The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1912, Page 26, Image 26

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txn Aix urt
ail JAAUt4
! t l P l l It l I I 11 II U M '
mrrW r.e MllH ta
1 1 I la. tr.ilt 14 U ALA'
in da fmi. t .,
tit ta.a Bit
ltWjw tlalt N -a f III .
. tt i !
i m I It , it
Jll..ia, .
MI-rtv I ! M U "! 4w
m(iiiilt l
Chas. Ringer L CoM
, til Lta U
Im l'MUi4 au4 Ik IMmI tlew
eflh. Ma te big (ItM lot
I ) i la f l'-a il
letm i uii, .1 iiubi TiHr ear
Hit ltd aasl llataaW .f f 1 1M "4
uf lUa lib. 14 aula wis rw I. U. Cew
wt llv
Tat r It Mil
M tlxa I'MtinaulM etwul, I Moek
rat Una. levej A4 I U loeallan. lla
thaalol ul I lofUabd. Mil; III. A
gnula Ba.
lsl$. fia Tt pretr a Wood-
lAc fltlg o III A ledlA !
seln. l-ol la all (arlt f IK clly l
Kargmln mm. a lanM it lum
ffaio ll la 0 I'll ll OO ir
trtt Ha ua f rl aalai aaaf-a.
U J t'AT, 411 Hoard ef Trade.
Special Notice
Owner ef (aw oU and en bus.
alow la built up portion of in All-art
dutrirf will t- lh aftX of
K (I. OabortiV. 0tfc and Alton, today
only, from lo I If It I lrtu
after. II will pay o o fcaiid.
for a Ilk opportunity b "i t f
frd far )etri In lh! isrrltorv
tXTk'6u VALE.
I hv 4 na la olmstad Ps'k. with
rotd mor((( privilege. Hm4ar
rar line; you n ga a lot or guartar
Mock with III ah loa and Uaianra
a low aa 111 pr moriili. till I vlaw
prlxrir arvi hard aurftr la going in
iiow, Irt m iait jour ISoajia with III
lh mo lit.) lilllM. 221 diambar of i"tn.
m-rra. or Woodlawn IIU.
This Is a Great Bargain
Wai mfXHU htA(V TO f-HOVB
K ea4alJ k4Hta ah tara
HrtM full taiail tMiaaauaakL II
f k.a kwal f
a kool I ulilu w4 ra
4ta4. iwavnlaa ala. ttakl al UUtt
wai l ti t um 4 aa ta Uhl tliaa I
k Ik la r4rlf Im ll art a. at
I a-a I kVa a aMa Ika 11 aavaai aiHilJ
cl I ", ad mm rut a l
a a C afaa kuaai aaka a Laraa atrai
aad for a awnoa. aa affa II. la
Hf fa fi Hltt rak a4
avoria'aa' f lilt' Ow' asual tsata
uaP aM fca II flwlck
10 Acres
All alsa, a land. biM k loam all:
arr la eulUtalla al aaavtaa la
eloa4, haiaar nailer, tnJ f half anlla
altu, ) a4 ar rt Itaa, f4 lc.
5 Acres
I arr IB eulliain. clnaa I earllaa.
Iffj rata -t Ira
1 a a&aia alr4 at laia. tr
a alo.a a tut water t&aln in. t'llew
lilt, tor a uuk aaa
A, Vester
III Hallway hanaa BMr.
K,o Atlll Marakall 1174
1 to 5 Acre Tracts
PallfUr Iar(a4 M,aa Mil'
wat tl . Ja
la a4 0-a44M, biaaa!J
oll. ! lai MtHMInl
4ur 4 ra lkMlk Ik ft
rty; ki frwaw till I lit
a la , tt (a tragical ItraiMI M
Miaitrit aH Way a". ar
rlllaa4 aalil ww ka
Iksaav rMUi ilull
. J. 0. Elrod, Owner
AM f" lr. Crwair.
1 s .
Piedmont Corner
I00l00 near William aa.; dowod
and fir lr; flf-.a lew. mafniflrant
building alt, raatrlrtlotia, 3k0u. Il fot
allrya. will aell liil-le lo for l0 or
oriirr for II' 0 Ittiff k. Klelnaurfo,
I Hoard of Tiada liiilg.
rt(t- lua a LliKa ut around MUI lo
iiFkrlv city lta. fimat aoTl. Imu-
llful lw. ur iitr.l to Iract. 10
mlnulaa rr rldr. if you want a li
homo, rhlrkena. artm arwt fruit, wl
a big futura lo iho ground. ) thl.
JtO rari. Ill per month M. K !-.
Jll Cotbrtl bld.
Id jf
1 1 ti
E. Burnside,
S Y n.riit-r T. amh and It.imalda, tit
"I 7 -film iiotiap, (t'X"! rornrr f"r bua
Iricr. r:ta or aiarlinvnla. Will aall
heap, fur parllrulitra m a
t'oriuT Orand ave. and K.Ankfny.
i sT(Ti' W S C "iVTa trarL braullful iaw
V4lir pip"" to irnrtycln aoll; JO tnln
ut"' car rldr; a plan aid nrtirhbora. If
ou wmiiI lo (levt lop homo thla
1:5 rli. S per month. M. 11 lt. 111
forbfti bltir
No i ntF:kt. tax ks. ahskhbmknth
Utiy 161 In Hurton adilltlon to th
live town of Handon. near Iho oil w-lla.
10 per cnt down. 6 per cent a month.
A Kood, nafa Investment. lnvtstlgat.
rood war Inveetment. invtii
& frufiir, 639 Hamilton bid
mm mm'
Excellent Country Home
II arre. all In hlrti atat ef eultUa
Hon. lK faal WlUamett rlvtf
front fin aval bank, f bouaaa. 1 barn
and all ethar aaaary outbuilding.
power walar ayalvm, gaollna erf in and
dynamo t acrra fin orehaij. la-
niroly f4. fin vi of villanvtta
rlcr and eouotry. ItoalLaadlag on rp-
rny mala county road ea two !a.
all kind of hribbry. t flu horr.
J aat haraaaa. 1 row I chlrkra. bug
gy, aagoa. ntowar. raaa. pluwa. luirrow.
and lut of other praonal property loo to mention. 14 mile from
Portland on main county road. 1U mil
from alertrlo elation, board walk all th
ay. right oa d of nlr IUI villa
wltb good -hooia rburch. etc. It. I".
I and telrphon If you are I'XiliIng for
a dandy country home thla T'rlc
7vOu. IJiOO raab. balanr long tllnr.
t ir rent.
i: Hallway Knhna llldg.. tlh and
. Kf
kljr brothr ha been tranaferred ta
California and baa left hi acrnag for
me to cell. Thla place ha over 10')
bearing fruit tree. 100 gorherry
buahra 100 raspberry buahea, 100 blaik
berry buahea. naif acre of strawberry
plant, and plenty of (par In bntween
for potato, ther are currant, thl
flaoe 1 a rr.lnut walk from faat car
ina and arhool. ther la alao a email
patch of baael. dogwood and small fir
whb-h can b tr1mmd Into a pretty lit
tle park. Adjoluiug lota aold. In brveh,
for JjOO and adluliilng acraaa oan't be
IkjukIiL If you ever wantaj to get a
flno home, aJI Improved, thla la your
chance, and If you are all right we
can tnak term to lull th moat dealr
abl purcbaaer and I will take a good
equity or clear lut aa flrat payment.
I'lion Tabor 1161. H-14. Journal.
Ta Ik farm, lul eaal ef Ik city
Until an aeONi line road. I i kal
41 aero alattlng proualiUa lo bad
aaywker for W are lot eirrt ear
tibia I ft f IM utrtjr pre
tlcally ixutrl roe Ihia rar
TAiuiii iikiuinn ii:aI.TT ro,
tJ ff aloual tabor tar lla.
Tat-r J M IIII
tn wawt el'le only I minute
lib lb KaW eara laal band,
abutting on r-ew lurth arel
eiecirte tin. fAimmuier' fra lit
rant. Very ri-h H fin water
at It faat. 131 lo 1 1 J per acre
ant upon ovtnlAIy ttiila. of
f 1 r i,fvi until I p m
lain l. 13 rourth t. A ll
River Front
On Willamette River
W hat a eom veer rholc rliar front
property about 4 block fronr Ore.m
I'liy rar I'rbw rini. aaay triia Haat
of aoll. flnat location (or rlter view
bomaa Krorn H acre to 4 acr tract
The Lawrence Co.,
141 Alder (I
Sycamore Acres
Hyranior elation on th O. W. V. Ry.
lh cnter of fycamor acr No
tract otrr flv minute from th ta
lon. When buylug rotialder thl con
Mark at A ?J
Oregon City Electric
7MiIcs From P. 0.
3-4 Aero to b Acres
Mr. Tai' kaaull! a.
try Ihm ul la an all trarta.
All plant U 4 yaar-ol
a-aarh a4 walaul rwa.
you r vaatlng a kautlfal
noma el la fvrtUnd.
(ha iracta will ur ull
it ,1!
U w J on ef th trarta
' T 0 0 A V
tltundayt will havw
aleoln on th ground 1
hew llin trarta. which
ar located right al UKU
I'HL'M atalloa. Taka ihe
Oregon City rar al Flrat
and Aider tr-t Our
prloe ar far below any In
th district CO MIC rain
or shin, to MlU'Hl'U
tatlon TOI'Ar. balaoc of
It week call on
J. Nichols Co. .
(11 YKoN l.l.tKl.
14 A-II7I.
5 Tracts cf 4 64-100 Acres
Y- ! ar i-aal4 m Ik
Ol1m tly rai. I akite f
raaaakA ltu irluili n,
a. 1 1 f ti Vue, jMlr title I
Lite ' Uavt, It ti .! !.
alM l er anit, i.laiag
Ulaewa4 al M cl
20 Acres
la -i lomm la eta I'W r-a.4.
la ilgt tl ef t.illlla lai.a
iy IU4 eubaly . A I tas-4.
ra U ai la v tila t a
Kw big tela a tk-a at till
A Hofne Sacfifico
Four telle fl lta U a g4
la a, guod T Ivam k . 31 braf
r. (.H !. iwtil fruit, .
ra ItouM aad flm ga4
Hrar ptant y vf wvifc 4uiuaaa
tlaw of I aalU ef S tl ain.tle
rtr hd KmiuiUUd to ia lo
buy I'rlt I litre ir lkn at
oik a Aak ! Mr kllMH.
(Say Here, Read and Ifnes-ih'
EverboJy Is Doing It
tigato This.
Cheap Land, Investigate
I und ln acre tract. It" to IIS an
acre, on terms, dorp, red shot soil, well
watered; Lira) for fruit, veitetablea,
dalrlng and rhlrkcn raising: fine view;
muny huer already living on property;
Incom -roduclng from tha start; arhool
on ground, on county road close to llva
town un H. K and rlvt-r, near Portland
Neuhaueen A Co.. owner. TPS I,wla
bldg . tth and Onk ate 1'hi.n. Kst S
For Sale on Easy Terms
41 acre of choice lanf nenr Oswego,
all clear, no rocks or stump; n first
clas house with good sl rooms;
2 basement I larg bnrn, 1 dry hoime
900 assorted large fruit trrra, 1600
grape vines, all boa ring.
5 Acres, $500
$100 Cash, $10 Per Month
3 Acres, $650
$130 Cash, $10 Per Month
j .
f4 mile from Portland
Half hour s walk from Ihe depot,
llulf hour' walk from a '-olUg.
Hlirwalk over half the way.
riMm.l ( rcrk on th lar-d
h'urroundrd by brautlful fsrma.
lal!y nail. trlrphoiiA nelghl6n.
Fred F. Huntress,
414 McKay bldg, 3d and H ta rk.
It arrrs. 1J In r n,. l i e t--ai
teg iirthtH, imail titv .4
ln. out baUditge tuhMi-i
elraam. pl-e all liinal an tttalo
county rat, r. k or graai.
sbout rod from H. It. aiatixi
3 hour erta IT tttliea frutn
I'orlluJ. f'-r th en. all tarn "t
l;to taah, talnre ewer
term. xr teol 1'hi I O
test I Mag around I'vltlani. Call
al on
$7,50 Por Month.
It fa I rulla llcavartnn,
IH acre In rultlvalloii. t arte
alkalis and aeedxl. balance tit
rinall bruah and llmbr. in gt
arallty genulna ! buy (or
UtOO. 1400 rath If you ar In
trald we aotild be glad lo ehow
thl praierty t ou (n t wall
but art promptly (or pia.a
III not lot al t I.I a price and
remarkable tcrti.a
Two 12 1-2 Acre Tracts.
Ill lr arre. W, n lie ffoni Ore-
?n V'ltMtrln ijitioii. le milre
rotn Ivfi:li'l. f rsr rh'irh and
hool. Vrry bet.i hop land. -l
ros'la. gotsl watct. g'to.1 drain
age, all In rron a; 1 level aa a
table, all fpni-rj. joining land no
bettrr f'-r r0 I" l"0 per acr
G, S. Smith A Company,
Main Zit,
413 Chamber of l ommrrre lllilg.
hay leg use ef eat I na Irarla.
S !. ,Ma. fr
i run k-l ! lavetrwv
y wti ia t-A
$100 to $150 Per Acre
Easy Terms
: jn-rfly i lr.l. m
v- . i lc i .1 v mm & I t J
1m wr 1 1 wot at a. I Iowa aJ
It ft a itl l
(we spile waiatf futaial 4
ta h I. a.e !.! Isikik t
. !.( i (l If . Ij
...att wllb lltnllrd 'tllitl lut
inttg i wot la I t it e oi.
Lit t I it -r ti-d , tlife la I ?
riilt ii iti Im lr fate It J j
r I m:i. for p!ar- 1 1 u li
I '-ns ,t, rite o-k .-x
ra H in r -a 1 1 of tha
v a m 4 . w . -T.
4 Ikltea Hh oT Mal Oeaav 4
"'- t tv fc, I taiU t .iVf Us
w- ua aa a nfc
( aaMW. M. al lllli.
k-riO 0
i. A allful iA,g 1 4 e t
i eel .. tm
i t. tit raab. t-eiat al
, I Miiae Iimii liualoA ti
li . t la al t .1 I afiwe la
i W oila,! aa taiiaiua.
t JkM mm,
t-e et;
aali Iim
ra4 tka
1. 1
i. i
ii '
r. H'tir
I. !'; inl : . r iracl I J f lot aJI.
ii " d ail lb pTUlar4
k 1 aa 11 a l!ur print
0. M. Baler
til i".i-ii i ie
t( JB - fls ra M
. 'J r- r.t:
V.4 It ,
flbe I bmIU to atalltHL II gt.ll
J, l"ouH4 U clear, r.a aali.
n7 ut luajtia- wir. eaa v larioa.
r ran I. btata-f ta 4
! 1
"Hie Acauno Man"
is e r fe
101 Itallwav li'th
lient ..!! aj t -u a
lilt. Ill out,
ACT ui;ick.
Owner has learned of recnt olectrlca.1
devtlopments In Immediate vicinity,
now uant to lak property off market:
only live dnys remaining. Over 81 acres
4 mile river bank: anlendld to subdi
vide; almost adjoins acreage that Just I
sold ror three tlmea what the option is
on thin, fiunday call Tabor 1112; Mon-
riHy. vol vviii-ox Plug.
For Sale by Owner
10 acres, well Improved, Joining city
Good buildings, all new, well and city
water: 4',i acres set to pears; cow.
Tools, new stoves and furniture, crop
In, running water. 13200 for quick sale;
10 ACltES
I am buylnK a contract, splendid 10
sere tract Just on the edge of town of
North Yumhtll; flno soil; no waste land;
settled neighborhood ; price 1180 per
ncrn; have paid In 1250; am leaving
.Portland and will assign my contract
for 1160 cash, if taken ut once; balance
payable 126 monthly payments which ln
cludea Interest. N-164. Journal.
Some C or 6 acres cultivated, 160
acre fenced, outside range for hun
dreds of cattle, 2,000,000 feet of stand
ing timber; nice creek on place; 2 natur
al snrlncs. never aro drv: lots of trout
fishing; house and barn on name; In
Haker countv cheap buy for cash. Make
some cirer.
view reoramf .
All or part of 23 acre a. 1 mil
from Oawelro; unsurpaased view
of river and valley: bordered
with Umber, balance all In culti
vation; about S acres bearing
cherrr orchard; two beaulftil
building ejtes; fin automobile
road. The Ideal location for
your suburban home. Very eaay
terms can be arranged and th
prlc Is absolutely a sacrifice.
Shaw & Locke
TI Sixth St., Near Oak. ri
Very best of soil, sll In crop, and ha
a t room house, burns and other build
ings, orchard 120 trees, berrli-s, etc;
100 chickens snd other poultry. 2 good
cows, etc. This sightly location for
$420. Taka Oregon City car to Jen
nings Ix)dge, ask for Chas.- Redmond.
I acres. 140 per tract; 110 acres, IS00;
10 acres, $S00; 40 acres. 11200; 80 acres,
$2000. A new subdivision, best soil,
fre wood, aprlng water, easy terms.
309 Teon bold.. Portland
10 acres, all In high state of cultiva
tion and In crop, lies flno, extra fine
soil, fine open country, lies on main
county toad, with fine farms on all
Hides, 20 miles from Portland, i milo
from electric station, on bonrd walk, '
mile to Willamette river and good town,
with good achoola. has R. F. V. and
telephone service. Price $2260, 11000
cash, balance long time. 6 per cent.
620 Railway ExohanRo bldg., 4th and
Sycamore Acres .
In 40 minutes from the city, by the O.
V. P. electric line and In the best part
of Multnomah county, and the prices
are right.
Mntn 302. 228 fctnrk St. A-JSP!.
Good Acreage Cheap
We have 277 acrrw of fin land
In tho Willamette va'ley. close-to
atatlon, which we can s'll In
tracts of 10 acrea anil up. and th
price rangea from IIJ to H0 per
acre. Thla la no cheap land. It
la located In good farming section
and near a good town of 3000.
Com ln and let ua tell you about
A, K. Hill Co.,
411 Henry bldg. Main 7142.
A Garden Tract
Near Portland, handy to sta
tion; deep, rich black anil. All
cleared. We will give you work
If vou purchase a tract from ua.
Only $300 per acre
The Westlyn Trust Co.
1221 Yeon bldg.
You Can't Beat It
64 acre farm, 36 miles from. Portland,
4 to It R., deep, rich oll, half cleared,
water, 1 acre orchard, 6 alfalfa, boat
landing, store and school 4 mile:
1000; will take $3000 city home, 11600
cash, balance timu. From owner. Main
3064, or Woodlawn
Garden Home
$ acres of splendid soil, with a fine
For other particulars see stream of running water crossing one
it 106H Grand ave. Phone East
9 acres ln cultivation, small house.
barn, a fine country home, 10 miles from
Portland; lays rine. price iltj&o; pood
arms, 214 Lumbermens bldg.
end. Just 10 minutes' walk from Garden
Home station; nne car service with 7H
cent fare; thla property must be sold
and the owner will make the sacrifice
price of $760 per acre; comparison of
f trices will show this property Is nuch
ower than surrounding values.
406 Couch bid.
Nothing down. $10 per month, east of
Portland, fine fruit or berry land. Ask
for Martin. 208 Northwest bldg., 6th and
Washington st. Main 1305.
FOR SALE My 5 acres, the choicest
Kpot, 1 mile east of Mt. Tabor, on pro
posed extension of Montnvllla carllne;
all cleared, no gravel, worth $10,000. I
will take $5500. Come quick and get a
snap. Apply of owner, SS Third St., near
Splendid soil, near good carllne.
close to Portland, for $426 per
acre. Small payment down, bal
ance on easy terms.
Call for C. O. Rengan.
Srd Floor Chamber of Commerca.
One of the finest home locations
around Portland; 9 miles out, right at
station; IVi acres of flntst soil In fruit
and pardon; can bo divided into three
fine building sltea with erTst front fac
ing oarllne; 4 room furnished cottage
goes with the place; owner moving away
will give special low price and easy
terms, uome to Jennings Ldge and
look this over; property adjoining on the
north; call at first cottage north of
store or inquire ror foeshe.
Full Information from n.e sbout th
high grade farm land I am selling In
o to lo acr tract at ijloo p-r acr
and' on i-usv payment. Rich loam soil.
positively fro from gravel or stones.
spring and running crock on good
roads, schools, churches and all other
convenlencea, and only I mllea from
thla town of 3000 peuple w hav cream
ery, fruit cannery and fruit growers'
asaoclatlon. This land la first das
for friilta. vegetables, potatoes and rlo
er. Very best dairying location In th
state. If you rant come aoonr com
noxt Sunday. l.ruvo Portland at 7:10
a. in., 6 hours her and rot urn bom
sanio day. Come or write for full In
formation. $35 per acre and, eay pay
nx-nl. W. II. LaFond. Elixia Creamery,
t-lina. Huh,
$350 Cash
Balance $20 Monthly
This buys 1 acre of good land all In
fruit and garden, all fenced with woven
wire, with good modern alx room house,
new chicken house, Z blocks from ta
tlon, on sidewalk, 26 minutes' ride from
center or clly; ic earrare, numthly book.
Price $3350. You know WHY thla Is
better than a city. home. It la mora
convenient to your work or office than
the averugo city lot home; It la cheaper
In original cost, and think of Its pos
609 Kpaldinc bldg.
Good? I Should Say So
That one acre on west riW-' miles
from postoffice; lovely viw; very fine
garden iapa reaay ior wow. uniy ou
cash, $10 tier month at per cent, on
balance. H. ti. lrnriam, 1203
if sttitlo
ACREAGE at sthtlon on Oregon Elec
trlo inside 6 mile circle; large part
cleared; running creek on each 2 acre
tract; only 8 cent fare. Price $560 on
easy terms.
2 ACRES, 6c faro, two blocks to Ore
gon Electric, Close in, an in cultiva
tion, about 86 fruit trees, fine fence,
Bmall house. Something nice. Price
only $2760. Terms. Net-Is & - Welle
C33 Hamilton bldg.
Here! Here! Herel Here!
10 acres 9 miles from Portland, In
clover and wheat; fine barn, liouae, good
Mill, sura. one-nair casn, land an
around selling for $250 pep acre and
over. 11. tl. farnham. T303 Yeon bldg.
Hillsboro Acreage -
6 and 10 acre tracts; very finest of
loam soli, level and very sightly; priced
for quick sale at $R0 to $160 per acre,
9a nrtr punt statin Knlana audi, tamai
Yeon I REMEMBER no better hind ln this vi
cinity ia selling at $200 to $400 per acre.
KAK Unnnl a I1 .1 a T 1 ,1 I
Sycamore Acres
You can get an acre facing the elec
tric lino, Johnson creek or Foster road
for the price of a city lot They're
Main 392. 228 Stark St. A-2392,
THE best acre tracts on the market to-
uav for the price: west side. 15 inln
utes out by car, 6c car; nice location
ror a nome; easy terms; aown.
617 Itonrd of Trade.
Main 4675.
$ 3 75 M ETZG ER M ETZOER $3 7 5
Have two 1 acre tracts adjoining. $375
easily $100 below market value. 7c
rare, no minutes riae, jzou casn re
quired. Fred W, German, 329 Burnside,
M. or A-2776.
40. Acres
Near Washougal. Wash, partly
Improved; 3 acres- in orchard.
Price $1850; easy terms.
Back to the Farm Co.
Commercial Club Bldg.
5th and Oak St 3.
A HEN costs you $1, an acre $600 on
car Mne-and creek. Raise 'your own;
60 minutes ride, part ensh. See owner
at Palace Realty Co., 240 ft Yamhill St.
Phone M-2915.
$2000 FOR a dandy chicken ranch at
the city limits; good house, three
chicken houses, fine creek, 2 acres; 10
minutes' Walk to 5c fare. 0-157, Jour
nal. Any kind of terms.
10 acres ready ror crop; good farm
FOR SALE 80 acres, house, barn and nouse ana orcnara, zouu, only mile
ho cedar noes. 4.ouu.uuu rt umhir. "V'" -i''-
close to Portland, 2 railroads to place.
Price $4600 part cash, balance terms.
L-160. Journal.
41 ACRE!
21 miles from the city, fine soil and
lays level. Price, $600. $200 cash. 214
Lumbermens bldg.
10 acres, sightly land, fine view, $1000.
20 acres, nearly cleaj-ed. 'rood soil.
10 acrespnlon bottom land, cleared,
Send for circulars or call at office.
3 09 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or.
I FOR SALE -1 acre 3 blocks from Mets-
ger on uregon Electric. Good 5 room
house, all plastered, acre all cleared
lacing 1 a. cnerry trees. win qear next year.
1 to 6 acres near station.
main road and Oregon Electric; finest I 9 pear trees ln bloom now. Strawberries
Garden. Tract
Hi acres. Carson Heights, all level
and ready for cultivation; plenty water.
fnone owner, flmranitii 1000.
9 BIG lots, 1 acres, $1360; $100 down.
$12 a month for tho nine; right at
station on Salem Electric; will take
cheap lot as equity as first payment. G.
Lt. vveop, 414 niarK sc.
$ acres Improved.
9.98 acres improved.
4 acres highly improved.
7.67 acres Improved.
10.8 acres cultivated.
acres highly improved.
Si acres, platting proposition.
710 acres, 1 acre cultivated.
822 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 6826.
. A City Farm Cheap
Two acres, house and barn, about 4
blocks to Hawthorne car.
Beautiful Country Place
Seven and one-half acres, near city
limits; house and barn; will sell or
H. L. Idleman,
End Hawthorne Line. Tabor 166(1.
Southern Oregon's unexcelled climate:
deep foothill soli, watered, drained. Im
mune from destructive frosts; modern
houses, barns, outbuildings, poultry
equipment; 120 acres, 140 acre, or
both; 4!00-aou0 rrult and nut trees fm-
braclng Spltzenbergs Newtowns, Wine-.
saps, liananas, Hartletts, Hoses. .Nelllses,
d'AnJous besidus pruiees pouches, ap
ricots, strawberries, blackberries, rasp
berries, gooseberries, currants, several
acres hay. corn, alfalfa.
E. E. DARING. 904 Wilcox Bldg.
I l 1 D ! ! I I' I ' I'
I.AhiUINn " I
I i ll In ruin ratlin, bni. bar 1
It lul.e from ela'lrc station. II mllf
eaal uf PoilUn.1 PiKe l,t. v " 1
acrea, 17 ria In fix atat of
1 ultM all-n. gMd houa barn (Irolv '
fruit. 'mI rll nl gd ;.ih J in
crop IT nuira aat of pfrt an.l, 1 ;
ffillr from rlr-lrlc lln pil-e $ I C- .
;0 raah, t:arn trim.
i'i.-hrf f.4 b ram h 41 arre
rrra i Saare-I nM I 4c. J n. Ir ef -It
It atalltin li"". lllt.( I'llio lvo.
V rah. j
S ii-livlalnn rarlin a -ros land sis ,
III 11 0:1 lACd. t . fra. So rrr or lesl
barrdarii land 4 ) re In rt.lllvtlt.i. !
I ilft-l rord w uu . ran ta put Into Port-
land Kit cboap. good bona and barn;
f.ol w!l. Id mtlr of Portland, only
1 1000. 13000 raab. lalanr 4 ar at
7 prr .nt Tl.o wool on Oil I wortu I
I.oioi I
Ma hav and t acr tract at ata
tlon. 7 mil ritt of Portland, tba vei y
l.rat .'f soil. 1100 rr a i a rae.'i
fre It. la If you want soma for future
1 1 -ica : : mil ri af
I 'ii tnl la ab euualr tight
at H alalivn aad I Btlnutsaf
a.k front alalion, ea lBIa Hy.
c tile iiaa ctrallanl
dr rultl alj"n.
la! an, a aaj tarn, a
!S !. 4a mil north f .
f "i '.rota a yard from .
I'M ted It r 4iy. aera, under
1 u.inniJB. ou young trull
I'rrw m acr rpt-rrla, m
re 1 1 a t-rrla an logaakar
rira fina oL room houa and
o it.ulMing ew horwa, he 1 far.
M kan ad lrr pliantg go wUh
.'re llo. lift rah.
a ra at Vbik-ou vwr. eto I -
ar all ur ilar culllt '.Ion. 4 rts
' ni new barn !!sl; famll
1 lr l IU( $ 1 on caah, balavao
t rrara 4 pr cert
lo ra. ? 1 tui.r from Kort
i,ior arira unler cultivation,
youe orrbarj and all 1 kind of
brrrirs I rvoin hou. tarn a&4
outl uildina. i:i IIT0 rash, .
Hi Lumbar Kir bang.
home, will ri"t last long
401 Washington at. oj iv,mii
n' ouvr. n .il
C' to p. inland, on alectrlo carlln,
rood autoinobll- road. slor. (chool, (!
rphon. tluilv n sil drllvsry, good nlgk
wrjtT. , n.r.
postofflr I,,
burs. Slilrn'll 1
err, gii riearad. running walar.
i mum
All in Cultivation
AT EiLSJ, ffll
I block from atatlon. T room
house, good barn, fine bearing or
chard, short rid to Portland, SI
miles, new elrrtrlo Un of lh B.
P. 11300. $1000 oaah, balanc to
John Dick
4 Union Avanu North.
I aera, only 10 mlnntes
rrom the city, s cent litre.
3 acr
In nreitv 3 acr tract aa can
be found any place, and the soil
can't be beat In th valley. With
an electric station and l'le-track
right at the corner of thla place.
A part of 1t Is set to fruit of dif
ferent varieties. There Is a good
new building on the place. This
must be sola, and It Is being of
fered for less than It la actually
worth and we will sell on terms.
Main 937, A-2693. Trumble. 272
Stark St., Portland, or.
00 irr acre.
4 acre, gentle atop running watr.
n Ideal plao for poultry, fruits, gar
drnlng. tc. $100 per cr.
S crrs. ovrr half cleared, kalanof
rolling and hill, running water, splendid
for country or suburban home, fit pr
2 acrrs. partly clearrd, splendid for
cle in suburban hom and chickana,
l!) per acre.
1 acre, more or lesa rolling, gplaodld
for rhlrkena. $160 per acr.
Th r well worm your prompt
Investigation; gaod reaonabl tarm.
thrr iracta sold last week. Buy '
NOW, plant potato and Ut It blp pay
for th property
$07 Railway Kxehanwe Hide. Wait! 4.'
Near Salerp
600 acres or $60 acres, on or both
at a sacrifice. Large tract heavardam.
All fine for hops, alfalfa, apuda. pvachea.
good county road to Palaoi. 114 mil
to Salem electric station. If abl to
handle thla tract you will purcha oa
sight at price we will quote,
122 Chamber of Commeroa, .
Phone Main 6628.
5 Acres $400
14 miles from city, 3H miles from
Hillsboro, 2 miles from S. P. station.
This Is high class land, not expensive
to clear. IdeaP'for hops, potatoes, orch
ard or chickens; well watered and no
waste. Am tho owner and will show
you the best values in Willamette val
ley, considering distance from Port
land. G. A. NICHOLS.
907 Wilcox Building.
FIVE acre tracts. 2 miles from
five-cent car fare, down tho
Willamette on west side, $175 per
acre, on payments, macadamized
road all the way.
Main 35- 102 Fourth st, A-35d
FOR SALE 6 acres, 1 mile couth of
Beaverton, on sltiewam, ail ln culti
vation, good bearing orchard, 6 room
house and barn. J. J. Squires, Beaver
ton, Or.
FOR-SA LE Petunia acres, near Wood-
burn and one mile iron electric; 5
sere tracts of garden and timber lands.
$100 per acre up, C. M. Crittenden
Hub Para, ir.
view property; all cultivated; special
low price tor quick sale; easy terms,
STAVER, 614 Couch bldg. -
$160 CASH.
2 acres. mile Durham atatlon. Or
Electric, a li cultivation, 1150 cash, bal
ance terms. ii tnsmotr uommerce.
)io c ABn win accuro iv acres 01 gooa
land, ciosa to rauroaa ana boat land
ing, balance at per cent. $360 value.
H. H. Farnftam. 1203 Yeon bldg.
$1200 CASH buys 4 acres, west aide,
grand view. So fare, big value; you
can double your money ln Teg than on
year.'-M. E. Lee. $.11 Ctyoeft bldg-. ,
10 ACRES, 11 miles from city, alKlm-
proved, house, good, barn, worth $2000;
if sold this week price $1650 and terms.
See1 owner. 8 lotfl, near starK.--
FOR' 8ALE On acre on 46th ave,, -E..
- bv owner; terms to suit you. Phone
Eelfwood 1616. . . .
10 acres; of central Oregon jrrbeat land
at $12 an acre, Hslf caah.or good
terma. F-ltt, Journal, : r ;
and garden, Value $1450. Would take
team, wagon and harness, valued1 to
$200. $500 cash and good note for bal
ance. Can make payments by month or
year." R-161, Journal.
1-3 of Acre, $3000.
Located Oregon City car, 10 minutes'
walk station. 6c fare. Hot. cold- water,
porcelain bath, cement basement' and
walk. Berries, fruit, chicken. A tidy,
well kept place.' Will accept ' vacant
lota part payment, balance to suit.
' C, W. LAMAR.
' 41 j Corbtt bldg.
Near Gresham on ftn auto road, vary
beet of sou. 200 cords wood, plenty of
water. .'Price $1000. Half cash., See
owner &t office .
Room 618 Oregonlan bldg. v
12S0 f AS1H
18 kcr tract, near Newberg. part cul
tivated; price 13(V0; $260 rash, balance
1-6 each year. 422 Chamber of Cora
mere a. j. v . . . - - ' i--
Sycamore Acres ,
Is on the Gresham line Just east . of
Lents. Excellent car service, richest
soil, lowest prices.
Main 393. 228 Stark st. A-2392.
1, 2 AND 3 acre tracts, on electric car
" line elene to-Portland ; splendid soil,
$250 to $400 per acre; easy terms. J.
W. Heffcrlin, 307 Railway Exchange
bldg. Main 2248.
Tracts to suit, 20 acres to 3000
In one body; terms Z-156. Journal.
5 ACRES of finest lands on Base Line
road Just beyond 12 mile roadhouse;
very sightly. Price $1975, easy tr ma.
Phong Tabor 263. '
IF you ee this you will buy it. ( or 10
. acrea. alt cleared, near Beaverton. one
mile from Ore. Eleo. F. W. Allen. Beav
erton, Or.'; owner.
$10 down, $S monthly. 97Hx254, 30 mln
' utes out. Ask for -if ars ten or Stearns,
202-Wllcox bid.
ABOUT $ acres Mt, Tabor' ror plsttinx.
I aaa,aw ax a a. V.V 11 f
5 Acre Country Home
4. acres clear, assorted fruit and ber
ries; south slope, house etc.. some ner-
sonal property; good carllne, R. F. D.
and telephone; school, churches and
stores. 12 miles Portland. $2100: $1200
cash. Call on or write owner. . 472 Sum
ner st. J
640 acres burnt off laud, easily cleared,
lays well, good soil. 8 miles sohtheast
of SUvertiln. ur.. 2 miles from terminus
of Silverton Lodging railroad, which will
run through the tract. 1 would like
to price this land to some of those bunk
ers and fellows who have been hollow
ing their heads off about Willamette
Malley being held too high. This
tract ia not for swap. Causey Land &
Investment Co., 4 07 Lumbermens bldg.
Adjoins Station Property
3.r, minutes' rliio from Jefferson St.
depot, slight southern slope, good soil.
one of I1m best buys we hav on our
list. This place has never been adver
tised before. $200 cash down will buy
It. balance monthly payments. Price
$100 an acre less than other property
around It.
Atchison & Allen
213 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder.
I HAVE a fine 1 acre tract ln As
cot Acres that I will sell on
good terms. Remember this Is
right on the Rase Lino hard sur
face road, close In. and only 2
blocks from the Mt. Hood carllne
and station. Call Main 837, A
2t;;i3. Ask for Trumble. 272
Stark sL
3 Acres
Close to Ryan Place, on Oregon
j'ierino, 1Z minutes rrom port-
land. 5o carfare. $1800; $250 cash.
nail in
balance in sin
Barrett. Bros,
303 Bnurd of "T'fUde bldg.
25" acres Va mile from Ehnonica sta-tion,-on
Hillsboro electric, 9 miles from
Portland, at $180 per acre; part cash.
Adjoining land $300 to $500 an acre.
Kaste Brow.. 608 Henry bftlg. .
About two to five acres on Oregon
Electric railway, with improvements
and some good black soil.
$22 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 5826.
One Acre Sacrifice
In city limits. 3 blocks to carllne and
station, ;c rare; good sou, no gravel
Owner's price $1350. The fact is this
is a long distance price for close in
stuff. A carllne giving 10 minute ser
vice at your door. Will you hesitate
and buy a 40 foot lot instead. Jacob
Haas, 400 Yeon bldg. .
7.41 acres, six blocks from station,
level, 6 acres under cultivation. Price
11667.25. on ea3y terms, $300- cash.
'balance one and two years, 7 per cent.
jlllis it a genuine imiKuni.
822 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 5826.
WE own and offer for sule all or part
of 200 acres choice land, specially
adapted to fruit; deep, rich soil, well
watered; about 40 acres In cultivation:
beautiful scenic surroundings, boating
and fishing; an Ideal place for summer
hornes; would accept some mortgages,
contracts and good city lots as part pay
ment. Henry C. Prudhomrno Cp., 804
Wilcox bldg.
- Acreage Snap
20 acres, only lo miles from Portland
postoffice. all lays fine and best of soil,
about 12 (teres In cultivation'- and in
somo pood timber, no buildings.
Will nut you ln possession' of a gplen
dlii 10 acre tract of fin garden land,
Hboiit 1 acre of this la genuine bavr
dam nil cluared, the remainder J a rich
I. lurk loam covered with fine cord wood,
timber; there la a fin stream of run
ning water crossing thla traot. making ,
It Ideal for the raising of ducks or
chickens; this property is located on a
flnolnmeailamlxed county road, only 20 .
miles from Portland in the Tualatin
. 4"6 Couoh bldg.
! 2 61-100 Acres, Tigard
j House and Orchard -
On main county road, 16 minutes'
I wulk from station, land all cleared. 60
; assorted fruit trees, bearing, good con- ,
dltion. $125 cash down will buy thl.
'balance monthly payments. Thla will .
.... . . . .. 1 . 1 , . . .
h u tiuiin.. xiriier iuuk. ifc uu-w vim . ;
Atchison & Allen !
213 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. -10
ACRES tine soil, all ln cultivation
1 mile from good town, finest berrv
and small fruit land ln the state, if
you want something good, you cannot
beat this. $2000, $400 cash, balanc ta
suit the buyer. M. H. Lee, 111 Corbatt '
bldg. . 1 '
Near Multnomuh Sta., 2 acre) cleared .
on main road, near station; lies fine;
the choicest piece of acreage near Port
land, only $800 per acre, easy terms.
May taice city lot as first payment, W,
J. Day, 422 Board of Trade.
Dandy Bargain
In Willamette valley,"---'
crop, somo pood timber, no buildings, i 70 acres of good soil, 40 acres in cul-
nothing better for the price; $200 per 1 tivatlon. balnnce palsture and somo good
acre, see this, it's good. Neal Brown. I timber, good 7-roomJiouae, good barn ,
510; Swctlaud bldg., 5th and Washing- and outbuildings, lies -on main county .
ton sts. i t 1 road, li. F. D., telephone and milk route: '
CRAWFORD STATION - 6 cows, 4 horses, 75 goats, 2 hogs, 1
20 acres, house, barn and V. million 1 sheep, 6 calves, 60 chickens, all kinds
ft. of timber. Fine water and about 3 1 of machinery, wagons- buggy, harnesses,
acres cleared. Price $S00. i, cash, i and in fact everything? necessary to-run
bal.' 3 years at 7 per cent. Take S. P. the place; two and one-half miles fromv
train at 8:60 a. -m., 4th and Yamhill. Get good town on south and close to good Hi, ,
back at 2:40 p. ui. Ask for Bill at thei school, 45. miles from .Portland on good
store ' ; road, town has big , milk condonsery.
Price for quick sale, 15700; $200 each. -
balance long time at S per cent
Will tuke a good vacant lot as part
payment on a 10 acre tract. This prop
erty is close to station and the city.
Price $250 an acre. ,No better values
to be found in acreage.
412-413 Abing-toti bldg.. -1-04 Thtrd St.
$35 Per Acre
20 Acres
vnair mua... or-electric station, 6 acres
easy to put Into cultivation $1000 worth
of timber. Fine spring. Good soil and
a fine huy, $80 .per acla, term. Neilaa
fc ParKhUi. sus Spalding bldg.
FINEST of Willamette - river bottom
land. Tracts to suit up to 200 acres.
Priced low. Easy terms. 6 per cent.
You make the profit. Owners.
219 Lumbermen's bldg. Main 197S."
FOB SALE 6 acres, all fenced and urt-
der cultivation: trie $1600. 1600 cash
balance $12 monthly. ' Apply room 7,
50 j Alder at. J,
ONE acre, house, - garden, berries, at
Glenn Harbor; $900, lajf cash. H, 3,
1 nompson, ijinnwn,
lOflxlOO; all clearefl.- clou to" Portlandi
on electric line; $200 cash, $4 per mo.
Telephone Tabor 347g. .
THREE acres near PortlamL all tm-
proved, sell on easy tarma,
E. 14th at. ti.- - . ,
Buy 40, SO. 160 ln line of Mt. Hood
EJectric extension; fruit land com
parable with Hood River; part cleared;
good buildings, snrtngs, trout stream.
iMHIWlt,-W Wircrrx bldg. Mar. 1847
13 ACRES, north of Lents, 10 minutes'
walk. 5c carfare, lays" high and level,
adjoining property selling in lots from
$350 up; city water ln. If taken soon
will 4i-ff-"S per ffe or -will sr-11
half of 13 acresr H down, balance to
suityphone Tabor 3150, or write P. O.
bm" 724 Lents, Or.
, For Sale by Owner
A beautiful subuiban homo tract, 3p0
4ps from station. 12 cent fare, all
cultivated $60 down, easy payments; a
bargain. Address J-112. Journal,
40 acres, all level and easily cleared,
0 miles from Portland,' 2 miles from
R. ' R.. A-l soil;-$250 down, balance
terms, without interest. 232 Wash
ington St.. room IS.
620 Railway Exchange bldf,
4th and stark.
For Sale by Owner ; .
29 acres, 1 mile from Oregon Electrlo,
near Gervais, all in wln,ter oats; no
buildings $75 per cre. O. C GliJSOn,
4141 65th St. S. K.. Portland.
1320 acres In Valley. 14S acre In cultl-
I - vation. balance' timbr, all good bot
1 torn land; good housp, barn. R. F. D,
1 talaliAnu orlam rntila Kale mlla I n
"ACRfiATJB IH0 R PO R T L AN D HOME (town Take this at $ per acra a dead
10 acres near liilisooro. close to sta- snap that will b picked up at once;
tlon, 22 miles from Portland. Some im- i terms. Gill & Dvtvr, 639 Hamilton bldg
provetnents. finest of soil." Price $2650. 1 a'ila rviimXi'v '
City property accepted in exchange. .&Yl bi.lld-
O. W. LA MA Hi.
417 Corbett bldg.
lings, less than 8 nslles frqm Portland,
orr-tattroaa, ?or- gi tar per acre, nooni
11 w acres rios? id rontana ana trr- 310 Henry bklff. ' ;
gorr Electric, fine soil, no rock, stream ' vj-, - r,,rMl.,i i g-atflng a ehlek
through place.' Hbout 3H at res in cul- ltl" Ju .h KnwiaA Voll
tivation. fenced, good road, price' $2000. iTUiJtS 'iJaN 'nn
BY OWNER 2 acres, near car. 20 min
utes to town, cleared and Tenced, 7c
fare; $180f, half cash. Call 1661 K
13th at. PhOrt Seriwood 424.
EIGHT to one shot. I acre facing the
car iin ror 1 101 eraser m to ouiid on.
Palace Realty Co, 24$ Yamhill at'
ACRE tfai-ts, on Southern Pnclfj, now
being electrified. G004 for subdivi
Ion. 2t Railway Exchange, bids. .
GLaTJSTONE 3 acres In towns! to of rrrr r.i J'it " with "Uu.'a. '17
Gladstone, -near Chautauqua Dark. 10 7?'.."- l-..r.', , .m
mlnntes' walk to electHc 11d;: w.ould U-l JVii mvments. All rdir l "r
lanting; 4 nine rrom lunoii, m
consider city lot, mortgage or contract
in exchange.- Henry c.. pruahomme Co..
106 Wilcox bldg.
JO . acre nar Beaverton al &eod rich
Chamber of Commerca.
00 acres fin land eir Yoncalt.
for sale at.' bargain, ll ! are I
soil, on good public road, light clear- f t". ..c
In., nrlce onlv 1125. Der acre. Balf . ,u 1 tw "v
One ot the be--t buys in the vicinity of f iiJL""!""'-
port iawq. journal.
FIVB3 acres ' rartlyv cleared. ' Kowtll
house. Lies ideal.' Very pear'-Oren-
CO station, $1009;
Of Trada bide.
IS. T. Leo, ,17 Board
Tliri EdKwooJ I'ouUi y . 11 , Is i.ffr:
: a finVhlckn rn-H 'j.rroitli.r1v
on or write J. H K mlt h. ' '". - '
iMI'KDVI.') frui ptr..S e- '
hou,a'i 1-t CiJ,Jil to