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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1912)
I a . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY WORNINO. MAY 8. 1111. -5C 1-) MH - vw : .7 , Ismail . iff I toarre Par Haa If er I J reilad t la Ulf K pi.l bae S eCarvd' ' SOU Ad Club Delegates Will Be Guests in. City During Meeting Next June i f ikut. 4 U- fcah W f travail. u f 1 M-r "M'K j m4 if vm ta ar. VIs" tn i'wt-wt i.el 11 M atmuaprter tM' a til.urae f eu4f l rt. luaralar 4 , .lata haa . Ihnt ar fired ll way 'a. - "' re eaustly ee return eat aril twki all lor. ! imr tward af. nil they a-rr rotated mi U by "- They r ! ! eciai and at af vtvltleatloa walea r'e- I nam. with lt lMe thatelve. Iber. y lt" alel wair " i-.iu-a. Mat Un. rVrktaa 4a M b. luag ta lata rke of Mlf. ana ! die-iiix-ilf la th prepared elaee af toert a hor er abroad -ajaaaa, ael ma ang aw iftiu m rraf g the rlrligMfttl arauntauara af ,rnaoa; and If la Ilk tMe altHttd ef- rra he th lee sad peaf' , r-rlbrs la bar book, la ekjatng W aarraittre te Mr--a ra bra fH4 wlla bralla a4 aiinaife, a4 K- noi nwl nti l-d-i or Mmtl on our )ovrrtor i af ahuli wm faal thankful. at4 wblca a ailer anlia raiartuiW ahaa rnrmhT that ha a riallad naff Knropraa unlrr airp aVria. Rau- mania and Portugal bal4ra aalor ptr- ttuna of Aata 4a4 Afrt ol arijr aa far ami it) aa tha iroplf of tawaf and Ix-an4 lha Arlla rlrrla -aa tha nonn. hila lha mot aaatam rHy UH4 aa fiaroaarua. aod tha ml wrmtm Oal ay. Jrrland. 'a (bMld Mraalf. har huaband. thraa daaclitara and a arm I lur apaat on or wra nt(M In t plarra. and wba wa rracb N Torh aa ran look bark apon tl olfhti on Mnaotara,' not a4t of arhlrh war anjoy rfila. a a arara xv-aalonMr affllrlrd uh UI-rf-mrr. Thtrty-aavan llmea l ava a rmbaiiirtf and dlafmharkrd br nioana of amall boaia. which la a corn ntnn aajr at iHrrranaaa porta. "At ruin wa bara mat a Ha eourtaar and ron.Ulr'nilloB fmrn offlrUia I lirad liia hlra i. k traral.. ami bar, Jearnad ana. that I "0i?,,'"w ''.". WiV"? U 4 W l.u vtrara a4 mumm I ar a Hit aiaaaa, aa luitit bpaa mar La aaiablUKaJ a nXmr and' malattaiaxn I dnaWJia i knuiu ftx til Mat. paiav i.IKi paraotta aaocrMi-akUj I Vh tafuaoa l aubaalt. brak fr4a) r ar rait4 rac4 ,r ! fuaIMa anna and aovv V run- Utt trv wilbval daatar fraj furvtartf iMa-llila lal la arauaaj. "I bovghl M4 paid Ilia ladtaaa. 1 haa , vara I adiaa I for y-x." ha ariaa. and a4aaa a puaar aata la iim Orrava ao.irv uaul af-laad MM In bar dwur. tar ba faia4'rama lha ia4Mi Itafl dl tuamlud ha a. ftry. bat -aha outHwar. Tta lahullta. and rraujr l laavrw bna, toa m am iva Una a axd Cathaiie , raf U.i ra haldriha. llo thajr ara Tlnallp raoonviiaa aMta4 iM patat(ad, alilKovah at I ha 1 1 arvd ba . buabaad rharaetar formeo. lima b aaa tut aluaa la lit! ha I kMkra 1M1 ana af ha Moat thrlillac laia4 tha tliftaiia tiirtk. and harain 1 aatoala af tha ar. Tha bawk U 1 1 In a daata4 l alhoUr. brio ritl4 a tratad rroaa ararvaa in m piaf. . u. n . halahl of Ht. lraaor la III ta III! iMlliaft-am Co, rrla II tuM rtvaa r tnm tiama buildma tnani n...t. . i iw . un. Tiaaa Tloora and t'twrut." br.tTar iMianlla IM and rlotha lham and I ran I. Rldrtd. A riaa. airona hmt or rar4 fur tha aich. ba aappllad thain I arhaol bonur and lha rrlrndatiip or i.un lib aaad and fartnla lmtlamanla. and I laJ4 boya. A llhaljf lada taanarf than daataatla aalmala. Ha aava anlarina- Wph lha aaeoad yaar at Bl almtlar aaa I (a ara ta tha laimtaraata I tMtnalaa a aa lad l aaima " tamaa af lilt and Ilia. Aa ba feraiabad rnoal I mfl ba wiocii natiar tnair m-nvoi. af thla aid oa twarfil, aad II4 jmk Ja- I oallal aa ll la. If lhara wara hUhar raaraca lha at rtllaa n llta tarri to raa Ira br tha Hudaop Bf"t cannaftloo wllb alhlattra. iikuim i laan imi auaimar win ta uia faeinc aompaay la lit lor lha raal of biar af lha nitaruri ihuhmm Agrartiain miiii roovtmioa. u Ufa ba raaldad at Ortaoa Olr. lanahaa roaa wcrl tnraltt aaraoaa and will brine aja-IJ rara anU train loada frtor la lit ha bad Ukrat u rlalat. toi lhara waa no lal h,ura tha rM. lajut la Ar iui.. awakanlna of ronaloora la ona.partlrt- I Hiwkiof and (hiklant w.. .t ma tki. .-. -i. i ... ..liar bov. who had takaa 11 for granted I Thaaa ara lha man who wrlta tha ad Orrroti nir. whlh ha' found ad and hnat h " lrtf "lh "L . I vartlaatnajite that appaar la tha publlra aaiiMNl and whara thara la a fina walar Brlmmlnt wllb run, and aaaaonaa tlonv of ttt. fwritlr roaat. Many of tham ara alao at tha head or paotflc rttaat biialnoaa Inalitutlona. Thry pun- rri W I li.rikaaa. II W Liaail hi. bifit a. b J. J . It t". ! taaa. at. ltar-4 Ta b4taaa, 1 . huuar. IU N at . w T, PatUM, tX kw ittUty. U A. l-iau At lafi rrank UcOrlllla. fbatrtntB 111) eenraUoa eomroUta; W. I Campboll, atx-mary Pacirte Coast AdTartlainf Mea'a Mavx-iatloa. va avatita ta loii va-aai aoaa wen tnrant pww I win onnc aaoiaJ rara ana train n 9 a land hooka lncffa-lva, ha artlva. lcorouaef dflrgalaai from lha Ad rluba af war ta bo motk wondrra la arliool aonllmant. I reuvar. It. tl. m-allla. Taooma, Itpok Oraoa An aatarUUy alruac faatuta la lha I (tacramcnlo. Man rranclai-o. Uoa Ar VarJ- ana. Ahgalaa, powar. Ha alop9 lb la powar. and "n oromoa " " 'LJLT! I .,,i. "v.'t of tuktik to, olara larllia banda of bright I iw' .11 w ll l ll - - . - I paraanallr oparatad. II waa aa.arla.1 1 f from 11 1 W It "' tar J00 mambara . -a I liiuairaiaa 07 y. .-1 T porlJnd J PrVa II.IO. Ad iuh will ba boat daring tha ronvantlnn. daya. J una 10, 1 1 and It. Ita mmhrahlp of ti local that, aa ha waa a ITrlllah auhUrt ha waa not anllllad to tat UP land iwirpara nl.tMi U... Ikla k.. m I u . . for. until lilt, whan tha Iraaly batwoan -MUhln la a . "f I advarllalng and biialnaaa man ara plan-J lha rniiad Slam and Graat RHialn at- ""'""n' "'""'.a , Ilt4 lha awnarahlp of lha Oragtm oon- ' !!' ffw fv: "T"' try. a roat-aniloai .bat warn lha two ""nr followara or naaroan fount riaa ailatad. ' providing for Joint orrupam-jr of ibo Orogon roua aqual rlghu. Homa of lha. Malhol.l with him. which w Pub- talaalooarlaa and Ibalr folio wcraBl! HahaU tblf month by.h Pu,"ro . T rtraa taia ara mm "w of view of lha p layer . w ho naa Dean two many rollowara or Daaroaii oihimtu tha lb" arraatcat talrlcr ttial avar llvo.1. haa .I,! writtan a atrlaa of atorl-a about lha ring lrurm. tha man who haa playl of whom had baan rx-frlrpdad by Dr. Hrueagniia. atartad thla action agalnat'blm. It waa cootlnoad untIL in th. don.l.on'.nd law . aact.on wal . c.u.. who. almoat .Id, Inaarted which drprlvad him of hla "anami. won 1. ...1 i. .. .... it .k. . 1. (for th Oiantl In 1S0I. . r.. . i i t . Kvarv -fan iiaca to aww a andowmant of a .unJraraity. It waa ra tha world la largaly rampoaad xt men and woman of kind though la and pur poar-a. wtllo tha mmiorlri of tha trip will bo stoat delightful aad tha trtro- apvt win mrHiMi ivra iui m ihciuhi. To gccompltab all thiamin tha apaca of on abort yar would naturally glva ona tha Itnpreaalo that tha trip had "Imply baan a "glob trot.- a u par fir la 1 and unrvllabla aa to datatl and with lit tla ralua to tl wrllar.. and laaaao lha rradrr; and ao ll would naro htan with' .oat tha preparation, both' of prrvtoua Iraval and atudy wa hap apokr-n of. Tha hlgnwaya and the; byways of all thaaa many oountrtea tha author vlaltcd, leaving largely the show jilacas to tha prnfeafclotuU totirtata, an4 Vt thoaa Odd i-ornrra aha' writes moat Intarratlngly. and whfla gtvlng an onormons amoont of valuable Information . aha has era oncd It-all with tha moat charming - originality; apat-kllng wit and attractive tyle. Mr., Parkloi.. la particularly happy In her many apropos quotatlona, principally poetic, which give eaae and variety to the text, and are" often ao appropriate that they seem Ilka nails driven Into a fact that will never allow -themselves ftv be disconnected again from the mekiory. . The expeefknt tourlat. who haa not . had the time or opportunity to make the much dealred preparation for a trip I'hroad. could do no better than to care fully read, and then re-read, thla worlc. and they will get. In condensed form a knowledge of all thoaa things they ex pect to see that would take ,year of atudy to acquire. It la a veritable guide book to the art, literature and hlatory, M well as to the legends, and traditions of tha old world, except that It leaves the beaten path of the profeaalonal guide and glvea juat those thinga that ara l aortli-aeelng -and knowing -about.- The' book is elaborately Illustrated with pen and ink "ketches by the author, and from photographs taken by Pro Xeraor Perkins. Richard G. Badger. Price 11.60. "Dr. John McLoughlln The Father of : Oregon" whose last yeara of life form , one of the moat pathetic pages in the history of this state, ia the subject of graphic, vitally interesting, blogrn pliy eontalned In the now Catholic en cyclopedia. Th author in Frederick . V. Holman of Portland. Much new In formation of the enrlv rT.iv .murlonr.. "i una piuneer will be. round In the following excerpts gleaned from Its jJaneB. "Ha was born In the parish of La , , Riviera du Ioup, Canada. October 19, 1784. He is the great hern of Oregon's pioneer period. His paternal granrl- father was bom in the parish of De- ertegnay. Ireland. He emlarated to Canada and married there, and his son Johrr warf the father of Dr. John Mc- , jAiugnim, j ne maiden nam vf 'tho mother of the latter was Angellciue , Kraser, born In the parish of Beau mont, Canada. Her father wan Mal ' colrn Fraser, a Scotch hlghlander. who went tr Canada )n 17r,9 wltn thf) army "L'f- -'McLoughlln'a father died while his son waa still a lad. He was brought up in the honie of his grand father and educated in Canada and Scotland. He became a phvslclan nulte ; young but did not practice long; He . became a partner of the North West . company When that company cnal- ' r, h,h .Hdson Bay company in ,1821, he waa in charge of Fort Wi'- ' VZ?ZH.t S,uPer,w. which was then the chief depot and factory of th NortreWest comoanv. it. ts-i n , Ixiughlin was sent tn fwr r.. ' ! th mouth of tho-Coiumbia river He soon moved fha headquarters - of - the v company to Fort Vancouver, on the orth side of tha Columbia rikr There he ruled forlS vears as the absolute but kindly autocrat oT what Is known as ' Oregon country Ha had no milUa" force, but by hla own personality H through 11 yeara of baaaUall' elrlfe In ih. hla leasue. and who, almost single. handmi. won the world's championship little more about. tha gams than the other fel low. In lliaaa slorlee "Wattle" la letting tha reader on the "Inatde." Me wrings lha reader up close to the game, makes him feel that he la peraonatiy , nnaintad with all tha great stare, and . wurui inn aiauniuiiita. lit M , , , y, . w. died a . broken hearted man feptamtwr almost lesda him to batlova that he, la . ix.. tna victim or mendacity and In- P'n ln" " , iir,- ,n.nAm 11. ... k..ii i. .vl .v w I Tr. ahort ii It I aerlea of gripping yard of 8t John's Cathollo church In atorlew of tha big learue, past and prea- rw. 11,. w 1 L HLnrlaa of their Biyiea, ineir ' ..'ii v.i nnw. ma iwiiy naa mil 1 . - - - aver alnca. Br common NHrnt ha haa -groovea " and how they play the game. beooma known ai tha Father of Ore- written sy man who Is oa the inside. run " , , - i I ' The effect of this taw waa that Dr Mo Ixiughlln lost nearly all of tha "large fortune which ba had accumulated, 11a SPANISH WAR POWDER TOE NRICH THE SO! L fFrom the Car Behlrid,7 y Bleanor M, Inrrarn An automobile atory from tha first page , unto the last when tha hero brings bla ear .over tha track, a few feet ahead ot. tha aacond beet. In the great recea, and thereby winning; not only the cup nut tna admiration or those who had hitherto held too lightly his roursse and aa.111. Aside from tha automobllo races, which Is really the main feature,! Washington, May 4. -Many hundreds I?"'' ZJX'lZrZZ W"'lfl..n of year- .go the .dvooste. of peace ad- """ ' niatvu, aau ug V V CB agf aj a , a 4T..-aa.vt lnlA nan a atlthop . paal arl.r k. ...... Vlsea tnat aworua uc luincu .u.u F.uu- Ing. Tha aelflsh, heartless cousin who n forks, but it haa remained for Uncle would sacrifice everything and eVery- I Sam e ordnance department to hit upon noay ror her own pieaaure. "Flavin" I tha nlan of using gunpowder ror lortu- the aiater who Is so decidedly the 00-I Iser. poslte of her handsome coualn, the hero I During the war with Spain large who la older than hla aweetheart, and I quantities of brown gunpowder were her brother who, for this reason prob-1 nurchaaed. The explosive is now of no ably, never swerves In his loyalty and I value for military purposes and for sev- love In ,splte of how things aeem. and I eral. vears the ordnance department has then the young driver himself, who, I been trying to find some method of atter all might be known as tha hero I getting back part of the money expend and who suffers the loss of honor and I ed in this purchase. Small quantities reaped rather than throw the blame of I of Dowder will be submerged until it sll the miserable misunderstanding upon I Is soft enough to aprcad over fields rooiish girl. There are many humor-I and experiments will be conducted to oua passages and the atyle adopted la I see if it really aids in the growth of a light, easy, graceful way of telling I crops. If it is a success. Uncle Bam Interesting things. One of tha drivers Is I will dlsDoae of the gunpowder to farm- always amusing whenever he appear a Ivrs at a bargain price. If It falls, the ana tne crosser and more bearish he I powder will be taken, out to sea . and necomes tne greater is his cliarm. It I dumped overboard. nlng to make lha I lire daya memorable to every delegate. Anyone who haa been acquainted with their alunla in other affair does trot doubt tnair ability for tha big convention. t . The convention cavers tha first three daya of the Hose Feativah. Plana are being made Ad mm to build a special grand staad for the acornmoda lion of J040 visiting and local advertis ing writers; an that the electric parade of Tuesday night may De observed with the maximum of comfort and aatlafac tlo-i. Chairman Jank McOlllfa of the con- 1 1 - vatitlaa eai nil I aa aatd y aa tarda y .lal many af lha plana af aatartataaaaat have ba cotnplalad. A Dam bar of the plana will ba kept aarral kaoauaa I ara ia- Llandad for eurpriac. Monday Marwlng of lha roavaoiura will b spent In great Inga aad lha afleraooa at buainawa. Monday blgM will ba faalurwd) by a far mat reception aad buffet luacH laaderwd by tha Comanarrlal rlub. Tuaaday Beoea Ing; will ba a peat In aa auloanoUle trip about lha rlly tarmlnatlns w lib a lurt- aon at the t'nlon kiaat company pleat. where A. C lilark will ba boat. Wtdne. day eight lha convention "will be rw rladrd with a formal banquet at I h (Vmmerclal rtab. At th asm tins th lad Ira of tt party win be Ira 14 ia a theatre party provided by a commute on ladles' entertainment, nf wMch a J. Jaegar haa ben made chairman. Jt la promised thai not one feature f that convention ven th routine a. elema will be left unfa. lured by eocne unique atunta. - ' The complete 1111 convention com mit lea aa announced by President A. f. Clark of ihe Ad cloh, la as follows: Frank McTYIIIIa.. chairman; Marshall N. nana. If. W. I.lttle. Phil H. ltatea, F. I. trotlehur. J. Kred Iirwon. Charles F. Herg. C. .IT. Moore, C. A. Wbltemre, Ktetlerlck T. Hyekell, pavld M. Bola- Ur afrnuk a iMuati yy le fwiMwtag trfit wa I tut tiiiaa-lliiw Ait !" Twaa hkU'e. t. laUH. rU a. NIK f. A Wl-e. f aMaWlr W. T. sHrtbaiaa. ta't av tuiaa. bjai-il M. I ma. ra a-! atau avU , Uf !, W. . vaaU'Wt, A- U I tats Ctatataal a4 .; W 4 tiffuva. 1. A fla. Oaaes ! lkr. 4,!We I, blaiae. . BV U4r H aJadai tialaU a4 AataMalt; C. It hiaaaa, 1 kl. Hlafw4. U A. lir. K T. II '! Alaaa4ke 4 rra4i U at. J).ttt. r.-W. bila. I C Craig. F Is. Lt K H. KraaWfar. t'. 1 1 klawr. tl W atlr- tleUrf. W4aa till hatvar. t. A. Otl-. IL W. Lull Hai.U. )L.W. Utll. It . w ara. . Alra4y,lha 4S4ia ara arraMtna far tbait anaalaais wklia laaae IB awe Tha iakfc A4 dab baa ekaalad a dlf iin ar aa, Tte aa raval lha nllr all lb fr af IK alwtlautMb kat. Tha avania A4 civ haa aWiJ a 4cieetla af lea. a Irani load U aCta4 rraM-tar. lae plaa) ml taa nor I y aa anew oavrg ia rui aa lll FwrtrV eet ra-v't IK"I Ihal (be r I aa4 rAlt"4)l rovatnai f A4 Was, WM h they Aja eapr ,1 get. wvay a 4 Jally 1. - T ratlftc at ravaiu waa taai ar at ttkAaa aad SrtiaM seal a tatga awiagajloa. Heery Q Loaghurei of rarrainuie was elected rJJnl and Will U tasiBli of rnid, aacrrury. i 11 1 . 1 1 PI II AVII I l lllir ( .170 HORSE. STREETCARS New Teffc. May 4 Thera atill aur- rtr a Mew Tatk It ara tfrawa airwat cars, arc H lag la a foart ay the sub tle aarvtr rotnmlaaloa. Th dlacavery that eea one af Ihee ncUnl raklrla la atlll tn aa la a rliy of ahyaerapars and rapid transit, naa always k-an a auh)rt fr iraagaea )oka. bat tha atr Railway aaaorla iloa haa com forward with aa eicuw la eroiert lh-ltya vanllr. Noiwlthataadmg that horee and Ihrlr ke) have lietamt far more roally than two d era ilea ago, lae aaaot lalloa poinla out, lha camprtaoa with lha lnraaed Coal In equipment and maintenance. ef elecirte lines baa bean far greater, aad for short rroesioaa hauls tha hoc atlll provra profitable power for etreet ear tranalL ta romptltton wltlt aomathlng like th atrerglb of a million horses, as rpreeaie4 In electrical power, there ara taoa real borees atlll In eervrre for drawing the IT surviving cars. SAFE III L ni Chfcaos NtAspapcrmcn Travel V la potion Lands With- -, L cut Money. 'anr ada will ba received over tha phone only from the who names ara Hated la either of the telephone dlrae- CtWat. Mf. 4nia Iraiiln artiaoul b ttreadnara at aey t aUaraale arwanxl af ajtaa4 aa eilrvaal aullay f lieaa. If lle est. rera " a n aoaiava ill H wail V. alula tt thlcaga awatr raaortaia, anay b fabea aa rriiMWa taf bat (anauasad ettahtty nre rasa flea moaiha aa reals Trwra i'hiii l l.iatMMi. . nnt this arl4 lb law iravalar ha a espaHaac4 Ih pangs af h i gar as ariaa aa-ta Joys af travel. A. I hay bate aruratd al eiary" ai. ptBt thai, domaads af eirvagib I haa knowimg g4 th Ut am af the evuatry la which they wwahadT- . - - - .,. parkaa and Mm .waited lata the fvUtai l.tahaa la est f.or Infarwta io ra-rnlhg ia c4Minir and wets aurpriaad to rategntsa lal Ayme aa a ansa wham nrba bad lairvi4 at a banqytl'la "Mrg aaral rnoaths afW Ta oaaaml waa daltghted. The raouli waa aa ttaiact4 Uaaqitat sveh aa e4 M Wa rhdld lt glaa aor-tiTlUig triw.' ' , ' .1 Aleag wtt a lbs Utter from Coleoal Ayroe, wlilrb waa aeajt l hi a phew. Hake Uaiith. waa a Uaboa tnagaalrM, IMk aaoaad ilparkea and Ml Ilea earn ing ma tavaal thai rpliowed the knqul aarvd I heat by lhe roaaat Tdtrtut wbwilrg truck a Joy lb Vacuum Oil company. - .' SLAYER OF WOMAN IS CHARGED WITH MURDER Murder In tha first degree Is the In' dlclmani relumed today by the April grand Jury aga,lnet Iw Torbet. who ta alao knoaa aa Iw vVkltlork, II year old. for killing Mr Margaret Dellalre early last weak- Tha young man la m the county Jail without bonds. Tu trouble waa over lha refusal of Mra. IWIlalre to allow Torbat to marry hrr ughler. Torbet waa given an op- portanltv to appear before the grand Jury In hla awn behalf, but did not aak ta go before It. k A amall square basket, like a drras suitcase, carrteo a wk ker covered hot tie. a wicker covered glass and a flnt sandwich raa. with napkins and pepper and salt ahakera. It la clxap and uav.iil. SatisfiedHousewiveSalJieWorldOver CHEERFULLY RECOMMEND Garland Gas Stoves mi Manges Heinir y Jemeiinig onus ARE EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND AGENTS Is this driver, who, before the big races always put 12 sandwiches and his will tn his strong box and placed it in the tent i.s was always sure to need one Great quantities of black powder, pur chased in 1891, have been uacd for fir ing salutes and as Ignition charges. But the brown powder is dead stock, experts or the other at the end of the race!! say, unless it proves a success as a Ldppincott ruD. tjo. price 11.36. fertilizer. "Business and Kingdom Come." by fTanic crane Mr. Crane's book "Human Confessions" has Riven him a prominent place in the opinion of many readers who have a talent for discerning real merit, and these readers will devour with enjoyment this little, new book, "Business and Kingdom Come" which is somewhat on the same order. Sound common sense, ffood business judgment and true pictures of modern methods of living. Jt Is "straight goods" right from the shoulder out and the humor is so subtle and yet so forceful a person must enjoy It whether he wills to or not. The book in especially for the busi ness man. his friends or his enemies. Kollowlnjr are a few of the epigrams in which the book abounds: Democracy is nothing but Christian ity disinfected.1 "Any fool' knows his strength; but a wise man knows his weakness.' "It only takes a thimbleful of brains to find fault." ' "The true philosophy Is . In business; not after business." "A real philanthropist makes money bv' Inventing In -human vnlnnn hv In- creaRing the red blood sod clean spirit Maryland sit down durii of his working people," I Instead of standing, as Is A fake philanthropist drains the blood and pollutes the spirit of his working-people and buy a pipe organ for his church.? "If order la Heaven's first law then disorder is the Devil's opportunity,.' LITTLE MAN'S TONGUE ROUTS A SIX FOOTER Washington, . May -4. Represent tlva Lewis of Maryland, a former coal miner, who la serving his first term. Is by long odds the smallest man In congress. Whenever he address the house it Is necessary for him to ad vance In front of the speaker's platform in order that hla -fellow representa tives . may see him. A few days ago he was asked, to address a committee on the subject of government ownership of express lines, his chief hobby. Near ly all of the members of the committee were six-footers, and when the diminu tive Marylander took his station at the foot of tho table, the chairman said with a sly wink as his associates: , "I suggest that the gentleman from during his speech, customary. ' Lewis was qufck to see the pofnt. Like a flash he replied: . "Well, Mr. Chairman, down in South Carolina,' where you come from, I under stand the men have brains from their ; chins down, but in Maryland we all I "Nine tenths of any failure is lack of hav.? r brains from our eyes up Any B OOK Advertised or reviewed on tbia page may be ob tained stt . -. w T11 -3 Book Bftdre, Sr aad Aide system and nine tenths of crime Is con fusion. "You admit that some men are self made because. you'd hate to accuse God of making them. "Religion consists in" the way and ! spirit in which a man makes money;! more than In what ne does after the money is made. "Business and Kingdom Come . Forbes & Co. Price 75 cetita. . They did not Joke with Lewis about his else through the remainder of the bearing;. Bawara of the man whose one am bition 1s to become a good dancer. ORl?IilI3 CURES DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has OKRINE "Bought and Paid For," by Arthur Hornblow. from the play by George Broadh urst. There la nothin g ambl gu ous here- no mincing of words! Ton pay' for a thing and It ia yours. Robert J been In restoring the victims of -the oianoru. tne millionaire railroad . man. I "fnnk Habit" Into sober and useful does hot really love the glri he has I cltlxens, and sa atrong 'is our confidence asked to marry him. He merely covets in Its curative powers, that we want to ner imuiuuy. Virginia Blaine has no eihphssis the fact that iRRINB ia sold real affection for -th rich man that under this .positive guarantee, if, after leads her .to the altar,, but :he Ja a a -ttlaU-Jou. -benefit. : yoitr. -money poor telephone girl, afraid of tha nil- will ba refunded, ORRIN'E costs only certain future, and he Is a mulUmilllori- $1.9 aer box-v Ask for Free Booklet, aire! Surrounded by jewela, autorool- - Woodard. CUria 4 Ca, l80 Waahlna- biles, bouses and servants, she finds ton street. ' v sh is not happy. He staggers home Skldmora Drue company. 111 Third from tha clul,ne,.nlght. and smothers street., . . , - , . 11 ;.u. " 1 .. ' ' J a s1 ji 1. .' 11 L ynrixx&ri- ssas si ,1 & SAFETY p5 PERFECT COOKING A SIMPLE MATTER WITH A "GARLAND" GAS RANGE 11 . . , . -i . , , . -' r . -" . . -: . .. . 11 - lamw&vax?,- , niRNlTURE Some say that Cjas Ranges are dangerous that leaky "valves sometimes fill the oven witrTras and r ajn explosion occurs. . But this is not true with tho "Garland." It is impossible to light the oven burner ' until the oven door is open, and if any gas should by accident accumulate in the oven, it will escape before harm can be done. This is a feature which makes the "Garland" Gas Range absolutely the safest on the market. Accidents may occur with - other methods, but not with this, r The "Garland" Safety-Lighter and Safety Door-Latch are original with us and fully patented. ; , OTHER FEATURES ,.-. Heavy plate-glass doors, easily kept clean and ; sanitary without any labor. The ' progress of the baking cambe watched without the 'opening of the " oven. Glass non-breakable. - ,t J . "Garland" Lever Handle GuarrJprevents gas levers f rorrubeing, accidentally opened, ; waste of: , " fuel resulting; Keeps opeator's clothes away from the range and levers. - Convenient as a front towel rail.. . ' - . . "Garland" Lever Valvesspring barrel pre vents wearing; extra heavy and adjustable. "Garland" Solid End Shelves prevent drip- - pings to the floor. ) ' ' 1 "Garland" Towel Rod always, useful. c THERE -ARE, SCORES OF IMITATIONS, BUT , NONE 50 GOOD AS "GARLANDS"- : SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Corner Second and Momsoh Sts Liberal .Credit If Desrea- -' , ; Home of Good Furniture 1