THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TOUTLAUD. TllUHSDAV UVENINQ. MAY &. 1312. . j. - j . nnnr BUBS ill liiUUOUH WEST. SAYING.HE FORCEDSHUTDOVN Governor Reolies That Bond Must Da Satisfactory and Finances Submitted Before I He and Morson Aorce, imbis. win' it - ; --,,, , KfcUKh AT LEASr lfca I ftfde ; i . : . f j -.. " tW J-a-l j SaWau, Ma rnl Vw.t4 br ' drt UimJ i.a iteUU ! 't'"i. hi.b t . j a lane lareir ' leJ " alf Oelrrloa ta taiJ .. t tfeiiaea of kit !.. nuuniMrry iLe -rt.j. ! TuftJir 1 . llwM Ue alfil UI ' ... afelUj.e IM U . three iMkt anrr nei ( ttbr tkeih Will b UiM. unlit roitrny ar urM ft MM f r fr trf iir at t "r mi I !.. will, h fHrnuli utiug )4 fci t-r ! re-Wai ! bmI kill i-.f iii. of te rempenr f ( ateaUele4 t Ik rirtl I - ajeata, , The tnetlattofi waaMitetllutea a Infutmallon furaLoed If toverior Vet. mho baa been lrlnc t fore the aenipaay I furaiah Informalioa aa eon. aider eaaeallal to'lh .relrrllon ( rlfbU of Miliar. Tale lufortaa lioa ea m i ilia eerreiery f tee Interior January I. Mil. but we eot In. Ja euMl. it a (11 today, t twra trla ta - rrrT"ra -with - JecAitte luuvd fmir 1b r rryl o I h praarl la aurraaa." aa!4 Oararaof XVaai. l Mr. Moraon ha laaa thlnr a la hla feaoda and la Irylnj la rua I ban. 1 tuaiat thai ha a hall earn- I IT ltJi lha 4cari laad board a raqulra naata for tba pratartloa of aaltlara. fend If fea wania to atop work tha ra- pt.nalbUitjr raala on ttla iti aboul-aiC" It la idla eompuBf that haa baaa da- Trlnf tna bAard bf aaulaj; liana or op liana mn land brforo tha aana waa ra t la) mad. In allcfad violation of tba eon- trai 4 aalna which an UjJyncUonJ ' "aull,"to atc-p aurh aalaa. will ba Mad ay lha atioroay caoaraJ In tha circuit oourt for aiullaoroaii county tomorrow. ila hla 1 attar to tha aaoraUry of tha Blarior. Ooamor Waat aaaarta that araoaa Of tha faulty contract batwaen compaay and etat tha aalllara ara at the tnarcy of tha eompaajr; that Lhara la hardly a pcrarch of a pan on flia -ttb tha daaert land board to a how any tMuf of tha flnajtr LaJ condition and af fair of tha company: that Moraon ra fuaaa to flla auch atataroanla, unlaaa lha board promlaaa to kep tba Id forma tion aarrat; that tha company ha a aold about fTOI.OtO worth of thaaa Unda , through tha aala af option. In violation f tha law and of -tha rulaa of tha fcoard. and ha eollactod abogt 11(0.000 ar a-Ul la t,rt? iKa ajwk A ,it t a rUi y Hk lain af la Uilt J.ia I- nttia m Ik. U4 wji, ta aalia. CMaapaaya Affair nw rli. I I ail 111 UU .a.jr Id k - f' J-4 la Mil aHli la lk-.ua4a fcf 4t. , f ! ua'aaa ' IIMa( al laaal U III Ilk (! I r.rl. rtlMl D,nftfJ.J .u ii it I!.. :l ..fc-itio 4 r-r. ' r - alM !).'., uaUc a trw I luuii ..( ' af IH prrt If N affatia af Iba liiar k aa n)4urla4 u It. , I ' a ak II akaHi4 lfua anaw lla t and la ! Tfra affaJra f ll rantO) UrtluHi: f a p II 'J lla Wwaa "ull kfiOHld tr al la ll.a fHfblk' MB I S SHUTDOWN IS A HARD BLOW TO 33,000 ACRE CAREYACT PROJECT B4aM ta tka iMaJ.I Ijk Una or. Va - lrvaljnt 3 V. llo'MH i f lia K kulti lnd rtmtir. hlcli oana lha lary - tr-J I -f II rj a. ra haar ti fin a a Ur-1 tha lullnajlhC laltar la IL daaarl Ui.4 !' 4 at Halam: -That General Con fertnee Has Decided to Ois place Cranston, Warren, Moore, Smith and Neefy. 4ii rli. aiay rtoaa ralUkla ttit MKrrt tal aunrraa It waa laaraad lodar thai lha M4rill l frar Of lb Matbadtal plaratl rliun h bar baa 4aMa4 l rallr litaa in-m Oaaato. Warraa, Maoi, fmlth aivj Kly. a ad 1 etla allhaf 1 ar II tlaltOM. Matt4iai Eklatal r14nra rb- ably IU b aala4Uba4 at llalaaa. Loa AtlH, llllabxia. Kanaaa CTty and ClavUn4 I Tha iral aafraury af tha Cpwonh ilraiua aa! lha adliorahlp of tha rr- i orlh Marald will ba rbln4. Ir. K. laad Htvard. ha lain. Or. fVar hi fa A a r4Mll cf Iba Ullar of lha ll.nxrbl. (iarat4 WrL avroor of tt.a atata of Uraatoo, wrtHaa to tba benorab'.a tary of lha Interior an Ida liih day of January: 113, lha raarhula I -and pom. pany and tha Canal Conati urtlun rm pajiy raaa oparattona Ihla rTanliif. May 1, 111. at o'clock p in, on all ataain machlnary on Ita vorka. l ha gradlnc eutflt will Cee pfaradona llaln lb bait two or thra waaka. cr aa oota aa ar ' ranUta fftcTrtry---a4aaio4 prmlt water Is b I u road Into lha canal of Kidney H Hlrama, a part of whoa canal Ihla rempanf, canal Una ab aorbod. No fun her work will ba dona aa tha work a until the Deorhutaa I -and company a la poeevealon of the rlfht o( way for the conaiructlon of tha reeer voir al Creecent lake, annate In town ahlp St. ransa I aaat. Wlllarnatta meri dian. Tour vary truly. TUB liEJJCHCTEa UAKD COM PA NT. -J. E. WORHON. Frealdanf draratloo work waa proajraaaloe; rap- Idly on the oanal eyatera thle aprlnc and artouaTti djichaa apdJatcpUa would Jmi bean cornpUtad byiJnly 1 to Irritate 11.00a acre) on tha eat aide of Ih project, lha neareat land to the baaa f operation. Alfrad A. Ay a. aeeretary treaaurr af the Deachutea Land company, haa been nfaTed for tha paat month In atAt llahlnaT branch agenda for tha com pany In tha central atata. lla haa been called In and , la expected to reach La Pine tha latter part of neit week. I -a fine. r. May t. lilt leeert A .ndell of the -Ufel Mound eeafer. an.e la euerai aecrelary af lha Up worth Uacu. Tha onaferaara ananlnvowaly adapted a reetolutloa comenendlaf Preakleat Tafia effort la bebalf af unlreraal pa THREE STATE JUDGES WILL BE CALLED HERE Thra atata judca ar t b called la Multnomah county Jon t to aeatat tha local circuit oourt la cleartof tha eoa aaied docket. Tbla action waa taken up and preaaatad today t tba supreme court from which an order la aaked al lowing tba judcea to alt la lala county, At tha preeeot time, tha docket la four month behind. There ar fully 109 caae ready to ba aat for trial. ault filed today a tan da a poor chanca of being heard before ntat falL L yera clamoring to hare their r act for trial and triad, while client are making tha earn complaint. From thA record of tha- rxnrtiry c!rk. now ault ar being filed at Ih rata of II a day. Tha court ar dlapong of aa average of fire a day. thla aJao Includaa tboae that ar aattled and dropped. Tha outalda Judgea who have agreed to come to Multnomah county ara W. U Bradahaw of The Dalle. Ollbert W. Phelp of rndlton. and Oaorg M. CaJklna. . 5i'l;r- Petticoats ISOO Tilure now 92.80 QlrW Taffeta tnd Mciialiact, all ibtdrt. The Nntionara Sale! Cloaks, Suits Dresses Oar Estirt line Sptcidlr Priced 1 To Milto Rey Lite Summer NOW ARRIVING . $40.00 Suit eUvTClaalu... ..$19.45 $30.00 Smt aMks, Dr-uei, $14.95 $18 to $25 Suit, OotJt, DmMiv $9.95 Thr f fcnulne htrg tint, nf grt pWr4 to mo and mo aaickly. No f fmnl In tat n lir aiock mora than UMi. 2d Floor, Swellahd BIdg. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. ENTRANCE 'ON FIFTH NEXT TO POSTAL SHOP. National Sample Suit & Gloak Co. We talce time to Build The(?SurP:Right There'i i itile ialnBt rtphing vrotk In the PaJss phnt It b nixrd, csL!iJisd rule, and every Paigt workman knows it Furthermore, every Paige workman obey it He wouldn't take the risk of breaking it The Paie factory rule menu a whale lot to you if you are buying an automobile, Wc will build only 5000 Paire cars this year. We could turn out three times that number if we were willing to rush fMf Ewe were willing to build haphazardly, : - We take the time to build Paige cars right And it Is largely this policy of taking time that Is responsible for making the Paige what it is today the standard of value In the $1000 price field. raige cars built far long and satisfactory ser vicecome may lareerrice, fully equipped ITcld for Mixed Marriage. Toronto, May I. Beeauae ha married a white girl to a Chinaman. Rev. J. D. Morrow ha boon aumnaoned on a tech nical charge of performing th ceremony during prohibited hour. S7 i Ninety-Nine Per Cent of tb women who have attended The Florence's Firtt 'Great Manufacturer's Sale, of Sample S: $205 in Cash Prizes for Wage - Earners i - Tnll Details In Snnday's Papers a i Ti iiTj TirnliTiailaalCaa taity tawlaaaa.eV7 Kcaltr EAMSMAt tdadai toe, wtadaMeM, 5 btack , fam oejtflt. Qaick IwwnteT, aWrm, Jack, taola, tlra repair weniUHRIM ! moi.m tamrbaa? cav aawoaia.uicraaina; uxw area, lo. oaf acmlpa SI3.50. (Sclf-wtartcr ad rrcat-O- t Lit. om KoaaUtar SI3.50. (Seif-atartrr ad trtm tau utaiid for aas II oaairedU. Six m tppy. Kytlaa bodka -land S-pmmmget tecrtey an, roadateni and rexbjoU-prlca 1373 tad tiaXL Tba beautiful LaMtxqulM COP' tlSOa All built Ut) m faif diaaxU aad with tba om PJa ttnU yUDl Come in and .see ttlu buycrty car STODDARD -DAYTON AUTO COMPANY Phont. Main 1815, A-1917 ' 6W WASHINGTON ST. rAiCaVwrmorr kotok cam comtajct. Dmtorr. ki car can Cloaks, Suits Purchased and were satisfied. There must be a reason. We Actually Save Them V2 HAKE VI FmOYS TT Our New York buyer bought these gar ments at a discount of 33V3 Per Centfor Spot Cash Every cloak, suit and dress among the as sortment is positively a product of the fore mpst ready-to-wear manufacturers of Amer ica. The opening day of this sale brought such patronage we wired our New York representative to send us by express imme diately as many more garments as he could secure at the same figures. They have ar rived. 1 65 of the Choicest Garments Positively the last we can secure. The sale has reopened with a renewed interest. judging from the enthusiasm shown the Sbjpast few days. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME AT ONCE. Just a Regular $18 Regular $20 Regular $25 Regular $30 Regular $35 Regular $40 Brief Outline of Our SUIT, COAT or DRESS SUIT, COAT or DRESS SUIT, COAT or DRESS SUIT, COAT or DRESS SUIT, COAT or DRESS SUIT, COAT or DRESS Prices: now $ 9.00 now $10.00 now $12.50 now $15.00 now $17.50 now $20.00 WHIP 1L1 Expires S.(D)0)im aumdl We Me pose A TM Stoek all (Dnnee $10 Summer Dresses $3.95 $12 Values for $6.95 Elegant Summer Dresses will be closed out regardless of cost. Lingerie Summer Dresses, with allover embroideries, some trimmed with lace, while others are plain. A regular j Qf $10 White Dress now priced at aJ.aD Fancy Lingerie Dresses in blue, pink and white; reg- A AC ular $12 values for only. '. jDa af D Blue Serge Dresses to Close Out at . . . . Ladies' Spring Suits Sacrificed We have' divided our entire stock of ladies' 1912 Spring Suit into four lots, and every suit is priced at a figure that will insure its immediate selling because the ongmal cost is no longer Petticoats ISO brand new ones; Messa lines. Taffeta Silks, all shades. Special, $1.95 Sample Coat and Suit House Waahinartan St. Horthweat Bid?. Eleva-" tor to 2d Fir. Aicado. These are positively the best bargains offered in the city today. Fine blue serge and panamas, all sizes. Some have fancy collars and cuffs, others are trimmed in lace. Great snaps at Q our close-out sale price )DeOD considered. We must convert this stock ino cash before our lease expires, remain to us in this old stand. i Ladles' Tailored Suits ..... . . LOT NO. 1 This lot consists of every last season's suit yet remaining In the house. A handy person with the needle can soon make the slight changes necessary to bring them up to date. All are going n Of" now at .-. .j JJ Oa UU Ladies' $25.00 Tailored Suits LOT NO. 3 These are 1912 Spring styles -$25 values in light gray, tan and mixtures; also blue serges, in all shades; all sizes in p Aft this lot. Now closing out at w 1 da UU $30.00 fb $35.00 Ladies' Suits . . LOT NO. 3-Two and three button 1912 Spring Tailored Suits. This lot includes a few tan and gray and numerous blues in the new shades. All sizes; values ranging from $30 to $35. To close them out we price them at. A few days yet $21.45 $40.00 to 850.00 Values ; ... 7 x ny, A x iwsc cue uis vtijf wiuibtai uuiu w uc iuuuv an uic ciiuic stock and include the verv finest man-tailored Sorinc 1912 Suits: all leading colors, in all sizes; no trouble to fit Values from EA $40 to $50 going at.. i)ZljU Store Open Evenings iUntil 8:30 Saturday Until 10:30 o'CIock. Jms5 IMiti 5 1? :7.001iek Siit fop A My's $2 and S2.50 Values We are closing out 500 White , Waists, in all sizes and a multitude of different styles. Waists bought to sell for $2.50 and more. Styles are too nunerpusNto men tion. See Yamhill street window display of ; these great values. ; 7 XVaJMIEST AVXt JTEWtST KODEBJT COAST OH THE PACIFIC : BAXUjraa s a x. may ia. 17. aa. atr airiTiiV r.'Vi1"0' ' San Francisco . . . . ; . 1st class $1X), $12, $15; 2d class $f Los Angeles. . ; 1st class $21.50, $23.50, $26.50: 2d $11.35 Tba Baa rraaolaoo ft Portland frUamahip Co. i , , ' PACIFIC MAXI. BTEAJC8XTP OOatPAWY 6a Mancharla,' 63.,, Mongolia. S8. Korea. S3. Siberia, for Honolulu. Japan.1 .. China. Manila and-Around the Worla Tours. " FAJfAMA XVOrS BB TJOB CAJTAI. LOW rZCVmSXOaT &ATZS S3. City of Para May , B3. Kanaaa city May 15. ti3. PennaylvanU May 2S, fnr Panirni fiouth America., and New Tort Bteamere from Ban Franehsc for tTtf,C-nrl Amelia and ar Yorfc aL Utb ard 23rt of eerh montli. X1CXST OJTIC1 S XXZ&9 fTMII.. r , .PXOaTXS MAS Saoft.. A.149S Of course these are r last sea son's styles in two-piece suits of white duck and pique but then; they are good wearing suits just, the same, and a wom an handy with the needle could easily make them over. r -1 - T - gj First to w onYamhlll VvaJsts 98c m av r nifJT .H . r-s ,a, a r-m. ' 'aa. I Values from r 02 to 02.50 3tl A ...TV .... : i f-.- ) 7 V