanlly: i(o other room ore 1-hoy, A-ltll. Call lU Monl (omery at. - Hotel Glenwood 9 1 rtct 1 Hg.rH! lAt.agaf ffa fax. ,... land. " ' 141 IIT.UOV OITgTTrtrriiUKiillilegaat, . ..e mo.ro nome: easy walking die tatlce, or 1 blocks from car line: t.rv reaeonable; furtilehrd rocm for one or two mrn lhMe Vtin 4171 iMHtLANll iirr.j)jtrl'Tw nTe rout na with floe porrh (private), walk, ng dialaiiro. aultabla for baehelne aportmente or aevaial ladles; board op- . t nunt laranaii JIP, FltNT la rloVr be,u iff u 1 1 y " f .i rnTilTJX ' flrel floor, modern, aultabla for Iwo f-ntlemen; a leo" small urnlBhed room. Ml 471 l lay. l-iiLMMiKD noosrs EAbT K1DK AN attractlveo. wall furnished suite of looms, opening on porch; In prlrale famll y. K. :1I to; K :th at N. hlNOIJC or 1 connecting rooms In private family. Iff E. (HI, eorntf 4th M-II77. Lh you aut location at good room In a goo-1 low rater Try hotel I irrabeo. H7 iLrrtb.exjrfoseri. TWO ilraaaii? rootna for grntfriurrC e bell share In profits. Particulars free. Mu- MAN nnd wife want enlplnyment. coun t ry or cltv. accustomed to hotel biialnesa. Heat IVrtland referencea Will take any kind of work. J-14J tual Opportunltlei Exchange, Hoffalo, I JJ,'" C' I .1 i i i . II I MAN ana wire want ctra oi aaiaii ii,u WANTED TOtTTTO LADIES FOR TEXJCPHONE OPERATTNO, WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERTENCS. APPLY THB PACIFIC TEI.PHONE A TELE- ORAPH CO.. EAST SIXTH AN KENT. AOENTS nrnelde Informat Ion," a new book on the agency bualneaa. Every agent ahould have one 10,000 coplea. free while they last. Send for one to day. Finch Publishing Co.. 1471 Penn bldg.. Iayton. OhlO; AGliNTS 126 a week for 1 hours' work a day. A brand new hosiery proposi tion tiiat beata them all. Write for ment houee for room a and email agea. or aa caretaker of country place. J-11. JournaL DRESSMAKING 40 an intelligent person m monthly corresponding Vo AND I terms and free samples if you mean business, ouaranteed Hosiery CO., Hit Pe n n Bid g.. Dayton. Ohio. TWENTY salesmen wanted to handle Alts tl W rlalt'lna Trt g" aa ItfAmftKllagi a nil earn 1100 motorcycles. Big territory. Only huet- or newspa- lera need apply. Brlnckerhoff Supply madam I. A MONIE. French modiste recently from the east, aollclta high claaa trade: work guaranteed, reason able rates. WestfsJl Apia. Pbona A-2127 410 th at. 8d and Oak ats.. Portland. Or. 7 ROOM residence in town, with S lota and one third Interest in good busi ness paying about 14000 a year, to trade rnra rancn already stocked; no agents. 27 N. 2d. f.)H MALE rimall grocery store, with - license for handling family wlnea and liquors, at SIT Union ave., north. Phone East 810. WA NT lo rent store In good location, for cigars, tobacco and confectionery, -with or without llvlug, room. V-151, Journal. - PARTNER wanted with J600 cash; good paying business; lady or gentleman; good profit guaranteed; security given for your money. P-162, Journal. KEoTAURANT, and corree house, one of the best locations In city; doing 145 a day. A snup for cash. Apply owners, F-151, JournHl. POOL. ROOM, ripar and confectionery store, 4 good tables and fine fixtures, ' doing rood buslnesn; price $1000 if sold - at once. G-106. Journal. HELP VANTEI IhtAY.E CHICKEN man who understands the business; must be able to use incuba tor and brooder. State amount of ex perlcnce and where. Addrees, N-167, journal. WANTED Cabinet maker. Must be able to take charge of cabinet room. A good Job for right man. Freeland Furniture t:o., 410 UnldHmlth. FOR SALEMEAT MARKET DOING GOOD BUSINESH. , Owner lesviriK city and muBt Bell at once. 344 East 7th st. south. East 603. MARRIED man wants position in or oui or city; yeHrs experience aa bank cashier In middle west. What have you to offer? N-160, Journal. WANTED, experienced water-well tool dresser. Steam riff. Good place for steady willing worker. Phone Tabor 100, evenlngM or Sunday. WANTED Vuung man to sell bottle beer on commission with a good hust ler; will pay ualary in accordance to ability. F. J. Long. 620 Henry bid g. WANTED SalesmaiT to sell a small novelty calendar in city on commis sion, write f-ioi journal V ANTED Partner In machine and foundry business in thriving country investigation elicited. M-91. Journal, j WdVwaE rerrUomobe.. ' CM it nMiAunAni in goua location, on , Hawtnorne us rage. t4 it a w I horn a. ?R Tour'n rea80n rr "eUiag. R- on co-jmu.ion; muat furfnlsh good ref-J?Jir- , Ierences or llOd1 bonds. Main 6019. WANTED Man with small- caoltal to I - t tnke Intereat In mn no vine- h.ln... I man oooaaeeper. KVVO numher . l. ... ... . Ti . r . I veiirfc' eicrierlence. rnnd Gain rv vl r. with position In office. Good opportu nity tot ngni party, (jau zou za st. UE8T chance In city to acquire In terest In great paying office business: - references and small amount of cash requirtd. Investigate. N-159. Journal. LloT your business with us for quick results; no charge unless we sell, i O. S. SMITH & COMPANY. - - ' 432 Chamber of Commerce. BlRT cheap Good paying confectionery business and ice cream garden. Tabor 700 after 1 :30 v. m. - i FOR 'SALE A fine cash business worth I50 for 260; best reason for selling. Q-2349, j ' AHTXIOfiS ' can be made by Investing 11000 in my proposition. naL - R-152, Jour- SALOON for sale cheap -If ..taken at once: good location and paying. M-S0, JournaL years' experience, good salary. Z-1&3. journal WANTED Man to furnish material and build cottage. Take pay In good lots. 0-165, Journal.. - WANTED Salesmen to call on grocery trade; must bo experienced. N-166, Journal. WANTED Solicitor for cleaning and dyeinr works. Call Monday morning 8 to - Berlin Pv Works. 363 3rd at. STOCK salesmen wanted; best oppor tunity ever offered; call (26 Henry B'dg i WANTED Ladles' tailors must be first class; high wages: paid to good me- cherilcs. 87 Weles, 147 10th st. WANTED At onoe, first class,' Inside electrical wlreman. Apply 222 Cora- mercial Club bldg. EXPERIENCED lath bolterman. Apply Sunday at lath mill. East Side mill, Sellwood. UlHTRI .AIW .tn1 mnA laa.. . 1 . r I i l-Ti-n n....t'i.,. . uooa location.- .Apply f. w. Wagner ? . V . ....o wTrii!iK mRn 3 Stark st. . B"or,tr- to locate missing party. K-163, Jour- 33 WANTED Partner In a cleaning and dyeing; works, A-l proposition. Ap ply 2e4Aths 500 , Good Business Cards, $1 lit Buchanan bldg., titu Washington. v 500 -Business Cards, $P Rose City'PTlntery. Third Street. tvn Mur ' iMirecuonery and news stand. Good location- references; cash. Box S4. I,a Grande.' Or. FuR SALE Cigar, confectionery and pool room. 1250; long lease, . Call t7 TamMIl street. kE me about a. flrat claatf hobeH Swank, Iftg Abingtpn.- ; . ' BARBER tsllOP for sale; 2 or I cnalr KeannriaHe. 171 let at. S.M I TH-WA(50NKR CO., fire Insurance. A NT Kl -1 p dispose or a , minlwoaay Adtlrees P-150, t l i A R i.' J, - V. at VI 'U1U 1 1 11 aa 211-112 IjvwIs bldg. hlrODody Journaj. alore t lit urea and at ock for saJe ' V'lU, Journal. - reen. Cl-jAR atere for sale. to K. Cia sC naL CHKF beadquarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot,-285 Yamhill, next to journal. WANTED mechanlca of character and sobriety, $250 each and servlcea, to Join In new manufacturing business. Unlimited demand for products. No competition. Immense profits. Invest ments secured. Furniture Specialties Mfg. Co., 424 Lumber Exchange; bldg. WANTED At once, experienced painter to locate in new town near Portland: must be willing to Invest $600 or allow part or earnings to ne applied on pur chase of Income producing home; state If capable of doing interior decorating. P-160. Journal. INTELLIGENT man wanted aa foreman reinforced concrete steel work. Must tinderHtnnd bending and fabrication and have soma knowledge nf plans. Steady Inside Job to man who is willing to work. Give experience and salary ex pected. S-165, Journa I. WANTED Man with family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence on small place; permanent position with $2.25 wages to start; $560 acquires pos session on home place; balance can be paid for from part of wages. Address F-.14. Journal. AN experienced bookkeeper, having some idle time, will write up your hooks, isko orr your oaiance, or give yon any neip needed imgnest refer ences. W-383. Journal. COMPETENT nmn to do ennmellng ruiioeq wort, lyonqay. an t.. t;iny. pers No eanvassine;. Band for partlo- Company. Dept. 4. Carlton. Oregon, ulars. Press Byndlcate, 707, Loukport, AGENTS 260 par cent profit. Wonder. N. . fUj nttlo .rtlele. Sells like wildfire. WANTED Girl or woman to assist Can be carried. In pocket. Write at with reneral houaework. mornlnga I once for free umole M. Mathewa. only: 2 In family. Apply at 718 Wasooi7H Penn bids;.. Dayton, Ohio. at., Monday, bet I and 2. WEEKLY selling collection rah!- nents to merchants. Ne comnetltlon. WANTED Experienced operatora to Exclusive territory. Write for free sam- make Koss of All overalls; 71 1st. pies and descriptive matter. HAYEKS Co. Ijiclede bldg., St. Louts. Mo.. OFFICE, telephone, modern desk, type- AGENTS It Is worth your while to writer Investigate. New patented article It li rtlculara (ilKI. wHntnd to work on small farm Tree. near city; must bo strong; and willing START a'umtll mail order hn.lnfi of to work. Write stating wages. C. W. I your own at home In spare time. Send West. Oswego. Or. for complete detailed working plan. free. FIRHTCL-ASS dreoamaker and dealgner engagements by dar j per day; .goon references Main 1002. I WANT dreasmaklng and plain sewing st my home on the West Bide. Phone Marshall 41. WANTED Plain aewlng. For partlcu lars call Phone A-7065. JTURSEB 00 MATERNITY home, best of referencea. Mrs. Wllllcns, 8 ITnlon ate. h. k. if NL'HSlNrt wanted hy experienced, prac ' tlcal woman. Main 7600. Furnlfthed free to nubile stenographer. Kaay sales, 100 per oent profit FRED F. HTTNTRES3. 414 McKay bldg. not novilty oriumury. Part x -lot, journal. I'RACTICAL nurse; confinement cases. Enst 4074. $01 Tillamook. FURNISHED KOOMS WEST SIDE GIRL or woman to help with house- Heacock, Box t', 1S24, Lockport, N. Y. work and children: phone C-1018. or AOENT LOOMIS of Portland, made rail at 421 Beech st 174 - week. Introducing Kanlphone. WANTED An experienced girl for gen- Tou can next week. S6c sample free. eral housework and ' cooking. Myrtle st., Portland Heights. 68$ I postpaid. Sanlphone Co., Chicago. AOENTS Best line household articles GIRLS wanted to lern the beauty par on market. Large profits, quick sales. lor business. Also a partner wanted, write toaay. iv. ivaio a aon, euvei- 07 RotnciHia Diog., 4tn ana wasru 1 ion, eoio. IF vou wish to rent your house or flat, W ATSON A THERKELSEN CO. 806 Spalding bldg. Main 7612. GENEVIEVE 446 Colunioie, su. nicely furnished, homelike, steam heated rooms, ratbs $3 to $4.50. best for the money in city; walking qistance. HELP WANTED MISC. 4b FREE illustrated hook, tells about over 3HU,tMiu protected dos tions In U. S. service. More than 40,000 vacancies every year. There is a big chance here for you, euro and generous pay, life time employment. Easy to get. Just ask for booklet C-368. No obligation. Earl Hopkins, Washl n gton, D. C. CAPABLE Hak-Hinan to cover Oregon with staple line: high commissions: $100 monthly advance and permanent position to ripht man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. WANTED Ambitious young men to be come traveling salesmen and earn while they learnf Write for particu lars. Dradstrect System, Rochester. N. Y. AN Intelligent person may earn $100 mommy corresponding ror newspap ers. No canvassing. Send for particu lars. . Press Syndicate. 708. Lockport. N. T. START a small mail order business of your own at home in spare time. Send for complete detailed working plan, free. Heacock. Box D. 1824. Loekport, N. Y. $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples ror ble man ufacturer; steady work. S. Scheffer, 752 Sherman St., Chicago. LADIES make supporters; $12 per 100; no canvassing;, material -rurnisnea stamped envelope for particulars. Wa bash supply Co.. LesK 273, Chicago. EILEEN COURT. Tilth and Morrison Pnrnliiherf leen!ntr and H. K. rooms. ; " 1 : I . r ' .... mnrii WANTED Girl to clerk In candy stand. WANTED Solicitor to handle magaxine modern, phone, laundry privileges, it.tv 320 E. MorrlHOn st. NO experience re-1 suDscnption ; gooa proposition ror quired. : right man. T-168, Journal. A YOUNG girl about 18 to assist In WANTED Agents for the Tltanlo Dls- llght housework; good home, room aster. Big money. n. w. book ft week. nnd board and $2.60 per week. 227 Grand Specialty Co., Thg Dalles. Or. TWO large well furnished sleeping 'rooms: running water, bath, phonei easy walking distance; 2 blocks from Multnomah club. 163 17th at. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, small ' -wages to start; state experience. L- 167, Journal. SITUATIONS MALE WANTED An experienced rlrl for gen eral housework and cooking; small family, good wages. 340 10th st, WANTED Nurse girl to travel. Call Carnival Grounds, St. Johns, Sunday., Ask for L. Conklln. PIANIST, young lady; must be good sltfht reader. Apply Monday 10 a. m. song snop. Hi wasnmgton nt. MAN of 30, Industrious, honest and so ber, well acquainted with machinery, ran do firing; wanted, steady position; willing start as beginner In any shop of mechanical line with th view of advancement. Q. Dovlch 742 E. ,73d st. N SITUATION wantedi baker, first class. THE KING. 309 Jefferson. Nicely fur nished rooms, modern conveniences. close business center, rates Including bath $2:60 week up. 387 YA M H I LL. Modern. nwy furnlahed rooms, $1.60 and up per week and transient. 3H7 lAWl-llLi walking distance; red. 4 a K :d N. breakf.iat H-11I7. If d- ONK iarga clean room, completely fur nlnhed fur housekeeping. 483 K. I'lno &.t r., a . B I V. NEWLY furnlahed roomi In the praltl at home on the east side. H-!7K I ROOM houae with bathT I'nlon ava. eolith. Call 111 A MODERN front aleeplng room. F. Yamhill at 4T front room, close' to A LARUE.' cosy three car Unee 810 Sacramento at W KLL furnlahed room for bath. II 18 par week. Ill entleman. roont. Pef RtOM In part payment for servlcea. answering doorbell and phone. IC. 1614. NIllE furnlahed rooma, good prloa, 784 r;. naimon at., near J car llnea. 0NR nawly furnished sleeping room. 1 1 r week. I1V4 E. Burnalde. UNFURNISHED ROOMS IO TWO unfurnished rooms, use of bath and gas plate, $6. No children. 120 E. Emerson. Woodlawn 161. THREE unfurnished rooms, first floor. with pantry, sink ana gas. $11. 486 E. Morrison. NKL'KNlSHEb rooms for houaekeep Ing. use of bath, electrlo light phone and water. 171 13th. Main 9461. S FRONT rooms, $7.60 anT$7; single rooms $1.60. lzft waraei at LARGE jooraa $8 per month. Stephens st 410 ROOMS AND ROARD 15 BOARD and room, or room only, cheap, to a pleaaant working girl In a nice family: every convenience: more for company; few blocks from the steel bridge. Call between 6 and 6 o'olock, 23S McMillan st Phone C-3007. NICE front room for one or two; home cooking, 'aulot walking distance, bath. phone, etc.; reasonable. Also 2 nico housekeeping rooms. 354 Ross. bet. Cherry and Broadway. East 2196. GOOD comfortable homelike home for one or two guntlemen. Private family and first class home cooking. Pleasant rooms and surroundings, and cherries 111 soon be ripe. Call Tabor 81. 25 WANTED Congenial working woman. . . ijn w. incut w.i ' I nge urijr u, to room Willi wonting years' experience on all sorts of 1 girl; separate rooms $7; also largo front bread, cakes, uies and pnstrles; steady room. $!) SQfl Water st. WANTED Lady - clothes D" Wor! position only. Chas, Thiol, 1109 OakjFIVE minutes' walk, 2 beautifully fur- nlshed clean front rooms; one suitable tiresser for indies' I St.. Salem. Or. t C'i Mo.nday 8 to 9" Berlin WANTED Bookkeeping; young man, 23 I for two. All conveniences.' Reasonable, Kb, 363 3rd st years a g. 6 years' experience; can fur-I 264 12th st. . Z . . . I . . . M . . I . f . J . ' THOKOl'tlHLiY experienced saiesiaoics I nisri gooa rererence as to atrniiy nu for trimmings, laces, knit underwear character: habits right, , Floyd T. Wibb, and hosiery. Roberts Bros., 3d and I.Jennings Lodge, Or. Morrison. CASH girls over 16 years YOUNG" man. 28. wants a position with a future: willing to start at bottom and work up. Address B. W. Brown, Roberts Bros. WAVTITTl flll tnr ..n.r.1 hnn... Utll- Utl., City. work Call Monday. 645 Alberta st. WANTED, by competent Portland rea.1 estate I btvnf .t .1 vTi T3 4- , - , . 7 : - , . , , , , , oi,.uriu .im uvuuic. ,q yci ween, on- - salesman, poaniion wiinieaaing reai vaU family; 3 meals. 291 11th St., " J5 'Sei V .1 " I near jerrerson. warsnan 2H93. I i .-r r . AUUID.B iUI'dWUl ll.l. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Very reasonable. 282 Park st. Apply all day Sunday and evenings. Can Marshall is during wefeK days. FOR RENT Small furnished- room, $1.26 week; bath, telephone, 1walklng aiHtanoe. 41 u zna st. THE BARNETT hJ"n: Rooms with board, also table board, first clnas. COMFORTABLE home for gentlemen. private family: good home cooking. pleasant surroundings and all ronven- lences. 6K7 K. 20th St. Bellwood 1. FOR two gentlemen, home cooking. mouern nouwa witn porcn, lawn, Datntf piano, pnone, west side, and line loca- tion. 1B4 xm. ltitn t: TDK ROBINSON, 328 10th et, pleasant rooms, well furnished; all conven iences. Water In rooms. Home cooking. Prices reasonable. GOOD laundry girls wanted, hotel, laundry dept. WANTED Cash girl, New Orand the- atre, 106 6th st vTTvn ttiij1 ltv. an . louui j.u i ii i oil cu room WHO alcove YOUNG Hollander with some experl-1 ..lop-in- Toam far a- i .m.n ..1,V. ...In..hlla. III n.rt. n. . . -. "-3 , ......... cuvo Mt.ii nu ivmuwire. . n, i n rc I Mam Z42D. COMPETENT housekeeper for rooming repair shop: first referonces, Mala 265, 1 "" ".. ' K, h ' . house. Call 45 N. 3d st. 1 Monday. -5-148 Journal. j ROOMMATE, gentleman, separate beds, DMTnrrii'iroyeerVl baiiaeworlt. f ..i. 1 ...i..:j newl- furnished,, modern. 390 Jack- WANTETJGlrLrpr general housework, GOOD cook ai;d baker wants situation o in tamiiy, zoo otout pi. a8 camp cook to take charge or cook- HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 house. Y-168, Journal. COMPETENT .carpenter wants house to I build, city or country, call A-6201. 1 171 Front street, room 27. WANTED-100 strawberry pickers and STUDENT wan ts summer position;; ex- experlencea pacgers: 40 cents crate I penencea oousjteeper mm iwo tier. to pickers; 16 cents to packers; good K-iau, mournai or A-oiao. son wt. . FOR RENT 11 blocks from postoffice, nice sleeping rooms for gentlemen. 173 16th st; modern conveniences. NICE airy rooms In new house, modern conveniences, $10 and $12 per month. 208 17th st. - WANTED Picture play writers. Big pay. ve u teaon -you. ree informa tion. Picture Plav Association. Run Ffanclsco. WANTED A painter to buy new Edl aon phonograph. Pay in painting Call Tabor 3139 or call at 1150 Division st. WANTED Experienced umbrella re palrer. steady position, good salary. Lennon's. 309 Morrison St. WANTED Experienced cracker peeler, pply F. F. Haradon & Son, E. (th and WAN TED First class carpet and up. holsterer at once. Address Fellmaix Newland Co.. Eurene, Or. . "FIRST class brass finisher wanted for wiira muu win worn, vail zzx com. mercial Club bldg. ALL around blacksmith wnid . f-ati S2J CommercUl Club bid. - LN FURNISHED jhousekeeplng V Apply 441 3d rooms. mi. td near Hall WANTED 16-year-old boy with wheel tn oeii er. Appty ni-m N..4th st LliAD glazier at Pad flu Art Glaas Works. Ill Front at. - - . ANYONE, anywhere, can earn good In come copying aadressess Particulars for stamp. H. Ev Rogers, Dpt D. M... Boston, Mass. A COURSE in our prne.caj training will fit you for chauffeur or repairman. Portland J.ulo Echooi A Garage Co.,, 315 Ha wthorne ava. , - -, - - MAKE money writing short stories or for newspapers. Big pay. Free book let Tells how. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. - YOU are wanted for government posi tlon, $80 month; send postal for list of positions open. --Franklin Institute, Dep't 321-P., Rochester, N. Y. REPAIR auto tire puncture one minute. Aeents; free booklet, big sellers. Law. rence Specialty C-. box .O 423, Peta lnma. Cal. . --.- - MOVING picture operators, full prac tlcal course taught in a theatre. The only way of learning It right Secure positions.; tut rtotnenna Bldg, Uncalled for tailor-made mitt, $14 u Taylor the Tailor. .28 Bum, id, C UNCALLED for tailor made suits 111 VHP. Harvaro, Tailors, tl. Id. v camp ground; free wood; spring water; free transportation from dock to ranch; campers furnish own tent, etc Season opens last of May. Address, Herbert Williams, White Salmon. Wash, MARRIED man. sober and Industrious, desires position as janitor or-other position or trust, fnone A-tnan. SITUATION by first class ice cream maker, strictly temperate, gooa rexer- rooms week. HOTELMASQafffc & Free phone n ith, Main 7764. HOTEL GARLAND. Trinity and Wash ROOM and board, $6 a week, two In a room $5 each. Free phone and bath. 660 Rodney ave. Take U car. GOOD home for small child, where mother's care will be given. 6915 43d ave, Karn Park, Mt Scott line. OUTSIDE rooms, board, bath, homo cooking, $6.60 week up. Table board $4.60; meal tickets, 84.60. 284 Main st. NICE, clean room, breakfast and dinner, fof two; housekeeping privileges; ref erences. 446 Park St. Mar. 8188. BOARD and room, home cooking, pri vate family, east side, v 824 Ganteti- heln ave., cor. Failing. ' ' 'TWO fine rooms, fine location, home cooking, reasonable, tw carllnes. 017 Kearney. ' ROOM and board in private family: use of parlor, piano, phone and bath. Phone Sellwood 1729. New brick bid. $3.nO VP;' . r"i,lern, rooms WANTED Man or woman, hustler, for ence. Address R-168, Journal. solicitiri-g. Phone E.-261 Monday a. m. l- E5LPLOYMENT AOENOES 55 T. M. O. A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOT MENT AQENCT. SECOND AND ASH BTa Headquarters for competent loggers, mllljnen, R. R construction men, farm hands. And all classes of skilled and unskilled labor. Write, wire, phone or call at our ex- pense. ' - . MARSHALL 2171 A-774a. A square deal to employer and employe, No charge to employer. . -. MVNICirAI.i - - - - FREE EMPLOYMENT-OFFICE All clartes of unskiUad, skilled, xm feasional and clerical, tnala and feaiale help furniah ed on ear i notice. , -No fee. ; Wen'e department tll.?4. cor. Salmon. women's department alt Baioa st 155 Main 55: A-I1. : 1 - HKtP WANTED. The Coterie General and ' Domeatlc service bureau is now open for business in room Jt t entral lilt, luth and Aider stra-ts. Women and girls grant ing worti please call between 14 a. m. and 4 pi. . Saturday 10 a m. to 1 . ra. - ' NIGHT watchman, experienced: refer ences. Fhone woooiawn zzve evenings. POSITION by first class grocery clerk. IM-165, j our pat. NICELY furnished housekeeoine rooms. ' phone, both, reasonable, 107 N, 17tli, near Flanders. TVO pleasant -rooms in private home: modern, clean, cheap, close In; 464 montsomcry. POSITION by first class salesman, city NICE furnished room, modern convenl- or road. iN-154; Journal. ences, central, . reasonable. 404 CLEANER and dyer wants position at Clay, near TOth. once. Apply L-i 59, Journal.- - LARGE front room, suitable for three MOVING picture operator wishes work persons, walking distance, reasonable. In surrounaing- town. -Q-163, Journal. 476 Main. MAR? wants odd Jobs any kind;-phone IBASEMeNT -rooms for plain working E. 4324; Res. 289 Halsey. 8ITUATIONSFnLlLE naoDle. $6 to $S month: alsosleenlng rooms $R month. -.675 Cptjch, cor. 18th. CLEAN furnished roonr $2 , wee. Jefferson st. 80 A COLORED woman-wishes day work 644 6TH Fgnt eleeping room, private or chambermaid. Call' Main 8908. , family, every convenience; tea son a hie, LACE curtains hand laundered; special $1,60 per, week, small furnished room. ROOM and board for young women. $3 per week. Phone E. 4732-. " BOARD a.i room, suitable for two, at mtvi mm hi. A-none A-auae., WAITED -ROOM AND BOARD 3D WANTED" 2 good rooms for myself and two children, age 11 and 12 years will furnish my own furniture; also wish part of basement; wlllipay $75 per month, expecting mother's care ior children; references exchanged. E-182, Journal. - , A TV HOUSEKEEPlItG ROOMS ' WEST SIDE 8 NEATLY furnished, comfortable house- ? . keeping suite, walking distance con-"V; ytehces. .very reasonable; 509 Johnson. . prices to hotels. -. Phone Main I486. SWEDISH woman wants laundry work by day; phone B-2487, room II. Clean and airy. 171 18th. Main 2266. WOMAN wants day work, A-TS65, room 16. - ; WANTED Washing to do at home; clothes dyed outside. pnoneaMaln-343 . THE ANGELUS. 2.1 6th 6f Newly furnished rooms, 82,60 and up. NEATLY furnished rooms, bath, phone, - 62t4 pila st. ' , -j $8 8LEKPING room, front' H. K. suite. A WIDOW wishes, a position aa houae- - kewt-er. K-157. Journal. 816; NICE '-rent. peasant, clean, bath. 447 fit h- s t riy furnished S6 N. 16th St rooms, cheap A-6305. ' CURTAIN'S, hotels, lodging-houses, onajAMSLON hotel; nicely furnished rooms, prlce 85c. by exp1"!"- W oodlswn 264. 1 bot and cold water; close 'In. 261 9d. F1RST-CLAS.4 laundry work and lac I Ot TSIIU-: rooms, bath and phone,. I curtains. Call A-3736. 4d up. iS Sd st DESIRABLE furnished housekeentn . rooms nice yard, bath, phone Main 2266.. 387 1st St. ' " " HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent AC . 42ii. or t3a gtarK st. . - -TWO dry clean basement rooms, cheap. -. nice Jplaee, close In. 293 'TOth. NICELY furnished housekeeping- reborns and sleeping rooms. 292 Jefferson St. lL K. rootrts reasonable, every ,con van- irnce; oeeirKpie location j1 Z4B N. Tl8th. THREE sunny light housekeeping - , rooms-for rent, 308 6th st." ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms I neatly JTjfC nlshed; modem,. 849 Clay st. '-" I RXKM hoiutekeeufng stlii S9 K-erett . - ue; reasonable. ONE housekeeping room with porcli. ail conveniences, $15. 451 Hall at