THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL," PORTLAND. SUNDAY MOKNINO. ' If AY C -lilt. m m host i OMIOHS OHBOOSrMISSION Banquet to 200 Closes Day of . Unusual Activity and Pleas urc; Party Returns to Port land. WINNING ORIVERS AT SANTA MONICA ROAD RACES llMHlt k TV iiMMll 'Wood ltlrr nt. alay ,rMi4 MtrilM4 " ' lMeaa I fee Portland CtHnm.rrUl a.ub 4tt.ll IlKUy MW De MtkUl I tt m f run r -1 MN uplotiatl wbiefc feotU tbe CK UDlrr O'ar think of llv4 lUvcr abaal thay (hit. of ail lea The' rx litnll l lb lartal Set 4 eoirtaala le ' UMr t Iba flood tilver bowaWr aJ r k ....... a lB.k4U Itia IttffftMt aatlla- Kant In It. Hood Klv.r ur. Thar Toddr TaUlaff. who broaa worlda ataa amino or ij9 i xv. ia ui f rxxxi record la premier at 'J t . - X - i 1 : 1 Santa Mo ale. NEW MANUFACTURING CO. ELECTS OFFICERS hdW of UauM ll"od. end tnn4 by It rlaa4 braeaa or Ikal te taoua aid aanlin.1. th eifureloolala b.d a plndld lunebeoa prepared d Mrv4 by ta wvnteo and atria of tbal totaauauy. TUtt to PariA-. Tb aaruralonlil' endl Irmla waa Ukti ta IaxaJJ Qr taa Ml KaUra4 oaiMoy'a ttaofca a4 UMtuab It look tara eclooa ihrM lkr la .atlt LU ali&ta.- U rtvard aa aU warn ua una aa anon, a " rortUad poalUoa aa a aiathlbatleg At tba aeaeiaaloa ( th luaelMoa a It Waafatirtaf eotnaaar, a corpora- liaartr rou af Uaaaa vaa ffivaa Ui Uo arcasiM ra ii wua PmrkdaJa aaool aa4 abort U1U vara I eaptiaJUatloa of IS.. Tba ftrat wnmA bT C. C Cbasmaa. nmrw aflmooUaa of tha company wa hald Iba Farflaad OonunareUI club, Zr. J. T. I tarda y la (ha afflcaa la lb Luro6r- Watt and William MoMurray, gaarai I maa'a bulWlna" aa4 lb rouoannf orn rMwaar axant f tha X-W. K. A N. I ear wra aKtadi t. 8. Vtorlta. prl- oomBaay. '' dat: C. B. Ooodwta. Tie praaldaat; E. - .'RMitarlawtlaal. I A. Oarmaa. eratry, k-.v- . - iiuii aimlMfi traaurar. and K. Xi. Dor- C 14. Roblnaoa. C R. IVH WW VWil w I . . - . a roaw,pl -"mp Tb alorlta MnofaturtB company opwaupna la in wa wca "TT waa orraalMd for tba purpoa af maau. mi wtro. ir faeturlna and placlnt oa tba markat war poiataa oui iu wwnta y D(W p.tul .klrt marbar. Aa Initial fcoata. A atop waa aaaa ai vma jioru i ord,r fof leo macht,,,, waa placl tbat Ua.axeuraioaiaia mini o van i llh . rmrinr. trwlsv but It la to tba lop of th bulla, a aammtt from I tb latamio. Cf h oMpanr lo irwl which Mount -HooOi aiooai Aoama aoaiU own plant In tha nar futur and lb nUr Hood KlTr vaU7 wra TU-1 maka Portland th dlatrlbtitlnf point Ibl la thai aplandor. for th antlr raclflo ooaat. Rapr- C N. U ark. . praaldaat or tba Iiooo l aenUUvaa of th firm will laava la ftlver OommarcUl eiue, waa la chaxc I about a month for Nw York, Chicago of tb dara anurtalanatit, aaalatad by land BL Loula to opaa oparatlona la tb It EL Bootl aortaT7. and tna oomrolt-1 !. la oa antartaJnjoact, J. K. UaUbroanar, N. W. Dona, C D. Thompaon, Truman IiuUer, Fai Darldaoo, U. IC CaaUar, Vr. J. F..WatL. - - i i Waataa Xdaai. Tba day waa Ideal and Hood RItt waa In tba moat baautlfnl gar a. Lt- )nir f tha city, whera Bloaaom Faatlral decoration of pink and gra war fjverrwhar In arldano. th uenrslon lst paaaad through nllea of aatara'a rink bloaaom a and graa laaraa ana from ' mountain top lookad out orr 1 JO acra af appl orchard all la I bloom. ONLY 110 DELEGATES QUALIFIED TO VOTE T7a!td Fraa V4 Wlf.t Cblcairo, Mar Thr ar nearly TO dlgata lctd to th Bepubll- oao National conTantton who ar da- Txcal orchardl.U aay thla yara crop "nquent la th mattar of a.ndlng thalr will b a bumper, from a million to a I ranuu w u """ Million and onartar boiea of aoolea Boaoquartor in tna congraaa noiai ner About on tenth of th planted orchard " o axaminaa ana niea.. aviasanaer iv. land ia la bloaaom out of a total oflPmlth of New Tork, who to temporarily 13.000- acre. Though apple ar th la charg of th headquarter tonight, chif crop. othr f rtlt and berrlea I aaid that h bad credential of only thrlv proflUbly la tb Taller. I HO delegate and lot alternt out of Th Mcoralontota arrived at Hood I tn 100 that nay Dn ejected. River at 1:1 and mad- headquarter at I "I had charg of thla same work four the Commercial club, wber open houaal rear .ago." aald Mr. flmlth, "and at this waa hold until the banquet at tha L I time ther wer many mora credential O. O. r. ball at 1:10. filed than now. , The banquet waa attended by 100 via-1 Conaidering that ther are 1071 del- laora and local commercial club mem-1 a;ate and a many alternate, all of lien, tj. i. Duma. u-)inuui i m vnon creaeniiaia muoi oa c&reiuiiy Hood River Commercial dub, waa toaaU examined, and a different Hat compared, master. , I proper acknowledgment and notices of Am Xour of Speaking, ' I conteata must be aent to each delegate Mr. Smith welcomed the excuralonlsts and alternate. It Is surprising that ere and spoke briefly of tb wealth and I dentlals are so slow in coming In. So jiromltn .of the section. Judge K. Klfar conteata have been filed in but two -eoorert waar Introduced to apeak for B. I eases, Mississippi at large end in the Benson of Portland, who recently gave I First District .of South Carolina. $10,000 Jor th Columbia river gorge I "Many of thos credentials are filed automobile road. Coovert told of the! In a faulty manner in that they do not feasibility of the proposed rout and of contain all the Information required by tha Increased travel from Ban Fran- th national committee. clnoo and the east which would result from Us completion. W. I. Cornell . s; oka on - behalf of upper Hood River Valley. J. F. Johnson, chairman of the excursion committee, spok on behalf of the Portland Commercial club, and in troduced In turn C. C. Chapman, W." P. Jones, Frank Kerr, F. S. Stanley and William MCMurray, who made brief ad' , w J (.--,. L Ralph da Tain a, winner of ra4lom! ear raca. REORGANIZATION OF FIRM COMPLETED Tb reorganisation of Chapln A Her" low, th wall-known realty firm, under I th nam of the Ovapln-IUrlow klori- gaga and Trust company, wa prferiedJ yeirdy whan a number of local cap- ttaliata and bualnaa man wer electad 10 placea on th irut1v rommltta and adviaory board of th new company. C w. Lanadon. formarly nrealdent or tb first National bank of Albany, ur. was aiacted tic president and a I member of th.eM-utlr committee of the organisation: It. U Ourham. prl dent of the Merchants' National bank. take a place on the icutlve commit-I tee; John Pearaoa of th Western Tim ber company becomea a member of tna aseeutlv committee: M. M Meyer of Oregon City and C W.- Redmond of liuiaboro were named as members of the advisory board. W. E. Prudhomm or Olaaa A Prudhomma and J. F. rav of Chicago ar also Interested la-th nw company. In addition to handllns- all elaaaea of city and county realty, th new com pany will ansa in the mortgage guar anty and building business on a large acaj. TETZLAFF BREAKS WORLD'S RECORD AT SANTA MONICA (Continued From Page One.) dresses On benalf of th excursionists. I as the 90-mile average for the lap. Tets A program of musie and vaudeville was laf f gave an exceptional exhibition of given during the evening. . The excur- t - Blonlsts left Hood River at 9:30 o'clock, P l Scheduled to arrive In Portland In two tours. NEW SUPERINTENDENT FOR PRISON MONDAY ;c i IF ONE IS NECESSARY ;- ;i (Continued Prom rage One.) Ing . Superintendent James to take a .leave of . absence without pay he was .not actuated alone by motives of econ omy: He did not deny his vexation up n several occasions when he called at the office of the superintendent late in - the -working -day only to find that that functionary was not on the Job. He "also" admitted"' that when fie found" the superintendent was leaving 100 acres of rk-h-land ott the: prison "farm unpro ductive that It vexed him. It seems that the inability of the superintend ent, sot denying his good qualities," to meet the progressive ideas of the gov ernor t in administration of priseh af- j 1 al r. .alQ had considerable l uf luence i Hit Jhe. request that he take a leave of : absence, which, now that the superin tendent persists In staying, is to be con strued as his resignation. aid the governor significantly, irr ref- . erenc. to the prison situation, before taking; hla ' leav for Salem yesterday afternoon. V drlvlng, holding the leud throughout the race with great consistency. He would average close to 86 miles an hour lap after lap, and but for, slight delays in changing tires he would undoubtedly have made an even better record. Caleb Bragg, Tetzlaf f s teammate, took second honors after driving a remark able race, and. David Bruce Brown, the faorlte, was third. Brown, who drove a Bens, had no real chance to assume command when Tetzlaff was in the pits for a tire changing in the thirty-third lap, but his car, acted cranky and he alo was forced to the roadside for new shoes. Bragg finished less than three min utes behind the . winner, while Bruce Brown sped Into third place by about the same margin. Oldfleld Encounters Trouble. The three first cars finished off by themselves. Barney Oldfleld, who drove a Fiat, experienced all kinds of diffi culty, with - his . ccaft, and Bert Ding ley, driving a Simplex, was forced time after time- to ptfll Into the pits for a change of tires. Dingley further Im paired hjp chances when- he struck a wagon on, the soldiers "Home term 'and injured its driver. For consistency and infrequent stops -at the pits, the two little StutJtfCars, whfch went out of their RICH AND POOR RUB ELBOWS IN GREAT SUFFRAGE PARADE (Continued From Pag On.) "Ther are otner thing to. come,". .,.., to comDete fh the free for all. elicited nothing but favorable comment from the Immense crowd. , what, they lacked In speed, the Stuts more than made up In durability, ' a.nd because of their light weight stops for tire changes were few and far between. Tetzlaff effort was the best of his career ;nd stamped him as a driver California Taft League Collapses. '. - - (fatted Press Turawd Wire. I Sacramento. Cal.. May 4. Collapse of . th Taft Progressive Republican league worthv of hla chamnlonahln honora. f CaTlrbmla la announced by Its presi- , ToJnica BrowjifelLhe honorjof oent. vnaries .NSL iieisnaw. rorraer state i reeling off the fastest lap of the day renaior. oaismw emu mi owinjj 10 fve minutes 27 2-S seconds. ' the Insistence of the 'wld Southern Pa- i ,clflc ganr la coming Into the progres- "-- Madal Oar Sao, iv Taft organization with unwelctim . Ralph De Palma, driving a Mercler advice, the prosTeasives decided to let i car, won the medium car race- at lfil Colonel Charles M. .Hammond and ex Governor GUleU run the whole cm-- palgJV' Tber. ar women, and girls 1 n llilriia wfc rrin tectory or wo; Tt 14.08 who belong to the Woman's T rude Union leagri ar pUbntng a cam t!in to ur.tonts th remaining lll.CSO. miles in 2:10:43.- Joe Xlkrent (n s. Case, was second, and Irtu!a . Dlsbrow, In n- 1 ottverCaa ear, finished third, i 4 George Joermann. a l-year-oid youtn. in his first .raw, piloted a-Hby Max- no Victory In flrsfortne Tleld In th light car event His time was i;t7:IT, ao average speed of miles wera: Hamilton Holt, Max Eastman, sooi eiepnen wue William Ivlns. Swinburne Hale, Jsmes Livingston Du-I ane. Professor Vltorlo Racca of th university of Rome, Professor John Dswey of Columbia, Robert Elder. Dun can B. Hardlaon. Thoraaa W. Hotchklss, William Brscken of Boston, Walston urown, Jerrerson Sellgman and Profea aor J. E. Bplngarn. Following th good tzd delegation from Delaware, Connecticut. Nebraska, tjaiirornia, Maryland and Washington, u. u., aa well as Ohio. Kansas. Penn sylvania, Vermont Vlrainla. Colorado. Idaho. Wyoming, Oregon and Utah, ther louoweo Dig delegations from 20 coun ties of New York state. The new suf f rase - flar. vellow haeV ground with six black stars, represent Ing the suffrage states, fluttered gaily oesia tne stars and stripes. The delicate pale blue silk and silver banners of Mrs. Clarence MaokaVs suf-1 rrage organization followed behind thel hundreds of purple, whit and green pennants, banners and liars of the Women's Political union, under which direction the parade, was arranged. Mrs. Belmont T,ads Band. I The deep blue silk and srold banners of Mrs. O. H. p. Belmont's suffragette society, led by herself, preceded the flags and banners of the east side women, representing a they did th col ors of all nations. The yellow buttercups worn by the meroners oi tne New York state delega tion harmonized with the big yellow oanners and nags carried by the 45 assembly districts of the Woman Suf frage party, led by Mrs. Laldlaw. ln spite of Its being late Saturday afternoon. Fifth avenue was thronged ano in crowd cheered the suffraaists and tha brilliant spectacle they present ed. Ten mounted policemen and ten motor cycle policemen, in charge of Inspector McCluskey. preceded the woman's cav alry trpop in charge of Mrs. Charles Edward Nohlach, wearing a gray riding nacu wun a great green sash with the words "votes for "Women.' The SO women riden smilingly bowed recognition or tne cheering avenue on- lookors. All wore the three cornered black hat, with cockade of suffrage col ors, purple, green and white of the Women's Political union. Under whose j management the parade was held. arominent Woman Bid. Among the riders were Miss Winona Martin, Mrs. jJeatrlce Forbes-Robert son-Hale, Mrs. Theodore H. Smith of Detroit: Gladys xrown. Misses Alice and Irene Lewisohn, Miss Cornelius Ryan, j Dr. I. H. Oglivuy Phyllis. Mueller, Syl- : via Lolnes, Mary Duncan, Esther Ev-1 a,us, Philadelphia; Clara B. Fuller, Alma i Humphreys, Miss La A. Carl, Mrs." HejWj worth Campbell. Mrs. A. H McCarthy, I Mis Evtij'n Granger, Miss Ethel T. Woodman, Miss Mary Wlllard Bubuth Wellington, Eleanor B. Thompson, Mlsa Gems and Miss Mary Winter. Miss Millholland,- whoso mount be came fractious at the start; fell Into line behind the old guard band and attracted, a treat, deal of attention by her stun ning attire and clever riding. She rod astride, wearing a tan crash costume, I knee length coat and divided skirt with high blsck ' boots and th regulation George Washington style of riding hablt. - f . XCr. Blatch Is Chewed. - After Mies Milholland walked Miss Eleanor o ran nan bearing tne surrra- gette standard. The executive board Of I aaaa) BMr:k4 wllb k Uataata lUt aa 4iaat I k aaerr - la 1 vr a nairaa . sia- I . fa: 14 til taily. r"-ra ! nty Mila iMaatt t Ulat4 la a,wa4 a ". I atVeav. f arii t Ut,r rt BaaUa. II aa a rJ flata sblaa for ail ! la tiaa fxaaaa-l laa Ha, btoa I a4 !( r Uli taal ware awer r re -frh la aitL TA arM fa Haaa. stverr saaacttUaa ka4 aU taa lta f saarrb w aa af4 kM lb B4aMe af tta "eaava" rada br la MfrUiu Th He. A a tat l HlakaialL H ar aid. I aaa r I arli-' f l a r lfa (fjaa , r im. ri la ia iriia carruaa, Tf aar aaaay I4 a) la la Ilea and baI af laern 4i4alae4 b rarrtas. A tb aoag !rtacaidj ar4 t sad of lta lie af avarva, tlr war raaay la Ik raake waa laf fahar4 with es lul Iru4lr beartag aloft the anagi Vaiea tt Weexe." banaar. Ihey trgjl4 aa. alrtal4 I rim alt lh eour. Hid br t4 atllh IJatr ,. Mroagee lalera Ihsy sa4 th long walk. Just bahiad lh earrut maerbad wovwaa ata feat tall baanng a bva taa r-astiaiy bearing aloft tb caagle "Vela Vrmn." twide bar waa a littl boy land girl carrytag tier flag aaamractag "we waal a for ntothar." Tb In ar4 a ebaar all along lb Una. GREATEST WHEAT . CROP FORECAST FOR NORTHWEST 4CVetU4 rra r Cava) Ike itt l'i la awing lag ajaia a I.I II . wkUa lb faU rtaeOsf 1 :.! aav lit tba lavataeead abug la ' pTMibeaJir all ar laa liarfat aa baa ma 4 la trfv la (at I st a re a4iat4 by lb rtra rra Waaaiaaia a4 Idaaa la hu il aait largo an aval f eurasar bl Ua4 I baiag Iraa4 lata arbar4a. Tb friit a a tag af ta rroa t data Ibl 09m a tb auryrta f lb alir ooualry. Oaly a lb rcir olbaral u lb grJ crop a aa ae4 a rear . la C:ifrai tb tat er ralae at crltKal swrtod coal inal tt la pradufUoa af sallUoa af btiabala f lb varieas eala Om af Iba gria rprii af th Wat aaaaaa I tlal la lb ailraaaa tight land aatiBv. tsbara pwktag baa baa af a dubious aataia ff avr4 . lb faar la far a baavy prodttctlea f wbat that ib rllr4 ar esparted la be blocked wlla ehls snvata. OH nam. Morrow and Waav evuallea will swell th letaJ f Oregoa la a aaasldarab! eat an I thla saoa and taa laer4 aereagf la oaairal Orw I "all M 1 ataaataa Catag 111 alt taut ail a aaa bail' M raalaiia Ikaa Wil lb la ua aaav mm4 W m4 era4 I a a4 aa La (aa SWKUta. IK tla aryM4 la aaaanlaiag ia akraala a UtH'i huk it la taa mim ar aatti tb baraat alri4 I IM rwfi atfc. lb r4all f tm p '! a tbfwa ataiM IMr atwauat aataet l abaat aa U e4Xa aaxwala Xat aalr I Iba pewaeal ft a aee4Bgir baavw trut f wbael a laalaalWaa pa 11 ba b4lr ala Ibaa duriag tb rcl ' ' tb ) ta Iba aaat af IM Hack? aaavatalaa Ibia a rcl4 M ai a aria I Ibal iiaa rttta fr isart a4 wtll al laaal gtre ibe faatn axvikaaat a lr Btayta Iba r brr, Tbx la tb Uaua far wbaal U BnX baa bl Ml Tory la4 raeeatly aa4 lata, lea, la a fir af iMpart grawara. Tb fact that taa Paaifto aerthwaat will lis air V4 It araattal wp af baa I tfurtag III! will awly ibal Rweb raoaay far pr4ra Tb pru af wbaal I aag4 attr)r r wbai fwraigaaa wtU pr foa ' rpJaa Taking lb aaanag la tba saUdl waat tat eeaatdaraUea, lb p ra la la l a4 gel da. REBELS PROCLAIM . GOMEZ PRESIDENT; - JUAREZ IS CAPITAL irallkal r a ! fkaa ) . I lm., wi.j k I I taUM ffaa Ibaa, Mawa aia al fty. AU. aa i. aaajtaal aaiaiag tmwm, a aavl- 4 tlat4 Ibe A aMta a iba aoiaaanbar ik t iMiWaM at hay ' sr(.'r aarmad a4 aa aasblaa Ma' a ! fr ir. bl. TW btaalaeaa. II U ak4. lata ta larva a la biailisk win aa iatr af blasWaa I . Awattaa. rwMtag aatiaa bib a tb ra lalja af fcv fct ttaatiar a4 C. W. uaf, Aaaikati ta Jara paallir. wb. baa 14 br laa raa 1 I bra tlaaa b4 bala tar la Ka4 Hb a ft lei y -a) Utaara) bafbtw, jaa Of aaa4 baa saa4 taa. HJI I lb Aartua tvaaxtl I Jara, (, awfa, aa aT aa la aaaitar ap i iba ataia 4tit aaat. natlr bad aaatraai la ba rbl aniila la boOa'al (bavaaaj 4 at la r wbaa ba waa arraatad ad, Iba raia r4 lbsj wan ba waa baiag baagaA It IMsb IKy m4 bl Ufa br tg lb bllaaa ba aa aa Aaaartaaa af aaaav -At- Edwards' $2.5Q down on $25 worth of furniture $5.QO down on $5Q worth of furniture $7.5Q down on $75 worth of furniture $1Q down on $1QQ worth of furniture If these initial payments are not entirely satisfactory, come in and "MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS" Wa art determined to donblt tha number of name on our book a, and nothing " can atop ua. Wa want YOUR order. Coma and see ua. $1.25- ... ovc Cash X'L nWeek Great Table Bargain Solid Oak, Like Illustration $12.75 Six-foot when open, 42 inches diameter when cloed; flaw feet, and Urge prdeital. Thii is what everybody it looking for a good Ubie for a rea sonable price. a?--- T P eV I - II nw I tl it r 'm 11 I - jfTrnl If feSl'' Cash $1 a Week or $5 a Month Send to Your Home the BEST RANGE IN ?ORTLAND New Married Couples-Should Start Housekeeping With a MONARCH . MALLEABLE RANGE Let Us Tell You Why: It will mean shorter hours in th kitchen for your sweetheart. It will mean less work and drudgery for her every day for years to come. It will mean always satisfactory results in her cooking snd it will mean much less fuel to do the same work. Moreover. In 10, It or 20 year from now, the Monarch will do the work with Just a little work. In Just aa littl time and with Just as little fuel as it did at first Come in and let us show you Just how the Monarch is different than any other ranee Just how the triple well construction, the Duplex Draft and the Hot Blaat Firebox operate to make perfect baking and small fuel con sumption. Let us show you the Polished Top and show you how It needs no blacking. Ther are lots of other good things that we can show you, and you owe It to yourself and yonr family to In--vestlgate. Wa can show you a bis saving and how you can better afford to have a Monarch right now than you can afford to try to do without it Don't think that because the range you hav 1 pretty good that you can Inveatigata bring Mrs. Sweetheart with let thla go by. You will quickly aea the difference if you come in do It vou. You win r aurnriaeo at tne many Improvement you can have the use of and have them at a great saving of time, work and fuel. "Make Your Cooking a Daily Pleasure." SENT HO MS .at you OWN TERMS Be Sure and See Edwards' Attractive Three -Room Outfit $187 Keeping young folks in special mind, we have included this three-room outfit ,i.mong this week's specials. Ai terms. In selecting specials in individnal Furniture, Rugs and Carpets, we hare kept, in mind usefulness and And we will make special easy credit economy; and you wijl find these a a . , a articles always a "Little.3etter for a Little Less." Young couples who want to pt on the sale side snoum aeai witn a Dig, reuaoie tirm like Edwards', that has a refutation for 30 years f honorable merchandising behind it Then you'll be bre of goods and credit "fit to use.". We mark all prices in plain figures and sell you goods n a 30 days free trial in your own hpme, thus absolutely guaranteeing you a aquare deal, $2.95 rr Sale SPECIAL 1 , Walnut ; library: Tabled top .24x 36 ins.; regular price; 12.50. Sale price, $7.25 fi-ibra " N SPECIAL Golden. Oak: li brary Table, top 24x42, with, drawer; regular price, $11; sale, price '.only $6.90 the Woman's Political union headed by Mrs; Harriet Stanton Blatch, whoa combined efforts for th past 11 months resulted in .todays great demonstration, j recei ved a biz ovation all along tha line. Mrs. Ulatch wore .her colle g cap and gown,, while the other, .officers war attired tawMtar f -.- - - -Everv woman and every jnan In. the per hour for the 101 mile course- 1 Jblg procession either bor a flag- or a , GO-CARTS Medium Xrta Uk-bora, -with, ratlin Ing back and adjust- ?ooir.-.s -V -v - - -'- . . . .. .. .. . , ' We also sell COllapSibU' e a r t s and' Offer- l-am- pie for j your : approvau - credit If a:H PthJ II ... - m f Jpw .awaava-aaja. I .- M J W . M W M , W ' of b. 'a. . - , A l.-.i 1 aaawass aa WLv-1Ur m - J' a-am is A -Oo o d - P 1 ac e To -Tna de fkdllk I i fn U -MbnarcKl BATHROOM ; CABINETS: 'y--' ' - ' - r ' In oak or whit namel. with or with out mirror.; Bpedai sale Without - 9 mirror ....- i - :ro.r:$3 i -