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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY T. 1912, IF taiuno '0 II i1 in rail IIUUII MARRIES SHE WILL ; IMllllS Butkof Estate of Wealthy New 1 Yorker Who Went Down : With Titanic, Is Left to His , Son Vincent. HEIRS TO ESTATE OF COLONEL JOHN JACOB ASJOR Wew Twl. Mar 7 Mrs Medelts yec-Aatee, gtrlwldaw ef Cliel Jab JiMk dels, wh m( dews im Ik User- TIUBle, U dasessd la lift! wUawhsed tf ebe vUim l rul In tWUM ( hC kwUt astete, rei-ert 4 I b vaUsd T .. a ar.r 41 a a M una af CoUosJ iiwri will. ril fear. Isvlsy. The will leaves 1 1 aed.eea la lrut for la l year-old widw. which vlli ge la VUmoi Aator If M ever rename, ar la iba even of bar aealh. i Tbs ral4a af la mUU, Ml 4.4. la t1 I Vlaat A I of, lb colossfe ass. n aaUUeea U lU la Iba daugh l.r. M artel, aad Msi.M U true! foe Mrs. Mad) I a Alor Hiabor. cfcui. Ta friends, relatives, errn a4 ckartl y SUUM la lafl. Mr. Arm KUUnf As ia. Cnlooal Aator divorced tr gel . bathta. Tba I arm af lb 'will aalllfy the chance af Mrs. Medellae "rsrra la be en af lb laaaar af society vslalrsa tf ae.bwaea, ib marairieMi Aator Um Is New Tor. J his beaer wU la VUseet Actors ' wife, whoever ebe sway ta. WUlla Vloest Aaior la bequeathed lh Khtaebark, K. r aad Newport. n. L. properties win picture, alaluary Jewels, yacht sr1 bos!, lseiber with lb bsib ar im aetata. : Th tow a house ana! stable al Fifth ! aad Stitjr-flfth e treat. New Tors, Nww I ha pro party af Mrs. Madeline rorc-Actor durlsg bar lifetime. At bar death or remarriage, tba property rs werte to bar la pa a. Tineas I. 0b also recotve 1 cash, ali iba borese. carrier es and aatoceobllee connected with tba loan a labia, liar Income will fee I3M.0M during bar lifetime or until aba reaierrlea. Ave Alloa Mortal Aator, Colons! As tar"a daughter, ta to rocaiv at lh age of II truat fond af l.00,0 sot aatd for bar b Befit. Tba trust win give bar la 'tba roesntlme aa much of tha " , Experts EiuiarM It Vrto BsrUa." Mrs. Jane M. HJlt aa4 lira. Htrall Troa lUmv tra tsion- lbaoookla satborlUaa wbasasamMara f amllisrto almaat avary booaawlfaik Xacb baa bar ova dlaUoo tlra motbod of ork. but II ta loiarMUnf to touta that oa tba ait-impcrtaot qsmUoci of a eaoktnr fat, thr ara lnaalmona la roaa- tfttitdiny Opifo'i'pa ' "Mario Bariaa4MaanorOota3inai "B baa ftve nmftM aU.faetio.m Mrs. Bill Mrt r talUJaetori ; aHad U raoamsrsl . Mr, Korar a rat "A mmck wart haaUKM nwitsal Vtcmiard.- ; . WlUi anrb aothorttr bahlnd ft, avsry hooaa will im t4r, fMIAI.M a . It la purer and aaora wboleaoeaa thaa lard-and Jt to mora aoooomlGs Voc Ooa-UUxd Mas bela xaooiiM. - , iims fras h!a awm aa lthr mt rfr aaar fu hr Kfrt 1 bla fasd (! la I r brwllts In lh aal af bf dam ara aaUUa bar mhhi t4aa la rlair and fn4 ar aa failasa Ta 'Maraalaa lidi af rtll- aaaibkla. 1 1 .. HUM larasa-ta. J.inra Harll flHaall !!; J. t Arrtilw. I.P U'llaan A iltta. vrclair. I f1a IJt Tbamaa Had.. lrd. I !. II. A I'tajrliam. u-elntciid.iil at tiiiabaa lata. 1 a.aoj. Nsmad aa iiHUIo't aia Jam. hooaatall hMll. lwuUi Hoblnaon.!. Hlldl a ad Vlaranl Aaior. upon lb taller allalnlfif Iba a vt l. Iff ?,v y ROMANTIC YOUNG UN E ON A AboTa Vlacant Ailor tad Mni- Mad altn Forre-Aator. widow of Col onal Aator. Dalow Muriel Aator, daucbtr-r of Mra. Aa Willing Aator. . Paris Financier Rose From Waiter in Cafe to Power In World of Banking. SHAKE DIPS BABE WHEN ATTACKED ehla. lh romanlle yaun flnawlar WnOIC DOOV 01 Wllla in upporlra ar tba whoa auunrhat Parlalana bom iba polloa claim b la Indtlnf. haa baaa ropand. 'Per omthln( Ilka foor yaari a oommlaalon ba boaa Inqoliina late It. Rachatta had bran for soma lima a oaf sallar. but latar got a rlarkahlp In mail bank. Tba banker bualnasa cam to aa and and Rorhtta bouchl p what Intarasta lbr srara far a faw franca. 11 soon found rapltallata la Parla whom ba Induoad to aubacrlba a faw thousand dollars lo bla venturta. Tha mony tbaa valaad b bandlfd droltly. and In four yaara ha foundad a mining bank, wl.lch at oro floslad tb eoai mlna at Lavlana, lAt, -Carbarn and Val d Aran. Ilia mlalns vantura anablad him to carry out hla moat ambltloua achrma that of foundlnt tha Bpanlah bank with a capital of 10,000.000 frapra. or li, 000,000. ' Bcfora tha and of th year 1101 ba had aaaumad tba haad af finan cial concinti amounUaf In capital to mora than 120,000.000. Suddanly Parla learned that Roc halt an order arrest. Ha bad baan taken at tha axpreaa order of tha prefect of police. M. Laplna. who rar out, by way of explanation, numeroua communica tion and other Information Indicating Illicit financial practice by the daahlnf young capltallaL Boon Rochette'a com panlea were declared la liquidation, and the court appointed receiver. tile's Mouth When Father Is Aroused. (Celled free Leaae Wwa.) Sydney. N. 8. W, May 7. iterause a bla carpet anake recently tried to wal low jona wattr baby whole near Walcha, the aeltlere ar waging a war of extermination oa big reptile all over New South walea. Tha baby girl waa only a few weeka old. and the snake a monitir nearly I feet long. It crawled into tbe Infant' crib during th night and In tha usual way attempted to gat th baby down Ha throat head first. The mark of Ha teeth were vlalble under the chtld'a cbln and above Ita eyea, ahowlng that It opened ita moutb nearly wide enough to take the entire head Inalde. Tha family waa . awakened by the child's acreaina and ruined to Ita aid. whereupon the anake dropped Its prey and tried to escape, but waa killed by tba baby's father with an ax. Tha car pet anake la not polaonoua, and the baby recovered, though aertoualy 111 for aev eral days from fright MM DffiS U.-S. AMBASSADOR Premier Says Bryce Had No Means of Knowing Contents of TaftT. R. Letters. And Only Five Cents Quality, quality, nothing but quality "8am Sloan" cigar, S cent. . (la tad raa tea aid Wlnl Uasdon. May l.lTetulr Aatull. ta Iba feottaa of aatana, r uahd I lb defease af JtM Srya. HiUb aaa asaaadar la atuV'eliad Siataa. wheoe ley ally la Hrtlalll baa baa qaaeltaoad by certain utmLn dmaadad hie rseell from TVbinBtla. Tha qu.aiioei or liryee a leyelty waa ralaad fallowing lb anibllratlofl of tel lers betsaan PraaUlael Roosevelt and rraaidenl Taft. Il waa Insinuated IKel Hrrre bay Id have been familiar with Taft a altitude and artoutd have waraed Kngland and Canada ef tie irut aitsalloa. Premier AaultA cooleaded lba lb correapondance baiwaaa Taft ead It oo sa ve!! waa private and thai there was taa reaeoa la believe Ibal Aaabaaaader Hryve familiar with II prior lo Us publics lion. He itdleuled Ike charge that Taft la anyway mflaenoed tba reolproo uy nesoiuiione with Canada. Renewed attempt to connect Jamaa Hryca with the corrsapondeDC of Free Ideal Taft and el lteeldeot Rooeevait on Ibe questloa of Canadian reciprocity, war aaad today by Hnry Croft In the houaa of fxTmtrrwria, . sir Edward Ory, mlnlaler ef foreign affalra. announced that Br yes la no oo a vacation aad that be will return lo lh United States aa boob aa thla vacation Is aver. He haa a Idea of recalling tba ambassador ta bear tha reciprocity chargee. Sir Edward a'.d. Bryr left San rranclaoa a few days ego for Australia. roller Guard BtrikrbtTirs. H ailed Plea Leeaed Wa-e Chicago. May 7. tiirtkebraakero working here today In place of 1101 inking freight handlers, who ar out In thla city. Police are on guard at all railroad freight houe and yards jw-gWBgS. Ji ,?! 1 J J APAESE PAPERS ATTACK IKADO Government Criticized for En tering Into "Six Power" Syndicate In China. Bloom of Youth Now Easily Attained ( FYorn Popular Science.) Tou no lonrer need to "doctor that aallow, freckled, blackheaded. rough blotchy, pimply or ovsr-red kln. You can remove it, insteao eany, painieee- ly. Inexpensively. By a new aclentlflc process, which anyone can uaa without amlatanca, th dead and naar-dead eur faco akin, with all Its Imperfections, Is gently, gradually abaorbed and a radi antly youthful and beautiful complexion cornea forth! Go to vour druaalat. cet an ounce of pure meroollied wax: at nicnt r.ppiy enouan or uita to complete ly cover tha face; don't rub It In. Next morning remove the wax with warm water. The rcault after a rew "ays la atonlMhlng. Tou wonder why thla se cret wasn't dlarovered long ago. Let tha wrinkled. oouchy-chMkeo. double-chinned folks alao take hope. Put n ounce or powdered aaxollte Into a aif pint witch hasel bathe the faoe In the solution and say! there'a nothing that will so effectually, ao promptly, smooth out the hateful lines and draw In tba aaga and bags. You'll find thla lotion, aa well aa mercollsed wax. works equallv wail on nsck and-heads. (Fallsd rasa mil tWI Tetata. May t. Japaaaao aewapre eerail sad a arwal saaay nraantnaeil Jihiin blaa aaa aad hotiiacasa ar allscAlaT tba saifcad gvevraasl for sstariag tnie tba "sia ats" art- tfuaia le (Isaacs lb saw Cblaeie re publics. Jata'a ebar af tb lass wltt be btxit fei..e aad tb terinaiaai a adllos wssl I baa w bars tba BjtMay la la roan. from. Tba J a ! si raaty tated lo ba esliaene limit of durance aad II will b elleny lespo elbls for lb getersmesl I isia avail a email frsciioa of I t is ins laral anarbet Count tike sua aate iba mi bade will have lo borrow lbs asoaey abroad. vl Ibla falls la satisfy I he eppotieela of lh loan. Though China ul bar a ie pay a high rale of Inter I. Japaa a ao dply la debt, II le argued. Ibal It credit Is not very good. s4 II will have to pay a high rale, lo Maay Japanese doubt If their country will gel out even on Ibe transaction, SAd U it falla le do ao, it will be a -vary aertoua matter. , because tha poople already carrying a bardsa almost Iteavisr then Itiry can br. Count okuma openly aaya that Ibe loaa mean lh "al power Inteod 1 "aubjucata lh new Chlnaa repub!o li h money. and that Japan alsnply bad to )ola I he group ta protect lis wa Intervals. AIL RAIL WORKERS GOHE UNDER ACT United States" Circuit Court o Appeals Decides Important - WorkIngmanfi Case. (Tatud raws taa.ii Wvsl Saa rsa May k silway aa4ar taa4 H seaeaiartly V It) laaenuve e ) ria la bo aagsgsd la taiaretat aexaef) aadr lb )mm tear af lAe ea4rar' UabiUtf sl. be I ibal I bay cams adr Ha exovtsteeu eve tf war blag ta rlr , I rax a repairieg or track weUUga-ay abaca. la fast, ae Idaf aa (bay ate wader tbe erdaea f tba em4aylsg even pea y 4 tb (let af a feM aablai Aeotala aaad re lard y by lb failed Stale elfotilt oaart f apfwat bare. The eplaiva waa writ tea by Jiadge Oilbsf t aa4 wea roacsrrad la br J edge Wei far tea aad Raaa The cos le that I. tV 1-ers.pher, aa admlnlatrsier. la lbs ssisie af C 1. Lamahev, a sine I the Of) lUllrwad a havigaiioa .ooanpaay. Tba coraors. Uaa aitarwsye bald that the plaintiff ee aoi eeiiiled ta brtaa auil uodar ibe employer' liability eat bcua C K Laeaphar. flrsessa al Ttaoa. Waeta, bo waa billed beiwesa w frslgbl oar while oa bla way to work, was rot aetia- ally oa a train ai ine novo ( ia aaej 4-t - t . . - - A. as TAP 'PHOTO' ORIS ARM CMS I More Than 4000.of Mikado's Fair Sex Have Arrived .. f During Year, ; Saa Praaalac. alar tirrlvml af Id Jepoase beadaa aa tba i tiaer Skiaya Mar, vablcsi is Is tart bae 1.4. -.. Jaasa ba draws aiisaiaea a a flaod af Jssaaas aema arrliag frsaa lbs eetaai. tasaalgretlaa) oXficiala reeort lAal sra ika. Itaa Jiwk. bav arrived la aoast port durlaf lb rev year. ts are satuing la ffwea etasllte) I Saa Inaga, A evseu ar tbe Panne ooaat Jap. aeaev I bass officials aay, would a saw seartv II fanilllas. ' it iba rais af mai.- said aas ofrtcial. th womsa and cbildrea oa lb aoeet will ecd lh wea t aumbwrw wiibia five year. It la aald Ibat Iba womaav rumlna from Jepaa ta anosi ewssa are "pbats- grapk brides,- seal far Iba eacial pur posa af tuns tb raclfia cvaet wis. Ctiiraco-t OJiIost, OUdem. bold lb honor af being Chicago a old eel c.ttaaa. esubrated bU elgbUeih birthday aanlvarMry today at hu born la Oak Prh- Mr. Uals waa bom ta New Terk ally. May T. llll. and haa been a reeldeat ef Cblrag awe Ills. Trias Haa Womca Baakrra. ttsarUI b Tba JeerasLl Sen A a too In. Teiaa. May 7. Many I representative bankers and bualnasa men from all parla of the state, together with more than a aeore of women who are engaged In tha banking bualneaa. met In this city today for tba annual convention of the Texas Rankera as-1 soclatlon. Th buslaeaa ssssloaa will continue until Thursday and will be de voted lo the discussion of a wide rang of toplca relating to banking and fin ance. Ijord Iloeycbcrv la 65. iBpacts) ts Tb JearsaLI London. May f. Lord Hoeebexy, ao Im prim minister of England, waa i years old today and the occaaioa waa marked by the receipt o congratulatory measagea from f rlenda ta many parte of the world. Although tha Junior of many members of tha bouee of lorde there are few who have eat In tha upper chamber longer than Lord Roseoery. H took bla seat In llll and Mas beaa active ever since. British IUttlcsblp Disabled. felted Praaa LraMd Wire Chatham. England. May 7. Tha Brit ish battleship Bulwark Is leaking and disabled In the dockyard here today aa a result of buckling IS armor platea by bumping on tha aanda while carrying out a full power trial. The Bulwark waa recently overhauled and completely refitted. Absolutely Puro Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only B&klng Powder made from Roy&i Grape Cream of Tartar Th bigot Isn't half aa big thinks ha la. as he I MI II (CHI 286 Washington Street, Between (CO Fourth, and Fifth PorSlaiffs Fiiesf Materdastery mi Mall Store WBMG (PUT Everyone Knows the High-Grade Lines of Merchandise We Carry EERY ARTICLE ACMFICEDNOTHSNG RESEEVE1LD Arrow, Redman and Silver Collars, Doz. $1.10 E.&W. Coflars . . . . the Dozen 02.00 $1.00 and $1.50 Neckwear at . . . 65c Stetson, Roelof and Sanford Hats . $1.85 i i ' i .I in i I.. 1 1 iiii I. ' I, . i i, I. i i i i 25c, 35c Fancy and Plain Hose. 3 Prs. for 50c Holeproof Hose . . . 6 Pairs for 51.20 $li(),$2 Manhattan STRAW HATS SLAUGHTERED 50c and 75c Neckwear at . . . . . 35c , u 1 " - - -. .- ; .- .... " t - . . r"; - - - $6.00 Crofot-Knapp DeLuxe Hats . 03.95 These Few Items Will Give You an Idea of the Prices That Will PrevaU Throughout ; -See Windows and Get Your Want List Ready- : " m Nsi SJ ;SALE START S .TOMORR 0"W 'IVIOIR NI NGnAT & : A, Wl, NOTHING CHARGED .... 1 . , ' - - . - - -v-'M. '-r: T:. . . A . w . - t r-- V SI ..ij. Vv , ."' - - 7-i "-