f I - PLEDGE MlfflH alleges mm Oregon Southern N Electric Road Schema Not in Good Faith, It 1$ Oeciartd; Suits ' Filed, and Executions Issued Meat. t M " r"'1'" tteWfe ieHra. !" KmnIm, at tfce ptia tr toolbars MrM ia.iru.4 r' A' '" I lalfl4. i''w t .rn.ii i nr '. tor)r. rpr.Ui 1. N -' iMhtiiM, naee-iat u iw a4 thte rnortJfc rl Value nd iotuix ara it u.ioal. a that the r4 -I'! "'" tv (fee rrwiil rorpinoi. -R.li.vlBa el life! hal Ixr1. r' .t n,.lr uhk-UIX war reliable a4 rltn la f x4 faith.- eal4 Mr Vtaekvkki "Kuutbtun e-eai 1 I eqter their aiplor ael h taoipear. H draw the ertfcrUe at laoarporallaa ao4 thrauia hla Infln ee wlla leal bank .re,- lae Nerfbam True! oeajpaar Pt I"rtlen4. truete, iNk aver a d af trusl la eeoure a II .. dollar bond laeae thravah Men fund war lo be rala4 for I ha ' rtiaatnictlon of the road. Sekama OaUad Battle. ', -nr. Itoaanbauin. eenalderlna that Ifca premolars had net dealt falrljf with aim laier an. started aa tnreall ration af lha melha-da of Derle and t'arren aad tbalr associates, and aoon t-OTK-ludad that Ihalr whole arh.me la bubal Mr. Roeeabaura haa beea un. auereeaful In ("( a eetllament of lila an rlalma aralnat the roirip.nr and ha will make lha result af hla InvaatL rations known la (ha Northern Truit company." . Tfeavak - eaUafaalery eipUaelioej of lb raal atatua af tha Dragon Houlbarn company haa baan nlnce It was Incorporated In Waahinr- ton tomi all tnonlha ao thera 'tad baan no real facta mada public ftikh inffhl place iha company In a bad licit until Roaenbaum mada known hla dif- flculty In act ting a aattlamanl from tl a promotara for legal ear Ire ran rtcrad. Boarnhaum'a claim anmunta to till7.fl. and 1100 haa baan paid on IP voant Qaorta VI. Farrin and W. A. Laat. repraaentlnf tha Oregon at Routh. . trn in Portland, aar that Rosenbaum's r'.alm la unjuat and that It will bt paid rii aart aa Roacnhaum fulfllla hli con tract On tha othar hand, corraapondenca hatwacn lha railroad offlrlala and Ro onbaam. now In tha hand of Tanck wlch,' toca to ahow that .tha company haa racornlaad lha claim and mada promlaaa, by mall and by wtra, ts par tt Tanckwlch aaya that aulta hara baan filed agalnat mrmbtn of tha oompanjr. for tha racovcry of tba Roaanbaum claim, and that execution, havt bean an tared arainat any fund tha company or Ua promoter may hava at tha banka. taiameot Kafsaad. , About tw montha ao Doyle and Farren arrived In Portlaaid from tha north and rra;latred at tha Cornel I un hotel. Tha . Journal, at that time, at . i .. Lm x Hnrhnlnrc Will ftnrh'Wnnr I Ui ilUill UUi,llbiuit aaa awawa a vva Tag If Woman's Plan Is Adopted Here I , 12 t AN AT HIEII PARK Enterprising Citizens to Spend $20,000 In Developing Amusement Resort. Rr hla tat yv aatl ftnaw a bachelor. J if lha plan .r-! J b Ma. Frank Vt a iri t iro.l.r f ('ambrt la. Ma, airlkra puMic fo. aa It t-1 fair In do If a. a r fuitland a i i Ihalre haa If.air war atxul II Mra ! Iwlletee that Karhalara ahuuld ba lae4 with a arliiuo but ton .ora In ll.elr coat laiI. e that their ellflblllty mlht not b la doubt I-aadlna" bacheleca af Chlcaga are al ready aa rvoord aa faearing tha lda. and hava gone a eat? -farther ln nr gaatlng: that legletatloa ba neaaad maa tag It a high ertme) fe a married man ta wear a lrbelera button for fraudu lent parpoaaa. When innee wtia banw think of Port land berbelerg they ju( naturally think of aurh aa W. M Iala. e-8enator Frad W. Mulkey. ' V l Wheelwright. Itod ney (II lean. T. I'ralt and E. II. Wmmi, aa balng lha leaden In the cltye coterie of "ellglblea" "Con firmed." eonie of thrlr friend aay they ar. but way doan In tha Utile left ven tricle of Ihrlr heart there atlll moul der a utile park of the love thing, and. they ronalder themeelte eligible ail rlgl.t. even though aocna of them are too naturally modeat to admit IL 'Barkla Xa WlUiag-" Of alt the t tn tha-wadfttng rtn. ri.nrtli-el aneaklna. that of W. M. obtainable ,rU popularly known aa Tlka" Iavla. ha probably bean there the longeet. Not thai IMhe" la lha nldeat of thrn. for he tlll ha a few dark hair in hi head, hut It baa long been a champion of Domin i right to a, maa, and ha good paturedly admlte. like lUrkti, that ha la willing " "Pike" I ellglhle In a number of way, (lood looking, amia ble he haa much of the good of the world. He ajao know aom law, but that I Immaterial and lrrelcrarU at thla tag of the proceeding. Tertatnly I'm In favor of tagging bachelor." aay "Tlka," "and what'a mora. I'm In favor of making them pay a llcenee for the prlrllcge of living. A Ingle man haa no right to go through tha world by hlmaclf. Ifa hla duty to get unto hlmaelf a wife and family a nature Intended he ahould do. Hnch alorhood la tha crime of tha age, It'a not tny fault I'm not married. No, I dnl kaew Juet what II la. bul lte leap !. and alien the bachelor button 1,1 ,.i t tttt way I'll wear one " W i t;celw:aht. praaident ef lha I'e.lflc Livrt Lumber company, Iltea el lie At .i.U.n clud That lha atory. Mr Vhe:wrlaht due n't car U atprea ho. eel f on lha bat-helor button feature. I.oaeear. Ip fct. at tha mare augga- tlen ef eurh a thing hi demeanor might be taken te Indicate that he would glee fully bd a petition for lha recall af aawewapar reporter. , Way anagt The only rreaon I'm not anairWd la becaue I couldn't gat the girl I wanted." wa Fred W Mutky refrreh Ingly atralghtforwaid comment on the reaeoa for hla bachelorrraud. "I dun'l kaaw how thla laggliag prvpualtlun ould work out." ha aald. "be-auaa I don't know that the wearing of a tag or button would be any true Indication of hla eligibility to enter the wedded tale. I think that the only reaton there ar aurh being aa bachelor I be- cauee there muat be dl Board In life' devk." Mr. Mulkey ta aleo a lawyer. He not very old. either, and getting back to that hat and ring Idea, hi own "I I J" wa ln "iiwana'" oorner almoat aa aoon aa ttr ft ret poMtlcwl - aombroro waa toeaed over the ropea. Aa for worldly gnoda. Mr. Mulkey ha a building down on Mnrrleon atratt named after him. Mr. Mulkey alio Uvea at the Arlington club, and goea for hi mall regularly. Rodney (illaan la a bachelor, too, o ha hasn't developed tha homing nature to uch an extent that one can alwaya find him at a regular number, eo hi vleaa on tha matter muat be omitted at thla time. C T. Prall 1 ao buay on the good road petition theao day that be doean't hava much time to think of mora entlmental thing. E. IL Wemme, a moat aoclahle member of the colony, In also on tha go ao much looking after the construction of hla new building and thing that It would take a female Johnny Hayea to land him. Of courae there are core. and aoorei of other willing eligible, too, ao that when Mra. Page'a bachelor button roach Portland there.' going to ha a great demand for them. ea4el le Tae Ja-raat I Orande, r. May Twenty thaa( and dollar will be apaat In 1 Uraa Curing Ua net few week la lb a lirurilon of a eomblnatloa fair grouada. th.eilc park 4 race track Tha cam binatlon la la be under tba management of the I'nlqn t'-iunty Fair aaauelattoff. Tha pecaent baaahall grouada have ba leased and adlaoenMend added, ao that there will ba ample f. Illllea Tha blda fur conalrut lloet have bawa adverllaad fur and ronatr4c4lan will commence In a few daya Itaaaball and racea may ba wiueed by a larger number af people than have ever baan hoaed In an eastern Oregon aladlurn Tbeaapllal fr thla enterprlaa haa eaaa aubacrlbaxl by local people. tempted to get a direct atatement from the promoter aa to the financial (land ing of their company. Thla waa re fused on the ground that contracts for grading nd building a iitretch of the rottd were about to be let and that It would not be policy for the company to tell how the money waa being raised un- PORTLAND ' ' .:.'' To Have THE LATEST ELECTRICAL MARVEL Wane Hld System Known in Europe as the "Telefon Hir mondo," in Paris as the "Theatrophone," in London as the "Electrophone" , . ' . BRINGS News by Telephone Music by Telephone Song by Telephone Sermons by Telephone Vaudeville by Telephone Opera by Telephone Lectures, speeches, happenings of every sort into your home, office, any room or anywhere. Makei home happy and joyoua. Help, bus iness. Soothes the sick and suf fering. It brings you in instant touch with the active, bustling world, its joys, its sorrows, its every heart-beat throbs along a distinct wire system in a ceaseless stream that may, be enjoyed at any moment NEVER A DULL MOMENT ' All for Five Cents a Day FREE DEMONSTRATION COME AND LISTEN Daily. Except Sunday Special Program Every Afternoon From 1 to 4, Meier & Frank's Great Department Store Ladies' Waiting Room, 2d Floor Rest Room, 7th Floor HOTEL MULTNOMAH All Around Balcony Mezzanine Floor Oregon Telephone Herald Offices ' V.. 506 Royal Bldg 7th and Morrison ------ Fill out and send coupon for Inscriptive Booklet Oregon Telephone Herald Co., 506 Royal Building, v ' . Seventh and Morrison Sts., City. PJcaae send Descriptive Booklet til theae contract had been awarded. Oorle, aald at that time that conatruc tlon work would be atarted In about ten daya. Priyle and Farren were In Portland until April 'it. when they went to Rose burg, Roeonhaum aent hla corraapond ence with th9 railroad official to a newepaper at Roneburg;, where It la nald Doyle and Karren were trying; to anil atock ln the company, and after further Investigation the newspaper published Rosenbaum's tatemontS af fairs and the promoters have since been In rather an unfavorable position. Cttlsens at Rosehurg- and Msxshfleld had mado promises to pay bonuses to the company amounting- to $100,000 for each community, part to be paid when work waa started and the remainder when the Una waa completed. Mayor Smlck of CanyonvUlo, Tanck wlch says, turned over $500 to the pro motara. aa Canyonvllle'a bonus for hav ing; that town on the new road, and stock waa Issued for this amount HOLD FATHERS MORE PRECIOUSJHAN GIRLS (Caltaa lreaa tii wtrat London May That father of young children ahoulAbe given prefer ence aver elngla vMhen In hlpe" life boat li the" contention ef many women who are following with Interest tba In quiry Into the Titanic olaaatar. A eorre a pendent of tbe Terfchlre Observer aaya: "The father of yeung children la too precious to the state to be aacrlflcad to netlona of chivalry. Kor aome years hla life la mere valuable, ta train and support hla children, than that of niUldJeaa women.? i - i j - .- .Li-i -xm A New Face Without Surgical Skin Peeling '1 do not approve of the aurflcal operation of face peeling, ssya Julia Orff. it's too radical, too often dan gerous. There a batter aay of re moving offenlve complexion and one that I entirely safe and rational. Or dinary mercolised wax cauae tha devi talized acarr skin to come orr, nut gradually and gently. Unlike the aurgl- cal process, tha skin 1 not forcibly taken off In big piece all at once, but almost Invlalhle flaky particles are ab Knrbed by the wax. and from ten daya to two weeka are re-ulrod to complete tha transformation. There's no pain, no discomfort. Nature renews nomplextons tha aama way, shedding tiny cutsnrous sea lee day by day. Rut deficient circulation, or other abnormal condition, may Interfere with the shedding a bad complexion reaulta. Then mercollced wax assists Nstiira by hastening the removal of the aged, faded or discolored top skin. Thus nnly the lively, young, healthy-hued ekln Is In evidence, ss In robust glrl hoodThls ln why mercollzed wax pro duses the Indescribable beauty of ever renewing youth. The wax Is put on at night like cold cream, and washed off In the morning. You can procure It at i any aruggist si an ounce la sufficient WWWII V V Storied Today Frm Xlilrd and Morrison ot lO A.M. and 2P.M.r Two Trlpa Each Day, In cluding Sunday The u'n 1 yd I a li t -s ee ling Trip Ttiat Takco In Council Crest and Kings Heights Other, "Seeing Trips" Mot Reach These High Points Do Tickets 50c Tickets 50c TlcKets fit All Hotels Portland Railway Light & Power Co. PERSONALS Street C. II. Callendar, the well known fish packer of Astoria, and wife are at the JTrtland. C. W. Nlbley and J. F. Nlbley, promi nent capitalists of Salt Lake, are at the Portland. r. C. Tapper, an orchardlst of New York, whose property Is Iocnted at White Salmon, Is at the Portland. Y. A. BlllinKB, a business man of Spo kane, Is registered at the Cornelius. V. C. Bauer and wife of Los Angeles and 8. J. Bauer of Seattle are regis tered at the Cornelius. C. A. Park, a banker and hop raiser of Salem, and wife are at the Seward. Mrs. J. Kronenberg Mrs. William Hrown, Mrs. M. M. Cuslck and Mrs. J, J. Sutherland of Salem are at the Seward. A. H. Da Groyler and wlfa of Mexico City, Mexico, are registered at the Seward. Ueorge Sommerg and Marlon Black, representing; the exposition Committee of San Francisco, are guests at the Seward. - L. It Watr, head of the National Playground association la at -the Seward from San Francisco. JJ. Webster, Justice of the peace at baiem, is registered at 'the Bowere, Miss Susie N. Clarko is up from Seaslde for a few days; a guest at the liowers. P. II. Holdsworth, a civil engineer of Calgary, is Teglstered at the Bowers. William Gerlg, manager for the Pa cific. & Eastern railway at Med ford, la at the Bowers. Mrs. Bess Fortune and Miss J. E. Preston, winners of a trip from a Reno, Nev., newspaper, ar at the "Perkins. Dr. H. A. Rice of Stella, Waah, is registered at the Perkins. J. A. Stanfleld, a rancher of Umatilla, Is registered at the Perkins. B. E. Foster, a merchant of Dallas, Or., is registered at the Perking. Ex-Senator N. Whealdon of Tha Dalles Is registered at the Perkins. L. E. Harrison, a prominent capitalist or Ogden, Utah, is at the Perkins, Henry Coleman, wife and daughter of AUiwauxee, wis., tourists,, are at the Multnomah. F. D. Bailey, a business man of Cor- kvallls, is registered at the Multnomah. Mrs. R. C. Ron of Hosier la regis tered at the. Multnomah. f G. B. Johnson, a prominent business man df Astoria, Is a-guest a the Mult nomah. - ' ' P. A. Young; a of Albany, Or., i: nomah. K. J. Lansing, a prominent business man of Salem, la registered at the Multnomah. ; Agents for . Pictorial Review Patterns HAMBU: 145-147 Second Street. Bet. Alder and Morrison 'S Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns iTTl Sale well known merchant a guest at tha Mult- roa Hxavotrs btsjpzpcia , Take Horrford's Add ynosphate Sufferers from acid stomach, nausea or sicjk headache will rind this tonic beverage a grateful Tellef. Fun and exercise skating. Oaks Rink. Journal Want Ads bring result, Everything New, Store, Fixtures and Stock We have disposed of all. r fire damaged goods, the store has been entirely renovated and every thing is again in spick and span order Choice stock of New Summer Millinery Just Opened 77 ' To Be Placed on Sale at Our Usual Popular Prices $3.95 200 very pretty white lace and embroidery Hats, tastily trimmed with flowers and rib bons, values to $ 10, at The best untrimrned Hat offer of the season. Your choice of over 200 stylish hemp, milah,-chip, vazure and Java straw shapes; all colors. Positive values to $5.00 for this sale only, ...... 200 of the season's most " desirable and practical Trimmed Hats, all colors and shapes, ab- (iff solute values, to 5.00; fresh and new,, at 3) I . "0. Novelty Hat Bands of Lace Applique. . . .v.r. . .25c. Choice assortment of Flowers .25c Black, Willow Plurnes, 18 inches lon by 18 inches .wide "... . . . . '. S4.95 Millinery of Every Description Alwayis the Cheapest at 9 TUT A iA'7TDTr TTOvfTt7Tn 3 SaaSsES .1 ,