The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 05, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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iaaday fair,
ffOtatt f l-
r; veaurty
nia Maun
The Sunday Journal
C 7.5
6 .Sections 74 Pages
T n 70 TnllPT Oil TO lAnnfhpr l-rnnrisnn zpcoas tor butraoe
I I . . . I YJ 11 1 A I I I I ia. ata. a a- I
. .0 lUJ OU 0 .
r mm m mm m m m m
m V f mm V W- a -Axr
Son Born to Mr. and Mrs, Johrti
Rockefeller Jr. at Pocan-
' tlco Kills..
" ' . , . ... .. I I' III i II I J .." W , in
t Mm afc I.. .at mi-m L a
.& as . . Ill " I 11
i an aavs Aiiorney uenenu k.. M,(.,t-tww.M
p, ' , - ... . V. i I . ta Mr. aad Ura.-Je.a U lUch.
oonapanc nas eager 10 tn jr. t their a.e t pmi
Prosecute Harvester Com
bine but Was Put Off. '
UUi today. Tn leiaat graadchild f I
Jeha IX Machrltr ta the third I
aad fourth child a hli
Ther ar fer MM gvaadbtdrj I
lb four f Jaha a Jr. Mra
l.areU MeOtakk f CM-. wb weal
MlM Cdiih Kork.f.llar. la lb another I
r I wo living er.iidre and Mra. H l"r- I
Ml - Pvaii la h ooihr of m
living child Mr. Raa-k.faUar- etdeot
daughter, tfeaale, who tnarrtad Chart
Kirvag .and wbe died M(tl year act),
! survived ay a daughter, Margaret,
. . n . . lie eiaal et in itora.r.iiav greno-
wnai i, n. Means uy uouu rhutr. a4 a $t ravam ua Mr
and Bad Monopolies." . - It la iMfif lha ckU4ra thai th
l p. i nvt a.i.ttvr iann ynmiBi; win
fc-4trta -caaXiu XUa-Jl"
aalta aa HlInuN II 1M,M.M0
baior a tha all mllllonalr k(a glvlnc
"Circumstances Tend to Show
rrWl4 rtaa. iMrf rtt.t
BalUMor. M4, ktar - for aa
Approximately 20,000 Women
and Number of Men Take
Part in Long March for
Crowds Along Avenues. Chec
Fair v Sex; Hats Doffed
as Une Passes. -
, iria aar la aalllion. AMaouxk k haa
:" Utatrlbu4 Kltltona tt U net
(tr tU laUraattaaal Km arn.l
iN Tor a. My With baan.ra f
lav aod banda plarlnf Tha Br I Lft
k, y.i.u as maU a ararfUiaT I 'rrT: . - :t " "'!rr I lUhlod Ma.- tha arrat arm at mat.
aaery.-Fraaldaat Tart .1- ruaVA- hT. ri.7r,ra: lV." fiUl. Mrh, J -rh 1 7 "h f.V ,bU
tak4 fcU fonnr frlaa nrii.oa i umatad al frera ll.o.60 t III.MO
kta truat rroMcnUoa feor. Ikntattbclttt aar, a tsar will ba aaoafh laft
at klm wtlhSaora aarwain and r ariror au vna rranacnuarao.
ttraa thaa ka ka arartouair aaawa.
ptTaidfd at C'anMl hall tfra rf th k publla damon
Li..i.vv.n..i.i1.M auatlon- af -am.n ar.r a..a tn tbU
mfHInx la aw lork Ut UlCht. eownlrr. It I aaclmatad that than
Hli haarar war awuaia" ai
aad ehaarad Mala.
Ur. Kaoaavalfa ehl.f tham la ta
attampt to Ur ti claaa foaling and
ha trad and to array thaa who bara aef
much agalnat thoa waa mft.-
aald tha praatdaat.
Crtala Xa ravel.
"With kla UlUa r.tard for cenatltu
tlonal raatricilon. hia liltla retard to
tha dua praoaa or lav.-1 cannot dui
think that ther U a araat ctiala la
tha cotimtrra hlalory Imralvad la tha
quUoa whalhar aow for a third tartn
ba hail ba tb nomlnaa or lf K.puon-
raa party and b lvtad to la pri-
Confesses Crime
in Death Letter
Before Execution Murderer
Admits Killing Charged to
Fellow Convict.
8a It Laka City. Utah. Mar 4. A aea!d
'ZIL laft bjr Jaroaa J. Mania, bangad
fiatnmantln noon RooTlt a enant I v .... -f. .T. ..
lag haart toward a third trm. Taft aald
"ow rtiL. . '!r:.,.r M-h. ' Protiblr raault ta tha fra
rup of roffa and boma a c.nrtld.ia. I dom o( Klc . Hllworlh f tm,r ,
.7 .T." .1:. . fc.a lh uh P-nItnUary. Th lttr. which
all tha avldltr of on who baa aavar uhrnittt u. .h. .tat. txra
One. rplyl to HooaavdUa rharr by Morr that h k1d a mn
tnai MaM ar auppuruna 'S I K.n1.r. .1 I.fnn TTt.K. In If.. I I 71. 7i.7
. . . . i - - " " - i commiiiM mvMii arm 1 inn nr ina iniinar
U.wlMw how many bod I. a of I Tl"!"'' !i.nA I ot tha TlUnlo wa. eompl.tad hr to- I clarad that tb prad rapraaantad not
daad boa.r. war atrawa along tha path I T::' ,,,:....: ZT7mi .n'.nt Dr Knl0' w,mam A,an " "I1? .'n "" or w-
.r ThMiiAH Rooaavalt In th avo . it Mem. Known tnai u ooramiiia. ua aunrag in vnia country, wit ven
t.arlrTaJ ha wtVrwIdanfc" anet .m: '-nuno waa raport. which way b rady for th aan- a mora dacldadly Intareattng epoch In
7 ThlTrowd ZomZ whTm t applaud c0n,utdu ,f imprlaonmant kta la a waolt. will ba baaed on tbea th growing activities of, women la pub-
tJF ?uJ?S7 ' appiaoa Haworth la aarvlng bla t.rm la tba f.0ta brought In tha teatlmony: lie llf and pnbllo lntarata.
tnia inruau aama Prison wher Monia waa axacut- tv. . . ik.n.k .nn. ... ... .
President Taft cbargtd that Attorney. . iratini,-wtt, "r: 1
matad that thvr
war mkrehara la lla.
- rrM waablngtan Bquara up Fifth
avenue to rtfiy.aev.atli atreat and
Ihanca to Caraagta hall, great eathueta.
tic crowda lilted tb way; wladawa. bal
eomaa, roof a and aidawalka filled with
admiring and cheering thronga for th
piucsy womea uung th two and
half mile walk to demonatrat the aarn.
eatnaaa of tbalr auppllcatlon for tba
MilOt. .
B.eatv.a CaBad Oat
60 great ware th crowda at Wash
ington Square when th marcher ban
to gather that tha roaervea were railed
out to clear tb afreet and eijoare for
tn aeiegationa or eu ff regie ta aaaernbled
SpeCllOn 01 LinerS . VY 111 De a-rand tnarahal of the day.
- x r ... I aounded tha bugle call and lha parade
UIIK Ul ncUUIIIIIICMUtlLiUIIci I movea out from under Waahlncton
arcn with th preclalon and amb!e
or military training.
women or wealth and proud aoclal
poaltlon marched In euffrage league
with the working girl of ahop and fao-
Membera of the marching army da-
r 5
More Complete American In
of Senate Committee.
(t'nttod PrM L.d Wlre.1
New fork. May 4. Wbao th aenat
..... .i.. 11. ;...! Treat but that l" -mi inter wa running z knot aaiwitri tna women. It waa decidedly
-and pleaded with Herbert Knoa Bmlth. "rJaTlowa Tueidav Wa ' ' J .k . V" ' .! 0f """"
chief if tha bureau of corporaUona. not ? h' lT,u,"' """" I CapUln gmlthwaa not en U. bridge, h tbe,r.hd " marohara
" ' . I 1 .T. J: " 7 1 1 But at unnr in bla cabin. . I aiong.
to bring eult
. . . . a ) I Ul lUBUUw . . IV ilBlfUl iraiui ftBBaiaiaUaa I mm . i a a l. ... a .a. m .
The raault waa.- Tart' coniiDueo. 1 ,", "," ,,J - I in iookoui in me orowr neat- waai vrowoa xagar vo yay xomaga.
that Mr. Smith mad a report an Bep- I "IT"" "V.. . not provided with blnoculara. I '. la fact tha attitude of tha crowd.
. . . ' mill ria. at. iiuiuuu 111 aui. iuduwu am itm wii 1.. .. ..... 1
he recommended that bo rait b brought J46" wd o7 B.r,i- kUHn7 on. er. eoPartmenta were cloaed at all. earneat marching women rathe? than to
until he had made .a lull lnveaugaiion 1 T -"'. 7 I ' I Tner waa no teatlmony tnat th lire-litbe or leer aa on former occaainna
of the Harvekter Truat. Before true 1 , : leaving apparatua and aafety device I One roung bualneaa man who marched
a report wa made by tha aaaiatant I (were properly teated before th Titanic I in the Men'a league expreaaed the aen-
diatnct attorney 01 norui uu.oui ana. a J T T O fcouinampwn. I tlmenta ahared by other marchera when
by tha dlatnct attorney or Minneeoia ij ijl f 1 T I iner wer nieooata ror not more I be aald:
v. wa. met r.tia. rnr nroaacilt."- w
that ther waa good cauae for proaecut
Ing the Harvester Truat; that thla truat
violated the antl-truat law. onwovem
ber 7 th prealdent directed Mr. Smith
to notify Mr. Perklna that no proaecu-
( Continued on Page Five.)
for Murder Abroad
Girl Wanted in Saxony Is Lo-
. cated - at- Mother'-s Home
in Pittsburg,
Supporters Claim 57 . Out o
139 Delegates to ihe State
(United Preea Leaeed Wlre.t
Cumberland, Md., May 4. Reiterating
. practically everything he aald . In his
Baltimore apeech, Colonel Roosevolt to
night wound up two daya of campaign
ing through Maryland with an open, air
meeting in city aquare here. While
tha colonel hlmeelf la not Indulging in
predictions, bla aupportera throughout
tha cities he visited expressed confidence
that be will carry the state on Monday.
They claim to' be certain of 67 out
of the 129 delegates to the state con-
ventlon and predict enough more to
aecure the necessary . 6S to control
Throughout the day tha colonel relterat
ed his appeals to voters to down the
bosa system and , to adopt Tear progres
aivlsm. He aald he wanted more than
" a rnajflfrltyh wanted a three, four or
five to on victory.
Iteceptloa Pleases Colonet
Six thousand - people turned out at
the fair grounds at Hagerstown to bear
him and the colonel was : Immensely
pleased' by a monster reception at Fred
erlck. - 'v-' .IK -
"you werf, progressives in 1861 and
tha standpatters saia you couian t, get
through." th colonel told his O. A. B
escort at Hagerstown. The only new
element tho ex-presldent put Into his
: speeches today was the declaration, ex
pressed nera, os roiiows: . p;: a $.
"The - Democratio bosses are ; helping
th Republican bosses, because they
know if wa strike down the Republican
bosses, every other boss will ahak pa
hia feet" 'V,
-..v amoorats- Intrsta.i:i
... "The Independent and decent Demo
crat," tha colonel added a moment lat.
er.'are a much concerned In our-fight
as wa are, for if we, overturn our bosses
tbe example will be catching." r
Roosevelt enjoyed tha day and laughed
heartily over the enthusiastic attributes
with 'which, aeveral' local chairmen of
meetlnga Introduced him. , One of these
presiding officers Introduced th colonel
as' the "greatest ex-presldent ncr liv
ing." ? 1
- Rooevet .tonight branded aa a canard
a rvport that he would personally at
tend the Chicago convention and direct
bis fight for, th liomlnaUoa from the
floor. .
fCalted Press teaiwa Wlrat
Plttaburg. May 4. After eludlna- the
police of two continents for months.
May Purty, a 10 year old blonde .of
Rupertsgruen. Saxony. In Germany, waa
arrested today on a charge of murdering
Karl ; Gottloeb of Ungelhum, Germany.
Tn girl waa arrested at the home o
her mother on Coraopolla Heights. She
la said to have been , employed ' by the
son of the murSered man, who was on
innkeeper and disappeared after the kill
ing last January.
" Pinkerton detectives made the arrest
and tonight took the young woman to
rhlladalphia,'swhere ateps will be made
Tor her deportation. , " .
than 1O00 of those on board.
Soma of ooinndatloaa. ' '
It waa learned that some of the thing
that Senator Smith's report to tha sen
ate will reconimend are:
More complete American inspection of
The United 8tatea cannot Inspect for
eign, built llnera before they ar
launched, but this "country can prevent
Improperly built and equipped vessels
from leaving American ports. Senator
Hmlth tt.M .
Requirement of life Bavtng apparatus
and lifeboats-sufficient for all on board
(Continued on Page Five.)
"Tha street crowds wer far differ
ent In their reception of us than they
wer last year. Today's reception was
splendid and ahowa the rapid changing
publlo aentlment towarda suffrage, - -It
la no doubt due to the addition of
California to the suffrage state In
last year's street parade and the num
ber of states represented today, which
nakes "the parade on of national in
terest." One of the bannara carried byhe men
bore the words, "Until women vote we
shall not hava a complete democracy."
Among the prominent men marchera
Insurrcctos Embrace General
and Honor Him as Popular
Idol as They Honored Ma
dero Year Ago.
Father of Insurgent General
issimo Appointed Acting
Minister of War.
EmilJo Yaaqnrx Gomn, who baa established a provlfloaal irovrrmmcvit
s4 utm.
Daring MotbTlst"'Drives Flat
Car at Average Rate of 78
1-2. Miles an Hour in Cal
ifornia Road Race.
r!t4 Ttmm I "mi Wlm.
13 Paso. Teiaa. May 4Juarea a.
sight la tb pro visional capital f Mas.
loo and th rabata ar proclaiming tba
vtrtoa of Etollto Vaavjoaaj ooaa and
ar looking to him aa tb raCiatn.r f
troubled W.aloo. -
Today Uraa waa dedarad provUlon-
al praaldeat aad lmmtlally atab
Itatiad bis gevammawt la tha Juarea
cuatooi booaai , 111 advent lata Jaarea
waa clandestine. , Ta erada American
aacret a.rvloa man Who kav kaan
watching him ta Baa Antonio, Taxis,
for aoon tha for aa opportunity to ar
rest him for fomenting a rtvoletloo
against a frlandly nation, Oodim went
ta Jaaraa In dlaguia Rebala la Xuaraa
had aald that If Gomes came there
they would arras t him aa aa an amy af
tb revolution).
Bua Works WaQ. '
Tha rose n both aides of tba Inter
national 11 n worked well. Inst aad of
arrastlag Gome, tha rbLa mbracd
htm and tonight Juaraa ealabrataa la
honor of. lla popnlar Idol la th aama
building and along th same a treat a
where a year ago th aama people gar
tb aama honor ta Franclaoo X.
Oomes went ta Juaraa by crossing th
river wher Madera bad established bis
first camp.
Ha will go to Chihuahua early next
week and establish - hia government
ther until it la aafa for him to go to
Mexico City. II aald tonight ha would
oomplet hia cabinet In a few daya
"At present I am atudylng tha men
suitable for portfolios," h aald. "I
will not har a provisional vie presi
dent",,. , .
. J. Orpxo Cabin! Mabt, .
Acreage Heaviest In-History r Tonight ' ppolnte4 two ' member
... 1 4fa tilai aihlnakf' Pnlnnal Lsti 1 fwst
and Weather Conditior
ii.. . rs i, I Ing minister of war. aad Moreno Canton
Have Been UnUSUally " Fa-1 of Yucatan, minuter of foreign af.
innhls tft tintA Trtie Caennl...... ... .... .
(Continued on Page Two.)
By Stuart Gay n ess.
It'niud PrM Leased Wire.)
Los Anseles. May . 4. Before th
largest crowd that ever attended a
western road race Teddy TeUlaff, driv-
na- a Flat car. today broke tbe worid'a
record and won tna Banta Monica roan
race of 101 miles, averaging 78 tt mllea
an hour. Thla la three miles an hour
better than the former worid'a record
made by Harvey HerrlcR In a National
car. The winning time was S hours, to
minutes and t seconds.
The race waa the greatest exhibition
of daring and speed ever wltneaaad In
this state, the contesting drivers send
ing their high-powered machines around
the course at terrific . speed. Some of
tha lapa made .by Tetslaff and Caleb
Bragg, another Flat driver, went aa nign
(Continued on. Pag Two.)
aTortkwwstj Wheat Outlook,
" Condition
Per cent.
Spring. Winter.
.. ti 7
.. (S 17
Oregon ......
Spring. Winter.
. 1(1,004 (84,000
.1,800,000 ,1,040,000
. 170,000 S52.000
Total T.Trm,7II,000 l.07(.60 "a
Grand total a
1.1. acreage . 1,807,009
Grant total .
Jill ....... MM.OOO
Increaae 111
King George Views
Exposition Plans
'.X, i-.'l i i i i t - 4,.....'
Britain's Monarch Greets the
. Members of Panama-Pa-;
cific Commission.
" (United Preta .leased Wtra.) -v ,
liOndon.. May , 4. la a . lengthy chat
with the .member of the Panama Pa
cific exposition commission who were
presented to him today by tha Ameri
can ambassador. King George expressed
the opinion . that the California spirit.
which rebuilt -San Franciseo after the
earthquake and fire of 1808,' Is sureto
make tbe exposition . a success; r His
majesty carefully scanned the- plans a4
etchings (St tha exposition buildings and
displayed a keen Interest. - .. :
. i ft; m i . , i. .i . I ,
- (By tbe IntMTiitlon.l Kews aerrlrt.) : '
Oakland. Cak, - May 4. Colonel .John-
Har wood Pierea, Oakland's marrying
parson, aged 6J-years, and who is said
to be tbeworld's oldest aeronaut, suf
fered Tila "only mishap during Ms long
years, of experience when hi ballooa i
dropped into San Francisco bay a mile
off Alameda Point at (:80 o'clock this
evening.- Tha aeronaut waa rescued by
an Italian fisherman who was "frieht
aned at first and only cams to the
floundering ballonlsts asslstajic after
repeated pleadlnga .'..'.-;
. . C.I . ...
t r . iet5 nunKi jvux jutnener. -
A North Yakima. Wash.. Mar 4 FVank
Thola. rancher, waa killed today b
be;ea He. attempted to hive-a awarni
hlch stung hfm on the back of Lla
sack and ba died In a few nuuul&a,
U mmmmmm I ) I II II I la n 1 I I lllllltlll 1 1 F II I It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I ! 1 1 1 1 1 , ' I 1 1 IIMIIIIIII I IMM ITTI llllll IIIHI lllllll lllll.lllllllll III ,11 II 111,11-
fl T -J -1-Vk.I . f.. .HfHIUirUifJttlL lilliXLLtll lUUlTMl f llr injNFlMnSiJlHHI ilHl.lfilHllM MrnMfJiflUUilJlMHfJBHIiNI irri )r
j- -iyi ..-.. . i.' mmMi-Mmr&w.v.'szi
v t.s :m'Jf 3m3rTaljay', -AMmUA
" r S'W' : FOR
11 1 1 " . 1 i Jh 1 ' " 1 -
By Ilyman il. Cohen.
By far the greatest crop of wheat
ever produced in the-three states of tbe
Paclfio northwest Is likely this season.
A preliminary estimate of the crop with
Its Increased acreage' would gtve close
to 80,000,000 bushels as the totals of
Oregon, - Idaho and Washington during
It waa learned tonight that local rep
resentatives of th department of Jus
tlo refused today to arrest Gomas In
El Paeo, Baying th United State had
no reaaon for taking him Into custody. .
Two hours later he waa in-Juares st
the head of Orosoo'a revolution. .
Tho rebel inarch to tha eouth halted
today at Conejos while tha railroad
track to the south was being repaired.
rderala In Xetraat.
No battle of importance la expected
before Monday, the federals . having re-
treated for Conejos upon th approach
of th rebels. General Orosco. who
haa been 111 for three days,. Joined his
army at Conejos tonight and prepar.
tlona were mad to resume the south- '
ward march-Htrnday.-- -r - .
Three machine guns hava been' add
ed to th rebel, equipment and General
Emllto P. Campa with 1600 men Joined
th main army tonight. Orosco now has .
mora than 700 men and declares they
ar all well armed.'. The decisive bat-
(Continued on Page Two.)
Tha best the three states have hereto
fore produced did not reach much, if
any, above 84,000,000 bushels. Thla
record-was shown during last season.
The total acreage planted to wheat
In Oregon, Idaho and Washington this
season amounts to 8,907,000 acres com
pared with 8,(31,000 acres In 1911. Of
(Continued on Pag Two.)
County Judge Bushey of Sa
lem Makes Temporary Re
straining Order. ; "
If - Law - Says There Must Be
Superintendent, West . .Will
Get One 'for Nothing,
.... -w 1'
U2 .
Borne echoes of Governor West' a new
prlsoh official "decapitation policy" were
heard colncidentailyiwlth the governor's
arrival yesterday . morning from a visit
to Hood River and Shellrock. -
It is Uke the governor will consider
the refusal of Superintendent James of
tha penitentiary, r to accept a.-Jeaye pf
absence without pay,, as' tfie resltrnatlon
of that official. H intimated that IT
Superintendent James did not take his
leave of absence by Monday morning
frthere would be a new superintendent in
hia place, a superintendent content to
accept the honors of the office without
salary. Thla kind of-an appointment
will be made It the law- is. found to re
quire a continuing' of the position. In
'the meantime .the penitentiary . warden
will discharge the administrative duties
connected with the tnftitutlon.
Governor "West admitted that in ask-
(Contlnued on Page Two.
.. .. . ... (Speel.I to The Jonrnat)
Salem, Or.. May 4.-4-A temporary hi...
Junction was issued tonight against Sec
retary of State Olcott - restraining him
from calling a special election in Mult
nomah qounty to pass upon tha tptestion -of
th recall of District Attorney George
J. Cameron. The injunction waa Issued
by-County-Judga-Bushey jn the akBenoe -of
Circuit Judge Galloway.
The plaintiffs in the suit are M". J.
Clohessy, Sam McCartney, and -William
Gadsby. . The " complaint waa tiled by
Attorney; Plpes:! Permanent lnjunptlon
is asked on tha ground lhat there la no
law-to- mnkoi th :reca.Hwnendment to.
the" constitution operative.. ' " ::
When Attorney Pines arrived In Halem
from Portland at . 4:30 o'clock ha found
the district Judge and: the county- Judge
out of the clty but he obtained an agree
ment from the assistant attorney xen-
eral, acting for the- secretary of state,
not to oppose a tenipara-y inJffnottwi
which he obtained by theorder of Ju1s
Bushey, upon his return to th elty to
night. The injunction Is returnntiM io
the circuit court and i Attorney fipra
agreed to tba ready for a hearing nt
time nexfW'fk aeelred t? the o-r.'sf ir-t
attorney uencraf a-Jndga Uillowr i
not expected to return unai ttrff-rnit n -
of next week, the hearing lihilr Wil
not b held until the last of ttie wt-
Monrtav i the larfoay tn tcrm i' -
of -tatefead Jn. wh.n-h to. chII th p-r: i
election and he wa prepare to i-
the call ewrly Monday ,-.tnominrf. ' it
cnmnlalnt S'tH forth that a apf-l -i
tton would cost 15.0;0. an.l .-,t r, I
is stated in the rcll petition m a r
gnn fof atirwrt.l fnr rf7i1,t i " -purported
stau!'' art r
Then trii aile. ' r.n.i r. t 1
aneffcrt to mho thi In -ment
la not 1 f -'-a-'.-r