f THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL.' J'OJITLANP. SUNDAY WOKNINO. WAY i. 1918. Mi Ha.atar. lira la U rt. iaas. Siaeip Ugki (Dfkael. a, f. KM, raie .. It'eV klal ra W at lre ek -u Mi ta Law- fa Ik xi;aart. M.ae fe rwe Wiliuaii aal -, "!'. r a-4 Ma i-flwi, rsM-ia at Lwkaai ert. "akooat" tMsasaJI!. Mra Kal tM4, V laauaa Mi rMifk WlUtaasa irva i-aia) a4a U Lavlag kaiaar (bael. kt aV bHt. faea; aaikMa. x I-m. ttw M)rkT- Ua a ui Ua ia aU ana la laa UA ' mm fut, aUi ! tar.i, it sv T t- I a. ... -.:,-Tm -rvl rnut. feeH I. SOCIETY' PEJ.$0.m$ i run tut-ot, e,- - ' . . . . i . . . . . i '- uu, mw Jt"" Mra. WliUaai MaaMaataa la alaal4 la aai) w . Jaa It, aa it ktaartrtaaia fw gw-Miaa. kaa aae will laaaa a e-M ti u r aae4aaa, Mia ra-. Hafsaa aalltag la Aawu tka Ual H a !. Mra, k - M t nl C1U UM.-- I Ma -Miia U-.l 4 Mr. Mafta r t " a4 4 t am .1 M u a , lu n n.4 n4 MUiMi EDITED .WATMS WVVELU Itvaraafi f at. IW a4e. CaaaUia W sC. l-W-M. krasa. "vi4 Ua rkai a4i , m Wnk Tea Till w a 2l4 4i4ii. I aae- a mm4 41 .. 'Tae trr.aai rcalikal AW4a V4II kla." eaeiet. Mra !, Wawara. -Taa rta ueiatla l-4 m4 at awM'twokl. Tat U4 ! M'a VUa &U fa4i C'l-44 aa rJas es - tiwl staae fe r fw-fc4M - ( iu leraalrv. 4 liMii M 'f a a-eeaaval in e4 M !. smi .a iWai f all lba I a.iM la (raw ' AW,I U -- lies I-.1UnJ a4 W , ta SPECIAL SALE WOMEN'S SUITS r r ' i I if gataar svsrr r waa - CIMIICUI rUVIPVHT V.'a4tUg f Him lle V Wei. Taeaaay. - Vame-iS MnHf.' Itiratte, pl aa u-tr partiee Mr r. II Leele eit alia faille I .!. , NnrttMMi fr " II Mr. RaWH W. U I. Itnrk for Mm. rafc Mall partoratsara af 'Vampae Mr. en4 Mr. riairaar Una, etraJa lor MM ou Kerry. . .- -..Tai"a4a. r . . . j Mnt A. a. MUMHI, IUKMWI I or Mr. ureeaa alias ateraaeUe, la for MlM , octrrr at i -gey-.- - it rk. First of Alt aa iba Ci- Moaarr Ilk trala of fhea 1 ir pa M ia sad fey suppera "Vulie ise pw iwiwr a.iair a ovr taw." la the garel foromant. The membera of tha fruit and floaer ml- lot, ar attending their haartlael inaaks lo thoea aba la any way hclpwd lha affair aloof. raw mora popular matrons ever vlatt Portland than Mr. K II Brook, of VYeahlagtoa. D. C, and bar alar beaa punctuated with round of wvlal rourtaalea. for her plaaaura, Miaa lirooaa. loo, baa bean coming In for bar share, w v Another betrothal of social Import and one that eami aa a complete aurprlaa a that of Miss Katherlne MarMaater and Landon Randolph Maaon Jr. A ' aaiall 14 glvea Thursday by Mlee Mac kensie ta Intimate friends of lha bride elect was Aha medium through which tha interesting aacrtt waa told Mra Ifonrr ladd Corbatt and Mrs. Elliott R. Corbet t were at tha table. Mlas Mats Master la tha flrat daughter of Mr. and . Mra. William MacMaster and a sister of tha Mlsaes Malale and Alias MacMaa. ir. Aftar attendance at Portland acad. finr aha spent two years In an eastern achuo and than finished har education with two yaara of travel In Europe. Mlee MacMaster returned home In tba early fall and waa tha flrat of tha sea son's buds." making her dabut on Oto . brr 14 at a brilliant ball glren In Ma. - aonlo Temple by Mr. and Mra. Mao Master. Stnco then aha haa been show ered with aotolal courtesies by har hoata "of friends in tha ranka of amart ooclety. where there la no mora popular member than Mlas MacMaster. Mr. Maaon comes of an old Y-rginIa family. Ha la tha eon of Iter, and Mrs. Landon K. Mason Br. of Richmond. Va Ha Is a graduate of tha University of Virginia and a member of tha "Daks' fraternity. Mr. . Maaon haa mads, his horns in Portland for tba past three years, whera ba la popular In bnalnesa and. aoclal circles. Ba Is m member of , tha Multnomah club, and a director of tha umveralty club. Mr. Mason is In terested In and manager of. tha Colum. ; bla CreosoUng- company. Tha wedding win use piaco in me early rail.. A grarlous compliment for the pleas ure 01 Mrs. g. il Brooke was the lunch - eon and matinee party at the Oroheum , planned yesterday "by. Mrs.- L. Allen JLewis. Fiamlna; red tulips traced the tame about which ware aeated Mrs Brooke, Mrs. ,W. B. Ayer. Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mra. C Hunt Ivewls, Mra. Helen Uadd. Corbett . Mrs. J. Wesley Lcdd, at use Beuie juowm ana Mra. Xjewla. Guests 'enjoyed an engagement din ner which .Captain and Mrs.- William . , a.- Middle grave 4at evening - for Mlas Angwa Kinney and Chester O. Murphr. Additional covers were laid for Mlas .Maida, Hart,. Miss Cornelia Cook. Miss . Margery Hoffman, Prank Stewart, Jor- aan aan aoo tester Hodaon. .(-. Mrs. Blddle, accompanied by her little dsughter,- -Miss Margaret, will leave Thursday lor an eastern Journey of six weens. -. ene win first snend a fart nigh In Washington, i. pU as the ruest . . or v-oionei John Blddle, and then go on to xvew .jcorK to be present at the wed , ilng of Miss Xucy Wallace and Kinirn y sorter, June i.: The remainder of i lime ;wiu oe spent aDQut New York, wirs, i nomas cou Brooke waa 4he cnarming Hostess at a pretty yellow - luncheon on Wednesday, complimenting wiss Jwargretta Brooke of Washington. U C. v Wall flowers and eUow mar- guenies were tn& chosen flowers. Be- " aldeif -tha honor enpar onH tha 1 those; who enjoyed the affair were Miss Katherlne MacMaster, MUs Mackenzie, Miaa ' Barbara Mackenzie. Miss Lealev . Smith, Miss Bums and Miss Louise ,. tfurns.: - , '.Mrs. Henry McCall will be the compli mented fuest at a tea- to be given on , ean8aay;ojrjMris. A. A. Morrison. j-- Jordan Zan, Antoine G. Labbe. Vic tor, A;'; Johnsrth, Alexander Anjtus lie ' UoHellJphn A Banks, George Hh rover. Carl Wernicke and Philip Fry. members of ire iramsoi: apeciaity of ;the "Cdm- mia.c.-MouaatSi' twere boats at n jJlnnir dance glVeji at Waverly Golf club Wed nsday evening, Their guests were other fnejqhersHuf 'thA. specialty Mra. Harry . ijiu, , Mr., unvm i.. jiunrmfl, Mrs Jmes 'A.iXHJUgtierty, Mrs. Frank a. . tJwehMfr'Vctof Johnson, Miss Maida Miaa Katherlne JblacMaster, who bag mada known hr betrothal to Ln- ; don Randolph Maaon Jr. Hart nd Jliss Cully Cook with Mis , nlt Burns; Miss Cornelia . Cook, Miss Margery Hoffman, Harry Lltt, David iloneyman, Frank Owen, James Dough ertr. Kloyd Cook. Harold Wells, Frank Stewart and "Philip Hart as additional members of the party. r Miss Genevieve Thompson entertained informally with a matinee party at the W. G. SMITH & CO. Halllg yesterday, complimenting Miaa Olive Kerry of rVattl. Miaa Kerry baa been the Inspiration for a round of charming affaire during har atay aa tha house gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn. Yeatorday Miaa Kerry and Miaa Muriel Williams shared honors at a luncheon given at the Multnomah by T. H. Beverly. Mlsa Kerry-waa the "Cam pus Mouser" In the recent Seattle pro ductlon and Mlas Will lama portrayed the same part at the Iielllg laat week. Additional gueata were Mr. and Mra. Linn and Kolger Johnson. Mrs. Linn gave an Informal tea on Friday for Mlas Kerry an Mr. George W. Collins com plimented har with a similar affair on Thursday. Friday evening Miss Mar Jorie Forbls made Mlas Kerry her guest of honor at a small dinner proceeding the Portland Heights dance. The table. with lis artistic floral arrangement of pink and white, was circled by Miaa Ker ry. Mr. and Mrs. Linn, Mrs. John Forbls, Folger Johnson. Alfred McHolland and Miss Forbla. Mr. and Mrs. Linn gave a delightful mualcale Wednesday for their guest who returns to her home tomor row. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Page cele brated their fifty-fifth wedding annl versary Monday with a. family dinner of 10 covers. Richmond roses graced the table and the house was filled with a profusion, of beautiful flowers aent by many friends, in remembrance of the day. . " w w Mrs.-Frederick Alva Jacobs presided at an Informal bridge luncheon of elgtvt covers on Friday for Miss Angela Kin neyWib.lt lilacs, and Cecil Brunner roaea centered the table. In the bridge games which followed Mrs. Alexander Angus McDonell proved the fortunate contestant. - w Mrs. Thomas Brittaln Foster extended the last . farewell social courtesy 16 Mrs. Edwin Caswell yesterday before she leaves for Europe. Yellow blossoms and yellow shaded candelabra decked the luncheon table where places were marked for 12. w Miss Frances Wllsoni was another hostess who complimented Miss Brooke with a luncheon., Guests gathered" at Waverly Golf club on Friday for the affair. The table was centered with lilacs. Covers were laid for Miss Brooke. Mrs. Antoine G. Labbe. Mrs. Kenneth Beebe,' Mrs. Kirk Hmlth. Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke, Miss Burns, Miss Katherlne MacMaster, Miss Polly Hew ett, Miss MacKenzle, Miss Margery Hoffman, Miss Louise Burns, Miss Jo-, eephine Smith. Miss Barbara MacKen zle and Miss Wilson. - : Mr. , and Mrs. Phllln Hamill of Med- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hall were the dinner guests of Cantaln and Mrs. Gordon ' Voorhiea on . Wednesdav. L.ater the party fnjoyed the concert at the Heiligr. - - On Monday afternoon Mrs. C. B. Wll- iarris and her daughter. Miss Louis Williams, were hostesses at a bridee tea given to.'bid ' bon voyage to Mrs. Robert Of fley and Mrs. Harry Wells of the First Infantry, Vancouver barracks. Bridge was played at four tajbles and kiu uuiiui b ctiiueu vi l uy jura. Airrea ticker nnd Mine Eula Howard of San ranciEco. Coreopsis centered the tea able, presided 'over by Mrs. Klloi- Uo bersbam and Mra. John Forbls. Moriday, May 13. is announced as the opening date of the Hypatian Round Table course of lectures to be given by Ella Crim Lynch, LL. B.. a picture of whom appears on the society page looay. Many women, nlgn in the social ranks, ere- acting as patronesses and Oh the membership- roll -may be found scores or names or the social elite who hall the Round Tattle as an exceptional educational . opportunity In current his tory. The sessions are to be held Mnn.J uay mornings. Tuesday mornings, af- itrnirau- ana evenings. Success was written iarra danoe given for the young people' and yduag married people at the Partirfut Heights club house" Friday evening. The club was decorated with a profusion of Scotch .broom. About . two hundred "guests were received by the patronesses. The following list comprises tha I. J - . m . . xtcrrrvn i-tnn .ptrmat-vtra -.J o in onsinct i- atreets. on June II and IS. Wlllamatt Haitfhla. Mra. C. N. Ifuggtrta. 1011 Franklin north; Portland ll-lghla. Mra. Fletcher Linn. 174 Laurel; Peninsula, Mnt. Jamea Church. 1171 Minnesota; South Portland. Mra. Willie Fisher. Ill Front; SL Johna. Mr. F. W. Valentine, tOT Wat Charleston. St. Johna: Roa City Park. Mra. T. T. deer. 470 East Fifty. third north; Irvlngton, Mra. Jaaae Stearna, 100 Kaal Thirteenth north; Sunnyalda. Mrs. J. T. Wilson. 154 East Twenty-eighth; Mount Tabor, Mrs. A. U Rumsey. 1115 Kat Yamhill; High land. Mrs. A. K. Diamond. Eaat Ninth and Going; Woodlawn. Mrs. A. U Can field, 491 Dekum avenue; Sell wood. Dr. E. G. Little. 58J Spokane; Piedmont. Mr. W. M. KllWngaworth. 221 Alberta; Montavllla. Mr. C. L. Idleman, IS Eaat Eightieth north; Mellnd Height, Mr. H. T. Nloolal, Mellnda avenue; North Portland, Mra. Frank Vanduyn, 717 Lovejoy; Hawthorne district. Mr. F. F. WiUiama, 816 Hawthorne; King's Helghta, Mrs. Jamea D. Iloneyman, 200 St Clair. w w Miss Eleanor Ecob, of New York, will arrive tomorrow to be the guest of Miss Oenevieve Thompaon for at leaat a month. Miss Ecob haa been the gueat of Mrs. Tboma Spencer (Mlsa Klauder) at the Barracks or the past fortnight or more. WW Mlsa Great Butterfleld gave a charm ing pink tea on Friday for her cousin, Miaa OUve . Bennett, ., of .Los Angelas. About 100 guest were greeted by the hostesa and her honor gueat during the houra. Dogwood and Solomon's seal were the very-attractive decoration in the Teceptton- half nd-muslo room-. The dining room was arranged with pink and white apple blossoms ' and Ki Harney roses. Mrs. Samual C. Kerr and Mrs. Harlbert were at the table. Assist ing In serving, and about the room, were Miss Mable Korell, Mis Grace Mae- kensle. Miss Helen Whitney. Miss Mary Kern;-Miss uorotrry wsgner, wias iwrn Clark. Miss Harriet Kern and Miss Dorothy . Worster. Miss Clara Flelsh man, assisted by Miss Rosalyn Kings ley. ' served ' punch in the music; room Miss Bennett had On an Imported gown of pink crepe meteor and Miss Butter field wore - pink chiffon cloth. v Tiiesdayl May 14. has beflft chosen"as the dale for the opening ball of the Multnomah cjub. , Morris H. Whltetiouse G. Ralph Kntght, A. H. Allenvatid D. H. . Stephenson- constitute the commit tee In charge. t ' Word haa been received by Portland friends of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bannori, of Pendleton. The little one will be called James E. Bannon Jr. ,. - , - Mrs. James Alexander Ellis is plan ning to Eire1, farewell affair on Wednesday for' Mrs: Thomas M. Peter son who leaves soon to make- Jf 'fu ture home in Alameda, CaK ' : ; - . i - . v r Mrs F. C. Mnlpaswlil give the first of a bridge series on Wednesday. .'WW . The .WJHatnet tee chapter,? V. A.. R., wilj . meet at the residence of Mrs.. John F. Beaumpnt, 4?1 East Fiftieth stk-ee. north, Wednesday, May 8, at 2:30 p, m. There- wttU bo a paper on "Music t the Revolutionary : Period.'! by v Mr !?eau mont. and one on ; "Art, at the Jtevolu flonary Period," by sMrs. R..- M. Cross, Besides the members, all D. A. R.'s not affiliated with a Portland chapter are cordially invited. C-V Mr H.i4 Pmnt i JaM I Alatka. M U t Uvaea. l FMt U-v tti Ualva ! irs i will V waltMkl al Al4 lalaM arte IM f4 af ta if, M-iea Ms iy aara iWll all , t-kaaUU aas H' W. C IJr4 , atlwula H a 4raac aa WHmf. A afat Tk kiM 114 a a tratiy U- frtal laea MaaAar far MM Ttlbw Tka M94 tN MUM TalKK. Mia Wtltuaa r. MafTtaa ea4 Mra - , art aHwart MnkMeOeate a.f4 Miaa Tails llh a'VuaAay algkl la i4 weak. Mr. iiaacC. Miaa Lauflkaavreaga, ui ' Whiiier 4 MaOaar were lha Mu- KU,Hna Ttrlor. J. 44 ... . j mad to hr horn t tended rack a. ho has r ftrr avo i lU 'irVaaeoBTff Par- Caateta rarar4 haa )olaa4 ale ragi ataal. Ike Ftret lafaairy, agaia aftar Iwa aaaalka a past la tka geeJ ftea- , ... . . -w . agW . . . - -4 "I . 4) - t - trv' v g, g a l tw- it .aw ' ' UauiMiii (-amakall aad kle farallf I lk wlifc rthl and mm al lha set mii l..- m r r ao rtmaria-l lam aa4 a ilay durst rtoaitag upoa ne a waeaa Mr. Ca4aU will ta laalsurfaea Tka gaaata I ware Maa. bosallal for iraeimant aad will tola ala Uaa.ee Maua. Thomaa McCllave, Clayloci. rf tmaal Ulrr ta llaaalalu. I Taymaa. rrir, rJa ana .wno .! ha ...r. M ik. wui. Captain Edwarei Caay ratarnad from page of Miaa Kaihriee Taylar. wha left Orlando, ". WdnaawUy morning aa vra4n4ay saa-alag for fcar koma la Waahlagtaa, IX C The airtura waa aae lakaa of Miaa Taylor leg tba Orleet allfc har parnia a I ad Mra. Lydlna Taylor Otiring bar visit har wllk har alatar. Mra William F. Mortiaoa. Miaa Taylor baa aaa tka honor a of snaay aoclal af fair and will ba greatly mleead. both har and la Portland. She la a a w All of the officer f taa poet war mi- ..-. I gta at a dlsnar given by the Comraer- eiaJ elub last Tharaday evanlag. Only at cola- l. . . i .w. ... Colonel Hirst, la command during the ebeertf of Colonel MrGuanegle; IJautaa ant Wllka. officer af the day, and Ma jor Frail r. a- PadIaIh anl Mra. Frad Ruirxa had aa ""a laanaaa nontwqm i .w-lr -ruaala at Frlda thalr ! Miaa and poeeeae aevaral loving rupa I rtu. . n vi i.. pw.ri tin. ti.. i.v awarded bar at dlffarant horse ahawa I All! fA I h. KflA Ona aieapilonally haadaoma silver ens I a was glvaa her la Manila. P. I, la 1111. MY. Clarke waa hoetaaa on Thuraday I at luncheon for the followlna woman Mr. Robert Wlleoa rorh. af Port- I Mra. Charles F. Tavman. Mr. Clayton. Uaa. ratnpllrnantad Miaa Kathrlne Tar I Mr. Robert Pleraon and Miaa Comb, lor with a lea at tha Portland on I The house was beautiful In wistaria and WMtaMiir arternoon. Mra. Fortxr I raj-natloti omar gueeia war Mr. Morrseon. Mrs. I a Cook. Mra MeArtbur and Mra Pop. I Mrs. Clayton waa a Saturday hoetaaa ww I at a inimoie party, arter an hour spent On Friday afternoon. AdHI II. Un. dainty needlework, delicious refresh Henry L. KJnnlaon and Mi.a Tteafortk I meata war served. Mra John R anurtalned with a nlcnlo lunehaoe n I Thomas, Mra Walter Kenyan Lloyd. honor of Mra John R. Thoma Jr. The Mrm- rnA -foater and the Mlaaea Clarke dlnlna rem waa a kowar of I war preaant b ran r haa and wild flowera amona which I .. . hn Tha eantarnlais. Mn.i. . i. I fnrr In the post gymnasium this nat mirror, representing pond a rou graaaes, rocks miIah. I tin. t . am ' k W . o of which 'oeTeh I "'n-y .V.".' -trong owL mad of a. naaauf Hn nr.. knk 1 1 'T' . "-r, pilars. My ancnaa and wild Hewers among which I . . . . ,, mg pet canary bird a. The table waa ''" ' 0,, ''well Id U Tr.prat7t n out-orJ ? nTn a !! hA Vnn" tU orrP',r7prfUngd "'mTn.'.'t'u're &oE. ocka and moaa wlis Lon1 Pryer; lesson, Colonel , rl-V T, Oeorge K, MoGunnegle; Nunc Dlmlttla; was constructed a little rail fence through the broken down corner f which had apparently strayed a real la tic looking little pig. In one comer stood white bunny looking over toward an other little bunny hiding behind a moss grown log. Across a cove In the pond stretched a little log for a foot bridge and on the bank of the cove stood a cow ust ready to slake her thirst In the cool water. Near the center of tha pond swam a tiny duck and a swan. A little boat, tha "Bon Voyage," wss moored to the shore, all ready to sail for Hono lulu. Radiating from this center wore many ferns which entirely covered the table, making the only "table cloth" used. -The aervloe consisted of paper paper plates, dollies and napkin The place cards were tiny split baskets con taining candy raspberries, goose ber ries and strawberries. The first course consisted of grape fruit cut to repre sent baakats surrounded with dande lion The second courae consisted of sandwlche and chicken aeparately wrapped In tissue paper; Saratoga pota toes, French peas and radishes. The plates were decorated with crab apple blossoms. With this course waa served grape juice in paper cups. The salad course consisted of cheese straws built up to represent three sides of a rail fence through which were peeping tiny yellow wild flowers. By the slds of tne fence crouched tiny pink rabbi ta made of an old fashioned flower called "bleeding heart" Inside this enclosure waa served a frujt salad. Nest -were served small cakes decorated with Eng lish daisies, and a delicious maplo mousse. During this course a guessing contest about trees, made much marrl ment. The final course consisted of cracked nuts served on individual plate. (Shelley), choir of St Lukes; AStrAis Eriiaaaat f Vela w Slaw a j tka PrUa W ir MaViaaj gag Wasaea Navalty Saita. Taaad are Strtpaa,' Ou1a, Navy Serf, 'WarvtaJa aaJ a fw Groy aJ T Tlf Maia MaJala $2250 SuTti . . 516.00 S65.00 Suit$ . . $45.00 $55.00 Suit V. $38,00 $40.00 Smti . .528.00 $38.00 Smtf. : $25.00 $78.00 Suit. ; .$55.00 taTJjepa Co. WASHINGTON STREET AT TENTH Feiribd FiLijrimltaire in the French Renaissance, Italian, Jacobean and Elizabethan styles. Beautiful oak reproductions finished in Tiffany brown. This line is beinjj; displayed for the first time in the .Northwest, and it will be well worth your while to call and examine these interesting pieces. A complete line of Period and Colonial Wall Papers are also bein shown. F. A. Taylor Company Mar.hall 3819, A-4681 130 TENTH STREET FOR THE NEWEST, VISIT THE EASTERN Commendable Styles am in- Tailored Suits A HAPPY CHILD III A FEW HOURS. When Cross. Sick, Feverish, Tongue Coated or Bilious, Give De lirious "Syrup of Figs." GARRISON NEWS s 1 The largeet and most attractive Darty of the week was the bridge tea given hjr Mrs. Marlon P. Maus on Tuesday. Mrs. Warfield and Miss Combs won the prizes. Mrs. Robert Offlejr poured and Mra Charles F. Cayman served the alad. Mrs. Maus was also assisted by the young woman of the post. The en tire lower floor was beautiful In lilacs. dogwood. ' wild . currant and - Oregon grape. Thoae present were: Mra. Mor rison, Mrs. W. R. Lloyd. Mra. XYd Bag- bee, Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Robert Pleraon, Mrs. Reaaoner, Mra.Phllllpaon, Mrs. Malone, Mra. Kennistrn. Mra ' Frailer. Mrs, Kalee. Mra. Tayman. Mra. Newman, Mrs. Lister, Mra. John R. Thomas, Mrs. . - , w. ' - - UWiritUI-l. -UB. IWDfU U1IW7. MHTW. resoectlva district. '-Ka-h ai.trUriii I Uwt..--. x- tu..- um rn-.t. u Thtrd I"1W Washlnffto J Bldgr. j eceipy a booth at Rose Show, to I Warfield. Mrs. "Spencer; Mra Clayton, rt. T J aJ9J ith om VaahCtoa SL'be b)d In tba Annory, Tenth and Couob ' Mrs. Foster, Mra. Tophara. Mra 'Welle, Motherfloolt at the tongue' sea If It I is coated. If your child Is listless. drooping, isn't sleeping well, is restless, doesn't eat heartily or Is cross. Irrita ble, out of sorts with everybody, stom ach sour, feverish, breath bad: has stomach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, ; vr ib iuii oi coio, ii means ine iiiue one's stomachy liver and SO feet of bow els are filled with poisons and clogged up wasts and need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once.. ------ Oive a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs, and In a few hours the foul, , decaying constipated matter,, undigested food and sour, bile will gently move on and -out of its little bowels without nausea, grip ing or weakness, - and you will surely have a well and smiling child shortly. With Syrups ' of . Figs you are not drugging your children, being composed entirely of Vusclous figs, senna and arc matlca It cennot be harmful, besides they dearly love. Its delicious tsste. Mothers should always keep Syrup of rigs handy. it is the only stomach, liver and' bowel cleanser- -and -regulator seeded a little given todays will aava n cniia tomorrow. .- , Full dlrecttona . for , chUdran of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the -package..-'-. ' -. Ask your druggist for the fwl same, "Syrup of FJga and Elixir of Banna," prepared by the California Fig;' Syrup Co. . Thla la the delicious" tasting, genu-, tne eld reliable.-, Refuse anything else effere-l. ... V. . j ill ... , Jiy in 1 nfows tr :M Ml, III I iiJV'l I fll JF VvVv -mm-- yi i i ! i n II . ;,Jim.P I I ill! 11 i I r k ..... 1 v ii ir : . ill i; ! : iii m ii i i i i u ii i im . . i i i vvm if s'n? III I "J. . -, ' . ; - - . 1 ... '. . - --''' -'. " ' .. ' " -e-. ' .; . ' -- - . "H Commendable because they appeal totodJ taste, Jbecause they are. care fully designed, because they are right-; ly priced. Beautiful new creations in serges, whipcords, Bedford cords, mannish mixtures, diagonals and other popular fabrics in all the lead- t'7 C A ing Spring shades i DU Charming Ideas in Spring Hats Tastefully . trimmed, beautiful and harmonious color blendings. Priced from as high as $35 to as O C (( low as . ... . ......... .Du.UU The Latest Norfolk Jacket . . In red and other shades, popular and - serviceable, modestly 'priced. CHARGE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED CTT-TP- iTv TVTf I is AS Outfitting Co. i - . '- - i .. . THE BIG CREDIT INSTITUTION : 405 . WASHINGTON STREET AT TENTH .THE .STORE WITH 22' SHOW. WINDOWS -