Tim ORL'GO;! DAILY JOURNAL. I'ORTLAND. FRIDAY' EVEN1K0. MAY 1 Hit Town Topics TM-a tag IIiImUU aa ea.a laiat af I 4(1 a tWajeaeei, W Km ttate4 taea U M u- iw.it af e v. te y4 aie AM a aeaaage f rt.. freaa 000 REAUZED FRO MeiUJUifif( AUa U eta. ait. f fU B.'fa af la Cteee Odl-MkCM txtrwii aeeee. fc hhiae-eS.Ui.ee CaeaUlae weed rtt-Lcw wmim put. Wraikac Coevlldoaa. N'lUM aad trivially rei taajgtt f aaloiear Nartloriy Wlaea Ot.g relr intaighl aaa sVelardey. U. f (. fcaaty f " eaa pa tia iMitl. r ' 1 f wiaaa. tt eahuai fair i-.lk. aaeier a a I t-MMe lJ 11 final IM aaet (W ll A I ur day Ulr. VtdtUt wtaeA Wt.(ly aMMly. !ui.r,if laetght, iwlir, wlla iigM free art. er frvl eei. per. ttaa. 91 aider f.lr. aOiM'altn A BEAIJI. l.rlet rrraeer. et iyHl CtMfiliiMi OevWr a4 l eeuety ldge eeterdy arte. km far mti ll le cxva.M. lh( Bt eapaert eharge pcararrad fey Me wife, Mary Ulr, wee deearted eef al eee eg ta tke at. coming wast la faarry a taroed woaaaa wlla ka be aaa elaee Meed Aa effort le welag aaede for a e aid. a. aal r the eeee u wblra la riret wife la gte fUeaeleJ aeaald are ilea, Oewlay waa erreeted Moedar erealag a warrant, charging Wnr. thl charge etiU peadla. ctctk turin vui fee Ukm today, A feral hr of Oawley ram from California ta tU the aeart what he anew af ba eiaappaaranra of tba man. hla trip ta ttia I aa4 Mrriag a ta Iba aara4 wamaa. Tttla brolbar baa kneva tba aaerat tor raaiif raara. tut br loUl IU Not ttnitl tba flrat iirl ma da bartappaai ta blra raecniljr 4Uf lha brlbr acrva ! com ta fartland J aiva ndac alaa Oavlay. Oolr ta ta tba ttm br bualnaa and ca undrr tba aama r McCaalay. s aria Padlack at raUaaaaaavIWauaa Patrolman Italaa aa but half ahavad, and allll lathr4 up, W. U Warnar, a raaidtnt of lha rirat and Claf itrtfli nalgliborhuod, Ihouiht hlmaaif I mm una from arraat lata ytatardaf aftarnoaa whan ha a la Mod a flM with H. U. NuddUman. raualns Nuddlamaa to flra t lha Tannraaaa Uarbor ahop whr Haifa aa balnt aharad. Halaa at flrat warn ad Warnar 10 about hla bual naaa. but Warnar, aaelnc thai tha work on !U1 a aa but half dona. atpped nutalda Ina harbrr ahop, aftar hurllnc a big- padlock at Kuddlaman, and dard Tlalra to com out and arraat him. 8r aral profana ramarka wvra made, whara upon Balaa Jumptd from tha barbfr BeeriMf.icE f hair. , whlptd lha lathrr off hla faCa and ar r I d warnar. Tha ha r bar than oomplatad hla work and Warnar waa laban to-pollra haadquartara on a dla ordarljr condurt charge. Ha waa fined :o Ui la morning. raataaraal at III tb Cltla aiV ta raaal b4 b Iaaa4 t-f Hikar nm wkai,bat. but fc at k-a ki4 la ki rt a4 a ait4 waa in tmA. Vkaa gv.bal ra..t wp li IU fa mImi b fana.1 Ika alaaa faail4 artuta auau.. aa4 Wa e-a. I J1 af ! kag $fii r4 aaalalal bgaiaat Ibaaa. T I r IXa frwit aa-4 rvM MImM wbua Ma wiil b uia4 ftaai Ta4ar. iwtu Va aa ta Ua a; frtaMa aa4 fUava aba Ua4 M baaktaf tba Tataa. Wm Sktaa7 fa 0wer wYlle I a Mm baani far Ibat af aarcLtaa lha Iab.aaaa4 rUa4 1 araf f a ataaaNi Taaaa 1U b-a tUigkla 4talttc Ut a4kt far ktalaaal ! aaxa. At a aia( af tba avaalbaart. t4 A4aaua. A latMMar, I aaalMaa kjaJl aa ta c Wart a af rA4 tfca MiFkMaa af aalgtura lla baaafir It tl aaaw-4 la-al Iba inat vtctalir a4 oalt waa thai ia rraaa tba lw afi. aiiaa baaaAatara. Palrwlanaa Cat. !. aa ar nawara IM atr. na wA a I la laaall(ia tfca affair. Mi.ni.iM ui wbaa k. luauiuj iiiuu. k I ova Miaiai ai Ma iMf itaaa. Baa IJia th.. mlmrm f .-.V V- .17 ' '77" J,. 7" I ! fa4 raallw tua-t a 14 kfla. ria Ua aaa kM aba ll.ad. Ual!!l!Tl!7 ,k7. TT... 71 .'tLr! MirtMtal Wgraaer f Hart a, -,ub. wkirh ia aa .. t.u.i ... firm, a mmr .ralt.ua f.a h. au.ilA. WktA7 Stiaatit t4- t'I'arava I farvra a ra4 la air aaauab war ai4 tadar la tba alrilt I i.rma rarkJ waa la.air la ba art tm tba fuilawlag oavaaai I k.a aa kalnrul - aaa Vaa bocalal fraia Harmaa Vaa Th. mon,f ra!la will ba aaad far ttoralal aa lha around of daaartl.-s Oar. I tba aiaua af a faawl wilb whlrb Ika ItaHt fiiaaar front UfU A. JHkar frlmiaaloa buoaa la auuSiaaa a lot la Ikal. "ri mmwr mvw.v irB I aaigiiaariiav4 mr tna falorv an! lavadry 1 blow la far arwatif. Harab O. Claraaat I eriua kaar iba praaaai aurar al It rrm uaarga r. VJaaaam rar ininr, Nartb Nlaib airaaL la ravlaaa iba or- rvaaoaa llalpMralk frwaa mobolaa Halp- I aol dllamdalad. raalad alru l.ra. a aaar aaraib for rntaltr. Laa C liwalf from beat la aaalrai la tbal ara AUlaaa Paalf for AaaaHlaa. Zmm babl raajr ka takaa oara af far woaaa Suphaaaaa frara U XX Hapb-aaaaa fat vka ar aaa pal lad U aaaAa tbatr awa crwaltv. aa4 blra, M. be. tlacwM frota & war la tba wort 4 and ta Uaa aara af A, tlagaar far aaaartioav lUlUa akUdraa at -Ik aaaia liaia Tb wemaa la aharm af tha laUalaa alaa i. ra-a, I aaa I la I at mora aaklurr a ad atadara aakalar-of-artma af tba amtaar Baataa, f quarter. arraatad yaaiardajr br Laieciivaa Llihar-I Tba praaant building ta aa aid raol land and Tanghn aa a Urra-or eharga. dam iM brra from tl ta II btbiea aecua4 of having approprlalad lilt of I are eartd for ra-h dar bum not here tba funda derlvad from. a ball ftivaa by pay nothing, olhar whalarar they aaa lb Navy club, thl mon.lng appaar4 afford (TilUren af famlllea where both be for a Judg Tajwell. but at tba aon- fatbar and aoiher ara working art Pid aant af lha ooinplalnlnf wltnraa. lha for at lha rtf of :t rrttl (. TM bargaa war Alamlaaad. Draaa da-lara Inatliutiwi la charllaMa )a abaraaiar I ha I hla arraat waa a mUlaka aad thallahara rhartly la nereaaary and maay f At wa lanoetnt of tba charge, couri I nine laaiaaeaa aaa ba laid af cbartUaa coal a war paid when tha.eaao waa dle-loutalda of ika nuraary work. mlaaad. kia riua Tva a " aIU rwnaaaavawaaltaav Tba n.4 aa4.AaM aaa aa.aau . iwrtaM nm i ike a a !raaao a4 aataw tbata aaa ! a"aei aft aw'ia. Ma aa- "mm -a atiaeaai ta Ike fva iwiL bt fa IM aaaaaU artaa a ra a l wU ba lamil iaa r a.y Mil. a-aaa kMe baa baa a4 by Ika Ua ta ao v atraata afvar rf AGED INDIAN QUITS OREGON CITY HOME tin Alt ta Vta k aaaait Oruaa ot. Or. Jaaar AaAiaa. latiar baa a a aa Caaaa. aaa af . Iba aiaeaf ladiaaa af Ora ttty, baa' M WkHa aVaiavaax Web, ta a When I Wna 21 1G raa aaat UlaH fw Ua tadiAAA aaa wbt, la aa i4 aa, baa tw4 la uga my all af m ur Ha aaa I wka ba wai la iba a4alaa ta baa. 4 laa Irala. aad Duff (tm Cf..- bl ra maaaa wwald ba (aaaalaad la I UII OOJTl OiOjn (mm mi. laaaaa wtfa dlad aaaaral If ad aaa aftard la far a a4 a 1 ya aaa. aad aiaaa laaa ba baa baaa aa aaad la aVa wilbaal. - I av4ae aad aabaPfy. Aatraa U la. aalta far a. allAavgb ararth avara, tUlialtigaal aad la bikly rrad by raai. aavtaaad by iriai, deau af Iki Ky 305 1UX mmi f fl fl I 1 i TT 1 The Portland Hotel Grill hOOH. ArTKMNOOX AhU KVKMIKO Delicious Menu n la Carto Mf aio KVcnT rvtNiNj u to I II AMP la II la Bf Ot'M OWkf OHOtC4JTA Herr Waldemar Lin id I-Laaa (Vaaaky lirala. -J.iaa4 af h) aad Laaa, -Afiar a bill. -l Naal Oa Uka Mad Tea lardar , Jkeitaa 9av a f-a.ia aa 1-ara Yalaa 0taa Ul Add la KIM T rat tUM laa aawwda ga. 1 Ubla Bekbad M. M. reieraon of 441 ral Morrleoa atrael, haa raporlad 19 tha police a aaroad Urn within lha pa at two week that hla atable, wher a quantity af race horaa aqulpmenl la kept, baa beta robbed. Tb laat depre dation waa com ml I led laat nlgbl when a bala of apoefaa. Taluad at till, waa taken. The total amount of gooda taken recently aggrrgatea about 1500. ICURFEW ORDINANCE BE MAT mm OrUl proprietor Arraatad. Martin fnny, prorlnor of lrnny-a grill at Third and Joffereon atreeta, and Chin Hung, proprietor of tha P.kln grill, were arreeled yeatarday by Patrolman Hherwuod and Millar on a charge of vio lating tha liquor ordinance by earring llTuor to women with a aandwleh aa a meal. Hoth raaa hav baen poatponed until May I. whan it la likely that an other rnntlnuanra will ba granted, due to the fact that two caaaa of a similar nature are now on appeal to tha circuit court. Bant for Leoparda Rent for alz laop arde or II weeka la tha baala of a ault filed yeaterday In the circuit court by Joaeph 8. Edwarda agalnat Henor Ar naldo. ISdwarda owna the wild antmala, claiming In hit ault to hare rented them laat year to tha defendant for 150 a week. They were to ba uaed for exhi bition purpoaea. For one year, tha anl mala and cage wart uaed. but at the cloa of the eeaeon nothing waa paid by Arnaldo for tha aame. Twenty-nix hundred dollar la asked In tha prayer of the complaint. Following an Inquiry by lha rice com mleelon, which reaulted In the dleeovery Oat tba Xabtt Go where the crowd of two curfew ordlnaoca In the clly'e . I juk 4F1 ta a W 1 goea New Orand theatre, 101 Blith -" etraet, bat warn Washington and Btark. recomraennea me repeal ar oral- today and tomorrow. Oaumoata week- 14.841. and tha imarSra.nl ly. All the Uleat ntwg of tha world. reenaetment of ordinance No. ll.JIS. it..t ahw in th. ctf tnr tha mono, which ta dealgned to keep minora under Three thouaand feat fllma ahown every 11 off ,h ni out of public how. Any aaat. S rente P"cea "r o ciocg petwean ma Iinunifia ut Mirrn anu AurJii ana a e'clcck between September and Kebni- Rxamlnera will hold their semi-annual . unleaa accompanied by parent or examination In Balem. Or.. June I. Ill I. gruaraiana. ma prupoaea amenaoo oral Applicant will reclttcr at tat houaa nance will be eubrnttled to the council at 1 d. m. Dr. Jean Cllne. prealdent; t ne mating aa an emergency it li rtiin.ar rliir e I meaaure. I In a communication to the rommla pnrtna" tba Month of Kay we wni'". City Attorney Orant aaya that In cs-.nohi.-v rin t,nf.' auita for ft hla opinion, ordinance No. 14,041. which i.i..' ..,. in, n la .nt an akirt for I aupllaa to . all male minora under II Tie. All work ruaranteed. Call ua up. yeara, ana gina uoaer , ib in ruu rwraaarry wtTb Ua Waller Daaaraaea. tba Maaaagnal aad tba tola Frtia teaall arebeatraa. ata redialk Oalka. kta. Obaa. Ptkaaa Ufl. Ftret vtolla. CaJUat Iff. Saaftaa an 111, at. V. atbarg, Ftullal CUrtaatlel. Ut. OW-rlaa Walralb. kCr. AUVad axArtym, Fraarb Mora. flaaaa. bCr. BUrttga TraX ' tWlet. E-ary partonner a aoletet ad g gwJBt af tha beat A mar lea a and Eurepaea tearh.re. Aa Imraaoae raiHrfiatre of eiaaaioaj aad popular faaala Ba e,ueet for pclal Bum bare walaaawaA a. o, m m am m mm n I VMua k-2r?rT fOODl THE QUIRT. T ". ... f ui taaaAiM aa aa a as . - a TUB !NriKrNO Mt'BlC r m 30 nsokn a. mmuxctt e. aaa Waeklraa Oaaa eeealaga Ull Iddt) 60cPictoes 20c Aaatkar great ptotura after. la ataaa rarrlag Itill la llklt. Fa aaaaa eabyaola, iawa, air. la ao rta aad rUb aatartaga, da tbara la wla4awa. IT. 8. Eaat Laundry Co., Dry Cleaning- Dept. force and effect, aa It waa paaeed II, B-11IS. . vloua to ordinance No. 11, lit. He pra- rec ommendad the reenaetment of the old The HOTtBweeterk i XorplUl Aoela-1 meaaurn becauaa. ha ald, the anforca tlo haa bean raorc-anl-ed and tha man- ment of tha present ordinance might ba agement la now under the direction of Tl. H. Hopaon. Mgr.. and E. K. Qandley, Aaat. Mgr.' . . . . Orewflah In Seaaon Again Ppleed and cooked In wine, always freeh Ievena Grill a French dinner from 4 to I. 241 Aah street, opposite Multnomah hotel. Aoonaed of TllrtJg Frank Zimmer man, arc uaed of having attempted to flirt with Mrs. O. W. Horton and Mr, Kate Cannon of 184 Fourth etreet, was arrested last night by Patrolman Frey on a charge or violating the "masher1 ordinance. The woman appealed to tha putrolman after Zimmerman had made himself very disagreeable by motioning teem to follow him. His case will be f.J 4nn si a-Snr " IIICU b"lll VI 1 V T Beer Wa deliver to all parta of tha city tha following brands of brewery bottling beer: Welnhard'a Columbia, Oainbrlnus Select, Mount Hood New Life, Hop Gold, Edel Brau, Rainier, and Olymplu, 11.75 per dozen quarts, leat 40c for empty bottles. National Wine company, Fifth and Stark atreeta. Phones Main 6499, A-4499. Tbeftg Ara Alleged Robert Wlaeman, Clarence Ryker and I P. Zearn were arrested this morning by Detactlvaa Fermlta Granted A number of blind men were yeaterday granted the privi lege of peddling shoe atrlnga and no tions by tha license committee. Sr. Oeorge Bnbensteln, exclusive op tician. Eyes examined, glassea fitted, no drugs used, satisfaction guaranteed. Ill Third atreet, near Taylor. Btaamer Jesae HarbJna for Camaa, Waehouifal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leavea Washington street dock at-2 p. m. Sr. Ilia K. Dearborn, 800 Union ave nue north. Woodlawn 1717, C-1108. W. A, Wlaa and associates, painless dentists, Third and Washington. O. T. Orsham, boatyard and marine kways, repairing. South Portland. Fisher aUIUar have moved to 309 Ablngton building, Third etreet. "an Bloaa" Clgax, told for 6 cent worth mora. 8. X. O. Blown. Eye. Rar. Marquam. - -V Why Lose Your Home That's what you are liable to do through a defec tive title. Insist on Ketting the security guar anteed by our Certificate-of Title. Investigate. Call for booklet. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. A WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INVITATIONS copper plate and printed. The Irwin-Hodson Co. 92 FIFTH STREET. A FULL LINE OF STATIONERY. FERTILE POWELL VALLEY ONE, TVVO, FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS al Iokavod, Ruby, R.i JJa. Cilli. Ghm. riakiani Uon, Srtnit. Cottrtlt T UiJt aad ia Xlulmomik county. Ann a low f JM. Moothlr ptTwirnu. Business Lots Residence Lots It Bw, rapidly growing loan.it (t, at low it flOQ. atontHIt Urnit. tZ Inveiilgeit iht grtat eppor-tunitjr. Umtdenslodc & Larson Co. tU OAK STJtXET ' AMt'SOIKTT Our Testimonial1 Speak for tKerntelre. We irutaU all IdntJt of planU and do nothing but Heating and Ventilating afeeara. W. O. MePhersea Co, Dear tra ISneloaad fled shack ta eover my bill te data. Tea will be gratified to know that tha beating filant you Inatalled for ma la vary eat afaetery and I have taken oeoaatoa to racomsnend your work to others Tour vary truly. OEO. H. DAOOIJT. mini, 2 rxsiutm Toniant paclaj Price Matlaea Saturday ANGLIN la Ik BrllHaat Coined WY1W aTrOOXZaTOsr . ' Even In ga- Lawer floor II row a. Ill; 7 raws till, llalrooy I raws II I, t raws 71c; 11 row, 0a Oal lry laa. Beturday Mat. II 10. II. Tie. lit. lie. IIUT8 NOW 8CIJ.1NQ. SAT stAXB TOSAT HEILIG riS5 Fhonaa: Mala 1. A-1U1 7J"E2gSunday,Mny5 paclaj price matinee Wednesday; regular matinee Saturday. Klaw A Er Ian gar preaent tha big Taaiaal Comedy, Were You One of the Throng of Happy Gntented Women Who Attended Jlihie Manufacturers' Sample Sale Yeter day ? Well, if you were you know what happened. To. those that were riot amonj? the busy, eaeer crowd we wish to say that there is still an opportunity for you. , The assortment of 20O sam- . pie garments placed on sale yesterday has naturally been greatly diminished, although the, styles and sizes are still onusually complete. Anticipating continued patronage Friday and . Saturday we have wired our New-York; representative to express us at once the balance of - the garments ff er tis at 33 13 per cent discount for cash; 1 . -f-;- . What This Sale Really Means to You REGULAR $30 SUIT, COAT f t r A A OR DRESS NOW ............ J 1 D. UU REGULAR $35 SUIT, COAT (M T r A OR DRESS NOW .. ........ ...51 1.5U REGULAR $40 SUIT, COAT OA AA OR DRESS NOW oZU.UU REGULAR $18.00 SUIT, COAT An A A OR DRESS NOW. . . . ...... 2).111 REGULAR $20 SUIT, COAT 'aa a A OR DRESS NOW ...MU.UU REGULAR $25 SUIT, COAT OR DRESS NOW STpRE OPEN EVENINGS TILL &30 SATURDAY UNTIL 1030. O'CLOCK .$12.50 simple) Cloeik ad Bait Houm NORTHWEST BLDG. 3271. WASHINGTN ST-ELEVATOR TO SECOND FLOOR ARCADE. WHY WE ARE SUCCESSFUL Because we personally attend to all our customers' demands. Nothing too much for us to do, to give the SERVICE, QUALITY and PROMPTNESS that go to make our meth ods UP-TO-DATE. r L1AI ER&GO. Portland's Oldesand Best Grocers WEEKLY SAVING REGULAR STOCK GROCERIES Standard Tomatoes, reg. $1.20, per dozen cans.. $1.00 Bents' Water Crackers, per pound .25t -Crosse & Blackwell's Chow Chowrquatt 'feottks, regular 85c, each 75 Seeded Raisins, 16 or. pkg. regular 12jc ..10t Beachnut Peanut Butter 10, 20c and 30 "Our Own" Blend Coffee, 45c lb.; 2 lbs. for 85c Port, Sherry, Madeira, etc., quart bottles, regular 75c at 652 All Local Beers at Brewery Prices. JUST RECEIVED TO TICKLE THE PALATE : New Goethe Cervelade, German salami, Prager schinken, Roll Mopse, Smoked Beef, Knockwurst and Corned Beef.. , ' Vegetables and Fruit Department Get our prices. New Spring Turnips, Spring Beets, Spring Carrots, Aurora White Asparagus, New Green and Wax String Beans, 25c lb. New Red and White Cabbage. A Cordial Invitation to the Newcomer. Open an Account With Us. TOOLS CUTLERY Stiletto Tools are made for the mechanic who wants the best. They are manufactured from the best Tool Steel, are prop erly made to fill his every requirement, and every one is warranted. Sold by All Hardware Dealers. PINK LADY Company of II; Orrheetra of II. a rnm er ferreetion c noma. Prlret: Evenlnga and Saturday matt tnee. 11.00 II. 10, 11.00, Tlo and 10c epaciai prioe Wednesday matinee. JSC and lie. Ppaclal prloe Wedne 11.10. 11.00, Tie. 10c. J BAKER CalB aad A-S390 Oaa. Jm. Sake. Ma-a. Tba famous Baker Stock eomnanr to- ' night, tomorrow mat and tomorrow night oraeenting tna gorgaoua raiigioua apeo- -ras arav o frn OBosa - Magnificent acenery, eoatumee. Iminena caeL Oraateat production alnoa Ben Hur. Evenlnga ll. loo. Mat a, lie, ' Next week, commencing Sunday mat, "Allaa Jimmy Valentine. ,T ' WIIK lk imi m IQla. rreroiesKa, l ICATtjrZJI BTSBT DAT le-SS-oOt aTZOSTS THEATRE I5.35-50?3c tha XommtBlaa ' ITIfktlagalei Stuart Banes) Xdttle Z.ord Moaarmi mwp.t paU'a ChristB wlta Bobby l Arc? riotaxea. aad Boblnaoai "Dlnkel- i jaaauua xrotnara Br IroUiera. Oroaaatra, acafxaaa amy Zay. N SnlllTaa At Ooaaldlaa rormasljp wrend - Mef laed TaadevUaa WBBX lna laWJoha r. Oonroy and all a X.a Slra, Joele aad WUlla Barrow: way Brothers Hldoa aad Clifton i BlUy Onaaai Toklo aUsanej Orohattra. mo laa aad o. - Preference for a certain thing means that it has made good that it takes the lead for some reason. The reason for the preference given bitulithic paving is it is safe sanitary saves money. Insist on bitu lithic THE GEO. LAWRENCE Cat i9SillSa!l3ai LmS Matlaea Dally Matlaea Dally WSBX ABBX& BO lioadoa'a farorita tnggUng Johnny Orlf J Araarldo's Z,aop- aroai Bans en, xiuta al Kuaa! osepn s. Barnard ai Oo. Pantagesoope the Deta iner Troupe; Cary. Orey OTarreUj Or baatra. Popular price faoxaa and flrat row baioony reaerrad. Btaoaaa A-&838 and Main 4630. Box off lea open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Ourtala gi3Q, yqg, a. TSBATBB fOUBTK ABB ' I1IBT ' ' wzzx AjrmMi.. soBeating; u rioodn, lnuv Honaymooaers"! Bztra, eoni... menolng Wednesday matlaee, Tltaaia - surrlTora landing txx Baw Tork from aboard tha Oarpathia, ahowing a thou aand and one incidents attached to the .; m,m.Mftg of thia resone ship. Begu lav X.yrlo prices. Tare parformaaoea daily, ; . 130, T0 and t:la. LYRIC! . BXCBXATIOB AJtX ; yn Corner Vaoghn and Twenty-fourth sta. Portland! ''V TS. - Vernon Ann so. mat u a, a, . s. Oamea besrln week days S cm. Sun daye 1:80. p. m.-,-,,.-..- uonii'oiTriisiT Boys under 13 free to bleachers Wedne- "ROYAL STANDS FOR QUALITY . This is the depot for good, unadulterated VVinei and Liquors. All our goods guaranteed under the Pure Foods Law. See our big yi gallon bottle pure California Port for 50c Big J4 gallon bottle good Whiskey for $L2i "Come if yotr can; phone If you can't" . ' ? " Rbval Liau or 37rWashington St' Tni Delirery.. Phones Main 5375; A-5376. Foster eSk Klelser Blgb Gnuto Commercial and Ideculi aiaaa ft aad Baal BvateM SMav - UUl THB APPOINTMENTS THBBBBTIO B TBB O XT I I B B In the Arcadian Garden . . - ' in ' ' - Hotel Multnomah The Baataurant Baaatlfal.; are only aurpaaaad by the. fxceliance of ite auperb 4)rogTnirne of moaloal an ) entertain man t faalurea Compiof 1-nr ii. IT- u.l. Ill' l.lim ia. - ..rr3.ni. ?cr 'io:3o to Oregon Humane Society Office Clt Humane Officer, Sergeant ' JC U Crate, Realdenoe 14 E. 14th N., beat 4771. Horae ambulance oornar of Itb aad -Taylor. Veterinary ia charge,. Marshall loo. Anlmala Raeoue Home, Northrop A eras. Tbonsas A. Short. Supt. A-II4T. S rlnaa. All thia waak: BUa-nor SI Lnoca and llraora Bulae Late Star Prlnripale of th (irasi I'-r.e Oand Opera Company. V Bliaa, Base aad Baymond. .Popular Sfngers of Ppumr hunga . . . Brawn and Boblaeon IWiT,Trie Joyitertre t avai.r. la Aaguclta Hr.ani.h ln.f f GUNN'S 13. & N. TONIC to ail orirana of the body. Replace to a . . ' rheet-r pf ' ! R.r. Your ' I from elrkaraa. uneeamlr haMa or aac...a 7Ae a aa. Stnraa or .nail. Writ for pr. Baeaaka Ca rhtlaaalphla. Pa. ii- C. - - 1