The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Sunday 17 Be'MothhrsDaf'Ve Hhvc Appropriate Cards, Hollos and Vall Hangers to Send to Mother See Them In Stationery Dcpurlmcnl
Take Lunch In Our Tea Room, Fourth FloorBest Service In the CllyManlcurlng and Halrdresslng Parlors and Hair Goods Store, Second Floor
rV.,f ,k T....f, Tht Hittdlnt iod Bnt
Oroe Go-BasVefs &2Uswi"
0Ws; Wmtman & K'mg
fnhhn Ctnlt't of l&e Korthwrtst-Occopjlag tttlrt Cltr Block ,
maruruue i rutin ruiistoiUeatih floor
i Can of "Jao-a-lac" Free
Wf l Will W-IUU V Ikk VI ItHIII
W dittMM all ktn4 o Soli Drtaki mr b ! " Ire CrilM
I'arloi r)tfcif el purtti umuU, 4r iUfr CMliioa.
I Tie fin I 2QO (romti ka rail at sur eaiat iiMitatii. tan 4 Coo..
tonorrow, will rttrv can el Jp Uc r, Cbo your cotort.
Forceful- Bargains Cmwd-Bringers for FridavE
n r.i i
nng p rinff 'w crowd-bringer sale of
Wpm SI! S WaiS iSiHouse Dresses Only $2.95
Values $7.50 to $18m
In the Gsrment Store, second floora a!e .f Women's House Dresses, something
new, just received. Attractive m-xle!, made up of good quality ginghams
and checks. IkvxJ quality ilu-ittrav m uvenler. blue. dark
See Window Displays on
No Phone
Will Be Filled
For '$2.69 ss
Tho most forceful bargain fa Women' Waists w Lire ercr offered to
our customer. An opportunity which came to our buyer on hU recent
trip to market a manufacturer's stock of 500 Waists bought at leas than
the cost of material alone, to say nothinf of the malting. Rich taffetas,
measaline silks, crepe de chine, dainty chiffon, black auk nets, etc. Made
up in fancy models in the most pleasing efforts. Trimmed with lace
yokes, hand embroidery, beading, pipings, etc. All in keeping witn we
r r t I i ! ,
j r . i
popular trend or tasmon; also plain uuiorea warns ana some or wo
popular "Tie-on" Waists and peplum styles and a few accordion plaited
waists. Not all sizes of each land, but all' sizes in the lot 'On account
In the Millinery Store, second, floor, we will offer for tomorrow a line of splen
did hats, wheh our Mr. Edwards bought while in the market last week at less
than half the regular prices. 300 opening display hats representing everything
that is stylish in the flower trimmed Dress Hats, Semi-Dress Hats and Tailored
Hats. The foundations are milan, hemp, tagal, azure and leghorns, trimmed in
flowers, wings, quills, ribbons, silks, velvets, laces and fancies in black, wmte ana
up lO SpT Q
. . - . . . . II.l.
all .he seasons Dest colors ana comDinauons. ims
are placed on sale for tomorrow at the especially
of the extremely lowprice none will be sent out on a pp royal and none
will be exchanged. They will not last long enough to fill mail orders
so none will be taken. This great bargain merits your visit 0
High class waists, $7.50 to $18.00 values for .U7
A Few Seasonable
New Tub Silks. Sl.OO nd (1.25
New Tub Crept, yard it f 1.25
White Jap Silk, in jrreit drmand.
priced at 50, T8, gl, f 1.25 up
Imported Pongee, in the natural,
for auiti, dresses, gowni, under
wear, coat, men' shirt, etc.,
l.OO, 91.25, 91.50 and up
Cream Woolen, in all the popu
lar weave, whipcord, diagonal,
herringbone, serges, broadcloth.
fl.OO up to f3. 50 a yard
to the store.
Women's $20.00 Hats Special at $7.95
Opening Display of Hals Bought at Gteal Sacrifice
y an
i'hite Pijue l)rec, with waist -f ajl.jver embroidery, styled with LhMch
I sailor collar and trimmed with bandi of crumbray or of same material
lace insertion and allover enujroldery : oen from and back; sues In
years to 42 buat. Very special for these attrjctive House Dresses
$6.50 Grade $5.98
- Garment Dept. Second Floor.
A sale of women's Sweater Coats, plain or
fancy weaves, with the ruff neck, V neck or
with roll collars, hip or three-quarter lengths.
Colors are gray, red, green, brown and white.
Sizes 34 to 44. Now that the outing season
is opening up you will need one of these for
motoring, rowing, goiting or
traveling. Good values to $5.50
Center Circle Sale
Waists Special at $1A9
or foro no I Sir ni to 44
All Mam Ailirt Lrld'to-TtuS yjX. -
On the first floor. A splendid lot of women s
lingerie, marquisette and net Waists, styled with
high and Dutch neik, with short sleeves. Many
with the new peplum effect, ihev are trimmed
with Valenciennes and thread laces and embroid
ery. All are new. attractive iyle.
On Center Circle, at
Anti-Tip Sulkies for the
Baby-$2 Grades $1.69
Wheel Goods Dept., 4th Floor
A sale of Anti-Tip Sulkies which are constructed on
strong, substantial lines. Handles are selected stock
and made shorter than usual, roomy seats with high
side rails and with arm rest, adjustable back, well fin
ished in every way. Comfortable for baby, Q
handy for mother. Our regular $2.00 value J?AUi
$6.50 Go-Cart $3.98 '
A splendid Folding Go-Cart, made with good steel
frame, 10-inch wheels, f-inch tirea, easy running and
very light weight and easy to fold. A well QO QO
finished go-cart; worth $6.50, special at only DJ70
JI.25 Croauet Set 98c
In the Sporting Goods Store, Fourth Floor.
A sale of four-ball Croquet Sets, made of nardwood,
nicely finished; mallets are good and strong, with
medium length handles; arches of strong, heavy QQ
wire, well packed in strong box; reg. $1.25 value
$7.50 Couch Hammock $5.95
On the 4th floor, southwest, a sale of the popular Pal-
mer s (jouclt mmmoexs. maae or neavy icnaici uuck,
with reinforced ends. The frame. is made of hardwood,
is 28 inches wide and 72 inches long. . Well constructed.
very strong; can be used on the porch or lawn or as
a sleeping couch. A, very comfortable Couch jJf QfT
Hammock, soecial for this sale tomorrow at pOUtJ
$2.25 Suitcase $1.79
In the Trunk and Bag Department. 4th floor, a sale of
24-inch Matting Suitcases, with steel frames and leath
er corners, leather handles, brass lock and G?l TQ
rtthn. verr lia-ht weiirht. Rear. $2.25 values will
$4.50 Suitcase $5.98
Extra well made Reed. Suitcases, with steel frame and
straps all around and leather corners, leather handles
and brals lock and catches, cloth lining, with CO QQ
pockets. A good $4.50 value, on sale for iOOmyO
Also other specials in Reed Suitcases. Call tomorrow.
I.: J
17 Pounds Sugar $1.00
Genuine can stock-on sale for the day only.
Butter, 2 Pounds 55c
Glenwood Brand the bet of Oregon products.
English Bacon, Pound 18c
Best family Bacon Eastern sugar cured guaranteed.
Lucca Oil 73c Bottle
Crosse 81 Blacjcwell's Lucca Oil in bottles on sale.
25c Tillamook Cheese, Pound 20c
Large Queen Olives, Quart 35c
jk ,c :e.
Women's Tailored
Suits v
$38.50 Grades $19.98
Sizes 13 Years Up to W Bust Measure
Garment Dept Second Floor.
An extensive assortment of Women's Suits, comprising all
the popular materials such as cheviots, striped norelties,
mannish suitings, mixtures, black and white checks,tc,
and etamines, nicely trimmed with lace collars, ratine dol
lars and long revers, trimmed with military braids and a
lot of Norfolk styles. Skirts have the high waist, also tunic
effects ; back panels or front and back panels, with side
plaits; some three-piece skirts in the collection. Sizes for
big women, little women and misses. Junior sires, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 19 years arid np to 44 bust measure. q q
Suits worth to $38.50 specialized for this sale 0 1 770
A Great Sale of Children's Dresses
Middy Dresses for $2.29
Great Sale Men's Underwear
$i Union Suits 69c
In the men's store, main floor,, a salt
of good grade Athletic Union Suits,
made of good quality checked nain
sook, without sleeves and knee length,
finished with ocean pearl but- CQ
tons, all sizes; $1 grades, spl. UL
Men's Union Suits in the Summer
weight, invisible rib, 'white and eens.
long or short sleeves, ankle or knet
length, finished with ocean pearl but
tons, all sizes in the lot. Ottr QfT
best $1 25 values, special at aJl
50c "Porosknlt" Underwear 40c
"Porosknit" Union Suits 85c
The most popular Underwear 1n the
world for men is the "Porosknit"
Shirts; have long or short sleeves.
Drawers ankle or knee length, A(g
white or ecru; 50c garments forlvl
A sale of the famous "Porosknit"
Union Suits for men, long or short
sleeves, ankle or knee length, white or
ecru, and our best values at $1 QCTp
a auit. Specialized at only Otli
B. V. D. 50c Underwear 40c
fl B. V. D. Union Suits 85c
The popular B. V. D. Underwear, known by all men
who atand for quality. Shirts are cut in the coat style.
Drawers are knee length the 50c grades go QCs
for 40c, and the regular $1 Union Suits go tor OtJC
"Cooper's" $1 Underwear 87c
"Cooper's" Shirts ad Drawers in the Summer weight,
invisible rib, in the salmon pink, blue and ecru QH n
ahades. Cooper tag on each garment; $1 grades O I C
Crowd'Bringers to Shoe Department
Women's $3.50 Shoes at $2.69
$1.50 Underwear at $1.29
In the Underwear aisle, main floor, a sale of "Airtex"
Shirts and Drawers, the white openwork mesh, made
in England. Shirts have no sleeves, drawers are knee
length, finished with 4-buttons, self band. (M OQ
Sizes up to 46. Our best reg. $1.50 values )LU
50c Athletic Underwear 38c
Men's "Nainsook Athletic" Shirts and Drawers, made
of good quality checked nainsook.. Sleeveless shirts,
knee length. Drawers, all sizes. Our regular
50c values, special for this sale tomorrow
In the Shoe Store, main floor, a sale
of the season's most popular Shoes,
White Canvas Boots, made of select
stock. Sea Island duck, in the full toe
last, medium walking sole. Our reg
ular $3.00 Shoes. Special- (PI QO
Ized for this sale at, pair DX0
Women's Walking Shoes in the but
ton or blucher styles, in calf, gun
metal, veloar, patent kid and patent
colt. Regular stock shoes In all sizes
and widths, on the latest style lasts.
Our regular $3-50 values, JO Q
priced for this sale at, pair tDU
$20.00 Imported Riding Boots at $10.00
Tomorrow offers another opportunity to secure a pair of those high-grade Imported
gush Riding Boots, tor men or women, lhe materials are imported tan Russia
made by exclusive manufacturers of Riding Boots in Northampton; England; $20
$10 yw
$1.85 Dresses Only $1.39
In the Children's Store, 2d floor, a sale of chil
dren's dresses of good grade white lawns, reps,
challie, ginghams, imported linens and cham
brays, in sizes 6 to 14 years, special as follows:
$1.85 Dresses at f 1.39
$2.65 Dresses at f 1.98
$4.25 Dresses at fS.19
$5.00 Dresses at f 3.75
50 Dresses S9.38
00 Dresses 8 15.00
Crowd'Bringers to the Big Hosiery Department
Women's Silk Hose Special h7c
No other store in Portland will attempt to care for your hosiery needs as we
do.--Our stock is so varied and extensive that every taste may be satisfied. Here's.
a line of women's pure thread Silk Hose, full fashioned, with lisle thread tops
and soles, wijth high spliced heels; cOme in white, black and tan ; all sizes. Mt
On sale in' the Hosiery Department, first floor, at special price of, the pair, C
Thread Silk Black Hose 89c
Women's black thread Silk Hose, full fashioned,
with lisle thread carter tops, tipped with laven
der; blue or gold silk band, lisle thread
soles, high spliced heels; special price, pair
Men's Thread Silk Hose
Three Pairs $1.00
it's a sale of Silk Hose which every
shrewd man and woman should patronize.
A line of men's pure silk Hose, seam
less, reinforced heels and toes, a f A A
All sizes, three pairs,, for only vliVv
Middy Dresses of white galatea, trimmed m dark
blue, also blue and brown diagonal galateas,
trim'd in contrasting colors; ages 6 to 14, f2.29
$11.50 Coats for $8A8
Children's Spring Coats, plain and mix- 0 AO
tures. Sizes 6 to 14, $11.50 grades, at 0.O
Out-Slze Silk Hose for 68c
Women's outsize pure thread Silk Hose,- full fash
ioned, with lisle thread garter tops and soles, full
lengtn and wtdtn. niffh spliced heels; in
white, black or tan; special, the pair, only
Meifs Thread Silk Hose
Special at 43c
Men's fine quality full fashioned thread
silk Hose with lisle thread soles and high
spliced heels; the colors are black, tan,
navy, gray and wine, "also -two- AO
toned and striped. Special, pair HOC
Men's Accordion Knit Silk
Hose Only 29c ,
Men's accordion knit Silk Hose in com
bination colors, black and gold, black
and purple, black and green, navy and
white, navy and goldt-offered spe
cial for this sale, at pair for only.
Great Sale of Dinner Sets
lOO-P'ce $11.50 Sets $9.20-1 00-P'ce $26.2$ Sets $21
English and American Semt-Procelaln
Crockery Department, Third Floor
Old English conventional design.' in
several colors, gold trimmed, at prices?'
iU piece set, si 1.25 value, at 9 .uo
60 piece set, $14.40 value, at $11.50
100 piece set. $22.40 value, at ajlT.90
Old German onion pattern, in blue,
specialized for this sale at low prices:
50 piece set, $ 8.90 value, at 8 T.IO
60 piece set, $11.55 value, at 8 9.25
Beautiful spray decorations, with gold
trimming, special at these low prices:
50 piece set, $ 5.50 value, only 4)4.40
60 piece set, $ 7.40 value, only 5.92
100 piece set. $11.50 value, only f 9.20
Old English, encrusted gold border
with dainty gold hairline, as follows:
50 piece set, $12.75 value, at 8 10.20
60 piece set, $17.35 value, at f 13.85
100 piece set, $26.25 value, at f 2 l.OO
Conventional design in red and black
decorations. Special these low prices:
50 piece set, $ 8.40 value, at 8 6.TO
60 piece set, $11.20 value, at f 8.95
100 piece set. $17.40 value, at 13.90
These goods are sold in sets or separate pieces and are regular open stock pat.
terns. Many other Dinner Sets not advertised m this sale. See them on 3d floor.
$15.00 Lace Curtains, Special at $9.95
$22.50 Lace Curtains at $11.65
Beautiful Lacet Arabian Lace Curtains, exceptionally good hand made lace.
mounted on best quality double thread French net, These curtains are very dur-
piece set, S 8.90 value, at 8
100 piece set, $18.15 value, at $14.50
White and gold decorations with gold
' l. i i, I 1 TL
ooracr, special incse low prices:
50 pu
ece set. $ 7.55 value, fr 5.65
60 piece et, $10.10 value, at 9 7.55
100 piece set, $15.50 value, at f 11.60
able, are 50 ins. wide and 3 yards long. 4 lots, specialised for this sale as
$15.00 values on special sale ? $18.00 va
$20.00 values on special sale $13.35
alues on special sale f 11.95
$22.00 value on special sale
$2 Bobbinet Curtains at $1A5
Robbinet Curtains in all the season's .best patterns of Clunv lace. Battenber I
braid. Marie Antoinette ettects. wrute ana ecru: zuu zu yds. lone, u follow:
$2.00 Curtains at 91.45 '$2.75 Curtains i 91.95 n $3.50 Curtains at 2.65
$175 Curtains at 91.25 $3.25 Curtains at $2.45 J $4.50 Curtains at $3.35
Women's Regular $7.50 (
- M WW m m f Al
to 3iv nais ai
,3n the basement "Underprice Store," a lot of hats
which our Mr' Edwards, just home from market,
picked up St less than half the wholesale prices. All
ire new, stylish creations, hardjy two alike.-' They
re opening1" display Hats and house samples.' , The
foundations are of the popular " braids, beautifully
irimined in flowers, ribbons, etc. - All seasonable
i r , laste; good $7.50 to .$10 values are only
Special 59c
On the Basement Bargain Circle, a sale of
500 new "Gitiam Petticoat a
very -advantaretms-pnee especially for the ,
basement store; 'They are splendid styles, made'of Ood
standard irinriiam and chambray. in plain colors and neat
-? - il t rr m
sinpes wun emoroiaerea or runiea nounces. a spien-. CIIt
rr JVtar ajt. mm
H'JUJ'J5c 'Children's, Dresses
Special 59c .
colors and styles to.frease almost every a a ftr 1 Aa rirUrfl of cnln -arrfi f.rtrffi nnttr .
$5 and $6
In the basement "underprice store," a sale
of Untrimmed Dress Hat Shapes, which
our buyer picked up at about one-fourth
the regular prices. All are good, season
able, styles in popular braids, such as
hemps, azures, chip, milan s, etc., in black,
white, burnt and color; small, medium
and large 'shapes, which with a little trim
ming-may be transformed into beautiful
On the Bargain Circle, 1st; floor, between
the elevators, a sale of Tub Dresses for
little tots. "They are madt of plain cham
bray, trimmed with checked or pUid jnhams and embroid
ery, and braids! also pretty, liffht percale dresses. eded with
colors to. mjilch dots in oresses;, have; low necks and TTflrr