j THE OBIIGQN SUNDAY , JOU)NAU. TOKTLANP. SUNDAY WORNINO, WAY 1 1912. i a j. . J 1 THEfJOURNAL as ikTnM? kg a art re a ..., Um via tukt lilt l8.4!i r-jttfc Ik flJUe Hal fJll4 Ut-a, Ui kr Jrt a c4 fluJr, Urotifb IM -Ve u ! r uu r-''-iir t"ftJr i it a.). a4 up ia u .... - .,- ii,... .t .Jr twti- aotaf ass ar M lbea atktaa .tk M ivi'f. tt i cK0i tlnMit4 ii U ifMi . ; r::yvjr.-'!'iJ- r.. fcoul.to (t. i.-- u m r run u i.f i rJ"t!ir,, u ttrA ( f:'i or uir. u lea. Ik a4ay ao!e ! fela off? f r" " ,..., 1. U II 4a S" MU-4 lt ra...a fci.M til. "tJ!twa, (If b k . r 4 . ' -- Bee iek ueur era la II i)lhu ? v..'.:rrr 21 Jl . --!.. -. -at-i m.. ""m'ZZZZ. .. .. - W ' Ha oMIg-atloite le-d Ike B ut 1 it4 atiM W . r-aitt a Ma St .- 6m fa.,... u f - Pail ' ' ' cw . . . - n i i.j.-.a -ynrart. TH aiti-am t-ti.. TV-al wavl. ae) 'd Ml mat.a.la-1 C'-l i IBtliMtio'l. j It 0 N lit witlthrd Jar of Iho to (hdr buibftad and rrua4 thrru tb llfrto(a of- t': ! lea B aaaikf !"'"' m an aBMaf, a 1le tarTtfrJ htrm la mlful riu iltit lk laBB war -C Tfc atfcular UM( fair.lllar llh ItM Hlbl IrJ tta r!A ! t' r rllej. lh golarll urdt Of Iba Ktsf J te t109 tank lea Into lie fetfbory. olk, ft!b of a Bundajr Kbool ha io .fholr bat 4rpiie4 U ll lo f i .!:riira1 hf n ( on Iho jih her rMbal arela.a- ' leac. tntftll6Bl BI ftlktr- to me leartmi ti.a U nta thai hit e 1a! lorjrmni boma in if.a ibai H way .Uoa !! Tlma ba fbaB4 i .v,. .Mrk. . ,iuit ! "Ub lbw. Not aa III- ,rratilr, brln II aiaoda MBIKIM i rt-oinlneol. I I ha DltU uaI. And Oil.. mako bolJ to aar, lo tba 'rr-al Ua all of ua UK rl-.tirrh haa to lakf an ad-' 7 ha dfoa of ihla faira(lon la ifca left ttt aofe tf lt ioarJ. 'lb jeacfl!oti If II aala Ikrro al.a baa fl!l to rlia. lo. flfea iidtift Jooa !fs0fiaui lo ail r.,tn ml.n l flu la af ir i or Ijmh !( of what tlx lisakra of t of ar If. of li.rr I " f olf ryipf pt lk CbUoao Ikaaaaal a I toa a4 IcoyrSser fa Jk tkif ttfk; f iaUUarl ! ra4 ibt rarrf oUo tba br4a f f lk iruia4r of Oil tka cfc.urcX4u 7b tna;aatlr Ib4 iUUo aa4c4 Iq'aaoaiiHitdarlai Ua ikr Aaji of Ma ii. oiioaa4 tj .(Titgeaa aaa. tutlf arMcbara. for bfo. 4 aa4 ernr. Baoota, ba baa fuiLto but jraLa. tk) Chlf Ctrltlaaa r Ika trkboa of lb taaaWIe, bartag ab- arV4 BuHac tuanr )rar Iho bt taaebtaf of Ibo wbHa U lb lr repablte of Ibo rnra Ur bavo Uarnod Iko Koaeaa of roopOAalblo fr4om. Aaa Waae bow la eao or naajr ktm ftkaUr ba aWbal a 0 bal a4 kxtl t aa. Ii w nf aaffiaJa, I il laka I ." aM Aif ,. Mr f-!," Ua flart, TI Auif. i U lla aaar aM Ja-t aUc HW fca t axa it n ! b kit (M a-4 Ml Aa fc4 9 Ika ra ' letter Froia tti Popl AKIrkM a ad aiuaaiiaaa (m Ifcla Maa aai a tiiua aa aair aia r ka iHf a4 t Miki I br (aa rtiara aaiaa. - Tta mm IU Ml uki:ka4. a-l la taia4 aa ta4l MUiao mt aa4 latia. '. Vrt Maro UtU tpiHI. ranuuu. A art I It-T itva tXuf f To Jaartwa Ja Tata araniar kaa aa a4irtai kaaa4 "A a autb cAir ikat Ihla fnapMlor bul am4iih-j Waia- aM pia ! ia.'l4 or naicrlal for Ria ropoii I fai iki naf iKa riui voiai on ' Cblaa la nfoUloa w k a (t!lr!i ! 111 ! 1 1 i T arce1 anJ jroitlnaM ;art tif'firo rcado Ibal lha rrafltra of tba ihi morrrnchl tor rr(irta irarhlfif of tbo Blbla la b(tr fol- rondiuoba of llr anJ of Ilia ol. atrn If Ibo word Iraalf M iidari th poor tri it tin nay droiii tI Ibo old aa)iB vaa .note of ih rwnun rcilaUnn of lha '"i iha law and Iho laaelmony lo them. Tbff went down In doaa ra-!aplal rommiur io ib RcnTal cotw, rrlfv iha irarblnf and cotiflrifl tfca Lraco and with aoul amtlea on their (frfnr of (ho Mrihtxl:! Kjlacpal imptilaa of it rooartanro of a man faeca. , Taelr alorlfJil Hng down jrbnrh at Mlnnajlia Ttsa com- To aTtaln Ifca laoa of lb ron th axva. Thry wira ejvvh rnakera ultir ta aall lo ha laborlni aiituilon artkla, rlauaa, antanrtra. la ftroaJcV ol aroifDW . .... - Met fur )rart Tla ran wrll ! -and worda aro atudled now and iav AA-oaatacn iijf-aaollierHulfl jllaiad. tona! Jcrlut 111 rcou;B-cp4k. tfroffl ihil iludjr Iha old Oicaaici trroloo vont down to death, whoajtloui In romuariaon !lh Iho ad. j romra lo Ufa and frarllr. Nq mar thoaa la coramajid attempted to taarivaarod JetUtlnn undertaken l-y Iho dim and aiy reolloriloa wjllff her from ear low4 ona. Il.fberal party In Ureal Hrltaln fn-'fr. Should not that truth aovem fibo waa oalf a foartei-year-old. laplred by IJoyd-rVorjce. In tha fart , iha twentieth century In dealing Put, tbo pain 'of tha Ufa that da-lthat the Mrthodlkt rnofrrenra haa a with that lxok hU-h rontalna tha rrtTod her" o( ono of. ker parenta. , di!netly rellaloua frama'and ur- 'rodaa. for Ufa and Heath? waa nor than aha could boar. Tho'po. and that no ono wonj venrnro father tad mother whom aha lored ta apply that Wrrlrt!on 10 tbo par A of MH.IM far aa. latl aaonlka a a. k autt aa far away ftan kaac aa aa ar. Tba prinripl raaanai iKal w bavo aal Ma alraa4 ull la, I Vaita, aaa tha aaat um tb laalat m akaktaf Iha rtvar tfi4'n( llaa far all rutin improvement Tba a! tbtg I aar kaara) or ihaoi IMaraJac a laa vaai ai4a waa tba Baa ef iKa raartat buh rc a owblle raakal oJ it ta'olala Ikat Ibete raaae far aVXnfl Ihla la ikat it u awt ih aalr aeaiiaaU.aii far I.I rr baa he paMUho4 tha ' mora solatia ttfia tsada br Ir. Poartoaa. Tba total la la.ilT.oe. " It baa been aald that imall rol legea mora hll nana! banefldarlea. nl la tha feoeral t( art fouod aUol an amdiMrtafo. wita a . rukiu wiarkai CbrUUaa aaancUtiona, boapltala at I awtihal tkar tk Hanr far he- nn,a anil at.parf aaxaral hA.eta l M"! aailriuaj OB IM aai OI4t . . ' . ..T ouU bo areata- "'". vi u ui- Aa to hi-h aUa of tba rivae araqti Yoraltlea, ont art .loatjtuto, a Prk-1 ba mora auiiabia I am t volna'ia byterlan rhurrb. Jt ft a truly cbthoi- " wyaaif ta ear. bot tba ooint 1 ll.l' I- Iha ate..ll. At tha han. "T "a win eiariiora. I faranl dlrart eaa . wa will hava & tilt lilaro Pr. reartona' fleath Mil l l preaa ef la much laa lima frtenda bara eonnrmed what bad . ' wM,f i" M.iA r ki. tk.i v. ,i.l"aB ma aa aooa aa ma i or an D aald Of btm.. that Ha JUIIaaMfHairiiim in auaaa1a tkara that own almoner, and that as rut waalan invaaimant mii aaraad to oat niada without bJa belog flrkt B aUa- na up 10 coal ia.t09.c. and la oin u tl.A tiv nerannal In..! IrailAfi ITiat I. IBay oo wot oirawir. " ' r . - nana . -aj - aw w THK ArfllTOItH'M oqoaJly well. era divorced. Sho, (lament of t;reat Hrltaln, the ad-( waa reqnlred by law to rhooao b-ivanre of lo!h tha rbur'b. In a pollt- twoon them. Sha alerted to die rath-j leal vie, and the parliament In a tr than l"o either. Pho aought i re!:i loua view, will lx at parent. pctCO) ny IDOaa route. no aarri-1 ,oi iour jrara dui i"u innuiann D d lathe tha aim of the Institution propoaed aa a recipient waa good in eaaenoa, that Ita minifmnsl waa effeetlre and honet and that tho gift would extend Ita Influence, but all ImpravBmanta, no matter ta what pan of lb city, are wttcomad aad booatad for by all- Im Anaalaa haa a board of harbor rotnmiaatontra. Not having a harbor Ilk oar they (cooped up tha country be t warn Ioa Anaelra and Ban l'Jro, II From what la known o.' Dr. Pear-1 mllea away, adopted Han Pedro and that ona" buainoea like hablta It aeoma u now ;" ""f- N,ow, .... . . . ... ar auln t dl a canal to within lt mlUa of tba city for thtlr dork and unlikely that ho ahould havo over looked or forgotten any consider able amount of hla poaaeaalona. Ex- Isri PRINfJ Tb Journal' cuailon of the auditorium Spectator saya: of ronraa. a ihmii.t hava th cept on that po; jjblo theory of for- k. ..I.lv.r. K... In ,r(n,tn n a- auditorium. Hul til cltjr lia not et.ha.a Rh fnrfetfeil her life at Ion ill rorernmenta and narllamenta r. .... ..... ... to roaent the aoarrh now being made city nda, Md ihy at It? Biartrr to dlTore- , , to take a Chrlatlan view of their du- .ir T rotator b.ii.rr tt u th by hla relatlvea for property undealt .V . J " .k ' .? - . .... . . ,.f IX. .Amml..U l ,.!. 1 C,r ltk ...II.. I.k.ll.f I- .k.. I ' " it Aiucn iiirmensi ina tn a c ouir uri lowarai in wnn, me rnvr. inu - i iu iinm-iivi iu iu Llltla ia aald of tho tbo nneducated. Tho aaroo long aea- Ut4. M at M a ia ook.4 br at-M.tat.. Tkr a ua i:b4 fektav it at I a ulill UaA. a4li S oa ttva tut 4 Ma a a ef t . ... I i br u i-ai u ! a i4 tim lw U ani laataa.it la U TkMaa U a a4 I Bar IB U awfttaa Of laair lat la tatr ia m tut. ta riiy a (MMir ta r laai I t4 IM kaaawat of raa BBIrk iU tUf kt a.taa a ev. la la ear lual b t ral a Ml mM Liy a la ta b lo a, If a aruaia4 Ua4 taa la Hti aa r m By Ik Qr4aala4 'M'. tat !. lBw B M I ala trmt lb ijprt MIU a rtflB of kta t4. I M wiii - Bartac a Ifclr) of bt a I taaaa. Hi ikird etr ta Ika atplUa t&al A rs af way of a taUe4 la at a taltit abt ll wa ara wl4 la aiaaa ar aiala. Tka ! la ekaaa ia ika aaatb! BfWo of la at. r buhila ttiimv aarwaraitoa. wfcua la a. lrly a4 aa Ifca aiMrUl arlU.t of ifca nibl of way. If fHaa Hwna a aoeure a rial a aa traa aa aarmaJ r4 U I aB bait aa mB aa all lb rliiai4 trm U4 la ia wwBai aiy. Taa ?iaaia Tatar prv I la t freacbieea wilfc a faJuaua taa. taa bi Ua4 b-4' ma la elty a4 eairy ki TKt TKirJ Trm - -TraJt'tiOfl r :4 Newt Forct of tko Comintf Week connect lb dock with Iha rlly by botilavarda. Th aouthaatern and aouthwtm part af iha city had a ehanc lo Bl a brlrtjt not long aco which tha wool Md Ihry at It? No, b- f memorial ahould bo awarded. IV.,11. .,Mli.l..m . 4. I. . ? ivi mimnniiiT inn UVH7 nr to tha parent. Llltla ia aald of tho tho uneducated. Tho aaroo long aea- ' " ," aiatemeni repeatedly maac ty me nt another diatrtcc parenfa duty to tha child. The duty , aon of effort haa neon conaumed be- with ionin.fa Importance ami .iienity. phllanthropiat that ho Intended to ba civto council wta formed hr in . - v.. i . ii.. i. ... i. ..inn.,. .i.,.), i... ..in.4 :ti,i nniini i.. n. nn hiir nn.nii Mlroit hlmulf In hla llfatlma nt all I Portland aompoeed or delegatat from vi iwraiiM i .mi., mur Vllr. hi ....... .i. ....... .... m ...i V. V- T.. T 7. two Improvammt club on tha writ lnaxorablo aa tba unwritten law of (to aaaum her part In tho campaign 'h" m'"'on.. r"n"t 5'' ,m."r;m'"', M prororty and to die poor. . iM of th river and ii on tha eatt. and tha aea. "women and children flrat." which la at laat In prorrcaa. ,., . , rr,n ..'. r Ro wlo apread were hit glfta that aa it waa for a laudable purro. that v. ..ir.kiri. i. inn -mt tn ih. w h .va ik. nrnnim ' iki. '.i... ..4 ih. v .w. If fin M h a hard mufl.r tn a.Wt I la th taking up of Improvemenla, and i .vi. iv.il ...... ii.i..i k.iu i. .'mnm-v' with which ta hur annlflnnal Lnv n. .h...n Wli.l bettrtn of condition In all part mo mu is tucii juiui invuiuiii- iumiinT , Auum.i'ii u. tuiiu i.- -- - - i j iu.. ..v..ti.. . ot th city It flrat waa nthualaatlcaJly Jty; no chaam ao widt) but that it hor. Reduction of wOrklne houra 'amendment to tha Waar whlch th D00or of 'rocUnf a attended and much aood accomplLhed. Bh0U7aTa bridpeo-wnen a eniia a ru-ito tna loweat praciicatio point, hare- ; Ktrtng he- elty permhmion to vacate a tore bangs 1n tha balance. guarding iho condltlona of toll for aireet for public uc. and h ki for Tbero is something wrong with women. Equitable division of the!"" additional bond laaua of 1200.000 , . .... . ..... . ! ... , . . . ., . ! The mraaurea will ba planed on the social conditions wlon little four-1 profits of Industry. Protection of u, at a pclaj ictlon to b held tecn-year-olds smother themselvos workers from the risks of enforced , in the near future, with gas. .There is something wrong unemployment. Provisions for old j This Is a terso and comprehensive with parents who wantonly wasto a; and Injured worker. I statement of tho situation by a mem- child life through, divorce., Tbo di-j The membership of the Method 1st fber of tbo auditorium commission, orce ihat jfceifds JUtlo fourteen-year-1 Kplscopnf church Is given st tlilsjlf Mia auditorium la to fit future olda to their death Is criminal care- conference as S.2J4.R22, with 1 R.-. Portland, and It should, further ao lcssneas. trturden ' ) 9. IS mlnlters. SO. 398 churchea. nnd i tlon -tjV th eWtnrafn aaema ti , What we need la more heroism f r 1 1 (S3 local conferences. If ht or-isary, Tb point now Is, tO'secure throughout the country Mr. and Mrs. fold and that thoa who do not belong that aoliOft with all possible dispatch. f,arri" Iacea .ine aanerB 01 iropicat - IS DAIIKEST ATOICA T but than that factional faallna cropped out. and finally an organisation waa formed 00 tha aaat aid composed .tx- elualvely of tha raat aid club, whoae whole aim la to booat for tha aaat alda HE man who. with bis devoted and that alone. wife, woa rhleflv reannnafhla Theaa condltlona ara for enlightening the world on what confront th newcomer, and proapecUv cltlien. Thla letter mav rkiil Ilk. a hftnat Cap the atrocltlea of Leopold's gov- l, Anselea but it la meant for an ernment of the Congo Is an English acknowldsemnt of th value of tha Protestant missionary named liar- Jf" An 1,00 .,"r- tn1..rl"n e a-.aai m . . . I Snwj UULTfja I llJkt 11 VSB.BBtlI S Bf ' A I VI ( Poldly and calmly traveling ,ns ctT,7 councl, WJ, coma back tn th ria. Wa.hlaa.oa. IX Way 4 A f' daattal prfernee primary far bolb par. Ilea ta Maryland oa kto4r will siaft tba political ball a rolling fat taa w. L'abiated rrlftce asra lat . ... .. u.r,!..l la eor.fue4 and tal Iha mbuIi of th prtnaHa.'oa tha Iank. arraila and llpuhiica aiaaa a.iia. ht b prdlcl4 wtlH any grwat daara ef cortaioty. Polh tha Tart tM -rait mr.er appe' aangulaa ra. i lara ana niie-a a-.'-a bard for Iha IVrmo-rrallc Indaraamaol. whlla ir.ara la bllvd IB ba aa BBdr lylna nllm.nt for Marmoa that aaay upaet the caiculBtlone of Iha two aad- Tiwiaarell'a icrt ta tba recast Tta. iti.hii.-aB nrimarlea In Kanaa ta tprt. ed lo reault In a ielry for him tn tha lt ronvnllon. which will maat in in- dapeodfnc Vednrdy lo name oaa atr to Ih t'lh-ae convnilon. Th ntl-Taft wlaa of ih npubllcan party In Alabama will hold a eonvaotloa In Hirmtnrhfcm Balurday la nam Hooa vIt doltgatea lo Chlcaao. Tba Taft managera count Upon victory In Ne vada and Arktnaaa. both of which will hold their atata convntlona during tba rr Yaa,r , Taa tra.Ju.lkaa i a aai.. i tka talta4 ala Wvt a MlaA fyr law la" U aM . k Ata.wa -vi ia ba aieraj4 ae .! aa ia aaiu . ' i to'oa la Ifca ly Ma U wbvta It baa aa baa iwmIM II IBaaa. IW BO " I Ba . i aaaklaatlad far a ikiid a.!! ia-a, amr aaa ar B4y af ataa av beflfc fia4 aaf BaUaa.al IM Wa Of a:k raf aattca aa a eialuiw ta a4 ku aaif. Aa a attiu af paiiaj p::iic, - gkaaliaa kaa alra taw. a4 la m0, H wfca l U advUakl io a Ika aaata fraiAa Ikraa iua la wa aaaal. bal wkia l l ad.iaabla to atve ku ikraa trk a fa art a la. taramuaMB, To taia aailaa. aa la tlnvaavt all pwbUe aaauaa, tki ara I aide. Hk.r a mt wkkk Bky b ataearaiy kl4 ead Blrawgiy aia4 rr ika Baa. nt af Cwatpaalaa raAra, Ih ar. aaeoia aa ban aUa ar kti bntflf aana4. la tka ftrat plaaa. a rvid 11 aayUiag aiaada la Ik way f a IkUd Uwav ta) a ouBawil tklrd lataa, atpt .! aa Iradiliaa. Il la katt lhal vaklela rallrwd at tar ikt yaai af sarvle rlr ba rattaa h waa wra awl Bad wai4 real; and I bar I aa evldaav to hw that, tin k waa ara4 to c4 rrMMeai Aaaata, ba akei4 if a a a. )cid al ail-ha aar ard of pna rlpla. Aft ia. It la k. milled ikat wha Oaaaral ilraat wt prepa4 far a tklrd Itrv. a laraa ambr af aalnt and r I noil aaaa aa oaly saw no oba-ttaB IB th propoaal. Bill Mr fad hie alardaa wltk aarealBaa a ad aaihualaent. And. Indaad, It anay M rnlB4a4 with sauca forr thai ih aBiry la not wlaa. but faajuk. If It rfe t avail liaalf af Ika aarriee af aay ma wboat It re tarda aa tba bi auailflad I fill a poaitloa. v tfc bltil. aaeralr ba caa thr I a Vtdnlan. UBaupported by aaythiae- la tba rniniiB or any wrtttaa law. thai h mt not oarupy that podtiaa for aaora than elfht rear. Oa tba Bihar aid. It may t pointed aut that although tha cuttom haa no lial fore. It ri on aomathlng mora Ika a mr aaatlmenlal rvrar far Ih inpla of Waahlnatoa. or tha bllod cooervllai that rilnc la aa Old coalers almply baraut It la eld. At Ih bastanlBf of th cvmmnt lhr a alroaaT tantlmenl In favor of lim iting a president, not merely to two Una, bul I on lon term Jffaron, who originally favored a alngl term of ven yar. ultimately ram to bllra that two lirmi of four year war bat tar, but ahould not ba aireeded. In nark Tha atata convention of PnnylvJila trtrf OB, of nU ,,! mf 0n- ral Jackaoa ursd ronara to propoa llTJngtr.Wbat, wo need are 'fathers ganIzstlon of enormous direct power and, mothers w ho endure that the j and Indirect influence would plnco II yes Intrusted to thtlr care, may not i that power and InDucnce behind wither. Wo need heroism of parents i those six articles of the forthcoming .not of fourteen-year-olds. , Such charter of the poor, could not tho deaths are Just as cruel as those who i misguided and misdirected efforts of were laid under deep water in mon-!the Industrial workers of the IfrlMn trar.l an rllmat. anrl nnk. Ior parBB. doutbto, oriaa strous aea slanghter.vand the criminal-carelessness? of the parents' in waste' of life is to that of a great steamship company as a mountain to a jpebble. - possible dispatch The sound judgment Of the com-1 , v' and averythlng that will build up Port mission Is displayed in its insistence ,,Bne1 tnc,r teBUrnonJr wbat rnb- Md mak har the moat beautiful that the auditorium be harmonious "r ain,-rinK COBl ino wreicnea na- aiy ww' '' "" .uramar p.., w.th the city it is to serve. If worth "1" BeWta wi ?tS pu.Mng togeth- tiuliaing at all, the structure should I""' I er, and bootlng for greater and un ho tho best and fltteat of tta Vlnrl 1 emergea Bmciy into cmiirea Ldivlded Portland. R. J," HEFBUKN. World, and of their Syndicalist and ! One of Its greatest values will be Its ,,fo to b v,llfled and denounced and Socialist allies be dispensed with and superseded? The alms of the church aro not only sincere. That may be accorded , jSym pathetic ears hear , the cry of . to the other organizations named. tnose who were orphaned at sa, but who hears tha cry of the children WjiO have fathers and mothers, and yejt, are-i-orphans? THE IRRESrOXSTBUK WOMAJT forward the irrpaf hnnnor nt tienrn 1r the current issue otthe Ameri- I A ., . 'A I u nr m . on earth, good will towards men. ! can Magazine, Ida M. Tarbell con- mi,, , , , , t iLk,,, ,,, , ,. " ThlB conference is faring, with , tributes an illuminating article, L . .u . . . v . Jtia t ... ... h ,w,Ct leerlous inquiry, the facts of the tow th'o Friendless Child." She com- fWth T?f . A " lines. It may find that the new in- arJntlnta er !dustrial and social policy is the key t&JLl0"? .thilma.n wh0 that unlocks the reserves where an a a m it t a ii ,i I CUnl rTaata' akt1 fl Paaw aVsa avn mrm hnn.i.r i iK. .f..n.. flnamwea ijt me innucniiai group ome : e;rt;0 eTt "7. aspired by King Leopold, and also. or, Mdy ; itii-i. th. :. "7. . " I I. I. 1.,lafl l V- .ik.l. "Mliorot IM Jourmi-in juur juui oi tlons, a power that can be given only " the 1st, J. K. P. Harria, of Independence. hv making tt an auditorium imnrl llt"B ol lno Luloc cnurcn. cut under tha title "From Mlaeourl," pro- enonph nnd treat ennnph tnr Pnrt the Congo Reform association' was ceedo to present hla Ideae of tha alngle enougn ana great enough for Port- other investigators were sent mk" three glaring errora of land now and Portland hereafter. ui"or luveoujisiori wero seni . . .,... Meanwhile. Portland's word U out out returned, ana reported, and, the Th. rtr.t la that the farmers own the that the auditorium will be ready for BeIg,an vernment and people hav- hand of Oretjon. if he will tend to the the World's Christian Citizenship lnB lnilue lne-8,!l,e8 responses rar flonventlon in 1013. to he, eomnoe,d ln" "ooiiuon oi me I orm or system . a - I . i. . . n ui vino Let them carry lioldlyiof 15,000 to 20,000 delegates, from OI cruell ana tyranny, neiginm as-nwn 2S per cent of the jand of Oregon. everv Christian nation. It is a oumea uireci control. Land la meeaurea on in. astesnrneni .... .. . . . Mr find Tr Hnrrlu have, tnaf raw rolls with dollar. If B million dollars nii'oee io manKinn. 'nn inn nurnii - . . ... But they are also unselfish, and hnr monlze with the good of the nation as a whole, and that embraces all classes and conditions of men. The Methodists have a noble op portunity. tax commission ror the report or will discover that th farmers state cannot by any possibility not to default In her promise to have turned from another 1 thro-h v.".. for auia purposes the firmer- iiie region oi uio vongo, maaipg re-, would not hava to dig up over 1160,000 the auditorium ready. ONE MISSION'S WORK porta which are now pleasant read-1 of it. ing. public' affairs. She maintains that those w-omen who are unhampered, "free, those women who have the time and the means, owe society a retarn "'for their freedom, their means, their; education. '""'Nature made them the guardians of, Childhood. Guarding childhood, according to the writer, does not mean sporadio or even "neighbor- i text book .hood visiting." It has nothing "to hy their Undreamed of increase, both Jn num bers, and, still better in Christian influence, is hidden. DROPPINO GOOD HABITS A N option . 1 test of freshmen was undertaken recently in the University ' of North Dakota. Tho English Bible was the The examiners showed T Infantile auestions the do save indirectly with societies, or j low estimate they had of the exami-jthat region a.vujjD ui iann. il J8 iioi coi lecii ve noes nut tney couia not set them work that is needed; it is Individual low enough to bo negotiated, supervision. It mans observation, j -Seven per cent conldliot name one icueuwun, nuay. it ls a j ersonal ! book of the Old Testament. Eight oblleatloti to do whai nay be called and ono half per cent failed in nam- iatensive gardening in youth Ta quote the author: "The indi ing one book of the New Testament. Less than fifty per cent including iiuuh nuuiBiis, omiganon toward j mis-spellers -could name ten v Old :-the children and tKe young people in i Testament books. One third of those br, neigh borhood 1b very like. . tha i examined managed to remember the obligation of the man in public af-i names of ten books of the Wew. , fairs.; It ia Tor her to know the con-:' Some included Methuselah among dltions under which the children, tho the apostles. Some called Judas the boys and the girls, young men an,d j. "apostle to the Gentiles," or named maids, Jn her vicinity are actually , as Bible books "Phenicians," "Xer livlng. It is for her to be alert to ixes,". "Lazarus," and one got as far their health, amusements and gener- as "Samson Agonistes," When , al education-. It is for her, to find j asked about "Apollos," "Cana," te one-rand there always is one j "Jezebel." und so on the response that actually needs her. Ijt is for was small, indeed, hereto correlate her personal dis-: This standard was not far below coverlet and texperiencee with the j that, set in one of the great eastern general r efforts of the community. ; universities a year or two ago, Cn a, Could.; we have, .sucir'atudy every-j similar test- "' where in conntry and town what) The life of man un tn tha flma nt irBPRU ra Hll il till A iiimh va mtivh. vn . 6 u , f rered! : 'X,Kao al,.thfl lementa that are clreulatlcg about her aa a man knowa, Jf he does bis orkj the po ltUc&l and business elements' tr his own group, this ia her essential task. That eh ahould adjust Ber discov criea to the organizationa .political, educational ndirrlgicia,whjch are about Ber. goes without aaymf7, but thee organizations are, cot the. heart of her matter.VThe ' heart; of-fcet r- ??" Ilea ia what aba ?woeaV.f or th!t.bedf?l! ;P'd. they not in those early days; begin an acauaintaoca Their task was not only to exam- HIS mission is that at Wenchow, Ine afresh conditions on the Congo, a large town in the province of but to explore the terms of life and Chekiang, 250 miles south' of labor in southern Nigeria, and other Shanghai and 130 miles south regions of central Africa. of Ningpo, on the eastern coast of In the Congo, rubber gathering by China. - the natives under the Leopold sys- Thls story is told because It con- tem has ceased. Taxation is still tains neither riot, massacre, looting, imposed and the rate is high, but fam1net nor disturbance. Just a murder and mutilation are no long light on the peaceful side of tho er the penalties for non-payment, world-making revolution, and a few The most graceful and generous facts showing what the republ'c of parts of these reports tell of the China owes to the missionaries in Catholic missions in tho French and German Congo. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Forty-five years ago Mr. George bear testimony to results In teach- Stott of the China Inland Mission en- lng not only in Christian ethics but tered the city of Wenchow, he being -in handicrafts and trades, and in the pioneer Protestant, missionary, elementary education generally. Ten years later Mr. Exley of the They instance homes in Togoland, Methodist Free church now the supported and officered by Catholics, United Methodist mission Joined where the natives are taught carpen bim. From that time to this Christ- try. engineering, tailoring, bootmak- laft missionary work has gone cn ing and oilier trades, "which they there without broak, slackening, practice with as great skill as Eu jealousy or disturbance. Fifteen ropoan workmen," "With regard to ye?rs ago when Mrs. Stott closed the industrial progress," says Mr. Har record for an Interesting account of rls, "fce Catholic missions are far the first twenty years, the twomla- in advance of the Protestant mis sions together had a church mem- slons." bership, of Just over 1000 persons. So those dark places of the earth An inspector now visltiug the Chi- are no longer the habitations of era. nese mission stations for the En g- elty, but these observers draw the lish societies dated his last letter line of cruelty where Mohammedan from Wenchow on Mar.h 23. He dominion otf the north is advanced found a mission stat'on in most ac-lover the negro tribes... tive work, with 5000 .communicants, with Sunday services attended weok?L A bill in congress proposes' a pen ly by not less than 11,000 persons sion of $100 a month for Mrs. Sarah over sixteen Jeers of age. Last year Brandon-' of Jacobsburg, Ohio. The nearly 600 members had been added grounds for .the bestowal are that to the church by baptism. Mrs.' Brandori.- (S Ht'yearsv old.T and 1 But this ls not the meet effective that of her ."SS children, 71 6 eons proof of what Ihe missions have I served la Uie Tnion army.durint; the done, jdda by side, Ina district f Civil war. V-'t","' .,..-'. ";..-'.' about 4000 square miles, and dense ly, peopled. There, are sjveral tens 1 Old ,TbJngs:A 'Best, V. ' -2'. of Christian schools, a. hospital of From the Philadelphia, Saturday vanlne; land. tors. They do not own all tha tillable Much of It is owned by epecula They do not own the non-tlllabl temorrata. which will meat ta H a rr la- hurt; Tueaday, la peeled to ba anarkad h a llvelr eonteat btwn lb rival fkrtlrm for control of th party orgaa Itatlon and aelectlon of a naUonat com. mlttremaa. A Imoeratle praaldntlal prfrnc primary win b hld la Mllaeippi Turaday uilltltl ronvcnllona to name dtlaaata to tha Baltimor tathannc will ba held In Iowa and Waehlnstoa. lleartnra for tht taklns Of avldence befor th eaamlncr In th caa or taa aovemmant'a ault for tha dlaeolullon of the United SUta 6ttl corporation win healn Monday In Nw Tork elty. The examiner la Henry P. Brown of Philadelphia. A question that naa atlrrad Canada to Ita deptha will b "aired In the aa- rrmc court at Ottawa Tueaday, whan arcumenta will b beard aa to tba riant of tha Canadian parliament to paaa a federal marriage law. lieratorar Ih province tlon have legislated on mar riage. Vartoua ProtaaUnt bod la, how ever, have recently urged a dominion law to overcome the marriage cuatom In certain aectiona, particularly Quebeo, wher"the law Js capcolally . dlataataful to th Proteatanla. Tba president and Mra. Taft are to attend the Cincinnati mualo festival, which If to hava Ita opening Tueaday evening. Later In the week tha presi dent experts to go to Princeton to at tend the Inauguration of Dr. John Orler Hlbben aa prealdent of Princeton Uni versity. At tha call of Governor Hooper of Tennessee, delegatea from all of the southern, states aro to assemble In Naali- vllle Tuesday for a three days' congreaB for the atudy and dlscutslon of aoclal problems peculiar to the aouth. Other large Katberlnge of the weak will In cluda the-national reunion of Confed erate veterans at Macon, the Imperial conclave of tha order of tha Mystto Shrine at Loa Angeles, and tha Inter national Conference of Red Croaa So cities In Washington, D. C. . an amendment io th constitution pre scribing such a limitation: and aa an Indication of th view of tha question held by th abl outhtmr In eongrets Jutt bafor th war. It may b noted that thBeonatltullon of tha confeder ate state actually did limit tha presi dent to ona term, although the ttrm waa lengthened to alz yeara. Behind thla belief that two term er Igbt years ahould ba th limit haa al ways bean tha fear that a dictatorship or a monarchy might b eetabllahed. Tho who hav thl fear point owt that th prealdent of tha United 6tatea haa more powtr than moat monarch a power that might easily be used by a atrong and ambitions man greatly to tighten hla bold upon the office. When ever tbo people com to think that there la only one man among th million of our population who ran aar tha coun try or can carry out the measure thst they want carried out, and feel that h must have a third and parhapa a fourth ttrm. they ara pertloualy near tha state of mtnd that gives to dictators their Opportunity and their excuse. It Is evi dent that If a man were to aucceed to power aa a result of the assumption by tha people that he la eaaentlal td tbetr aalvatlon, m would aasume offlc with far greater authority than that which tha American people hava hitherto given to their presidents. No ona thinks, of coarse, that any one la ambitioua to become a dictator. or that any. group of parsons wlah the country to b ruled by one. The oppo nent of the third term merely beiievo that alnca continual reelection la tho only possible path to dlctatorahlp, that path had better be blocked. For that , purpose they regard the tradition ., against the third term as of value. Every dog has his day and tha poor watch dog la also expected to remain on tho job at night. SEVEN POPULAR LEGENDS Robert the Devil. Tanglefoot By Miles Overholt entering college has been molded In the home, the Sunday school and the public school. Th tools used in the shaping in tha home are the "influ ences, first, of the mother, in ja Jess and a still decreaslng-degree Of the father, and of the , book, quoted, taught and' read,' Wtten life was not a urgent, bustling and drtvenras ItinewlrOo bk ""vvi wiakj auu aya a iicftc iv t,lUoO ber, and her small children's,"' day by 100 Students." In the. district-are! hi hata,. Ha likee them iaar. and eom- more xn&n -zgo local churches attdl tpetant on . ii neav on aay- n 400. preachers, . chJatljr, aaUTe. The 1 l41 tried uem a oa. bat md auu-d Robert the Devil ls a legendary tal which has lived through more than live centuries and ls told of Robert, Duke of Normandy, who waa nanisnea irom his dukedom for his evil deeds. It waa originally -written In French In the fif teenth century. The nero- or ine lescnu was really the younger son of Richard tha aood. d'jke of Normandy, and th fat hr nf William I of England. H succeeded bis brother, Richard III, In in" and relorned till 1025. The legend has assumed a variety of forms, and tho same string oi invention has served to Illustrate Incidents In tha Uvea of several real or fictitious per sonages who are, supposed to nave transgressed ' in a similar manner aealnst God and. fft' church. At present the particulars given of the life of Robert tho Devil are chiefly valuable as Droofe.of the strange ere- dullty of former agea, and at -the sam time as a serviceable and interesting picture of manners and thought But a certain Interest attaches to his name by reason of hla nearnesa to th found er of the Norman line of kings. It ia related of this Robert that when he was 12 montha old he could epeak and walk better than other children of three yeara; and ho waa ahortly dread ed by all that sought to play with blni, for he broke their legs and arms, and scratched their eyes, out, wherein "only he found pleasure and .delight; and the common people gave, him the name of Robert the Devil which he kept during hla Ufa. , - , It la further related thai ""when hit parehta eecured a teacher for hint ho Injured him as sertoualy that he died. And lie etnsloyed all aorta of ecbemea of mockery aaralnatth church and the cleric. , ,v The ; parerttB: were . aerioualy arleved-that their . son. waa of auch a disposition and tha - duchese prevailed uoon the father to make htm a knight Jn order that h might forsake his ertl lif .But Robert .continued, ateadfaet In hla former nichviou practice and went about Hla father's .doraalna slaying men. and women and pillaging churches. Ha becam so notorious that all who raw hhn t led ; at his approach. " This brought blm remorse. "O mighty God I h cried, rhovr la It that -vry. jnan flleth from 'rneT - Et "his mother fled from him M t! approacht Upon oa 'occaalOB aa ana was nttrrying aw ha aaldi "Sweat l4y mothar, uy I can speak with you." He asked ber to let him know what It waa that made him so Wicked and accursed. When tha mother told him that sha had given him to the devil,: body and aoul, at hU birth, he answered: "From this time forth I forsake and eschew evil, and will take the way to Roma!- to e aaaolled of my sins." Robert therefore started for tho Holy City where he arrived on Shore Thurs day at night. He sought out St Peters where the pope himself was celebrat ing divine service. "Holy father, have mercy on me," he cried as he fell at the pope's feet, and the latter aeeirrg his great earnestness took pity on him. "O holy father, I am the greatest sinner that this world knoweth," he said. Tho pope hearing these words mused within himself whether thla -were that Robert the -Devil of whom he had-heard suh I strange reports. - - -, . The holy rather enjoined him to go to a hermit three mllea away.-' And upon his arrival he confessed all his alna and all that ntght the hermit prayed for Robert and as he slept the Lord sent an angel unto him to say that he had assolled him. Robert returned to Roma Where a- strange incident befell - him. The Saracene were to attack Rome, and Robert waa commanded from Heaven to don armor to protect tha emperor and hla people. In tha battle that fol lowed, mounted on a white horse ha led the Romans to victory. ' Tha emperor aaked who was - th knight and upon being informed-that It was Robert of Normandy, he sought him out to thank him: Tho emperor had a beautiful daughter-ibd- upon seeing her Robert becama much enamored.. Tha daughter: waa very proud to receive the attention j of so, gallant a knight.. and they were nnauy wat-.r.- .. .- The remainder of hla life, Duke Rob ert, who waa now named the Servant of Our Lord, spent hla time in well gov erning his realm, and maintaining the aame in peaca, bo that ha waa beloved In every degree: and he bad born unto htm of that great lady, the emperer a daughter, a eon, who waa called Richard and who did many and divers deed of arms la tha war of Charlemagne, king or franca, ana anereraras reigned In Normandy, and waa bf loved, by all. MODEST AMANDA. Bo modeat la Amanda Lee That ahe atrolla .out o' nights, Lett at the butcher's she might se Tho skusagea In tights. youngstown Telegram. tn mndeat la Amanda Leo In daya of blooming youth, She'd blush if in her presence One Should tell tha naked truth. Scranton Tribune-Republican. Bo modeat la Amanda Lao That ahe pulls down the blind. Or goeo Into another room, That ahe may change her mind. New York Telegram. So modeat IS Amanda Lee She dwells in grier ana pain Until the nud. unblushing tre. Gets aomethlng on again. - St. Louis Post-Dlepatea. So modest Is Amanda Lee She'd blush like a red rose. Should any young man ehanc to sea Her nifty garden hoae. Seattle Poat-Intalligencer. ' - ' So modest is Amanda Lee It drlvea her In a trance, And makes her blush so painfully To hear her lap dog's pants. Temorrow Svn Sleeptr af Cph. sua. v Pointed Parajfraplis A busy man never has time to argua with hla wife. i. ; Perhapa many a svlfa thlnka sha Is chained to tho missing link. a a ..... .. . ... Fw men ara capable, of . putting up a good bluff Juat before pay day. a a And many a candidate haa lost his reputation in the political ahufflo. Good luck will dodge a man aa per sistently as bad luck will cbaa him, . , a 'if a bachelor aaya "yea." It'a up to tha leap year girl .to take hlrnat hia- word? ' ' " Some people seem to gat mora pleas-" ara out ox a gnavanca van cm ox . blesslnr : ..''''- .""'i-" ! : . J- . Poverty is a crime only when you let the other fellow steal your oppor tunities. ;. - " " .. '-,.-.:;.."','. : A nan la navot more anxloua to tak hla wife on a trip than when aha doesn't -want to go.- c- '.-' , ' - ' : r- .Next to runfilntTth government as IV ought . to be run, a man la aald0m '; .' oulta aura what ha could do boat ' . , - , Aa lorig aa Borne man caa borTcw aa , umbrella they will never attempt to lajr BP avaytbiag I for a, rainy nay, . ...i-