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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1912)
I Tin: onncojr daily .iouhjial. tortland. Tuesday evening, way t. wl .A Town Topics a tm. u .4 aS4 tt UultUlfc fclH.I I NT, if. a ul V im aauf aar. b tbk aa tl4Uf IM aalH i ft! h.l Ct-ltt'J4 UVt4.M 4t Uf-hUa ui,i a C iia a. a piMwr. fM!4 m -4m rir tentaM U'klfc( lul ir IM HeA. rir im im 4 uan4y, tXWAKI A. DtAU ' f'rirl fat -. Xllri Lll Ma Mnr f lh , FertiaAd c(ie ( ia NaiianaJ t'laelrM Utt O04U Will l t'CMht ' ) in la IU(bom ulMi I Mat tKxl a4 tUalhom lt JikuM MuillUl ! lkfn M". It. UM I lit lbrlU4 rliiwl, UiM Ir mH wilt drlttvr a kdJrwx l hi lprn abica HI b (eiteaej r ft 4tmcuHaM bf jr. i w lino, it s. w n si.4 K. w. u . Aftr l in pari of lb trorro ! lit a a anittbar of ihIiI f4iur huh Ul M fumi H4 by lha atc taiaeatat remtnltl, including wre lliff catt. ttm .- Ajis4 a s. Ti. alt 'trU)," d Lir Uu'fc. alia Purion. r errld y trdy by litiv CoUma and ! a a rheif 4 larceny. Tb officer fonB4 la lb polon of tb two tMO e grip eaauiBiag quantity of fthre. nofroas end atbr article aead la rllllary not. Tb article r ioio lest Bueday nlibt from tb no aedllaa altr at 111 Oread erenu. tt to oald. Tba mo ar suspected of havlag blown lh Wlntln Dro' oaf Mxnl wk at. Tbo moo will b f ia a barlBg May t. oi wal orrnko aMiitii la ffc4 b ba MlvUl)r ail4 I atu4 lb Tbr4r ootaUa- Okiiat aat fc t0 i'uiia as4o t f Ur. 0hm Aftoo aVMot. Motor ! ik oa tao iro4 aisbt rlif at Hiir b4ualr will oa U aboil ibo oiaitoa waiilaa aff oalla. aa baa bo ibair sr iu uia. ii(arur, taoy ar I ba lb 0r4 of oarty atormiac yf ri4 tot lir b ba MUa4 lo 4uiy mm lb rWa ro4o Ibal t4 Uio it my tfuui b rw4 bouM. a4 ar. rto aro i t a4 ta ovary laiaa ' iorriy tro4 eaaiao UaUo Ibo oily timiia octal alloaiioo) la la m rJ4 I trtlo ba viae a ar af laoir taiabra. atrta af Ua- ar yoaro. ho bato boas ur4 to lb ro4 bou-o a4 Uo4 wtife t4r oa4 ii io opocio4 tbai ao4 raoulia will ooiaia4 by lba laatboda. Tbor U a no quMUHl ok4 by tbo MOIor. erit Mojma if a ' yoonf girl lo rovBd la riy af yt ridara. but a Hip lo Ur baadtvMrlro. hr tbo aiaia or rbltf vill bo ooaouli4 will b" who a ibo oarly muaint bvra to bora u tbo roada ar aio to bo put ua4or tbo taa. oouoal roobay yaa Elab. roio prtrauuAo for tbo rweoptioa of rrofaaaor Jaia A. roabay, onaromo bfMni of ibo rr ureal riborboo4. ro b4a at4 by lh rooniUoa com auilo of lh forUand lodfca. working oa4r Ibo dtraelloa of Jantaa M. Uruca. cbirtnaa of ib caimJito- oidot ohf, who la aoapaAU4 Ir bla wlfa. la on a four moot ha ballon wldo tour of ibo Io4(o of th ordar. Ho will rrlvo In forlUnd May . from Call romia. ana will b ibo tii of ibo I'orUaAd iod(o and oibtro la tbla vlcia uy. on tbo oroning of hi a arrlvaL Th mutg la bla honor wiu b hid la ih lodco room of Ibo Orotoa lodf No 117, olgbih floor of ibo Maruan block. 401r4 Uooro AxrW4 Jak Oar lh and Jno Albln. wba aay thy cam from Htftfalo, N. war arraiad laat night at tho Lawia houl. en a wblt o!avry charga by 8raant lMrmm and Patrolman Long, and May Swindle, aged II. who la eatd lo have acompeald the two men from Buffalo, waa bold a a wiinoaa agaloat lhm. Whn arrtod oh of lh mtn llmpld lo brib Iho police to .allow him to go. The raao will bo heard next rrlday. l'nltd 8(ata Plrlrl Atmrney MeCnurt la lnvrtl- gallng lh caae. Trio to Tkrow Away a Wataa. Jack Lorraine ailaa a1 bum allaa Oore uroy aiiao Burdaii, a ioid burglar, who baa made a big roaord for criminal oporatlono In California and Soatlla, waa arroeiad yaiorday afumoon by iiot eriiree aiaionor and Bwnnaaa a in inuaourg grill whll In company or a la-year-oid Portland girl who r idea la Houtb Portland. Ha la charged with contributing lo the dallnquoncy uf a minor ana win do given a boarlnc on mat cnarga May f. In bla poeaeoalon wnon arraiod wao round a number of ktlaton key. Wnlla balng taken to ponce headquartera bo aiutnptod to throw away a watch. Oaa Company te laaproTo Oroaadi Offlclala of tho Portland Gaa 4. Coke Co. agreed laat nlgbt at a maaa mrt Ing held undrr th auplca of tb North Alblna Improvement club to beau tify tha ground aurroundlng th big gaa tank Joated about 1004 ft aouth of the Jfron High oohool. The tank will bealnUd and rubblah on th two a-r lt removed. The rompany haa also agreed to abat the nulanr rauaed by the noln Incident to a pumping plant maintained on th ground. The pump will be placed under the ground and muffler will b attached. Joha S. XfOtarop Wamd John H. IxMhrop mill ureeed W. 8. Binallwood a ii)nagcr of th Portland chamber of commerce transportation committee. Mr. Smallwood renlgnad a faw daya ago. Mr. Lothrnp haa held the poaltlon of traffic manager for the commute for oome time, but with hi promotion to manager, tho offlc of trafflo manager will be dropped. Mr. Smallwood will remain In Portland, but haa not decided what hi biifllnrra aasorlatlnna will be In the future. He hn aluo resigned aa manager of the Open River Transporta tion company. Ourtaf Kolmqnist, th famou Swed-loh-Amerkan bnnso of ChlcHKO. who will appear In concert next Saturday even ing at MaBOnlc temple under the aus pices of the Singing Club Columbia, haa a marveloua voice that combines power and aweetness. Critics agree that he alnga with musical taate, evinces ina finest of discrimination for tone, qualify and phraaes In scholarly fashion. The program will contain song gents of the north, well aa groupa In English and German. Tlcketa now on sale at Urav Music Store, HI Fourth street. Cbrlatiaa BcUao Aiares. Frank H Leonard. C. 8. H . of Chicago, will apeak on mnawaa rtcjence neat Sunday at Klrat Church of Cbrlat, 8clenUt, Erer tt and Nineteenth otroata, at I o'clock In tho afternoon and repeat th addra at I In th evening, under th auaplcoa or mat cnurcn. Mr. Leonard haa for several yeara been a member of th board or lectureship of tho First Church or irnriat sciential. In Boaton. No ad mllon la charged and th. publlo Is cordlslly Invited. raaoral of Captain Baehaaaa. Tha funerW Of Captain William 8. Buchanan, y4 '-old, the well known steamboat man 07 this city, who died aarlr voo- leraay morning at hla homo In Seavtew. win, will be held at t o'clock tomor row afternoon from tho 8cottin Rltea Cathedral. Lownadale and Morrlaon street. Poat 61 of tha A. F. and A. M. order of Maaona, will hare charge of the aarvlcea. The body will be Interred In th Rlvervlew cemetery. Ooaaty Can Take Oror oulrraxd Tn tha opinion of City Attorney Frank 8. Orant, the county can take over tha Willamette boulevard, between Kll llngaworth avenu and th city limits of su John. Th city attorney haa ad vised Councilman Maguire to request the county court to write a letter ex pressing ita willingness to take over and maintain the part of the boulevard mentioned, aa a county road. iBTltee Bay City Oooaell o festival Mayor Kuehllght has addressed a letter lo Mayor Rolph of San Francisco, ask ing that city to send Its mayor and council to Portland during the Rosa Fes tival. In view of the fact that tha commercial and business Interests of thia city, at well as the mayor and a delegation of councllmen, recently vis ited the Bay Cit to select th alto for the Oregon exhibit at the Panama Inter national fair, it Is believed that Sao Francisco will reciprocate the. courtesy. Oeta 4350 for Xnjturlos. A verdict for 1350 waa returned by a Jury this morn ing in the caae of Jess Moudy against Louis Nichlal for personal Injuries aua- tamed when Moudy waa run down by an automoDiio driven by tho defendant. The accident occurred laat April at Grand Avenu and Oak street Whit Xotna Day, held aacred to tho memory of H. P. Blavatsky, will bo ob served by Portland Theosophtsts on Wednesday, 8 p m., at room 0g El 1ms building. All Interested In Theosophy are inviiea. During- the Month of May wo will French dry clean gents' aults for fi. ladles' suits for 11.50 and any skirt for 7 Bo. All work guaranteed. Call us up. TJ. 8. Laundry Co., Dry Cleaning Dept East 63. B-1193. Whltoakar Sentenced. An Indetermin ate sentence, ranging from one to five years, waa given W. II. Whlteaker thia morning by Judge Morrow upon convlo tlon recently for fraudulently obtaining the signature to a deed. Whlteaker waa taken into cusioay ana piaoea in the county Jail. A motion for a new trial waa overruled by tho court. An ODBMl-'wlll be taken rom tho verdict, announced Attorney Samuel White fori the .defendant. Child Welfare Iiaffu. The regular! monthly meting of tho Child Wel fare league of tha Ladd school will be held Thursday afternoon between 3 and 6 o'clock at tha Multnomah Hotel. A splendid program has been arranged. Atj the close of the regular program a re ception will be tendered the circle by. Miss Llnna Richardson, its first president Steamer Jss Harkina for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. the' now punch work shirtwaist patterns on sale today at Tha Needle craft Shop, 318 Tamhtll street Vow aoToltloa rose pillow tops Needlecraft Shop. la Beadlowork raoe, and center pieces. Vf. A. Wlae and aasociates. painless dentists, Third and Washington, "Sam Sloan" worth more. cigar, sold for 8 cents Profoaaor O. Morris, Phrenologist, gives free Illustrated lectures and ex aminations to men. women and children everv Wednesday from 8 to JO p. m. at (111 Yamhill. Study nature. ranal Suffrage Meeting. A meeting of those favoring equal suffrage has been called for Thursday evening at 8 Headquarters , Silk Gloves 50c to $1.50 Pair AND SOU AOEWTS rOB Women's Phoenix 1 Guaranteed Silk Hose Four pair guaranteed absolutely for three months, 75 Pr, S09. Morriaon St-eet ' J, yd ... -W" I rhe House That Quality Built Dr. 8. O. Brown, Bye. Bar. Marquam TO OBTAIN INJUNCTION AGAINST THE COUNTY H. C Campbell haa obtained an in Junction restraining tho county from carrying: out plans to make a landing on the west aide of tho river for th St Johns ferry. The new boat will be com pleted .within four weeks, in which time the county hopes to have the landing's tn order and ready, for use. The land on the west side of tho river at thia point exercised an easement as an ap proaeh to tho St JoTins ferry. Camp bell now claims the county or public baa no right to th roadway, therefor secured th Injunction. In a conference yesterday afternoon with the county board, Campbell of fered to trade a landing for th public square owned, by the county, providing; a bonus of $3000 be given. The county refused this offer, claiming- that the old SpiingvUle road is still the county's right of way to th water edge. An effort will be made to force thia public landing. . - n Tt !jJPr"' '-'.."H -: - iw nam iuvu uruc ----- New York. May 7. "Well, Maryland went right," aald Theodore Roosevelt with aJbroad ain today aa ho aat in hi office at tha Outlook. He, will re main hare for seven dayg attending to hla duties aa eeeoelat editor of tho Outlook. " - ; 7 Men's Suits . 'Whan you buy asuit oi-m you save the extra profit that gos in th land lord's pocket $17.0 to S3O0 anlta it 1.7 ISI.ftO to I2S.08 suits. $U.?$. rJlmmy Dunn, rotira lit Oreg-oniaa "fcidg. RENTAL DEMAND CALLED EXCESSIVE Harrlman Lines Asking Too Much for Span; Gray to Speak Tonl.hl Ralaltoa lpelag lb Maaibly reatal 4anaa44 ky Harrl ma a Itaea af tb eeeaty far U aa af tb aw tl brtdgo apper ab war 4ot4 by tb l'ait4 tat id ! priaa aaeoelaitoa laat algkt Tha argaalaatloa took taa suad Us I the rwalai a any caae I eareaeiva. II amouata le per .real a tb lt. tavinat la lh tipper deck. rJtit i y oanl is paid la luiataet ea ibo ltroa4- way bridge. Al lb aae llin the rll- roe rrve lh rlfbt t caarge lha aiiael ear roanpeay a large muI for opaiaitag ia oaa brldia, lb total aaoual raaial for in bridge win amount to about II per cent on the In vaaltaent, and the eouaty la aipevled. la addition, ta pay all anelauaaae aad upkp ehargca A reaoluiloa a aleo adopted appro Ing roA4mnatloa procdlaga le aeeure publl ownarahlp of lb upper deck of th brldg. Jo Ihla eoaneciion the tni hald by th company to Ultsaa atrt on whU-b th "wt approach or tb brtdg l. built, and lh statu ofMt.a reftrendum against th vacation of Ore gon and Adam siri at taalr Inur. u. i. - -as- . -a jj. . . . Mtl wkare tea ef U pa te tWiMfc wui i li:f 4i4 a wiiik aMMa4 ta4 aaii. ttoe aaiM wut aa teaea by tb aan me a4tal4 iaet bMftt ia tb ki u vaaa Mea ! toe lib tbe- ofaaieaiteaa Al tb a4ig of tb raet ii a We ). lMtbt it faaa e IM ii I- tiitig a fUi tkti ea ta ( u ia ib br of a ffiat iuta. mm tmu-t by IM liatMa tUua wilt b i.i4 by rvMIt t art k. Q'r f im lim Ua ta tM4a a4 uiil4 wua 4eaflia tteaee iaeetap Oarrtc. ras t in a. lilt. ! 4 aV ' Jeereal Waal At h1ag t1ia A Delightful Luncheon At noontime or during your afternoon bop ping tour, try aa ap petising luncheon at The Portland Hotel on il: it win add to th pleasure of your day down town. Bualne and profes sional man find It to b a good plaeTor their mid-day rfreh menta; only th best foods ar prepared and served here. Try It tomorrow: twill be a remem bered delight that will bring you back again and again. Mualo vnlng. a. jr. ateaafr. V4 W. awa I Will Give You a Suit of Clothes for Nothing If You Will Comply With the Condition Mentioned Below: n If you will brinjs; me any hih-rrade Port land tailor can make you a suit of clothes, fitting you perfectly, rtiade of the genuine Bannockburn 6r.,Scotch tweed, iMfUKiLU, at my price, without losing money, I will give you one of these suits without a penny of cost. I will make you a suit, GUAR ANTEED to fit, and also GUARANTEED TO BE MADE OF IMPORTED BAN NOCKBURN one that you would hav6 to pay $45 for at the very low price of Realize the Convenience of Living at the Hotel Carlton FOURTEENTH AND WASHINGTON In the Summer Months and take advantage of the reduced month ly rates made to permanent kucms by the new management. J Hotel Carlton Is convenient, cool and absolutely fireproof, superbly furnished and appointed, and possesses a service that Is a revelation In promptness and courtesy. tj Won't you come and let us show you some of the magnificent rooms and suite and quote you the extremely low monthly rates? Don't postpone it until the best rooms are taken. Do it today. Hotel Carlton R L. FLETCHER M&nager TOOLS CUTLERY Stiletto Toe U arr made for the 'mechanic who want the tet. They are manufacturr! from the 11 Tfl Steel, are prop erly made to fill hi every requirement, amj every on a ii warranted. Sold by All Hardware Dealer. Our TeatimonUU Speak for thenuelres. We inatall all kind of plant and do nothing but Heating and Ventilating Mr. W, O. MrPhroa Cempaajr. Portland. Orgea. Oentlafnaa: I beg to acknowledge with man- thanks th receipt of your bandaom thrmomtr. I only bopa that It will be aa rallabl as tha romac too Inaiallad for roe, Wlablng you all a Happy Kw Tear. Inrerely, TRZD If. UOTKIXM. FERTILE POWELL VALLEY ONE. TWO. FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS t .: wood. Sbbf,6lM UnT CHI., Cftiham, naue Homr. Sni. CotutlL Tk mott frtiU kJ la Multnomah eooat-. Arm tiIew f ISA Monthly ptrmritt. Business Lots Residence Lots tt new, ripldly growing towatfltt. tow at 10a Monthly ttrmi, 11 IoWttlata th great cpjxir. tunity. Umbdenslock & Larwa Co, 2M OAK ITREET - AMl'SCMEXTS "in atTraroa arxow roaruxo iraa iad MtUUO TUEATRX reaUget, tiU Ul Tai Week paalaj nta kfa. Tesaerreer Ki w A Erlaager Pret PINK LADY l Company II. t IOrchestra II Rvenlnga II. Il ia, II. 7 In. te. Tomorrow's matin: Lower floor 11.10. II. Ffalcoay lie. toe. OeJ. lry lie, tie. Beat ailing for Zagagameat BAKER Maia aa aV WW e. aW Bakea. ata all tbls weak. Mat a Wad. and tab Paker nok Com pan t tn -AXXAM JXMMT IaLmMTIMW Br arrangement wl(b Llblr A Co. Th saaaon'a greateet nt. Aa Irnmena hit. Evening prloe lie, lie. Mat.. Ha. N'til weaa 1 r Weat- rb Olrl pt tb Golden Cae Yonn Tdmni a Halt? Yoa may prefer to elect shape and mate rial! and employ an expert trimmer. In either cast here's an Opportunity to reduce the eoit by chooiina; from Fra ley ' fresh, crir, deiirable atocki at extra special prieei. The newneis, the Immensity and tha variety will appeal to critical buy-era. Untrimmed Shapes All recent arrivals included. 00 Pat. Milans fl-ZO .50 Pat. Milans fa.BB .00 Real Milans 6.50 ;3.00 Imitation Hempa . . , 4.50 Real Hemps $7.00 Real Panamas ..... $15.00 Finest Panamas . . 3.50 3.90 9.00 Choicest Flowers Imported and Domestic r acxrw a. av-iota . 11 acATXiru av&avr nt IkCAT Bet- Cos. Yaore Bebarta, lis T1rk I smita BlsMra, Tb aaulaaaa Taaaa, Mui- 11 Tranoee, Marie Johaay BeU Orcatr Matarea. and BtUy Kan, at aa arrery tasv m aruurM m vvfjviaiai j- TSiaisiiy ufrttl at HAT arbe Mayer aad th BCaaieare"! Tttt. Arraro Ballaiiai's Pogst Saraea Barroai Dally m Barlowi moharatal Troovej Alaaai Or ckaatra, Ft toe lee and Boa. . mm .25 Flowers, all now .50 Flowers, all now .75 Flowers, all now S1.00 Flowers, all now si. 50 Flowers, all now S2.00 Flowers, all now $3.00 Flowers, all now $2.10 .IB .36 .60 .75 10 45 La 212-14 Third St at Salmon FRALEY -CTTWOC STORES 392 Morrison St near 10th TRIED AND TESTED OVER 10 TEARS. DR. WM. PFUNDER'S i ... Oregon Blood A sterling remedy, is recommended as a Blood Puri fier, Kidney and Liver Regulator. Purifier The Ins; best Street Par Question ia answered in BARBER ASPHALT the street Pave ment that is giv ing satisfac t ion everywhere. ajLX aCatU xaaus . vn mat Taaa Sieaieb Mla- trel atalA l aneia. On Ji JflchoUoal BLalDh Ooutril Blaia Murpnvl Taaoss I Tronoei aaaae oreaeafraj wm aoope. Fopala prteaa. PaaUg a- I LYRIGj imiTU ! .1-OCBTB1 'aas xamm WITH MAT MONJB CARTER With .. . I Keating tt Wood Musical comafl? Co., u , Bail Hw Chorus. ... . Two, performance nigntijr.TiB ana FltrPAY yiQHT Chorus girls' Centwt BX09UBATXOV I Comer Tanrbm aad Twaaty-fmrth Rta. Victoria $222 WHY WEAR HAND-ME-DOWNS? aonor arOHTwjtT yrmrjrg t - ' Xlerats aa Tblrd . - ' ixtk . ajts wAsamroToar staa- aarn Waablafaom. ' Dr. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier Is a combination of highly medicinal roots and herbs, the result of mlny years of study and experiment. " AN INVALUABLE REMEDY in case of Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion and irregularities arising from a disordered condition of the bowels and impoverished state of the blood. AS AN AID TO DIGESTION it 'assists in the upbuilding of body tissues, giving it ir . . if . i - - sirengtn ana vigor to me enure sysiem. tiiniiniiiiiniiiniiimioomiiiiniiiaimiirainaom Telephone It thm great tlmm saver of the age We make a specialty of taking; orders by j telephone aad save yoa errors, time and money. Clnformidon j cheerfully furnished I F.W.Baltes&Co. 1 I printers I First mi Oak Streets, RK3iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiinoiiiiiimiiiniiimmnirK2 MAT a. Portland y. , . io, u, p. m. 8aa Oamea bealn wak daya $ days i:ao p. m. - , r.a nmn' niv flroiT Bora tmdar 13 tree ta blaacaara Wadnea Am- $5 Sold by All DruggisU ERICE, THE BOTTLE, $1.00 Dr. Wm. Pfuride? Co. V , i Portland, Oregon J Al Malston Vow opn for busln al 947 Stark tt. TIrr CX.AB9 MOB WXWMXKXXH And custom sho nakln; Formsrly with W. i.- Fttllan. and tor th laat laa years with J. Schwlnd. WXIlIa AT TEB Arcadian Garden IV HOTEL MULTNOMAH "The SaaUnraa SeanUfta ' Surnassea la Kxeellerie Anytblna; yet i prasentad in tnle charralna- dlnlag place. Two com plete bins every venmav ;o ta :q and 19:10 to 13:10. sna-aora Xaiss aad Burner XH tnooa Late Stars of th Grait Paris Grand Opera Company Xoasky, Tlolin Tlrtooa ' v airewa ana atocmsoa Tb Roysterlne; Cavallr , Jobs Fort ' . Tbe SUvtr Voloed Tnor -. . and th v Xaoomparable Orobestra of SJololata Wader the dlrectlea of raox? mi i " Husslsn Imperial Court Condurtjr PLEA 81$ MAKE YOITB TABLE KE8 ERVAT10N8 EARLY IN THE PAT I MTXiTVOXAK K0TSX OOMTAJTT X. C. SOWS JU. Maaaa-r. I aFootcr-Sc KIc1scp( Hlgb Gfad CwmereieX and Fteetrie v aa Ttb aM Sast ayaree ana, . Vawawa pan uui Oregon Humane Society OOtee Off Hall Mat IM; A lumaie Ofei ii2 - - Hor smbulaoee corner of Hi j ' lor. Verir In chart tr. , Thorn A. Short b at. A ' ' J:i-.T-! V:- Take elsvator. , -.?.