The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1912, Page 42, Image 42

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!E IS 5 TO 3
If It Hadn't Been for Ninth
1 Inning, Beavers Would Have
- Won, Maybe but. They
. . Played the Ninth.
California University .Winj
Conferertce With Total of
62 Points; Oregon Boy 1$
Star of Meet.
oWt. frf y - 7 TO) TO DO i&MTKlHL sX)
rtil eewa another ee.'al fw (be DM.
ere Thr suffered iseir ikird traue.
.lag el Ihe haede af Ht'l Tigers T
ttr ariernaoa before ee pf the beel
rrtdt of ika preeeni aarlea. The V
ai erere u I l I.
The HMtfi made MH uphill flfM
i4 eurrede4 la lying the . wily
ta ah II aata la I ha ninth laalna.
Vernon arorad IB Ihe first sad tallied
taire In lha at an 4.
The Beavers lelllad two In lha fifth
and In lha eighth ihey tied lha ayra.
lesmg h fnte whan Pltrher OIIMin
Weakened In lha final Innlnf
Vernoa played poor fielding
II Ihalr art-ore helped lha Beavers ta
ar-ora. but al that lha Beavars ansae a
bard flfhl for lha cam.
..j GUllaa Ueued three eaaaa aw belle
Ad ibey nt raaullad In nu In lha
lath Inning, whea ha walked Hraebeer.
fan rlld Thar " your gerne."
a4 ha was right. After lha a rand
Ualif Ollllgan pitched erldld ball,
retiring lha Tlfara la ana, two Ihraa.
so pi ta tha fifth whan baylaea ballad
In with a alalia, till tha ninth, whan
ha hi noma Ineffective.
Cast let a pllehed a food pm for
rha Tlfara, hat waa no paule lo th
BuM Ufa aiimt! amKhl A In lha
1 tight plecea and lha Beavers took ad-p-aateg
e of tha mlsplays
Baas-era Flay Oa g)aeaa.
Ttta Beavers war a outluebsd In noma
(kanlnga, bat at that they p la rod a bat
tar nni than they neve ail waak. Man
a- McCredle la werrlad a greet deal
tvat (trpeeta tha laam to do battar whan
rhey reach a warmer climate
Vara on scored In tha flral Innlnf on
walk, an Infield out and Breshear'B
ingle through tha Infield. In tha aae
nd a baaa on bail a, Browne doable
Ad two singles nattad tha Tlgere two
ran a After that tha Tlfara wara easy
for amiraa.
Portland had runners on tha bag
In lha flrat three Innings, but oenld
not yet them paet tha keystone aack.
Thar wara out one, two, Ihraa In tha
In tha fifth Innlnf tha Beavers atari,
ad a rally which resulted In two rune.
Howley brat out a hit down tha third
baaa Una and Ollllgan singled to right
field, puttlnf Howley on aecond. Both
runnare moved up a baae on Castleton's
wild pitch. Ifowley tallied and Chad
bourn f waa aafe on Braahaar'a arror
of Chadbourne'a easy grounder. Ban
croft sacrificed and Ollllgan scored.
Chadbourne going to aecond. Butler
tried hard, hut hie best waa a fly to
Bayleaa. Kreuger waa purposely passed
to get Rapps. who sent a liner tOvHoea,
Who fumbled and tha bases wara load-
ad again. McDowell waa the, Beaver's
hop, but Me rhancea were raay for
LaV Hoe p. Ha hit tha ball through tha nan.
ler or mi oiimung ana nvap miai an
eaay pickup and stepped on aecond. re
tiring Rappa.
oora Tied la Blghth.
In the eighth the Beavers tied the
score Kreuger opened with a double
to left field. Ha should have been held
On flrat, but Orllel slipped. He went
to third on McDowell's Infield out and
scored when Kosp let Rodgera' liner go
through Ma legs.
Then the fatal ninth. Branhear. tha
first man up. walked. Patterson sac
rificed. Howley stumbled or he would
have had rtrnehcar a, second. Hosp
filed to Chadhourne and the Beavers'
fana heaved a ftlgh of relief, but they
forrot I. em Burrell. the pinch hitter.
Butrell had been retired twlre at first
by Ranrroft. but thin time ho put the
bell Jtirt over the little third baseman's
head and Rrashear beat Chadbourne'S
throw to the plate. Burr I took sec
ond on the throw-In and scored when
Brown singled to center field and Kreu
ger kicked the ball around. Castleton
filed to Butler, ending the Inning.
In the ninth Temple batted for Oll
llgan and was out easily. Chadboumo
waa out, Burrell to Patterson, Ban
croft brought the crowd to Its feet by
doubling to the left field fence, but he
died there while Butler proceeded to
knock a foul fly to Patterson.
l Bill Rodgers played a great game at
wcona Daae yemeraay anu inn mile
Xrtah captain of tha Beavers did tho
best ho could
Dave Bancroft played pretty game
st third baae and took two assists off
Butler's hand. His speed In fathering;
In tha grounders brought forth ap
plause from the crowd.
Happy Hogan will likely send AI Car-
son back at the Beavers today, while
McCredle is undecided ' who he will
twirl. If 8pecVs arm ta In shape, why,
BpacK win Da used.
AB. R. H. PO. A. E
.401 100
S 1110
NF-k-T TVI.M? iwn ri?m wir.HT VVnll iwV MCCrTCOlfS COAST TEAM I
muJ ueevrctS
i I ..aaw a .r aT m -AW 1 aaw M .wjar. x g m aav warn. a w r a JBar w. m m BT . an as v-j n yam n n 1 Mw ir III ' as w a a
r i 1 1
Twirler Breaks Training Rules
and Contract Clause and
" Is Retired.
Anglers' Club Takes Excep
tions -to Method of Fishing
at Oregon City Falls.
Benny Henderson.
Carlisle, rf
Bavless. cf
Patterson, lb. 4 0 0 IB 0
Braahear, Zb S I 1 I 1
fitlnson, rf.. ...... j. I J 0 0 0
Hosp. as. 4 0 0 1
Burrell, 8b. ......... S X 1 1 t
Brown, c 4 114 1
Castleton. p. .4011 I
Chadbourne, If.
Bancroft, 3b.
Butler, ss. . .
Kruerer, cf.
Rapps, lb.
McDowell, rf.
Badger's, 4b. .
Howley, c. . .
Gllllgnin, p. i
Temple .
:.:.".'.t;.'m s
T 27 IS 4
aae 4
a .4 !
r-ww-4 "
,S S
0 4
1 9
1 I
: i
Batten ror utiiigrsn in nintn.
Vernon 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 5
Hits ,..1104 1 0 0 0 lT
Portland . ..,.,.0 0 0 0)001 04
Hita -. ........ .1 11 0100 117
Struck out By Uilllgan S, by Castle
ton 4. Bases on balls Off Ollllgan t.
orr castleton k. two oase nns Brown.
Krneger Bancroft. Sacrifice hlta Ban
croft. Stlnson. stolen basea BurreL
Wllil nltchea Castleton. Time of same
1 hour SO minutes. Umplree Hll de-
brand and Casey. : .
Lynch Want Bnrng Again.
' Mike Lynch, tha Tacom manager
from whom the St. ' Louis, Nationals
drafted Eddie Burns, want to gat tha
eapabl young player back; o turn ball
elub again. Eddie Is fighting for his
ralaase from" the -Lfnils team, and
unds In a fair way . of getting It.
Jack Kiel now, tho former New Tork-
B os ton catcher, is doing some nifty
bacfcatopplng with , tha .Baltimore , team.
, Pitcher Benny Henderson, formetrly
ona or trie best twirlrs In the Pacific
coaat league, has been Indefinitely sua
pended by Manager McCredle of the
Portland Beavers. Henderson was sus
pended after today's game by the Beav
er boas.
Henderson haa not been out with the
team ror over a week and has broken
both the; training rules and his con
tract clause.
Benny has not won fame thta aea
son for the Bearers, although he lost
mem oy but one or two runs. McCre
aie is getting down to business now
and Intanda to suspend or trade all
players that do not keen on edca.
McCredie'a pitching ataff Is all shot
to pieces and. there are several deals
pending for twirlers and will likely be
put through before long. McCredle
would not mention any of tha.. names
or um pitcnera ne expects to secure, but
one or two wiu soon be with tha
Beavara, .
Unless Snack Harkness gets Into con
dition before tomorrow afternoon's game
na win d iert at noma along with
Ltmiint, laiortge and probably Btelser.
Speck has been complaining of a sore
arm out naa. not been keeping In con
dltlon. - f
The American team entry list for the
Olympic games of 1012 haa been mailed
to the Swedish committee. The date
for tha entries closes before the Amer
ican tryouts are held, but after they are
held the names of those who will make
the trip will be cabled to tha committee
In eharga - . -
This announcement was made by T.
M. Dunnes of the Northwest committee.
The names of Sam Bellah and Martin
Hawkins appear on tha entry list sent
to Sweden and It Is hoped that both win
make the team. ' . ' .'
Th Pacific coast tryouts will be
held In Stanford May II, and It la ex
pected that soma good time and marks
will ba . made. In the two Draviona
Olympic meets the .Paciflo coast ath
letes have been' , a . great . help -r ta the
There ij;a feeling In the Multnomah
Angler's club against aalmon fishing
with nats at Oregon City. Anglera find
veiy little pleasure In fishing at 'the
falls this season on account of the grea
number that flah with nets. The net
men have been "playing hog" all sea
son and are spoiling the fun for the
At the next meeting of the club,
which will be held on May 24. the ques
tion will btJ discussed and it ia likely
that petitions agalnat this form of
sport will be circulated and sent to the
next legislature. .However, before this
is done, the Question will be thoroughly
discussed snd will likely be taken up
witn me nan and game commission.
A committee, John Gill, J. R. Poole
and Dr. Semler, was appointed to collect
and compile the character, and what
flah and the rondttlona of all finning
streams in uregon. This will be quite
a task but will be very valuable to the
anglera all over the northwest. The
committee will slso find out about the
hotel accommodation, railroad fares
and other items that will be of Interest.
Tho committee will also recommend
varloua streams to the state game and
fish commission In which It Is planned
to plsnt between 6,000,000 and 10,000,
000 trout thla season.
The state game snd fish commission
ratified and approved the Idea, of Issu
ing membership cards, which will serve
as ball money tn case any of the mem
bers of the Anglers' club are arrested.
Henry O Malley gave his Illustrated
talk and It was -well received and very
interesting ana instructive.
at I.oe
Portland vs.
Oakland va. Vernon
I.oe Angeles va. San FYanclaco
at San Franrlecn.
worthweetera ZVaarne.
Victoria vs. Portland at Port
land. Tacoma va. Seattle at Seattle.
Spokane va Vancouver at
ton. Milan: St. Louis, Shotten: Boeton.
Hooper; and New York, Walters. De
troit, In the early part of the aeaaon.
used Vltt as lead-off, but later chanajed
to Bush. Rath Is the other Inflelder
that lcada off In the American league.
Rath Is a aecond baseman.
The Portland Rowing club will hold
Ita opening amoker tomorrow night In
Ita club houae. All members and friends
are Invited to attend. A email program
haa been arranged.
"Not many of tha club members have
been out thla aeaaon on account of the
cold weather, but Just aa toon aa It
rleara up I rxpert to have a large num
ber Of beginners out with the veterans
of last season's team," aald Captain Art
Three of Athletic Contests to
Be Held on the Multno
mah Field.
"Blf Chief Meyers, the Olsnts' bsck
stop. Is hitting like a pile driver. In
his first nine gamea he made II' hits In
29 times up.
He Is Anxious to Stop Vernon's Curves
" Moaer to TCestCT-n League.
Walter Moaar. tha former Oakland
pitcher, has bean shipped from tha big
league after a trial withyha Red Box
and the St Louts Brawns. He was re
leased last week to Slouz City of the
Western lee rue. Moaer waa offered to
McCredle abextt -.month ago, -
Outfielders get the call for "lead-off"
batters In both the Pacific Coast and
Northwestern Baseball leaguea. Four
gardeners lead off the batting lists in
tha Coast league, while the same num
ber follows suit In Fielder Jones' circuit.
In the American league six lead-off men
are outfielders but In the senior major
league tne conditions are just the re
verse, five the the lead-off batters be
ing infleldera
Portland, San Francieco. Sacramento
and Vernon are the Coast League teams
that lead, off with outfielders. Los
Angeles leads off with Howard, their
second sacker, while Oakland depends on
Shortstop Cook. Chadbourne leads off
for the Beavers, Mclver for the Seals.
Madden for the Senatora and Carlisle for.
HOgans tribe. . ,
In the Northwest league. Portland
and Tacoma are the" two clubs that
lead - off with Infleldera Mensor and
Tone-being the lucky iones In this class.
Demaggto, Vancouver's . left fielder,
leads off. Stidello Is at present at the
head of the Bee batting list and Hunky
Shaw tops tbe .Spokane list. Mo ran
goes up first for the Seattle Giants
Cf tha ..Northwest lead off men. De-
rcaKgio, Moran ana stidello are left
fielders and Shaw, a center gardnef.
Tohe Is a' third sacker and Menaor, a
keystone playerr S v-..
In the Coast, Chadbourne- and Car
lisle guard the left fields snd Madden
and Mclver. rlgbtfielda
In the National league, tha clubs
that lead Off with. In fielders ra Chica
go, IE vers: Huggins, St. Louis; Sweeney,
Boston;, rnuaaeipnia, juabe Pitta burr.
Byrne, 'Byrne la a third baseman and
tha rest are second basemen. Bescber,
Cincinnati; Jforaiv Brooklyn; "and De
vora, 'ew Tors, are tha National-league
outfielder that top the batting order.
; In Ban Johnson's league; the follow
ing clubs naa out fielders aa lead-off bat
ters: Cleveland, Oraney t or Butcher:
' 1 'A
Track Meets Scheduled.
May U O. A. C. Interschol
aatlr. May 28 Portland high achool.
June 1 Northwest confer
ence June IS P. N. A. championships.
The next month will keep track an
field athletee In the finest posstbl
shape. Four meets ars scheduled, three
of which will take place on the Mult
nomah field,
The Oregon Agricultural college meet,
which will be held May II, Is attracting
lots of attention and nearly the same
men that entered the Eugene meet wll
compete In the Corvallis one,
On the following Saturday the sixth
annual local lnterscnoiaauc meei wm
be held on the Multnomah field-under
the auspices of the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic club. The meet this year wll
be larger than those held previously.
Tho northwest college chemplonships
will be decided on the club field June
This meet la attracting the atten
tlon of people In Oregon, Idaho arm
Washington and it Is thought that many
out-of-town visitors will come here to
see the meet.
June 15, the Pacific Northwest asso
elation ohamplonanlp meet, will be
held. Thla meet will bring together
a great number of former college stars.
June 16 haa been definitely decided upon
as the date for the meet
BeHl'lrs the above mentioned meets,
tlie annual grammar school meet will
bo held. The grammar achools have
been taking a great deal of Interest In
the track and field work of late.
Happy" Hogan, who sayi he would Jike to get In catcher's harness again
jrbUadslphia, Lord or Strunk; Washing. Reaver a.'
"I want to get into action again.
long to get behind the plate and stop
the speedy carves of my eight star
twirlers. These words were uttered by
Manager "Happy Hogan of the Vernon
team, which ia at present' climbing to
the top of tha Udder.
Hogan ' atated that he would likely
break Into the game against the Beavers
this afternoon. At the start of the
season It was Hogan's intention to catch
light along, but on account of tha good
catching of Brown, Agnew and 'Sullivan.
Happy saw no chance to break into the
game. - "Lr. L :
i But now; Happy is just aching to ret
into action and If ha feels awod this
afternoon he will don the padded, mitt
and mask. Hoerajv caught regularly last
s)eason, but ha aaya hev haa Improved
tma yea and baa the old pepL . speed.
arm and eye back, and Just crasy to
get bite , action, esperlatry against-the
Hogan, speaking of the team,' said
"Are they not the best balanced play
era that have played In Portland for
some seasons? Every one a beauty. My
eight twitters all begging for a chance
to get Into action. I will carry eight
twirlers throughout the season, four
left hand era and four right handera. If
I find . that a team Is . weak against
southpaws I will use. left handera
against that team, and if they are weak
against right handera, you wilt find me
sending 8tewart, Carson. Whalen and
Bradterifldre against' them. . My 'team
haa just hit ita stride and. believe tne.
when we play tha Oaks next week, watch
na pall them down a couple-of pegs.'
Happy ha a bunch of - ban toaaers
who can hit tha pltt and field in per
fect style. Hogan haa enough- utility
men ta keep hla club in winning: order
Albany. Or., May 4. Albany now , has
one of the best ball parka In the state
outside of Portland. The new grand
stand is the largest and most substan
tial ever erected here snd every con
venience Is provided for watching the
Ten prominent local men have formed
the Albany Baseball association, and
everyone is looking for a prosperous
1912 season.
Those 'forming the association are A.
G. Sanders. Or. H. J. KavanaGe;h, J.
Otto Lew, W. A. Salisbury, J. M.' Dono
van. Kugene Dooly. Charles Monson, A
A. Mlckel. J. C. SUckley and R. R.
Dr, Kavanaugh is president of the.
association, Eugene Dooly is .vice presl.
dent and A. Q. Saundera secretary and
manager of the baseball team.
Last Sunday the game to be played
between the locals and tne Columbus
club "Grays" of Portland was called
off because of the rain but tha crack
clubmen have agreed to come next Sun
day, May 5, and a rattling good game la
HiU Bessie y. who competed la the Co
lumbia Indoor track meet, wearing the J.
a A. A. C colors, which was held last
month, is a possible 4mber of the Can
adian team which will compete in the
Jilt Olympic gamea.Beasiex. Tan. under
a great nanoicap at ine local meet, dux
ha Is sura tnat aa wui mas a toe Can
adian, team. . Tha .form, he, displayed
here was very good.
John P. Sweeney and Tom Gallon, two
Other members of the Bay Ama
teur Athletic club -of Victoria, will aleo
try for poeitotia on the ( r.adian team.
The Carjart. ail tryouts wilt he heM st
Broctoo 1'c.:.'., Vancouver ca :s- 1 s.
!' rna Wsw I
! iurk.i. ('; . Vlay I U ttt hr ellif
l.i.o io itt tia.k. Kt-4B-a UhIv
, .(; ihie afleittuuti a mi lh ettStMtl fa
if. nam ui.r.i.i. iu.i hie Wll
total ft ,viii aulas UP 14
in tl.e fl..J ctebla TbS !
m.i ... uitg.i t nioraliy, with 21
P-ln Slautufd a llfd Milt) If
l-.itit. taafornta tun ait I hive flatao
Hi han.aier lliiuar a4 Ua Shotful,
..U ai.i.ctoU lite wia kSull. the
lioJ Juu.i. ..u eru iuu einl la l;e-
! ia huKltce .
tu eiat of I lie niHl was McCura,
'fe '"no r.iij ruha.r. abo, all
k-iiiiii a fct. Vbai muni ur a it
tt- in tne mil" run, catua Ueca aal
' u( .tabiM, CajUuruiaa Mack two
uulcr, aft.r a irueutins race la
l-. t'ttiiU m ituaxi on aa a aura
alimrr if ti. J. ent. MeLuies per
tuia aareptlonai las- to
ler. o.lrg t,- iiii.ii.a io laa west and
ilia la I dial Im.iii rra mada aa Ibaaaase
i. i iiuia ii.ui aa ui.a uf Uaa kaal Mia- man Ufieivid va Uaa lacUla
luiii lur many ara.
ueorge lluiinx, Manford a world
hampiun In iti jumper, won easily in
this evrnt. but did not rome up to aexne
uf hie (st pcrformancaa, his blgbeat
mark balng itol Inches. . , . . "
The flnsl scute stood: '
California, tt, Oregon. 11: Stanford.
IT. Washington I'niveratty, II; Pomona,
, I'nlvaraiiy of Houlheni California, I;
Nevada, 1; rlL Ignatius. 1. tit. Mary's
college and Santa Clara college failed ta
II pound l.aminer -HliattiM-k (C C)
won. ( oolidge d'. t'.i h ond. Rica I U.
C. ) third. Dlalanca 144 feel J Inches.
Javelin throw Nell (Oregon) won,
Grace (Wash) sat-ond. Hawkins (Ore
gon) third. Dlatauce 161 feet Inches.
One mile run McLxire (Oregon) won.
Wood (IT. C.) aetond. lilgglna (Oregon)
third. Time 4 11 -i. .
100 yard dash Courtney (W.) won,
Stanton (V. r) second. Wood (U. .C)
third. Time 10 2-6.
120 yard htirdlee Hawkins (Oregon)
won. Ketff (V. 8. C.) second. Bee son
(I. C.) third. Time IS 4-6.
Two mile run McLure (Oregon) won,
Crabbe tV. C ) second. Dodge (8.) third.
ft lit 1 1
HO-yard hurdles MacLlse (U. C.)
won. Beeson (!'. C.) second, Hawkins
(Or.) third. Time, :28 2-6. ' .
80-yard run Bonnett (S.) won, '
Smith U. C! ) aecond. O'Shea (St, If
natlus) third. Time, 2:00 2-4. . i
220-yard dash 8tanton (V. C.) wan.
Courtney- (W.) second. Brown (S-)
third. Time, :21 2-6. .
High Jump Horlne (8.) won; Beeson '
(C. C.) second; Mill (V. C) third.
Height feet. 44 Inches. .
Broad Jump Allen (U. C.) won; Ar
gkbrlght (S. ) second; Morrison (S.) .
third. Distance 22 feet, 1 inches.
Polo vault Valo (U. C.) won; Barnes
(P.) second; Miller (8.) third. Height
12 feet, 2 Inches.
ShAl nil ni. TT r wmm. IT- T- ' T-
C.) second; Coolldge (C.) third. Dis
tance 44 feet. 4 Inches.
The relay raue and 440 yard dash were
Solomon to Play. "
Henry Solomon. Paciflo Coast three-.
cushion billiard,, champion, - will" give
three night's exhibition, commencing
tomorrow night. The match la open to
an comers. Walter Johnson, Los An
geles; Joe Sherman, Seattle, and Wal
ter Hogua Seattle, ara three probable
Cash prises will be awarded to the ;
one making the high score against tha
champion and a cash prise will be given
to tno one that defeats him. . '
The game will be played In Solly's
hall. on Sixth street and there will be
no admission charged. ;
Tennant Returned. s
St. Louis has turned Tom Tennant '
back to the Seals, according to a wire
that Long received yesterday. Tennant.
It appears, cannot be used by the St.
Louts club. Long does not intend to
hold the first sacker and has' already
asked waivers, with tho intention of
sending him to some minor league
team. - -,.
Hinkle.Wlth HlUsboro. '
Tillamook, Or., May 4. The local '
team will line up against the Hllsboro
team tomorrow afternoon. Fred H Inkle,
former Coaat league twirler - of tha
Portland team will heave the .pill for
the visitors. . - , . , t
Dick Morris and Shipley, two ether
Portland boys, ara playing with the
HIHsboro team. '
i t x '5 i" 2 -
'om Jtck"). w
one' of the 1 -
if-arn v. .:! r
,o in (i? J"i i
t ! I !- . ,
.0 XT'.; a t i A .
t ff
should an of his regulars get hurt.
- -: - -