OIUXON DAILY JOUU:AL. PORTLAND. SATUUDAY EVENING. MAY 11. 1911 111 VFLlAMaTTE CATCH - DIRECT PURCHASES AlASKA DEMAUDIKP MILLEOS RANGING " jCRANGES TO FURIIISH WANT DEPOT III EASTPORTUflD ONLY ARRIVALS IN REST ROOM AT FAIR INCUNED TO OFFER STOCKYARDS TODAY LOCAL MEN OFFER GET ADVANCE1 Ht at I T.,:: East S!d6 Business Men's CLb ai.a iff !- at inbaf II aaa IwiM l ' a Urtjes Raihvays to Unlto cn Plan for Dig Terminal. Trada U PH ta U E4 AJllWva.t. TUh "ltJ M Ofttm Cttf lavrv. i lieu la row aaUf Xorlk JV4 UawJ M KUVt 4 lal Ttartr fbvalrf t1)re la4at f t )UUa TraxU C baaar la. Sm narla fa ftn tr Trta Ifax aa Call I .fr1"t IA llutal ta iVfar ltlHj I aH.ru VaJara A loaf thai t'navwt. .1 M ,o laxilaM to Aab Storr, I'lrtt ! ixnf l wi al iaa Vi 1toh IK-twaaJ la h.iN.IMn ' 'v'f ' 'A'ZT aa 4ua4 aa Offrrlar; Laaal 1 ratio l blia M W i't.1.4 . f Ut.M 1 - a. a , , Iltaajl. Un Uail . U Ilia OruWa foe Maaafeyiareaf fro-Jari. UT. i inM for Offrrlaja ta Heavy Dtw-.t (Vlaa.uU lUtaf TmIm a4 eit lata tola. Art, I'rgvM 4 JUti" frrr Grower lUpoft'Mor Moarf. Tiii Ul.a aa la affViaia af ii mi n.Hi. Mtrariah, of Vaa-xuitr aj ana J tjii; ;, J. J !L MARKET M yflffl SflEPMEfll OFSAlf.l HEAVIEST EVERY POUND BUTTER HIGH BUT MILLERS FOR KEASOHS COULD i Aui f VI h, iN. aa. aaJ l J"" aMaa tf Vaarilaaa WWihU Mtllri, tte firm. . Cbtakaaa alow, , tre4 to al -. baiter caua mwii,, rtiioe uti. . bltewberrtee rirwr- fuller gmeg aTAh. . CbaeeeJ price at.a4a4. I T Balee U data iiiia aoaeoe Ibeo fat tuanr )mii doting a similar (wrtoa- un evciy aide itaara atua 10 La India lion to avail lb rxulir ealae data. While eaiall amount of awl ha beti ditpoeed of el kAatrrn Or tun a ad Idaho puinta. aul la amount la l.era , n-. toiaj aia ootu para lively liabL eom rati ing -wee anuwn ibie eoaaaa Uiaa avar before ecxuruiug lo laHl.ig la lor eel. ' In Iba "Wllllamlle . vtjy ae ll there la an alftioat tUfUuk roovamaol In wool. While (a Iota Via be- sold from Ha la I to. ecordin lo 4ul II r. aioel grvr ara holding eft in l)ia hope of tba market doing better aritr awhile. On Iba part of VMTVtra It la stated mat r-rn intereata ara aval eauau.g artuiciai auuneea to rule 10 ina aig can lara aaal of tha Hoeklaa In lha bOl 01 Influencing lha trade la Oregon aad Olher ri(ini oolnla. Notwithstanding lha talk Of ttaame dultneea In lha trade at ICeeler" enera lha goods market la lo better condition lhaa fur many yeara, and practically all llnae ara showing aellvHy. Huyra ara sendlnc forward uraeal requests lor In ID ad 1 a 1 dallvarlaa OO eargea In bluae, blacke and browua. Goode ranging In prloe from TIH to It cant as ya4, bar Tba bal -lrfca f aalnaa aaa r la Ifca Ulit.i tr ara ( Ku a a. Al Oraa Olr Iba k; . aL aa baa ratbay ba 4riiv lha ! i In4 . . Hi im I . KMaata iaa aa aa.f. Aati trmh fiai I'aJa Mil'aux ttaafcaiad. a4 lha llUar lwa rvalrg Mawar aai ! a baa frvm licu tlr l 11a ar Cotuntbla rnnar dili lb Aa. - Tba rairk atoaa I s kar l'4unbia la d'.Mi.Miaiing. a 4 Ihla la ravaiaa aarn la aotna ack. Oa IK. airar r.aad mac jr itaara blv I Sal viiaia a abait UH.a ll,a xalra ll aiw-ar a baar larrca.a lhar. . Tba ra at lha VaXlnf ef lha aaajw r waaall Ll in ina C olumbia. It olna lu It a at H a I all. a 7 -w . , 1 Wd.r . , . Vtaaa afM ,k tar aav . l! .I ! l :l II 11 II : I tit lt laealva f ar aixraal la la rlr it aa baliaca thai 1. ibaaioa ai4 fe lmpra4 roaai4araL!y! A rTf at tmltn mi anad la rporla1 from ilri. laar t'olumbla TMa In if- alf would Indieata a baif ra at al Inun 16 cam Al lao .f la tnlha rraunna ii.a rrrl panda and lha 1 -umhla Klahtna CuttMiir aanda. lha aaUh durln Ika'tAal 14 baura a about ana mn raj-h. Aollva (tarklha' iratuna la al ad ara aaar aadar arair an1 Ilia total uuiitul Ihla aaaon la aipartaq to aa neavr IKnr naw ardara aV vmln forward H.a apaalng prlra b aa ao4 yal baan ttmal but la aina-id to ta alibar or i cai par dofrra rtr tana. Lan eoinDlatfir daavnad ua. klarihall riald Co.. if Chlcajto. In thalr w.akly raporl. aay alUpruania for tha wak ara aubatanUally ahoad of a yaar ago. Bualneaa lo all dpartmanta naa bran actlva and marcbanta ara ta flnnlnt lo a how freatar Intaraat lo aprlfia marcbandlaa aa raault of faTOr aLla waal bar and low rat all atooka. Col- icli-- -rr nt.-Tf1aWf faallnf tf oonudaaca. pprma unoarwaar ouainaaa la dalarad y lata aaaaon, but from avary Indication dlatrlbutioa lo tblt Una will Pa unuaualiy Itaav-y. intaraat la kaao In underwear for fall dallrary and tbar la nollcabla Intaraat In damaad of tba baiter uuaJltlra or woman a and chll dran'a aooHa. 8pclal of farina duiina ina war 01 nainoury wina anaeunca at apaoial low prieea racelvad moat baarty raaponaa from trada. WOOL MK.N PLEASED New Lower IUf UlU Likely ju$ Mil to Uia Prico., Baker, Or.. May 11. .Local wool pro- ouoara ara pieaaoa witn tea raporr rrom tha lntaratata Commarra comuiUalnn ' that the- delay In putting Into affect tba new' wool ratea, dooa not maan that in commiaion naa nackai down rrom tba order, but that tha delay baa baan unavoidable bacauae of tha greater length of tlrna than waa expected being neceaaary 10 cnecu up tna tarirr uaaer the new achadula aubmitted by tna rail road. However tha ahlpprr will not benefit in tha movement of thla aeitaon a clip unleaa the buyer' figure ara baaed on the lowered raOe. which from thla point I now ll.tr per hundred or 16 cent lower than tba old rata. If the producer received offera from the buy er, based on the new rate, theja will ret full value of their clip, but If the buytrn make price baaed on the -old rate, they or trie consignee, which ever pnya the carrying charKea, will benefit an the' commlHsInn rule that a refund will he made on all ahlptnenta - mad un'W the old rale, nnd when tha lower rate hecoma effectlbe. the shipper will benrflt any way. The first oljpe are beginning; to coma In nnd already the local warehouse are tubing In many fleecea each day. The Grant county clip, which are aold from thie city, wilt be later, but very large according to report. A few Boston and other buyer are In the field, and anme few anle have been tnaJ but there will not be much activity for some week. Wool men are very optimistic and expect good price. Sixteen cerrta has been offered for aome clip In tha local warehouse and none or tba grow ers believe they will have to take lea rOnTLAXD JOUMXU ' TRICK. ralo. rvaaxt aa4) Saf. Tbaee fflree) ara l.oaa al whieh waaia alar a)l la ralavlaro. aacapl aa etfaar w'aa atalad" WKKAT Hawitaal rextueaw ariai nominal, Irark delivery, rlut tie; blue- tarn, ll tleei. r4 Itaaaiaa. c. il lamatta vallay lie. BAHI fl -Prvduraar nrtaa--1 1 1 1 read. 1110: rolled. Ill ; brewing. ll ,' Wlt.UtTt-?- -Jalilnr nrea-- tt.04j mMdllng. )I4; ahorta, IITII OAT8 Frodurar price Nominal Trark N. 1. spot delivery, while lit. gray IS to. FIxOl'R lelllnr Prtca ratant II U; Wlllamelta. l l; local atralchu ia.ll: bakrra'. iHOMf; aipon gradaa. It 0O CI.- -a.- ... HAT Prooarara tria III I crop Vallar timothy, fanov. 114 ItOil: ardl- eary. IIIOH: rmrr Oragon. Ill too IT; Idaho, lltOlf; tnliad 111 14; clo ver. ltM: wheat. -II I 011 I; ebaai. IllOlllt; alfalfa. Ill 1011; eat a. Ill OH- aavr. area aaf Foitrr BCTTFR Nominal: aitra creamer. nuboa and tuba, lie; prlnta, 17(JTHc; dairy, II 91 c Hl-TTK.l. VAT ronca: r nrto r 0. V rortland, per lb, 17e. "EOOS Candled eitraa. lfj!le do : uocandlad. toe: pot buylna price. 100 f. o. b. rortland. LITE POULTRT--rncy hana. Uc; broiler. 21c: aaea. 1921 lie: anrina docks, tOfltSo; old ducka. ltui&c. turkaya, lln; dreaaad. JO Vide: plaeona. old, 11; young. :Ot 10 par dosan. 'CUKF-PF; Nominal: fraah oraaaa faacy. full cream, trlnlela and delaTee, so.-" yours; Amenoaa, iia rraita and Taaatatnea. POTATOKS Salllna price ffxtra choice, 11.40; choice, II. IS; ordinary. 1.101.1 cental. Hurlna- price extra fancy table stock, II; extra choice. SOo . o. D. couniry anipping points; aweeta, 4; new potatoes, Florida, to pound: Cal ifornia, SO 4o per pound. veuetabu:d Turnipa. II 00 ner ack: beets, 11. SO aack; carrots. 1; tsbbage. tl 00 0 4 00. Mexican tomatoes. 1.60; Florida, 14: bean a. 17itjUo h - areen onlnna. lKn doa hiinehaa- nan. per a, bell, 15c lb.; head lettuce. t.hot) .up crate; noinouae, i dox; radishes. do ooa. ouncnea, ceiery, is crate; esg lent lie lb.: reaa. it trie: cauliflower. oca), 11.1101.60 per dox.; asparagus. Yhewe aa Jv llvaia ateiiafcla ti 'a aaarkal al Jsoiia rortUi.4 lo-ay alllr avuta4 Iba uoly aupa 10. 1 of t l).an 4la al ouuuiry palaia Ail lol4 Ikr-aa l.iJa t eL aa loa4 f ae fiiaj. lao to.lt at abaa t-!ag Ik ILa t feiuti Mal avi1 Alaska la 4rn .nJ:i f r urii of atari aailaf lAaa ti.a trade Iaa 'lo offar fur ll.at Italia It. markrl 11 rlt lk-iav la In u.il.dalll M tA ,f 4I ttl'kiiia I a a il tn!Mlhrl I o-alh di) e4 IMMtiMiu .allay All aiao Ika eoall It. tharkal la In g"4 a. oiii, 11,4,. .Unnii ueifartti aiafWilal . . 1 h. i..l. brto aad al tsUey polnta la abnalug a Kaa locraa.a but lawa lullcr la atailal.a lot I ih.'icl I an Imi aiaka I'ghlrr It.A ta J-a lo Iho th.ro ra:. wtilch la 111. latent al !-' tuvirnl tart, .aamaaa la al-rolna la rhvcee t tiktl Ult ti, a'--l ailr of Ti!!am.. fiala in lla H-a.la aa tna aa I T a'-l. t-eov, liAaaiaa mu ut baa, of.ll. ' oirtr bd tf ahvcp sui aiauf. t fi.thalia l.laaiM-a abli-taia idas ' K Igarka. fakhl'V l.a lu .1 m a. K au. A. ' . , a r lc4 tf iIim lo t U' it XI. al mm-I N. rtni r'amar-d fr chrraa la atnut nr. J t. I.alaofi UtoaJat-ra, t-na lt4 as aa ll.al '-.r hullil and I'larllr- fxp a.frl lo ( b.ltaue lh.f. waa lltl. a roans I li II St -r altutllob In Iba eaaUrn ll.(a.ia I'' ba rua In fenaral Ul ... etaa-ty N'urth -m(l!ar,d rattle rt'aa: Haat y f am I T to lent y auara t j . hoiro ! ,. t;i t'Hinioa alcara Ili(ft?4 la4r ateare , , iOautlt t)od h. l.ra . . i 4 Tl 1 an. f hclfrf . 1 fancy cti Jltf i'rdlnary roaa itu4t I . r iicht ri.i t :i kladluu light talvaa I ( Uavy ratr.a 4M0IM ll.al t-ulla let Ordinary bulla 4Qlle nbrap prlr.a fanry aprlna lamba I Tit Ordinary eprmg lant.a t 107 (t Itaal anarJ t rorllnsa S CO tf Ordinary ahrara-l ear .Ir.ga . . Iltitt j V'iu wiintrt, I'iraiM aua'js .a Fancy aw., ahaarrd 4vtt0 Ordinary ear, sheared 4lyl7 wool aix about : ke higher. North I iirtlanj hog irl.a Best modltim blockrra l 409110 ki-xliu'D debt siotll (iood and brary tit J 1 14 Itouah and heavy 7 P0J7 V) etocaera ,.: T.TIC9 la mmt. 1h la a rt t t.n.tar !! .im--' lataun a.orfaliy gltre. but ao far aa k'wwti l.aa laan ime.l by onl) on. ally tie awrpina ta nuw attowli g lara llaaxl.r i I'hte ara ie. t.. rtum Tll.am.fll n. 1 1 ark. I a.aa.a f-r Ik. la. o.u ,- r.a. ,...... HM.,.a I ...4 .i l i. r,.o .i.a a ..al . arat.aaa ta wau. a O.aio Oiawtaaf Fa. e t a.. .:.-t .1... uu-a ' ! b- -'M l-.aa.aatr a4 a tSt.ii.ioa or. May H--r"' ..y ' uft :ia a.a.a mi I. fa. I. 1",VU u" a b.a ,i. el U.I la I'mall.ia ...)IM. u n-"i4 lw :-. ' .. " and It.a f.r..ra are itft aorty vf t -., ,f .,. i .,.,.. " ' "- ' 14 At n ll. .r tA.y Lata raw.lta.1 I. g.at.4 tsat .. I. v. J' "V ,!r Mo.l.ra f fall . ar a .,,1., ,1., ,b.y ana, ftoiah a in. t.u.M.n, f u. ..a .a , lT. t .1 J! ,7T . 1 I i:.. dwg .,,, ja. sh.1.1 e l.a f.tt r.,l .1.1 ba u, ..rfa.r n. J l a fad IK.I at-vorly I. ,k.ap. e rojnd .t"-d and olio la ord.r a A :. . ... an . ..a ! t .ai.d -r .,''-' a a ' a ii.ai iu.ii growing gram may ta.. a tir.4 iwii.i i-.i.f ' -m ' ' anioa) eta- a r ii At.if t.. .u.rli .1 .ft. .. ,,. ..iW. "h lha i...if lie(te a4 tat- I Ti.a ia..fi:i at Ihla data la aom. ou l.irHct al-ota lt nor al and ir.ir(. fnn a: t:.. of rf.iiil) afa lo tl-a tff.cl ll.al A'ct!l.uM fur a good rttp ara I t. at for II. la lima of lha year lha gtatn la growing COALERS STAR RISE CHK'AfiO I.IVITO-K KTKADV T IN NEV YORK MARKET New Tor. May II The coaler wtr th rlagleed.re of tha builiah smilrnanl la tha aluck Ukarfcal luUay. Kaadina and l-ahla'i Valiey show a smart a.l sncra and tba rest of tl market aiartaO In aynaathy Tne market waa actlva -on.ld.rlna the abort day and Ihla made tta advance mora conapleuoua aui aa. a., t ! " t a v, 41VI 41 41 42S o r'd .ill ..ijS.i:4 liV't . Cot on. . t.t v t; lit; lira. Ico, c ..( 41 4J 41 I 411 All Line Phow MalnfAlncd Value In tlto Yartla. CMeaao. i!ey 11-Kun. Hog. 1000. uo Cat Da, 100; Sheap. 1000. -. iloaa ara steady, left over, 6100; re ceipts a rear no. 1000 T t heavy. 7 7f?r70; rough. 7.66. Itgl.i 7.3J(j" I'Sttla Ktrady. bhrep-r-Httady. Wtxrd. t'idj i74&a KANSAS CITY UVKSTCHTt Cattle Are Strong and' Hog Htvdy; No Hhop A Mire. Ksnsaa nty. Mo.. May llHoge Recelpta, 1600. market steady. Cattle Kncnlpta, 100; market ateady. Bheep None. lung of X Y. rrlcea fumUhad by Over bock A Cook a Co Ta. ripuon i i pnTTTii n lxw i MM Amal Cp Co . . I J S , 14 , Sl Am. i r. uo. Amrr. i A n. o Ara. A m Amar. Mugar, o j 1 1 " S 1 1 J 0 S U0SilJS aa . 'i hi. nf lot . I 0 a lu7s,10t I 4.'.j 4 J 1 m 104U,10 10U 104 u ..,loi 101S loji. 1031, latSilloS'lO-'S HO'a 74 7t j 74 Sj "4 kit Si 1S It'a US !6 :6S :t. ':t,u us, 17 I jsi nS us KJV, JU 18 si nsl i iH 15 V l&S! US' 36S I A 1 t a"l A t . t I .1.-1 1 " i ' I I tt 4 ' 11041140 Amar. rimolt. c do PIU Anicon. Mln. Co., 41 V 4J., Amrr. wool, o Atoniaon. o PRICE OF PRODUCE ALONG THE COAST Pan Francisco, May 11. Wheat California Clul. 11.87 140V. 141 7V 0S 1 2 '" " 74 74 143 144 'iiii " "I STRAWBERRY MARKET GOOD ...... a, ., a-w. W u . . f -.". lie. crop, 1 per crate; garllo, 7S4f8c. FRESH FRUITS Oranaes. 1.T6 100; bananaa, 4Uft6a lb.; lemon, tl.fio 45.00; limes, ( ) caee; grapefruu, 11 60 "4.15; pineapple. 6e lb: cranberries, l; atrawDerriea, jriorin, ti.76ft2.25 per 15 lb. crate; hoa Angeles. 11.60 per 7Vi lb. crate. ' APPLES 1.7BCI.B. Sopa. wool and Bin HOPH Producer- once till proa. Ic; mil ooniracia, too; jvij ana 1114 170. MOHAIR 1911. HHo lb. WOOL Willamette valley, coarse cotnwoia, jtwi'c; meaium enropahlre, 18elHc: choice fancy lota, 19c pound; i -a m.rira.. i. .v eastern oreaon, i&w no. accoraina- lo b7'e AZ- thJ frt miiftll OB CAdCARA BAR IT wvnm royunmi in 1 1 uui iam cniraieB dui .rj""i.i a-. . e - . . Vlnrltin frutt wm anArrta. Prlaka mtl4 11 nominni, ci. riots oc, leas CAriOTIJ ffiln a7ounIM r- Pr'Ce" fo0tB,bBa1,1btark- crIOta 6c; car1 - 1 UTnPffl rev bldea Mlffi 1n. ..a.. n r- iinn wr a-anm a waiv a auiau, j . jl . r . . . ... ' . . . V " 1 5 ' wu laxvo f lA.i.if.i lUMAiVJSa lKOio: aaueo niaea, lUHpiio; bulls, ' green aalt, 77Hc; klpa, 12He; calves. Two -.rin.'. of tnm.tA.. .i.-ui ry. a(tEto: c'?. .". "ed. or Vim ITInrM. In ....llanf ....III., ai.. grceu. .:, Kiwcnroiuoa, xwi? IOSS mornlni: Tha itoVTi ..nri . -"SS t2n. f?'1". LeP P'ta. eaited. 1; dry, Xm,'n .VrreE" .a.n?! TALLOW Prima, par lb., He; No. I hipping centra. Maala. rub aa Vrowisiaa. i I no trwairn xipita i. rm. a. j--.o.mw f.-inrt . i iinni'Lu-ii.' ' i- '''in n v I I , wimiivi Biunu 1j v x a ijjla 1 avllvjtl I Hogs, ranoy, lOiBilOiic; ordinary, lOc; - I heavy, 9Ho: fancy veal, 10c; lordl- Owtna to th. llbara.1 nut.M. ti ci poor, 7 po; janiDB, llo; mut- eountry-dairy butter, th market here 10 Vms bACOr? ETC Himi lltt ta holcflnf firm at to to 21o a pound. i7Sc- Dre8faBt, bacon li 5.024 f Buppllaa ara lesa than tha call luH. il?.cv vrE!aSi" .rfr""'.. jia) :. jcvj.-.r i uoi.ea nam, av, yivui, ainui collage SI91.12H; north- Walla, M box; California fancy, tty ! V n V . .'i Ti , L ' i-901M-1.15; spinach, IISo sack. rert, R1,,"'UJ- 1R5 wj . . ONINS-iohblng rrlc. Oregon: Tel- - r''- '.,c,h"' J1 -T 11; red, 12.60. New 1.80; poor to fair. lt.l2Hffl.85. Eggs, extras. 21c: flrnts, 17 Vic; eo onds. 14V4c; nelect pullets. 18c, Huttei Kxtras. ftic. first, 25c Cheese California, flats, JIVJiJHe; young America, IuWIb'c; Oregon fancy, leVic; do loumt America. Zlc Potatoea Per cental. Ilurbajika 11.602.00; early rose. tl.6Oi01.76; new per pound, ZVjc, Onions Per cental, yellow Oregon, IS.OOitf 3.?5; Hermuds, 1260; per box, KTaen. 6(o j California new, per Back, U-40O1.50. Orange Per box, Navel fancy, 11.60 472. 7k; do cnoica, z.ou4Ti no; do atand ard tl.&01.76. Iiopa Per pound, onaat common to choice 1911, 88 42c; Oregon 1111. 40 42a. Seattle Market. Seattle. Wanh., Mar 11. Butter Washington creamery firsts, 27o; Cali fornia. 27T28c. Krgs Local ranon, Z3TZ40. ChoesO Tillamook. 19c: cream. 10c: Cooa Kay, llo: L.impurger, zgc; wiacon sln. 204?21c; California, 19o. Onions Walla Walla, 14 per sack; Oregon. 14.00(i)4;50; Australian, 66Ho per pound. Potatoes 124. 00 028.00 per ton. 160. LARD Tlercea. ltuo 1D.S OomDound. tierces, sn per id. MEATj i-acKing nauae etaer. No. 1 Advanced price, hav. bean rt for T Uc': awS. lOHo-'W.tha iVtSS ftnxlr caaea, 0a ' ;.; , . :, 1 tt Ut lb. aolea. 7o per lb. ihrlmna IZH0 lo-i percn, jbm; tomcoa. gC: lob. ratera, 25c; barring, (0a; black baaa. 10c; sturgeon, ( ) par p.; allvnr smelt. bo id. i DiacK ooo, iTioi Bresaea naa, go: LINSEED OIL lUQEKtt V It'!, ., a - . . ., n . . - . 1 1 in; . V A V!-'1 CABBAGE MARKET LOWER Another drop In Vrlce la notad Inlm. .'hail loo: ahad roav 10a lt n!,,w-' vua wuoni. uioa-aoi. r im mucn grvai- I Dia amsit per "ox. er? oiiennga irom uob Angeiea and the I OT8TBRS i"hoalwatar bay,- per gal per j .11a. canned aaatern, B5o can., f I.B doao: : lower prices, there. Bales are being made Ion ( ): per 100 b. aack - Olym- a I An aa. & aa a aaa. a a aw Iah. M M I I . - 11a.. af ) a oaa - A A l . " mvub um !, boi- mm tvw B9 OO a, puuna. I V' Pr niivn, mo, yvi ivv id. HCK, If ; trn In shell. $1. 7502.00 par 10: at atav at a.r a. ' w miur viviii, m'c.tm FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS CHICKENS REMAIN SLOW Trada In tha chicken market remained I " HTtOAR Cuba. 16.36: oowdered. t nK- glew up to tha end pf tha week Soma! fruit or berry 15.95; beet, 16.75; tlry auppnes are iui oeing carried over I granuiateo, o.o; u yeuow, o.oa; aono- rrom last waeic ana win asam m nn I lulu pianiaiion cine rranuiatua. ta tha market next week at tha start, leae. (Above duotationa ar 10 din nat iricea nominally ttmt, . I caan.i i . Kiuni japan aiyie. rxo. i. tvDtve: No, 1. 4Hc; Naw Orleana head, Sfiolc; Creole, B He. 3 - a A I T f"oa rs s. half around. lOOa at tt weather bureau send out tna follow-1 "r ton; dob, i.oo; iidh oairy. ooc ijg; lng notice to ahlppera: , JltO. II". balea. 12.20: extra flna barrel a. Protect shipments aa far north as m. m im ttwa.; lump rack, 'Seattle aralnet minimum tamoerattirea 12 BO par ton. - of about 40 degrees; northeast to Spo- BSAJiTTm." W..I4 S 'rP kane, 14 degreea; aoutheaat to Bolee, 11 T.Mte' li,SrJ'lnXg A-ti: degrees; .aouth to Siskiyou. II degree L,2"Jil Kfik l.-r Minimum temperature at f oniana to-1 a.i,.u --. i . v. , a a l rain ta. Doai on- xaav . B f T.tM.'.n ntt. n. kki. n. i . kettle boiled, bbU Ale: raw. la caaea. ASSOCIATION FORMED BY GRADE TEACHERS The Portland Publlo School arad Teachers' association waa organised Fri day afternoon at tha Lincoln high school assembly room. A board of managers, comprised of tha following teachers, representing all grades from the first to the ninth inclusive, was elected: Misses Halite Thomas, Kath ryn Padden, Majfy- Rogers, Kate Colburn, Edith Wright, Frances Barnes, Eliza bath Oats, Edith EUls and AnnA Corey. "The board- r manager will act in three committees, . educational, social and clvl(Vj"The objects of tha organi zation arera closer relationship among tha teachers for mutual assistance and co-operation In matters of educational and social importance. FALLING TREE KILLS - Hkln. Hap. T ran. Can. I'ac, c Cm. leather, o. . do ifd C. A O W.. o .. C Ot. Weat. nfd. C. M. 4 Ht.- V. . Chi. A Nan. com. Chnaa. at Ohio... C. K. A I., com.. . Colo. Hn., com. . . Colo, fin., 2d pfd. Colo. tin., lei pfd. i nna. t.aa Corn Prod, com,. orn Prod. pfd. . . Dels, A Hudson.. 1. A R. O.. com.. 11 H i. & il. (J.. pra. Erie, com Erie, 2nd pfd . . . Erie, 1st pfd. . . Gen. Electric . . Ot Nn., ore landa (rtTS'n.. pfd Ice Becurltlea.. . . Illinois Central.. Inter. Har. Inter. Met., com.. Inter. Met. pfd.. Lehigh Valley... K. C. Southern.. . I A N Max. National. 2d M, Bt P A a a M Al., K. T.. 0. do pfd Mo Pacific . . National I .end. Nevada Con. . . N. V. Central . N. Y.. O & W.. N. W.. o... N. American . . N. Paclflo, o.. P. M. S. Co.. Penna. Ry.... P. (.. I. AC. Co, P. S. Car, o.. .. do pfd Reading, o do 2d pfd do 1st pfd R. I. A 8; o.... do pfd Rock Island, o. . do pfd. ' S. L. Ai 8. F.. 2 p. do 1st pfd. . . . S. L. ft R W., o. do pfd Ko. Pacific, c. So. Railway, c do nfd - T., HL U & W.. C. do pfd Union Pacific, e. do pfd U. 8. Rubber, c. do nfd U. S. Steel Co., c. do prd Utah Copper . . . Va. Chemical . . . Wabash, o do pfd W. U. Tel eg. ... Westing. Eleo, . . Wis. Central, o.. Wheel.-Lake E. Total aalcs, 624,100 shared. millalutfa . fluid b f'.rt c-U ilrarnl I. lab talura. Ibay at not in i'tln4 la i-tiang prraenl ta.q.a t all furnla would lake avrry Ion of bran and aiioila now hold bera If uilllrra would e-ll. but l -al lilcrrata ara U-mg u pilr.l first and tba ramalnd.r aold to Iba auulli. Tba acarvtly of mlllfe'd la unusually aevor in lb aoulli Oil araaon uwlns lo lha dry wealber which cut a' I cropa hort. Al the end of lha waek there H noth ing doing In tha wbrat trade hare I'll., were nominal!) continued al the average that has ruled during lha tat fw dara Tba fractional amount of bualneaa thai baa paaaed rtieally haa pot been aufflrlcnl to give tb trada a firm, tansls to ettabllth quotations leading oa's bandlara aay inat tna 1911 aeaaon baa practl.allr cluavd ao far aa bavlna oi-arallona In Iba country , ar conrarned Tb bulna that baa I been closed recently baa k pl Ina price nominally quoted. EARLY LOSH IH RECOVERKD Oilcajco Uhrat Market Cloard TU ter Thnn (rpe-nlnx. Chlcaao, Stay 11 Wheat opened witn .harp loas in beptrmoer trlb.la j ""It a la liili.a Da a aa ll.a Waal 14 aw A t-t i'i-n w.a .l.'el ( I'' na ar to e-.tf.aal la l a'foMa, lOfflcara ' nr f.i i ... a. .1. 1 r M I -au kv)-a!.. fl.ald.al af Ike a 1 ) ' I li.. fair .r .i Ja aid .lot.. Iota; "Ma waal IL1 4 at-I 4 0 caiabllrh at r i; rr.M .nta! fa-m ) o. Ul Ilia!. (I,.!. U.ay will tla tl ."' erfj ... -i.i ,f if. ,,,, ..j,:. iu , aa'earn af tl, i r. crtiea b,y an r.i i :i i.i r. IN i-awlt ma- off ! Aa aa Ing al. ba Won 1 lo a a: (. atd il i-. ........ . ... ..r. . i.tav4 h fur lb. t .. in.ii.t e a vf b e j , , Mr( . (i . igioal aad aelure! a fa. I and ta of nh t-oior a i of au- V. i t , m.-,...', .id , g u, vM;., t,y i: r4 gal 0 a;h aa. h for ft c r .. m, f I ! ,h ,llU , 4f,,r t f4 4f ;'" ,n ""-' t"-' V - "'I ...g ,, i.a . and l-., all wb4 4 l.ll mlllrja aa ll.at an advance In lllalutfa .fluid ba fi.rrral atove tle ;.a '."'.? J a eri.n.h ed Aug .,,,1,4 enm'ea into Po.llaad ttmti In at 14 and 14 by the kllnnei.a' . Kr. . . ,.r , .M,,,,fp ,b, orafo. a. ina hit in'vrwi ii.a III. I liar wt.l . be bakaa up wlib work and ih t,iihl i - r. . ,.i.t,. .ae it day, a picnic wll be l eid to wi.ub'aa wall l.a la TtlUo.ook aa aa lha w.al atarybody la the owutity la Invltaa ICEFIELD PEOPLE HEAR i.ta Tbara la a:. lutaly ao good ae. fuo.eot wby aurh A tt.p ahou)4 not ba lakrn, an varytt.tb la favor af II A. lo rrctaing Iba brldgaa, that doaenl lake up a bit m t e uraa lo gal f re-n ti.a pn-aanl d.po'a Tba aaal aide ta l.andleet to moat of Iba paopla. ara tot r&AirtroBTATtov; llrH.I o Tt.. laatwal ) Vancouver, Waah.. May II nefor..! ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS BREEDER 1104 lloVi 79 HO 19 29 43 (4 66 74 74 141 144 May HI 214 21' 22H tos lT t 15V 16 .... 11 170 18'4 1194 BrlL ' 404 40S 404 40 1124 12. 1124 1324 Mt .. 27H S7 274 27 Juy 1224 1244 1224 1234 Sept. . ll 117 116 116 194 19 194 19 May .. B7S 671 674 B7 July .. 1724 176 1734 174 Sept. . 26 25V. 25 264, 1K9 ISIIL. Ufl Kit. a. 1,.-, .. i Hair .. 104 31 104 30 juiO .. 1,:; -ii:; "?? Kept . - Zl 24 284 -4 : .4i.. b),4 ?u"' :: 'li" '! 'iii-ri' tint, Sept. . ei 1 Alva 1 1 9 4 1 1 1 1 9 4 1 1 0 SS 39 11 3R V 113 113 113 113 4 H2 S2 82 82 120' 121 120 1204 124 334 324 324 Ml 123 121 1231 1010 1084 108 ::::::::::::::: ,.5 1784 177 1764 17 19 100 19 9 904 2SU 234 224 23 if D Tl "nr. . o T, iai 1 1 o 71 1 .1 -a 1 I n I I V I 2K 2841 28 28 tSU (ttZ IS I Rfw ! '664 '864 '664 lut m I . 111 4 11241114 112 . 28 28 28 284 78 73 I 73 73J . 144 144! 144 H4 . iii4'i7i Hot i7i4 I 90 , KQ 114 84 H3 6S 63 llltiaiiin"s 1104 1J0 I BS 4 1 3 634 634 I It o T.' I IS 1 I c o Tl i r et 1 7 94 9 21 22 21 314 84H 844 88 83 75 76 4. 75 76 ::::: ::::: ::::: r OF LIVESTOCK . . n nn uno to niinrn Mil I II U KX III I fl Ul t-U uuuuuifiuo iu unnuLii ind le- cember but closed with all but Uc of the latter recovered. July cloead 4c higher. . There Is decidedly frlndly feeling to the buying sldo or wheal ruturea, many preferring the July and Heptemher at the present illscount. There Is no ag gresnlve short selling sjid the trade seems to conclude that the west cannot make good the heavy louses In the eoft wheat states. The spring crop Is yet to be made. crowd that packe.1 lha blah echool bulll-NEW 'MK. l.oSlmM.KKRT AND Ing at Rldgafl.ld. Victor. LImb.r of thla AQf napi km ally gave a very Inlar. "g aacba.at active ratya for liekvta balwaanKaw ll.a entertainment .Ivan bv lha Knahla ' '! '"',,rh- futTllah, Irt-ib, Con. . . - iiinn:tJ and ieii:if ranartm poinla. of Pythlaa of (hat little town laat night, j parlor Aoeaamaa Matlaaa, Baeellaat Cat. Plecuealng proem day principle and a5ffrtaa garvWoa. Apply araaaytly allminat.tg part, pol.tca. Mr. Limber j LoV"" aKot!' Ha aald 1 ataa www . li AliU J Pan of Chlcngo prleea ftimlshd by Overbeck A Cunka company. WHEAT. Open. High. . . 18H 1"4 , . 118 1184 .. 1134 1" . . 101 18 CORN. ,. 81S IS 78 7S . . 7i 76' OA I ti. . 58 68 . 64 64 . 444 s POIUC Low. 108 117 4 1124 107 80 774 76 4 .1913 .1930 .10(50 . 1085 .1025 .1042 1922 1IM2 LARD. 1070 1090 IUHS. 1033 1047 B7 67 68 61 434 44 1890 1910 1917 1926 1933 1060 10fl0 1070 1080 1090 1021 1026 1033 1042 1047 Cloae. 109411 111 HIV ??r 7SA 4 want Into detail, living both side of tha I Afenta Vyitcwro. Ill questions lo an able manner, In part: "Frlende. we should elect our officers on a platform built from the laauea tnat arise from time to time and sea that they carry the principle gito action. you cannot do thla unless yog teach the masses, and aa surely aa you do not teach the masses, the class will dic tate our politic. Thank Ood, the Amer- I... ..A... I, . . Mll.llllll.. . V t. . , will not tolerate troutilne and orprea-! fi -X FRANCISCO, IXM ANOELES KXPREAS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Anrelei WITHOUT CIlANOE a S. aaar. a. as. May It. Tb San rraaelace a. roruaad U. BCx Ticket. Orrieo 14 Third gv Fbcoee Mala 05 aad A-1AO. slon for any great length of time, aa history reveals. This spirit Is also shown at the preeent time In some of our foreign countries." Mr. Limber then want Into detail ooncemlng the Chinese, deplotlng In an eloquent way the unjust conditions that prevail In that empire. Continuing, ha aald: "That which thla building we are gathered In tonight atands for is education, good morale, rights and Justice to all. That la a noble standard, but Is It accomplishing all that we need In thla age of progress and advancement? No. The masses ara not paying attention to tha ballot today aa tbey ahould, and I believe the causa of this Indtfferenoe among the majority la that they do not understand the na tional Issues, and the majority of those understanding the laauea heslTate to AND HAN DIEGO DIRECT HOBTX PACOTO S. S. OO. a. a. oamob:b aad a a. sxobb Sail Every Wednesdsy, alternately, at p. m. Ticket of rice 13 i Third St- near Aider. Phone Main 1114. A-1114. MARTIN J. HIOTJET. Paaa. Agent. ; W. H. BI.rssER, Freight Agent. ' COOS BAY LINE bTTXAVSHZ BBSAKWATXa. Fslls from Alnawnrth dock. Portland, a. m.. May I. (. ll. II, 21 and tl: June 1, 7. 12. l). II and 27. Freight recadved t Alnaworth dock dally up to i p. m. Paasentrer fsre first rlasa fl, ' aecond class 17. Including berth and me 1. Ticket office A Ins worth dock. Phones Main JUKI, A-Z73Z. TEACHERS WRITE FOR GRADE CERTI IFICATES COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE O.-W. RAN. steatnar "Harvest .. : - . ,1.,. !.,. 1 ' ,k. Quaea" leave Portland. Ah Btreat dock, take a atand or active Interest In the J,y except t?aturday at p. m.. arrlv. LUMBERMAN NEAR SARA ORTHW'EST BANK STATEMENT JKrVrti-TU'c 1 ' 1 ft. , ... 159 gallons, la .OBr-oil-' cek mala.-t44 "tr ago Tr..:.::.;;;;:::i74 939:i4H" Df 10k sivL.'?? " vn Balances today . .t -M.RS9.6224 " . - .Tpemuu, ,urai arrangamenia. year ago. , . i.tMf 1 -OA SOLI NE Red rown dnhior l V 1IMT7fl flp I lOn Mas . M 111 IT a . SIMBK 11 a I. ?. gallow; V. U. aV- P. naphtha. lldl4a gallon. : v , -1. .. .. (Speeh.1 to The JuOxoaLt Vancouver, Wash., May 11. O. Vea. a native of Norway, and for two year an employe of th C. E. Stone Lumber company at Sara, waa killed yester day by a falling tree In the woods where he waa at work. Detail Of the accident are meager. Vee waa 28 yeara old and la sur vived by a brqther at Kelso and a cousin hear there. The body waa brought! to- V...II. Umber's undertaking parlor last night where It will be held (Bpci! to The Jinnval.) Vancouver, Wash., May 11. George Carroll Wysong, 67 years old, and well known over Clarke county, died this morning at his home. Thirty-fourth atrett anJ Myers avenue, of cancer of the stomach, after a long illness. Tjic funeral will be held at I o'clock Sun day afternoon from Knapp's chapel. Rev. W; A, Dlgglna of Colfax, Wash., officiating. Interment will be made In the city cemetery. Mr, Wysong waa a native of Illinois but spent many yeara of his life at Bluffton, Ind., where he waa a promi nent breeder of fine stock and gained a national reputation among, the stock men of the country. He la survived by his wlfo. one son. Carl Wyaong, and two daughtera, Mr. J. F. O'Brien anj Millie Wyaong. . 1 New York Cotton Market..- Open, High.. Low. ' Close. op. Jan. .;..1114 Mar. ... .11CS May ....1131 Y..1-. . 11IA .UJ7 'aa-.avv Aug, ..,.1162 Fept, ..,.1156 Oct. ....114 JOev ....1171 TIIBOV l 'I" T WBl T, . , . . . a iis i.as ii2tl "t1"- Iron barrels, o per al- liSi V iJffHH I case lota; Tits. - . - , - - !?J WW JHiS!! ' HKN?.INB 8 degree. . caaea. 1W4 Wll 'His -- JUJf il COAL Orte-se: pearl, ll4c; JBUr, f JJ5! Hf? J.M?!?? lHo per gallon: water white. luilt .fl!yt" lis hp per aaiion: aoeelai water walt Flrt Easily . lCxtlnguisrred. " K8pecll to The JonrntLI Vanoouvr, Wash.. May 1U The fire department was called to 114 East Six teenth atreet this morning at ..o'clock to extinguish a blaze In a chimney which liad Jalarted when the early morning lira was started In . the. stove. No Water waa reguired to put out. t Waaav-akod-Bo datnage waa doaA. "... Planning for Rose Festival. , (Special to The Journal.) Vancouver, Wash.. May 11. If Plans are carried out. Vancouver wW be rep-1 . , , , . V. , 1 , a T. m . . , ! S with a large float. Many suggestions have been made by various members of the Commercial club, some thinking that a large number of , automobiles deco rated with the name "Vancouver" svould be a good advrtlstae Idea and create publicity for the city. ".The Rose Fes tival haa promised the city publicity through the newspapers which would be of great benefit. The matter will be fully . disctteead'' at ; the ' ne-xt ' regular electing oi' tie, clulkWcduasday evanlcs. (Speeltl to Tb Joarnsl.l Vancouver. Wash., May 11. The ex amination of teachers Is being held In tha rattles' hall In this city, and will probably continue until the first of next week. Up to the present time the first and second grade examinations have been finished. Higher grades will occu py the time of the teachers today. Those taklna- the examinations are: Ethel Ab bey, Hazel Amell. Ella II. Barnes, Lctta M. Bedell. Albania E. Bellsle, Anna Be- UMe, Edna M. Blake. Opal Brldensteln, Elmer J. Brown, Grace Brown, Jantea K. Carthens, Grace Cathey, Ruth Cham berlain, draco Shandlcr, ray crascp. Dessie Deaaon, Frieda Relerllnk, Flor ence Dennln. Katharine Dennia, Duth DcWnt, Anna M. Dubeck, Mrs. Mae Evly cson Durkee, Margaret Dohefty, T. A, Daugherty, Lulu M. Ernest, Rose Aberle, Maraaret Fitzslmmons, Qraoe.L. Gates, Marica Gleason, Mmbel Hllstrom, Vera Harrington, Catherine Harris, Laura HennlDK. Bertha Hughcr, C. R. Hol- brook, Alvlva Johnson, Margaret John son. Rernice T. Holleway, Richard 8. Kelleyway. Maraaret Klonlger, Maud Kimball. Lucy Laver, Mrs. Stella Long, Lerla Lyon, Francis Long, Benta Malm trom. Adam Mark. Maude Maxsom, Ju lia Mlcheleaon, Vera Mlnkler, Minnie Nor- den. Hazel Morris, Clara Miller, Charlana McCutcheon, Maud McKafn, Hazel Ho Kinzie, Merti Nelll, W. R. Lellla, Mamie O'Neill, J. E. Pottte, Ruth Petite. Edna Phlnney, Henrietta Pomeroy, A. A. Rey nolds, Lola E. Reynolds, Lewis Robin son, June Sampson, Laura Schane, Anna Scotlen, Mary Kmlth, Letha Smith, Anna T. Smith, Mrs. Carrie W. Swlck, Mary Taft. Clara Tice, Elsie E. Tlliotson, Ethyl M. Vessey, Zlta White, Mia Georgia Waster. , . . T YouriR Ijtvl7 Dlca. Vancouver, Wash.. May, ll.-yata Langsdala, 18 years old, died yester day at th home of her parents be tween Rldgefleld and LaCenter Of ty phoid fever after an illness of three months. She Is survived by her parents. ' if Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langsdala, three brothers and two alsters. She waa a member of the Lutheran church at Rldgefleld, from where the funeral will be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow. Inter. ment will be made In the Rldgefleld' cemetery under direction of W. J, Knapp ; of Vancouver. political field on account of the trick ery and dishonor that Is woven Into politics. In concluding his address Mr. Limber urged that the people lit general take more active interest In the national Is sues and bring the same before the chil dren of the schools la aa Intelligent manner. Mr. Limber returned to the elty last night He stated that the entertain ment was delightful. Three Ball Games Tomorrow. .Snaclal c The Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., May 11. Tomor row three fast games of baseball will be played in this city. The Independents will mix with the WaDaahoa or rortland, the Second Field Artillery will cross bats with the 8. P. A S. team In a double-header, while Dorland's fast local team will meet the Fellda nine, , From All lndlcatlona the game betweon th In dependents and the S. P. St S. team will be one of the faftest ever playod here, for the-teams are evenly matched. The Musicians and the Fellda team are alao well balanced and a lively game is ex., pected. The soldiers ara oonfldent they will have the long end of the oor when tho nine Innings are played with the North Bank team. Journal Want Ads bring results, Ing Astoria 6:30 a. m connecting with str. Naheotta for Megler and all North Beach polnta Returning leave Aatona at to a. m., arriving Portland p. m. Call at city ticket office. 3d . and Washington sts.. or Ash street dock, 1 . . x i J.C. WILSON & CO. MXKBZBB KEW TOaX STOCK ZZOKaJfOB STBW YORK OOTTOsT SZOX1RU1 OHXOAOO BOIXD Or TMA Oil THS STOCK AMD BOM D XXCKAJTGX sam rsvAsrcisco Mala Offlc Mills Bidg- Saa IT ra no! so 6 Branch Offloee Tancouver, Seattle, Portland, 1.0s Angela, saa Diego, Ooroaado Beach. roBTiaAHD ornoi Boom 6, LnntberniBs Bank BtilltUna; ynone taarsnau einu. Jtia7. OVERBECKwCOOICO Etooks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Sto. ' 816-817 Board of Trade BnUdlnf DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chloagjo Board . of Trade 1. Oorrespondenta of Logan Si Bryan , Chicago, new Tork -- Ladd &Tilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $300,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS , ...... . Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks . issued, available in all parts of the" world Corner Third ana Wjahington S t r e e 1 1 .i OmetCTT Caae Yp Monday. . Vancouver, Waeh.. May fl. The -of the state of Washington 'lit relation' of T. tt Adams and wife ve.! C. 8. Ir4rin, ' mayor of Vancouver, In which the plaint iffs ask the court to compel the city executive to sign a warrant for f 16,90 : In. payment for a cemetery, .site which, was purchased by the council recently.' will be heard before Judge McKenna on Monday morning. All witnesses have been subpenaod by the sheriff to appear at the court tkouaa at I o clock. ( FIES! ISIIOIlfil BANK --ITAI $1,500,000 r- v : r-"-SURPLUS - $850,000 ; OLDEST NATIONS BANK WEST OF THS 'v ; RO CKY MOUNTAINS HI : 110 llStatB 1IO170. - ;: ,t .:. , ' .: - - - .; ,- - ' ... . - 1: a . ' . ' - -' ' . . " -t -- , . - . ; - -. . - -.. - i . " ' . '' Vi V A - . . . . .. ,V.-;- . 1