JID, SUNDAY ,M OH NINO. MAY I. lilt. - CWffoa Veil Femovtl 91. (10 CfelJfA WiS Vstia, fw y wd Mf.' Mada 4 fUl thittom ilMk, Mctl to tai fmipe. MaaMUKtMd ad. i Waterproof M alines Removal illV BUk. Hit sa4 stl th dlrhla coUfm. Um4 for Mk W aadNhats. ftOc Uan4k)rhltfs Removal 20 -af ad of hr lumm of fine quality, with arrw lm. rttchd Km. On cnat fcaad tmbroidevad. Removal Cut Glass Heavy Reductions. on UnVrTmmed Hat: Particularly Genuine Panamas ; Selling Normally at $6.00 , Removal $2.95 Rogers' Famous Argyle Silver Plated Tablef Ware fCut GUm Water pitchers. m-Ctt la tha pia mmi a4 star frtra to fracaful aW siftia, 'Tumll.rs f 2.88 Set tt af sis tumUars la iKa tar cut panama. Celery DUh 52.80 A KaA4aom calary 4ih cut to yLa wbatt palttm. Fern Dishes 4I Iftck fra dlta, tvandfcQW If rut In pin whttl and star pattama, wilt akktl tray. Cut Glass Nappies . Every Article Reduced t -Vt'' J This is the psychological tnomaot. Tht opportum tim, Wf realist th necessity of scat tering theas tuts brosdeaat to our customtrs before another day passes, NOW U the time. . m mi r'- f vlMt lk wirt 4 ! M t-Htl k MUM HMM M Im4 - art- nwi f" It la the period of GREATEST DEMAND. Midsummer faihlon forecasts spesk g lowtnr AC. talad SpooA S.U4 Fork Barry Spooo . ...M Crm U4U St Gravy Ladl 8 Cold Ul Ko(k..43f Long lukt Fort S Sugar Shell and B ut ter Xni Butter Sprtader It regarding panamas. So much tne txtter. so mucn more reason for ui to SACKIFJCL. WcIh1Z .. em. uo tney mutt, ana tmmexiisteiy. no at a smsu reauciion, put less t&an the fortirn coat Stylish lilt models In approved blocks and in all siiea, - i BouiUon Spoon ft. a AfinM Smoki.II.OI Ornft Spoon ,f I. OS) $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Untrtmmcd Taqal Hemp Hah Removal Price $2.00 Soup Spoon Butter Spraf f . StUJ Pprks . . iI T I' run Knla ,.,I.3 Tt Spoon ! ft Spoon ft.39 TabU Spoon , .!. Bumf 5pfsaJr . SU4 Forks . ..M.T Hollow Ilan4U Fork, i is. Hallow Har4le Knis. I 3 K ad vmrd Kipllnr's N ; ..With and without hsn4Wa. THaaa hats sr of tatrs eualtry kacap sa4 cklp, aa4 are aot la t tWaaad with tat ordinary ran of alHrinrmtd hat. I Uaex, wtkiia a4 burvL Soros whh vatrtt fadnfa. Wk. SVr Poem, "The Female of the Species." Prict 10c 5- inch Nippies... 9 1.23 6- inch Nappies... 3 1:35 1 ,. ii. , Ji I' , I arAa.J - 1 ' " 1 a i ! M i ' ' 111 i i ii ... ,r" ' ' ' ' "rr g- 1 ! - ttm s a msjmimm'ammmmmmmmmmimammmmmmmmmmM,. mm I iF 594fO i-very W&WWM3$ -3 Article. g RecJucecJ hi', ?-, 11 - ,. II , m . 1 sr 1 1 ri n ' rmv- 11 1 1 1 " " "ii ' i 1 rms ' ft A :1 V 1 f TU Y:. QU Avail 1 UUrscu Ui i iua w aiot uac $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6,00 Waist Removal $1,98 Don't miss this opportunity; if you found regular prices beyond your capabilities thii ob stacle is now removed. For tomorrow you will see fine waista lower in price than ever before. Whether you buy for yourself or whether you buy for another, you "will not buy so economically again not un til Spring once more remains as backward as it has this year. Waists designed of soft messalines, chiffon taffetas and chiffons. Plain col ors, changeable effects and combination stripes, in wondrous assortment. Some, with yokes and standing collars of shadow lace. Beautifully trimmed with embroid ery in colors and harmonious shades. Some have soft ties of messaline and buttons. Many have heavy lace collar and cuffs. One attractive model shows a round neck yoke of white satin, and fancy undercuffs. This waist is trimmed with small white silk buttons and a small lace side frill. All have three-quarter length sleeves. Every-Day Needs in Drugs VAD at Deep Removal Reductions Mme. Yale's Toilet Prepara tions. HALF PRICE $1.00 Freckle Cream....... 50t $1.00 Skin Refiner .:..... .SO $1.00 Hair. Tonic . .50 $1.00 Elixir of Beauty 50 $1.00 Blood Tonic BO $1.00 Fertiliser Tablets ...KO $1.00 Complexion Tablet.. BO 25c Nail Cream 13 150c Hep Rena Pill 25 25c-Cathartic Pills ........13 $1.00 Special Ointment ....50 Nickel Bathroom Fixtures 50c 15 inch Towel Rod.. .29. 55c 18 inch Towel Rods... 34 60c 21 inch Towel Rods. . .39 65c 24 inch Towel Rods... 44 70c 30 inch Towel Rods... 49 75c Combination Tumbler and Tooth Brush Holders. .. .4 25c Towel Rings ...... .19 85c FMcet Soap Dishes 69 85c Paper Holders 69 75c Tumbler Holder.... ...59. $1.50 Glass Shelf, 18 Inch, with nickel brackets ...,. Toilet Creams and Lotions 35c Daeeett tt Ramsdell's Cream at 26 SOcElcaya Cream .........29 50c Stillman's Freckle Crm 29 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, at 29 50c Eclipse Almond Cream 35 25c Sanitol Face Cream ...14 50c Derma Viva 36 $1.00 Othine Freckle Remover at T9 $1.50 Oriental Cream 98 50c Pompeian Massage Cream at 2T 25c Woodbury's Facial Cream at 15 50c Malvina Cream 33 50c Charles' Flesh Food... 29 Toilet Waters . 85c Roger & Gallet's Violette Toilet Water .69 75c Piver's Vegetal, all odors, at 69 $1.50 Djer Kiss Toilet Water, at fl.25 75c Florida Water 55 75c Pinaud's Vegetal 59 $1.50 Piver's Toilet Wtr ?1.23 Drug Specials 10c Epsom Sahs 5 10c Powdered Borax T 1,0c Boric Acid ............ 5 25c Insect Powder I4 10c Insect Powder .6 10c Cascara Bark 5 10c pkg. Bicarbonate Soda . . 5 35c Cream Tartar 29 10c Rochelle Salts 25c SeidliU Powder 16 10c Chamomille Flbwers , . . .5 10c Flowers Sulphur 5 10c Powdered Alum 5 25c pkg. Quinine Capsules. . 14 25c toker. Boraxo. oerfumed 16. ! 25c bottle Witch Hazel. ...16 25c Bottle Bay Rum .... . .'. 16 25c bottle Violet Ammonia 16 25c Spirits Turpentine ....16 25c Hydrogen Peroxide .,.16 25c Castor Oil ...16 35c Vanilla Extract 26 25c Oil Sweet Almonds ...16 25c Glycerine ............. 16 2$c Glycerine and Rose Water, at i.'. :...... ....... .16 25c Essence Pepsin ....... 16 25c Camphorated Oil. . : . 16 25c Denatured Alcohol. . . . 16 15c Powdered Orris Root-, Sundries : - Toilet Soaps 25c Woodbury's Facial Sp. 14 25c Packer's Tar Soap 14 25c Dr. Fenner's Clear Skin Soap at i .... ............ 15 . c Peroxide Soap 14 . 15c Juvenile Soap 9 15c Jersey Cream Soap ...... w 15c Pears' Unscented Soap.. 9 1,0c Pumice Soap 5 10c Lilac Glycerine Soap. . . .5 10c Gianfs Glycerine Soap 5 10c CaL Medicated Soap.. . 5 Dental Preparations 25c Lyons' Tooth Powder. 14 25c Graves' Tooth Powder.. 9 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder. 14 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste.... 14 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste. 13 25c Rubifoam ....... 16 25c Chalk and Orris Tooth Pow der, at 9 Talcum Powders 25c Williams' Talcum, 2 for 25 25c Massotta Oriental TaL 15 25c Squibb's Talcum.. . .. .16 25c Mennen's Talcum.. .. ..10 35c Bailey's .Talcum .19 25c Bathasweet Powder. ...15 -25c Amolin Deodorant Powder, at r..'V :mU5 Ratine Bands Removal Prices 79c, 89c, 98c, $1.29 There can be no question of the demand for these bands, as the popularity of this lace seems to in crease with the advance of the sea son. 4 .. We have them in all widths, suit able for various purposes, such as hat bands, dress or waist trim mings, or for the construction of the cossaques, to be worn over silk costumes. Attractive Models in House Dresses, Kimonos ALRemoval Prices Rubber Goods, $1.75 Winner Sanitary Douche, at -. . . j. . .'w ... .. . ...esi.29 $1.25 Red Rubber Syringe 89 25c Face Chamois ........ lo 35c Face Gnamois 26. 35tf Lamh'a Wool Puffs. t..24? 'tl.OO Manicure Scissors -.79 50c Nail Buffers .....29 $us Maroon ., Fountain Syringe, $1.00 Nai Buffers ...9T at . .......fl9 50c Complexion Brash . . . .35' $lo Two Quart Water Bottles, lOc'Emtfy" Boards . .;; o "af . ..v-;.:;: ,v.v... ?5c Whhk Brooms 19. $1 J0 Bulb Syringes .i..... 98 $1.00 Bth Sponges 9 $lj0 llonarcli Bath' Spray 98 35c JBath Sponges ........19 $125 Monarch Batfi Sprays 89 $ J5P House Dresses Removal 98c One-piece house dresses of light and dark figured or polka-dot per cale.,. .... ' . r- ' Some are made with square-cut Dutch neck, with a plait at the shoulder. The skirt has a habit back or inverted plait. Others made with Peter Pan collars of checked percale. $2.50 Long Kimonos Removal $ 1 .79 Long kimonos, made f fancy flower design challie. ; 7 They have the short Empire, waist, with V-shape neck and ki- mono sleeves. Satin handings finish them around the neck, down the front and around the sleeves. In light blue, lavender, navy, red And pink--' 7 v." . z vv ,. 4 f ictor Talking Machines 50c Down; 50c Week Removal Reductions on Women's Hosiery Removal, 4 Pairs $1 -Our soeclal brand. "Best wear aiockinrs. made of fine silk lisle, in tight weight, with estra heavy toes and high mliced heels. These stockings have stop- run double tops and art ae- ilrned throughout lor long wear. They are put up in a con venient boa four pair for a dollar. If thev do not rive you the service vou have a rieht to ex- pect. return them lor new ones. Removal, 3 Pairs $f Another quality of 'Best wear" stockings, full fashioned lisle, fine gauge, light weight; made with stoo-run tops, estra high spliced heel and six-thread toes. Stockings that are light, fine and durable and exception ally good. Removal, 39c Pair Stockings of black thread silk, seamless, with black cot ton top and extra strong heels and toes. Full in width and ength, elastic throughout Removal, 48c Pair Pure white thread silk stock ings, with silk lisle double tops and extra spliced heels, toef and soles. German Wavy Switches Mounted three separate strand, all hair routed. $3.75 24-inch Switches, 82.87 $5.00 28-inch Switches, $3.88 $7.00 30-inch Switches, $5.56 GermanTransformati'ns 16 inch hair, mounted on 22 Inch French weft. These transforma tions are backed with ribbon, so that no hair can poll out. $2.50 Transformation, S1.48 $5.00 Transformation, $3.98 $6.00 Transformation, $4.08 LA RECAMIER HAIR NETS Removal,. 12 for 25c This is an Imported French net, full 36 inches long, and is sold everywhere at 10c all. shapes. 25c Barrettes 1 5c These Barrettes come in three, four and five strand effects. Made of extra heavy stock. Fully guaranteed. Aluminum Bandeaux Removal 48c These cover the front part of the coiffure are set with Rhinestones and come in 12 designs. Aluminum Braid Pins Removal 28c These pins are most popular at the present time come in new de signs, set with Rhine stones. 25c Gold Hair Nets lUt? . Black Seal Walrus Traveling Bags r At Unprecedented Reductions. Theses bags are of heavy selected stock, mounted with brass catches and drop lock. " : They-are leather lined and have fall sue pocket, with clasp and wide open mouth. There are no seams on the cor ner, to rip, and . they all have good wearing qualities that can be given to a bag of this kind, - , . -- 14-inch, removal . . . $6.79 ; 15- inch, removal. . ,$7.23 16- inch, removal .. . . $7.65 17- inch, removal.-. .$8.08 18-inch, removal. . .$8.98 ' Summer Fabric Gloves at Removal Prices Removal 47c Women's 2-lasp tricot silk gloves, one row embroidery on back; in tan, brown, pongee navy, gray, black and white; all hues. Removal 68c I Women's 2-clasp silk cloves, I Iwtth Pans point stitching on Iback: in pongee, eray, tan, re- Is eda, lavender, sky, pink, brown, black and white: all I - . hues. Removal 73c I Women's 16-button length I silk gloves, . with two-clasp wrist, best quality of tricot silk; come in black and white lonly. Removal 93c I 16-button length silk gloves, Paris Doint stitching on back. I I in all shade of tans, pongee, I mastic, brown, navy, gray. I leather, black and white. A full assortment of sizes. Removal $1.85 I 20-button length, best qual ity Milanese silk, in white only. Removal $1.59 I 1 ' on lenerth embroid- ere .. gloves in black arid I Iwhiiv. - - , - Removal 93c I 16-button length chamoisette I . . . . I gloves, with Pans point stitch- ling on back, best quality fabric I I used in these gloves; washable I I same as chamois; come in nat-l lural shade and white. Removal 47c I Two-clasp chamoisette doves in natural gray and I white. Removal 47c I 16-button length chamoisette I gloves in natural and white. Removal 68c I Two-clasp fabnc mocha gloves, imitation reindeer leath- ler, m natural, biscuit and gray Removal 97c I Women s Z-cIasp overseam Iglac'e kid gloves, one row em I broidery down back ; in tans, brown, black and white. Regular $1.25. Removal $1.98 -Women's J6-button glace kid gloves, overseam " Style, in tans and black:. Regular $3.75. . " Fashionable WhitePique , Removals 1 7c Regular Price 30c The matenal of the hourex tremely popular for tailored Skirts, waists, coats and jacket suits. Wales of different sixes from the small cord to the broad weh. ; For the past 'few seasons this material has -been but-of , fashion, but : this iSpring: sees' it again re vived,- and all women who wish to be op to date in their Summer at tire will have it least one or more garments of - this . very attractive materiaL . . ." " FOR KNOWING MEN - Removal Sales For . Monday -s - 75c Night Shirts Removal 39c Night Shirts for men, made of good quality muslin. Full and long. Finished with fancy trimming and pearl buttons. Made with V-shape neck or turnover collar. 25c to 50c Hose Removal 15c Men's hose in lisle and silk fin ished lisle, in all the popular spring colors as well as black. $1.50 Union Suits Removal 95c The well known "Springtex" make of union suits. Made on the Cooper spring needle machines. These goods are perfect fitting and most comfortable. ' In flesh, blue, whhe and ecru. iLM. Mm $1.25 Underwear 95c Men's gray natural merino shin and drawers in good mediuri weights. Shirts are made wit ribbed cuffs the pants-are staye and self band.-' All finished wit pearl buttons. No. 1 Is a Trotteur Frock of dark blue and black changeable jjiSo taffeta! . r ' ' -.- , M No. 3 Bridge Frock of changeable taffeta and heavy ecru lace. No. 4 -Theatre Dress of bright blue charmeuse. Made with long tr; No. 5 Dinner Gown with overskirt an4 waist of real lace in a chij name Rharie the lower nart of the skirt of" hlarlc rharmense. r No. 6 Afternoon Frock of rich blue -taffeta, finished at the neck wil piece of real ermine. No. 7- An Evenlner Gown of black charmeuse and shadow lace outll with gold threads. ; 7 No. ft Ball Gown of Gobeline blue charmeuse, with an overskirt waist of black chiffon heavily embroidered with silver. At the waist i large, bright, red,satin rose. ; , ii ' ' ' This Illustration Is an Exact Reproduction of Eigm In the Lififht of Events; Phenbriiehal Reductions on A vGowns - Original Modd Selling Regularlyl Choice of Any OS -1 use reriect wnai a pnenomenai &pni uus nas Deen mat tor neariv . . . 1 . . 1 4 . r . . . - I is k any wonaer,;inen. uiai inese Dcauurui gowns nave rernarnea uns framed from weanng beautiful gowjis, that must surely be ruined if ex Now is the time, with tne season still airead of us, to sell all these It is SOUND business for us to get rid of them, It is SOUND ba TOMORROW. THEN BEGINSTHIS WONDERI Tomorrow offers you gowns of crepe meteor, changeable and plain 1 rtifffona and Crene He Chine. Orio4nal tmrorteH ttinHflt ind Pincim i MnHleH in manv heatitifnl ihrjcK come are round urallnnv lenerth m do not care for a gown with a low-cut neck, then take one with dainty As to the trimmings, you will find them the cleverest and prettiest y fluted and shirred 'bands pipings and silk'covered buttons.. Many iNewriauen lNecKwear Tomorrow mornlnr an imDorta tlon of this wry fashionable neck wear goes on sale at removal prices. In this lot vou will find collars of all styles that are in such great demand, and which have been so scarce all season. Dainty little round collars. In Irish jace designs. Coat collars in a wide variety of sues and different attractive and unique shapes. Dutch collars that strike you at once as unique, smart and uncom mon. i Cape collars, yokes and chemi settes in a wonderful array of altract-iveness. I Collars in all shapes round, square lasra pointed designs that follow more expensive. Your choice of any piece in the entire collection. R emova 150. Boudoir Caps to $1.95 f Removal 89c Caps made of sheer dainty shadow laces, finished with ruffles of shadow lace or nets. Prettily trimmed with polored silk ribbons. Some are lined and others are unlined. Summer Furnishings For Town or Country Removal sale affords the op portunity of replenishing and refurnishing your summer home In the light, filmy mate rials for hot weather comfort. Below you will find a list all marked at removal pnees. 18c Curtain Swisses... .12X0 lie fancy Curtain Swisses 19c 29c fancy Curtain Nets. . .IDe 40c assorted Curtain Nets 291 25c plain Curtain Scrims 19 40c plain and fancy Scrims 29c 60c fancy Curtain Nets...47 50c plain and fancy Scrims 39( 50c French Bobbinet 39 60c Imp. plain Madras. . .47 12c figured Silkolines. .10 25c figured Art Cretonnes 17? 35c and 50c figured Art Cre tonnes at 29 60c figured Art Cretonnes 47 25c fancy printed Scrims 17 S5c and 40c fancy printed Cur tain Scrims ITUc 18c plain Art Burlap. . .121, $1 colored Curtain Madras 79 $1.29 col Curtain Madras 9S $1.50 col. Curn Madras $1.19 75c figured Tapestry 511 $1 figured Tapestry 83 75c Printed Linoleum, yd. 49t 1.50 Inl'd LinoI'm, yd. S1.14 49c Japanese Matting. .. .21 lis Sale Was Inevitable trrnoon, Evening and Theatre and Parisian Adaptations m $30.00 to $85 Removal! $19.98 . intire month we have had one continuous downpour. -- And is it any wonder that with this backward weather women have re- to April showers t ful costumes. , - . "--. " - for YOU toy take quick advantage of the resulting economies. , opportOnity in GOWNS 'y : n taffetas, jcharmeuse, imported bordered foulards, striped chiffons," plain itions. - " - " - " - - ' ' Jiers with long, sweeping trains Styles suitableor any figure. Ii you v and standing collar of some soft lace or xhiffon. - !ve ever seen; Gold and silver embroideries heavy and soft laces nets 'corsage bouquet of French flowers. Girdles and sashes of velvet and silk Purchase Your Summer Undermuslins Now at Removal Reductions .Petticoats la tha princess slip styles. Uada on tha 5 sew straight lints. Exact imitatkxi of Frtnch hand ambroid try and acaUopad edie. Embroidery design , on "tha front MimS-: n,,on, 3i rJt 98c &$1.39 $1.75 Petticoats, K emova 11.50 and $1.75 Combi nation Suits, removal... $1.39 cover and drawer comblnationa of cloth. II ad with yokes formed of lace, embroidery, ribbon and beadlngs; also Insets of embroi dery or medalliona. Lace and embroidery edgings. i.1 '4:' L79c $1.50 snd $1.75 Night Gowns. . . Night gowns, msde of cam bric or longcloth, with high or V-shape necks. Yoke of fine embroidery, insertion and edg ings. Slipover styles, with set-in or kimono sleeves, embroidery and lace trimmings, beading and ribbons. $1.00 and $1.25 Night Gowns. Nightgowns of long cloth of an extra Quality. In slip over styles, with round or square necks. Trimmings of lace arid em broidery edgings, insertions, head ings and ribbon. Also set in me dallions. Another model hss a V style neck with yoke of embroidery and cluster tucks or Cluny lace and embroidery Insertion. $1.50 Crepe Night Gowns, removal.. Nieht eowns made of $1.09 fine 75c Corset Covers, Removal 59c This Is a splendid assortment corset covers, made of fine onrdoth, with , round neck, with or without yokes. Dainty trimmings of fine lace nsertion, headings and ribbon. medallions; also embroidery and insertions. Tt crepe in plain white with light blue or pink ring dots. , Made in the slipover style, with kimono sleeves and fin ished with pink or blue scal loped edges. 75c Muslin Drawers, removal. 49c -Ladles' drawers, made of longcloth. In the skirt style, open or closed. Trimmed with embroidery ruffle. Also regulation cut style with tucked ruffle. IRISH TABLE LINENS A REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY To Do Justice to This Sale We Au$t Tell You of Market Conditions Out in Ireland there grows a flax that is practically sold year after yearlong before the crop is gathered Certain manufacturers employing the highest grade of linen use this quality exclusively. The price of flax has been advancing steadily, and we have already received many notices that the high grade Irish linens show marked increase in price. In this sale tomorrow we shall dispose of 300 High Grade TablesCloths With 300 Dozen Napkins to Match At prices remarkable for these high-character Irish linens. These cloths and napkins are overweight linens of high count. ... The de signs and patterns are woven round, oblong and square. $5.00 Cloths, size 2x2 yards, removal, each .$3.80 $6.25 Cloths, size 2x2 yards, removal, each. . . . .$4.95 $7.50 Cloths, size , 3x2 yards, removal, each .$5.95 $8.75 Cloths, size 3x2 yards, removal, each..... $6.95 $6.25 Cloths, size 2x2 yards, removal, each $4.95 $6.00 Napkins, size 24x24 Inches, removal, dozen. .$4.95 Voiles Are in Greatest Demand The Queen of All Wash Fabrics Removal Prices Bring Them Almost to Half Price 40c Voiles 26c A great favorite for evening dresses in all the new and standard shades. A fine sheer ground with a fancy self colored silk, stripe standing "but prominently. 65c Voiles 38c A high grade imported voile 45 inches wide.. The body of the cloth comes in, solid colors with trim ming border In Persian design. 30c Voiles 17c - This fashionable fabric .comes In black and white blue and white tan . and white -pink and white. Also . a bordered voile in li ght medium and dark .effects. It is sheer, crisp and summery. ,Wth borders in harmonious colorings. 40c Voiles 25c A new dress fabric that comes in strips of 45 inches, six of these strips will make a full dress each trip is 27 laches wide, attached to these strips is the border trimming thus you csn buy tha makings of a beautiful summer .... dress, for f 1.88. . , ' 40c Shantung 26c A rough woven silk snd cotton combination cloth which is abso lutely sun proof and water proof. Especially adapted for automo bile suits and coats. In tans, blues,' lavender, brown, Alice, green, navy and red.v, It is the cloth that comes from the laundry unimpaired in beauty of finish. '' -. . - . w i M ooua Gold Rings. Lavalliers Brooches Removal r rnces H3.00 Solid Gold TI CA Lavalliers, .remT. J)ft.OU Solid Gold Lavalliers, with fancy stone pendants set with pearl, amethyst snd sapphire. $2.00 Solid Gold Cuff Pins, removsl 98c Solid Gold Cuff Pins, in Eng Ush, Roman and rose finish extra heavy pins. $2.00 Solid Gold Bar Pins, remova i98c 69c Solid Gold Bar Pins, in a va riety of style snd lengths. $3.00 Sterling Silver Lockets, removal. . . --Sterling Silver and Gold Filled Lockets and Charms- plain, stone set snd engrsved in small, medium and larg sizes. $2.98 Brooch Pins, removal. 39c Gold filled and Stone Set Brooch Pins, in every conceiv able shape and style. $9.00 Solid Gold Rings, removal. , $4.98 Women's and Men's Solid Gold Signet Rings, in Roman, English and Rose finish me dium and heavy weights beau tiful designs. $3.00 Solid Gold $2.98 Rings, removal. . Women's and Misses' Solid Gold Signet Rings, in dainty and exclusive styles any fin ish. $5.00 Solid Gold Rings, removal. , $1.98 Ladies' Stone Set Rings, with solid gold setting, in turquoise, amethyst, emerald, niby, gar net, etc., in single and combina tion designs. $7.75 Solid Gold flQ QQ Rings, removal. .VaCi. ay (J Ladies' Single Stone Set Rings, for little finger, in coral, ade, turquoise, matrix, etc. Heavy solid gold settings, , f'iQir,!riZirietrt nrn v J :K KS' EH ex.?:.; i Greatest QieneyFoulard Salcon Record " 5000 Yards of New Spring $1:25 Foulards Removal 79c Cheney Poulard Silks. This name carries with it the sterling mark' on silks is your safeguard to quality and style. Foulard silks are no longer regarded as a whim of fashion a passing fancy. Their permanence is accepted by all women of fashion. 7 t J In tomorrow's sale we of fer you thousands of yards of new Spring Cheney Foulards In designs that are distinctly exclusive. : Refined simple tasteful-toned-down patterns that strike the quieter note in foulards simplicity, devoid of the commonplace. In all a remarkable sssem blage. The diversity of patterns and colorings will satisfy you. Choosing may be done here without risk. . C one tomorrow early they won't be here long. ; Black and White Striped Ribbon Removal 25c A good quality black and white striped ribbon in grad uated stripes. Five Inches Wide. :'JA, rt..V.yr!TTlVV SI J M ...! ... Sid JHft.J "TAi. You Gun Frame Your Photograohs in This Sale At Prices Lower Than You ve Heretofore Known Metal frames in gold, silver, Pompeian green, Parisian ivory and other finishes. They come in every size from the small miniature to the large cabinet In oval, square "and oblong shapes.' - -'- These frames are complete with convex glasses and easel backs. ' ' i , All our regular 35c Frames, removal 22 All our regular 50c Frames, removal .33 . . AU our regular 75c Frames, removal ?.48c All our regular $1.00 Frames, removal 78$ All our regular $1.25 Frames, removal. ... ,83) All our regular $1.50 Frames, removal f)8 All our regular $1.75 Frames, removal .23 Removal Prices Dominate All Rugs j.-gjjjjjgj or Costly Now Is the Time to Buy Wilton rugs in beautiful patterns in exact duplication of the Oriental designs. These rugs are the acme of perfection in quality and coloring and are sure to please the most critical buyers. Especially suitable for living room, library or dining room. $45.00 Wilton Rusrs. 6x12. removal .$33.45 .". $55.00 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, removal...... .$41.00 r $80.00 WUton Rugs, 9x12, removal. .; $45.00 $65.00 Wilton Rues, 9x12. removal $55.00 Axmihser rugs of superior quality in Oriental, floral and conventional designs. - A large and well selected stock to choose from. ' ' " '' $28.50 Axminster Rugs, 9x12, removal... ..51 -$33.00 Axminster Rues. 9x12. removal. .... .$22.45 i-Body Brussels wgs of full "5-frame. quality,'1' in Small, neat patterns, especially suitable for dining rooms and living rooms. This' is the rug for Service and durability. ' $40.00 Body Brussels Kugs, xiz, removal, i 91. 1 1 . $35.00 Bodv Brussels Rues, xl2, removal. . 15-5.83 -Colonia'r'rag rugs in pretty - hit-and-miss design, or aol; 1 color with pretty striped border. - a V . $1.50 Colonial Kag Rugs, SOxBO, removal 7 t2.00 Colonial Rag Rus, 30x53, removal. . , . ; ! .1