It THE ORr.GO?J DAILY JOURNAL. fORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENIKO. WAY 8. Hit. '0 0 CARLOADS SPUDS ITT.- 'Ml UNSOLD una cmiATinu p i ur oiiuuii M Ml J 111 IUUUII FIRMER LOCALLY FOR III STATE OF OREGON SPOT AND CONTRACTS WIG IM SELL AT I S7.75 TODAY IN NORTH T! PORTLAND STOCKYARD 20,000 CASES OP EGGS IN STORAGE WkA ARE OREGON PRODUCT C ItU A mow I II l llitrl Vhal t.rr I t,lllJa I.. In l., aailJfttaraH It 63 IVi lo V. j tl WU4 Alrd lwl Amf t,ftmrr Itii'l Jt-VI mr of M k , Mewird U CalifirU I Attala I'frrr. f at irtu U lull Ar IUarli I lrl Crop Daauag II r llllk GreeJ kllwitu I tf (Laaftxli ( jul of i-tlfa Mi, tamo mt IWA rnu.m wkiu atart. ir ca in i'a 1 hlfcbe tr. Wm1 moot' ara daw a ui(fic mi t'tataa !i'.l I vi boilit ;lllr .fr tieaitllig I lop market . twiifi . .ri. l.ih Ml, fl'tat. tterfcol U diupl-lng ' ( l,rra .' - Id I'atiri. .uat .4 ur. ! ,14 I UlU Hi" " aa . , ll xaagtiftcnte J.I fufard by (nr. M lvaifi l'c laJiiojai "'" ,lrr li mI aItaltl ti.e . imiiiim 44A 44444444)4W! Arr4lg I railat.1 tkfwhlla a 4),rurd by 1 A JeartaJ dortag I.V it . li.. Jamae'i i U llMtftlU lwi. oaaau af ar al- ..... in u isji . iM4r ! i-... la tku ctr Ttu .H..1.4 lion, . t;MU li.. waa efc-t.1 Ihia . A iil mail 4n la a kt) dalrr Kidmi tHr- U 14 tttffc, f tiawtl tf tiork la IK. ha fcav, ia ,) IUI In M-a ,M.imlk., hl.l. a rll leaay Lea tr ,liollf l af IK imtJlii Kuila4 I. la i. ".n u l l Awtl'la. ,r ( ! a 7I.U Mtl alrt.t. ' W d-h. ih. tu... t f .-!(.. e la IN Mffc- ,.M.J I... bH. (.f U..a i.4ta4 .' .Iitr h and" Ik.i.f... Il.a . " lJf .IM,... lt Urn !, frl ollMialcJ It., i, . ! Mlr t-a l u u.' ii i!urt f. ulh Oruaha - )!.. a I. IN arttt la lornr, la rnt-& frcxa I'ivmi " ic i .! ura a of J ltl il a rati; l.4 mip alaajf . ilatruili I. a4 I'a fta .! Irlud4 (ru.'i Oct ). ul Ue f i.'c I s ,(M.i) a .UiWil a tar !! Umt 1 fj, Willi auitie lgn. of tan A,AaliAAakAa4aa4a4 a',,'' ' vIIm. ! eui4a4 yai.l of II inwui n ba l-rn lain - i ' ! it ali'i af tr.oa ( IMa ? SJ tjr II. ItuuvllnaT af Ih f..uii4. OWJ Of IT1IM P0aTTaVsri-O. i , h il Ouaalll.. la ilia lo !.! a lor c at a nm a a i.i' s a a run a awa i aai ia ran ifl autiiaa l. ia mi aid a"ur ro.'l. ai Irfr,l i'c fIVM Qatir UkAajr war. MIUarlN ! hih iilra4 la l!a aaal ou.. la lha utldf ia amaai ka a loaval Baaat . Unl l'H1 N"a Ih ' u a IT Ii. Tk UaL kvaa calaai. ihll.-A .hit ll. I. tit uiaraM I he41la. l-aJjr al tl l'vKrLANI IJVI'JsTtM K lit N , di f.-r cal.4Ul alu a. Uh fat-al(.la lluf a.iaiui.4a nP ' (, y ai.J Il.a Inala ul ll US-t4i i U It Haiw ttax ) (Ka MUti aJaa ta H tWUliaaa hlmm a lHffrrirx Irica lh a Uarf li.UJ uf Uih- f. Arunu!alion ar .r.-amg .. Ij wiala mararl W II" I"' '" "' TMrlr nlo la -!nc fra-ly of IIK alvaliBUj !. "up lncrral.: '' fc(cJ fur hua !.". I- I ' autiuofe la aoylhlA tul J lu f B.tfln u low lv,c , , t, .iut.wj liuldar. bfa, J , I If ,ycn lhal flfur u ..I tr.ji a vi.- Kalunalaa na4a a raiUM l-xalm, Willi lt. i.iiw. I. uf iimer .awa a VaJi Kf Af i '" '' i alhr In Ilia rl l.t.wrra ol mal ORJEN iimiimii n rnn uuimnu run T III FLOUR; PRICE TOO LOW FOR MILLERS. TO SELL II Ul If J? Ar Sd reaU CawUv U aMl I aJlr fetid. Oft. l 'oJ- 14 I Mtftlaif. LINE FORCES FOR flNISH STRUGGLE FOR MINT a klKi.iv.i lion laa atrard II. era II. l l-a .... mmi .i a laa-a fl. i ,n ,h alpala4 iMl l. aa at a n-!ha. lr,ftuot u,aft ib. cal ..r Maaa af II. la awllua aH-nc. ami fcoljinta of dalr-fvulanra ara u. an 14 al !) r'a TM Uva Ilia ! 11 tiol41a fur mar a I Uia at car a liolJlai af I1 polalora la Callfor. 'a ara aalJ I ta unuaualljr ha)' for IMa llui ul Ih aar iiuln In ll raualrr ha. hn anllra! r auan.lJ All af Ih leading Callfomla Inlareala wtihilraan lhair man frvm Hi )x al field for Hi. aaaoo. la .ijlln .r irra ia inna uw.n la lha irada al ll.ia dma. Th bulk if ajnrxtaf irat If ara ar l&a .ara la U UM;;;;,, i:w,(t w.umk4 la ia.UwaMr lha amall r.fliti!.- In "irjon MuuJiir but llllla rhaha lo oy II la rail Bialad Irial Ikvu lala ar litM lit rra of IMa lai. wl.ll dralira ha;d ooi Btr It. an 1.9 I r.i ..u'..l mak Il.a i.-ial au; i lv tn l.'ila a'ala ataltaMa fr it.arkri llr 11 .1.1- Ins In I'a If' rrla aro l.(thl aid prac-ll.-allv lu ni ara arid l aalili.ifloii C'unliai I ara tron al Zc. K INS IS flTV IlVfTtHTi: Halurtiax . r ll. lay l'liurada y V ca. ao rar agv . 11 1 ill lei ll til 11 f.i ii 'ii u litifiaf Ifila lha If bOfkamm ;.: " i.' lid 1 1; ii i:i i.tii yj.lllX la CROP FIGURES AID a f lk UUa. al lv.i. ii Murphya- iSav aorih I. Ilkaay i: W aa4 ! la H'OaU .a.a Vkaat awadiuuae af. tf aa a4 .KM float up If 14 par oarbl i ilka fujia allll alaa4lnf vara p Ih aUaixa ml, hi aaaka a a third af a4rfl tVMl. d lla flatda lava anr. la 4u lu Ita rv I k af ad 4 ikaa abadL tCatbal wa Laaaad tat kaklKl. War ui a44tUaa lias. I. kai, tW IM frar vr IN. a. Ilaaa af Ua aauit la H"1! anr. kt Uaaa pray 14 lac. rrr Ifc .altkaal at Ika ta rraa laa lata I, Ca raaataaa Kaaataa4, liafaa aaal Kai ladap at. Iialaa laalr forcaa a4 raad fat flalali Hkl "ilia tfca laall.r Oaaiiaa ka atfala. areUaWr laaiarf.w. Xilkav irt4ab. la ! r44 ara Ika ratal aaeua af Ika kill In lafcaa ap will aa lha p ru peal ttoa a ak4U (t.a roanaitroa tuf a4 lb. bitraau af nanufaftura and Ik. PUB I. ' tallra ( 'aaapiarM taaf I faaxk flva a. a f (t rf JiASKS THAT ATTORNEY BE NOT ALLOWED FEES ( Kaaatartiala) IrvU4 4t4. ilaa4a ad lu I aaa.a aaal 4 . I ltlB ta(lUI tW MaaJ4 OMi.l 1' 4. Mlt faa.4 af Ika (VafUaVd 11 1 f laiaK I a I ka iu aa aa auk ika r r rat Ik. .Ml. .f ar4Lt4 failaa) af la. MlUaaaip idaia , Jaaraal Wa Ada Uitf laaaltaV rmAaTt-OBTATlO. NORTH GERMAN LLOTD AQ i(aUac TaA O 1 Extreme Southern Trrndc rXr-rU" MAII.ISU4 Ttrll'At iTAir MAIL. AJllSa ll4UD4II LONDON - PARIS .BREMEN A1UMU4) ON HAT UBllAId ru THE MEDITERRANEAN ftttCtt (t., (da. AiCL, tntivtf. t kVakart Oaaalia. . A. V. tL. 4M rwU uaV Opp4d ! rraaala Itaaat, ft. I. OB IOC A 48IITI A ptltla a.klna Ikal th. rlrull rouM hut kit. Alloraay C At. 1 4 lata a d ; faa for rpraaalla f-rrlala drpuatiora In Ika Mauat 4WII kanfe raa a a f1ld 4444444dd4ddd4a !lhU moinlng kr 16. t. Talio. rolar fur Ik. kaok. II I. at furik Ifcat aoma WIIKAr CAHOOTO NORMAU ftudoA. Atay I, Wkaal .'aiavaa aor. Hi I af Had ruurtlif aiarkala-aKaar. rio.n ruublrp mark!. turn. fViUTlMt UtlAIN ItR-KJfTl - a ra ti 1 1 1 uraUa 9 UaJura. 1 rf ato. ao t data . . li.tO. Tar ago ll.Ui Wttaal liail.p n.,ur. taia. Hay 11 I l tn it 4 4 11 pit llti I 1 I I. 11 11 , t .it till 1474 th. alock la brlii fraaljf f f-ra. . ! c .rr lllnhrp roraiBlaaloa turn inmnJ flltUll'i l.b to i I3( par ranlal. Saw jolaloaa are in inorh; IHiwn lo lo li i A nar .IU tacord fof lha praaenl ll. u rruriii a aa aavurcJ fur a amall lul of i rin iula frum Hi U Utainrlla ail. Tli. lot InrludrO l.d : !'. fl puunJa. Tla irli. IT 71 Ttila t Ifcc abuta any trtluua fldura aud la titlt Shrrp A m .lj. 0 ajarlur quailly and not to an 'rnla Tuttar. imi rvvcii-aul In Ua markl. May llo.a II- I hrnd. tomtaird wllb ill a au aud tr ranlal. .Na ' I'- .- " ; .. " ' . " ... . .. ... ... Thar, a.a anolhar tvX 4Min In Ih. " ;vj!..?; ,.rd. iod.yi ti.i. b.:.., ... r' ' ' t' ..-.-'., . '.It.- l.rad. ,on,lird with 41 "ZVX'. ara a. relation. In ao.nai L, .... ',,: n". 'Z'l 1 , t . "' ""'" SECURITY MARKETS of ika 4rpaiiar.. ho. ara aa4 la bar agra4 with Alloraajr ldl.wan la rlr. aM It.aia. da not mom rnaal la bar Irif him lha amount ikaf forrnlp aall lbr outd itajr far hi. aarrtraa Oa. laaaan art furth for not allowing hint lea la lhal hea T. S. Uf.ra. tau. Irlad frldrnl of Ih. batik. aa pa rolaA Idlaman ia aufivoaad Id hara let paid I44 ta- TJVAjTijvOilTAflOjC. ..iH.n of a briirr Irrlir.a afl.r aal.Ur ron. of Ih irada la willing lo bay Ilk tkla ballaf. XORTII IH IlfVIXU rilKKSE Konhrrw Intarrata ara buyln c-hrwao lib rally In Ilia local markri ttn.l i lit) t'lira la being writ inannainru ai m for fJAU In a whulaaala way. niTTKIl CLKAMNt; IT Thlt .torka of bullrr ara Inrraaa. Itg. lha markrt la rleanina; up wall arf Ultla oiitald. roll l hown elnc (ha r-anl Advance hrrr and Ih.ra ar aoni. faar. of k very aliarp brcrk next weak. IIOOST H.WV HKUMOS PRICE Prlca for raw aalmon waa hid up lo c a pound by aoma Portland rr lallrra mho lnvada1 th market al Ore Kon t'lly laat nlajlit. Tha trad. In Kff ral la offTlnit ? while pai-kara n.iy that thy arc not paying above 7c. Th Vlllar Rock Tarklng company arnt 3fi boira from Oreiron City to Ita lonvr Columbia plant during the pnat 24 boura. , SHAD THICKS AKE EASIER 1 ir , I. a r alroul l.'ia in rail aa Shad1 prlcr. .r. aasler her. today at Sc a pound. A fair t:tFnne In th catch la reported. Demand la quite pood owing to the high cont of olhr-r Tlati and meat.. , V4rra liiM.l . 1 1 ttlrriW . ' , hlirrp h!rpara today: H U l'--kr. g 10 Wlllamrllr. 11.10; looal alralfht ' ada fii-ap. h...i and caivaa frum 4 5 l.i.. 0yll. aiport gradaa, I bllvcrton. A 11 Ualc. An.ity. lo loJ. IIIClfi:0 lirl) and hoga, 1. Cvpllii. I'lalnvtaw. IIAV Mrixiucara- prlr. tt crop n load ahrap and hoi;a. vn.. rimn.h. fine iiilAAtl- nrrfi. At ChUaKo thfro ta a alcady tone nary. Illtl; .aatem oreaon. 114.00 0 ,n kl-P trad aim no lianga In ll: lOtho. IllOli. rnliao Ilivit. ala pnera. ar. II0; wliML 1 1 1 O 1 1 10. ch-at, , Kunaaa City waa wrak for ahaap with 111 Oil So. alfalfa. Ill ItOHi oata. Ill a K. uf 10 to lc in tno prlra tf 1 1 40 r.oulh Omaha atieep inarkal aa nHtr, fir. a and "oaltrw. latradv. ;:t'TTKH Nominal; rttra rrramary. J Mi rap price: rulwa and luba. Kc; prlnta, 17 J 17 H c; i r.m.-y aprlng lamba dairy, ltfl3c. Unllnur)' aprli.g lamb .... l-l i -ll i. l T-ofl-ir. f price---r I I'.rat klitarod xarlli.g o.M Portlnrd vrr Ib. :?r. ( ( irdinury ahrared ycarllnga ., ii" Ltiu-riwT mm, HSf; iiid wi-llicri. ahenred 1 n if 1 3 aprlnit 1 Kancy run, ahrar.-d 17 tog : 75 . t (. o 4 7 00 I OU if L ttf I Hub 10 6 uoi :i 1. 1'6 fi 00 4.60 1 I 7D brollcri. .'Sc: iteeaa. rtiH-ka . IOtlRci old dii. ka, 1 4 t.i 1 Sc; ordinary ewra. ahrarrd ttirKava. r'.rilr: drraanl. JLc: n crnm . ,.i ki.k.. old. II; yii'ing. I2if2fi0 fer Ooim i w..w.. .. .iv.. KOO.-S-Candied rrlri.;. :ic doian; . , 7 , , -a- .tncandlrd. 0c; arot buying price. 20a advance of 6c waa forced fob Portland- today In the cuttle market at North '.-HUSK .-Nominal- fraab Orema , J'orlland whan a aala of :7 head ft a a f.nrv fnlt .rir.i... -,.d rf.i.T.. I made at I 1 "in waa for atom mil Nar Tk. Way 4 1 h go arr.ment rrop flgurea than l.a.1 barn ax rcld arta4 bull!!, a uju trading ta Il.a tck market today, f re lid IJi aprcUltlra .rral fractlona I Ighar Iradlng waa lleM with rail loana holding airady al :l,Ol irr rant. M.nia rfforl made lo drive In (Meal aharre but It pr.xrd umu.-rrtfu:. I'opprr -HlMria' rriiri lica liai ln rraard !.(. 1.1 uui.d, ur l I.'. an had b.en aapactrd. Itange of New Toik price furnlahrd tv in t-rback A I im.Ii i o I . rfpl Ion I tian: lllc'ii I.iw Hid 1m Aagalaa .ad fraa D4ag. leawamjp. TAZ.B . ABTAJH liailroad or any ahlp la Ran raaciao-o, lha llipoallloa l-Tly. l-arial. faataal and the ONLY triclly firal claaa paa- aai g.r ahlpa oa lha Col; average apaJ II tnllaa par hour, roal Il.0n0.404 each aa JTrwaaLaoo, rortlaad ft La. Aagalaa a. . co rP.ANK HOLLA M. Agarit VI a n 4T 1M IID 4TTT. A-I4H s COOS BAY LINE Rilli from Alnewurth diK-k. Portland. 19c; FIRST OREGON' STRAWBERRIES Th. flrat Oregon trawberr1cn of the aeaaon have been received from Romt burg by Mark Levy, a local commission - man. Tha ahlpment ronalated of one crate of the Oold Dollar vnrlety. The -Mle vu mode at 17 20 for tho ZA pounda. The quality was very good. BETTER MEXICAN TO.mAtORS ;- A very fancy ahlpment of Mexican tomatoes arrived In by express this morning. The. Htock wna packed In era ten of four bafketa each nnd the well colored nold roadllv at 12.74. Florid . alock in good call at 14.50 for the . - larger era tea. airniki'il tKiuiids. llina hum yuiic a guod run of cattle In the yards today and quality waa aiiinewluu Letter than uaual. It aerina t.'iat every time that A. 1. DeMarla. th Milton Bhlpr-r. cornea forward with er cental f. o b! "tock that tno n""1"51 "ct" lio rmw ll. w.... iotv , j m , . i.ui .v " , . , llila muriiliig and It waa the algoal fur the hooatlng of valuea. Today', run of 431 bead of cattle rompun-a with nono last Wedneaday and 474 a year ago. At ChieiiKO cattle were .low with sreen onlona, ldc dox. luinehea; pep. J fuctlonully lower values. iiunstta i ny came were aieauy wnu a run of E0u head for the day. South Omaha cattle were steady with young America., 20c. rrnlts and TaneVaOlea. POTATOKb Selling pM- Extra choice, 11.60; choice. $1,360 l.tO; ordi nary. $!.-& cental. Lluying price, extra fancy table stock, 41.26. extra choice. n. i o ; rnoice. ii vu I piilintt Lliliinl). .,,.. aa New polutoea, Florida, to pound; Cali fornia, 3(i(Dc per pound. VEGETABIiKS Turnips. 11 00 nar sack; beet, $1.60 sack; carrota $1; cabbage. I3 00((4 00. .M.-xIcnn tomatoea. IZ.ifi; Florida, $4.60; beans, !7milSo jo.; Rrcen onions, ice oox. iiunchcs; pep pers, bell, 26c lb.; head lettuce, $1.50f( 2.H0 crate; hothouse, $1 box; radishes. If.e ilex, buriches. celerv. 6 Crate: eita" and best cow. and i.lrint, SOr lb ; pMisi, 4 jf 7c; cauliflower, toy stvura $8.60 iochi. ji.L'iisri.fco per doz.; BHparngus, helicra $7.60. fiOclx 11.25 per bunches; Walla Cattle shipper.: A. j. DeMarla, IOW Wiilla. $1.15 box; Ciillfornla fancy, $2'p di-n. Wash., two loads; Hert Cram, Oate 2.26; spinach. 25c sack. nay 14 loads; John llolter. Gateway, ONIONS Jobbing price. Oregon: Tel-I oi.e load; II. U. Meyer, Jaxon, one load low. No 1, $4.ft0: No. 2. $2.nof.2.2B: red, cattle and calves. $2.60. New crop, fic lb.; gurllc. 7HftSc. i North Portland cattle prlcea: H4I.SI1 1-HI I I'S Ornnues. I1.76f Haiivv funrv 3.00, bananns. 4 U (a 5c lb.; lemon. 13.50 Fancy ateer. ni...i"i. nine., i i en et. , Kr.ipcrrmi, ) ml COUNTRY MEATS IX)AVER Iwer prices ar being named for country meats alonp fYont street. Veals are extreme tops h inilO'c, while Itogs are Belling generally from lO'.sii, Uc for beet. -Home ut K)c. CHICKEN MARKET l-OWER f.i n?- r.l.,.flr.,.l... K,. II. . . i . i V ,4j. .. i i'm i Vi r n ' ' , 1 ommon ..atcer. . ""-' i'.'ii i. ii."r;.uu per Kcder steers ia in. erie, i.ub nifcies, J..-0 per 7'A,Hpeyed heifers crop. III. c'Bte APPLES 11.75 3.25. Bops, Wcui and Et1eB. 'i it's- Iro.liii-.-rs- Ddce t 9 I 1 r!c; 1912 contracts, 17c. MOHAIR--1912, 34c oi i! J'n.ilu. ci irlc -.Nominal .1912; Willamette valley, lCJ18e; east ern rireeon. 13'nl6c. CH1TTIM OU CaRPAHA BAnK Fnncy heifers Fancy cows Ordinary cows lanoy liRht calves c; 1013 and 1914, Medium light calves . Heavy calves i u. .$ 7.20 7.06S7.1U 7.00 6.26(f5.75 6.00 d j-25 6.76 6.76 4.2696.30 6.!iOti't!.ftO 8.75(f8.S3 8.00 4.00&4.2& 6.60 4.005.00 1912 nominal, ra riots 5 V.c. 'less carlo U ltt , V'C. hTh9 l',-h Ke"ral,Ir fie Ih- iqii i,,rk rn rim a K ii mtu. at ortli I'oitland. 1 he animals c.5rln 5'Vc It. Cdrl0t8 H6c. less;UKed u3 ,,oundB arld ure Baid t( Notwlthstandtnc lli report vester dghat the chicken market was Vllght . 1y Improved. It appears today that the -. dflmand was nomlniil and ef furls to clian up hens at 13'ac and sprinpr-rs at 25c failed. lieceipts contirmo lib eral and somo Hre still canicil over from last week. licst bulla Ordinary bulls On. Load Hogs Sell Higher. One loud of .N4 head of hops sold ai market uver- to bo nrriT-s -iirv bifirn "nS"i. . worm a premium ot a dime aoove wnat on r.i-, .,.i,j .......' ini...'. . I 1 ordinarily called ton stuff here. He : ':.' ,,,,T.JT,.'"7.?V"L",MS-!-olptH for the day were fairly liberal iirv "V; 4 U VVlf s'lnV' ' ' J tH : otal ini. 355 head, compared with '18 gr;.;.n.-4l7cf i;rr;a,h.da8!n"r.itc,1, I Wednesday and no, on this da? a liinii salted: sh.-n pelts, silted, ll: drv . ! . , , . ' 11.11 KtliriHl ll"K DllUaL UI1 IH HIII1W1I1K t : Improvement east of the Rockies and Io. S,H(Juncen were almost general. At Chl- ; cttgo there was an advance of 6o to 10c lor. Hie ilay. U' 1 H,C II). TALLOW Pi line, per .lb., 614 c; io : . 2 r2c. KiJ', nU and Pro:s:oaa. FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS shipnn tits as far north as . Lnilr.,! 1mm igninst mliiliniim temperatures 15c. Weather hiiiran sends out the follow ing notice to shippers: . rroieri Seattle . or about 4S degrees; northeast i. i aegris.-s; southeast to Holse, 36 degrees; so.itli to S'lsjilyou, 40 rie- frrees. Minimum temperature at Port and tonight, about 5 degrees. PORTLAND JOBHINO PRICES. flraln. Tlonr and ay. , Thas price, ara imsa at which whola ealar. .ell to retailers, except aa othar w1sa stated: WHEAT -Nominal Proilitears nrc nominal, track delivery, club fi7fffRf bluestem, $.02f 1.0.'!; red Kusslan "c Wlllarnette valley, 09c IlAHl.f - Pr lears- ti.-Tr-,.. J i Feed.; $35.00; rollsd. $36.00; brewlna S" l"i 4...00. MTIXHTI't-KF -,'4eiur nric- Mrgn 24.00: middlftiffs. $31.00: Rhorts, $26 00. OATS Producers price Nominal--Traclt No. 1. epot delivery, while $39 gray $SR 60. FIOTTR Selling price Patent .UK.-KKi; MKATK Fr-nt n're.t llos. fancy. 10ftl0'c: ordinary, 0c' h.iu y, fancy .al, 10'o l(itc; or- ilinury, I1'.-; poor, !i'.c: lamlis. Ili"; mill ion. Sii'!'c; front.---, 2'n-Ic; luef, G'k IIc HAMS, HAl'IlN, KTr.-HiHin. 1 '4 17'ic; hrcikfa'st bacon. 14 ", (n 24 u.i- 6c; picnics. 11 c; cottage Kansas city hogs were lOo higher. with a run of 90m) head. South omaliu hog prices were 6c to tut- netter than yerterday. with a run or 12,000 head. Tops there sold at $7.50, or $1 below the price In effect Here. I loir shippers: W. B. Kurts. The Dulles, 2 loarts; Pomeroy Meat & Llve- LAKD Tierces,; compound, t'"-k association, Pomeroy, Wash., 1 J.C.WILS0NMO . , MEMBERS ynsvr tobx stock exchange SIW lOXK COTTO EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOAJta 07 TH1DE TKS STOCK AWD BOND EXCHANGE - 8AM EKANC1SCO Main Office Mills Bldg., bin Francisco Branch Off loa., Eanttla irortlmd. Ik Angela. Ban Siegro! Boom, k, XdHBibemen Bank' Bnlldlnr . yhoa.e Marshall 4lao. A-4137. OVERBECK&CO0KEC0 Stocks, Bonds. Cotter, Oimixi, Eta , Ol SAaaJ . Tmm .t Va4llJI4a.. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES w J a a -vr t a t rri M.Bibar ' CThioaga Board .of Trad. CorraapoBfleiitj f,Z.ogaa U Bryaa cmcare, Jiaw xorm - . . . . - . . . tierces, !)Vic Per lb. MKATj Packing house Steer No 1 stock, 12H-c; cows, No. 1 stock," lie HVL-c; ewes, 0c; wethers, 11 Vic lambs, 12'4e; pork loins, 18c. ' Fl ST 1 Nominal- -Kock cod, () ih ' flounders, 6c; halibut, 79c; striped baas. Zilc; catfish. 1312Hc; Imon 12V,c lb.; soles, 7c per lb.; shrimps'. 12c lb ; perch, 78c; tomcod, 8c- lob sters, 25c; herrings, 66c; black bass 20c; BturKeon, ( ) per lb.: sliver smelt' Sc lb.: black cod, 7c; dressed shad, 6o ro shad 10c: shad roe. ?0o lb.: Cc:nmJ bia smelt ( ) per box. OYSTERS "boal Water bay. per cal lon f ): pr 100 lb. .nek ( ) otym pia. per ;sllon. $S; per .00 lb. aack it; canned eastern, 6So can., $6.40 drjn: eastern In shell, tl.7SSJ2.00 per 104' razor clams. $2tf?2.25 bo. ' Krocarroa. . Pl'GAR-Cube, $6.45; powdered, $6.15; fruit or berry, $6.06: beet, $6.95; dry granulated, $6.06; X) yellow, $5.75; flono l:lu jilantation cine granulataal. la ler (Above quotations are 10 daya net RICE Japan style, Na 1. 6Uffl5ic; No. 2, 44c; New Orleans head, l 7c; Creole. 6c. SALT Coarse, half rronnda 00. $1.19 r-r ton; 60s, $9.00; table dairy. 50c, $11; l?0s. 117. bales. $2.10; extra fine barrels, la. 6a and 10a, StO(.; lump rack. $2 r.o pen ton. -BKANS Small whlta. I4.I8: larg Mte. $4 85: pi.ik. I4.1S; bayou, 14.71; Umm $7: reds. Sn HONST New. ' tl rar caaa. PaUota. Coal OU. Kto. I.IN'Shi-.U OIL Raw. bbls.. 80c al.; kettle boiled, bbl., 62c:icaw, In caaee. hie. roileu In casea. Kic; gaL lot of i0 gallons, lc oil caka meai. $44 I r too. WHITB LEAD Ton Iota, 8e pet- Itj 600 lb. lota, lc par lb.; lea. lot. 4Vs per lb. HOPE Manila, 414c: slsaL 7 Ho. .QAFOL1N E Red crown and motor, llf22c gallon-, it gaaollna, 2IAI4V. gallow; V. M. & P. naphtha. Hdl4H gallon. TUKfF.NTiNE ia caaea- 7te: load. North Portland hog prices: Pest rtneiilum blockers $8.40( Medium light .-8.80( Good and heavy 8.25 Rough aud heavy 7.00 fcitockers . . . 7.76 ( Wednesday'. Hvertock Bales. BTEERS. Average Lbs. Zl 1175 5 8.50 !8.35 8.30 7.60 ;8.oo r.o 26 2t . . .. . . 76 steers 24 steers HOGS. .1239 ..1239 ..1176 .1239 . . .1175 Si 203 3:' 164 71 196 81 - v81 26 fVT.7330 1 ,..350 1 ....'. 380 SHEEP. 41 wool sheep iJtO 29 yearlings 116 1 yearling ,. 90 69 ewea and bucks ,. 145 SPRING LAMBS. 22 64 36 61 100 CHICAGO HOGS HIGHER Price, $7.26 7.00 7.00 6.70 7.00 6.70 $8.50 8.40 8.40 S.40 7.00 7.00 6.60 6.00 $6.75 6.50 6.60 $7.76 7.35 6.60 Am Can . o Am. C. at F . o. . . A ma 1. C. Co. Am. C. Oil. c. . . . Am. Iico , c. . . . Am. Su f ai . c A . Am. . c Ahacoiidn M Co. Am. noloii. c . . Alehlaon, c H. A- O., c Hrooklyn R. T.. . Canadian Par., c I'entral Iath.. c. C. A i J. V , . . . C. (j. W.. nfd. . . . C. M. A n. P C N. c Clie-a. i Ohio. C. F. A I . c. . Colo. South., c. Corn Pro., c . . Dela. ft Hudson Erie, c Oen. Electric. . . (1. N.. pfd Ice Kecurltls . . Illinois On. . . . Inter. Hnr Inter. Met., c . . . Lehigh Valley.. K. C. S Louis. & Nnsh . . Mex. Nat'l, sec . . M. 8 P. M. K. M. M. K A T., c. . . Missouri I'ac. . . . National Lend . .. Nevada Com. N. Y. Central. . . N. Y. Ont & W. Norf. & W., c. . . Nort h A m erlcan. . Northern Tac, c I'ac. M. S. Co. . . I'enn. Rr . . . P. (1. L. C. Co. Pressed S. Cm C. Reading, c. . . . Rep. i: A S.. c Rock Island, c St. L. & 8. W., c Po. Pacific, c. Po. Railway, c Taxas at Pacific T.. St. L. & IV.. c Union Pacific, c. do pfd TT. S. Rubber, o. . U. 8. Steel Co., c do pfd Utah Copper .... VIA. Chemical ... Wabash, c W. U. Telegraph West. Electric . . Wheeling & L. E OS1 61 I so I 4 I it i MS 42 ;i.. H V. 4 41 41S 17 4 17 ) HI ' M . 6!. i. I.' ii ii: in-'i I M V e4 4i ; 4 1 , I I0SS H'CV, 10S lUK, 10SS lO" 4 ilia1 M. nm, I yj't 251 ,366 :ii S SMS 24S' 4S 3 4 S J 24W 11 I it IX ! It 36 1 33 ' J4 4 j 15 ltoiH io; '';i! lu? 140 1 4.1', 14')'. I4ii' 27 S 27 27 h. 15 167 111 V 2 127 . j 1 1 7i I IRS 167S 167' 27W 41l 66 21 U 118 112 " 81 ' 119 li 82 '4 12XMI 43 16 . K0V 14SI 24S U6SilStiH lll;131Vk'lllH 27S 24 26 117 V124HI124H ins n' nr.' 15 W 16S iiial'ii 167 1674'16 16n'i56- 140H.13' 176 22H 26 Ta 110 27 16U 168Vd 67" 65 U 109 5 61 61 .8,i 74' ' 274 41S 66 K, i'l S 11S 8 112S MS U94 32 U 123S 76 U "91 26 110V4 2S 15',i 169 Vt 67 ' 65H 110 6114 62 74 41 56 i'l 118 38H 112 SIH 119 32 H 123H 173 22 27m 23 'i 15V, 168V4 lSlj 166'. 24J, 167 2W liv -a 27 41 6 14 21 118 881 112 8114 113 82 1M44 10714 34 17474 22 26 3214 110 4 28 n 1 ' u : 14 1691 80 66 66 109 61 61 82 The orl.ol la Innulnna taaardlna Ika flour mark!, but bid a ftum lhal auurr ara alu.( lie er barrel lower than mi.: oa IMa aide ara willing l. con sider Th mulrira coma chiefly from Jln. I at ( I.Im i atklna fw qua li..ii r.aaroing tuppllaa ll la not thought lhal any malarial tulhra will b with Ilia on. r.t al I M lima. ha-au of Ih lib eral hoiJIna lhare. home of lha leading e:ir. wiii.r. ar. or th. opinion lhal 01110 nour win ia naaued by jap if r in tn. eaon ani prlra. may in ihl i ..ti.llllon. 1'alenf flot.r I m l-i . Mm. Knt rhai in price la at irta-iit cont.m-I a. n , May I 4. ll. II, 11 and 11; June plated here 2. 7, 11. 17. II and 37. rraignt reteiveo l.ral HMfket la aaaler wlih prartl-'al Alnaworth dork dally up to p. rn. rally no bualn.aa detrluplpg A lead- Paaaanger far. Ilrat claaa $10. second in. mi.r i.m h-a 11.1. u.a r..r 0.1 I rlaaa 17. Inrludlna berth and maala irnck haala, thia tiiomii... with blue ; Ticket office Alnaworth dock. Phoaaa aleiii at 1 1 J.'. While h :,! II at ha waa Main IIOO. A-li:t. m.l getting any whrat at the fig- wr9mm, ai. """aaaj ur.. that waa til limit and he dldn t , , neau t:, .lo.ii. bad enough lo bid. TV01SIS OT Til AMTVAXt rrATOCXarT OF mora. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NK W lIC lAJl4lilftltT AMI ULAJklOM. MEW YotlK. t-ALtHAlU A St N A 11 JUL Attraetl.e rl' for tlakaia kalwaeatk Tarfe ead All aWirk, tagllak. iM'h. N. ItnaatiJ aad kladliaaaa paiala. anar AaaaaaaaaAauaaa. BlaaXlaal Oat. laa, airvataat karvtaav AppW (rosartlg ft aaara it.a la nra at Aackar IJaa ar ltl.."JitfSOM UllOk, Oaaaral ArmU fMura, ll. Now YorK-Portland rtmericinnivTUia y S. Co. ' rzaroajrrsraa Aocrra rralfkl Carried aa aVrhedule TUtk VOW UATW. rreananl ftervlar (faftlnr. - C. gtNIriT, Agent- - ' tl Hallway aakaara BM. . KXritEHA ITCAklKIlf roR Sui Frandftco and Lot xipeea WITHOUT Clf AIS'IiK. . ft. . ft A. aa. Mar 1ft. Tka laa Fraaclaoa k rwilul ft. ft. Oa, nek.t orrwe t.i Taar. an. rkaaea Mala ax aad A-laOft. HAS FIUNaSCa LOS AXGELE8 AM HAS DIFX.O, IHItrtlT woTat FACrrio ft. . oo. B. KOAJtOXa a ft. ft. IU)n Ball N iery Wedneaday, altarnalaly, at 4 p. tn. ickel oft lea Hi Third 8t, near Alder. PhoneafMaln Hit. A-U14. MARTIN J HIOLEY, Pa... Agwnt W M KLL'SHKR. lTrvlght Agent. SHARP It RE A K IX rTTl'RfM THE ILLINOIS SURETY COMPANY OF CHICAGO. IN THE STATE Or ILLINOIS, July and rVplr-mlwr M licnt Close I on the list day of December. 1111, mad. lo tb. In.uranoe Commt.alon.r Of th. i alaia nf i Ir.vnii n 11 rani nl tn law- nil ixnui or 1 4 to 1 4 t i-nii, 1 Chliaso, May I I lgi-tnn of the govi-rnnient crop flj.-ur.-a of yeatertlav gave the market a lad half hour at the opening, resulting in a loaa of ll, to !c in ruturrs aii.T 40 for May. July rloaod l'c lower than yeaterday re gaining Borne of the early loaa on later abort coTrrlna:. Close of September was 1 Uc down May lost c at the end There wna a sharp loaa abroad today following tbe publication of the flrure. arid Nils waa reflected on tha trade here I the operetng. World's vlalhle auntdv of wheat Is lit. 673. 000 biiMiels cumbered with 117.- 607, 000 buaht-la a year ago. Ranr of ChlCHKO nrlce. fumlahad by Ov.rback A Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Orn. HI ah. Low. May 11714 117 ll July 111 1111, 112 Sej 108 lori 107 CORN. 80 80 Cloaa. 117 111 108B state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CJUrTTAX. Amount of capital paid up xjfCojcn. Premium, received during Ih. year Interest, dividends and rent, received during th. year. Incom. from other .ources received during Ih. year... Total Incom. BiBBiTaUurMZirrs. ling WdJuatment Total sales, 618,700 shares. Call money, 2Qi2 per cent. NORTHWEST RAXK STATEMENT Portland Banks. Clearings today $2,143,742.29 Year ago 1,041,145.18 nafn todav t Balances today 218,236.80 ear ago 263.944.56 Tacoma Bank. Clearings today . - $ 704,138.00 Balances today 32,739.00 Seattle Bank. Clearings today $1,921,742.00 Balances today 280,644.00 Money and Exchange. London. May 8. Consols 78 8-18: 11 ver, 27 T4; bank rate 816 Per cent. New York. May 8. t Sterling exchange. long 4.85, short 4,87.4; silver bullion, 6014. Ran Francisco. May 8. Sterling ex change. 60 days, 4.83; Bight, 4.86: Doc., 4.82 T4; transfers, teiegrapnie, premium; sight, par. barrels. 70 c: Iron barrels. (4c par gallon- 10 caaa lota. 12c-. . . . , . COAL OIL -Caeca: Pearl. lllc: Star, ljlje per gallon: water white, bulk. 0 liStf mtto: spaclal water wnlte, 11 01 lc. L ., . , . Advance of 8 to 10 Cents for Day; Cattld Trade Is Slow. Chicago, May 8. Run: Hogs, 26.000; cattle. 16,000; sheep. 14,000. Hogs re strong 8 to 10c higher: left over, 11,000; receipts a year ago, 25,000; mixed. $7.SOr7i80; havy, $7.657.82 ; rough, $7.307.55; light, $7.8007.6714. Cattle Flow. Sheep Steady. 03IAHA HOGS HIGHER South Omaha, May. 8. Cattle, JS00; market steady: steers. $8.00 8.66"; cows and helf-ers, $o.75f.50. -r HWEsn 2.O04T ttaflrer " td I3c 6Tgri4r at $7.4007.60- - - ; -. Sheep, 3200; market steady; yearlings, $6 65 H 7.25-; wet bars, $5.4L50; larobs, $..oey.0O; .wea. $7.00 07.18. . Jan. . . . March , May . ... June July ... Aug. . .. Sept. . . Oct Dec. ... New York Cotton Market. Open. High.. Low, Close. 11S1 1173 UbT Jl(jf(pll6l ,1 169 .1130 .1129 .1143 .1161 .1148 .1155 .1164 1179 1138 1138 1151 1150 1148 1168 1170 1169 1129 1129 1135 1140 1148 1160 1160 11741176 1134(311136 11341135 1144 0.1145 11491160 11 63 oil 165 11614 1162 11701171 DANGEROUS HATPINS MAY CARRY SAFETY DEVICE IN SEATTLE May . July . Sep. . May . July . Sept.. May . July . Sep. . May . July . Sep. . May .. July . Sep. . i i i i '.a , 4 75 OATS. 66 67 62 64 43 4m PORK. 1940 1940 1965 1965 I960 197$ LARD. ii26 iiso 1132 1140 RIBS. 1060 1067 1060 1077 80 77 74 56 62 43 1925 1945 1967 1105 1125 1047 1067 80A 77 A 7514A 67D 64A 44 B I 1926 1960A 1970U 1087A 110511 nzsn 1045N 1057A 1075 Lpaacn paid during the year. Including p.-nsea, eie Dividends paid during the year on capital stock Commlaalona and aalnrlea paid diirlntr the year Taxca, licensee and feea paid during tbe year Amount of all other expenditures Total expenditure. ABBXTft. Due from .xcla eommltte. Ixiana on mortgage, and collateral, etc Caah In banka and on hand Premiums In course of collection and In tranamlaaton Interest and rents due and accrued Total asset T Lea special deposits In any state Total assets admitted tn Oregon LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks Due for commission and brokerage All other liabilities $1(1 841 l 1I.1I4.IT 7.01141 t 11.166 61 16,000 00 106.994.74 7.74S.TI 71,114.11 I 11.704.71 421,870.00 62.814. t 84.962.25 4.447.10 $604,830.76 13.110.00 $114,400.04 SI7I.T11.11 1100.121 11 $581,710.75 f 61.600. 19 176,447.64 14,604.60 946.23 $264,600.86 2.82M7 Less liabilities secured by special deposit. unearned premium. Total liabilities, except capital and surplus Total premium In force Dec. 31, 1911 Buaxzrssft ih oauooir ro tkb tbab. Total risks written during the year f!ros premiums received during the year Premiums returned during the year $261,777 6 $318,447 3,' I 66.600 'i 110 05 29.4.. v San Francisco Grain Market, San Francisco, Mny 8. Grain call: WHEAT Open Close. Northern December 164 11 164 A BARLEY May 180 B 191 A December 160 160 STARVING COUGAR, TO GET MEAL, COMES TO LYONS, OR.; IS KILLED THE ILLINOIS SURETY COMPANY By CHAS. E. SCHICK. Secretary. Statutory resident, general agent and attorney for service: MOSES BILLINOS. Portland, Or.. k (TTnlted Press Leed Wire.) - 4 4 Seattle, Wash, May 8. Comi- 4 4 cllman Max Wardelt will Mon- 4 4 day night introduce a bill limit- 4 4 ing th. length of hatpins worn 4 4 by women in Seattle and pro- 4 4 vlding for. at safety davlce to 4 cover th point. Tbe proposed 4 bill 1 tbe outcome of an agltae 4 tlon begun last week when a 4 4 man In a crowded street ear was 4 4 stabbed in the ey. by a long 4 4 ha tpin. .; .- .-.w , -.- . 4 -.-.'-' : 4 ' Journal Want Ada bring result. ' 1 (Special to The Journal.) 4 Lyons, Or., Muy 8. A cougar 4 4 measuring 7 feet, 10 Inches was 4 4 killed within 100 yards of Lyons 4 4 depot Monday. William Patter- 4 son, 70 years old, was on his 4 4 way to dinner with his shepherd 4 4 dog, when the cougar pounced 4 4 out of the brush and caught the 4 dtig. Mr. Patterson called ror 4 help and pounded the cougar 4 4 with rocks until H. L. Snocken- 4 berg, hearing his cries for noip, 4 came to his rescue with .a 22 4 4 rifle. Th. Becond shot killed 4 the cougar. The cougar was 4 4 very large and thin, evidently 4 4 nearly starved. Mr. Patterson 4 a lives Just at the edge of town. a School cmidren travel tn. trail 4 night and morning on their way 4 to school. 4 - - 4 4 44 MINNESOTA EDUCATOR COMES TO SALEM SCHOOL I ' (Salem Bureau of Tha Journal. Salem. Or., May 8,--The Salem school board. last night elected P. J. Kuntz of Owatomma, Minn., superintendent of the city schools, fining the vacancy mad. by the resignation of J. W. Power. The latter resigned as a result of,, the lack of harmony between himself and Prin cipal Kirk of tbe high school. . - , PENDLETON STORE LOSS BY FIRE ABOUT $12,000 tSpedal to Tha JonrnalJ Pendleton. Or, ilay J. Fir last night, started presumably from a short circuit, gutted tlu. Wonder store, and with smoke and water did- approxl-. mately $12,000 damage. Prompt work by the- volunteer 4, department . saved other building. Th. loaa I. nearly covered by Insurance, ,, , . .. 1 ' . V, , - I Lumber mens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 on Savings Corner Fifth and Stark Ladd frTilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $800,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' dhecks Issued, available in all parts of the world Cornet Third and Washington Streets Xa Follette in San Francisco. 6an rranclsco. May 8. Ftean from a tour of Interior counties In th. Interest of his campaign for - the Republican presidential nomination. Senator Robert M. La Follett arrived here today to ' hold-'hi first 8an': Franciaoo rally to-"! night. La Follett." declared himself lrj fighting trim' for. a rousfn rally. and tpreFBed pleasure at ih. reception ex- j tended him on his California tour. 1 .. ; 'iy:r'' . - - - ' r FIRST, NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS A $4850,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS -i i.