The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 12, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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J yon Pioneer (o Jesent Oil Painting
J of Self to Oregon Historical Society
e m . ' t
;-: '(.. I III
i - 4- 1?
v y
Fate bLRevolutlon Seems In
a a
Balance with uaas on me
Side of Maderistas; May
Hasten Peace.
John I! In to.
Mlnto. of Balem. of Or-
rMl nlMtT,'wm'lTBt f ell
( f Mmkelf to th Oreon Hi
Mint wss -eiTly identified
ht early hlatery of lha siai.
born near Nwcstlon-Tyna.
4. Octobr It. 1IJ. ! "
Hc, Itx-BUn t PttUttvrs. ra .
p.- II found work in in coai
la that locality and soon after
eraina Interested In th Oreon
whleb was tHtlng nor or lea
about kit tns tlm.
a .. presented, it
ull membership
p posed to such a
som time ago the
'cultural college went
osed to consolidation.
Wing of tho university
his morning this sentl
uanlmous among tho mem
j "Reflection will Show that it Is not
to tho best interests of the two lnsti
tutions to consolidate them," said Judge
Hamilton. "There is no better agri
cultural college in the northwest than
; oars,' and it would be hazardous to con
solidate it with some other institu
tion. This is also true of the state
- university. . Both are working along
. broad lines.- History has shown that in
: like attempts at consolidation the ln.
etitutlons haye suffered. I believe if
.. you put tho institutions d'n a. high plane
;. of endeavor the people of tho state will
uphold and maintain them."
' A Comparison With California.
, '"The Oregon Agricultural college
leads all lite Institutions in our neigh
boring states," said Judge Weatherford.
"It Is far ahead of California, where the
agricultural college is a part of the
university. I would be very sorry to
a the peojple, of Oregon talce chances
of Injuring It by tacWng it onto an
- other Institution. I do not think the
'; people of Oregon care so much about
tn cost of its educational institutions
"' ifj they -are satisfied that every dollar
is being judiciously expended and- is
.- - bringing good returns. We think we
:'. are doing that at the agricultural col-
. Mr. Irvine spoke of the need of the
two institutions working together In
. . . . , , .
1 ana aaciarca mei joroi o
lh two boards should nave
Id years ago.
isolation Opposes Verger.
ly to a motion offered hy 8en
Uer that a committee t ap-
to draft, resolutions setting
at the relationship of the two
ons was harmonious snd thst
ting go on record as being op
o consolidation. Judge IJean
had" been a member of ths
regents of the university for
Urs, that ho never knew- of any
g between the two insinuiiona
he objected to. any rcaiuyuuii
ild intimate that sucn reeling
ma the withdrawal of the
nd the substitution of one by
Inith niacins; the regents on
nnoad to consolidation.
not In favor of consolidating
Institutions," stated Governor
f the people of the state thin
hna manv institutions,-lei inera
on or both ol mem, dui u
maintained, let us keep them
sta Turning Baok fl7S,00O.
f took up tho discussion of the
Jy appropriations oewg neia up
"referetidum esse in. court ana.
iihmimI that , as the season was so
late, the appropriation of 1600,000
could not be uoed this-year, that the
rea-enta bo on record as favoring, in
case the court decided in the universl
ty's favor, returning to the state an aj
proprlatlon of $lf6.000, which is a unit
of one bill. He suld this would show to
the people that the university wanted
only what was actually needed to build
up the institution to meet pressing
The governor said he believed If tlo
1500,000 appropriation was put tip to
the people It would not carry. State
Senator Miller of Lebanon said he did
not believe it would carry in a single
county in the state. President Camp
bell took issue with this and said he
thought it would carry as the people
would realize how badly the Institu
tion needed the amount.
President Campbell gave In detail
the arguments of both sides on con
solidation and submitted figures from
the institutions of other states to show
no large economy was effected by con
ducting the two Institutions toxetluT.
He pointed out that an effort at con
solidation might Involve a contest as to
location which would for some time j
seriously hamper the growth of the
- - . i i .
Delegates to National Conven
tion Denounce Federal Jur
ist; Say Decision Must Be
Appealed at Any Cost.
(Salem Bureau of Tba Journal.)
Salem, . Or., May ll. Governor West
today announced the appointment of
the committee authorized by the recent
meeting held at Dallas, on the occasion
of the Portland business men's excur
sion to the Oregon Agricultural college.
wnose function- is to investigate the ad
visability of consolidating the state uni
versity and Oregon Agricultural college).
The members of the committee are: R.
B. Bean, U. of 0., Portland; J. A.
Weatherford, O. A. C, Albany; C. J.
1 , -";'"' ;' ' ' aaaMB i f 1 ' '' '' ssi sal Wllv.r
BY NATURE especially for son
, omes.. 4 cottages, repre
Vent a iigher claw than js' fetind
along1 the average shore, harmo
nizing: with extensive civic im-
provemenu. v .
i f.J!. 'f. C'-t tiAtuCf V
'I. CLVji
(Usltea Vm Uaaed TTlra.l
Indianapolis, Inrt., May 11. Bitter de
nunciation of .Judge Cornelius H. Han-
ford,fderal judge of the Washington
dUtrlct, was heard tonight from the ma
jority of the delegates gathered here for
the opening of the national convention
of the Socialist party tomorrow.
Job Harrlman, of Los Angeles, Con
gressman Victor jJicrger, W. D, Hay
wood. John . S. Pargo, Morris Holauit
and all of the other leaders in the city.
were open In their denunciation and
In tbelr declaration that the decision of
the federal Judge must be appealed at
any cost.
May rinanoe Straggle.
It Is believed that a motion will be
made at Monday's session of the con
vention to pledge the national Social
ist organisation to finance the legal
methods necesaary to determine the
constitutionality of Judge Hanford's de
The first session of the convention
will be held in Tomllnson hall at 10 a.
m. tomorrow. It will be devoted to or
ganization and the real business of the
gathering will not begin until Mon
day. It is already certain that the con
vention sessions will be filled with or
atorical pyrotechnics because of the
wide difference of opinion regarding
whether the convention should endorse
the. militant attitude of the direct He
donists, or taKe the "easy metnods"
suggested by the "parlor Socialists" of
not antagonizing any prospective followers.
Question t Belegated.
The question of a national ticket has
been relegated to the background pend
ing the decision of how far the platform
shall go in endorsing Industrial unionism.
The convention win lost at least a
week and it is not likely that the per
sonality of candidates will be a serious
subject of discussion before the latter
part of the sesslot
Smith, board of higher curricula, Pen
dleton; W. J. Mariner, farmer, Arling
ton; Will Daly, federation of labor,
Portland; W. K. Newell, horticulturist
and dairyman, Gaston, chairman; Johif
H. Smith, attorney Astoria; E. 1
Thompson, banker, Portland; George
Putman, editor, Medford.
(Special to Tba Journal.!
Medford, Or., May 11. That the val
ley may be belted by irrigation canals
furnishing-water to some 50,000 acres
of land, the Commercial club has
launched a campaign of education
among the fanners and fruit growers to
have an acreage of 1 0,000 acres signed
so that the Fish Lake Ditch company!
may begin construction of a canal. i
A mass meeting will be called in the!
near future at which time the members ,
of the club will devise plans of obtain'
trig thr acreage. -r " ' N
It sn4 Inn lr4 ! I
fcl a, Taaia. May ll ffita trtnn
TUhttttlio Mltie srtflf tf tnrl
Mum la Maslrsn ratals l4r made
a Ue4 la l ha d.M at i'mhH
lf. mwl In a bllaUrlng I Ml. aillll Uuat
t.lln1lg a4 rl.oaing I htm riMMVr4
Id alm the luia ef fertrrel vlrlary
rhirli fur e taS has Un t(,rtn
Ins ( averwhaltn lm
Toalsht the fale ef lh roloioa ap
pear I" tx la lha liUrt. and nature
Is an ali ff tUs feJeiala Thml and
hungrr ttsf kandtrap1 tlamaal
Orosrus nnt twdly. Thalr hp ha.l
n to taks and voter llti.l)ilio and
thua par lh way fur a quirk move,
ment la TfTrTon. Al lurn.ljllta. how.
ever, h rebels fwinsl Jlueria l(h a
force twlee aa targe as they had i
peeled Tar II mll4 arroea the deeerl
liiey f ur.t federal trtpe etrrlrhed a ml
In Ihelr rear was tleneral Trury AubeM.
hoee dafeat ef Balaiara men had
given the rrhela grave conoem Today
the federal ootitlnurd their aggressive
I art Irs and the -day has sjsn another
Mlly one for the rehela
Helaaar. who was called from Cuatro
1 11
tlHtftl t vJafr IU saala aer
ef i-m tf, Mvil a erajj4
Wlr af see. aM eiuar k-'"--el
ea4 U Ik-e CMl Oee tlMH,
e tat a ium la e-.i ,
( ella tr rtlal xneMil -el l .
Ueeea Ora sneJi fee a.te
ae4 ile Iku4 sWf ( eie WM a
Ma4 Via Me ea Wvr derteg
Iks tA4e-4era la lao CiaU (
Uillie anwr tsaa IH we KU4 eas
eee4. wail as etrUiaJ ree-Ml
aa ea a4 ef IK ee are4
bersntullav II I aJial 1 1 e4 rr rMe l
fcMaiM laal ! auaa4 el
lea glaiu.
Al OVm Baaga.
Tfc riahllag al lisae waa al
taog. la Ik opes, a MS largely na
me hlae gone r4eals riale i kae
Lad small !. beta k-ellar p4ea-l
It. a fc rebels, bel iaW kM to Ik
IKim days are assumed la
t killed and May alo4C
Ueaetel tfco. Ik laUel c-eaxmaw lr.
U partally roaducllag Ik rifklleg
a q4 Ums rHuuJa ef t'eotpa at4 t'aan
a ar bearing lh blunt ef Ik k-al
lie L'alee lb rebels aa knak a 4e
rlded advance oenarrew, II Is believed
they 111 relr is Jimlae. a Ihey
are very erxrl of wuuioi and Iberf
r ita water hole here I hey ar avow
VUh the isapfeer, frwas J wares
lty or during lb algtil rtUlar ef
Kinilio VaUM Oomea. hlilos prw
telunal gotarninent baa bees real nle
h da-rd sftar aa week ef vala ef-
fori lo secure re-allu! frees liserual
Or'l WainiWtU gisrit.
W here Oman hat tnaa far rfig 1
kepi a eetrel by the few frtead he
helped him lo eerap. Thai h Is heed-
e4 for Ken Anlonio, Teas. Is generally
Homes Is sdinitied by bis spcsfv
rrandaoo rsdilla. who really ewad
him provtewnal preldt, lo have lefl
uarei be for daylight this mavning la
legulsa, aororepanled by three promt
ml Vaequlalaa, and to have gone oa
rd a Iratn far lh sou tit. II I be-
II e4'U 1 ttaee4 ka el
-Meear TeiH Je -- -,
rUeelUI rveul Iwm, are
t4 l Jeet aa. H i4 kie i
la SwaMeg ie imae
see ir4 4 UM kVa ("Via .,
ae eJ- ee-et-r. t.t k
nle, Ik kular a IW il.t. fwVa
ele-a. ! vlr sHetna kt
Weoa Uet k U Dkl ef ijee
put aa eevs ' ( Ik 14 e-e.
i. ee.1 a bscsm. aaU ua li wtia ifc
SUfe aaeikt, lIA k mUUl
pgfs, 'Al eae lisk I a Vavaia
er l (reel eel -eier ka ataakae, e
peaeiag Ike kU4ar avreaeev 1-
aigat ! a few wl i4 laU key
ffe VaasMisiaav
( Oa Usee 4 fieen fag Cw)
raoeevt leg I" II real,1 Is Wl4
likely 14 help 'Tlla-Mi line
y im seifeo la4"elloea aa tflatlaoa
Ha er cleavage t gteeeratbl la lha
wmta $ vei Tkaf ar likely l I late
tip fr the veilvu caadleal) ateeig sr
! twllllcal line. . 4. - . e
! Angela. Cat. Msy 1 L el alar
La jr4Ulfa tilttely lefaeed leWUf I
go an record regarding fcle prtbtl 41.
poet I iet of hta delagaiea lo lb Otleage
covnlloa la lkeenl thai I hat body
rearbee a deed lock biea Osloaal
Hooevl sad reMnt Tafl.
After h had declared thai b win
sarely take a goodly detegattoa to lb
eoaveatlon, and ibal he baa Strong
hspoa f adding lb California dale
gale bis list, lb aeaaior was ak4
If Colonel JtoeeovtH M rreeiaem
Taft ar WoAwa4 al la CLKaga
eeltea '! -, f .iiaae
iax. V"V f etaUgeV ! otlkeT
r , r
larle4 " ' - '
l saeet lf- la Ikkl Me
tie. I Nta.l uvM II l k air
La pUwiie k s't'Ui a iairteval
WbKSI fc U tee al Sea. gtv,ieat
Meeker afUrawea or Meo4y eteeUg.
U etlee4 (el k.iar Ikl le.
aaeai oV4 eael mm vaof Ik
aatv a ejoeelleev
Al t4r laalgkl La fwllello fer
saeliy eleea-g 14 'MI ( la ar
.ah for a la. la a44iua ta woea opi
la b atwrikera ial eeaiiel U ef lbs
tale, M boa pel la It 4ea la trWe4
coaeelUg la aeelker Collfurala
loa After M wewk at aVaa tle, M
IU )t.anp Ul M Sua niev, afcai
k wtu a44reo saeotiag MeeuUy aiskl,
k.) Ileal ape. WWm lb prlawteev
tea U OyVtsalekU. -While
tfaettatng It aek a Iiatu
P4divtMa reseiaieg lb loeolu a l'i
forela Toeodey. La rUllo appoafOd
oyiuuieilc Aswlllieg Ibal lb roaotl
IU be very elt-eo. be a444 Ibal kls op.
roe I Ion bee Utl aioao bakir4 W
eio bis dafeat bar. 11 aall4 "
fiduity .wbea tboeaaa K. .. bis Cat
Ifwrala Pteaaf er decUJed:
wui. at teaai. ceury povtibM-a lai-
Iformta ht IMIi"
Hoeutaoi.' Waett May It. Herd hit-
Hag ad fair II4dUg behl4 a kloady
I trior woa for lb tlooule Cousar
truss lha Cealralu loam la th Niai
league today. Jo Iteraer, aa ef th
boot pltrhart) la th MlaU league last
year. tba wllk Coatralla, Jelned lh
loral today sad officiated la tbo boa
The rori IV 11 E.
rair)la I t
Ifoqinaos I t t
lie I trleo Thomas aa4 Hocaai Oergor
bad TroeA.
t-malro Hue Hall.
Answering th rail of tbo west, Mr.
wnior-rmt lb plains In 1IH and;
settled la Marion county, near Salem.
II went In for farming and meeting
with aucoaas as a result of hard work.
ha became prominently Identified In
political Ufa. bcam editor of a h
paper and took particular Interest In
Investigations of crop snd stork con
ditions, lis Is wall known throughout
the state.
Th painting of himself which Mr.
Mlnlo has glvn th historical society
for a ptao in th ball of pioneers. Is
th work of Profeesor John O'Brien.
r K" V -',"
SB -
Thii is thw price ot our
gmalt one a very low
figure fpf a good refrigerator.
JPric.ed . 1 0. tx 2XX Less
Than Other Stores
t 4
Edwards' pjan of doing busmess, low rent and low advertising ex
pense enables them to make a profit and. undersell the other stores.
The "Peerless" line of Refrigerators is known the country over as
being equal to anmade. The "Badger" line is. known well as the
best low-priced refrigerator ever put up. Call and see them and be
We do not claim to undersell.
This class of poods is everywhere sold on very
small margins, so we cannot truthfully ay tha.t
wc arc lowest in price but we do give you serv
ice. We see that the valves are all properly ad
justed and that your stove is put nip so a to
give the best results. Many styles to select from.
All connected free.
No. 212-Two burners, large oven $11.50
No. 288 Three burners, large oven. '. . .$15.00
' i; U ' I'apj i ) ii iisa
l Pip I
Gas Ranges
The "Reliable" Brand Is a guarantee in itself.
One uses a gas range so often and so long that
she should use some care in making the selection.
Lvery merchant loudly claims that his line is the
best, and somebody must be wrong. All we ask
is that you examine the "Reliable" line before you
buy. We think you can see the difference. All
connected free.
No. 334 Four burners, large ovenr... $25.50
No. 281 Enamel oven, cabinet style. . .$40.50
New Go -Carts
Some Special Prices
$1.50 Hammocks
Special This Week
: V ' Weekly W WJ W . M&m
ivnport. i Ita wonderful assfulness as a bed and parlor pleea
save you theexpense or furnlshlna an extra bedroom. This
"NEW PXXWCXP&B" dealgTi is one of the most popular Daven
ports we have ever offered. The frame is constructed of eolla
uuartered oak. beautifully polished. The bed is fitted with the
famous "Slumberland" sprlngifnada separate from the springs
that support the upholstery. That's whv It's as comfortable
as the finest bed you ever slept In. The seat and back ara up
holstered with fine Lowell leather, the back diamond tufted and
ruffled, that is. guaranteed to give excellent service. s A A 4tr
a hxouxas $eo vaxuu, ow Baxs vob D.UU
No.,'207-Folding Reclin
ing Cart ......... f 2.95
No. 195 Collapsible Cart,
with hood .. f5.95
No. 392 Collapsibl' Gen-i
dron Cart f 12.T5
If you want a better 5ne, remember we can
show you 20 styles, all priced right Palmer's
Hammocks are the best we can get the pat
terns are new and tho line is complete.
Old Hickory
Chairs Rockers
Porch Swings
Each season the tardy
buyer Is disappointed
In flndinr th . most
desirable pieces crone.
Important Sale of Hot Plates
) CajuS Cmu Na-
t i EAi! L r in, ,
Chairs .
Phono Romorsf at Jlood Itlrer.
(Special te Ta Joamal.l . 1 1
xiooa lurrr; vt .. ainj 11. jinpuria era
current In Hood River" tr the Horns
Telephcm company of thi city may
chanr hand In th oar future ana.
keeomo--th - property ' 6t th Pacific
States Telephone Telegraph company.
The latter' company Is said now to ftav
several men In the field tier ehefWi ne
arer Lh property of th Horns company.
Maple Lawn
and Porch
Small Chairs, Arm
Chairs, Small
Arm Rock- .
ers, .nawrai
light finish.
or iriin
As on other .;
things you
wilHind por'if
prices 10 to- "
20er cent
under otbers. -. .
Complete. Assortment
and All Prices Reduced
8tovs, th) most oom
plet a s s o rtment In
the city. . - -
JBm'r' Price." Sale.
3 $4.50 $3.60
$5.50; $4.40
VUlvWa No- Brn rs- Price- Sale. No
$MM k 2 $l25 '$l,85 33
rTWnV A 3 $3.75 $2.95 99 3
c 20 2 $3.00 $2.40 72 2 $5.25 t$4.25 CnprIa
tCjj 30 2 $4.25 $3.45 3A 3 $6.50 ' $50 VfVVAC
i- credit lfes jf 'MfiVafYJt :4 I fit Ah ' fm, Monarch
Special Sale
. -J $2.95
For "sY-9w
nrnsr Oaso
Ua 0tv
lik 11 lustra -
, With ovan.