THU ORLGOV SUNDAY - JOURNAL. rORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING.' MAY I. . lilt. "CENTRAL- OREGON HIGHWAY" AIM OF PORTLAND AUTO CLUQ COIiH BUILDS. nii in TESTING ROAD ? FROM THIS CITY TO i." 1 ; SALT LAKE. UTAH Road j Made Bad Purposely to AY il Try Out the New Cars he i , Ortoon Trail 'Xalifomia i Trail" and Military. Road , Brouoht Into Use by Pro- posed New Auto Highway. w I . I v J i. Jf il ( X. OREGON . ' 7.-l,i, Zcb alaa Materia hffHeare a ( Orfe. eat Uutv. ! atata la eras a left romplstnl of IttaaWrtaal fetelrie . araoaaer tract a4 m4 1 a4. olll t uirtM hfg. oy the aaal of (4isf af hllae a. f the Um af lb h0rtiaa4 AaieeaeaUe fink e rrrl4 U rul-1 I 'n. n elo U feeterlaf a avel l MUMIth a 1J marked rele " The Daiiea. through I fro jo4 route from forties U Sail Lake, over ofclra autoJais aaay (ratal tftlf sad oldi Itttl irooblo. w unfa, irrail BvuiMni Id ha. I4 Bote. ( lUJt Uki Cltr, Mr li i dumti vttb in mIi tranrAtlnfiul titahoar that U hata hoeeteo' for tho mt ni I a mm. eiae., Properly snarae. II la it4 that the propose route will divert raar automobile penfa lata Portland, via Th Italia r Albaajr. ea4 taea the? eaa Mat lae raoirie highway ta IuTim 1. The w raut vUI a called the "Caatrel Ontn Illghvar. ' A roar tha road that have lev4 reailnent parta la (ha developmeat and aari tutorr af tha wool that wUI rahehuitated la part y tn propose 'rwaU wtn ha" IK,. -Ol4 Orocoo Troll. tha TaitfarvU TraiL Tha DaJlaa MU- UaJTJLa a4 lh nvillajnatta Vallar Caoa4a Maaalaia MItKarjr Roa4. atay at maata, . Aeeardlag to tha plaaa bow bain Mloara4 Tha Dallaa nllltarr roag vtR a roUevad a!hward ta Aalaiopa. vhara It vtll ba Uft tor a dlraet roau Tla Hay Craak ta maarllla. . At Prlaa- Ula tha W1 llama Ua vaUay and Oaaeada oaotala mUltaxr ra4 will ba fallowad la a authaaaUrly dlractloa threnah Buma to Va4a. whara tha road awda. CroaaJn lata Idaho tha old Orvroa troll will ba struck aad followad oaroaa oouth- ora Idaho qbiu tha rletnltr af Soda Sortnca la raachad. Thar tha Call tot al trail, which tataroaeto tha Oroa trail, lo to ba rellewad lata Ofdaa. Tha dlataaca from Tna Dalla to Of dan by thla reuta la a, Itttla ovar mtlaa. For Portland autolau who da- Ira to tour tha Wlllamatta ratlar and tha eaatraJ and aaatrm parte of tha alata. tha military road which atrlkaa airaight acrota tha alata from Albany through Prlnavllla to Valo may ba chooan. Inataad of tha Portland-Dallas -.. rout a. At flrat It waa purpoaad to hava tha highway follow tha old Oragon trail through tha atata. but lavaatlgatioa ahowad that tha trail ran two far north ward. .According to data alraady In poo aaaalan of tha club, tho highway la. gen erally spanking. In good a ha pa. Thara ara a faw bad- spots to ba ancountorad, howaver, aa thara ara In all dlatrlota whara thara ara long atrctchaa of coun try thinly populated. Howard Coejr. of tha Corey Motor company, ahlppad a lilt Cadillac car to Hood Rlvar work jbeforo last -and ft Portland lat ' Wednesday for Hood Hirer. From there rha will drive to Tha Dalles and then .take the trip down through Ue eastern part of Oregon for the purpoae f gt 'ting the proper distances between the cross roads and ascertaining the num ber or road signs that will ba necessary to properly mark tha new highway. Af trr thla data la aecured tha P. A. C probably will hava the algna placed. Hay Attraot Tourtsta. With the roadway marked and guide dlstancea charted. Portland will then tie lii position to attract autolata from' all three of the transcontinental routes selected by the American Automobile as sociation, aa the routes are ao arranged that autolsta on elthar the middle or southern roadways can run Into Denver and take the northern route from there, or continue over the central highway to Salt Laka and then choose the northern road for the remainder of the' weatward Journey.. Diversified scenery will greet the eyea of traveler over tha central Oregon highway. From Bait Lake and ita back ground of towering peaka, tha autolat rushes through mountalna Into tha great prairie of aoutharn Idaho. Soon after the Oregon line Is crossed tha charac ter of the cbuntry changes. The flat plain glvea way to rolling hillo which In turn gradually form Into forested peaka after tha machine turna , north ward from Prlnevtlle on the laet leg of And throughout the Journey placea that played their parts In frontier hla- ory are always la view. Scenes of - ladUa BMaarroe aad aid beltleM aid aslllUry poeta. and apote ptoweera ram4. rough I aaa ia wane tolling waatoard ia paak rnialea atpoata fartbar toward tb sl' . ara eeaa M avarr band. Oilf ta potal of tataraat praaobly la the Oregee) trail that tha route foiiowe ror saara inaa laa saiua. Tho trail la early dare a taAdatf fraaa Oraaoe) Cltr ! t J Ma aad waa laa aaala ecWd Itaa of traval for the plaaaaro wboaa aiogaa waa "Weelwerd liar Mimim Fl OPENS OR BUSINESS Portlaad baa a now auteaaobtle agency, located at fii waaniagioai atroat. coraer of Twentyflrat atroat. la tha eama building with Covey Motor Car cora pany. The Pacific Motor com pany la tho name that hangs over the door of tbo now eoocam. aad tha rar ta ba bandied la tha Oakland, made ra Pwa. ttae.' Mich. -Tha rar ta not nw la thla territory, baring boaa formerly baadlod by one of the local daalera bare. On account of conflicting line. Oakland factory would not renew the contract with tho concera handling the car Uat year. C O. Arnold, well known among Port land automoblllata, ta manager of tho pany. Mr. Arnold waa formerly connected with the II. L. Keata Auto company, and waa tranaferrd from tha Portland branch to have charge of tha Seattle branch. Ileallslng tha Import ance of Portland aa. an automobile die tiibutlna center for tha northwest. Mr. Arnold associated himself with the Pa cific Motor company, and eipreaaee htmaelf aa being wall pleaaed to return to Portland and hla many frlonda. The Oakland ia made In four models, aa la a complete line In ileal', and Ita former reputation In thla, territory haa been ex ceptionally good. PART AUTO PUtS III WORLD GROWTH Prophecy Made About Car Number of -Year. Ago -Comes True. "eeerel year ago ee of Iba load lag aatemebtle writer ad tbo eeoatry made Ike eeoorUo tbrwogb oat of the eteeobile aaadtaaia that la a earn para lively elan ape af time alBbUe would play a larger part la the affair af the werld I haa bad be aoooaipllabod by the tremeadowa aad far-rear king atllltlae of all la aallroade. aald C C. Bobba. aaalataat aaUamaaagar af Iba Wlonlgsa Aato A Buggy company, who I making Part land hie rtere far few man the aad covering tha north- weet territory from thla point, when talking ovar the wonderful growth of the automobile Industry with a repro- eenietlve af thla paper Taareday. Thla writer Had that aa the rail roads had lifted the prrsant generation lo a higher, happier and broader eilst- nee than that lived by their father. ao Iba automobile would lift the younger people of Iba praoeat (moral bigbe plaaa af llvlag I a a wo w aa fer." aooilaaad Mr. tWbba. Tbo lift af Iba auloeaebDe woo44 bo groajoa Ibaa Iba lift of Iba ratlroeda, aad our child raa would take a blgbar lep above aa Ibaa bad ! abov aur fat hare. "The wa wb avada Ibla aoeertloa ao tbo bappy earner ef a valuable aad rar-ooalng lataglaallaa, aald Bobb. "aad bia word ai that early eta go of lb automobile laduatry anada a dap ta praaalaa apoa aa at tbo Ilea, for-1 woo tbo ta the buggy bualaaaa a4 can Id not aoo tbo tanae aa U ba slaa devol ad. Tbo anarhat will beeoaae floodod. It wao oald. Maa will tr of thla. their eipeaalvo lay, the fad will pa: aad feeler!, built with uaaaaaUy baata, wUl aobo to Iba aileaeo aad bo toft ad. But aa the yearo bare aped by aad today wa aee the automobll la duatry oeoond lo none la thla oountry. we have to aakaowledge the greataeao of the mind of the maa who foresaw tha laduatry. Today all af the big man- ufarturere, wlib a reputation behind them aucb aa wa have or ovar yeara bofora tba public, our one daatra la lo make aa article that will aland the teet af lime and wear. Mr. Bobba baa Juat returned lo Port land from a trip dowa through the central part ef Oregon, where be baa been looking ovar the agency altuatloa. and reporta the roada for thla eeaeon of the year In very fair condition. journal Want Ada bring result. 1 Owe of lb fWlrott ateat!e waa fa4torf laogftlagly eleiaa that P-a ta la oaly aaaa ta U.Vaitad sHate wba la Hlli aaT ! build "bag- roada Thi I Ik reeuit of la of ia rerporatloa to build a taoiiaa lrb fof I o big rr af gutlaa ore bora . . . Tkia taatiag' warb. tWiroit advle any. I wabioa. Il to to bo ooootroated aa psil of tba aetata la tbo rstrvtew atetor r dlairtet, Orovad baa already m brobaa for tbo .aartr mile oval r Lb ear wilt . bo - toeted - for d. To oao aldo of tba Irexk will b built btg'prraatld-llke mound wbero tbey wtlf b rorrod to do grade work. Oa tba other glde of the area a III bo coeetrwrted tbo "bad" roada Tbo lead at tht point, border! n a aa tba river, la ewaaipy and a atraub of "wiud" road wbka will vie with the famed Iowa gumbo aad lunate way a will be proparod. A "ar airetrh will b laid out by ataeae of aand-aurktr car go of fine Ktver Sl Clair oand. Tba plaa af the afftelala baa received o unqualified approval of the police eommlooionar of Detroit. Tbo City of the ttralie depanmani la al praaaat oaglng- war oa tbo cltra aceroo of iaira. Tba saw taal track which will ba ready far. aa within about a fortnight will allow rar I b leetod properly wttn out tbo Interference of tbo city or oouaty offteer. rw day ' ftr the announcement tbo recorder' court Judge, of Detroit. aoat two teeter t jail for I day with out tbo option of a fin. "TT4U oo aot lay pavements ror apeedwaya." aald the Judge. "Further vtolattone will ba treated la the aebie meaner." At the preaent time Tennessee le building mora permanent roada than any other atata in the union. The one arret project, tbo Memphle-Brielol road, whlco ta now under oouree or construction. when completed will bo the longeat con Itnuouo macadam lead rood In the coun try, covering Ml mile. Alraady III.. ba boa epent on It. and It will take at loaat another year for Ita com pletion. The hlghmay will paaa through II counties and II towna. Knoivlllel and Naobvllle are among the towns through which tho road pass a. OHIO COMPANY TO ENTER LOCAL FIELD Automoblledora bag It that the White company of Cleveland. Ohio, la about to enter tho northwest field with a branch house In Portland. ; E. W. Hill, one of tho pioneer automobile men of tha coast, and for aavaral yeara In tha employ of tho White company, haa bean on the ground hare for three month. Whan tha White Motor Car company cloaed Ita door aome time ago, ha ae cured a leaac on tha fireproof garage at Sixth and Madlaon atreeta and handled the bualnesa from there.. A big stock oftrucka and touring car haa been ahlppad here by the fac tory- Mr. Hill . la . reticent at preaent but from the fact that ha la gathering about him aeveral of tha old employee of tho' former company, It la apparent that nomethlnr will soon develop which will surprise local automobile men. M. Cook, a fact&ry expert la already on tho ground with a force of mechan ic, and Charloa R. Williams, for two year tho.aalaa manager for tha Wlnton branch In Seattle, haa accepted a posi tion with Mr. Hill. Other automobile men are on their way here to Join- the organization, which will evidently be one of tho strongest In the local field. Six Big Features OF Mighty MicMgaini Lair THE HOUSE OF SERVICE' Everything thit is best in rnodern automobile construction is incorporated in "Michigan" Cars for 1912. Almost every make of car boasts some of these. MICHIGAN CARS HAVE THEM ALL. Specifications are not everything, yet point for point, every MICHIGAN model' is the head of its class when actual value is set beside price. MEASURE THEM UP. We challenge comparison. STYLE and GRACEFUL lines are not everything SPEED and POWER are not everything COMFORT and EASY-RIDING qualities alone do not make a car, yet you will find no more handsome designs, no greater motor efficiency, no more luxurious upholstering and big, roomy bodies in cars costing ONE THIRD MORE, than you will find in MICHIGAN cars at these astonishing prices. Behind this sterling worth, as judged by figures, lie the actual accom plishments and the wonderful victories for endurance and hill-climbing tests. These tests have time and again proved the MICHIGAN the best for relia bility and dependability when compared with a score of other cars, some costing three times as much. These lists, backed by our unequaled service, has strengthened our claim of the MICHIGAN as the car for USE for WEAR the car for ECONOMICAL INVESTMENT. 1912 45-H. P. 7 PASSENGER Complete with Self-Starter, Top, o.Wind Shield, De mountable Rims, Speedometer, Nickel Trimming S23GO .R ; O. B. Portland Brmg -Any Engine Expert and Let aHim Be' Judge of the Paige Power Plant TIUS if tn open bviuuion to evenr rjrrjcpxtiTe purchaser of an automobile. We aont aslc you lo come here to be told a Paige Car. We want you to cme and ttudy the Paise, and it you are not an expert yourself we would be glad to have you brina an HDcrt with you. Hck oot a man who knotcs motor That's the kind fl ftl in. . III. tv KM Ik O.I In Tim ' ?C n at itiii w iug iM. auun um. i auo& wu kA s tu averaire prospective purchaser, being experienced in automobile tales methods, may take our otatrrncnts about the construction of the Paige motor "with a grain of salL" The tngim expert tees and knows that what we say of the Paige motor is true, every word of it. Particularly DUtlngvuhtJ by It Power PlaU The Paige has achieved Ouality Leadership among popular-priced cars principally because of the superior Paige power plant It is distinctly superior in its price field, and is built with the same care that marks the construction of motors for the highest priced cars. A half hour's time spent in going over the Paige, power plant will convince your expert Top and Single-VUIon Windshield Multiple Disc Cork Insert Clutch .. T fX .. Til! Ia tha aturrJy, itrliih Palza Model rVverty Toerinf Car, S971 Equipped, aa are all Paige Models, with Top, Windshield. 5 Hack enamel lamp, generator, torn, jack, tool, tiro repair outfit, etc. (SeU-atarttr and Preat-O-Ut tank inataUod at factory If deairod, 2S. Quick Demountable Rims (act of 5) on tourtrtf car model a, tnrhinint tire irona, SIS. Same equipment on roadster, I1Z50J Six Coma stylish aaooolo 4 wt B aaaaaeigar toe lug oar, raadstsra abotHoa S979 aa4Sl(H0. Jhm aiaatitui JaJaare laoeieoo. ataraaioo) 4 STODDARD-DAYTON AUTO COMPANY Phones Marshall 1915, A-1917 . 690 Wasbincton St vATccnentoiT motor cam compant. Detroit. xttartr.A r, X K Jij "This one thing I do'that's the spirit that has made the Ford the universal car. All Fords are alike in essentials only the bodies are different We make but the one car seventy-five thousand of them this year. Therefore the low cost 'and high excellence. 2v I. Ford Model T Touring Car, 4 cylinders, S passengers, CrTfif ' fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland V OcJ Ford Model T Torpedo, 4 cylinders, 2 passengers, fully tQC 1 -t equipped, f. o. b. Portland -..;..i.;.-;.nJ-.Ti;;,;,..'fU03 " Ford Model T Commercial Roadster, 4 cylinders, 3 .-.. ??.0.??.u.?!f.. $685 passengers, removable rumble seat, t. 'o. p. rortianci Ford Model TTowa Car (Landaulet),.4eylinders 6 Clf-T? passengers fully equipped, f. a h. Portland .-.. tvWt l O Ford Model T Delivery Car, capacity 750 pounds mer-. COI fT chandise, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland vOXtl Ford branches and dealers in all cities, towna, and villages are at -: your elbow with Ford Service for Ford Owners - J ' llna a '"' : -Midugan f '33 Roadster. ; . . . . . ... . .J. .t. . .$1500 Nlichigan 33,Touring Car. . i f. .$1500 Michigan "40" Roadster. .... . ......$1725 Michigan fW -Touring Car. : .' . ... ........... . . .I . .$1750 -ali EAST EIGHTH ST. AND HAWTHORNE AVE.' Phones East (548, B-2117 E-'SLERET, Mgr,f aJ farti V 1 lt"w aW M Michigan Auto & Buggy Company 1 1 ij,. NEW SALESROOMS JUST OPENED PAC I FI C MOTORO ' 682-684 WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND ..r.i attin::NORTHWKTfB W. -a: Wa '. f $ astl421,.B1345 - .A i 36D-371 HAWTHORNE AVENUE - MThe )r'irrt,4,j - : . ence, ':. CTV Cadlll, . Is DIFFERENT from all :: .- other automobiles." "If you know ths c!'.T:r ence, you wul tuy a Covey Motor Gar Ccm'iny .Washington and Twenty-First Stress. I: ft''-J. Cr'--. V-