TH1! OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL. I'OKTLAND. THURSDAY KVUNIN'O. MAY JJlt 11 r mm MAN'S UFE IU ENDS IN PA1HEIK WAY lS.t.1 fca . l.l 1 Yaaeaxjtaj. Was. , Oa- I Tr, seal 0(4 j,a W(k 4 .,, UU at lift CM Taylor Ut. Nl- laaa, la4 M . arcldra real era y ain-KM. al la faroltal roaaata k Wlrlinh aad 11 iiiwii, frvta . Sumptloa and aleoUollatat. IU wae rta4 about aooa U aoadltloa "4 a h(ldt suintucMiad, taut aiMaf eij (, dM for taw. It l cuer ilr days 4 aa la IK Lasl alajfva af uumiihlliUL II trans, heavily oflr tVMblng lit cur. mhI waa a the sire yealarday tor a lug a aheri time before testa- found la Ma room dying Tba bod lakaa la Kaana'a iha- 1. tahtr trill b h.ld until lh wlfa I I uiltae4 can be cottutauiklraled with. la hla ptes fc4 aa found I U s el from lortUat la itealtl. alaroi-ad aroe ll.a '- VBarity,- lad U a tit.- i Hal l ta4 I kean () htm tjr ou Portland cbar liable laelttulloa. la Ola pocket waa IMir addroeeed to hla wlfa. In wtiluA he Ihreai.ned uind an4 blamed bar. If ah acted rightly lhy woum Ia tofatber. According to Mr, liaorga Pa FWaat. Wba l living wlta tin. C K. ffprov. af 114 Eaal Taylor (iraal, h did sol Uw thai bar huabatul u la Vaa eoavar, until aba waa notified br lb a vaneottvar undertaker. Bha left bis la eat tie, eaveraj wtaki ago, where tha sou pi had baaa living. t)b cam to l-orllaod. whara bha wh takao IU and conflaed la tha' Multnomah hoapl Ia4 btng relaaaed from that laalltuuoa Sunday. April It. a Hj. Da lforeat ha been ill for v aral yrtara, auffsrlng front lung trouble contracted during tba Hpanlah-Amerlran war, whan It ta claimed ba waa alruek by a bullat In tba battla of Ban Juan )IIIL In 101 ha waa dtaehargad from lb a armjr. and In November, I rot, tba coupia marnea Bhoriiy artar tha mar. rutga lhar war divorcad and lived fur aXuut Xof yara miian. lhar wara r married. From tha aaat thcr movad to 6atlU. whara Ia Koraat waa a mfmUr of tha flaattl camp of Bpaniah V tar vetermna. Phortly bafora Mra. Ia Korea t waa taken III, aba had formulatad plana for (aklag nrr nuiinna o ini toiuierr noma, ai Bant blonlra, Cal., where ha rould ra- ' 1 - vwtvw tiwiuilll AVI IUU UWUVlf. BOTHERS UNITED AFTER SEPARATION OF 20 YRS. ROCDESTER Level Cleared Lots New Townsite RAILROAD JUNCTION ftehtar la la iba heart of tha faaleet graalag aorlla of tha faaiaal growing aiala la tba tin ua. Hlgfct at Iba )unelloa af tha argaat Iraaaeoaiiaealal tailwaya la tba failed alalaa and will b iba lernilnua of aa laiataibaa alartrle llaa Itlghl la Iba ball tuada fatuoua by iba tnat au bla cllutala la lb oild." RESOURCES toehaalar la tha oolUl of ana af Iba Urgeat and rtohaal valley aa Iba I'artfl aL jMwher la Iba produetlellr of diversified and Iniaaalva farming ao fft lraa badlea or alaadlng Umber and coal mlaaa aoly a faw aaltee away. Mid way belwaaa all prlaelpaj mar fcafa, Hochaaiar oeui4ea a atrw. leclo poalilnn. It U a aaiural alia for a big alt. a YOUR OPPORTUNITY Tor a abort tiro only, ta arder to advartlaa thta lowaalla. wa will aril fin leeal. cleared. claa-ln lula for only III on aaay Itrmt, no Inloreai. TIIINW Or' IT. Iota la lb faaiaat growing town on lha ooaal for only 111 Warranty dead and fraa certified abatraot. COME IN TODAY You muat art qulrkly If you wnt any of three otg al lha hl'KCIAl. OPFN1NO prlca. Tha clu-ln tola, right where tha In- rrauM j- vajw wlU .bg jrrrateet. alwaya go riraf. Ixki'I wall until lha trei are gona. Call or write for llluatrated foldar. Great Western Land Co., Owners Lumber Exchange Blig. 102 Second St A-fcJie) l aUaaifled aJrerttaaaauU WbUa al'pearvd la Ik Jaarvai aaell fbaa rHMii aantMala t- tie ia aMtoti A-ll. I . IL la, til M IL ll 1 IL II lit. 1111. Lr!J. ! ! . II, t 14. la, II, It. It, It, 41, It, 1144. It. J-ll, II. It, 14, It, It. II If, II It. h ll. II. I l. itf. IIL .If, II. 45. 41. It VH. K it l. l W 1 1 ll II. la. ill III X It, tl. li. K I. I!. It. li. II. 41. It, II. III. 111. 111. Ill, 111. It, 44 T Tl It It. II, 11. It. II. It. l it T. I, HiT i -,1 fVr ii . ,7-fm i. :. -, - 1 tiiin TK-TSi The OrtQon Law on Advertising tef I m a. whe a atiee a ev ai 4li. mm la awbile iMnk4t, ef U-tb e rtrraur. ti a a aaluM aef eieUaa! w tertwe are i lea tae aaakllif a eb'f IW iaa f tbe e4be4 e aoarlta ar emit' tare af tie wearaaaataa ar MUiieil ar ibe akeaaee at afie l aMaee af ear NrktfedtM. aa iaa edlH ae mm -f Mle fct. a Ls aalrew m rWIl.4 le wUleif eaaB he aeai iii af an.ane 4 ea eaaetrle ilxeeuf ! be rL.4 H ftaa ef a4 aw Ikea lie m a V ar be lpi n axel la iw eir n eii lag a atte, a fcy beta eel Pe a4 la ii-a.i iu laiw e. 10 r 141. Tbe amalfaa ef a4ltie aha aa Te JearaeL" aa veil aa thai ef Ifc aak'U. la 4V reried la Ika kee errriea frw (ha Orea fc eei m leal a e i The Jeerer" awlee tta aea NM aa tie alee at mi he ell aatruer. la imee 1 ht the avaea aae. aa ae eaK wake a af eae" a4eanln eat rVe af aa- eiaee." hrtlaetaf eae eleaa. ar axafeeeaaa la elrtteal ae earaareilea kaa "Noil rlfhia' atearUM aa la el iblie. aM abal4 - aa rt Ite eatee lenna aet rvoitwwa. IVi iMraal" brlleeM Ual II le aa rlM le ilwtla Baeaere af "Tht Jearaal ' aaaeteiag ateae- Hum 1 al abaaerlM la ikla raiae. are ie feeMet le reirl l wrtiln aer f-llure oa iaa hart ef the aaemteee to u iJwiWa et If the maplalel ta aall r t-o4 lf l 4 eertlaee will ee aealed aereea ta lee e taaa. aa tea beea teae la Ue rl. ar. If lha at errUare'e aria ar la ?Mxla ef U lav be will he aaket riwra(loa. There ere a eteertteer ealag Ikea rataiaa armlaet aboa maiHalela have bra aiade lf w ... aad ahra rmjilaiMa ae waoe apt allaallee will be t"i t tn. C g lAI'KHO'. HvMlakae. inTiu asp rv.xuuut Hi-KiKj.N Ja ifcu dir. Way tl tM ImUw.4 af her dear.e. IttW Vtar- fcet (UmI. alahaia A- 1 'Ux, aca II I er , uat. iiwimI f ;V !aie4 If f J il lHaa, aaulke af kli Lee fwgei. I-Wftehd. t.f , W re, rn taaa-eit altft, Mia, Abai tteaaeea, ( lr , ilia tftlllkaJat iluaier. tut Hleer, l.'ete. Ura. hotwl Klaveel. Tt a-au. We.i, . klla U T tiar4la lit V 1. !.. t'bar'.ea kiwf. Viaivil, t r , t jearl Kie. -y. fr HciaalK all a lei Id Cut .i.a. l r. f r Iblaribral la tVi. tit. !., I i Ilka faii.lir na.ti. Hit ij.ueete . h . II..., jr I U IMI.u . . .1 f A WKAf A ' I iitahia anj II daia AuuuUMifcaial ef fjitrel I a tar h C. Juiwe vt'i lf bacrell IMV HI liaa r. l)l latlr anuiil aireal. Vley f, aa elferl Ur I ere IT hni-.n lra(a A M"h VlTif. "fl..f let." ' 4 I -a lii." el. In aniline 1 1tlr M.'n lilt r jri a 7-1 aa IOU aAU3 IIOIIUJI I 7 Room Houst5 J. P, Rnley & Son Third an4 M !' h. lady llea.enl Mem t I III! biaia lit In Beaunscnt Aar raeaal.i rn,., duaa a'i1 lit a Hivfelh. ik luJu - Ik Icirel am bur II A tee. t. I Oie btur Ukiiu I; 1 a la li t b.-al dealrable ecue of H e al tJi.lf I biae frvm al tJi.lf I biae frvi -r 1 Ie bunte all arui.t. All In 1 fj ci leitle Irwiu.l.i.a aewer, in, e iard auif.iJ ut ii iiiiiii, ruit.1. trr li rea In lle bui'-l. el lluae I a furt-aca, elecli e In Iuki auJ a'.aJie If yu want a linine bl'JI aa rt wull .ill f .f yuuratlf aee Ihla Take H...e Ci: tar lu tmnft, flrel buuee n Klh aouth of M!rJ el. r I I, .mo Xieial alt '.f'.f. i l eeeaUna i.-r oo N. IL Alttlaoo, lit t. Illb at. N TVU MAIJB ilOlital l 6 Room 7io)nPi mm. I It I Uf-n i. - IU tl JIM - ."I if J I j every dalall ih anil I1i A li.l I aJ ae:alanl i t it sew inmr Pri. e I J rs-j ( fit ri'wi a ail new aM up la lha wiir-.PWAr.rr mui hak th. i.aa.-7r r ... " . r,:v sr. r.f? 14 at LfRCH j;v.; I ike IKt. lt eK. Ua a.e like lai.t !. I f um I k liuau liawlfcvi ,- a. I11 a (uul iuivl,i itilii a l. uul Lien.l kc a ai-4 a li. '' I". ii l ua fhia In ai. 1 1 : . al i"tu J I Jl.,llt( rxill. , taia I.Jelle't, hll'i lee l4 glaee bwftM ia a. le tit llilki imuiii, tw.Hf 1 en I ae.le l-ale 1 (ail, beautiful uflt, ! Uill I r!ur In d.iiing ivuni, ie(e r-aMoc. I kllthcn flaleltcd In wl.lla al .aii.el' ba.ll ) In cui'lec. ww wl.iie eiiaifal 4rtiia IU. built In illikkclt ll-et l.aka lelfe 1 i.i. ci, bUie aiaea inliruK, lelfe betlt- r.ii. Willi ilttcit cliii;ta ettil iiie.ilcli,e clirai e.lia large elite w lib I ri l t.f (lii' In f:n:eh ff leru more VeJrii.e tr ei'lf-e el a et!i k-tt.e f ill c.iiivi.t taeen.enl a4 luaitr li.a 1 ha dr.lajn atd rulietf art Inn uf li.le f!li tudf a.u e'ii mrt tr.e ail'r.tai i.f I' e lll!.! . fillrr f.f. T.l.f :r' i.r . m T A Mutlerlaia. roll er Kli, a ii.l lie wtbor f.e rott aUIX JMltli ct llOWtJ. .51 till filmi c I fa au,aM M (4 l.oitk, f ttue a ! alia i r-" I -a f.-e h-lh. llwhah klWoeek. f.. U.. hav ta. ea . In aa tea b.-kk- a-- .4. talh rwa-u. aa:t iaa ., i.i..i. CL.HSIHKI Mi IUTICS It'nlted rrraa Ieaaad Wire. I an runnrraro. May t. Two brothero are unite) hrra today after 20 year of arparatlon aa a rsault of a remark alKjut tha rarity of a nama. Lawrenca JI Orxly of I.azlngton. Mui., applied for inrmterihlp In th New Kngland aao- I rlntlon hera. and whlla chatting with of ficials of tl club, remarked that hla 1 KKAL estate loajvh MORTGAGE LOANS fZ0In JOHN E. CBONAN rr07n yJ BOB BpalAlag Bid-. M ' HEAL KSTATE TIUN8FKKS In affect April 1. lilt all prtKViofH itATra ca nitli-ed CASH AKVKHT1SFM ENTH. Ially or Buoday. I time le per line. t roneecutlve tlmea, lo per Una par In sertion. I or mora consecutive tlniea. 7c per line per Insertion, or 7 Inaertion rr price of 4. No ad counted for lest than I line. Tha above ret re apply to "New To day" and all other claaalflcallona, ai re pt Hltuatlon Wantrtl. To Kent and Wanted to l.ent a1 Hlttiatlnna Wanted. To Rent anil Wanted To Rent ail (Apartments anJ Iloii-lk, rxrrptiili, tde rates are: Cc per Una first Insertion. Ic per line rni'h aulei-i -jrnt Inaertion. .No ad taken :r leee than llr rur llmun lady eaalela'l rriakrr tad) a.eaiail. Itta I ' Tt I' tn, All. r arson Co. tuRZ:,'J'.t iv'k itlt a. r. znrrRco l. vt, 1 ,l.,te ll-Mti Pt.01 ea TZ alalS I T aee I kits I "It'.V fuiterai illrwlore ei.ceae- I r rl Jiuiinltielne I ItHIIIII HKMHTtVi'rC TI7 K. llih Hell 71. liT IIII. and t'Mvere i'nrk Cotltl ltl. I KMLTtlUIJI waa an unuaual Naw England nama HEAL KSTATE TItANSFKKS ( HAItUi; AIiVKRTlKKMliNTS. la" offlclala asld that another man. I . 1 time. lOp ier Una. Jolin T. Cody, hitd been there onlv tha rrBTtririTM of title made be the .ronaecutlv tlmea, lo per Una per any ouioro. i ony riisned to a tnlephon Tltl al Trust company. Lawli bldg Svi-iiil if l"lM no CEMtTERY Beautiful MH'IE. tTRilANENT tHHTI.AS1 N L T (1'l.b.HN (tUKTk'HT Willi I' K It H K T b' A L CAItkl ' a of ail b-.-r!l . a Wta . wltboul aalra rl arja 1'ruvlitrt erith a permanent lrre,iui lh e Mai ntei.a'.re f un I 1- e raili.ii Ideal, lual outalde tha city lln lia on north and weat sl&,a of e a Mo int Kcott. conialnlnar S15 acrea. Equipped with every uudern coo- vaulanca a THICF-H TO rrt'lT AI.f HF.RVKE TMK HEHT. iNK Vlt.E "I'l'TH oC I.HNTI ft K tl 1 ' I. A ft AI'TtiM "UII.K SiK H V- ICE IKEK HKTWKKN LB NTH A N 11 Tlllt CtMBTEltT. ftinl iai-ra ai .l Lullt In buuki aae and buf fat nit., laiia.rxt walle and plata ralL Una llrfi e ruim. wall tinted while sr a'iele l ut, h klli hart, with lota uf .i l.ei 1. , ! Mm ari l Ironing buard. 1.. Lie le1riK,m. aidi baih. t'ne c. mrij laaeiiirnt, launlry trete. f.irnace, i'i 1 ff. .f f ul.Le construction all II r 1 (f r ,( 9iliO Ttit la a wlnoer 'il yen ere It. I'buna A-IOlt or Main 101. ,der 7 ft. m . pbona cVilum Mt II! (tilt I llAHTMAN TirriMPHOM. l-m!,r vt t'ommarce I Idg. lirce I room cottajsa dandy Utt'.a place lot la worth lf?j huuaa I worth 11100. rou ran aee value eliciting out ail over he 1 la'' . li" contract or monthly pay inenta, uat a atralglit 7 par cent niurt f te ll Ot'NTlfrTt, III Yeon b!dg ITuU . nALiTilauaa tlTIo fin 11 li 100. llientwood addition; house I yeaVs j Wtnt Tn Ter 11 y tnw om. wril duiii, piaeierr.i, paintea, not juai can n ".nrr v 1 I U - t- O U- tf W M J flrand i. t 1 uum iiuiaiu. In lib ly rtetrUl' 1 1, al l.ti, tl.a t in galow la I alt.l In ilia tl aw 1 Ixiriie tlia trlot, two U, k. llael.'iurni tar This glrea )u ll.a be tar eertloe uii lha aaat Tba UvUif n-orn la lull. wit!-. hI lehed oak floors fine 1 rin.l prlrk. flreulao. built in I "UMi.a 011 ekb aids of flfei.laca Tle Ulnlnaj room Is Hill, aak floors, wlih iaeal ve buffet; vaAfereal-penrlnd rmnn. tba dan la I OllO. wlili ful.lin durs I oar! I tig to lh living iihhii. tiw ran ie used for muelo room, ilm or iri'.rxl U5 riMim. Tha Hating In Hue IuiujUw ta a work of art and muat le e. m 10 le aporeclatad I'ollshed hrlil rUx'ia In living room, aiming room and The badrooina have double wln.lnaa and large eloeet. Ifeavy roll plumb ing In bathroom. Complete liuich klirh en, with every built. ta t'on crete baarnient. with oeiuen I floor anJ laundry traya 1 am going to aall thla baaatlful hama at the aacrirV price of 11109. with tl.a street tmprovemrnta paid; email i-aymnt of 1100 down: latanca ran be p:d monthly at rental permenta If yu aotyvw aakl.'il I . I CMkl he . Ij fllaat k(veekMU . ai. list I oaa w-aaialw. IV recall y a , k.l.l.a eflaeie. ee le .! , t I lae elr-a.4 lieHvtkaatUj a til, k 1 a la ..f, lilt 1 Wa Ua.l.M f tw aiai beaaae la Ilea rUae lialiV.1, ateh f,e. flrel fl kf f . . I'btJ ia aaa. aa4 la wtiia a.t.xi. eie -ale aee alaaeai hat a)etf baaal, ( ,v al, ia a g'at.4 .i.l eee.1 I lioiiiaiawaaia alt la, !;. I U. ,ai. a vary aaay. 1-.- .... auJ a aahleg iwKi, fall 11 etcrti.a tk. lea a f .e(et4 Ve aeaiea t. In,. , 1 f(m jnee la II. et I f I date , aa. li. msf I a lave rk.kii niiarair ar Hi f I . I k.aa. rwu '.see ta Haaaa Ctty tah. r .' la tar stru t movie'. kt 11 e: airtiel Iniyietsai.eats pall, llekt, tt eafv. t.a.te t.a e ; iwim buneale. m4afa. with 'l bulltln . ook 1 l. eai, e. f'fl.e.a. I bfc-tkg fr-iik tar. ttcy ahtitl, gas. ae ka lit, ll)i .tract UiM k4, ear. 1 view. 11)1 I ftji u. esi-atieat eturaA, ywelriae lUia, ail Uul. Ho iiiiaaih.a, law. '.... rt-urn alia paita, fisliarw haut ll. l:ivl . f.-otn r.m.aa, luttarw, M feet tg rar lvl tlil4.! fceagbbakfh'.aV liiia n.. t.flft: 7 rtxkitt. IN atory at" ...- iat t.wi do 1 Lie eutiatcieiavl. I ifika i,Ji'. h kllrKeit, Co. I 1114 .0 t.,.I.J. I.l iel . luul t rail I iat.ii a M eleattkg pttrca. eaval fro ft t. rar; full eaiaaal baaa. t tJalllS near ll 11. .Ill, I ; gx uiike 1 1 eturlee, Ihoruai I .'et eaeft, sbiy aan. tut tOti.a. IlitJ IMS le a anaa. Baa fluvrat, Meter anaMta mi'ilcrn Iiviiik rouni, large kitchen, I hrilrotims pai.try, closet, I porchea cft ment walka, fine struwlicrry tied, I fruit treaka, S'line In bcnrln(r. chlrkt-n house rinj yarj, wiMidho-ise 1;I3, nutalo orl Inr. lot pnrlly frnrel with i'o, fenre; :-J of a mile from So fare; lluuO, 1100 down. 10 per month. 6 per rent Inter Irxt cmitraft rire owner at McCoy and 1 Trd at., smith of Trernont station on , Ml. Hcotl lino, ur a'l lrvss IC Warner, Miiwaukle, Or. route 2. citt oyricK, uo-tri HIMI.niS'i-J MAIN fKMKTKI'.T lUTieri I TlOU lilt Hf'll F 1'IIONK, HIN J H-4111 THkW CALL I.O AI, 4101. M(J.M ML. NTS OTTO RHII'MANN, Kai.lte, works Fuel Sil atd l""r and Identified the missing brother. They I th and Uak. had been living in tha same city for I W. A. Keppler and wife to J. V. threa years. 00 NEW TODAY Buy . Elegant N'cw Modern 11 Room Residence Hot water heat, l.tryre bathroom, shower bath, vcrv latest conveniences ON UNION AVENUE PIEDMONT LOT 150x120 Hard Surface Streets PRICE $16,000 Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN - HERLO W MORT GAGE & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. ISO TOO ffQlIVT Choice restricted residence dis trict Reasonable prices. Easy terms. Every improvement. Good car service. M It will be to your interest to visit Hollyrood Our Auto is at . your service, 33-37 KNOTT ST. Or see us at 1108-10 Spalding Building. Tract Tabor 3845. Office Marshall 2745. FACTORY BUILDING FOR R1LNT Two floors in new brick build ing just completed at Hood and Baker streets, South Port land. Long' lease, low rental. Building is well lighted and will make an ideal location for manufacturing plant. A. L. FISH, Care of Journal Olimore, lot 2, block I, North Irving ton A. J. lludd and wlfa to Loula F. Ulllet, lota 11, IS. block 19. Uelle Crest Orton A. Uraham and wife to Charlea W. Cunhlng et al.. Iota 1 9 tt A ft Kl.w.l, Ifl IMevl.w T. b. St Tr.'Co. to John W. Orosa. lota 8. 9. 1. 11. block 1. Lover (40 Snmo to same, lots 11, 12, block 13. Dover Northwestern Trust Co. to W. A. Klklna. lota IS, 16. block I. Har vard QeorRo C. Miller et al. to Mary J. Kvan. lot 11. block 82. Itose City Park W A. Lovett to J. Coonar. lota 1. 2. block 10. Beaumont 4.000 Title & Trust Co. to L. C. Mackay. lot IS hlork E Tualatin View 1'ark 420 Minnie V. Thomas and husband to Ifenrv Mohrdleck. lot 6. block 18, Katharine tOO Wellesley Larnl company to Fred Nelson et al. lots 21 and 22. block 2. ArTle Park 800 William O. John to Ft. E. Connell, lot 8. block 19, 'o-"i Alblna.. 800 1 John B. Hlbbard et ai to Clarence It. Hotchklsa. lot 12. block I Ilea Moines addition 200 I welcome John B. Hlbbard and wife to Clar enco R. Hotchklsa. lota 11 and 12, block 11, Santa Roka Park 700 Q. w. Dyers Jr., and wife to J. T. Ieach et al. lot S. block 40. tract "A," Council Crest Park 1.000 Margaret EX Frailer and husband to John Q. ThomaBfen, lota C and 6, block 880. Hawthorne Park 10.000 Laurel hurst company to Lee A. i nomas, lot 16, block nz, Insertion. 7 or mure consecutive times, lo per line per Insertion. The above ratea apply to "New Today and all other cineMlflratlone, encept Situations Wanted. To Kent and Wanted to Rent" ade. flllti.llnna Wantt T . . 17. nt anil j.oow Wanted to Rent ada ( ADnrtinenta and Hotels excepted) th rat la 7c per line rtarv- t rt aaM lea l.SDO V'o ad for leaa than two line. Or 16C Contract ratea upon application. j j j honeca 1 1 will brlnr; a nollcllnr. ilEKTl.NG NOTlt.EH 41 Tiririi pnnT a Kt I V n 1. 1 . I J . . V 1 ., . , . . v. 6S. Woodmen of the World, m efts every Frl- asy Tilsrlil in w. o. w. Tomide. 12H Kleventti street. All members r- outHted t" be presant visitors wplcomt. iJie. trlbutlon of 20 theatre tlckeln 'ach metlng night. FRKH W GK ft MA N, CC. A. I. llAltHI It. I lern.' HAWTHORN K LOIiGK. Ml 111, A. F. Ac A. M. communication this (Thurs day I cvt-nliu: Masonic Ti inplc, ef fi-IO oVlrfrk. Work K. A. t decree, and "ft -.o'clock work K. (:. deim-f. virdtintr nrctnren c. IT Mil, I .Kit. Sec. t'OLl' M H I A l.(; SO. Ill, A. F. & A. M.. will hold an Infonnal reception at the Mn aonlc Temple this evening at 8 o'clock. Panclng- and cards. FRK1) U OUSON, Secretary. FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD. Members of the Fraternnl Urothnr- hotnl are requested to iiKsemtile this ovonlne (Thursday) at hall, Kill floor relhurst 1,800 Marquam Mdir., to greet our eFtei-mod Ocklev Green Station Yjrov el 11 1 (i nisil house, story and half, A-ToM- el summer kltchrn. upattlrs unflnlahed; r-in ie ueeii. maaiiiR a ronmt, iii but 100. t.itlf rneh, lotliuice I0 month. C. 11 S'erle, 1 1 r aj Oninha ave. 3 R' ii M ho'ine. lot 10010f); beautiful vtr'v of viilley and tnoiin tains ; west eld. :'0 minutes from postofflce: tlluO. Laav terms 1-ltOVlHFNT TRCKT COM PANT. I'd noor Bellini bid". Main 1 kf'O Am marMe I'aet 741. rOHTL...M I11CLTY DKALKIW 11 R A .c 1 1 ! M KELLN Ha, I.umber:nfn hlilg Mnri-hall 18JL iVhnTT-M N All Y COMPANY. Oroiind Kloor Lewie Hid. M and A-17II. H It I HAKI K .i lil.NKIili'T. HOI McKay RUlg Mwln III. CHAPIN' & 111 llfoiV, Cl-srnt'i-r of ro-Tinier--e Main 1662. K.N AIM' - MACKKY. ?i;-13 Board of Tr ad e. M. lind A-2 010. i-.i ; .N i:i'Ai, i s i'a i i-: (-ii i fiK Grand ate and Mult. K 67, C-170J. Miiki. 1 1. JOS Oerllnrer Hldir J. H. Main K480. Lot 50x150; 6 Room House Only 7 days remain to buy this fine property at lilr bnr- faiu. Klna location, walking; dls anc.e, all Improvements paid H block Cnlon uvo. 13800. $101)5 cash. Value 17000. Must have money, owner, 00S McKay bids'. GKXKKAL KKAL KSTATE (12 T Kit MS KAHY. WILL FACllll- ICV. FINE HOMO l'OK (Jl'ICK KALE. 8 ROOMS, SLEKPINO l'ORCIL HARIiWuol) FI-OOUS, CLOS-E IN, (N 2 CARLINBS. HARD SI'KCACE STItEET. ASK I'"OH MR. E ASTON AT 1110 PPALDINO HLlKi NO AOErrs. Best Built Home Gret Sacrifice Cnrrar IiIi-hI for 1. 1 n r t m pri I oikve some now. owner Is In flr.:n,,UI dlHir.-ss and! Leavlne city, will sacrifice my Just broken l.calth and t:i t ral.o money, completed 8 room doubly constructed I-t me Khow vo ii this !,!i;h , l.i.u in vost-' st riet ly modern house; lias all conven- M li Lee 311 Corbet t blilif MenreH; electric conKer. etc.; mane iuuij pr--r-, ' rz ,"; ; " rrrTi iTTTTi ." S I t taking Roue City Park car today to A ?, ,-. L l.m " J V e --2 8 S t Ii st . walk 1 block north to Broad i.nd 4 room houses, living water, nay . ,.. m..r ,,nw h,i,ne like rent. S. reterson. owner. 3( e;. jstn st terms. Owner. Clina. (! Smith, "4 mile itHt Lents .1 unct Ion. on 1 osier road. TO I.EASK WILL build nulomoldle KaraRn. went bide, to suit tenant liaso from 5' to "0 yetra. M. E. Lee. Sll Corbett hldtr. fit I OH HALF HOI SKS Build Now MONET FT It N I fill FA IE DESIRED. Plans Free If you want rioso figures on irood work, and a home that will be a com fort and a Joy forover when completed. Call at 405 Marquam bldg. Main 9809. 6 Lots Portland Heights Closa In; full View of city; beautiful trees. Suitable for two fine realdencea.' 17100 if taken soon. . 00. E, VAtKrOlTSi 'BOB Taoa. Apartment Site 6Ck100 ob Twaaty-alxth anfl Balmont, - - ' Term a. PaUMl &.aU2, . - I. Northwestern Trust company to Anna Junkens, lots IIS and 16. block 2, Harvard Heights .... 50 Bamo to Mra. P. A. Gllbreath. lota 7 and 8, block 2, Harvard 060 J. C. Costello and wife to Olive M. Curritran. lot 15. block 68. Irvlnsrton IE0O J. a. narwce et al to Mrs. M. K. Murphy, lots 7 and 8. block 1. Vernon 860 Charles Peterson et al to Romu lus B. Carey, lots S6. 36 arid 3 7. block 2. Fairfield 2,400 vv. v. liasley and wire to Roarer C Wllllama at al lot. 91 arH 22, block Id, Kens'lngton 401 ivanna f. rtyan to w. n. 11 etna, 60x92 feet, commencing 100 feet east of a. W. corner of lot S. block 1. Woodstock S00 E. F. Cannon and wife to T. P. Cook, lots 20, block 14; lot 1, block 16; lots 19 and 20, block 16; lots 1 and 2, block 17: lota 16 and 6, block 9; lots 9 and 10, block 22; lots 16 and 16, block 22; lota 7 and 8, block 32; lots 7 and 8. block 38; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8. block 84; lota 10, 11 and 6. block 35. Rossmere.. 22.600 B. F. Cannon and wife to Clarke- Cooke company, lot 20, block 11; lot 20, block 15; Jot 10, block 15; lots 19 and 20, block 17; lots 19 and 20, block 18: lots 9 and 10, block 20; lota 9 and 10, block 32; lots 9 and 10, block 33; lots 9, 10, 16 and 16. block 34; lots- 1 and 2, block 85; lot 1, block 36; lots 5 and 6, block 38; lots- 1 and 3, block 89; 1 westerly portion of Iota 1' and 2 block SR. Ronsmara 87.1500 Helen Grlebel and wife to Sam uel Holm, lot 8, block 306, Couch addition ... . T.2tX Edward u. Titus and wire to w. M. Brannchbach. lot 18. block 13. Ina Park 100 Swlnton Land company to Julian V Foul, lota 14 and 16. block 54, Swlnton. 145 Ella Howell.- administratrix, to Geortre F. Barrlnrrer. lot . 1. block 12, Mount Tabor Villa. . . 200 Charlotte E. Jean to Edward Zetterfbera; et aL lot 6. block 66. Bellwood 1.100 A. w. Lambert ana wire to trie Polish Library Buldlng asso ciation, lot J, 61ock 80, Mult- nomah . 1,000 J. I. Dray to W. W. Sinclair, lot 14, tilock 4, Trernont Park ad-, dltion 100 R, W. Wilbur, trustee, et al to Oustav Scheel et aL lots2 to 4, block 6, 8unrtse Park 1,100 East St. Johns Land company to W. A. Elklna, 10U 1 aJid X, block 7, East St J6hns 160 Harbarton Water and Land com siipremp president. James A. Foshay aM. . UMaiiey. state nigr. It N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets FrL v., Allsky hall. S-l and Morr soa. li:kia(.k licenses Rov Preston. Vancouver. Wash.. 23 and Golda Duel. 16. Arnold Walker. Ients. Or.. 28. and Katie lions, 24. E. A. Mannlnir. 1101 Enst Twenty- fifth street. 30, and L. 13. Meyers. 23. Ueorca Miller, f.20 Henry building. 25 and Jane Whi taker. 25. R. IL Urowiu.-. St. Clair apartments. 24, and Pearl King, .'B. John peaerson, 1'ark none addition It an1 T.lllla 1 .InTmh.rir !! Thomas Joyce 1H4 Itussoll street. 29, and Marwtret hmltn. L'o. Arthur Wheeler, East Thirtieth and Lambert, 28, and Emily Hunter. 23. E. J. Hiinnc. 424 oiumbla street. 22 and Alma Larson, 22. W. G. Smith Si Co. caarnd. Washington Bldg.. cor. 4to. on Wash ton. WEDDING " Invitations, remarkably aood and reasonable in price. Beattla ft Hormann, zti rstark st. DRESS suite for rent, all atxes, Unluu Tallorlne Co.. .ton srark at. CLARKE BROS., florlMs. fine flowers and floral neltrna Morrison ar. IHHTHS To MrT ldllrflrTriaTrea 68 Eabt Morrison Htroet, pany to E. P. Hounaa, lot 19. block Anna. . nsrosrwo ..... Snodgraaa to Andreaa 826 Hehwank.- lota 1 f anft 1 V hlook- 7, Laurelwood Park -. 1800 H. Hamblet and wife to Josephlno Squires, lot 11, block Til, Fair- port 800 W. R. HAIZLIP CO- Ins.. Abstractor. .. 14 i aarllnger bids, 24 and Aidar IU. I It. a boy. PETERSON Peterson, i Mav 1. a elrf. HIlES To Mr. and Mrs. William Hines, 655 Morrison street, April 6, a boy. - H1DDI5R To Mr. and Mrs. Tantel Rld- dor, 676 East Seventy-fourth- street north', April 25, ft girl. SPEES To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bpees, 769 Gliean street, April 29, a girl. JOHNSON To Mr. rind Mrs. Albert Johnson, 474 Magnolia street, April 11, a boy. HOFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hoffman, 1066 East Washington atreet; May 7, a boy. PABJCER To Mr. and Mra. Austin Par- ker, 586 Hoyt street. May 6. a girl. ONTO Mr. and Mrs. Wong On. 96 '4 North Fourth street, Ajril 28, a bov. ELDRIDGE To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eldrldge, 700 Vanderbilt street. May 6, a gin. CJtRLSQN To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Carlson," 16S0 McKenna avenue. May T. a bov. BEAKEY To Mr. aud Mra. James Beakey, 143 Rodney street, April 81, a girl. JOHNSON--To Mr. and Mra. 'Axel Johnson. 1211 Maylard street, April 17, a boy. ARNOLD To Mr. and Mrs. Ira Arnold. - -4M RofteJawn atreet. April, 26i. aboy. CROFT To Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd CrbfC 1811 East Aider street. May Z. a ONLY 5 MORE DAYS REMAIN To buy my 10 room modern houso and l.-ireo lots, close in, tnr jnonj, J20.I0 casli; coat JSr.OO. This offer will be withdrawn after 6 days. Owner, 608 McKay hldg. BY )V NEK, ntiletly modern house; 150 feet from TInse City car, on E. 60th; ri-ceptlon hall, living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen downstairs;, hardwood floors; 3 bedrooms, bath, sleeping porch upstairs; terms. Sillvvood 911. FOR KALE A 4 ruoin modern bunga low, 50x100 lot, 1 !ii blocks from far, good district; or will tnln unimproved lots on cast side for $1400 equity, bal ance very easy terms. Owner, wood lawn l!ilG BMALIj but wen Duut new house, oox EXCELLENT PIEDMONT PARK HOME. lonxion tot. new 6 room finished I downstairs; space for 8 big rooms up- Ftiiirs, all hunt in conveniences; a snap st ir.lf.0, 13000 caul) ; bal. 888.60 monthly. l"rom owner. Main 8064. Wnodlawn G.rf. I will sacrifice rny 5 room bungalow on 62d st., 100 ft. north of Hawthorne, for Vj of my actual equity as shown by contract; requires 5175 cash, 135 per month, including interest, to handle; no commission. Call 269 E. 62d st Phone ThIioi- liL'fi. HuI.T STRCMQH1HT, 1401 Hawthorne Ave. Taber 414 Tabor toll a-ranlnfa Beautiful Bunpalow Homo A Great Bargain Redured from COO0 cash rrloa of building, 14750. Owner had spe cially built for own use. but tuie Inres has called htm cast perma nently. 8 rronis. all large, i bed ronms, I down and 1 upststrs, lartrn living room and ball, coved celling, tinted walla, neauttrul ftreplnre built In bookcase, lead ed beveled plat glass, dlnlrt room, beamed t-elllng. paneled walls and plnte rail. hurdoid floor. Dutch kit. hen ta It M all the lsto conveniences and helps, ijirga full bas.meiit. furnace and laun dry trays, clothes chutes, fuel hoist, yard all seeded down. In Hawthorns district, 20 minutes out, 1! minute car service. Call Columbia 332 after T p. m. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce bldg. (Main 20 N) (A-.OIl 4 rvtutt.s and S. en. .In a orri. hArtwH i fl "fa ..-utatit liatanuut, BBadera; loi it li. is liu-.ta is aaar aa4 la ga4 t.'.e, i:0, ',ot eaah. a a imiii and alaaplag perch, pa llcauiiiuiit rar. bar 1 aurfheaed str4, riiu.tirn , ut at.trt.cea. aak floor , raiaai ( latrmani, I.l (iil4: 1 1 !.; S eatao. -U- 11 1 NT Ull'ST tOMPANT, . baxiv4 floor, tte.llnc Uldg. Main Hot, A-Hll. ALUKltTAllOWli ' ' 1 1104 I rouru txiu.a, I blocks front AW. batrta car Una; rovras abo and I rooms balow; taady lo r:.ur-h and atoroa; ffrat btftiaa south of al I. lth aL S. W are tba owners. Ileal Of cernu. JCtjX vTUTJ I A V CNCS IIQUX .. IISkO ruotn buusa oo lOslvO, lull cement basement, fas and also trie .lev.t furnaoa, flraplaoa, 1 block from rar, 8 block . a booL Caab Io0, Lalanea aaay term. IHVINOTON nUNOAIOW. 1 1 1 0 0 , r-m bunralow on luilOt, flno location full cement baaement. lark 44 feat high, good view, fa.-lmr areat; a gtod Invealmeat, aa aall aa a home. 1100 caah, terms on balance Phone .Vain 8711. OOWEN-II V. TItfKT COMPAXT," ' Room t Lumbermene llldg. Ground riotar. '$77f a mem heme aood lot 4 blocks from ear god district. 1 have a mortgag tf 1300 on thla and If you will pay enontit cash ao that I can pay this off will give you all th II in you want on tlkO balance at f per cent Owner, 101 Spald ing bldg! . FOR SALE LOTS to (A-.0I0) w m New Townsite of West Woodburn A new town whrre a town waa a . necessity. It la the Oregon Eleotrlo sta tion fr Woodburn, Or. Get In on lh ground floor before price go up. Lota row selling from 1100 to S00 per lot on easy 'terms, but will bo advanced aoon. Buy direct from the owners. . PACIFIC TITLE A TRUST CO, ... Dept. No. 10. 7 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor. $150 Lots $150 , . 15 DOWN. IS PER MONTH. " 1 Lots all Inalde city llmlta. cloaa to 50 carllne. Bull Run water main In and paid for. only a few more lert at tnia Lot 45x90 All Street Assessments Paid Nw 6 room LunKilow, doubly con- atvetia-ttatt 111 t trh Atit riiiinri f I 1-1 hnll Kami. 1 1 fill flreolace. bullt-ln bookcaaa. paneled price; coma out at once. It will pay you. dining riKiin. beamed celling, tiullt-ln Tabor 376. .. buffet, single paneled door, beautiful WlfTPlI t WlKMI wnlte Dutch kitchen with all built-in W HICH Vjt IIOU . convcnlencea, screened In back porch, 2003 F- Glisan at.. M-V car to 80th at. large sunny bedrooms, exceptionally Rnoii iT'ii! linU Trart large closers, bathroom equipped with DedUIIIUi VltW I IdOl latest and best fixtures, large attic, full Northwest slope of Mt. Tabor, J68 cement basement, laundry trays, etc.; feet front, 145 feet deep, suitable for splendid nelghlmrhood; 500 below any- one. two or more fine homea. first class thing In the (lmtrlct. Tabor 3089. residence district, aome excellent fruit. COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE Prices very reasonable and aaay Urma. Price 14900. Cash 11000. Owner. Phone Tabor 8. - - A beautiful Beaumont home, located BEAUTIFUL vlow lota on aouthern In the coining exclusive residence dls- I alone, nnur Council Crest. 3(50 and tip. trlet of the city. Has eight rooms com-I Including cement sidewalks, urba- -, nunc pleted, latest design and finish through graded streets and water. out the house. Large front porch, re- strlctlons- sold on easy terms. cepllon hall, music room, dining room. lding ,' r- PROVIDENT TR1ST COMPANT. : living room and Dutch kitchen, all on 2d floor. Selling bldg. . first floor. Four bedrooms and bath Main 1800. A-8281, on second floor, all finished In white nTOTQ 6F LOTif enamel. Large full basement and attic, xj,'hnm. ear. flOO under mart. laundry trays, hoist and clothes chutes. ket , , for luiCH- ,aia; aay Urma. lirnace heat with built in fireplace, To ., 1 KUi il. U IDLEMAN, . ' Office, End Hawthorne Llna. .. bookcase and buffet. You should see this property. (2200.) (Home phone A-20&0. wain ros.) After 7 v. in., Columbia 832. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Mdg. Phone Tabor 1560. PEN I N S t; L A I) ISTRICT. S5 MONTHLY, INCLUDING INTEREST, 100 lot; S'4 blocks oft Rosa City , nnyg 7 r00m h0llHe ftlul lot alI improvf. Park carllne. Total price $,f,o: 10 permentB paId for; fireplace, furnace, solid rent cash balance J15 per month in-, oak nora Hn afi built-in conven eluding Interest. K-103. Journal. )ences National Realty & Truat Co., A FINE HO.Mli ' 723 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main Must sacrifice this jveek. 6 room , 61'29. modern cottage in Miiinyside. All lm provementH lu and paid. Your own terms. Phono Tabor 1 Ho' 7. evenings. TWO new modern 5 room flats, on car line, lot 60x100. fruit trees, all Im provements lu and paid price J470O, part cash. Owner, 821 Commercial st eal 1 5 ). m. BEAUTIl-'L'L homo, close, in, large house, nine lots, nil fruit, ke.-n horae. cow, cliickena; 10 minutes cars; buy of iwte3 mmum I have u beautiful 5 room cottage on Glhbs street, absolutely modern, that r will sell at net cost. This Is a snap. Kr-e Brash'-m, &C8 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 4tit 1 . $2:;u0 TERMS. I Close to tarllrio In Flrland, 100x160 4 room bungalow, com- KIROANNO addition, west aid. - vary choice good view iwatar piped In front of each lot, only 20 minutes' car ride, best home value in Portland. Prico 1325, terms $16 cash, balanoe $6 per month. Price advances aiay v vt oitv $2200 $2200 99nn g?TLeV 'Xf&ZXi l 6 room, soml-modern, paved street, west sldo, beautiful view lot. H. OT7NTHER, 919 Yeon bldg. No Information over phone. iii 0 DOWN 110 PER MONTH., Fine view lot, mutured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walk and curb, Hull Run water. , , PROVIDENT TRUST COMPACT, d floor, selling Diag. Main 1800. A-.l. IrtVlNOTON SNAPS. LAST OF IRVINGTON PROPER. 100 LOTS jpT r-liATlliJU. . Solo remaining . toortion of th T)al.: mviNGTON. Close In. Block from ear. Owner's price J850 and up. Easy terms. . 703 I.tvwls rjldg. 14000 Dandy 6 room house, E. Btark, I tyj.; j.VE a few unapa in Roaamena. - - rirepiace, rurnace, nam suriace i0(s which are way diow niaraet, street in end nald for. Part casli. m,,.i cull milrli Also a choice lot on $4625 Fine 6 room house, modern in lfith St., in Irvlngton, for. quick . cash ' every way; must, do sola; only 1 sale. Rowe - 1 natcner v,Ot ..7 ""' " " .'il. 1 ft. corner lot ""'ln' "a" ""r ir:.. frirtnhlv flrlisne(l aI1,J very sightly, WAV'EKLEIGI 1 Hidglits sunn; modwn I Natural tries, yard fountain. 6 room bungalow, price 1:2 1 50 ; 1300 i WATSON- T1IERKELSEM CO down, $28 --month. Inclnrtlnir Interest. 1 306 Spalding bldg'. Main 7592. uwner. ntti r. .-list. sr. uicnmonn car. i MolKRN 0 room hoin,;. curnplctelv fur nished, must KO at a liaitain. t'TtllS by olooa In una! si, I..- muat ho KOl,1 an. owner. s.- n.. inn si., .a nouse irom 1 count of 1 ..-living tha city: $1000 will $1000. Fine home. ell. modern conveniences, Harrison st . Hawthorne nr. KOK SALE By own, -, beautiful bun- tralow: will Pay you to see this before buying elsowhere. Call 1024 li. ( aruthers, 7 ROOM house. 2i bearing trees; on block from car. $11.00; very easy terms, same aa paying rent; 2 lots If desired. - Phone 'Tabor 3128. FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern 7 room furnished: house, with sleeping porch; good location, full lot, 5 cherry trees. owner. 104B k. i;mciin. handle, balance, terms to s,ult; will sell carpets, curtains, etc. Owner, 6S9 E. Ankeny or 1206 Y'eon ,- LA I' R ELI 1 1 7RST HOME, $25 MONTHLY, 7 rooms, recejitlon hall, den, 2 fire places, beam ceillnga and all bujlt-in conveniences; only $2.r,0 cash required. National Realty. & Trust 'Co.. 723 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 5129. $500 cash. $6250 Beautiful big 7 room residence on 24th St.; mitst bo sold; moiT- I'hktn'hkr nf Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. ;. $500--50x100, 1 ti. liln.-ks to car.-tin. -. nnvvl- TTircwR m'' CIlsh- provements In' and paid, cost $640- i ROW L-l HATCHER ftt, years ago; all cash. Frod W. German, . 'i-fi Clmi-nlier of Commerce. III.. t.. ianfl ..., 3 tr TtlirTTTkitiiTE mm 11 rrj J en , .1 324-6 Chamber of. Commerce. $5700- Brand new 7 room 2 story home In Rose Citv Park cnnAv rof.t ta now hftin it inaved : grab IrvliiKton, 2 blocks from car, east front, tM nlQ9 totn B. B0th While tho prltjfj SO loot .street; shades, fixtures and fur- ,- h. nhm enen . nace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, 2 : . 'a-v'.'p " '' m-ttn Jia!HrderAhil bargain und Alberta bu-lnw. oore ron carlltia. . i ! bargain una $1300; another adjoining, SOx easy terms. .io?kv r,,ii .1 DU li Mo.rtnon fio;i spa 1.11 ng 111 ig. , 1 2 lots 80x100 feet each, IS minute Five Room Bungalow Genuine Snap 6 room phistered house. One half base ment, electric lights, cement walks, city water und light, etc. $1000 cash. TnnorSin. OWN a new modern bungalow on 3Sth st. which I will sell for $150 down and balance monthly; low -price: will taku a lot as part pay. Main 6594. FOR SALE 4 room bungalow, pantry SUBURBAN home. Oregon City line. For ann "a.'n' c'c!rlc i'.vA''- .f?J. "' partlcuUrs. phone owner. Oak Grove. ET?yem.e" ' T PaK1 for' 14rt.: 'on cash- Red 34 I. oil ai iu per monm at per cent FOR SAL15-7- room house on Alhlna pi one Main 559s" ' ave.: clear of incumbrance: $3000. part : : : ; ' n down. Main84or i . . HiPiimnrit HnilSft ROOM house wfth 125x100. 19 b4g'l Ftn8 T room house 100xl00 lofnear or. TATLOR TolMr. and Krs. Gharle-s Taylor, Et. Avlaoant a Hospital., April fruit trees; sheds: $200. ternss. .iv.' Husby. Fairfield hotel. Peninsular -Pta; TWO story flat of 6 rooms each,-' orj east ..aide; Sunnyslde car close by: some -e change, 8S Hoard of Trade, 3 M9IjfiS8 room bungalows, at In Overlook, FiropUi Mtlt-ln book- iron. WS"J Tie. -? owr'W.'i&Fway feVban bldg. IMVE A KPT.F.NDID LOT STANTON ST:, NEAR SSTIT ST. THAT I WILL SELL RIGHT. TERMS EASY; NO AGENTS- t tfiWffWSWIfi: TR t A'GULARj' JjOT FIHLAND UU. Close to,-car,' $10 JlowatS tOiiM!y. tric'ty. New and modern Completely See- owner. 306 Baw furnished: 1 1000. Tenns Jiooo -down Und J'ii1 per month. PACIFIC Ti l DE -Tltl ST CO., Dept. No. 10. 7 Chamber of Cnrr.mercp. ground floor. AN EXTRAORDINARY HOTTSE, -a .3 r - l,-.t.i 4)A 1 era nnrl hearing fruit trees; the kitchen no shacks and ft 'SJip. Frrt WvUr in smooth finish with 5 coats enamel; man 3?9 BnrnHfly. or;-a'"V doors. If you have l OOjl i.aafeyou f f ,otJ will -1 foT$90. will get a bargain. Price $3001). 'phona v JourtuiK ' ' . Sel!wiKd 134 after S p. m. ! h' Journts , . . : r we hava several rice lota in, Irving- Flaherty sacrifice. Very easy terms ft Connolly. 622 Teon bldg. BY OWNER 6 room bungalow In Rose City Park, $4000, terms.- Phone Tabor 4.,,,. ... FOR SALE A rrew 6 roam house, cor- cer of 27th and gumner. SEE FRANK L McgTirf. TO IN3L RH AGAINST '"IK' 1 at. lOSt 616 ABINGXON IJI.LG. A-115-3 god car service: rent $25 per month. Nfc.ll.AM I'AKMULi, 6'.i srauiing uiag. $25. Cashr $20 Month California bungalow, rearing comple tion, will paint outside, finish Inside to suit purchaser. All jnodern conven iences. Owfter. P-1H. Jotii-nsW. $150 ami $1$, a month buys a brand new ... bjingaloiSi, a,U street, work down and pjld fof.. 26s Raih-ny Ur. : bldg'; ' Sllroo cash buys fi room njodetj borne, 1131 E. jjith N Win. 2714. .C-2405. Ll'TEN- 4 room bouse, lot 60x100. only $7t,v, tercia, get busy. ' Tabor $064, W'E havo several ton. ClOAn V..";,vr . -ptrimirCTJnrjr ' 'Cf.. $251 CASH-$15 A5 MONTH. E25lgiBJC Httr?Fr"LU fine location, 2 blocks from carllne ajid -trull 60xlv0-ft, Jot. S bloek from paved atreetv " Call 32? WATfWVf ft IlEIiWaLi-N -tii-j .. Worcester bldg. Phone -Main S479. Spalding ht1g. ' MBl-7yJ7j SNAP 4 room house, full basement, 60x100 lot, 1 block;." car. arid hard a ir, floe raWtlOrv nf tveaj-lni- frtilt -. 1 1 1ml I . atreet. Ha WtflHrne OlStrini, w ' . . . . . r . i . . ... v. l.rr-r i at. fall con veiilencea;vi300(J. pcy tnn tai! hSSfiw' '(1iwljf , WVj .-.. Main w ;. .- -1 i- ii-.s: , ""1. ,,;"""i.,,:h' , r n ' 81500-FOR 10 room' bungalow, auitan' LmtHngM f Jl fr boaullng, O, U. Da lab a, Elk 1 ONE FOCB.H acr cat J-"' " pily; Or, t : 1 , your Uua aVaia ,s : " '- ' i '.' - ' i1 - - -r- -'----'. N- -' - .- c - -: :--; '..-.i. - . - .- v - . ; -L ' - if ti - f - . ' eV"