THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TORTLAND. WEDNESDAY1 EVEN I NO. MAY I, Hit ' it !; i tjs ki1u4 to im. rwt klaie ..I COLIM LIU II T tirtm wegua rakkiag, will -. Kr frfca. a uvisua cm a a eta Restaurant v HJ IlI ky Ifcel AK ,: Oae m lla l. iwl Wm. faBl IK III. k-la) 11 a- t ey lit. ie 14 a.. U kek faal. fit laiee, ti it, ali-e. WASXaU ttfcAL icaTATK l W A NIK 11 A kMH I ram ar aayiktag ,lte tulltliH, far efMk. )nl Um.JI-I a rwl , ae.1 i(tir m-imin uagiw. lot! u kuiu eat I'M, I anil ' tla m ka1 M l I tr .! A. it VJASfc, I til QPMkraate- at .' t'' CU-TiTtR H-IWa eiITu'.ijI Uii i4, MliH a4 M Pile. kin. u i tii trade fw pnu t4 laal- 4e U eWlllia M4lWt. i(tf ! e r4 fHt4, mill fr i'l l tek, a-iv In w.lua a4 loll ietliek ly hi k.i tit iTof i.irnr. I wlek la purrk ft f tola I Hat era dcelrmbl ( build !. fvX WM.Ii t wl te tiwd im elricilv itxxlo a bunge t 11. kMiM tenia, ead in r Walaara la lub vr give ! va beiaiaea year al 4 fr tt A. It. CAftK. I4H ci.tur at I t'hotta d 4 watt Ttrr6"B r y zm i iit p. ; builder fur iNUti'M fcuill In 'tl lnd la wrillBg ,se-ify if di.-uril rr eaih Ole lKtllu, ie of ll tad tuntii af fcoaaa elea atttattal unpaid eonirart 1111 Jurri At tnua ar anan lot In hroafclya addition, mum I'd wall aa4 Otntaa aiiacla. aa4 lllk and !lh at If pclra la rlM- lilva ful rrl-wn aa4 latana C-IH, Jaurnal A lLIRADLi; amall faim noi o f.f out. fur Mch l in i trail a n inndara buraalov on Iba Kanlan rarlli ana r balanra la caalt, na loriirj ric cunauarwl. - . A. II. I UI aralr at. I'hoBa nl tra aiaca ; tnu uAa 1 1 4 -a aa Witaw rta fit. f ! f km aa Raaaall a , la. at lit. lilt 4 UtlM v. aJl $ a tat 1)14. prTKRi, II N.IITH T Hm'ATtusaU.r:v4Ui MEN aaJ aa n Ik. a a.r E&l-KHlkkt'Kli aaa4 laAa la t ka ay.4l l I a W a tual awli ata aiaa 4 laa(a. ;WI Ml till E..a. a.ia laa(a. ;wi u till ...kiti.JL. TTitJ 7 lllulm Tati 1 ' a.aa a.aa-Ha a Til UMLiLKM A I. In al ikal iMlntlMa la nhiI waa. ail l , i'tMaa iaiia, IllfloX Bfc. U - H ist. ''! UNA L.. Mft taaW aVaa If aoioll. i afl.r araaiiaA a4 fciiaia Cat litt. aaa a Otocarv ! a4 war. fiilttr. caaa MaAa. axa Allr L'NTKItliiti niutia all a j-ArtirwHtt rxsrrr lltnl waala lo Ku hBtiatl llamilloa ta. l or llta dfn. d V ltrwA lit UtirnaM M. or A-IIT klKAali-M h:Tljl 111 IumSac . n hM Marshall ' . TajT in iTawlhorna )ialrtcl; rr7ar fac tff MttorT Pbona H lttT. 59 rCOPUCH IUOMINO llU8B CO, III Henrjr Hide, a Cor. 4lh and Ink Mia. iHMTWCS'T HoLKk TO TRADE, II roona at'L bouaa. rant 1 1 ID. fo"A loaaa. rrnar brlrk. priem 1001. all rlaar. lo trad for pruixrty, wlil aa- uma or lajia mortcata on good lartu 1A&4A. UHJUTnAN8UCNT HOfHE. 41 room, cor. brlrk bultdlnff, naw and mixJarn vail furnlabad. owuar will trada for cltr prvptriy ; rani 1100, Inoludlnf boat and watar. I'rlca ItOOO. with aaar tarma. I hla la lo a good Wallon, wltb food taaaa. I ltUUUri JLM A HAKGAlN. rooma, rlu In on Taylor, rant 141. with laaa Prioa 1700. All you nti to hAndla tbla la II l. Aak to aaa thU. COUNTnT HOTEt II rooma, in a eornar brlrk building, all on ona floor; rant 140, w lib good laaaa; hot and rold water: claar from 1I0 to ?00 a month, lric-a 11600; rurnltura coct when new illOO: raUlra About 11000 caalu Thla I In a town of 1000, 10 mllra from Portland, that haa six rail road to utrr, &rj. or echanob in llta i ptiUtl aa oaa tt IB bai (iliaaa ea aAa. iara l f' Rniit th t r atauB't Ilia Wt tTScMAli h.-UlNU n. CO. tit Caemtwr ef (VnaHria Marvhall till lalaia! ia aa cataV- lialiaal aAi. arlag full llia f f run and a Mtia i I , aata taal lUml lt.t, baa big lal f In an f fall car waala la g aaal. Will tk lll Ad4'aa Burm K ," Si.T,,I U i. ar alcrlag 4 ixr rant af our aianufarluriaa blal and la for !f wblrh ta lo go In lo rlilbaiy and laf far fariorr. Tlicta la a Mlilan auh ) tul no fat aalary IIAXK Jou lha nit- I nit utiariar iniri( e an or M)INii 111 llMMl aaMftoA a-oaillua filttt AUTO aVclltJU lakr or a a all or an n fonland abici will run lo aa lite valuation? If ao, a 11111. with I haa Hinrli-r A l'a , 111 Uli tW it'MI maI-I- nlcxk af grofia. fl turaa. horaa ard wagon, w n. wfih good mar market. rnp rant; allh a without living (onia. tt to IJ will handla It Hill Journal WanI kr,VaTl.IiOTlTloi tloFan aacura laaltiinai llglil majulartir- Ing bulnao In-wlitrh ihra la no rtkw nor toinpallllon. and 111 lo III dally lll iii ilia J. ft WTRft ll.w ital."ail7 aillar Ilk farm wiMk la lake t ra)4a" aa ami fuca, riaaMl aiiiMi Ilk I Mi waa la alaM. tl aaalxa l-i in K aw aaa t 1 tla r I- al fr f rM ai I af waa. C-Itt, fufl Moving picture Operatinp Ttugi.i la a tt.eairer, aaly uay la ura li nahl. loa kif 414 Va) U aartTngiaa i naar l!lh UlUlKtRY i4 fl-a kW Ihii all la 4 . eld Bala aJa ar liaa , tmaviifully lrtntm4 kaia. ( all H Uwvdaoutb bldg . at-" t affiro iS't trft'V a"Y!i KTl.T?X r i kM'lltHilJI loom il tlrkiir bid . rr 14 tul Bii ala . ofn l xintailay and Balurday nit hi Tftvaa Main l4. gaitd fnr our naw cll.'u. iTOI'Rgli fa" our a. -TraFl rain fag will fit you for rhauffaar or Nlimn rarllaad ul. tUbool A Uaraga Ca. Ill llawlrxirn ava MOVIKil ul'olur tilif full ra llral rourH lauglil r a I imUi Tki only wy uf training II ifgttl Warur .iltlon tit Molh.T lid bldg V I ' ira wanl1 for (irmnl )' e monin. Nnl potl tor nn uf pnaiilon o-cn KraKknn Inailluta. !'l 1340 firhrlrr. N t a-4 lwkag la t !t Rkr'tSilj ii wiA it a gui t w-ikca a ai. a k t Mia i. m t tk'OUAM ""waaia awaa'a .Iag ikl kall4. Aiaw family luiUk l !' Wi l i ol day aakiag. Irwaikg a4 lag, bat af rfra-a lLal)"n jtr Jl LATE tMik laa.di a fir c! (MIJlkl Hflll Tl III Vot'Sl laJy ik ik by I kf aklg iroaii g aIBg Mala I4 Si'.UlV w.hi 4y k T-illl iriAiiti- w vrrikA4At.k ash rmix sj MAN and l wlh aeHto aa arai ink rtu-k A4Jte lilk kl.. riaa, rm 1M Maia I! IttUJ-iMAIilAU 40 l-4lll'n laitorlna allrall0ita r-i rila4 klr Wrtl.r. II. I J"'l I ajl !l WiiiI. I ! V I T. t A i A mn k " rT.aa" " a geatbla ty t . II fr day. guwd riffranria Mala 11 ttiutm proflla. Uok rafaranraa. or , Iraonal hof, " xvnU todav-NUtV' r.AHI." I nlrvlwa addr I, Journal. KIN. IVaahlngmn. ! r. loll HALE 1 ehalr barbarahop co Xll Including bath tuha, living room la connection, rl cha. avnir com tl4 lo aril ojt krr-ounl of alrknraa. ('all lul WaaMlaglon al . Vancouver. Wah 1 4TiJ"l fl f-Vi"At)K T XT TY t- ur tvnm rving .tTig -nti-lorw abo. waul honeet iMUtnar to art aa Irraaurer. mual bava nall ral(aL K-ltT, Journal WA-sTt:i Btrlrlly, aobwr induatrloua man with 111 eaab to buy one-half Inlereet In good paying bualaaaa. Oicn to Investigation. Sow doing bualnaee. C all 111 Uoard of Trada. K)R aLb3Ta t "M aT( JTfcT IOI.SM OOOU DUoI.NEhU. Owner leaving rliy and mutt aelt al once. Ill Kaal 7th at. aoulh Kt oj rTK'L ItiSukl, lelia llol1 1IKLP WANTKIk FKMAI.K 2 roR WANTr.P TOfSO KAMI Eft - TBt-RrilONr -CrrtATIK3. OR WITHOUT Y.X PEniENCR, API'LT THE PACiriC TEt-EPIIONB A TEI-aV GRAPII CO.. EAST BIXT1I AND Al KE.VT Ta IdATritNITT heiM, hat af referearaa. Mra Vlllla.n. tn!oaae tL III I-llAlTU'AI. nuraa b-al uf ronflnmela rfetrrl IAII4I Nl UnlSi) ! etiilebrd rao wiimen Main 7 HJlMhllKH IUOM Hotei Ford Til WAHIIIMJTtlN HT. A aplendld new hotel al entrance In City park and I'oriUid lllliia Kur- I nnura niw and airaani l"i ! ea WITH ' aW la teata a.neMi elavalar elce 1 iTK r.W I . I K I T A T" HolUiUy Ava Now open for aucineee. new brlrk building, alrlrily modern, walking dla tanoa from buaineea eecllon; ralea rea- aonahle I'hone I. ! rho KoteTGlenwood ftrletly nivdern, lo-weal ralea In Portland. II At.M"V IK.Trit6okl cia.r and confecllonery , ,, Krnrnlly u,eflJ, on , piry ranrh. a "" aO"! bla nd flna flitur) No 'j , IVnnan.nt home, do.n, good bu.lnea. prlc, 11000 If aold 0(Kd wa Aidreaa P. o llok II!. at onre OlOl. Journ Pee I da, or. KNAP prlc for bakery, eoDfaotlonary, t: Park el a!l after ur Mareliall II, tobacco, newa aland and light gro re r lea, with flna brick ovtn, by owner. hone Tabor irr;o. FOR BALE A good paying candy kitchen with good laaae. Will leach purchaeer. 1600 will handle thla. O- M, Journal WANTKIi at one, yogng worm .!,7,fe. ?""lr 'r,fc i PfllNIHHKITJ7nVrar.l. It. modern j i lull in imi , I 10, evening during day j (TF: K Vl K V KH Co I u m b I a t. . n lee I y f urnlehed. homelike. (tram heated rooma, rstra II to 14 16 lret for the money In rltv; welkltig illelenra. I1.KEN OOl'HT. iFtn nd ilnrrieon Kurnlihad Bleeping and II K. rooma, modem, phon. laundry prlvlUgeA 11.10 week. ttoi-iKKtmn ruMiua Ml AT ftili- Me.'en Apartments lit K tlk al lJ.a Hai Juilftrl ) 1 aa4 t . a I f .rat.A klk aa4 M . Wa.kiag a,ii bei ( ale, .ta:iae aa.4 ia laiaw, m t aewai lk-eaj e- 'lw4 YtiCZ S T" k7 . a la 1 Ta L til lt Ik tuaaier, t kw eail A; V'Ula . Itlk aa4 Piiyrva laaa III ' MMttv It ae.k frai nti f ii fkna Vaiei file U e:eie iwm II i. .... v fjr. ait iwhh wiiik i" Iti N .u. al rkaki Uti tltt lata o i ar gag (l a I el ulu.S. t. t. 44i i ual f t iiuk kl4 k vMlMiiit e .lea. furaiekwd. leuMak l. aik'ag ' laarw UllLilr..M folate a-jllalle far lla!n Willi t-w t.ia, tioall fua'.lr of all. I '- l II aa.g II) l-r anaalk l:t tt.rf s t r..ihtf Itlk a I. . I fit a ll a iaaatlMU Bulla. iiaally turhiaiird tjalh.. i. l-ori elklag d!ilala. It far aak let tai re.h el 4 V Ci fwuaekeeeii.g fwm lit, eie- wi,H, j b.. f luiu I' l. t. let 1 MlvK Kli r! lee furaleked heueekeablna I'' all ininiMri rloa la. tl lii'i ei ll "iI'SEK'TKri SO lowma- 1 1 rtaftj"ua! 01 Aider Ft nVUiii i"H Viwim, ntin, lilt Uf ear H. lo Irwl Mar lll 4H APAKIT-XaIw IHi viu-t rr. r-ij.K ll'k e4 TayUe Maat af alficwaniy f-raiek4 kaart ali va ike my, Iwealiwai afaeti at al iwti every awlrea aAaa-k-aaal kaU aa4 tawf gar4ei k'tk 4aa tit, referaaeaa (eailraA h' k aaeM la all l IA Mna HlU Bl.KKKI'IH(i ll(M)Sl K-tkT II)K I I'lt t rompldrly furnlhl fikl lo ull, Ui fi, gaa. Iauiblr. nfione. walking diiati, U(e yard, fruit, flow- ere. i.u oi,iKiin lu, I mMk Iiiiekertlna riK'ina. ill Tllla- rlran "f u r nfe h3 free haal, laun Summer Rates fvrlaaaaak l-l. ttt I laylnr mine E. Itlk lit aitd I in uafurntal.ed I a' I a.i a la )ji roapirlcd, teiy "- cat. at. aa'kn g d'Ka, i-vit.f a 4 "! H HI kliril ftal, laiakUwUlM.i . l t J'f ewe. -1 liv MOTKlJ MNIULI APAMTMtNT Cwe tfc and l.lnroia k;l rulalde I iwa li ll.iin. I --V wa. umih rtair, ai. n..r aartli 31lt le J. rlala phaiie A 1 : I. Mala II!!. akiy lot-a KIMCI MILX ApkHTMKKIa. 4. t I ruan arrimeela. eaiar f lehahi-y Atyly ua preoilaea 111 Klrg at Morrison Hotel III Mrav ewrwar lih ff la Hv Kalf ai Pae A-llIU Pari A t'e 'IT.11- . .f.H 'V &--e -Va; I II 4 a4 kk flfiJy.gE.1- ty'1 '- o""AU-T htdiuj axu oimcit. it Factory tor Rent Ta flawra la aew Irlrfe bulMti.g. fa at T.'ll .".MBd 14'' rwaie. eulB Pwrllang -ag leaaa. law ra.!,. building u wall llehUd and will aa aa Ideal Kwailoa f..r Maeufarturlaa fiant a I. friak. car af Tka JwaaaX KN ll'k Kit III "K ft artri.i.le lllh1 and Mm i'iv an Sia in, I Ing. ntia i.!y i.fiit. imi.riiirl n,l rM-alln. 3 r.uit a alid ri.iii lath every ronverirnra. t.rit tt kcitke. rea ' eoneble ranii iT.h I I B. Uir7,K" Kara grour.1 flr. II,. ,,nn f, miHti "ti nitok from M'aeMag. ai ltay rent Ittuaie raiiauranl i.r. anil yifik Mailt )! nT-'HK and 111 "f-.r fBt.llrTraT Perlfic. I r-a I Ion fur l'h-na Main tlx. ur rail THrtrE or I e-- m atriitirni i vale bath. Into jl i;t. 1 1 hi prl al ; nu I - aide rooma. ap.en.t.l !, '.I,,. mo lei n ronvenlenl arren r it rnl . I of earv Ire, rloae In lo.ali.-n 1 ha hhfflJA Ith an4 Jefferai.n ia .1 l ;ti :,f .1 l'r..iK' i,. .in for rem ' Aider Aptly riwm WAMKIbTO HKT er in and TVi) in u,ri rooma. Minn, i n floor. In bw. itiojan ann v.. - r. rr - f , : - ri ri.-iriir i ni. ;ti rit.i.i rwm with kllrhenett If o,i a. a ti le "u win waM It : lllh or ln k:T PfjAilAN ftitwierVf rrlrr mnm a "atnfc" fanlry. .rrh, tfitala bath l(, i rooma (10 4JU f M.rna..n t.aet 1 V t . W J . . " . -l .-. i.i lurniai.ei ii,.rkar'lr.g an.l a lea t.l r roBi 11 !1 to I' ,i:inom,',. hot!. Jlji fl ilir TW'lroom Kouekplng auttd. aink ana paniry. rre r"ne and light, rloae In. 4 per work JJI K lluri-.elil. f' rTI.V"furnthr. h ouirkff i.ini room. Hi r.aat tlh Westfal Apartments II tlh el. brlrk building t.l .ly fur-. rtakd. 4 eowrri f-erl e-t private harraf phone, elevator, t mlnulra aa.k low-al. ralea In Portland Main 10 UK , H WaNTKJi to leaee. t ar nvnn hauaa. r.ew ..r rlcan. with Harden, llawlhoraa or .,rlr gla iin-nption, bouaa) iiufi.brf. will. K. k ,.t. t7'Ta bldg I.KT tia" rrTlt "vour 'Koin'r." ilmT "el ere .,! .avo v...i II. r lru,;l., Itrnlal Iett. ' A to. fit ittimber of " naat. auo- ralea In lsn land Main .' A Sulk iH ! n.-..,i i . . i.e. aid ge 4d aucuu-i- - ..n -,erre ' SJ atanioii. I' rr TIIK KI NLlillCT AI'TII ;. . . -. .... ullfullr" furrTeSeJ Nlraly furnlahea. I rooma. I' I all " " " rr ur.f umlahe-J a . bath around I "JII4a larga. l-ghl. airy rooma ,, j - -m- 411 at U borne? lit l' Mad ! mnA ,'h- '" j L' "' il'l " lor. water healer, laundry Iraye. on car j -' ; r.- j rooma. orrkkoA. houeekeeplnii rn lOli Mi WANTED Rkperlenred operator) niaka Boa of All overelle; 71 1 al to ' Bargain Hunters Jut think of It II room on Wuh Ington at., good laaae, rent 176; Inoom at praaent illli haa nver Bold for lee than 100; am leaving city and If aola at onra I will let verythlng go. includ ing 175 OAb up on laaaa, for 13 50. Com early If ou want thla. Petera. II N. 6lh. WUKKllsc MhN boii. tt room, rani 1100: nrlra 11600. 14 room apartment hotie, good loci- would trada xof OKT In on ground floor with Oregon i i Kubber factory; b Independent wit h j ,,':,,, '; f;".""".1 r."-1 to """-- time frfr of! Ill N. Union will explain. Hon. price II600. or laranr houaa. 14600 equity In apartment hous t trade for acreage. MULTNOMAH HOOMTINO HOUBE CO.. 411 Chamber or Commeroa uiog Marahall 4S1. Read This TX-V. I . . T.mnla m-W J I I1A I n iinv . 1 1 . ' v, v m carpet; roomg ai-a 10 room. furniture Bruaaela way full of good claea of roonieiriif Thl plae la well worth 1800. butT eold at once, price 1160; 10O will hkn- il Petera, 15 N, 6th. K 1UIOMS fine furniture, rooma all r. nlrd, fine home. Thl mual ! Bold thlM.week rpgardle of price. If you fi' looking for a Tine home and money inHker, don't delay. Mke offer. 88 10TH. NBAH MTARK. 1'8 HT-AUTIFUL furnlahed rooma, mod ern; awell location; a big enap and money maker; 1700 cash will hand I a Will consider lomi trade. Thl Is the beat buy In Portland. See It at one. SS 10TH. NKAR BTARrC. Ml'LTNOMAH ItOOMINQ BOUSE CO. Hotels, .rooming houaes, apartme-.t houne. all sixes and prices; alao gro erv store, meat markets and acreas. 4.Ti ChB-mber of Commerce. Mar, tflal. TO LEASE. 222 room hotel, center wet side, rent 16.76 per room, which Includes heat, lights, water and elevator power. Par ticular. Room 310 Henry bldg. MAN. with flna out of town subdivision, desires partner, preferably one who aan do stenographio work; about 1100 required. Z-168, Journal. W A NTKI Partner fi machine and foundry bualnraa In thriving country town, experienced man preferred; atrlct Investigation aollclted. M-ll. Journal. WILL sell my equity of 11100 In a 6 room modern bungalow. Hawthorn district, for 140. Flaherty A Connolly. C12 Yeon bldg; KOIl SALE- Cigar, confectionery and WANT a girl, general houaewotk, gtKxl cook. 3 In family If you be aallafled with IIS, please telephone In a. m Main Z4f o Imve good room nI board kervlcra; will have plenty of her occupation. Call Bell- wood 1017 evenings after 7. UII.LIN'I'KV apprenllcr; good olianca to learn the bulneaa; wages accord ing to ability. 241 Id L TWO large well furnlahed Bleeping rooma; running water, both, phone, eaay walking dlalanre. 2 Mock from M'lltnomah club. 143 17th st. FRONT parlor, beautifully furnished, first floor, modern, atillable for two rentlemen; also small furnlshad room, 160. 471 Clay. A'ANTI iVarden work, window clean- ! TI'KfiNii Ing or any general work. W M. Cr.n-; 'f dell, Oenrnil I'el. Call every dny APPLY at once 260 1 2th at., a opening fnr an active bright apprentice for dreBumnklng. a good girl aa 101 Jafferaoo. Nicely fur- rooma. modern convenience. one buslnaas center, rale Including bath j f-0 week up. KOll RKNT 11 bloka from poatof 'fire, nlre eleeplng roOnia for uentlemen. 17J 16th St.; modern con venlenrea. fine vie. II per arm out h Kl'K newlr furnlehrd rooma I'hone Som1i Monro t rUUNIStll'.f i loueker,ing nem. mnj em :5 Ilay el. ror xlnrri. L rr. Vlu"T"ron BultaLla'Yor" 1 or 2, ra aonahl 12 K llth t. houa.'karplli; eulle r h eap, walking dltarif. U car 4 Haliry T i f"urniTird TlgTt hoinekeriilng rooma reasonable i4 B !Mh st N TTFllKK unfurnished housekeeping rooma. tlO H Htark jt. line. tAel 1da Tabor IJI. It IJ4I Don't Make a Mistake HOifjSKH, VKIUCLKH. KTU. ta ' IV J 'i"HTKf' il-rmiii rnarb atatllonu Tall ard Bea the Orderlelgh apt. II ' !" It-, b-.rn In 1M4. Peril nrtrd tva rer wir Mele wtir, Ur. Vt . a uuld atjl. foy .iz-t.' prltate Lath .low rent Kt 30. J '" trade f r good young work horaea. . - ; . & - . I flF H . i , I A fr.l.. . I , . . . iiisuip iiALi. i i , . ,7 v". " .' ' ' "'' ...... , n uuoiFnrv, prvil IV drive and rl 1 John Hemmlar, Clarka maa. rir, fl V p No I., box 4 HI-l li mt 'I fini.l Hawthorne Ate and riltlh HI Modern building, beet furntahtnga. 1, beat I 1 rooma- walking distance, on ear aervlra'- The Newcastlo houaekeeplng and sleep. i. mmii rn. honirllk 71. A-1170 Phone 401U Id st Ing rorn a, rto.1, rn, Main 1HK DrZI- S lM iltr, ! HTM HT. N K A II TAYLOR fT KI.KOANT 4 AMI K trx)M U.STL'R NISHPIt APAIlTMKNTrl APPLY ON Pit KVJNJF.H KOIt H K H K II V A T ION. TIIK i llKl.f PNIIAM. Ill N lth. Cor Northrup BL I. I and 4 room arartit.enla. newly furnished; new brick building, modern. Marshall 2441 HOIKK8 FOH HKNT 12 long pool room, 1400; a bargain; lease. Call 317 Yamhill St. SALOON for sale cheap If " taken at location and paying. M-80. JrgTrnti. VANTEX) Small rooming house For cash or partnership In amall hotel. L 28, Journal. WANTKU Experienced girls to '"" 1 fclCF. airy rooms ln"T7e"T hous.-. mod7rn tin tou berrv boxea. Standard Rm k Lumber company, K. Pine gnd E. Water. BICYCLE, key. repair shon, making hlaj money. Owner sick; will sell Vfc val ue, flee 193H Stark, room 300. HELP WANTED MALE TO LEASE. 10 rooms, consisting of It 1 room apartments and A alngles. centrally lo cated on west aide rent 14.60 per room. Particulars 310 Henry bldg ROOMING house, west side, 40 rooms, well furnished and all rented. Brick building. Lease. Clears 200 and over monthly. Would consider part trade. nqulre 408 Rothchlld bldg. Rooming House wanted Want a good rooming; house In re spectable neighborhood mat ouo win handle. Marsnnu ,nzv 9 NICE, clean rooms? Where you can muke your rent ana some money. Price 295; terms. 293 M Stark. Room 300. 21 H. K. ROOMS Lease i 1"0 or trade A RARE OPPORTUNITY i KOR HEVERAL MEN OF" ABILITY WHO HAVE HAD SOME EXPERIENCE IN SALESMANSHIP. , WE OFFER A PERMANENT AND HIGHLY REMU NERATIVE POSITION. OUR OPEN ING KALESDAY IS SUNDAY NEXT. WE EXPECT A LARGE CROWD OF BUYERS ON THE PROPERTY. AT TRACTED BY ADVERTISING TO TAKE EFFECT ON THAT DAY. IN OUR METHOD OF TRAINING YOI7 ARE BOUND TO MAKE GOOD. THE PROPERTY 18 IN A CLASS BY IT SELF, WITHIN EASY WALKING DIS TANCE OF MANUFACTURING DIS TRICT. AVERAGE PRICED LOT 1180. LOW TERMS. CALL BETWKK.V 10 AND II A. M. ASK FOR MR. HICKEY. THE SPAN TON CO., 269 OAK HT. SALKSMEN-WE BELIEVE WE HAVE ONE OF THE VERY BEST SELL ING PROPERTIES IN THE NORTH WEST. IT HAS GREAT INTRINSIC MERIT AND INNUMERABLE TALK ING POINTS. IF YOU HAVE ANY ABILITY AND WILL WORK YOU CAN EARN A SPLENDID INCOME. WB HAVE MORE SALESMEN EARN ING MORE THAN 1300 A MONTH THAN WE HAVE EARNING LESS. YOU CAN DO AS WELL CALL AND SEE I S. BAY CITY LAND CO., 703 SPALDINO BLDG. GIRLS wanted to learn the beauty par lor bualness. Also" a partner wanted. 701 Rothchlld bldg.. 4th and Wash. WANTED Good experienced helper for tttllor shop. 601 floytn hldg. MPLOiIEXT AGKNCIK9 05 C. R. Hansen Co. General Employment Agencies ESTABLISHED 1874 II and 28 North 2d St.. Portland, Or. Woman's Dept 7th and Wash, at a. Upstair. Help Furnished Free Ban Francisco office 8C6 Howard art. Spokane office 218 Bernard sL Y. M. I;. A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOY- MENT agency, SECOND AND ASH 8T8, Headquarters for competent loggers, mlllraen, R. R. construction men, farm hands, and all classes of skilled and unskilled lebor. Write, wire, phone or call at our ex pense. MARSHALL 2271 A-T74B. A square deal to employer and employe. No charirw to employer. conveniences, 110 and 113 per month. 208 17th st CLKAN" front rooms, 12.18 to 4 ern, also basement rooms, 3. 18 N 17th. NICELY furnished front mod- housekeeplng private entrance. 64 i H Johnson at. room. reasonable with rent. yifftiTTiri! fLnRSffflM14". y mjui u uiin:unu'uj'i.i Free phone ami tth Mr. it., room 80 up per week. Main 7714. HOTEL GARLAND Trinity and Waah. New brick bldg.. rrv. iern, rooms 13. nO up. FUKNISIfTCTj ROOMS EAST SIDK li no mortgage as E. Salmon. No for house and lot: umed. Owner. 409 agents. NINE room modern house, all house keeping, rent 126; lease, good loca tion; Ills will handle. Call owner. Marshall 44su. 14 ROOM hous for sale by owner, a good money maker. A bargain If taken at onoe. 206 18th st. and clean, rent $30; 1600, after S P. m 380 1st. rooms. houseKeeping, new terms. WANTED For the Uhltcd State army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of 19 and 35, citizens of United States of i;ood character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information Iy to recrultlnsr orncer, Worcester 3d and yaK sts.. Portland, or. WANTED Man with family, , familiar with farm work, to take up residence on small place; permanent position with 82.35 wages to start; 8560 acquires pos session on home place; balance can be paid for from part of wages. Address F-iM, journal. FREE EMPTSYMENT OFFICE All clastes of unskilled, skilled, pro fessional and clerical, male and female help lurnfahed on short notioe. No fee. Men's department 218 Jld. cor. Salmon. Women's department 141 Salnon sL Main 86R5: A-6824. THE AVAIXIN One 8 room steam heat ed apartment, sleeping porch, bath nhone fine for 2 or 3 young men. Cor Clackamas and Rosa t. Also single rooms in base ment. Phone Last 8172. ROOM' for young man, every conven ience, walkin distance, 116 E. 8th. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne. Phone East 8938. $10 Larjre front room ground floor. both phones, suitable 1 or 2; walking distance. 341 Tillamook. DO you wimt a ifood room In a good location nt a low rate? Try Hotel Larrahee. 227 "4 Liirrabee st. close In. ONE newly furnished sleeping room, $1 per week. 392Vj E. Burnslde. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO unfurnished rooms, use electrlo light, water, bath. 171 13th st. Main 9451. Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co. .14 H N. 2d st Main 3205. A-ltll. Bennett's Employment Agency 14 N. 2d. M'Jl 84; A-1988. Quick, aervlca. reliable help to employer free. WANTED AGENT 2 FRONT rooms, $7 and $7; large 8 room flat. $14. 192 M Market St. ROOMS AND ROARD 15 IF you are looking; for rooms with or without board, price reasonable, clono in, call at 262 lfth St., or phone Main 8163. TUC DADMCTT 'i6 Morrison St., lilt DA II IN III I Corner Sixteenth. w-v , lit- 1 J I A V- 1 ! DESTRUCTION of the Steamship Ti- "00,m", ' . ' tory; 1600 souls to watery' .raves. Full i OUTSIDE rooms, board, bath, home account of the anpalllnsr accident told cooking, $5.50 week up. Table board by survivors. Striking the Iceberg. Sum- 84.60; meal tickets $4.60. 2S4 Main St. ROOM AND BOARD. For two gentlemen, very reasonable. 164 N. 16th st. THE MEIER A FRANK STORES FREE RENT A L AND INFORMA TION BUREAU la for the convenlenee of both Port land people and stranger In the city who may be looking fnr homea, apart ments nnd flats. S e have an excellent private lint, aa well as the combined lists of all teal estate di-alera. We can alao give advice as to the new building In course of construction. Home hunter, especially, will find relief In thla special service, for wa help you to get quickly comfortably and desirably located. When you want to rent visit THE MEIER A FRANK RENTAL BUREAU, 4th Floor, Main Bldg N I N K room house, weal aide, 15 min utes' walk to P. l.. yard, rosea, cement basement, furnace, laundry, gas. elec tricity, fine buth mom. 4th st., near Sherman. $37.60. Call iii 14th. Main 1717. FOR RENT 4 room bungalow, electrlo llghta, flowers and rosea, half block from car.. 4410 E. 42d St., 8. E., rent 111. Call at real estate office at Laurel. wood station. ML Srott line. FOR RENT 4 room house, .with 5 mo. lesse, 30, Including all fruit nnd ber ries; with house furnished. $60 cash. Call 401 E. Lincoln and E. 43d at. Take Hawthorne ave. cbt to 41d st TI IK CAilTTfiTAN" 12th and Columbia; lurg 2 and 8 room apartments, new and elegantlv furnished. Modern, close In. Marshall 5?: SAN MA 111 'O APARTMENTS Naw brick, ror. East Couch and Ith, furnlahed and unfurnished, 3 room apartmenta, private bath and phone. $21 and up Phone East 161. Alamo Apts. 494 Market near 14th. Mar. 44. Just opened; furnished and unfurnished. an mnnrrn. run onyctior) to children THE MEREDITH 712 Washington at X. I snd 4 room apsrtmrnts, hard wood floors with every convenience newly furnished, cheapest rent In the rltv; references required. 4H 1 MUD AC , , a weight Zluo pounds. niw harneea and a nrm wagnn. alao ona big work horse and on rnap pony, several old wagons; all must It sold, no rriinmhli nffae 111 be rwfusel :i7 K lllh. ror. Ilia. laon aTl kinds. Madison Stables, 185 1-2 Madison, At bid ge, w es t side. TlTI llt.'YH learn of horses, a right 24&4' lha; good true puller any plaoe. liar, ness and farm wagon Woodstock. cor tier 67th at. and 4lrd sv Take Wood stork car lo end of line or phone Sell- wood 78l. Foil KALE 12 head horses auaranleed aa rrprraented, good family mar. 1100 Iba ; one extra fine black, t year nld for women lo handle, pretty, ln )iilre 151 2d at. Phil Huetfer. PASTURE for Block. Laid Canyer Farm. Canyon Road; rates loo par day. Phona Marahall 3874. No bualneag on Stindaya J. A. Putney, Pupt . THE AMERICAN Moat up to date apartment In north west. Zltt and Johnson eta- 4 and rooms, all outside, apply on premise or ran Marsnau s.iru Trio Arrori! 7flfi Fi.orat inu niiuuiU i vcic.ll Nicely furnished 2 room apts., $J2 50 and $26; also 8 rooma. $10 to 135. Mod ern. Main srR, A-7rini. Houses and flats for rent R. N. Tufford A Co.. 407 Spalding bldg. Marshall 4047, A-4640. JUST finished, modern 1 room house, Portland Heights. Road. A-2928. THE BELMORE. One and two room housekeeping apts., $2.60 and up. Including steam heat. eicciric iignia. gaa ana launary; its e. 3d st. GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup ats., No. 797 4 nice large furnished rooma private bath and telephone, hot water heat, everything complete, rent reason able. . Call 724 Patton JUST finished, modern 7 room house. Portland Heights. 728 Patton road. A 292K. 6 ROOM modern bungkalow, 84th and Dlvlalon sts. Osfleld'a grocery store, Richmond car. CALIFORNIA bungalow, 4 large rooms, built in bed. 1 block car. 1601 Alblna ave. SEE FRANK I M'GUIRE TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE M. 1068, 616 AB- I NGTON BLDG. A-1146. HOUSES, flats and apartments for rent. Rental dept. 8. D. Vincent & Co.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ROOil house 221 Morris street. East side. Main 174, A-4tt. CLiiAN 6 room cottageE 9th St.; $16; will lease to gooq tenant. Tabor 1804. MODERN 5 room. E. 24 th and Oregon. Rose City car. . 4 ROOM house, close In, Hi E. Grant nt., 110. Phone Tabor Z6I. " 4 ROOM cottage, $14. Salmon st. Inquire 448 East THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Morrison sts. most centrally i oca tea. x ana room apartments, tur nlshed up to data; private batha. MILTON APARTMENTS. Nicely furnlahed one and two room H. K. suites, strictly modem, reason able rent, nu tirand ave. N. ALBERMAl.LE. 2 and 8 room apts., steam heat, phone, hath, walking distance; i0 up. East 4193. 383 Williams ave. 2 ROOM apartments unfurnished, large outside rooms, private bath and toilet, lights, water and phone; very desira ble, close In. 89 E. 12th or East 6279. Gray Gables 2 room suites, $21.60 to $25; close In. Phone A-2629. 289 10th St. Drickston Apartments 448 llth near College. 2 and 3 room suites, strictly first clnss. Marshall 67. i KEARNEY APTS., 87i Kearney St., cor. 21st. One 5 rVom and bath, unfurnished abt. First floor, modern, $35. JULIANA Apts.. 46 Trinity Place 2. 3 and 4 room apts.. strlctlv modern. new brick building. $25 and up. Call WOULD like to sell my equity In a private rooming1 house. If interested call Marshall 4940. ' " TO LEASE. : 11 rooms, new building, centrally lo- cated, 6 years' lease; rent $5 per room. particulars 810 Henry bldg. .-. H R60M house, rent f30 for $400; terms, by owner. 8604 1st st. SALESMAN wanted to sell close-in res idence lots and homes In all parts of the city; also acreage on easy payments. Call for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Second Floor Selling Building. STOCKS APfl BONDS 08 e cats' an snares or siosk in r- r dinal mines. G-156, Journal. HLS1NKSS CHANt'Kj SO WANTED - Drivers for dyeing and cleaning works. Must be solicitors Apply 1803 llth st, E. Sell wood. W'aver ly Suit club, betwee-n 7 and 8 tonight, or between 8 and 9 tomorrow morning. WANTED A first class A-l presser, good Job, $18 per week.- Steady work for right party, A. & A, Cleaning works. Astoria, ur. , moning aid by wireless. Picking up the llreboatn and bringing Home the res cued. Harrowing scenes on the sinking ship. Heroism of passengers, of fleers I and crew. Only authoritative book. Magnificent photographs and artists drawings. Over 800 pages. Price only $1. 60 per cent commission. Complete outiit, iu cents, wnie loaay. ueorge o. Clows Co.. fiS4 S. Eighth St.. Phlladel- pnia, ra. iept. a. $3.07 ROOM house, No. 334 E. 12th N.. corner Weidler; nice yard. WK need e salesman in . each of sev eral exceliant fields to sell our splen did nursery4 atock. A permanent place: each weKfw and a square firm back of you. Writ 'or particulars. Washington Nursery C ., Tonpenish, Wash. WE have something that sellsfpr $1.60; we give all of it to you. TWs is n legitimate proposition.' Call 6l3 Bdck bldg. WANTED Cabinet maker. Must be able to take charge of cabinet room. A good Job for right man. Freeland Furniture) -Co.. 440 Goldsmith. mfTi-iV nlctnre show, well located, do. nr aood business, rent $16. Price 178 403 Rothchlld bldr. f "GUARANTEE over $20 per week to young man with small capital, light outside work. Eddie Kates, 407 Alder. Vu a vrpnPartner in a cleaning and dyeing worKS, A-l proposiuyn. p olv 204 H Yin si A LOON for sale, very reasonable; good business corner, full stock of liquor; no agents. N-110, Journal CIGAR stand for sale by .owner, best corner-ipctuon, "' iw front of store. P-119. Journal. ktaS'D in the public market, reliable established trade; small amount can -handle. -Olllournai 500 Good Business Cards, $1 til Buchanan bldg, -286 H Washington, 500 Business Cards, $t: w-.ffiy Prlntery, 18 Hl Third Street. ffESf AtRAN'f In beft , location. In- oulre 190 rin A MAN with ability can secure renum erativ employment by applying to Mr. minson. i tiecK piog. WANTED A first class brass finisher, No others need apply. Call 222 Com mercial Club building. WANTED 2 good solicitors with ex- H SITUATIONS MALIC STENOGRAPHER and all round clerk, any line, open for Immediate serv ices;' good penman; highest references. Barbrey, Main 1323. perience for cleaning and dye works. -169, JournaL ' WANTED At once, I men lo learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne. CHKF headquarters and belptrs. Cali fornia Win Depot. 38S Yamhill, nait to Journal.- WANTED A first class brass model maker. No others need . apply! Call 223 commercial ciup oiag. WANTEP--First class patternmaker. Call 221 commercial Club bldg. MAN to do all around farm work.''!n- citiaing mnKigi";dn. -journal. EXPERIENCED contractor and builder w.tnts contract or day work. Satis faction guaranteed; city references, 8e.ll wood 161.9. WANTED Position; retail expertenoe; will work at anything to make ex- Senses: not atraia to wont; references. . M., 321 "..Park. TWO fine rooms, splendid location. home cooking. 617 Kearney. Two car lines. BOARD and room. 5.26 per week: bath. telephone and reading room. Phone Pell wood 1871. 480 S. Grand ave. SCOTCH family have comfortable room and board, walking distance, $5 per week. 281 Cherry St.. corner Larrabee, NICE room with supper, cheap, close in. 287 Cherry and Williams ave. NICE front room with good table board, private family, for lady. 208 llth. HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS WEST SIDE FRONT housekeeping suites, newly fur nished. $2.60 up. 245H N. 17th, cor. Marshall. HOMELIKE rooms, large or small, fur- niBuea tur iiuuaeiieeping or- Bleeping; reasonable rent. 857 12th. e CLEAN, pleasant H. K. room, neatly furnished. reasonable: bath. s-aa. phone, sink. Call after 6. 24fr N. ISth. FOUR and two furnished housekeeping rooma, gas, pain, iiu montn. 692 X lUllb FURNISHED HOUSES 30 SMALL furnished cottage, modern con veniences, 116 per month for small family of adults. Nice yard. AddIv at once at 421. Sumner aU, I blocks east of union ave. FOR -SALE or rent, furnished 6 room house, for some cash and trade; one 10 room house; rooms all full, cheap. If sold before 1st of May. Owner. Main 784S. 1 NEW clean modern 7 room house, new furniture, silver end linens con.plote. Hawthorne ave., close In, Tabor .70. FOR RENT Furnished cottages, west I'lione Main 7496. NICELY furnished 7 room house, piano. nice yaro. 7 78 . Tayion Tabor Z8Z6. SIX rooms furnished, piano. 1016 E 16th N. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOi.1 SALE 8 salesman. expert-A-l references. ID- POSITION Stove . enced, practical. 118. Journal. , UNMARRIED, wants Job as Janitor for small apartment house. L-26, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED Work by day or hour by lady; - house 'cleaning or waahing. 456 6th. cor. Jackson. . YOUNG widow with 6-year-old child ' wants situation a a housekeeper. Mra. Marth Rudla, T38 MonUna ave. MAN and wife to do general farm work. lr-lle. Journals " yTt w route for gala. Q-1U. Journal, HELP WANTER -Jinsq. 40 Uncalled for tallor-roade fulti, 110 op. Taylor the Tailor.- 288 Pumstd at. UNCALLED for Ullor made auiU 111 . VP, Harvard Tailor Id. - u , JLtACE curtain wgsked-,'9 yearr experl ence, Mra, Scot tu Tabor 2445. PLEASANT front "rtfom, housekeeping suites, ciose in, xirsi iioor, rree phone; to tt per weeK. gaa lamnill. TWO rront rooms, water, gas range, yard, bath, phone, $4.25 week. Large room, ga range, water, t3.ou. zi l&tn js CLEAN, coty housekeeping rooms cheapeat and clean eat in city. 184 Sherman st. . TWO housekeeping rooma, gaa range; also 1 large room, light, bath, phone, heat. 147 HalL ONE houaeicaeplng room, neatly fur- nlshed, rent very reaaonable. 147 H Johnson St., near 16th. -- ; TWO beautiful furnlahed houkakeeplng room reason- EXPERIENCED woman wa work, oodlwit 1572. or C-2860 CURTAIN'S, hotels,-' lpdglng houses, one price iac. py exryrts. .. ooqiawn z4. NEAT, capable woman wanla work by day. Maln.8771 room 194.' Wanted Sewings by h jjr r- at homa. Thoa Tabor J16L na. everything supplied: aoie; in inn ot. jacason ana college. HT ants day TWO clean, light, well furnished C-284.y 1 rooms. 408 2d st, corner Har Harrison. ENTIRE upatalra, newly furnished! ev- ery convenience. $18 a mo. 463 110th. ONE housekeeping room, with porch, all conveniences. 115. 482 Hall st. PALMER 'HOUSE 150 Alder tU housekeeping and-rooms J and up, . - , -. : :. . . . . - " - NEAT little rooming house, 8 rooms, close in, west side, fine furniture, Brussels carpetts, rooms always .full. This place is well worth 1600: If sold at once, price $800; $100 .down. 88 10TM TSKAK STARK. IfURNITURE almost new for 6 room cottage ror sale, altogether or by tne piwie: lamuy going east. iu . jay lorst., corner 3atn. L'LIAETTE Furnished and unfur nlshed 2 rooms. Cor. 2d and Mont- gomery. . THE BOZANTA, 189H N. 23d St.; nicely rurnisiieu s ana room apartments strictly modern. Summer rate. miK.-r. and Duggiea tor rent by day, week and month; special rat", to buslnraa bouaea tth and Hawtaonta. Kast 72. LARGE gray team, weighing 3600 Iba., c coming 6 and 7. Woodluwo 141. I-ahhe A Son, E 21st and Alberta. I HAVE a mare about 9)0 lbs., for Bale or trade, for work horse. Price $40. Call at J 22 I E. 16th St. N. WU n TED Horses to paalure. Phona rolnmbla 885. UVESTOCTC 83 FRESH milk cows: others that will be fresh In a few days; also some Jar seya. 709 Harold ave. Pellwood car. J. L. May berry. Phone Sell wood 11 71. FINE. vmin. ra m 1 1 w T , r , . .r ma better In the state, cheap, or might take good horse In exchange. 14 Union ave., corner Ash. ' WANT to buy dining room chairs and 82 8th st. Phona family milch eoaj. silverware at once. Main 8621. 4jt'ANTED To buy a u-ir. journal. -. WANTED To buy a few 1 or 2-year-old heifers. G-167. Journal. JERSEY heifer, fresh, easy milker and gentle, cheap at 83.7 ri 87th at, N. COWS for Tabor car. sale, 1873 E. Salmoni Mt, POULTRY 87 -wv . - .m-mm S. C. BROWN Leghorn egga, heavy lay ers. $6 per 100: any Quantity. Jaa. Ira- land. Main 4128. 114 Spalding bldg. SETTING hens, with pure bred baby chicks; also broilers. K. M. Uay. 4234 42d ave.. 8.-E. W.-W. car. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs. baby chicks; rates for 100. Bell. 1188. LAYING pullets and cockerels for aale. cheap. 6Z k. ztn Bt., near starg. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 BOYD the dog man, all popular breeds for sale. Boarding. 647 r r front. A -3404- MARSHALL APARTMENTS 624 Marshall st; modern, up to date S room apartments: reasonable rental. PARK APTS., 368 HARRISON Beautf. ful 8 and 4 room furnished apts.; walking distance. Marshall 8070. A-4415. IRfs, COR. 3D AND MILL. 4 and 6 rooms:" modern. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW modern 4 room flat, large porches, gas range and heater, disappearing bed, unfurnished. 1040H Albina ave., on L carllne, rent $18. Woodlawn 1290. NEW 6 room modern flat, furnace, fire place, linoleum on kitchen and bath, gas range, rater heater. E. 29th, near Everett st. B-A car. Phone East 654. ATTRACTIVE modern room flat walking distance, 12.00. Main 7157, East 2173. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1(1 : FOR SALE New a n d a eco n a -h a n d CarC , .' om and nocket billiard table, and . bowling alleys and accessorise; bar flx- ... n t LI. J. . ,a ., Tk. i . . . era j . ui , m. t-m I .i.e., . w. , u , BrunswIck-Balke-Cr-nondar Co.. 44-48 8th at. Phones Main 769. A-l 769. fW'O motor Boats for sale, one 25 feei long, speed 12 miles, 13 horsepower,, auto control, with launch house: $600. Another at $300, 21' feet long, 7 H. P., speed 10 miles, almost new. Phone Mr. Roberts, Main 6977 or A-1298. - SEWING machines Another lot of used machines of all make; must b sold for storage; every one In first class order, at your own prlc , 212 3d : :: at, corner Colombia gt WE sell cash registers. , scales, credit registers, cheese cutters, coffee mill. " etc.. at greatly reduced prices, either for . cash or payments. The Portland Store Supply Co.. 860 2d st. Marshall 4548 " TWO jxtom flat $9. 3 rooms, $14. Newly tinted, water, garbage rree. 706 Vancouver ave. woodlawn 1953 FIVE room flat, new and modern, west side, close In, reaaonable. Inqulro 681 Main. A-4788, - WELL furnlahed, newly tinted 6 room nat, close in, modern, reasonable Kent; owner leaving city; must sell; no agents, uau yo lftn st norm $360 FurBiture 6 rooms. Including piano, nous ror rent -inig won t last, hurry, t forced sale; closa In, tarma. ill at I FURNITURE Of a modern 7 room flat for sale, price 1490, terms. Owner Main 9029. A-3818. rooma rented. CLOSE IN Furniture of I rooms, rent also 2 rooma far erson sr. 882.50.. Income 860: family use. 422-Jeff. FIVE room cottage,, furniture for rent or aale, an y term a 7 Mississippi 17 3D 10 room house for rent, furnl ture for gale. Main 8557. 1 SIX room flat for rent, furniture for aaie,-cnesp. za sr. - MOUSE for rent furnltura for. sal, f? . Wi Park; rooma fuu. . 6 ROOM modern flat, fine location. Valkine distance, 301 EL 12th. near Hawthorne: rent 180. Kast 4133. MODERN 6 room upper f'lat, west side, select neignDornooa, narnwooa noors, fireplace, sleeping porch. Mar. 2624. 6-ROOM upper flat, 15 ibrockg south of Morrison. si tn. TW'O new modern upper 6. room flats at 24th arid E. Burnslde. East 1877. i MODERN 5 room flat for rant, V. 840 E. 30th. W-W car, a MODERN 4 room upper iiat. very d alrable. roomy and airy- 411 12th. NICE flat close, in, raaaonabla rent Apt piy gal Jnn tii FVRNISHEDi room flat, with piano, rent $25. 6 TJhlon ave, . FURNISHED FLATS SO Eli-rooma, .thoroughly modern, upper flat nicely furnished. 7m Kearney t,. 1 block front 23d at car, 4 per month. This is a very desirable place. - THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. . 103 ounn Main 1. , A-S500. FIVE room furnished flat. Inqulro 14$ Mb. at- ... . . .-v ,. NATIONAL Cash Registers, 820 and up. We buy, sell and repair cash registers. W. J. McCauley. sales agent National Cash Registers, 154 Burnsidn at. corner of 8th. , FOR SAE One 6 horsepower vertical hnllAe mnnA mm nam tKn fin. In8S Inch gasoline tank. $20. East Sid Boil er Works, 181 East Water st 8AFE8 New and 2d banit; low prioes: easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co.- and Portland Safe Co,. 86 8th at. Main 4309, 4.1119. SPECIAL sale of slightly uaad blngara, "W. W.." White and Standard ew. Ing machines: easy payment a. Call 111 E. Morrleon near OrajVd. - SLIGHTLY used eaan ragtatera. credit 1 registers, computing scaleav tc . bourht and sold. Th Pacific 8 tor Service Co.. 227 Stark at. Main TTI1- ... ' STOVE j repairing, connactlng work ; guaranteed: eatlma tee given. Mar-' shall 8228. 528 H Waah'ngtoa st. FOR SALE or rent Logging. Hoisting Engines, Ralls, Car, Locomotive, Railway Etilpment Co 71 lt at FOR SALE Good golden oak library table and golden oak rackar with leather seat eai es. xiat v n. ALSIKE clover seed, only 104 Iba. left. if cents. Franklin naming, etayion. Or. ' MOTOR and meat cutter ahartlng n 1 1 beita. reaaonable. Call, (62 - L'un' aide at.. . .. ... ... . WOOD aw"for ski cheap, in a"d '-- pair. borae power, lor 3qrornii'in phone Pellwood lit. " ALL klnda iiouaa furnia'-ii. ! -gold and eirhinted. r'ar K" f Co.. Hnfrt'lneie' f t 1 ' ' FURNA'' and iM-wriur, in..;....' ' Tiew rean J I I 7t 1 f rr r- l ix.0 o.Ji'fa f'-r d- f ; r ' " ' ' eectria Una. (,'srrr tr : t-