TllU OKLCOJi DAILY JOUKN'AL, lOKTl-AND. TIUDAY KVENINO. WAY 5. lilt i 1 nun is pi HUE BOW I Mi OFFICERS wm Un Reolmcnt Men About to East Side Business Men'. Club Ltavc (or Honolulu, Guests at Banquet. Wins First Honor; Speak ers Laud Work. r r . aivlr wH a fa iu la UlM liu I) 0ia avtatag. Ma it !! Ml 4 0.-m4 M iirt aula. II -t 4 a HI a4 M 4Uf 14 a'44 II I - U"f ta Ml UlU IU4 Ui M4 U4 la miimV Mi ! WB tl Ilk MMItM ujli aviJ liy m4 at Ui) H(k. VW .tg Ik rt.4 44 ar4g M wr wor tra Irtfraia w4 t UH !4M la la44 : ay rwn-4 '' ui luk it m t ia ru taafry, at al ImH lf ! IM fMtowafi Baw . ,tM au.n.ry awa W.gs4 ! f Walfcg rta 4 f..i MH al hi. r kiia Utiar4 la toMkllMfl MitUff 4 IM f Ua Mkly. . Im aa! aa attVOf favl af. Uli, a4 fr14a Ik Tfl.' a IM ( af (a. Wllll a ( mm I to r afcr k h at? imruM villi wUUlary "-" IMgkr H fr'. Bra4a f Ik (Uh. ai4 a iMiiauiur la Ma Iif4e loiy raakarfc. a m-m4 I'! IIhIImI Taft. "Ural I , If M4 TVa JU ia jtaaa Jgea'a U wa lib r wiu ia aii la aaaai ia fMo . TW taaaiiaf tat HM la (a K SUa likitff u !:4 '(ia kaafa ar u4 aa litis la fi4 wl aa im a4Uri aaaaaa, at an mmi aMafv. I 41, HrWnU - y . aw aia a4 rwrti, am u ai ua,a4. a w af ia U alaaiia vara aa fllaai 'Cttfif Oraa airavWrrUa. 44 la I III ar4 imI4 auaita. va4)'.la4. a4 av4lf4 ar IX Or aila. - 'hM wcH Kartr ftlaa' aatMMk. ta IM aaal (f aia ma. llfe Lmu la -- fit! la aa r ana Umt la t4tulUw atll 'JM afa- lfrr fiial aiaara la if f aU aa.rf gaa," irraMa." Ii 4rU4 UaaJ taa aaUiarl THanaa aa mtfttiia ha ion rna for ala aaaairr. a4 r I aalf ltt Mrrra ra4ia(ia ! iba eur ar rra aiu aa it IMI IU4 f4a." TM aaklMl ta4tla4 la laa aKalr aa af Ik garJ irda aaaitai ea. ail It. i4hiii laa ahia taal alfkl. t vaa la raailif arraa4 f L. Uaal Lapfar a4 rra4l riaa Kaila- f U elaa. . Tata af Wart, rrafaaaar R. tX ItMaal. 4lrrlr f laa Orfaa Acrtfallural eolltf ailaa alaa 4Iiataa, airl4 laal m aur at tAcraaatar IK ataMIng af laraa If aa raa, aal aiaa If Tlwt la aM miKtaai af la araiy." bm cUaa4 " a raMt laa anar. a la It aj-raf. a la tfea fraal art laa l af awa I rr aaila raty aaaaluialy laa ar7 " CalaaJ Uaarga K. UcOwifti af laa Flral taf4iry laa prat ipwlw tax tra4a4 ao4 a aa far atr a4 rnaaailaf rvtaUaaa aa taa army aa4 clvttlaaa. II rfarr4 I maar trt4t ibl aa. roa,llr. ta afficata a4 lb ana af bta ractowat M4 ana4 alac atallan al Vaneoo. a4 aaa4 IMI aom lima II u!4 fall I IMIr 11 aiaJa la a lri4 bar. OtMr latra daa4 r Jaaaa T. CUrh UxiUeaal olaaal af Ua rirat lafaalry; Uawtaa aat a C ruckar af IM rtrat Ufaairy; Jam Ildlav, BrlUali eoaaiU al rrt- Und; AIbft J. Caaraa, llituul aaa anaadar af I ha Orca Narai MUIO; 0raj klarta f. Xaua. caaamaadar ta chUf of IM Irrlmol af Iba Calaoa a la; 0nral Charla T. Bmv fenaarty f 0 Oragaa KalleoaJ Oaard. aad C4 enl J. M. I'oormaa f I ha Orca Na tional Ooard. Oaarai tfaaa aald ft aa lima tbal Pepl aadaralood IMI Iba Mtloo oaa not att lo Uv la pa without a wall orfanlaad army. Ha bald forth military Ufa m Iba hlhat typ of maa- hood, and daplorad tb a4ilaiioa acalnat Iba Doy Bcout movamaat. "What ara wa ta do," ba aaclalmad. "if our country la laaultad aad Inaoaad apoa by aona frraat powar aad aur flat; la tranplad ' ondar foot?" 1 Brltlab Conaol LaldUw aJ4 ba had na pallenca with thoaa wha talk atalnal miUUrUm. and ha rpraad hi Mllaf I that avary maa ahould uadarataiid how t dafand hla couolry. Ha potntad out that military tralnlnf only makaa thla poaalbla. In eloalnf, a canaral toaat waa drunk to th Flral lofantry. TM a4 r4a Ua wm aaaata4 fctfa IM 4ab Ual alabl Ay fit , loiaa ! IM aa Mraaaay biabway m 1 1 a Wr MiUl fa IM aaaauMra, A -Jiwa m a4H4 affnat IM -Ml( UM -r Oiy AliarMy Or I 4 tWaoUaMJi Mf la fa af Urti4 a far rjil: claaaa la IM btaah ffaawblM dr4 by IM ru4 iuuar, um rwr pyi HKEROFIFALIAII 'HOT STUFF?' NO! CaDed Quaffer of Red Wino He Brinos $3000 Suit for Slander. . c f - nn o.rt c. .i. r r m -i rv.i. ni..i r . t ji- w ww tvnia viu tMiunuj .tviij mu vrucri i iwiifjuf ina v-xciu- r nn4 Eipfc4 PrrpavU on iWul o 5 o Ortf VilKb 100 hilt ct TcrtUr i A eaauhm I rraai 'ka tarda ( m l ) arrataiad. latiaf f I- at Lptar. B. Mr fall. Kdward Watiar. C. A liicalaw. i. Q. Um. 0rta taUvarib. I'M KIUbr, A eanuiia U U la IM affart ta U: IM llaaa Kllr4 M a takaUM Mata WM pMal4 aaMtatlag .f V. (X CnUtaa. C C Halt. CUr4 T. Aleblay. C A. HUatov. la KallaMr. Mr. Haia baw4 a Uraa aaaabar af airMdlafly llranita law af Or acaaary. rrafvaava- llalaat aaaoraaaalad by rrald.t It C rraweb af IM T. M. t' A adaeallaeal dafartraaat aad Trafaa. ' N. C. Maria. Mrth adacailaa airt. la aawvaataf today bia wblrlwtM af rwrtlaad achaala. Tb blab acbaola aad ll.4a war liwludad la lb Hat rrofaaaor lta told tb ald.r atdata thai It ta Mat aa lenportaal far tbara la M tatrai4 la carda aaalaat M far IM 14.IM yaar boy aad tlrt wha i baaa aarotlad ta rortlaad. Tb autoaaofcll which arrld IM party to day waa furalabad by T. W. VafUr of th North .t Aal eompa. aad Co laeabla Mnlr1iy. Jaffaraoa, Waahlaf la Bd Llaeola high achoola, fwrtiaAd aad 1 1 HI aeadamlaa war vlaltad. fPaH4 fr a Im - W - faa A .!, May . AtUalaa I Ml Hlar4ft Vo tiaia, aafar f 4 4lOaia4 btaa aa a faaffar f r4 ta aa vihr IialUa b4 oiaff." ? K4a4a UMi. aa tairwla la! aaj ila'a aaa4aaiy. U fUiatlff today ta 1144 daauia tt mUm bU Ua4 dalraelaa. Imt Huu ih.l voat m.ta faiawy teltM rar4 pHptTa ( ta im abtaa Mlal aa4 Ifcaa iah4 Ik. Bar aalU lf aad Mo. rr lata ll- Ala IM 4.r4akt. IK roaarUlal aharg, ! Inf rbap llaltaa r4 aad albaf w.wi n.i iihi i rT mi, iiffv. i oipUry aar far lbM falaa ailrara. aaoib.r iiaaa- i 0ZT9 JournaJ rttemt 10c avnj 15e ai wfyta 7 r, rL': : ft Horn Jourrul StjU Book 25 V4 IM ra Timely List of Seasonable Goods Underprioed fop Saturday's Sale Half ; Price for Women' Fine Lisle Hose FWilaf Open at Kaiawuk. i a - i tw i mi i Rlknu Waak Li . ft T. Mm 4- - ' Thar ar anar ftabaraaoa Ihl a "rv tn pnn I ollr IDM I CASTOR I A Tor IxAaU &&4 CMlirta. . Hi lOci Yea Hiri Ahrm BwtU Hn it Kjcnaiarwof A GOOD TEXT a"aakWBwwwBWwwwkwwwwBWwwMa The following advertisement was published in the three daily papers of Portland April 29th, 1912 Free Car Leaves First iIder Daijy at 230 P. M. ipj s I Your Choice This Sale at 25c a Pair ALL THE NEW PLAIN SHADES AND BLACK XXSO HiiTNEVVrSTyLES IN LACES, EMBROID. ERb, POLKA DOTS AND btlJER NOVELTIES -.FIN FTJDrjsTntTnrqsE; i5oUBTX7REL. TOlTAND CARTER TOP-XLL SIZES SOclND 65c GRADES ONLY Not in months has the Hosiery Section had the Rood fortune to oflcr such wonderful bargains in Women's Hosiery as will be here tomorrow. It is seldom that such splendid quality, high-tnde stockings are sold at such p-eat reductions. Better plan to(be here and se cure a full season's supply. Over 1000 dozen pairs of Women's Fine Lisle Stockings are in this extraordinary underpriced purchase and sale. All are rugh-irade stockings, made full fashioned and with double beet and toe and double garter top, and come In all sizes. The assortment includes all the popular plain shades and black, also silk-embroidered styles in neat colors. Ankle, boot and allover lace styles, polka dob and many other novelties. Not a stocking In the lot made to sell regularly at less than 50c a pair more than half are regular 6bc values. ' . . Jfrfanirrr rbui Finished. ' ChahaJla. Waah., May-I. Tha plana af tha cooparallra eraamary Vhieh will ba built la. thla city prorraaaad on tep last nlfht whan officer wrl alected. tmataa named, by laws adoptad and plana and apeclflcatlona for tha building plaeod in tha hand of O. C - Van Houtcn. atata dairy lnapartor. Tha officer eleoted ara Oeorga H. Tuckar ot Hllver Creek, praaldant: Charlea Hesaall of Foreat. vie prealdant; T. J. 1 I -on it of Ccrea, manager; W. (I. Short of Chehalle, traaaurer. and P. W. Plu.e of rhehalla. aecratary. Meaara. Tuckar, Qeitaell and Ixnr. and J. Fraae of Alpha and R. B. Sllva of Bwofford wera lectei truateea. Tha company la capt-I tallied at 110,000. practically all of w hlch haa been aubacrtped. Jk 4 a. UNION SUITS For Women, Regular 65c Val- ues, Specially Priced Tomorrow OOK For tomorrow only, a sale of Women's Cotton Union Suits, shown in high-neck, short-sleeve styles, in ankle length. They come in all regular and outsizes and in seasonable weight. Perfect-fitting 3 1r garments, reg. 50c and 65c lines, dilv COTTON HOSE For Children, Regular 25c Val- ues, Special for Tomorrow Only lUw Another important sale of Children's Fine Cotton Stockings, made with double heel, toe and knee and guaranteed fast black. They come in a splendid weight for boys and girls and In all sizes from f.n 6 to 10. The best 25c . kind 1 UL Vmi LllK I a . JJi J i.iiil'ilKw m- 117 I1HIII mmi iPwywyf pBwsjt ifr p nil,,,ll WAN CHESTER Arrow Kotch COLLAR, Meets close in front and stays so 15 3 for Cluett, Paabedy Co, Troy. N.T. WHEREAS, one streetcar, running from the Sellwood line to Easlmoreland all day long, with difficulty, handles the people, it is certain that two cars will be necessary next year; three for 1914; four cars In 1915 and so on, until six cars will be required by 1917. For, be it remembered, residence communities follow the streetcar lines. R N. CLARK, Selling Agent. 818 Spalding Building Thi advertisement waa clipped and mailed to a Portland gentleman and referred by him to us. On the margin was written the following: e i La -v i a 98c TJe CAESfEN NOT dangaroa ooanwOea and acaulra beauty without waiuag or ruDDiog. dimatouciioi CARMEN Complexion Powder fori ynat hrtllthy. bhmhhur bnty of wnth will be ttihaaetd, to rom&in luiUijraa rublto4.witb out "aliowioa eowdir." Cmm la diffsnmt from ether bo uinr-0 powdac 8ae-i akia or tiwMa. .." -la ftmr tinu iwiNf cowilwuiw MMt fail jiumiwmi-iwmi aim tvu Carmen Cold Cream 1 - . Stafford-Mill er Corhpanjr, SIS OliraStrMt - . Sk.Louia.Mo. "Is this what the Club calls honest advertis ing? Of all the bunco aids ever published in the Oregonian the. above is the worst. Any decent firm ought to be ashamed of it.M Without Signature Readers of this paper are reminded that this MAN ASHAMED OF HIS NAME is afraid to sign himself, but generous with criticism. - -, - 5 CHILDREN'S DRESSES, $1.25 AND $1.50 VALUES, ONLY A line of up-to-date Wash Dresses for children, made of good quality gingham, chambray or galatea,,in tan, blue and pink checks, stripes and plain colors. Come in sizes 1 to 6 years and shown in all styles. Well made and neatly finished. QQv Regular 1.25 and $1.50 values. . YOw Great Values in Fine Muslin Gowns THEY ARE MADE OF A FINE QUALITY OF NAINSOOK, CAMBRIC CREPE AND FANCY DIMITIES AND THERE ARE SEVERAL STYLES IN THE LOT TO CHOOSE FROM THESE GOWNS ARE REGULAR ' VALUES TO $1.75 EACH FOR TO MORROW, THEY WILL BE SOLD AT THIS SPECIAL LOW PRICE OF ONLY For tomorrow we are offering a wonderful line of pretty Muslin Gowns, made of good quality nain sook, cambric, crepe and fancy dimity. They come in the low neck, slip-over style, with short or - half length sleeves and are elegantly trimmed with fine embroideries, laces and ribbons. Every garment extra well cut and finished. Reg. values -to AO ......70t ill $1.75. Special for tomorrow SCARFS AND SQUARES,' 7 BEST 75c VALUES ONLY O i AC An 6ut-of-the-ordinary off ering of pretty German Cluny Scarfs and "Squares, made of extra good quality material, with Ger man Cluny insertion and edging. The scarfs come 18x54 and squares :30x30. Regular 75c values. On sale n at only ........ ANOTHER WONDEBFUL SALE OF i a . Staff ordMCIerCompauir. il I , I 1 f'l I 1 TV " Instead of waiting until 1917, East moreland will require the carrying capacity of six cars where one is now used, before the end of the year 1913 If you, Mr. Unidentified ManaaliybuDbubriThtt yOUrselyeS, We'll prOVe Hp. Put that in you pipe and smoke itl, F. N. CLARIC, Selling Agent, 818523 Spalding Building WOMEN'S UP-TO-DATE SUITS Best Quality Materials. Latest Styles, C 1 C All Regular $22.50 and $25.00 Values, at 4 1 U.UU This is without a doubt one of the best Suit bargains we have ever shown. Handsomely, finished garments of navy blue serge and mixtures in light and dark col ors, lined with good quality Skinner's satin, Jncluded in the lot is a line of the popular Norfolk Suits for misses, all beautifully tailored. Regular dj 1 C ft A $22.So-$2$ values, special this sale D 1 0.vU Exceptional Offering in Women's Dress C 3 Aft Skirts in Black, Navy and Mixtures, at vOwV U An attractive showing of over 100 odd Skirts travel ers' samples all new and up-to-date, perfect in fit j axiu. i i in oil i nujr .vuiii& in . uiauxw uav y aim uuaiui to piece and one-sided effect Regular values (!J 5 OA up to 7.50. Special this sale . . . . ... DOyU 1 Good Bargains in Children's CoaU at Only $1.98, $2.25, $2.50 and up to ZZZ . A beautiful assortment of Children's Coats, shown in white and colored ' terze - " .!X.. Tl. . 1! i.M... J ' it ...... . .. J 11. ill aiau nuAiuiccv. , i iicy tunic piaiu lauorca or nnisnea wim larre conars z 1 j Handsome. garmgrn: that you must see to'appreciate. Shown in v.ia 2 to f'. -