THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. 6UNDAY WOENINO. IUY 8. 131). 11 FEDERAL CONTROL OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER LEVEE WORK MAY.-i PREVENT REPETITION OF FLOOD DEVASTATION IN FUTURE : y ' FOUfl MONTHS RUN SHOWS DECREASE IN. ALL LIVESTOCK LINES . lOwUiwi fH feeAg 2el f , ...... l. . . -- - - w ' f t rV, 1 ' At Al ... 8'AIKLK corajirehrnai ve Idea of the ha too wrought by the flood water of the Mlealeajppl Is to be thered from l ho accompanying Illustrations received recently by J. K. Teal from John M. Parker of New Orleans. Mr. Parker la tha largest cot loa plantar ta tha I'ntted States, hla lands eitendlng for mtlaa along tha Mls laalppl lowlanda la Loulalana. A raat area of tha Inundated land haa been rendered unfit for cultivation tbta year. an economic loaa of great magnitude. la addition, tba hturo to Ufa, ooca- aioaad by tha racing river, calla public attention aa navar btfore to tba urgent need of aoma mora eatlefactnry way In which to eontrol tha couraa of tha great waterway In flood lima. Mr. Teal met Mr. Parker on hla re cent vlait to Washington, whan tha lat ter waa acting aa a member of a oom tnlaaloa sent to tba national capital to beaeach congreaa for Immediate relief In tba atricken district. Congraaa la turn baa responded to tha call of tba aonth b paaaing aeverai amergvnoy roiiai raeaa urea; In fact, a we it ago tha house piaseJ tba senate reaolutlon racommand Ing an appropriation of tl.SOO.000 to re pair tha broken lore a. Aa aa Ins lance of tha damage dona by tba flood may be cited Mr. Parkar'a exparlenoa. All available boa to war pressed into swrrlca to reacua tha negroaa employed on hla plantatlona. and out of a herd of ITO Hereford cattle, all but two wera drowned. Mr. Parker la but ona of tha Top Lowor MlsBlaslppI at flood gUte, at left, and neiroe avalUnf transportation to place of aafetjr. On ter Flood refugee a from Louisiana plantation, at left, and Louisiana cotton plantation under water. Bottom Negroes driven to town by flood and flooded plantation houses. many plantar hard, hit by tha flood. but hla Influence undoubtedly will be a powerful factor In the adoption of rem edial mcaauree. He Is known la Louie- IMPORTANT TRAIN CHANGES ON THE EFFECTIVE MAY FIRST IV SUNSET eW I I ROUTES I I MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES MAIN LINE No. JO POB.TX.aJTD PABsTBaTaSB. leaves Ashland 7:10 a. m.: Medford. 7:39 a. m.: Roseburg, 1:20 p. m.; Eugene, 4:27 p. m.; Albany, 6:10 p. m.: Baiem, 6:b p. m.; arrive "oriiana :zd p. m. No. It FOXTXAJrD PABSaaTOXM, ieaves Roaeburfr 8:00 a. mj Eugene, 10:65 a. m.; Albany, 12:40 p. m.; Salem. 1:36 p. m.v woodburn. Z:l5 p. m.: arrive portlana 4:oo p. m. No. 19 ASKULWD PA88MOZK. leaves Portland 8:S0 a. m.. aa at present; Eugene, 1:R0 P. m., Cottage Grove, 2:47 p. m.; Rose burg. 6:80 p. m.; arrive Ashland. 11:65 p. m. v WOODBURN-SPRINGFIELD TRAINS No. SO Will run dally on return trip ' from BXOWHBVIUUB TtX Z,EBAITOir, arriving Albany, 11:20 a. m. No. it WOODBXJJr-8H.TEBTOT train, Sunday only, leaves Bllverton 1:36 p. m.; Mount Angel, 1:45 p. m.; arrives woodburn. 2:05 p. m. No. 48 IEAVIB SXZtTEXTOsT dally, except Gunday, at 1:26 p. m.; Mount Angel, 1:40 p. m.; arrives Woodburn, 2:00 p. m. COBURG AND OAK RIDGE SERVICE Train service between Coburg and Oak Ridge, "on tha new Klamath Falls line, as follow: No. 9S XJBAVES OOBTTBO dally, except Sunday, 7:00 a. m.; Springfield, 7:40 a. m.. connecting with train from Eugene; arrives Oak Ridge, 10:10 a. m. No. 8( LIATEB OAX BIDOB dally, except Sunday, 1:20 p. m.t Spring field, 8:60 p. m., connecting -with train for Eugene; arrivea Coburg 4:26 p. m. r- - lana as a Democrat who haa had much to to do with state politics while hla friendship with Colonel Roosevelt brought him country-wide mention when Roosevelt, then president. Joined him la a bear hunt in the south. Much publicity has been given the damage done by the flooda In tha cities and towns bordering the Mississippi and yet the devastation in the agricultural districts is a greater economio loaa; and while It Is poaslble that the flood of 1887 endured longer and inundated a larger area, the agricultural develop ment of the enaulng 16 years has been so wide that tha cost of this years flood will be far greater. What to do about it Is tha question now asked. "The experience of this flood." said Mr. Teal, "is proof conclu sive that all levee work on the Mlaslp pi and its tributaries should be under the control of the federal government rather than that of tha several states even .If aided by government funds. It ahows that all liver problems must be considered together, a contention long held by the conservationists." This opinion is reflected In the ed itorial comment from all parts of the country. In this regard the Baltimore Sun aaid recently: "The great river and its tributaries which contribute to the flood are in many states. No one state, no half- dozen states cooperating can deal with the matter. One or two atates might construct a system of leveea within tholr own boundaries, and It might all ga for nothing because of the overflow from above. Baaldea thla the financial undertaking of controlling the flood would be too big for any one atate. For theaa and other reaaona the control of tha Mississippi flood la a federal quea tln. Perhaps tha prima rauaa of th flooda haa been the destruction of for aata In the Mississippi valley. The rain which falls In forests Is held by tb soft mold and the accumulation of dead leaves until it la gradually absorbed by the earth and runs off through tha aprlngs. But when rain falla upon bare. hard ground It runa off at once. Kef or estation of the headwaters would make a good beginning In the work of avoid lng these flooda. Borne time ago it was au greeted that a great number of em bankmenta might be made In.varloua atates and artificial lakea created whloh would Impound the freshet watera and that Iti the dry aeaaon theaa waters could be gradually released. "Perhaps the best way would be tha creation by congress of a board of ex pert engineers to consider and study the whole queation and recommend some practical plan to - congress. It might be considered In connection with the improvement of the rivers of the great valley aa highways of commerce." im m . w mm i 11 r '" m mm Ml i4e ike ! ISal late naitf I! e4 ft" auiaMLe Mala teiat litei -' m etew e i Watt aae.ea k.tfl ve etuv4 al Ik e-aat f-Mate m te a. Irt a i i as ee lxt'tial ta e- ini aooa el iae aa tai esi4 4 W im a-e er-f-earaS la ifim I I r4e ull af ta lae lli.a ta aa al aaaaeal a ti la akae4 laal SI llasea kia yiKm set ts la a4 I aaa caite swar rraa Ika 1 e taatl Ia4e lh le lt eaa a'eea i4 t t-r aneie Keel tvniaa talCe setre. Haa.r rtMr I t H fa. atea IIT I t aiaa I BANK BUSINESS . SHOVS UP STUONG (Portland Institutidns Have 58,- 361,077 Gain In Deposits in Year. eVeiea. t't. Mar i A rem fliatloa ef the sre f II tasks la fntaad. ' laclwSiaa fceiit atieai aa.4 a la I a. auaje la latuiku la l twA all af lull IS. aaa' aieara I lift 11 renlal4 ly Slaia baak limM U ill ! lMH'rlgt.t lAa Heiwila aaew tefae la- ' ' '! jf leeaea a.r similar tpfle ma4 ketch I"' Wjf,' ili't till i4iarr ra r'r Kt lee WaSlaaa llrKl caitea tleery tt t aa . . 4 1 aierr riaa duneM kU - . t It eg MltUM IssresslaeT. TKal a eafi- msM ef hate la aew k-alaf rv4re4 la lae l aMfie arlh- el ari-r Ida iiiwmi aaia ef the trade la Ie4iral4 ay I ha fart IHal kill- eta aae aal te rio n4 revenllr la ttHea ervllaa at fclleeourl rter otli ike fuel fuur awtiihe af the rear a lelel ef 1141 hose wae reported t hek Pat t lend eMitre4 ! :tl h 4 tfurtaa a siontar tvJ la 111. Ta ftfttte ahua aa Inetcaaa of 411? im late yaefe markailnf la 4ale While the lacrvaaa la not quit as heanry aa aooie hal aspvlaO. It Induatea thai hof raising aa aa Ihduetrr le romloa to the ftont bar. fcturh of lh crrJH for tkle ItM-roaee la given to Tha Journal kr leadln lleaatofk Itileteete llh tha agrlrultutal rallasea aot tailroaJe con- laa la for their a he re or the pealea Tke rlgutee) lor hose aa not site Ike ttwerraee ta nmnweartem " proflnrtmn quite aa elearly ee mlcbt be wished l. rauae laat eeeeoa there aere very heavy etfUele ftm eaet ef the Maehlaa that era abaeat tkle aaaeoit. North I'vrtianJ hog prlree Heat rna4luta blockers ..... I t IS Mrdfum llM 14 load and heavy IMtfll Heueh and heavy ' Hit 1 Btorkera TT!t The folio lng reralple were mown durihg the week aad In the perloda nien- 4 teAe The refMrtie lli.lli IliMMM M ehf lotai tfafutatla tf aaalhel l 411 tl , Jal year, aa laereaee of Il.l4t.ttl II, ' ill equally 4ae!e( mrraaee Is ehoa a ' 4 ill"1 lal ramirt-a M(h la the last ta- F" aaavsai iip.vii.iviii. vnutj klatrh I of laat )t they wera :.-t 4.l It. Tla le aa latreaaa ef It,. ttt:tit ! The lacreaaa la liana and discounts ' amounts io II, I ! l.M 1 1, the total being ltt.ill.14l II. aa asainet IK.tte tltl la the former rei-orl ferlrefte have decreaaeil lil.lit t laal rear a report gava thm at Ittl.ltl II an 4 at report eboe4 Itt.tlt SI Tke raah un l and ta lit 43. lit II. atvd leal yaar It waa 1 1 40: 4k. Capital eto. k lnctae4 during the year from l e,ou to rr.toe.ooe Hon Wek Mar 4 . April 17 April April April GENERAL REVIEW OF NORTHWEST PRODUCTS U; (Continued from Preceding Page.) case, smaller selling companies wouia gradually spring up everywhere and the marketing problem would be Just where it la today. - Thera can be no doubt that ' the dis trict that produces and packs the best rrult will always receive me oeai me market affords, whether there are a half dosen selling: agencies In the coun try or a hundred of them. It will be tne survival or tna imesi. wen6ung branch a. m.; arrives No. 81 MATES ETJOBirB, 7:00 a. m.; Springfield. T:20 Wendllng, a:is a. m. -No. 82 MATES VlsmiiUMQj 1:40 a. m.; arrives Springfield. 1:45 a. m.; arrives Eugene. 10:06 evm. ' No. 88 MATES ZTTOEH3I, 2:00 p. m.; Springfield. 2:16 p. m.; arrives Wendling, 8:06 p. ra. " No. 84 MATES' WEITSUWO, 8:10 p. m.;. Springfield. 4:00 p. m.; arrives Eugene, 4:16 p.- m. Noa. 81 and 84 COaTTXCT AT SfBZwariXXJD with Coburg -Oak Ridge trains. - PORTLAND-NEWBERG CHANGES No. 84 Portland Motor. MATES HIWUMa, :46 a. m.: Oswego. 7:S a. m.; arrives Portland, 6:e6 a. m. No. 102 Portland Mbtor. MATES MEWJBXXO, lilO p. in.; Oswego. 3:04 p. m,i arrives Portland. 2:80 p. m. -No. 7 Newberg Motor. MATES FOBTXAJTO, 1:46 a. m.: Oswego. 10:11 a. m.; arrives Newberg, 11:06 a. m. No. Ill Newberg Motor, MATES rOBTZJUTD, 1:60 p. m.; Oswego, 8:10 p. rn.; arrives Newberg, ?:10 p. m. . r. . : i . HILLSBORO SUNDAY TRAIN DISCONTINUED f Trains Nos. 9 und 10. now hinnlnr between Portland and Hllltboro, Sua DAILY SERVICE TO TILLAMOOK : ' Trains to Tlllamtokvia Sdutneni Pacific anSP.iit N.' win run dally ; .j as follows .;...?;r. Leave Portland. 1:46 a. rk; arrive Tillamook, 4:86 p. m. Leave Tillamook, T;04 a. m.j arrlvs Portlaad, 3:46 pv m. , J O H N WL S f O T T, General pMtenj-er Ajrent ntatrlcta that hava a refutation for quality and maintain mat quality win experience no difficulty irr getting the best trade of the country, and this would not interfere in the aiigntest wiin tna marketing of ordinary to good fruit The chief problem before apple grow ers at this time, therefore, is seemingly not ona entirely of marketing, but of quality and honesty of pack. The for eign demand for the world's best fruit is expanding year by year, and this class of apples -will always sell at a huge premium over all other stock. For that reason it Denoovea growers in xne various districts to be honest in their packs. The public Is discriminating In its taste and will pay a premium for somethlnr better than other growers have to offer. No longer will It ie pos sible for a district tb proclaim its. ap ples extra fancy when they are not more than choice in comparison with fruits from ether sections. This con dition is a thing of the past and the publio no longer has cortfldenoe In what the label says. It did believe them a few years ago, but its confidence was abused. Therefore it Is the first, duty of the individual apple districts td play honest. The nubile always pays a pre mium ror that prana or gooas. CHICKENS; SHOW A 'DECLINE , , f Market Drops About 2 Cents Pound . During the Past Week. . The exacted decline In the chicken market materialised during - the week, and prices were fully Io a pound lower than the preceding six days. . Receipts ware not heavy, but all tha wants of Lthe trade were more than supplied. I Spring, ducks are In demand, but few of them are coming forward. - Oeese are not wanted, and the limited- offerings of the week wera aeriected. Some call (waa shown for dressed turkeys but. the mantel waa netwrisg. . , . ; POTATO MARKET EASIER" Little Outside . Demand and Specu lators Would like to Unload. Easier snd fractionally lower values were forced in tne potato market during tha week.. With practically only s nom inal call -from the outside, and this is take hold. That.oaused some uneasi ness among holders. During the week some of the California speculators who boosted values in this territory earlier in the season to 2 in the country were oriering incse same supplies at about ouc per oenmi .less. APPLE TRADE ' IS BETTER Sales of Extra Fancy Spitzenbergs Made Up to $8.25 a Box. fchlle, owing to the lateness of the season, the volume of apple business was not heavy during the week, trade was on a very firm basis. Sales were made In a limited way for extra fancy Spitzenbergs as high as 13.26, but In lots this, price was shaded 26o. Small sixes were not firm, there being little demand for. this class of fruit at any price, STORAGE HOLDS EGGsjFIIGH Ice House Operations Clean Up Mar ket Well During the Week. Storage operations in the es-ar market continue heavy all alone- tba mast. In his territory they are especially heavy. rnces neia very cione io tne zic mark tor canaiea siock aunnn tne week, and all efforts to get tha value under this failed. Receipts during the week were rather neavy. dui mere were no accumulation: at any time. OMAHA SWTXE" HIGHER 44 steers IT altera tl eleera II eleera It eteera 10 eteera 0 aleers 1 steer , I eteare I aleera I steers It steers It sleara I eteara . 1 steer . 2 eteera , 1 cull . . . IT eowa 4 rows 1 cow 1 cow t rows 1 row 2 cows 8 ataga 1 atag . 4 bulla . 1 bull . . 1 bull .. It bulls . 2 bulls . 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 1 bull .. II bulls . 2 bulls . 109 hogs tl bogs Moi faille, ralvea. Bhee itiv i:: in; un ti mi i:n :i I1TI IK! 44 lilt Hit IS at ea lay's XJvevtocfe Sales. MTCKHsL Ave Iba. lean, 41 ( IM4 tell tltt ItlT COWS. STAGS. BULLS. HOOS. .lit . .1140 ..till ..1111 ..III ..lilt ..lilt ..1114 .1111 ..101! ..HIS ..lilt . .1101 ..1044 ..llto .1111 . .1118 . .104 .. til .1114 ,.10 .. ITS .. M0 ..1000 ...1144 .1110 .14T0 ..1160 ..1170 ..not .. I4S ..1110 ..1110 ..1140 ..llll , .1040 8 hone 1 hog SHEEP. 822 sheared yearllnga... 80 sheared yearlings... 171 tno 122 119 420 80 71 Price. 17 10 7 10 7 10 7 7 7 00 7 So S 71 7( I to II 7. 00 TS It I II I II I 00 II 21 in Ml US II II 1.00 ' $8.25 00 4 71 I to 4.60 4 10 4 SO 4 SO 4 00 8.10 II 40 1.40 7 10 T.tO 7.15 $5.10 4.00 MARSHFIELD ElKS TO " CHARTER BREAKWATER - starahfteld. Or.. Mir I The members ef Ue Has ladaa ef klerehfieid have rampleled .arrangements for attending the national fathering of th order a Portlaad In July. Tha lodge haa char tared I ha eieeJner breakwater, which will make a arwclal trip.-, leaving here July I only mere bar of the lodge ana I heir wlvee will be rasaengera About 71 Kike and probably It ladies will make up the party. The Marahfleld lodge naa aaoptefl a unirorm of white eerse The l'a Hay band will accompany the loose rrom tme city. I - l i '.! . . . i . . . .. I . . I Weight estimated Taaaday's livestock Market, STEERS. Av. Lbs. 1114 IT steers 22 eteera 84 steara 22 cows COWS. .1141 .1040 .1017 CAI.VKS. I calves 15 1 calf 1 calf 0 SirEEP. 70 sheared wethers .... 110 178 sheared wethers 108 HOGS. 90 hogs Jl 70 hogs 14 18 hogs 124 77 hogs J2 42 hogs 182 21 hogs 140 1 hog Mg hogs ?JO 2 hogs 410 1 hog 420 Wednesday's livestock SaOe. HOGS. Av. Iba. Price. $7.10 7.10 T.10 14.75 $8.80 t 60 6.60 $5.60 - 6.60 $8.60 , 8.60 I 8.60 j 8.60 8.60 8.60 7.75 7.60 7.60 7.26 $3.50 Recipe Free For Men. Send Name and Address To day You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous I hat e In my poaeeaalon a prescrip tion for nervoua debility, lack of vigor, falling memory and lama back, brought on by eieeaaea, tnat haa cured mo many worn and nervoua men right In their own homes without any additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to regain his strength quickly and quietly, should have a oopy. So I nave determined to send a eopy of tha prescription free of charge. In a plain, ordinary aaaled envelope to any man who will write me for it. This prescription comes from a physi cian who haa made a special atudy of men and I am convinced It la the aureat acting combination for tha cure of nerv oua debility ever put together. I think I owe It to my fellow man to send them a copy in confidence so that any man anywhere who la dlacouraged witn repealed lanures may stop drug ging himself, secure what I believe Ts the qulckeat-aotlng restorative, upbuild- ing, bl'ui -iuucjurvu remedy ever de vleed. and ao cure himself at home ouietly and quickly. Juat drop me a line like thla: Dr. A. C Roblnaon, 8185 Luck Huildlng. Detroit. Mich., and I will eend you a copy of tkla splendid recipe In a plain ordinary envelope free of charge. A great many doctors would charge It 00 to 5.00 for merely writing out a preaorlptlon Ilka this but I send It entirely tree. DR. R ii3 awai " I aelwb av aa raHaataa, af.ei t cwaM a4 age i efie e4 Saa eae--e- a - lw " ay mi l V i lre. . law !. v.. r.auru4J la t , f ear Hfwi" la I As. eaia af urea a f Vanatie. CaPN V ' V rre V . . W I vm I im If tm ike a. eallfia Irweiaieeit. etrtal " - Beery aaaa eahtas al ear elrV is aeail4 af mm pi -aal aa4 laSieaa. laat iraaieaeai ualit a eera la ef. fertad ta aura la eaaeU Be ke fare iraaiieg eieewbeta StW ilfcfluaN Mritrr fCJI BLOOD POISON Mr MelkHd af AdanleieiraiM Is Aa , eaialeif Safe. rena la ana If re Kea a v af tta fnlltfwlag diaoreWrai 8rala(e4 elae fliaplea. Nervova IxMiliy, lere. tilod aa4 ekta 1 ier4ara. IliaSeW Trewblea ftla4 Wlaeea. kaueaa t'k-era. Sfttai AUsaeaia, I'Uaa a rteipU. I ml-T HI rally; leader It U t Kiamlwetifo Adetea FVeak . J. J. KfcEFE, ?tu Ge Me IX ll-U lairaratta nidei ins WAHMiaToN rA caa, u rvitTuinUi usk T. YEE & SOUS L. is ii i I Tke eld. ami seal CMaaaa "V I doctor curat aay 4leeee f . T laiarceaafaily. suck aa waaS I , ' ', I J naaa. eonalipaUoa. aatkaaa. w f "Jcaiarrh, cancer, pilaa, aerv ' '' foueneaa. rheuraallasa. tloa ' Jl rtil.ift liina lli kid... eie -".rand ttamark trevblei f'fl loflnla allmaita at anaui.1 Il'r k women. No mat tec M Wave UaX'ai 1 gyaxa' S dure l . W JicurabTa f have epaat a Ufa time atudy of Bert e4 gragualad fVeni several unlvarelllea aad look poel-gra-uate couraea ta China. I have thoaaaada ef tea tl man la la from any grateful pa taenia. 1 ua oaly tha moat harmlaaa Clilneae herb, reaardlaee af Ua biai Frtce. So I can help yen. Call or wrila or eymt'lom blark and ctfrolar. I. T. TEE HONS MCDICLNR CO, JJ0H Tauhllt. S. K. Cor. Id St. i . v i m w w PiMMlfV Every Vcrn; Is taesreetet aad i kaew aWat Ike we NltTUmrDfl Saraw' The saw Teaihaai tirrwe. I xaw "t SSaaUS. ' . Ilheianr laa Siifr. aw ether, kal aee4 eiaeas foe IUalrBt4 aioh stale, ft gleae rail earUealare ae4 atras tteaa laealaahla la la alee. ae aala ta ntaatave Clews Oa- Vi Haeaa Ca aaat taae nets- unat oe- a iisjlVw : v4 BLADDEn i ;( rii I BbHitsI b ;! : lffl liDTvi24' Hours : VI. I )J y lach Cap. ' Jen H etGMSaiijla FOR W0?.!Hf ONLY tr. Sanderson's Cnmpoand Savin and Cotton Hoot PI 11a The best and only reliable remedy for DELATED PERI OI8. Cure tha moat obetlnate caeca In 8 to 10 dava. Price II per bos or three boxes $1 00. Sold by dmggiats everywhere. Address T. S., noon Portland. Or. 1, 245 Morrison sL, Journal Want Ads Brinrj Results FOR TCI1E WUOT 1 hog 230 86 hogs 201 106 hog 210 8 hogs a" 8HEEP. 12 wool yearlings 102 11 sheared wethers 102 114 wool ewes US 17 sheared ewes iu 8 sheared ewes 140 SPKINO LAMBS. 69 erring lambs,..,.... 80 126 spring lambs 60 88 spring i&mns oi 126 spring lambs . 41 spring lamDs 27 sprrng lambs. . .. 46 ' rriday's Livestock Sales. hogs. ; Ave. Iba.. South Omaha, May 4. battle, nona. Hogs. 7800. Market steady to 6o nigner, at 17.30 7.70. Sheep, none. . - Epilepsy or Fits Curable KOSINE TEST TREATMENT S;gggg There is nothing more frightful In a happy home than to have one of Its members instantly seized With an attack of Epilepsy or Fits. The Ko sine Treatment relieves all fear of these attacks, whieb are aa frequent to the sufferere of Epilepsy. Koelne has been successfully used for a num ber of years by the laity as well as physicians, i . .. ... ....... ania Koalna srnaraBtM aX-nlil rroteots yoa. Bay a bottle af Xoslne for $1.50. XI, after aalag, yoa are not entirely aatlslkia. youx . meaey , will tevrtfuaaeoV .. Ikgraer Drnar Oo 181 8d at. Woeaard, Claxa C9n S80 Taslr lagtoa at. :.,-. , ... i 91 hogs 66 hogs 8 hogs 20 hogs 40 hogs I hogs. 8 hogs 1 hog . 1 hog . 192 174 188 m 171 250 863 330 140 . . 94 . r no . . 106 . . 100 . 105 ,. 134 ,. 93 . 186 . . 86 SHEEP 60 sheared wethers . . . 252 sheared wethers ... 125 sheared wethers .;. 112 sheared wethera ... 126 sheared wethers ... 128 sheared wethers . . . 26 wool mixed ....... 299 sheared mixed .... 74 sheared mixed .... 24 shesred mixed SPRING LAMBS 185 spring lambs . 64 68 spring lamDs v- 8 spring lambs ......... 50 Saturday's Livestock Sales. STEERS. Average Lbs. .....W...1280 ......... :1027 71332 BULLS. ' ri. 150 . ,i . . . . 93J. ..T Price. $8.45 8.45 8.45 7.28 : $6.25 6.60 6.25 i 6.00 4.60, $7.50 ! 7.60 I 7.25 7.25 8.26! 6.25 ' Prlcf. $8.60 8.60 8.40 8.40 M 7'2S i 7.00; $5.75' 6.60 ; 6.50 " 6.60 6.60; 6.60 i 5.60 j 6.00 4.00 ' 4.00 j I $7.50 ' 7.50 ; 6.26 I A Straight Talk By the Leading Specialist, C. K. Holsman, M. .D. It is important that you should-know the doctor who undertake! to treat jou. I poisess skill and experience acquired in such a. way that no other can shafaai mem, A thorough inrestigstion should be made by every ailing person as to the specialist be consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service- I have always charged a very reasonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any one who sincerely de fires to be cured. I .tvould like to have you for a patient if you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, accepting inducements that I offer, which are ray ability, 18 years' successful experience, time-saving treatment and cure of cer tain diseaies. " . ":: Blood Poison Cured fey tiic Hew German Remedy If you suffer from BLOOD POISON thera is a sure and lasting eure. This remarkable remedy la no longer an experiment; my axpertenoe with this drug Is that, if properly Handled. It ia a sura CURB, a LAST ING CURB, a BOON to MANKIND. I hava successfully treated and eurad hundreds of eaaea. I can show von tha evidence of all that I olalni kr bringing you face to face with many cured, happy patients. Seetng ia be lieving, you know, and Is ..the strongest argument that I can offer you. Can anyone ao more t may, ae mucnT l am always siaa io neve you onng your lamuy aoourr witn ywu win you take this wonderful treatment. I administer It aa it should, ba given -intravenously airecity into me oiooa ourrenu , . MT DIRECT TREATMENT FOR VVEJAKNiCas That disorder commonly known as 'weakness has for years and genera tions bariiea tne aiioria or pnyai- clans, yet to tw vtry gar a ma BaiBataaiaaaaaaaaaaBM C. X. HOLSMAX, X. XX Lloense4 ta Oregon. Washing . ton and California. the absolute accuracy of my tradar atanding and treatment of tttle dla ordar. I hava , antlra oonfldaaaa - In my ability to cure most eases) that coma io me for treatment. a , KNLAROEO 'JVBINS J . I dally demonstrate that Kn tarred veins eao be relieved la such a sat isfactory way that the vital parts are praaervea ana sirengrneaea, pain swelling suosiaes, a healthy clroulatlen la rapidly raaatabUahad, Instead of the depressing eondltloaa. KIUNSr AMD BLADDER 'With theaa diseases you may have more complications than aro present ed by anv other diseased organ, fey my searching - illumination af tha bladder I. determine aoeurataly the dlaeaaa and my mlereseopicat exanv Inatlon and urinalysis I make aoa b)y sura tha condition of tha kldoera, thus laying tha foundations for sol an Uflo treatmaat. ... 18-Steers . 24 steers . 21; Steers 6 bulls ,'. 1 bull ... Price. 15.75 8.7 i o.JO (.16 S.75 SALMON MARKET STARTS WKLlVj First Offerings Sell High; Small Fish j General in tewf& Bixtr,... J- First offerings of the season' In the fresh salmon market were naturally held at rather high prices, on account of tha competition for supplies. Tha catch was good at the start, but seme disappointment was expressed. owing to the fact that tha rish on the lower Columbia we- mostly of small forltr of dootora, specialists not ex cepted, are attempting to overoome 11 Dy memoes mai .nave own id con stant use and hava always failed for half a century. They dose tha-system with powerful stimulanta and tonlos calculated to restore nervous force or strength that Is not and never has been lacking, with, the re sult that the functions are tempor- irily exalted, to the poeitivo Detri ment af the nation L Weaknaaa Is only a symptom caused by many dis tinct local conditions and is curable . . . . . . n raw. n. by local ireaiment oniy. i ncuinv a WELAKNESS with my NEW 8YSTKM' TREATMENT, without giving a sin gle Internal dose, which demonstrates What You Need Is the Riht Treatment at .the BetfnnJn?;. . Tf T eould see and treat all men When the first arm dUmbs ahew them. selves, there would be little need for so-called specialists ln 'ohrosle de saaas, and there would be few men- eking rejuvenation of 1 their pbyelcej and maatal bowers, and there would also be few marked- with tfca atauiD of oonetitutlonal Biooa fnaeaaes ana inaeaaes recti liar to lien, and their rnmnllcatlona would be reduced to a minimum. But aa lone aa men man- tlnue to dlareg'ard the golden adage, f"A Stitch In Tlma Save Nina.'- and continue to neglect themaelves or to oaerelaa Indifference or poor yu5t meat In consulting the right speolallat at tha outset, juat ao loaa; will there be multltudea of ehronio sufferers, x - .... .... v . EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION. I make the most moron gn examination or etl baiieeus wh call m rti Fori thla I make absolutely a. charge. . It' offers every suing majt aa nnrtunltv to learn the troth about hla condition and srauaraa him to cvaJ against the mistakes of other doctors. s MT oiKave im opw mil na'itvm w m- in . w& m y. nu wuntiara iri it n 1 o'clock-. Ail oorrespoodenco treatad oonf ideatially. Lettwa hlt(.:i i swered. v, loa. er figures, bUTers were not keen ta slaa and fcot big enough for storage.